Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved. This program is made
* available under the terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_16LE;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLClientInfoException;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLPermission;
import java.sql.SQLWarning;
import java.sql.SQLXML;
import java.sql.Savepoint;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import javax.sql.XAConnection;
import org.ietf.jgss.GSSCredential;
import mssql.googlecode.cityhash.CityHash;
import mssql.googlecode.concurrentlinkedhashmap.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap;
import mssql.googlecode.concurrentlinkedhashmap.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap.Builder;
import mssql.googlecode.concurrentlinkedhashmap.EvictionListener;
* Provides an implementation java.sql.connection interface that assists creating a JDBC connection to SQL Server.
* SQLServerConnections support JDBC connection pooling and may be either physical JDBC connections or logical JDBC
* connections.
* SQLServerConnection manages transaction control for all statements that were created from it. SQLServerConnection may
* participate in XA distributed transactions managed via an XAResource adapter.
* SQLServerConnection instantiates a new TDSChannel object for use by itself and all statement objects that are created
* under this connection.
* SQLServerConnection manages a pool of prepared statement handles. Prepared statements are prepared once and typically
* executed many times with different data values for their parameters. Prepared statements are also maintained across
* logical (pooled) connection closes.
* SQLServerConnection is not thread safe, however multiple statements created from a single connection can be
* processing simultaneously in concurrent threads.
* This class's public functions need to be kept identical to the SQLServerConnectionPoolProxy's.
* The API javadoc for JDBC API methods that this class implements are not repeated here. Please see Sun's JDBC API
* interfaces javadoc for those details.
* NOTE: All the public functions in this class also need to be defined in SQLServerConnectionPoolProxy Declare all new
* custom (non-static) Public APIs in ISQLServerConnection interface such that they can also be implemented by
* SQLServerConnectionPoolProxy
public class SQLServerConnection implements ISQLServerConnection, {
* Always refresh SerialVersionUID when prompted
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1965647556064751510L;
long timerExpire;
boolean attemptRefreshTokenLocked = false;
* Thresholds related to when prepared statement handles are cleaned-up. 1 == immediately.
* The default for the prepared statement clean-up action threshold (i.e. when sp_unprepare is called).
static final int DEFAULT_SERVER_PREPARED_STATEMENT_DISCARD_THRESHOLD = 10; // Used to set the initial default, can
// be changed later.
private int serverPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold = -1; // Current limit for this particular connection.
* The default for if prepared statements should execute sp_executesql before following the prepare, unprepare
* pattern.
* Used to set the initial default, can be changed later. false == use sp_executesql -> sp_prepexec -> sp_execute ->
* batched -> sp_unprepare pattern, true == skip sp_executesql part of pattern.
private Boolean enablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall = null; // Current limit for this particular connection.
// Handle the actual queue of discarded prepared statements.
private ConcurrentLinkedQueue discardedPreparedStatementHandles = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
private AtomicInteger discardedPreparedStatementHandleCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
private SQLServerColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider keystoreProvider = null;
private boolean fedAuthRequiredByUser = false;
private boolean fedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponse = false;
private boolean federatedAuthenticationRequested = false;
private boolean federatedAuthenticationInfoRequested = false; // Keep this distinct from
// _federatedAuthenticationRequested, since some
// fedauth
// library types may not need more info
private FederatedAuthenticationFeatureExtensionData fedAuthFeatureExtensionData = null;
private String authenticationString = null;
private byte[] accessTokenInByte = null;
private SqlFedAuthToken fedAuthToken = null;
private String originalHostNameInCertificate = null;
private Boolean isAzure = null;
private Boolean isAzureDW = null;
private Boolean isAzureMI = null;
private SharedTimer sharedTimer;
* Return an existing cached SharedTimer associated with this Connection or create a new one.
* The SharedTimer will be released when the Connection is closed.
