com.jwebmp.guicedpersistence.wildfly.WildflyConnectionInfoBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.jwebmp.guicedpersistence.wildfly;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.guicedee.guicedinjection.GuiceContext;
import com.guicedee.guicedpersistence.db.ConnectionBaseInfo;
import com.guicedee.guicedpersistence.db.exceptions.InvalidConnectionInfoException;
import com.guicedee.guicedpersistence.db.exceptions.NoConnectionInfoException;
import com.guicedee.logger.LogFactory;
import com.jboss.wildfly.schema.*;
import com.jwebmp.guicedpersistence.wildfly.readers.IWildflyDriverRegistration;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.json.XML;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.ServiceLoader;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
* The wildfly connection details information builder for Guiced Persistence
public class WildflyConnectionInfoBuilder
implements IPropertiesConnectionInfoReader
* The log file
private static final Logger log = LogFactory.getLog("WildflyConnectionInfoReader");
* The standalone file to read from the system property jboss config - can be different to what is actually being used in wildfly.
private static String standaloneFileName = "standalone.xml";
* The sub system type
private static SubsystemType subsystemType = null;
* Method getStandaloneFileName returns the standaloneFileName of this WildflyConnectionInfoBuilder object.
* The standalone file to read from the system property jboss config - can be different to what is actually being used in wildfly.
* @return the standaloneFileName (type String) of this WildflyConnectionInfoBuilder object.
public static String getStandaloneFileName()
return WildflyConnectionInfoBuilder.standaloneFileName;
* Method setStandaloneFileName sets the standaloneFileName of this WildflyConnectionInfoBuilder object.
* The standalone file to read from the system property jboss config - can be different to what is actually being used in wildfly.
* @param standaloneFileName
* the standaloneFileName of this WildflyConnectionInfoBuilder object.
public static void setStandaloneFileName(String standaloneFileName)
WildflyConnectionInfoBuilder.standaloneFileName = standaloneFileName;
* Method populateConnectionBaseInfo ...
* @param unit
* of type PersistenceUnit
* @param filteredProperties
* of type Properties
* @param cbi
* of type ConnectionBaseInfo
* @return ConnectionBaseInfo
public ConnectionBaseInfo populateConnectionBaseInfo(PersistenceUnit unit, Properties filteredProperties, ConnectionBaseInfo cbi)
SubsystemType type = WildflyConnectionInfoBuilder.getDatasourceSubsystem();
IDataSource ds = findDatasource(type, unit.getJtaDataSource());
if (XaDatasourceType.class.isAssignableFrom(ds.getClass()))
getConnectionBaseInfo(type, (XaDatasourceType) ds, unit.getJtaDataSource(), cbi);
getConnectionBaseInfo(type, (DatasourceType) ds, unit.getJtaDataSource(), unit, cbi);
catch (NoConnectionInfoException nfi)
log.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to find connection information with the provided JTA name [" + unit.getJtaDataSource() + "]. " +
"No properties will be loaded from standalone for this entry", nfi);
return cbi;
* Method getDatasourceSubsystem returns the datasourceSubsystem of this WildflyConnectionInfoBuilder object.
* Returns the datasource subsystem type from the specified standalone file
* @return the datasourceSubsystem (type SubsystemType) of this WildflyConnectionInfoBuilder object.
