com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wincon Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* Copyright (c) 2007 Timothy Wall, All Rights Reserved
* The contents of this file is dual-licensed under 2
* alternative Open Source/Free licenses: LGPL 2.1 or later and
* Apache License 2.0. (starting with JNA version 4.0.0).
* You can freely decide which license you want to apply to
* the project.
* You may obtain a copy of the LGPL License at:
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html
* A copy is also included in the downloadable source code package
* containing JNA, in file "LGPL2.1".
* You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at:
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/
* A copy is also included in the downloadable source code package
* containing JNA, in file "AL2.0".
package com.sun.jna.platform.win32;
import com.sun.jna.Native;
import com.sun.jna.Structure;
import com.sun.jna.Structure.FieldOrder;
import com.sun.jna.Union;
import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.HWND;
import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.LPVOID;
import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.HANDLE;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference;
* Ported from Wincon.h.
* @author lgoldstein
public interface Wincon {
* Allocates a new console for the calling process.
* @return {@code true} if successful - if {@code false} then use
* {@code GetLastError()} to get extended error information
* @see AllocConsole documentation
boolean AllocConsole();
* Detaches the calling process from its console
* @return {@code true} if successful - if {@code false} then use
* {@code GetLastError()} to get extended error information
* @see FreeConsole documentation
boolean FreeConsole();
* Attaches the calling process to the console of the specified process
* @param dwProcessId The identifier of the process whose console is to
* be used. Can be either the process ID or the special {@link #ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS}
* value to indicate the console of the parent of the current process.
* @return {@code true} if successful - if {@code false} then use
* {@code GetLastError()} to get extended error information
* @see AttachConsole documentation
boolean AttachConsole(int dwProcessId);
* Flushes the console input buffer. All input records currently in the input
* buffer are discarded.
* @param hConsoleInput A handle to the console input buffer. The handle must
* have the GENERIC_WRITE access right.
* @return {@code true} if successful - if {@code false} then use
* {@code GetLastError()} to get extended error information
* @see FlushConsoleInputBuffer documentation
boolean FlushConsoleInputBuffer(HANDLE hConsoleInput);
/* Events to be sent by GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent */
* Sends a specified signal to a console process group that shares the console
* associated with the calling process.
* @param dwCtrlEvent The type of signal to be generated.
* @param dwProcessGroupId The identifier of the process group to receive the signal
* @return {@code true} if successful - if {@code false} then use
* {@code GetLastError()} to get extended error information
* @see GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent documentation
boolean GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(int dwCtrlEvent, int dwProcessGroupId);
* @return Code that identifies the code page
* @see Code page identifiers
int GetConsoleCP();
* @param wCodePageID The identifier of the code page to be set
* @return {@code true} if successful - if {@code false} then use
* {@code GetLastError()} to get extended error information
* @see SetConsoleCP documentation
boolean SetConsoleCP(int wCodePageID);
* @return Retrieves the output code page used by the console associated with the calling process.
* @see Code page identifiers
int GetConsoleOutputCP();
* @param wCodePageID The output code page used by the console associated with the calling process.