* @throws SQLServerException
SharedTimer getSharedTimer() throws SQLServerException {
if (state == State.Closed) {
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(null, null, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_connectionIsClosed"),
null, false);
if (null == sharedTimer) {
this.sharedTimer = SharedTimer.getTimer();
return this.sharedTimer;
static class CityHash128Key implements {
* Always refresh SerialVersionUID when prompted
private static final long serialVersionUID = 166788428640603097L;
String unhashedString;
private long[] segments;
private int hashCode;
CityHash128Key(String sql, String parametersDefinition) {
this(sql + parametersDefinition);
CityHash128Key(String s) {
unhashedString = s;
byte[] bytes = new byte[s.length()];
s.getBytes(0, s.length(), bytes, 0);
segments = CityHash.cityHash128(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof CityHash128Key))
return false;
return (java.util.Arrays.equals(segments, ((CityHash128Key) obj).segments)// checks if hash is equal,
// short-circuitting;
&& this.unhashedString.equals(((CityHash128Key) obj).unhashedString));// checks if string is equal
public int hashCode() {
if (0 == hashCode) {
hashCode = java.util.Arrays.hashCode(segments);
return hashCode;
* Keeps track of an individual prepared statement handle.
class PreparedStatementHandle {
private int handle = 0;
private final AtomicInteger handleRefCount = new AtomicInteger();
private boolean isDirectSql;
private volatile boolean evictedFromCache;
private volatile boolean explicitlyDiscarded;
private CityHash128Key key;
PreparedStatementHandle(CityHash128Key key, int handle, boolean isDirectSql, boolean isEvictedFromCache) {
this.key = key;
this.handle = handle;
this.isDirectSql = isDirectSql;
/** Has the statement been evicted from the statement handle cache. */
private boolean isEvictedFromCache() {
return evictedFromCache;
/** Specify whether the statement been evicted from the statement handle cache. */
private void setIsEvictedFromCache(boolean isEvictedFromCache) {
this.evictedFromCache = isEvictedFromCache;
/** Specify that this statement has been explicitly discarded from being used by the cache. */
void setIsExplicitlyDiscarded() {
this.explicitlyDiscarded = true;
/** Has the statement been explicitly discarded. */
private boolean isExplicitlyDiscarded() {
return explicitlyDiscarded;
/** Returns the actual handle. */
int getHandle() {
return handle;
/** Returns the cache key. */
CityHash128Key getKey() {
return key;
boolean isDirectSql() {
return isDirectSql;
* Makes sure handle cannot be re-used.
* @return false: Handle could not be discarded, it is in use. true: Handle was successfully put on path for
* discarding.
private boolean tryDiscardHandle() {
return handleRefCount.compareAndSet(0, -999);
/** Returns whether this statement has been discarded and can no longer be re-used. */
private boolean isDiscarded() {
return 0 > handleRefCount.intValue();
* Adds a new reference to this handle, i.e. re-using it.
* @return false: Reference could not be added, statement has been discarded or does not have a handle
* associated with it. true: Reference was successfully added.
boolean tryAddReference() {
return (isDiscarded() || isExplicitlyDiscarded()) ? false : handleRefCount.incrementAndGet() > 0;
/** Remove a reference from this handle */
void removeReference() {
/** Size of the parsed SQL-text metadata cache */
static final private int PARSED_SQL_CACHE_SIZE = 100;
/** Cache of parsed SQL meta data */
static private ConcurrentLinkedHashMap parsedSQLCache;
static {
parsedSQLCache = new Builder()
/** Returns prepared statement cache entry if exists, if not parse and create a new one */
static ParsedSQLCacheItem getCachedParsedSQL(CityHash128Key key) {
return parsedSQLCache.get(key);
/** Parses and create a information about parsed SQL text */
static ParsedSQLCacheItem parseAndCacheSQL(CityHash128Key key, String sql) throws SQLServerException {
JDBCSyntaxTranslator translator = new JDBCSyntaxTranslator();
String parsedSql = translator.translate(sql);
String procName = translator.getProcedureName(); // may return null
boolean returnValueSyntax = translator.hasReturnValueSyntax();
int[] parameterPositions = locateParams(parsedSql);
ParsedSQLCacheItem cacheItem = new ParsedSQLCacheItem(parsedSql, parameterPositions, procName,
parsedSQLCache.putIfAbsent(key, cacheItem);
return cacheItem;
/** Default size for prepared statement caches */
/** Size of the prepared statement handle cache */
private int statementPoolingCacheSize = DEFAULT_STATEMENT_POOLING_CACHE_SIZE;
/** Cache of prepared statement handles */
private ConcurrentLinkedHashMap preparedStatementHandleCache;
/** Cache of prepared statement parameter metadata */
private ConcurrentLinkedHashMap parameterMetadataCache;
* Checks whether statement pooling is enabled or disabled. The default is set to true;
private boolean disableStatementPooling = true;
* Locates statement parameters.
