org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.SubscriptionState Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.ApiVersions;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.Metadata;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.NodeApiVersions;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRebalanceListener;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.NoOffsetForPartitionException;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.OffsetAndMetadata;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.OffsetResetStrategy;
import org.apache.kafka.common.IsolationLevel;
import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition;
import org.apache.kafka.common.internals.PartitionStates;
import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.EpochEndOffset;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.LogContext;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.LongSupplier;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Fetcher.hasUsableOffsetForLeaderEpochVersion;
* A class for tracking the topics, partitions, and offsets for the consumer. A partition
* is "assigned" either directly with {@link #assignFromUser(Set)} (manual assignment)
* or with {@link #assignFromSubscribed(Collection)} (automatic assignment from subscription).
* Once assigned, the partition is not considered "fetchable" until its initial position has
* been set with {@link #seekValidated(TopicPartition, FetchPosition)}. Fetchable partitions track a fetch
* position which is used to set the offset of the next fetch, and a consumed position
* which is the last offset that has been returned to the user. You can suspend fetching
* from a partition through {@link #pause(TopicPartition)} without affecting the fetched/consumed
* offsets. The partition will remain unfetchable until the {@link #resume(TopicPartition)} is
* used. You can also query the pause state independently with {@link #isPaused(TopicPartition)}.
* Note that pause state as well as fetch/consumed positions are not preserved when partition
* assignment is changed whether directly by the user or through a group rebalance.
* Thread Safety: this class is thread-safe.
public class SubscriptionState {
private static final String SUBSCRIPTION_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE =
"Subscription to topics, partitions and pattern are mutually exclusive";
private final Logger log;
private enum SubscriptionType {
/* the type of subscription */
private SubscriptionType subscriptionType;
/* the pattern user has requested */
private Pattern subscribedPattern;
/* the list of topics the user has requested */
private Set subscription;
/* The list of topics the group has subscribed to. This may include some topics which are not part
* of `subscription` for the leader of a group since it is responsible for detecting metadata changes
* which require a group rebalance. */
private Set groupSubscription;
/* the partitions that are currently assigned, note that the order of partition matters (see FetchBuilder for more details) */
private final PartitionStates assignment;
/* Default offset reset strategy */
private final OffsetResetStrategy defaultResetStrategy;
/* User-provided listener to be invoked when assignment changes */
private ConsumerRebalanceListener rebalanceListener;
private int assignmentId = 0;
public synchronized String toString() {
return "SubscriptionState{" +
"type=" + subscriptionType +
", subscribedPattern=" + subscribedPattern +
", subscription=" + String.join(",", subscription) +
", groupSubscription=" + String.join(",", groupSubscription) +
", defaultResetStrategy=" + defaultResetStrategy +
", assignment=" + assignment.partitionStateValues() + " (id=" + assignmentId + ")}";
public synchronized String prettyString() {
switch (subscriptionType) {
case NONE:
return "None";
return "Subscribe(" + String.join(",", subscription) + ")";
return "Subscribe(" + subscribedPattern + ")";
return "Assign(" + assignedPartitions() + " , id=" + assignmentId + ")";
throw new IllegalStateException("Unrecognized subscription type: " + subscriptionType);
public SubscriptionState(LogContext logContext, OffsetResetStrategy defaultResetStrategy) {
this.log = logContext.logger(this.getClass());
this.defaultResetStrategy = defaultResetStrategy;
this.subscription = new HashSet<>();
this.assignment = new PartitionStates<>();
this.groupSubscription = new HashSet<>();
this.subscribedPattern = null;
this.subscriptionType = SubscriptionType.NONE;
* Monotonically increasing id which is incremented after every assignment change. This can
* be used to check when an assignment has changed.
* @return The current assignment Id
synchronized int assignmentId() {
return assignmentId;
* This method sets the subscription type if it is not already set (i.e. when it is NONE),
* or verifies that the subscription type is equal to the give type when it is set (i.e.