private static SubsystemType getDatasourceSubsystem()
String jbossHome = System.getProperty("jboss.server.config.dir");
if (jbossHome == null || jbossHome.isEmpty())
throw new NoConnectionInfoException("Unable to find the server configuration directory. Set system property jboss.server.config.dir");
File standaloneFile = new File(jbossHome + "/" + WildflyConnectionInfoBuilder.standaloneFileName);
if (!standaloneFile.exists())
throw new NoConnectionInfoException("Unable to find the server configuration file. Looked in " + jbossHome + "/" + WildflyConnectionInfoBuilder.standaloneFileName);
if (WildflyConnectionInfoBuilder.subsystemType == null)
String xml = FileUtils.readFileToString(standaloneFile, "UTF-8");
String filtered = xml.substring(xml.indexOf(""), xml.indexOf(" ") + 14);
filtered = "" + filtered + " ";
JSONObject jsonObj = XML.toJSONObject(filtered);
String json = String.valueOf(jsonObj);
ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper();
om.configure(DeserializationFeature.ACCEPT_SINGLE_VALUE_AS_ARRAY, true);
WildflyDatasourceContainer container = om.readValue(json, WildflyDatasourceContainer.class);
WildflyConnectionInfoBuilder.subsystemType = container.getSubsystem();
catch (Exception e)
WildflyConnectionInfoBuilder.log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to read the standalone file configured in " + jbossHome
+ "\nPlease make sure to set the jboss.server.config.dir property if running standalone.", e);
return WildflyConnectionInfoBuilder.subsystemType;
* FInds a given data source in the types with the given jndi mapping
* @param datasources
* The datasources
* @param jndiMapping
* The mapping
* @return An IDatasource XA or Not
private IDataSource findDatasource(SubsystemType datasources, String jndiMapping)
List nonXaDataSources = datasources.getDatasources()
List xaDataSources = datasources.getDatasources()
for (DatasourceType o : nonXaDataSources)
if (o.getJndiName()
return o;
for (XaDatasourceType o : xaDataSources)
if (o.getJndiName()
return o;
throw new NoConnectionInfoException("The JNDI Name [" + jndiMapping + "] must be available in the standalone config file.");
* Returns the standard connection base info for the jndi mapping
* @param ds
* The subsystem
* @param xa
* The xa type
* @param jndiMapping
* The mapping specified
* @param cbi
* Incoming info object
private void getConnectionBaseInfo(SubsystemType ds, XaDatasourceType xa, String jndiMapping, ConnectionBaseInfo cbi)
cbi.setDatabaseName(findProperty(xa, "DatabaseName"));
cbi.setUsername(findProperty(xa, "User"));
cbi.setPassword(findProperty(xa, "Password"));
cbi.setServerName(findProperty(xa, "ServerName"));
cbi.setInstanceName(findProperty(xa, "Instance"));
cbi.setPort(findProperty(xa, "Port"));
cbi.setDriverClass(findDriverClassForDriver(ds, xa.getDriver()));
if (xa.getNewConnectionSql() != null)
if (xa.getTransactionIsolation() != null)
if (xa.getXaPool() != null)
if (xa.getXaPool()
.getMinPoolSize() != null)
if (xa.getXaPool()
.getMaxPoolSize() != null)
if (xa.getXaPool()
.isPrefill() != null)
if (xa.getXaPool()
.isUseStrictMin() != null)
* Method getConnectionBaseInfo for Non-Xa types
* @param ds
* of type SubsystemType
* @param xa
* of type DatasourceType
* @param jndiMapping
* of type String
* @param persistenceUnit
* of type PersistenceUnit
* @param cbi
* of type ConnectionBaseInfo
private void getConnectionBaseInfo(SubsystemType ds, DatasourceType xa, String jndiMapping, PersistenceUnit persistenceUnit, ConnectionBaseInfo cbi)
boolean found = false;
for (IWildflyDriverRegistration driverRegistration : GuiceContext.instance()
.getLoader(IWildflyDriverRegistration.class, true, ServiceLoader.load(
Matcher matched = driverRegistration.driverPattern()
if (matched.find())
cbi = driverRegistration.fromConnectionString(matched, xa.getConnectionUrl(), cbi, persistenceUnit, ds, xa, jndiMapping);
found = true;
if (!found)
throw new InvalidConnectionInfoException("Unable to find a valid driver registration using a pattern for " + jndiMapping);
* Finds a property from the given property name
* @param xa
* The xa type
* @param propertyName
* The property to find
* @return The string or null
private String findProperty(XaDatasourceType xa, String propertyName)
for (XaDatasourcePropertyType propertyType : xa.getXaDatasourceProperty())
if (propertyType.getName()
return propertyType.getContent()
return null;
* Gets the driver class from the subsystem
* @param ds
* The datasource type
* @param driver
* The driver
* @return The string of the class name
private String findDriverClassForDriver(SubsystemType ds, String driver)
for (DriverType driverType : ds.getDatasources()
if (driverType.getName()
return driverType.getXaDatasourceClass();
throw new InvalidConnectionInfoException("Unable to determine the XA Driver from the given name " + driver);
* Gets the translation isolation for the type
* @param isoType
* of type TransactionIsolationType
* @return String
private String translateIsolation(TransactionIsolationType isoType)
.replace("TRANSACTION_", "");