* @param sql
* SQL text to parse for positions of parameters to initialize.
private static int[] locateParams(String sql) {
LinkedList parameterPositions = new LinkedList<>();
// Locate the parameter placeholders in the SQL string.
int offset = -1;
while ((offset = ParameterUtils.scanSQLForChar('?', sql, ++offset)) < sql.length()) {
// return as int[]
* Encapsulates the data to be sent to the server as part of Federated Authentication Feature Extension.
class FederatedAuthenticationFeatureExtensionData implements Serializable {
* Always update serialVersionUID when prompted
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6709861741957202475L;
boolean fedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponse;
int libraryType = -1;
byte[] accessToken = null;
SqlAuthentication authentication = null;
FederatedAuthenticationFeatureExtensionData(int libraryType, String authenticationString,
boolean fedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponse) throws SQLServerException {
this.libraryType = libraryType;
this.fedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponse = fedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponse;
switch (authenticationString.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)) {
this.authentication = SqlAuthentication.ActiveDirectoryPassword;
this.authentication = SqlAuthentication.ActiveDirectoryIntegrated;
this.authentication = SqlAuthentication.ActiveDirectoryMSI;
assert (false);
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(
Object[] msgArgs = {"authentication", authenticationString};
throw new SQLServerException(null, form.format(msgArgs), null, 0, false);
FederatedAuthenticationFeatureExtensionData(int libraryType, boolean fedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponse,
byte[] accessToken) {
this.libraryType = libraryType;
this.fedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponse = fedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponse;
this.accessToken = accessToken;
class SqlFedAuthInfo {
String spn;
String stsurl;
public String toString() {
return "STSURL: " + stsurl + ", SPN: " + spn;
class ActiveDirectoryAuthentication {
static final String JDBC_FEDAUTH_CLIENT_ID = "7f98cb04-cd1e-40df-9140-3bf7e2cea4db";
static final String AZURE_REST_MSI_URL = "";
static final String ADAL_GET_ACCESS_TOKEN_FUNCTION_NAME = "ADALGetAccessToken";
static final String ACCESS_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER = "\"access_token\":\"";
static final String ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES_IN_IDENTIFIER = "\"expires_in\":\"";
static final String ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES_ON_IDENTIFIER = "\"expires_on\":\"";
static final String ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES_ON_DATE_FORMAT = "M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss a X";
static final int GET_ACCESS_TOKEN_SUCCESS = 0;
static final int GET_ACCESS_TOKEN_INVALID_GRANT = 1;
static final int GET_ACCESS_TOKEN_OTHER_ERROR = 3;
* Denotes the state of the SqlServerConnection.
private enum State {
Initialized, // default value on calling SQLServerConnection constructor
Connected, // indicates that the TCP connection has completed
Opened, // indicates that the prelogin, login have completed, the database session established and the
// connection is ready for use.
