org.apache.kafka.common.network.KafkaChannel Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.kafka.common.network;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.AuthenticationException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SslAuthenticationException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.memory.MemoryPool;
import org.apache.kafka.common.security.auth.KafkaPrincipal;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Utils;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.net.SocketAddress;
import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey;
import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
* A Kafka connection either existing on a client (which could be a broker in an
* inter-broker scenario) and representing the channel to a remote broker or the
* reverse (existing on a broker and representing the channel to a remote
* client, which could be a broker in an inter-broker scenario).
* Each instance has the following:
* - a unique ID identifying it in the {@code KafkaClient} instance via which
* the connection was made on the client-side or in the instance where it was
* accepted on the server-side
* - a reference to the underlying {@link TransportLayer} to allow reading and
* writing
* - an {@link Authenticator} that performs the authentication (or
* re-authentication, if that feature is enabled and it applies to this
* connection) by reading and writing directly from/to the same
* {@link TransportLayer}.
* - a {@link MemoryPool} into which responses are read (typically the JVM
* heap for clients, though smaller pools can be used for brokers and for
* testing out-of-memory scenarios)
* - a {@link NetworkReceive} representing the current incomplete/in-progress
* request (from the server-side perspective) or response (from the client-side
* perspective) being read, if applicable; or a non-null value that has had no
* data read into it yet or a null value if there is no in-progress
* request/response (either could be the case)
* - a {@link Send} representing the current request (from the client-side
* perspective) or response (from the server-side perspective) that is either
* waiting to be sent or partially sent, if applicable, or null
* - a {@link ChannelMuteState} to document if the channel has been muted due
* to memory pressure or other reasons
public class KafkaChannel implements AutoCloseable {
private static final long MIN_REAUTH_INTERVAL_ONE_SECOND_NANOS = 1000 * 1000 * 1000;
* Mute States for KafkaChannel:
* - NOT_MUTED: Channel is not muted. This is the default state.
* - MUTED: Channel is muted. Channel must be in this state to be unmuted.
* - MUTED_AND_RESPONSE_PENDING: (SocketServer only) Channel is muted and SocketServer has not sent a response
* back to the client yet (acks != 0) or is currently waiting to receive a
* response from the API layer (acks == 0).
* - MUTED_AND_THROTTLED: (SocketServer only) Channel is muted and throttling is in progress due to quota
* violation.
* - MUTED_AND_THROTTLED_AND_RESPONSE_PENDING: (SocketServer only) Channel is muted, throttling is in progress,
* and a response is currently pending.
public enum ChannelMuteState {
/** Socket server events that will change the mute state:
* - REQUEST_RECEIVED: A request has been received from the client.
* - RESPONSE_SENT: A response has been sent out to the client (ack != 0) or SocketServer has heard back from
* the API layer (acks = 0)
* - THROTTLE_STARTED: Throttling started due to quota violation.
* - THROTTLE_ENDED: Throttling ended.
* Valid transitions on each event are:
public enum ChannelMuteEvent {
private final String id;
private final TransportLayer transportLayer;
private final Supplier authenticatorCreator;
private Authenticator authenticator;
// Tracks accumulated network thread time. This is updated on the network thread.
// The values are read and reset after each response is sent.
private long networkThreadTimeNanos;
private final int maxReceiveSize;
private final MemoryPool memoryPool;
private final ChannelMetadataRegistry metadataRegistry;
private NetworkReceive receive;
private Send send;
// Track connection and mute state of channels to enable outstanding requests on channels to be
// processed after the channel is disconnected.
private boolean disconnected;
private ChannelMuteState muteState;
private ChannelState state;
private SocketAddress remoteAddress;
private int successfulAuthentications;
private boolean midWrite;
private long lastReauthenticationStartNanos;
public KafkaChannel(String id, TransportLayer transportLayer, Supplier authenticatorCreator,
int maxReceiveSize, MemoryPool memoryPool, ChannelMetadataRegistry metadataRegistry) {
this.id = id;
this.transportLayer = transportLayer;
this.authenticatorCreator = authenticatorCreator;
this.authenticator = authenticatorCreator.get();
this.networkThreadTimeNanos = 0L;
this.maxReceiveSize = maxReceiveSize;
this.memoryPool = memoryPool;
this.metadataRegistry = metadataRegistry;
this.disconnected = false;
this.muteState = ChannelMuteState.NOT_MUTED;
this.state = ChannelState.NOT_CONNECTED;
public void close() throws IOException {
this.disconnected = true;
Utils.closeAll(transportLayer, authenticator, receive, metadataRegistry);
* Returns the principal returned by `authenticator.principal()`.
public KafkaPrincipal principal() {
return authenticator.principal();
* Does handshake of transportLayer and authentication using configured authenticator.