* @return {@code true} if successful - if {@code false} then use
* {@code GetLastError()} to get extended error information
* @see SetConsoleOutputCP documentation
boolean SetConsoleOutputCP(int wCodePageID);
* @return The window handle used by the console associated with the calling process
HWND GetConsoleWindow();
* @param hConsoleInput A handle to the console input buffer. The handle must
* have the GENERIC_READ access right
* @param lpcNumberOfEvents A pointer to a variable that receives the number
* of unread input records in the console's input buffer
* @return {@code true} if successful - if {@code false} then use
* {@code GetLastError()} to get extended error information
* @see GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents documentation
boolean GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents(HANDLE hConsoleInput, IntByReference lpcNumberOfEvents);
* @param lpNumberOfMouseButtons A pointer to a variable that receives the number
* of mouse buttons
* @return {@code true} if successful - if {@code false} then use
* {@code GetLastError()} to get extended error information
* @see GetNumberOfConsoleMouseButtons documentation
boolean GetNumberOfConsoleMouseButtons(IntByReference lpNumberOfMouseButtons);
/* The values to use for Get/SetStdHandle */
* @param nStdHandle The standard device identifier
* @return A handle to the specified standard device (standard input, output, or error)
HANDLE GetStdHandle(int nStdHandle);
* @param nStdHandle The standard device identifier
* @param hHandle The handle for the standard device
* @return {@code true} if successful - if {@code false} then use
* {@code GetLastError()} to get extended error information
* @see SetStdHandle documentation
boolean SetStdHandle(int nStdHandle, HANDLE hHandle);
/* console mode values */
* Retrieves the display mode of the current console
* @param lpModeFlags The display mode of the console
* @return {@code true} if successful - if {@code false} then use
* {@code GetLastError()} to get extended error information
* @see GetConsoleDisplayMode documentation
boolean GetConsoleDisplayMode(IntByReference lpModeFlags);
/* console modes used by Get/SetConsoleMode */
/* If the hConsoleHandle parameter is a screen buffer handle, the mode
* can be one or more of the following values
* @param hConsoleHandle A handle to the console input buffer or the console
* screen buffer. The handle must have the GENERIC_READ access right
* @param lpMode A pointer to a variable that receives the current mode of
* the specified buffer
* @return {@code true} if successful - if {@code false} then use
* {@code GetLastError()} to get extended error information
* @see GetConsoleMode documentation
boolean GetConsoleMode(HANDLE hConsoleHandle, IntByReference lpMode);
* @param hConsoleHandle A handle to the console input buffer or a
* console screen buffer. The handle must have the GENERIC_READ access right
* @param dwMode The input or output mode mask to be set
* @return {@code true} if successful - if {@code false} then use
* {@code GetLastError()} to get extended error information
* @see SetConsoleMode documentation
boolean SetConsoleMode(HANDLE hConsoleHandle, int dwMode);
* @param lpConsoleTitle A pointer to a buffer that receives a null-terminated
* string containing the title. If the buffer is too small to store the title,
* the function stores as many characters of the title as will fit in the buffer,
* ending with a null terminator. Note: use {@link Native#toString(char[])}
* to convert it to a {@link String} value
* @param nSize The size of the buffer pointed to by the lpConsoleTitle parameter,
* in characters.
* @return If the function succeeds, the return value is the length of the console
* window's title, in characters. If the function fails, the return value is zero
* and {@code GetLastError} returns the error code.
* @see GetConsoleTitle documentation
int GetConsoleTitle(char[] lpConsoleTitle, int nSize);
* @param lpConsoleTitle A pointer to a buffer that receives a null-terminated
* string containing the original title. Note: use {@link Native#toString(char[])}
* to convert it to a {@link String} value
* @param nSize The size of the lpConsoleTitle buffer, in characters
* @return If the function succeeds, the return value is the length of the
* string copied to the buffer, in characters. If the buffer is not large enough
* to store the title, the return value is zero and {@code GetLastError} returns
* {@code ERROR_SUCCESS}. If the function fails, the return value is zero
* and {@code GetLastError} returns the error code.
* @see GetConsoleOriginalTitle documentation
int GetConsoleOriginalTitle(char[] lpConsoleTitle, int nSize);
* @param lpConsoleTitle The string to be displayed in the title bar of the console window.
* The total size must be less than {@link #MAX_CONSOLE_TITLE_LENGTH}.
* @return {@code true} if successful - if {@code false} then use
* {@code GetLastError()} to get extended error information
* @see SetConsoleTitle documentation
boolean SetConsoleTitle(String lpConsoleTitle);
* Retrieves information about the specified console screen buffer.
* @param hConsoleOutput A handle to the console screen buffer.
* @param lpConsoleScreenBufferInfo A pointer to a CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO structure that receives the console screen buffer information.
* @return {@code true} if successful - if {@code false} then use
* {@code GetLastError()} to get extended error information
* @see GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo documentation
boolean GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(HANDLE hConsoleOutput, CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO lpConsoleScreenBufferInfo);
* Reads data from a console input buffer and removes it from the buffer.
* @param hConsoleInput A handle to the console input buffer.
* @param lpBuffer A pointer to an array of INPUT_RECORD structures that receives the input buffer data.