Closed // indicates that the connection has been closed.
private final static float TIMEOUTSTEP = 0.08F; // fraction of timeout to use for fast failover connections
private final static float TIMEOUTSTEP_TNIR = 0.125F;
final static int TnirFirstAttemptTimeoutMs = 500; // fraction of timeout to use for fast failover connections
* Connection state variables. NB If new state is added then logical connections derived from a physical connection
* must inherit the same state. If state variables are added they must be added also in connection cloning method
* clone()
private final static int INTERMITTENT_TLS_MAX_RETRY = 5;
// Indicates if we received a routing ENVCHANGE in the current connection attempt
private boolean isRoutedInCurrentAttempt = false;
// Contains the routing info received from routing ENVCHANGE
private ServerPortPlaceHolder routingInfo = null;
ServerPortPlaceHolder getRoutingInfo() {
return routingInfo;
// Permission targets
private static final String callAbortPerm = "callAbort";
private static final String SET_NETWORK_TIMEOUT_PERM = "setNetworkTimeout";
// see connection properties doc (default is false).
private boolean sendStringParametersAsUnicode = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.SEND_STRING_PARAMETERS_AS_UNICODE
private String hostName = null;
boolean sendStringParametersAsUnicode() {
return sendStringParametersAsUnicode;
private boolean lastUpdateCount; // see connection properties doc
final boolean useLastUpdateCount() {
return lastUpdateCount;
* Translates the serverName from Unicode to ASCII Compatible Encoding (ACE), as defined by the ToASCII operation of
* RFC 3490
private boolean serverNameAsACE = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.SERVER_NAME_AS_ACE.getDefaultValue();
boolean serverNameAsACE() {
return serverNameAsACE;
// see feature_connection_director_multi_subnet_JDBC.docx
private boolean multiSubnetFailover;
final boolean getMultiSubnetFailover() {
return multiSubnetFailover;
private boolean transparentNetworkIPResolution;
final boolean getTransparentNetworkIPResolution() {
return transparentNetworkIPResolution;
private ApplicationIntent applicationIntent = null;
final ApplicationIntent getApplicationIntent() {
return applicationIntent;
private int nLockTimeout; // see connection properties doc
private String selectMethod; // see connection properties doc 4.0 new property
final String getSelectMethod() {
return selectMethod;
private String responseBuffering;
final String getResponseBuffering() {
return responseBuffering;
private int queryTimeoutSeconds;
final int getQueryTimeoutSeconds() {
return queryTimeoutSeconds;
* Timeout value for canceling the query timeout.
private int cancelQueryTimeoutSeconds;
* Returns the cancelTimeout in seconds.
* @return
final int getCancelQueryTimeoutSeconds() {
return cancelQueryTimeoutSeconds;
private int socketTimeoutMilliseconds;
final int getSocketTimeoutMilliseconds() {
return socketTimeoutMilliseconds;
* boolean value for deciding if the driver should use bulk copy API for batch inserts.
private boolean useBulkCopyForBatchInsert;
* Returns the useBulkCopyForBatchInsert value.
* @return flag for using Bulk Copy API for batch insert operations.
public boolean getUseBulkCopyForBatchInsert() {
return useBulkCopyForBatchInsert;
* Specifies the flag for using Bulk Copy API for batch insert operations.
* @param useBulkCopyForBatchInsert
* boolean value for useBulkCopyForBatchInsert.