* when it is not NONE)
* @param type The given subscription type
private void setSubscriptionType(SubscriptionType type) {
if (this.subscriptionType == SubscriptionType.NONE)
this.subscriptionType = type;
else if (this.subscriptionType != type)
throw new IllegalStateException(SUBSCRIPTION_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public synchronized boolean subscribe(Set topics, ConsumerRebalanceListener listener) {
return changeSubscription(topics);
public synchronized void subscribe(Pattern pattern, ConsumerRebalanceListener listener) {
this.subscribedPattern = pattern;
public synchronized boolean subscribeFromPattern(Set topics) {
if (subscriptionType != SubscriptionType.AUTO_PATTERN)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempt to subscribe from pattern while subscription type set to " +
return changeSubscription(topics);
private boolean changeSubscription(Set topicsToSubscribe) {
if (subscription.equals(topicsToSubscribe))
return false;
subscription = topicsToSubscribe;
return true;
* Set the current group subscription. This is used by the group leader to ensure
* that it receives metadata updates for all topics that the group is interested in.
* @param topics All topics from the group subscription
* @return true if the group subscription contains topics which are not part of the local subscription
synchronized boolean groupSubscribe(Collection topics) {
if (!hasAutoAssignedPartitions())
throw new IllegalStateException(SUBSCRIPTION_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
groupSubscription = new HashSet<>(topics);
return !subscription.containsAll(groupSubscription);
* Reset the group's subscription to only contain topics subscribed by this consumer.
synchronized void resetGroupSubscription() {
groupSubscription = Collections.emptySet();
* Change the assignment to the specified partitions provided by the user,
* note this is different from {@link #assignFromSubscribed(Collection)}
* whose input partitions are provided from the subscribed topics.
public synchronized boolean assignFromUser(Set partitions) {
if (this.assignment.partitionSet().equals(partitions))
return false;
// update the subscribed topics
Set manualSubscribedTopics = new HashSet<>();
Map partitionToState = new HashMap<>();
for (TopicPartition partition : partitions) {
TopicPartitionState state = assignment.stateValue(partition);
if (state == null)
state = new TopicPartitionState();
partitionToState.put(partition, state);
return changeSubscription(manualSubscribedTopics);
* @return true if assignments matches subscription, otherwise false
public synchronized boolean checkAssignmentMatchedSubscription(Collection assignments) {
for (TopicPartition topicPartition : assignments) {
if (this.subscribedPattern != null) {
if (!this.subscribedPattern.matcher(topicPartition.topic()).matches()) {"Assigned partition {} for non-subscribed topic regex pattern; subscription pattern is {}",
return false;
} else {
if (!this.subscription.contains(topicPartition.topic())) {"Assigned partition {} for non-subscribed topic; subscription is {}", topicPartition, this.subscription);
return false;
return true;
* Change the assignment to the specified partitions returned from the coordinator, note this is
* different from {@link #assignFromUser(Set)} which directly set the assignment from user inputs.
public synchronized void assignFromSubscribed(Collection assignments) {
if (!this.hasAutoAssignedPartitions())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempt to dynamically assign partitions while manual assignment in use");
Map assignedPartitionStates = new HashMap<>(assignments.size());
for (TopicPartition tp : assignments) {
TopicPartitionState state = this.assignment.stateValue(tp);
if (state == null)
state = new TopicPartitionState();
assignedPartitionStates.put(tp, state);
private void registerRebalanceListener(ConsumerRebalanceListener listener) {
if (listener == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("RebalanceListener cannot be null");
this.rebalanceListener = listener;
* Check whether pattern subscription is in use.
synchronized boolean hasPatternSubscription() {
return this.subscriptionType == SubscriptionType.AUTO_PATTERN;
public synchronized boolean hasNoSubscriptionOrUserAssignment() {
return this.subscriptionType == SubscriptionType.NONE;
public synchronized void unsubscribe() {
this.subscription = Collections.emptySet();
this.groupSubscription = Collections.emptySet();
this.subscribedPattern = null;
this.subscriptionType = SubscriptionType.NONE;
* Check whether a topic matches a subscribed pattern.
