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Simple Google authentication module for the Play web framework
import io.jsonwebtoken
import io.jsonwebtoken.SignatureAlgorithm.HS256
import io.jsonwebtoken._
import play.api.Logging
import play.api.http.HeaderNames.USER_AGENT
import play.api.http.HttpConfiguration
import play.api.libs.json.JsValue
import{WSClient, WSResponse}
import play.api.mvc.Results.Redirect
import play.api.mvc.{RequestHeader, Result}
import java.math.BigInteger
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8
import java.time.{Clock, Duration}
import java.util.Date
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
* The configuration class for Google authentication
* @param clientId The ClientID from the developer dashboard
* @param clientSecret The client secret from the developer dashboard
* @param redirectUrl The URL to return to after authentication has completed
* @param domains An optional list of domains to restrict login to (e.g.
* @param maxAuthAge An optional duration after which you want a user to be prompted for their password again
* @param enforceValidity A boolean indicating whether you want a user to be re-authenticated when their session expires
* @param prompt An optional space delimited, case sensitive list of ASCII string values that specifies whether the
* Authorization Server prompts the End-User for reauthentication and consent
* @param antiForgeryChecker configuration for the checks that ensure the OAuth callback can't be forged
* @param twoFactorAuthChecker only allow users to authenticate if they have 2FA enabled
case class GoogleAuthConfig(
clientId: String,
clientSecret: String,
redirectUrl: String,
domains: List[String],
maxAuthAge: Option[Duration] = GoogleAuthConfig.defaultMaxAuthAge,
enforceValidity: Boolean = GoogleAuthConfig.defaultEnforceValidity,
prompt: Option[String] = GoogleAuthConfig.defaultPrompt,
antiForgeryChecker: AntiForgeryChecker,
twoFactorAuthChecker: Option[TwoFactorAuthChecker] = None
object GoogleAuthConfig {
private val defaultMaxAuthAge: Option[Duration] = None
private val defaultEnforceValidity: Boolean = true
private val defaultPrompt: Option[String] = None
* Creates a GoogleAuthConfig that does not restrict acceptable email domains.
* This means any Google account can be used to gain access. If you mean to restrict
* access to certain email domains use the `apply` method instead.
def withNoDomainRestriction(
clientId: String,
clientSecret: String,
redirectUrl: String,
maxAuthAge: Option[Duration] = defaultMaxAuthAge,
enforceValidity: Boolean = defaultEnforceValidity,
prompt: Option[String] = defaultPrompt,
antiForgeryChecker: AntiForgeryChecker
): GoogleAuthConfig =
GoogleAuthConfig(clientId, clientSecret, redirectUrl, List.empty, maxAuthAge, enforceValidity, prompt, antiForgeryChecker)
* When the OAuth callback returns to our app, we need to ensure that this is the end of a valid authentication
* sequence that we initiated, and not a forged redirect. Rather than use a nonce, we use a signed session id
* in a short-lifetime Json Web Token, allowing us to cope better with concurrent authentication requests from the
* same browser session.
* "One good choice for a state token is a string of 30 or so characters constructed using a high-quality
* random-number generator. Another is a hash generated by signing some of your session state variables with
* a key that is kept secret on your back-end."
* -
* The design here is partially based on a IETF draft for "Encoding claims in the OAuth 2 state parameter ...":
* @param secretsProvider see
* @param signatureAlgorithm defaults to a sensible value, but you can consider using
* [[AntiForgeryChecker#signatureAlgorithmFromPlay]]
case class AntiForgeryChecker(
secretsProvider: SnapshotProvider,
signatureAlgorithm: SignatureAlgorithm = HS256, // same default currently used by Play:
sessionIdKeyName: String = "play-googleauth-session-id"
) extends Logging {
* This method is used, rather than the jjwt recommendation `Keys.hmacShaKeyFor(str)`, because that method would
* introduce new behaviour where the choice of signature algorithm depends on the size of the secret - to maintain
* consistency with earlier versions of play-googleauth, we fix the algorithm to the one provided in the
* AntiForgeryChecker constructor.