public void setUseBulkCopyForBatchInsert(boolean useBulkCopyForBatchInsert) {
this.useBulkCopyForBatchInsert = useBulkCopyForBatchInsert;
boolean userSetTNIR = true;
private boolean sendTimeAsDatetime = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.SEND_TIME_AS_DATETIME.getDefaultValue();
private boolean useFmtOnly = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.USE_FMT_ONLY.getDefaultValue();
public final boolean getSendTimeAsDatetime() {
return !isKatmaiOrLater() || sendTimeAsDatetime;
final int baseYear() {
return getSendTimeAsDatetime() ? TDS.BASE_YEAR_1970 : TDS.BASE_YEAR_1900;
private byte requestedEncryptionLevel = TDS.ENCRYPT_INVALID;
final byte getRequestedEncryptionLevel() {
assert TDS.ENCRYPT_INVALID != requestedEncryptionLevel;
return requestedEncryptionLevel;
private boolean trustServerCertificate;
final boolean trustServerCertificate() {
return trustServerCertificate;
private byte negotiatedEncryptionLevel = TDS.ENCRYPT_INVALID;
final byte getNegotiatedEncryptionLevel() {
assert TDS.ENCRYPT_INVALID != negotiatedEncryptionLevel;
return negotiatedEncryptionLevel;
private String trustManagerClass = null;
final String getTrustManagerClass() {
assert TDS.ENCRYPT_INVALID != requestedEncryptionLevel;
return trustManagerClass;
private String trustManagerConstructorArg = null;
final String getTrustManagerConstructorArg() {
assert TDS.ENCRYPT_INVALID != requestedEncryptionLevel;
return trustManagerConstructorArg;
String columnEncryptionSetting = null;
boolean isColumnEncryptionSettingEnabled() {
return (columnEncryptionSetting.equalsIgnoreCase(ColumnEncryptionSetting.Enabled.toString()));
String enclaveAttestationUrl = null;
String enclaveAttestationProtocol = null;
String keyStoreAuthentication = null;
String keyStoreSecret = null;
String keyStoreLocation = null;
private ColumnEncryptionVersion serverColumnEncryptionVersion = ColumnEncryptionVersion.AE_NotSupported;
private String enclaveType = null;
boolean getServerSupportsColumnEncryption() {
return (serverColumnEncryptionVersion.value() > ColumnEncryptionVersion.AE_NotSupported.value());
ColumnEncryptionVersion getServerColumnEncryptionVersion() {
return serverColumnEncryptionVersion;
private boolean serverSupportsDataClassification = false;
boolean getServerSupportsDataClassification() {
return serverSupportsDataClassification;
static Map globalSystemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders = new HashMap<>();
static {
if (System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).startsWith("windows")) {
SQLServerColumnEncryptionCertificateStoreProvider provider = new SQLServerColumnEncryptionCertificateStoreProvider();
globalSystemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders.put(provider.getName(), provider);
static Map globalCustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders = null;
// This is a per-connection store provider. It can be JKS or AKV.
Map systemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider = new HashMap<>();
* Registers key store providers in the globalCustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders.
* @param clientKeyStoreProviders
* a map containing the store providers information.
* @throws SQLServerException
* when an error occurs
public static synchronized void registerColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders(
Map clientKeyStoreProviders) throws SQLServerException {
loggerExternal.entering(SQLServerConnection.class.getName(), "registerColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders",
"Registering Column Encryption Key Store Providers");
if (null == clientKeyStoreProviders) {
throw new SQLServerException(null, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_CustomKeyStoreProviderMapNull"), null,
0, false);
if (null != globalCustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders) {
throw new SQLServerException(null, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_CustomKeyStoreProviderSetOnce"), null,
0, false);
globalCustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry entry : clientKeyStoreProviders.entrySet()) {
String providerName = entry.getKey();
if (null == providerName || 0 == providerName.length()) {
throw new SQLServerException(null, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_EmptyCustomKeyStoreProviderName"),
null, 0, false);
if ((providerName.substring(0, 6).equalsIgnoreCase(RESERVED_PROVIDER_NAME_PREFIX))) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(
Object[] msgArgs = {providerName, RESERVED_PROVIDER_NAME_PREFIX};
throw new SQLServerException(null, form.format(msgArgs), null, 0, false);
if (null == entry.getValue()) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(
Object[] msgArgs = {providerName, RESERVED_PROVIDER_NAME_PREFIX};
throw new SQLServerException(null, form.format(msgArgs), null, 0, false);
globalCustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
loggerExternal.exiting(SQLServerConnection.class.getName(), "registerColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders",
"Number of Key store providers that are registered:"
+ globalCustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders.size());
synchronized SQLServerColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider getGlobalSystemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider(
String providerName) {
return (null != globalSystemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders && globalSystemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders
.containsKey(providerName)) ? globalSystemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders.get(providerName) : null;
synchronized String getAllGlobalCustomSystemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders() {
return (null != globalCustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders) ? globalCustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders
.keySet().toString() : null;
synchronized String getAllSystemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders() {
String keyStores = "";
if (0 != systemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider.size())
keyStores = systemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider.keySet().toString();
if (0 != SQLServerConnection.globalSystemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders.size())
keyStores += "," + SQLServerConnection.globalSystemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders.keySet().toString();
return keyStores;
synchronized SQLServerColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider getGlobalCustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider(
String providerName) {
return (null != globalCustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders && globalCustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders
.containsKey(providerName)) ? globalCustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders.get(providerName) : null;
synchronized SQLServerColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider getSystemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider(
String providerName) {
return (null != systemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider && systemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider
.containsKey(providerName)) ? systemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider.get(providerName) : null;
synchronized SQLServerColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider getColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider(
String providerName) throws SQLServerException {
// Check for the connection provider first.