* @return true if pattern subscription is in use and the topic matches the subscribed pattern, false otherwise
synchronized boolean matchesSubscribedPattern(String topic) {
Pattern pattern = this.subscribedPattern;
if (hasPatternSubscription() && pattern != null)
return pattern.matcher(topic).matches();
return false;
public synchronized Set subscription() {
if (hasAutoAssignedPartitions())
return this.subscription;
return Collections.emptySet();
public synchronized Set pausedPartitions() {
return collectPartitions(TopicPartitionState::isPaused);
* Get the subscription topics for which metadata is required. For the leader, this will include
* the union of the subscriptions of all group members. For followers, it is just that member's
* subscription. This is used when querying topic metadata to detect the metadata changes which would
* require rebalancing. The leader fetches metadata for all topics in the group so that it
* can do the partition assignment (which requires at least partition counts for all topics
* to be assigned).
* @return The union of all subscribed topics in the group if this member is the leader
* of the current generation; otherwise it returns the same set as {@link #subscription()}
synchronized Set metadataTopics() {
if (groupSubscription.isEmpty())
return subscription;
else if (groupSubscription.containsAll(subscription))
return groupSubscription;
else {
// When subscription changes `groupSubscription` may be outdated, ensure that
// new subscription topics are returned.
Set topics = new HashSet<>(groupSubscription);
return topics;
synchronized boolean needsMetadata(String topic) {
return subscription.contains(topic) || groupSubscription.contains(topic);
private TopicPartitionState assignedState(TopicPartition tp) {
TopicPartitionState state = this.assignment.stateValue(tp);
if (state == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("No current assignment for partition " + tp);
return state;
private TopicPartitionState assignedStateOrNull(TopicPartition tp) {
return this.assignment.stateValue(tp);
public synchronized void seekValidated(TopicPartition tp, FetchPosition position) {
public void seek(TopicPartition tp, long offset) {
seekValidated(tp, new FetchPosition(offset));
public void seekUnvalidated(TopicPartition tp, FetchPosition position) {
synchronized void maybeSeekUnvalidated(TopicPartition tp, FetchPosition position, OffsetResetStrategy requestedResetStrategy) {
TopicPartitionState state = assignedStateOrNull(tp);
if (state == null) {
log.debug("Skipping reset of partition {} since it is no longer assigned", tp);
} else if (!state.awaitingReset()) {
log.debug("Skipping reset of partition {} since reset is no longer needed", tp);
} else if (requestedResetStrategy != state.resetStrategy) {
log.debug("Skipping reset of partition {} since an alternative reset has been requested", tp);
} else {"Resetting offset for partition {} to position {}.", tp, position);
* @return a modifiable copy of the currently assigned partitions
public synchronized Set assignedPartitions() {
return new HashSet<>(this.assignment.partitionSet());
* @return a modifiable copy of the currently assigned partitions as a list
public synchronized List assignedPartitionsList() {
return new ArrayList<>(this.assignment.partitionSet());
* Provides the number of assigned partitions in a thread safe manner.
* @return the number of assigned partitions.
synchronized int numAssignedPartitions() {
return this.assignment.size();
// Visible for testing
public synchronized List fetchablePartitions(Predicate isAvailable) {
// Since this is in the hot-path for fetching, we do this instead of using API
List result = new ArrayList<>();
assignment.forEach((topicPartition, topicPartitionState) -> {
// Cheap check is first to avoid evaluating the predicate if possible
if (topicPartitionState.isFetchable() && isAvailable.test(topicPartition)) {
return result;
public synchronized boolean hasAutoAssignedPartitions() {
return this.subscriptionType == SubscriptionType.AUTO_TOPICS || this.subscriptionType == SubscriptionType.AUTO_PATTERN;
public synchronized void position(TopicPartition tp, FetchPosition position) {
* Enter the offset validation state if the leader for this partition is known to support a usable version of the
* OffsetsForLeaderEpoch API. If the leader node does not support the API, simply complete the offset validation.