* For SSL with client authentication enabled, {@link TransportLayer#handshake()} performs
* authentication. For SASL, authentication is performed by {@link Authenticator#authenticate()}.
public void prepare() throws AuthenticationException, IOException {
boolean authenticating = false;
try {
if (!transportLayer.ready())
if (transportLayer.ready() && !authenticator.complete()) {
authenticating = true;
} catch (AuthenticationException e) {
// Clients are notified of authentication exceptions to enable operations to be terminated
// without retries. Other errors are handled as network exceptions in Selector.
String remoteDesc = remoteAddress != null ? remoteAddress.toString() : null;
state = new ChannelState(ChannelState.State.AUTHENTICATION_FAILED, e, remoteDesc);
if (authenticating) {
throw new DelayedResponseAuthenticationException(e);
throw e;
if (ready()) {
state = ChannelState.READY;
public void disconnect() {
disconnected = true;
if (state == ChannelState.NOT_CONNECTED && remoteAddress != null) {
//if we captured the remote address we can provide more information
state = new ChannelState(ChannelState.State.NOT_CONNECTED, remoteAddress.toString());
public void state(ChannelState state) {
this.state = state;
public ChannelState state() {
return this.state;
public boolean finishConnect() throws IOException {
//we need to grab remoteAddr before finishConnect() is called otherwise
//it becomes inaccessible if the connection was refused.
SocketChannel socketChannel = transportLayer.socketChannel();
if (socketChannel != null) {
remoteAddress = socketChannel.getRemoteAddress();
boolean connected = transportLayer.finishConnect();
if (connected) {
if (ready()) {
state = ChannelState.READY;
} else if (remoteAddress != null) {
state = new ChannelState(ChannelState.State.AUTHENTICATE, remoteAddress.toString());
} else {
state = ChannelState.AUTHENTICATE;
return connected;
public boolean isConnected() {
return transportLayer.isConnected();
public String id() {
return id;
public SelectionKey selectionKey() {
return transportLayer.selectionKey();
* externally muting a channel should be done via selector to ensure proper state handling
void mute() {
if (muteState == ChannelMuteState.NOT_MUTED) {
if (!disconnected) transportLayer.removeInterestOps(SelectionKey.OP_READ);
muteState = ChannelMuteState.MUTED;
* Unmute the channel. The channel can be unmuted only if it is in the MUTED state. For other muted states
* (MUTED_AND_*), this is a no-op.
* @return Whether or not the channel is in the NOT_MUTED state after the call
boolean maybeUnmute() {
if (muteState == ChannelMuteState.MUTED) {
if (!disconnected) transportLayer.addInterestOps(SelectionKey.OP_READ);
muteState = ChannelMuteState.NOT_MUTED;
return muteState == ChannelMuteState.NOT_MUTED;
// Handle the specified channel mute-related event and transition the mute state according to the state machine.
public void handleChannelMuteEvent(ChannelMuteEvent event) {
boolean stateChanged = false;
switch (event) {
if (muteState == ChannelMuteState.MUTED) {
muteState = ChannelMuteState.MUTED_AND_RESPONSE_PENDING;
stateChanged = true;
if (muteState == ChannelMuteState.MUTED_AND_RESPONSE_PENDING) {
muteState = ChannelMuteState.MUTED;
stateChanged = true;
muteState = ChannelMuteState.MUTED_AND_THROTTLED;
stateChanged = true;
if (muteState == ChannelMuteState.MUTED_AND_RESPONSE_PENDING) {
stateChanged = true;
if (muteState == ChannelMuteState.MUTED_AND_THROTTLED) {
muteState = ChannelMuteState.MUTED;
stateChanged = true;
muteState = ChannelMuteState.MUTED_AND_RESPONSE_PENDING;
stateChanged = true;
if (!stateChanged) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot transition from " + muteState.name() + " for " + event.name());
public ChannelMuteState muteState() {
return muteState;
* Delay channel close on authentication failure. This will remove all read/write operations from the channel until
* {@link #completeCloseOnAuthenticationFailure()} is called to finish up the channel close.
private void delayCloseOnAuthenticationFailure() {
* Finish up any processing on {@link #prepare()} failure.