* @param nLength The size of the array pointed to by the lpBuffer parameter, in array elements.
* @param lpNumberOfEventsRead A pointer to a variable that receives the number of input records read.
* @return {@code true} if successful - if {@code false} then use
* {@code GetLastError()} to get extended error information
* @see ReadConsoleInput documentation
boolean ReadConsoleInput(HANDLE hConsoleInput, INPUT_RECORD[] lpBuffer, int nLength, IntByReference lpNumberOfEventsRead);
* Writes a character string to a console screen buffer beginning at the current cursor location.
* @param hConsoleOutput A handle to the console screen buffer.
* @param lpBuffer A pointer to a buffer that contains characters to be written to the console screen buffer.
* @param nNumberOfCharsToWrite The number of characters to be written.
* @param lpNumberOfCharsWritten A pointer to a variable that receives the number of characters actually written.
* @param lpReserved Reserved; must be NULL.
* @return {@code true} if successful - if {@code false} then use
* {@code GetLastError()} to get extended error information
* @see WriteConsole documentation
boolean WriteConsole(HANDLE hConsoleOutput, String lpBuffer, int nNumberOfCharsToWrite, IntByReference lpNumberOfCharsWritten, LPVOID lpReserved);
* COORD structure
@FieldOrder({ "X", "Y" })
public static class COORD extends Structure {
public short X;
public short Y;
public String toString() {
return String.format("COORD(%s,%s)", X, Y);
* SMALL_RECT structure
@FieldOrder({ "Left", "Top", "Right", "Bottom" })
public static class SMALL_RECT extends Structure {
public short Left;
public short Top;
public short Right;
public short Bottom;
public String toString() {
return String.format("SMALL_RECT(%s,%s)(%s,%s)", Left, Top, Right, Bottom);
@FieldOrder({ "dwSize", "dwCursorPosition", "wAttributes", "srWindow", "dwMaximumWindowSize" })
public static class CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO extends Structure {
public COORD dwSize;
public COORD dwCursorPosition;
public short wAttributes;
public SMALL_RECT srWindow;
public COORD dwMaximumWindowSize;
public String toString() {
return String.format("CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", dwSize, dwCursorPosition, wAttributes, srWindow, dwMaximumWindowSize);
* INPUT_RECORD structure
@FieldOrder({ "EventType", "Event" })
public static class INPUT_RECORD extends Structure {
public static final short KEY_EVENT = 0x01;
public static final short MOUSE_EVENT = 0x02;
public static final short WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE_EVENT = 0x04;
public short EventType;
public Event Event;
public static class Event extends Union {
public KEY_EVENT_RECORD KeyEvent;
public MOUSE_EVENT_RECORD MouseEvent;
public WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE_RECORD WindowBufferSizeEvent;
public void read() {
switch (EventType) {
public String toString() {
return String.format("INPUT_RECORD(%s)", EventType);
* KEY_EVENT_RECORD structure
@FieldOrder({ "bKeyDown", "wRepeatCount", "wVirtualKeyCode", "wVirtualScanCode", "uChar", "dwControlKeyState" })
public static class KEY_EVENT_RECORD extends Structure {
public boolean bKeyDown;
public short wRepeatCount;
public short wVirtualKeyCode;
public short wVirtualScanCode;
public char uChar;
public int dwControlKeyState;
public String toString() {
return String.format("KEY_EVENT_RECORD(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", bKeyDown, wRepeatCount, wVirtualKeyCode, wVirtualKeyCode, wVirtualScanCode, uChar, dwControlKeyState);
@FieldOrder({ "dwMousePosition", "dwButtonState", "dwControlKeyState", "dwEventFlags" })
public static class MOUSE_EVENT_RECORD extends Structure {
public COORD dwMousePosition;
public int dwButtonState;
public int dwControlKeyState;
public int dwEventFlags;
public String toString() {
return String.format("MOUSE_EVENT_RECORD(%s,%s,%s,%s)", dwMousePosition, dwButtonState, dwControlKeyState, dwEventFlags);
@FieldOrder({ "dwSize" })
public static class WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE_RECORD extends Structure {
public COORD dwSize;
public String toString() {
return String.format("WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE_RECORD(%s)", dwSize);
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