* @param apiVersions supported API versions
* @param tp topic partition to validate
* @param leaderAndEpoch leader epoch of the topic partition
* @return true if we enter the offset validation state
public synchronized boolean maybeValidatePositionForCurrentLeader(ApiVersions apiVersions,
TopicPartition tp,
Metadata.LeaderAndEpoch leaderAndEpoch) {
if (leaderAndEpoch.leader.isPresent()) {
NodeApiVersions nodeApiVersions = apiVersions.get(leaderAndEpoch.leader.get().idString());
if (nodeApiVersions == null || hasUsableOffsetForLeaderEpochVersion(nodeApiVersions)) {
return assignedState(tp).maybeValidatePosition(leaderAndEpoch);
} else {
// If the broker does not support a newer version of OffsetsForLeaderEpoch, we skip validation
return false;
} else {
return assignedState(tp).maybeValidatePosition(leaderAndEpoch);
* Attempt to complete validation with the end offset returned from the OffsetForLeaderEpoch request.
* @return Log truncation details if detected and no reset policy is defined.
public synchronized Optional maybeCompleteValidation(TopicPartition tp,
FetchPosition requestPosition,
EpochEndOffset epochEndOffset) {
TopicPartitionState state = assignedStateOrNull(tp);
if (state == null) {
log.debug("Skipping completed validation for partition {} which is not currently assigned.", tp);
} else if (!state.awaitingValidation()) {
log.debug("Skipping completed validation for partition {} which is no longer expecting validation.", tp);
} else {
SubscriptionState.FetchPosition currentPosition = state.position;
if (!currentPosition.equals(requestPosition)) {
log.debug("Skipping completed validation for partition {} since the current position {} " +
"no longer matches the position {} when the request was sent",
tp, currentPosition, requestPosition);
} else if (epochEndOffset.hasUndefinedEpochOrOffset()) {
if (hasDefaultOffsetResetPolicy()) {"Truncation detected for partition {} at offset {}, resetting offset",
tp, currentPosition);
} else {
log.warn("Truncation detected for partition {} at offset {}, but no reset policy is set",
tp, currentPosition);
return Optional.of(new LogTruncation(tp, requestPosition, Optional.empty()));
} else if (epochEndOffset.endOffset() < currentPosition.offset) {
if (hasDefaultOffsetResetPolicy()) {
SubscriptionState.FetchPosition newPosition = new SubscriptionState.FetchPosition(
epochEndOffset.endOffset(), Optional.of(epochEndOffset.leaderEpoch()),
currentPosition.currentLeader);"Truncation detected for partition {} at offset {}, resetting offset to " +
"the first offset known to diverge {}", tp, currentPosition, newPosition);
} else {
OffsetAndMetadata divergentOffset = new OffsetAndMetadata(epochEndOffset.endOffset(),
Optional.of(epochEndOffset.leaderEpoch()), null);
log.warn("Truncation detected for partition {} at offset {} (the end offset from the " +
"broker is {}), but no reset policy is set",
tp, currentPosition, divergentOffset);
return Optional.of(new LogTruncation(tp, requestPosition, Optional.of(divergentOffset)));
} else {
return Optional.empty();
public synchronized boolean awaitingValidation(TopicPartition tp) {
return assignedState(tp).awaitingValidation();
public synchronized void completeValidation(TopicPartition tp) {
public synchronized FetchPosition validPosition(TopicPartition tp) {
return assignedState(tp).validPosition();
public synchronized FetchPosition position(TopicPartition tp) {
return assignedState(tp).position;
synchronized Long partitionLag(TopicPartition tp, IsolationLevel isolationLevel) {
TopicPartitionState topicPartitionState = assignedState(tp);
if (isolationLevel == IsolationLevel.READ_COMMITTED)
return topicPartitionState.lastStableOffset == null ? null : topicPartitionState.lastStableOffset - topicPartitionState.position.offset;
return topicPartitionState.highWatermark == null ? null : topicPartitionState.highWatermark - topicPartitionState.position.offset;
synchronized Long partitionLead(TopicPartition tp) {
TopicPartitionState topicPartitionState = assignedState(tp);
return topicPartitionState.logStartOffset == null ? null : topicPartitionState.position.offset - topicPartitionState.logStartOffset;
synchronized void updateHighWatermark(TopicPartition tp, long highWatermark) {
synchronized void updateLogStartOffset(TopicPartition tp, long logStartOffset) {
synchronized void updateLastStableOffset(TopicPartition tp, long lastStableOffset) {
* Set the preferred read replica with a lease timeout. After this time, the replica will no longer be valid and
* {@link #preferredReadReplica(TopicPartition, long)} will return an empty result.