* @throws IOException
void completeCloseOnAuthenticationFailure() throws IOException {
// Invoke the underlying handler to finish up any processing on authentication failure
* Returns true if this channel has been explicitly muted using {@link KafkaChannel#mute()}
public boolean isMuted() {
return muteState != ChannelMuteState.NOT_MUTED;
public boolean isInMutableState() {
//some requests do not require memory, so if we do not know what the current (or future) request is
//(receive == null) we dont mute. we also dont mute if whatever memory required has already been
//successfully allocated (if none is required for the currently-being-read request
//receive.memoryAllocated() is expected to return true)
if (receive == null || receive.memoryAllocated())
return false;
//also cannot mute if underlying transport is not in the ready state
return transportLayer.ready();
public boolean ready() {
return transportLayer.ready() && authenticator.complete();
public boolean hasSend() {
return send != null;
* Returns the address to which this channel's socket is connected or `null` if the socket has never been connected.
* If the socket was connected prior to being closed, then this method will continue to return the
* connected address after the socket is closed.
public InetAddress socketAddress() {
return transportLayer.socketChannel().socket().getInetAddress();
public String socketDescription() {
Socket socket = transportLayer.socketChannel().socket();
if (socket.getInetAddress() == null)
return socket.getLocalAddress().toString();
return socket.getInetAddress().toString();
public void setSend(Send send) {
if (this.send != null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Attempt to begin a send operation with prior send operation still in progress, connection id is " + id);
this.send = send;
public Send maybeCompleteSend() {
if (send != null && send.completed()) {
midWrite = false;
Send result = send;
send = null;
return result;
return null;
public long read() throws IOException {
if (receive == null) {
receive = new NetworkReceive(maxReceiveSize, id, memoryPool);
long bytesReceived = receive(this.receive);
if (this.receive.requiredMemoryAmountKnown() && !this.receive.memoryAllocated() && isInMutableState()) {
//pool must be out of memory, mute ourselves.
return bytesReceived;
public NetworkReceive currentReceive() {
return receive;
public NetworkReceive maybeCompleteReceive() {
if (receive != null && receive.complete()) {
NetworkReceive result = receive;
receive = null;
return result;
return null;
public long write() throws IOException {
if (send == null)
return 0;
midWrite = true;
return send.writeTo(transportLayer);
* Accumulates network thread time for this channel.
public void addNetworkThreadTimeNanos(long nanos) {
networkThreadTimeNanos += nanos;
* Returns accumulated network thread time for this channel and resets
* the value to zero.
public long getAndResetNetworkThreadTimeNanos() {
long current = networkThreadTimeNanos;
networkThreadTimeNanos = 0;
return current;
private long receive(NetworkReceive receive) throws IOException {
try {
return receive.readFrom(transportLayer);
} catch (SslAuthenticationException e) {
// With TLSv1.3, post-handshake messages may throw SSLExceptions, which are
// handled as authentication failures
String remoteDesc = remoteAddress != null ? remoteAddress.toString() : null;
state = new ChannelState(ChannelState.State.AUTHENTICATION_FAILED, e, remoteDesc);
throw e;
* @return true if underlying transport has bytes remaining to be read from any underlying intermediate buffers.
public boolean hasBytesBuffered() {
return transportLayer.hasBytesBuffered();
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
KafkaChannel that = (KafkaChannel) o;
return id.equals(that.id);
public int hashCode() {
return id.hashCode();
public String toString() {
return super.toString() + " id=" + id;
* Return the number of times this instance has successfully authenticated. This
* value can only exceed 1 when re-authentication is enabled and it has
* succeeded at least once.
* @return the number of times this instance has successfully authenticated
public int successfulAuthentications() {
return successfulAuthentications;
* If this is a server-side connection that has an expiration time and at least
* 1 second has passed since the prior re-authentication (if any) started then
* begin the process of re-authenticating the connection and return true,
* otherwise return false
* @param saslHandshakeNetworkReceive
* the mandatory {@link NetworkReceive} containing the
* {@code SaslHandshakeRequest} that has been received on the server
* and that initiates re-authentication.
* @param nowNanosSupplier
* {@code Supplier} of the current time. The value must be in
* nanoseconds as per {@code System.nanoTime()} and is therefore only
* useful when compared to such a value -- it's absolute value is
* meaningless.
* @return true if this is a server-side connection that has an expiration time
* and at least 1 second has passed since the prior re-authentication
* (if any) started to indicate that the re-authentication process has
* begun, otherwise false
* @throws AuthenticationException
* if re-authentication fails due to invalid credentials or other
* security configuration errors
* @throws IOException
* if read/write fails due to an I/O error
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if this channel is not "ready"
public boolean maybeBeginServerReauthentication(NetworkReceive saslHandshakeNetworkReceive,
Supplier nowNanosSupplier) throws AuthenticationException, IOException {
if (!ready())
throw new IllegalStateException(
"KafkaChannel should be \"ready\" when processing SASL Handshake for potential re-authentication");
* Re-authentication is disabled if there is no session expiration time, in
* which case the SASL handshake network receive will be processed normally,
* which results in a failure result being sent to the client. Also, no need to
* check if we are muted since since we are processing a received packet when we
* invoke this.
