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import okhttp3._
import play.api.libs.json._
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.reflect.{ClassTag, classTag}

case class WebServiceHelperError[T: ClassTag](responseCode: Int, responseBody: String) extends Throwable {
  override def getMessage: String = s"${classTag[T]} - $responseCode: $responseBody"

 * A wrapper for a JSON web service. It automatically converts the response to a solid type, or
 * handles and logs the error.
 * @tparam T The base type of all the objects that this WebServiceHelper can return
 * @tparam Error The type that will attempt to be extracted if extracting the expected object fails.
 *               This is useful when a web service has a standard error format
abstract class WebServiceHelper[T, Error <: Throwable](implicit ec: ExecutionContext) {

  val wsUrl: String
  val httpClient: FutureHttpClient

  private def urlBuilder = HttpUrl.parse(wsUrl).newBuilder()

   * Manipulate the request before it is executed. Generally used to add any authentication settings
   * the web services requires (e.g. add an Authentication header)
   * @param req The request
   * @return The modified request
  def wsPreExecute(req: Request.Builder): Request.Builder = req

   * Send a request to the web service and attempt to convert the response to an A
   * @param rb The request to send
   * @param reads A Reader to convert JSON to A
   * @param error A Reader to convert JSON to Error
   * @tparam A The type of the object that is expected to be returned from the request
   * @return
  private def request[A <: T](rb: Request.Builder)(implicit reads: Reads[A], error: Reads[Error], ctag: ClassTag[A]): Future[A] = {
    val req = wsPreExecute(rb).build()
    SafeLogger.debug(s"Issuing request ${req.method} ${req.url}")
    // The string provided here sets the Custom Metric Name for the http request in CloudWatch
    for (response <- httpClient(req)) yield {
      val responseBody = response.body.string()
      val json = Json.parse(responseBody)
      json.validate[A] match {
        case JsSuccess(result, _) => result
        case resultParsingError: JsError =>
          throw json.validate[Error].getOrElse(WebServiceHelperError[A](response.code(), responseBody))

  def get[A <: T](endpoint: String, params: (String, String)*)(implicit reads: Reads[A], error: Reads[Error], ctag: ClassTag[A]): Future[A] =
    request(new Request.Builder().url(endpointUrl(endpoint, params)))

  def get[A <: T](endpoint: String, headers: Headers, params: (String, String)*)(implicit reads: Reads[A], error: Reads[Error], ctag: ClassTag[A]): Future[A] =
    request(new Request.Builder().headers(headers).url(endpointUrl(endpoint, params)))

  def post[A <: T](endpoint: String, data: JsValue, params: (String, String)*)(implicit reads: Reads[A], error: Reads[Error], ctag: ClassTag[A]): Future[A] = {
    val body = RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("application/json; charset=utf-8"), Json.stringify(data))
    request(new Request.Builder().url(endpointUrl(endpoint, params)).post(body))

  def post[A <: T](endpoint: String, data: Map[String, Seq[String]])(implicit reads: Reads[A], error: Reads[Error], ctag: ClassTag[A]): Future[A] = {
    val postParams = data.foldLeft(new FormBody.Builder()) { case (params, (name, values)) =>
      val paramName = if (values.size > 1) s"$name[]" else name
      values.foldLeft(params){ case (ps, value) => ps.add(paramName, value) }

    request(new Request.Builder().url(endpointUrl(endpoint)).post(postParams))

  private def endpointUrl(endpoint: String, params: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq.empty): HttpUrl = {
    val withSegments = endpoint.split("/").foldLeft(urlBuilder) { case (url, segment) =>
    params.foldLeft(withSegments) { case (url, (k, v)) =>
      url.addQueryParameter(k, v)


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