* @param tp The topic partition
* @param preferredReadReplicaId The preferred read replica
* @param timeMs The time at which this preferred replica is no longer valid
public synchronized void updatePreferredReadReplica(TopicPartition tp, int preferredReadReplicaId, LongSupplier timeMs) {
assignedState(tp).updatePreferredReadReplica(preferredReadReplicaId, timeMs);
* Get the preferred read replica
* @param tp The topic partition
* @param timeMs The current time
* @return Returns the current preferred read replica, if it has been set and if it has not expired.
public synchronized Optional preferredReadReplica(TopicPartition tp, long timeMs) {
final TopicPartitionState topicPartitionState = assignedStateOrNull(tp);
if (topicPartitionState == null) {
return Optional.empty();
} else {
return topicPartitionState.preferredReadReplica(timeMs);
* Unset the preferred read replica. This causes the fetcher to go back to the leader for fetches.
* @param tp The topic partition
* @return true if the preferred read replica was set, false otherwise.
public synchronized Optional clearPreferredReadReplica(TopicPartition tp) {
return assignedState(tp).clearPreferredReadReplica();
public synchronized Map allConsumed() {
Map allConsumed = new HashMap<>();
assignment.forEach((topicPartition, partitionState) -> {
if (partitionState.hasValidPosition())
allConsumed.put(topicPartition, new OffsetAndMetadata(partitionState.position.offset,
partitionState.position.offsetEpoch, ""));
return allConsumed;
public synchronized void requestOffsetReset(TopicPartition partition, OffsetResetStrategy offsetResetStrategy) {
public synchronized void requestOffsetReset(Collection partitions, OffsetResetStrategy offsetResetStrategy) {
partitions.forEach(tp -> {"Seeking to {} offset of partition {}", offsetResetStrategy, tp);
public void requestOffsetReset(TopicPartition partition) {
requestOffsetReset(partition, defaultResetStrategy);
synchronized void setNextAllowedRetry(Set partitions, long nextAllowResetTimeMs) {
for (TopicPartition partition : partitions) {
boolean hasDefaultOffsetResetPolicy() {
return defaultResetStrategy != OffsetResetStrategy.NONE;
public synchronized boolean isOffsetResetNeeded(TopicPartition partition) {
return assignedState(partition).awaitingReset();
public synchronized OffsetResetStrategy resetStrategy(TopicPartition partition) {
return assignedState(partition).resetStrategy();
public synchronized boolean hasAllFetchPositions() {
// Since this is in the hot-path for fetching, we do this instead of using API
Iterator it = assignment.stateIterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
if (! {
return false;
return true;
public synchronized Set initializingPartitions() {
return collectPartitions(state -> state.fetchState.equals(FetchStates.INITIALIZING));
private Set collectPartitions(Predicate filter) {
Set result = new HashSet<>();
assignment.forEach((topicPartition, topicPartitionState) -> {
if (filter.test(topicPartitionState)) {
return result;
public synchronized void resetInitializingPositions() {
final Set partitionsWithNoOffsets = new HashSet<>();
assignment.forEach((tp, partitionState) -> {
if (partitionState.fetchState.equals(FetchStates.INITIALIZING)) {
if (defaultResetStrategy == OffsetResetStrategy.NONE)
if (!partitionsWithNoOffsets.isEmpty())
throw new NoOffsetForPartitionException(partitionsWithNoOffsets);
public synchronized Set partitionsNeedingReset(long nowMs) {
return collectPartitions(state -> state.awaitingReset() && !state.awaitingRetryBackoff(nowMs));
public synchronized Set partitionsNeedingValidation(long nowMs) {
return collectPartitions(state -> state.awaitingValidation() && !state.awaitingRetryBackoff(nowMs));