if (authenticator.serverSessionExpirationTimeNanos() == null)
return false;
* We've delayed getting the time as long as possible in case we don't need it,
* but at this point we need it -- so get it now.
long nowNanos = nowNanosSupplier.get();
* Cannot re-authenticate more than once every second; an attempt to do so will
* result in the SASL handshake network receive being processed normally, which
* results in a failure result being sent to the client.
if (lastReauthenticationStartNanos != 0
&& nowNanos - lastReauthenticationStartNanos < MIN_REAUTH_INTERVAL_ONE_SECOND_NANOS)
return false;
lastReauthenticationStartNanos = nowNanos;
new ReauthenticationContext(authenticator, saslHandshakeNetworkReceive, nowNanos));
return true;
* If this is a client-side connection that is not muted, there is no
* in-progress write, and there is a session expiration time defined that has
* past then begin the process of re-authenticating the connection and return
* true, otherwise return false
* @param nowNanosSupplier
* {@code Supplier} of the current time. The value must be in
* nanoseconds as per {@code System.nanoTime()} and is therefore only
* useful when compared to such a value -- it's absolute value is
* meaningless.
* @return true if this is a client-side connection that is not muted, there is
* no in-progress write, and there is a session expiration time defined
* that has past to indicate that the re-authentication process has
* begun, otherwise false
* @throws AuthenticationException
* if re-authentication fails due to invalid credentials or other
* security configuration errors
* @throws IOException
* if read/write fails due to an I/O error
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if this channel is not "ready"
public boolean maybeBeginClientReauthentication(Supplier nowNanosSupplier)
throws AuthenticationException, IOException {
if (!ready())
throw new IllegalStateException(
"KafkaChannel should always be \"ready\" when it is checked for possible re-authentication");
if (muteState != ChannelMuteState.NOT_MUTED || midWrite
|| authenticator.clientSessionReauthenticationTimeNanos() == null)
return false;
* We've delayed getting the time as long as possible in case we don't need it,
* but at this point we need it -- so get it now.
long nowNanos = nowNanosSupplier.get();
if (nowNanos < authenticator.clientSessionReauthenticationTimeNanos())
return false;
swapAuthenticatorsAndBeginReauthentication(new ReauthenticationContext(authenticator, receive, nowNanos));
receive = null;
return true;
* Return the number of milliseconds that elapsed while re-authenticating this
* session from the perspective of this instance, if applicable, otherwise null.
* The server-side perspective will yield a lower value than the client-side
* perspective of the same re-authentication because the client-side observes an
* additional network round-trip.
* @return the number of milliseconds that elapsed while re-authenticating this
* session from the perspective of this instance, if applicable,
* otherwise null
public Long reauthenticationLatencyMs() {
return authenticator.reauthenticationLatencyMs();
* Return true if this is a server-side channel and the given time is past the
* session expiration time, if any, otherwise false
* @param nowNanos
* the current time in nanoseconds as per {@code System.nanoTime()}
* @return true if this is a server-side channel and the given time is past the
* session expiration time, if any, otherwise false
public boolean serverAuthenticationSessionExpired(long nowNanos) {
Long serverSessionExpirationTimeNanos = authenticator.serverSessionExpirationTimeNanos();
return serverSessionExpirationTimeNanos != null && nowNanos - serverSessionExpirationTimeNanos > 0;
* Return the (always non-null but possibly empty) client-side
* {@link NetworkReceive} response that arrived during re-authentication but
* is unrelated to re-authentication. This corresponds to a request sent
* prior to the beginning of re-authentication; the request was made when the
* channel was successfully authenticated, and the response arrived during the
* re-authentication process.
* @return client-side {@link NetworkReceive} response that arrived during
* re-authentication that is unrelated to re-authentication. This may
* be empty.
public Optional pollResponseReceivedDuringReauthentication() {
return authenticator.pollResponseReceivedDuringReauthentication();
* Return true if this is a server-side channel and the connected client has
* indicated that it supports re-authentication, otherwise false
* @return true if this is a server-side channel and the connected client has
* indicated that it supports re-authentication, otherwise false
boolean connectedClientSupportsReauthentication() {
return authenticator.connectedClientSupportsReauthentication();
private void swapAuthenticatorsAndBeginReauthentication(ReauthenticationContext reauthenticationContext)
throws IOException {
// it is up to the new authenticator to close the old one
// replace with a new one and begin the process of re-authenticating
authenticator = authenticatorCreator.get();
public ChannelMetadataRegistry channelMetadataRegistry() {
return metadataRegistry;
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