com.groupbyinc.flux.index.translog.TranslogReader.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
???? 4: 1com/groupbyinc/flux/index/translog/TranslogReader 5com/groupbyinc/flux/index/translog/BaseTranslogReader java/io/Closeable LUCENE_CODEC_HEADER_BYTE B ? UNVERSIONED_TRANSLOG_HEADER_BYTE length J totalOperations I
checkpoint /Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/index/translog/Checkpoint; closed +Ljava/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicBoolean; $assertionsDisabled Z f(Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/index/translog/Checkpoint;Ljava/nio/channels/FileChannel;Ljava/nio/file/Path;J)V -com/groupbyinc/flux/index/translog/Checkpoint
generation 8(JLjava/nio/channels/FileChannel;Ljava/nio/file/Path;J)V
)java/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicBoolean ! (Z)V #
" $ & offset ( )
+ numOps - . 0 2 this 3Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/index/translog/TranslogReader; channel Ljava/nio/channels/FileChannel; path Ljava/nio/file/Path; firstOperationOffset open ?(Ljava/nio/channels/FileChannel;Ljava/nio/file/Path;Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/index/translog/Checkpoint;Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/index/translog/TranslogReader; java/io/IOException = Dcom/groupbyinc/flux/common/apache/lucene/index/CorruptIndexException ? Icom/groupbyinc/flux/common/apache/lucene/index/IndexFormatTooOldException A Icom/groupbyinc/flux/common/apache/lucene/index/IndexFormatTooNewException C ;com/groupbyinc/flux/common/io/stream/InputStreamStreamInput E java/nio/channels/Channels G newInputStream >(Ljava/nio/channels/ReadableByteChannel;)Ljava/io/InputStream; I J
H K java/nio/channels/FileChannel M size ()J O P
N Q (Ljava/io/InputStream;J)V S
F T readByte ()B V W
F X??l =com/groupbyinc/flux/index/translog/TranslogCorruptedException [ java/lang/StringBuilder ] ()V _
^ ` Gtranslog looks like version 1 or later, but has corrupted header. path: b append -(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; d e
^ f -(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; d h
^ i toString ()Ljava/lang/String; k l
^ m (Ljava/lang/String;)V o
\ p java/nio/file/Path r java/lang/String t Ccom/groupbyinc/flux/common/apache/lucene/store/InputStreamDataInput v (Ljava/io/InputStream;)V x
w y translog {??? 9com/groupbyinc/flux/common/apache/lucene/codecs/CodecUtil ~ checkHeaderNoMagic Q(Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/common/apache/lucene/store/DataInput;Ljava/lang/String;II)I ? ?
? java/lang/IllegalStateException ? pre-2.0 translog found [ ? ] ?
? p ? getFileName ()Ljava/nio/file/Path; ? ? s ? s m .tlog ? endsWith (Ljava/lang/String;)Z ? ?
u ? java/lang/AssertionError ? new file ends with old suffix: ? (Ljava/lang/Object;)V ?
? ? 'expected at least 0 operation but got: ? (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; d ?
^ ? 0checkpoint is inconsistent with channel length: ? (J)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; d ?
^ ? ? readInt ()I ? ?
F ? -uuid length can't be larger than the translog ? 6com/groupbyinc/flux/common/apache/lucene/util/BytesRef ? (I)V ?
? ?
? ? bytes [B ? ? ? ? ( ? ? read ([BII)I ? ?
F ? (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V ?
? ? bytesEquals ;(Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/common/apache/lucene/util/BytesRef;)Z ? ?
? ? expected shard UUID ?
but got: ? : this translog file belongs to a different translog. path: ? headerLength (Ljava/lang/String;)I ? ?
? "No known translog stream version: ? path: ? pre-1.4 translog found [ ? *Invalid first byte in translog file, got: ? java/lang/Long ? toHexString (J)Ljava/lang/String; ? ?
? ? , expected 0x00 or 0x3f. path: ? Translog header corrupted. path: ? *(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V ?
\ ? len ref 8Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/common/apache/lucene/util/BytesRef; uuidBytes b2 b3 b4 header version headerStream =Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/common/io/stream/InputStreamStreamInput; b1 e Ljava/io/IOException; translogUUID Ljava/lang/String; sizeInBytes
getCheckpoint 1()Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/index/translog/Checkpoint; readBytes (Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;J)V java/io/EOFException ? read requested past EOF. pos [ ] end: [
p : 2read requested before position of first ops. pos [ ] first op on: [
> p 6 7
&com/groupbyinc/flux/common/io/Channels #readFromFileChannelWithEofException 8(Ljava/nio/channels/FileChannel;JLjava/nio/ByteBuffer;)V
buffer Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer; position close
compareAndSet (ZZ)Z
" _
N isClosed ()Z get!
% Ecom/groupbyinc/flux/common/apache/lucene/store/AlreadyClosedException'
m is already closed*
( p java/lang/Class. desiredAssertionStatus0
ConstantValue Code LocalVariableTable LineNumberTable
SourceFile ! 3
4 ? .*+? ,-? *? "Y? %? '*+? *? ,*+? /? 1*+? 3? 5 4 . 4 5 . . 6 7 . 8 9 . : 6 > 3 ? @ ( A - B ; <