public synchronized boolean isAssigned(TopicPartition tp) {
return assignment.contains(tp);
public synchronized boolean isPaused(TopicPartition tp) {
TopicPartitionState assignedOrNull = assignedStateOrNull(tp);
return assignedOrNull != null && assignedOrNull.isPaused();
synchronized boolean isFetchable(TopicPartition tp) {
TopicPartitionState assignedOrNull = assignedStateOrNull(tp);
return assignedOrNull != null && assignedOrNull.isFetchable();
public synchronized boolean hasValidPosition(TopicPartition tp) {
TopicPartitionState assignedOrNull = assignedStateOrNull(tp);
return assignedOrNull != null && assignedOrNull.hasValidPosition();
public synchronized void pause(TopicPartition tp) {
public synchronized void resume(TopicPartition tp) {
synchronized void requestFailed(Set partitions, long nextRetryTimeMs) {
for (TopicPartition partition : partitions) {
// by the time the request failed, the assignment may no longer
// contain this partition any more, in which case we would just ignore.
final TopicPartitionState state = assignedStateOrNull(partition);
if (state != null)
synchronized void movePartitionToEnd(TopicPartition tp) {
public synchronized ConsumerRebalanceListener rebalanceListener() {
return rebalanceListener;
private static class TopicPartitionState {
private FetchState fetchState;
private FetchPosition position; // last consumed position
private Long highWatermark; // the high watermark from last fetch
private Long logStartOffset; // the log start offset
private Long lastStableOffset;
private boolean paused; // whether this partition has been paused by the user
private OffsetResetStrategy resetStrategy; // the strategy to use if the offset needs resetting
private Long nextRetryTimeMs;
private Integer preferredReadReplica;
private Long preferredReadReplicaExpireTimeMs;
TopicPartitionState() {
this.paused = false;
this.fetchState = FetchStates.INITIALIZING;
this.position = null;
this.highWatermark = null;
this.logStartOffset = null;
this.lastStableOffset = null;
this.resetStrategy = null;
this.nextRetryTimeMs = null;
this.preferredReadReplica = null;
private void transitionState(FetchState newState, Runnable runIfTransitioned) {
FetchState nextState = this.fetchState.transitionTo(newState);
if (nextState.equals(newState)) {
this.fetchState = nextState;;
if (this.position == null && nextState.requiresPosition()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Transitioned subscription state to " + nextState + ", but position is null");
} else if (!nextState.requiresPosition()) {
this.position = null;
private Optional preferredReadReplica(long timeMs) {
if (preferredReadReplicaExpireTimeMs != null && timeMs > preferredReadReplicaExpireTimeMs) {
preferredReadReplica = null;
return Optional.empty();
} else {
return Optional.ofNullable(preferredReadReplica);
private void updatePreferredReadReplica(int preferredReadReplica, LongSupplier timeMs) {
if (this.preferredReadReplica == null || preferredReadReplica != this.preferredReadReplica) {
this.preferredReadReplica = preferredReadReplica;
this.preferredReadReplicaExpireTimeMs = timeMs.getAsLong();
private Optional clearPreferredReadReplica() {
if (preferredReadReplica != null) {
int removedReplicaId = this.preferredReadReplica;
this.preferredReadReplica = null;
this.preferredReadReplicaExpireTimeMs = null;
return Optional.of(removedReplicaId);
} else {
return Optional.empty();
private void reset(OffsetResetStrategy strategy) {
transitionState(FetchStates.AWAIT_RESET, () -> {
this.resetStrategy = strategy;
this.nextRetryTimeMs = null;
* Check if the position exists and needs to be validated. If so, enter the AWAIT_VALIDATION state. This method
* also will update the position with the current leader and epoch.
