com.groupbyinc.flux.indices.IndexingMemoryController$ShardsIndicesStatusChecker.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
???? 4+ Ocom/groupbyinc/flux/indices/IndexingMemoryController$ShardsIndicesStatusChecker java/lang/Object java/lang/Runnable 4com/groupbyinc/flux/indices/IndexingMemoryController ShardsIndicesStatusChecker Fcom/groupbyinc/flux/indices/IndexingMemoryController$ShardAndBytesUsed ShardAndBytesUsed bytesWrittenSinceCheck (Ljava/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicLong; runLock *Ljava/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantLock; $assertionsDisabled Z this$0 6Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/indices/IndexingMemoryController; 9(Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/indices/IndexingMemoryController;)V ()V
(java/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantLock "
# % this QLcom/groupbyinc/flux/indices/IndexingMemoryController$ShardsIndicesStatusChecker; bytesWritten (I)V addAndGet (J)J + ,
- / java/lang/AssertionError 1
access$100 g(Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/indices/IndexingMemoryController;)Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/common/unit/ByteSizeValue; 4 5
6 -com/groupbyinc/flux/common/unit/ByteSizeValue 8 getBytes ()J : ;
9 < tryLock ()Z @ A
# B get D ;
E runUnlocked G
H unlock J
# K java/lang/Throwable M bytes I
totalBytes J run lock T
# U availableShards ()Ljava/util/List; W X
Y java/util/List [ iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator; ] ^ \ _ java/util/Iterator a hasNext c A b d next ()Ljava/lang/Object; f g b h *com/groupbyinc/flux/index/shard/IndexShard j
access$200 c(Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/indices/IndexingMemoryController;)Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/common/unit/TimeValue; l m
n )com/groupbyinc/flux/common/unit/TimeValue p nanos r ;
q s checkIdle 0(Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/index/shard/IndexShard;J)V u v
w getShardWritingBytes /(Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/index/shard/IndexShard;)J y z
{ getIndexBufferRAMBytesUsed } z
access$300 p(Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/indices/IndexingMemoryController;)Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/common/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; ? ?
? 6com/groupbyinc/flux/common/apache/logging/log4j/Logger ? isTraceEnabled ? A ? ?
access$400 ? ?
? Ltotal indexing heap bytes used [{}] vs {} [{}], currently writing bytes [{}] ? (J)V ?
9 ? INDEX_BUFFER_SIZE_SETTING -Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/common/settings/Setting; ? ? ? +com/groupbyinc/flux/common/settings/Setting ? getKey ()Ljava/lang/String; ? ?
? ? trace ](Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V ? ? ? ??? java/util/PriorityQueue ?
access$500 ? ?
access$600 ? ?
? 0shard [{}] is using [{}] heap, writing [{}] heap ? shardId +()Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/index/shard/ShardId; ? ?
k ? java/lang/Long ? valueOf (J)Ljava/lang/Long; ? ?
? ? K(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V ? ? ? ?
access$700 ? ?
? 4shard [{}] is using [{}] heap, not writing any bytes ? 9(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V ? ? ? ? 0(JLcom/groupbyinc/flux/index/shard/IndexShard;)V ?
? add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z ? ?
? ?
access$800 ? ?
? ?now write some indexing buffers: total indexing heap bytes used [{}] vs {} [{}], currently writing bytes [{}], [{}] shards with non-zero indexing buffer ? size ()I ? ?
? ? java/lang/Integer ? (I)Ljava/lang/Integer; ? ?
? ? debug o(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V ? ? ? ? isEmpty ? A
? ? poll ? g
? ?
access$900 ? ?
? Pwrite indexing buffer to disk for shard [{}] to free up its [{}] indexing buffer ? shard ,Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/index/shard/IndexShard; ? ? ? bytesUsed ? R ? ? ? ? ? writeIndexingBufferAsync /(Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/index/shard/IndexShard;)V ? ?
? access$1000 G(Lcom/groupbyinc/flux/indices/IndexingMemoryController;)Ljava/util/Set; ? ?
java/util/Set ? contains ? ? ? ? access$1100 ? ?
? Enow throttling indexing for shard [{}]: segment writing can't keep up ? info '(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)V ? ? ? activateThrottling ?
? _ access$1200 ?
'stop throttling indexing for shard [{}] deactivateThrottling ?
clear ? shardWritingBytes shardBytesUsed largest HLcom/groupbyinc/flux/indices/IndexingMemoryController$ShardAndBytesUsed; queue cLjava/util/PriorityQueue; Ljava/util/PriorityQueue; totalBytesUsed totalBytesWriting
doThrottle java/lang/Class desiredAssertionStatus! A
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