sections.layout.iframe.xhtml Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Example of layout with iframe. You can use an iframe as layout pane without to worry about
resizing issues, etc. To use an iframe as layout pane, simple put the iframe as direct child of the layout pane.
Note: If you use an iframe, it is recommended to set maskContents="true" to
overcome resizing issues with iframes. If you use objects like applets, Google maps, etc. inside layout panes, it is
recommended to set maskObjects="true". Also consider the option maskPanesEarly="true"
on pe:layout if you are dealing with iframes or objects like applets, Google maps, etc. inside layout panes (see documentation).
Please also see the styles for the class .ui-layout-mask in this example. This is the style class
the iframe is masked with.
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