* @param currentLeaderAndEpoch leader and epoch to compare the offset with
* @return true if the position is now awaiting validation
private boolean maybeValidatePosition(Metadata.LeaderAndEpoch currentLeaderAndEpoch) {
if (this.fetchState.equals(FetchStates.AWAIT_RESET)) {
return false;
if (!currentLeaderAndEpoch.leader.isPresent()) {
return false;
if (position != null && !position.currentLeader.equals(currentLeaderAndEpoch)) {
FetchPosition newPosition = new FetchPosition(position.offset, position.offsetEpoch, currentLeaderAndEpoch);
preferredReadReplica = null;
return this.fetchState.equals(FetchStates.AWAIT_VALIDATION);
* For older versions of the API, we cannot perform offset validation so we simply transition directly to FETCHING
private void updatePositionLeaderNoValidation(Metadata.LeaderAndEpoch currentLeaderAndEpoch) {
if (position != null) {
transitionState(FetchStates.FETCHING, () -> {
this.position = new FetchPosition(position.offset, position.offsetEpoch, currentLeaderAndEpoch);
this.nextRetryTimeMs = null;
private void validatePosition(FetchPosition position) {
if (position.offsetEpoch.isPresent() && position.currentLeader.epoch.isPresent()) {
transitionState(FetchStates.AWAIT_VALIDATION, () -> {
this.position = position;
this.nextRetryTimeMs = null;
} else {
// If we have no epoch information for the current position, then we can skip validation
transitionState(FetchStates.FETCHING, () -> {
this.position = position;
this.nextRetryTimeMs = null;
* Clear the awaiting validation state and enter fetching.
private void completeValidation() {
if (hasPosition()) {
transitionState(FetchStates.FETCHING, () -> this.nextRetryTimeMs = null);
private boolean awaitingValidation() {
return fetchState.equals(FetchStates.AWAIT_VALIDATION);
private boolean awaitingRetryBackoff(long nowMs) {
return nextRetryTimeMs != null && nowMs < nextRetryTimeMs;
private boolean awaitingReset() {
return fetchState.equals(FetchStates.AWAIT_RESET);
private void setNextAllowedRetry(long nextAllowedRetryTimeMs) {
this.nextRetryTimeMs = nextAllowedRetryTimeMs;
private void requestFailed(long nextAllowedRetryTimeMs) {
this.nextRetryTimeMs = nextAllowedRetryTimeMs;
private boolean hasValidPosition() {
return fetchState.hasValidPosition();
private boolean hasPosition() {
return position != null;
private boolean isPaused() {
return paused;
private void seekValidated(FetchPosition position) {
transitionState(FetchStates.FETCHING, () -> {
this.position = position;
this.resetStrategy = null;
this.nextRetryTimeMs = null;
private void seekUnvalidated(FetchPosition fetchPosition) {
private void position(FetchPosition position) {
if (!hasValidPosition())
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set a new position without a valid current position");
this.position = position;
private FetchPosition validPosition() {
if (hasValidPosition()) {
return position;
} else {
return null;
private void pause() {
this.paused = true;
private void resume() {
this.paused = false;
private boolean isFetchable() {
return !paused && hasValidPosition();
private void highWatermark(Long highWatermark) {
this.highWatermark = highWatermark;
private void logStartOffset(Long logStartOffset) {
this.logStartOffset = logStartOffset;
private void lastStableOffset(Long lastStableOffset) {
this.lastStableOffset = lastStableOffset;
private OffsetResetStrategy resetStrategy() {
return resetStrategy;
* The fetch state of a partition. This class is used to determine valid state transitions and expose the some of
* the behavior of the current fetch state. Actual state variables are stored in the {@link TopicPartitionState}.