private def keyFor(secret: String) = new SecretKeySpec(secret.getBytes(UTF_8), signatureAlgorithm.getJcaName)
def ensureUserHasSessionId(t: String => Future[Result])(implicit request: RequestHeader, ec: ExecutionContext):Future[Result] = {
val sessionId = request.session.get(sessionIdKeyName).getOrElse(generateSessionId())
t(sessionId).map(_.addingToSession(sessionIdKeyName -> sessionId))
def generateToken(sessionId: String)(implicit clock: Clock = Clock.systemUTC) : String = Jwts.builder()
.claim(SessionIdJWTClaimPropertyName, sessionId)
.signWith(keyFor(secretsProvider.snapshot(), signatureAlgorithm)
def checkChoiceOfSigningAlgorithm(claims: Jws[Claims]): Try[Unit] =
if (claims.getHeader.getAlgorithm == signatureAlgorithm.getValue) Success(()) else
Failure(throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"the anti forgery token is not signed with $signatureAlgorithm"))
def checkTokenContainsCorrectSessionId(claims: Jws[Claims], userSessionId: String): Try[Unit] =
if (claims.getBody.get(SessionIdJWTClaimPropertyName) == userSessionId) Success(()) else
Failure(throw new IllegalArgumentException("the session ID found in the anti forgery token does not match the Play session ID"))
def verifyToken(request: RequestHeader): Try[Unit] = for {
sessionIdFromPlaySession <- Try(request.session.get(sessionIdKeyName).getOrElse {
val message = "No Play session ID found"
logger.warn(s"$message. sessionEmpty: ${request.session.isEmpty}; request userAgent: ${request.headers.get(USER_AGENT)}")
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message)
oauthAntiForgeryState <- Try(request.getQueryString("state").getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException("No anti-forgery state returned in OAuth callback")))
jwtClaims <- parseJwtClaimsFrom(oauthAntiForgeryState)
_ <- checkChoiceOfSigningAlgorithm(jwtClaims)
_ <- checkTokenContainsCorrectSessionId(jwtClaims, sessionIdFromPlaySession)
} yield ()
private def parseJwtClaimsFrom(oauthAntiForgeryState: String) = secretsProvider.snapshot().decode[Try[Jws[Claims]]]({
sc => Try(Jwts.parserBuilder().setSigningKey(keyFor(sc)).build().parseClaimsJws(oauthAntiForgeryState))
}, conclusiveDecode = {
case Failure(_: => false // signature doesn't match this secret, try a different one
case _ => true
}).getOrElse(Failure(new"OAuth anti-forgery state doesn't have a valid signature")))
object AntiForgeryChecker {
private val random = new SecureRandom()
def generateSessionId() = new BigInteger(130, random).toString(32)
val SessionIdJWTClaimPropertyName = "rfp" // see
@deprecated("You can use this method if you never rotate your Play Application secret, but that's not a good security practice.\n" +
"Use and the vanilla `AntiForgeryChecker` constructor","0.7.7")
def borrowSettingsFromPlay(httpConfiguration: HttpConfiguration): AntiForgeryChecker =
AntiForgeryChecker(InitialSecret(httpConfiguration.secret.secret), signatureAlgorithmFromPlay(httpConfiguration))
* If you're happy using the Playframework, you're probably happy to use their choice of JWT
* signature algorithm.
def signatureAlgorithmFromPlay(httpConfiguration: HttpConfiguration): SignatureAlgorithm =
class GoogleAuthException(val message: String, val throwable: Throwable = null) extends Exception(message, throwable)
object GoogleAuth {
var discoveryDocumentHolder: Option[Future[DiscoveryDocument]] = None
def discoveryDocument()(implicit context: ExecutionContext, ws: WSClient): Future[DiscoveryDocument] =
if (discoveryDocumentHolder.isDefined) discoveryDocumentHolder.get
else {
val discoveryDocumentFuture = ws.url(DiscoveryDocument.url).get().map(r => DiscoveryDocument.fromJson(r.json))
discoveryDocumentHolder = Some(discoveryDocumentFuture)
def googleResponse[T](r: WSResponse)(block: JsValue => T): T = {
r.status match {
case errorCode if errorCode >= 400 =>
// try to get error if google sent us an error doc
val error = (r.json \ "error").asOpt[Error] { e =>
throw new GoogleAuthException(s"Error when calling Google: ${e.message}")
}.getOrElse {
throw new GoogleAuthException(s"Unknown error when calling Google [status=$errorCode, body=${r.body}]")
case normal => block(r.json)
* From the Google docs:
* The wildcard "optimize[s] for G Suite accounts generally" which is the best we can do with >1 domain
private def hdParameter(domains: List[String]): Option[String] =
domains match {
case Nil => None
case domain :: Nil => Some(domain)
case _ => Some("*")
def redirectToGoogle(config: GoogleAuthConfig, sessionId: String)
(implicit request: RequestHeader, context: ExecutionContext, ws: WSClient): Future[Result] = {
val userIdentity = UserIdentity.fromRequest(request)
val queryString: Map[String, Seq[String]] = Map(
"client_id" -> Seq(config.clientId),
"response_type" -> Seq("code"),
"scope" -> Seq("openid email profile"),
"redirect_uri" -> Seq(config.redirectUrl),
"state" -> Seq(config.antiForgeryChecker.generateToken(sessionId))) ++
hdParameter( => "hd" -> Seq(domain)) ++ => "max_auth_age" -> Seq(s"${age.toSeconds}")) ++ => "prompt" -> Seq(prompt)) ++"login_hint" -> Seq(_))
discoveryDocument().map(dd => Redirect(s"${dd.authorization_endpoint}", queryString))
private def checkDomains(domains: List[String], claims: JwtClaims): Unit =
if (domains.nonEmpty && !domains.exists("@").lastOption.contains)) {
throw new GoogleAuthException("Configured Google domain does not match")
def validatedUserIdentity(config: GoogleAuthConfig)
(implicit request: RequestHeader, context: ExecutionContext, ws: WSClient): Future[UserIdentity] = {
Future.fromTry(config.antiForgeryChecker.verifyToken(request)).flatMap(_ => discoveryDocument()).flatMap { dd =>
val code = request.queryString("code")
ws.url(dd.token_endpoint).post {
"code" -> code,
"client_id" -> Seq(config.clientId),
"client_secret" -> Seq(config.clientSecret),
"redirect_uri" -> Seq(config.redirectUrl),
"grant_type" -> Seq("authorization_code")
}.flatMap { response =>
googleResponse(response) { json =>
val token = Token.fromJson(json)
val jwt = token.jwt
.withHttpHeaders("Authorization" -> s"Bearer ${token.access_token}")
.get().map { response =>
googleResponse(response) { json =>
val userInfo = UserInfo.fromJson(json)
sub =,
email =,
firstName = userInfo.given_name,
lastName = userInfo.family_name,
exp =,
avatarUrl = userInfo.picture
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