interface FetchState {
default FetchState transitionTo(FetchState newState) {
if (validTransitions().contains(newState)) {
return newState;
} else {
return this;
* Return the valid states which this state can transition to
Collection validTransitions();
* Test if this state requires a position to be set
boolean requiresPosition();
* Test if this state is considered to have a valid position which can be used for fetching
boolean hasValidPosition();
* An enumeration of all the possible fetch states. The state transitions are encoded in the values returned by
* {@link FetchState#validTransitions}.
enum FetchStates implements FetchState {
public Collection validTransitions() {
return Arrays.asList(FetchStates.FETCHING, FetchStates.AWAIT_RESET, FetchStates.AWAIT_VALIDATION);
public boolean requiresPosition() {
return false;
public boolean hasValidPosition() {
return false;
public Collection validTransitions() {
return Arrays.asList(FetchStates.FETCHING, FetchStates.AWAIT_RESET, FetchStates.AWAIT_VALIDATION);
public boolean requiresPosition() {
return true;
public boolean hasValidPosition() {
return true;
public Collection validTransitions() {
return Arrays.asList(FetchStates.FETCHING, FetchStates.AWAIT_RESET);
public boolean requiresPosition() {
return false;
public boolean hasValidPosition() {
return false;
public Collection validTransitions() {
return Arrays.asList(FetchStates.FETCHING, FetchStates.AWAIT_RESET, FetchStates.AWAIT_VALIDATION);
public boolean requiresPosition() {
return true;
public boolean hasValidPosition() {
return false;
* Represents the position of a partition subscription.
* This includes the offset and epoch from the last record in
* the batch from a FetchResponse. It also includes the leader epoch at the time the batch was consumed.
public static class FetchPosition {
public final long offset;
final Optional offsetEpoch;
final Metadata.LeaderAndEpoch currentLeader;
FetchPosition(long offset) {
this(offset, Optional.empty(), Metadata.LeaderAndEpoch.noLeaderOrEpoch());
public FetchPosition(long offset, Optional offsetEpoch, Metadata.LeaderAndEpoch currentLeader) {
this.offset = offset;
this.offsetEpoch = Objects.requireNonNull(offsetEpoch);
this.currentLeader = Objects.requireNonNull(currentLeader);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
FetchPosition that = (FetchPosition) o;
return offset == that.offset &&
offsetEpoch.equals(that.offsetEpoch) &&
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(offset, offsetEpoch, currentLeader);
public String toString() {
return "FetchPosition{" +
"offset=" + offset +
", offsetEpoch=" + offsetEpoch +
", currentLeader=" + currentLeader +
public static class LogTruncation {
public final TopicPartition topicPartition;
public final FetchPosition fetchPosition;
public final Optional divergentOffsetOpt;
public LogTruncation(TopicPartition topicPartition,
FetchPosition fetchPosition,
Optional divergentOffsetOpt) {
this.topicPartition = topicPartition;
this.fetchPosition = fetchPosition;
this.divergentOffsetOpt = divergentOffsetOpt;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder bldr = new StringBuilder()
.append(", fetchOffset=")
.append(", fetchEpoch=")
if (divergentOffsetOpt.isPresent()) {
OffsetAndMetadata divergentOffset = divergentOffsetOpt.get();
bldr.append(", divergentOffset=")
.append(", divergentEpoch=")
} else {
bldr.append(", divergentOffset=unknown")
.append(", divergentEpoch=unknown");
return bldr.append(")").toString();
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