keystoreProvider = getSystemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider(providerName);
// There is no connection provider of this name, check for the global system providers.
if (null == keystoreProvider) {
keystoreProvider = getGlobalSystemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider(providerName);
// There is no global system provider of this name, check for the global custom providers.
if (null == keystoreProvider) {
keystoreProvider = getGlobalCustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider(providerName);
// No provider was found of this name.
if (null == keystoreProvider) {
String systemProviders = getAllSystemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders();
String customProviders = getAllGlobalCustomSystemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders();
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(
Object[] msgArgs = {providerName, systemProviders, customProviders};
throw new SQLServerException(form.format(msgArgs), null);
return keystoreProvider;
private String trustedServerNameAE = null;
private static Map> columnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths = new HashMap<>();
* Sets Trusted Master Key Paths in the columnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths.
* @param trustedKeyPaths
* all master key paths that are trusted
public static synchronized void setColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths(
Map> trustedKeyPaths) {
loggerExternal.entering(SQLServerConnection.class.getName(), "setColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths",
"Setting Trusted Master Key Paths");
// Use upper case for server and instance names.
for (Map.Entry> entry : trustedKeyPaths.entrySet()) {
columnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths.put(entry.getKey().toUpperCase(), entry.getValue());
loggerExternal.exiting(SQLServerConnection.class.getName(), "setColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths",
"Number of Trusted Master Key Paths: " + columnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths.size());
* Updates the columnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths with the new Server and trustedKeyPaths.
* @param server
* String server name
* @param trustedKeyPaths
* all master key paths that are trusted
public static synchronized void updateColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths(String server,
List trustedKeyPaths) {
loggerExternal.entering(SQLServerConnection.class.getName(), "updateColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths",
"Updating Trusted Master Key Paths");
// Use upper case for server and instance names.
columnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths.put(server.toUpperCase(), trustedKeyPaths);
loggerExternal.exiting(SQLServerConnection.class.getName(), "updateColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths",
"Number of Trusted Master Key Paths: " + columnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths.size());
* Removes the trusted Master key Path from the columnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths.
* @param server
* String server name
public static synchronized void removeColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths(String server) {
loggerExternal.entering(SQLServerConnection.class.getName(), "removeColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths",
"Removing Trusted Master Key Paths");
// Use upper case for server and instance names.
loggerExternal.exiting(SQLServerConnection.class.getName(), "removeColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths",
"Number of Trusted Master Key Paths: " + columnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths.size());
* Returns the Trusted Master Key Paths.
* @return columnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths.
public static synchronized Map> getColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths() {
loggerExternal.entering(SQLServerConnection.class.getName(), "getColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths",
"Getting Trusted Master Key Paths");
Map> masterKeyPathCopy = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry> entry : columnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths.entrySet()) {
masterKeyPathCopy.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
loggerExternal.exiting(SQLServerConnection.class.getName(), "getColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths",
"Number of Trusted Master Key Paths: " + masterKeyPathCopy.size());
return masterKeyPathCopy;
static synchronized List getColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths(String server, Boolean[] hasEntry) {
if (columnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths.containsKey(server)) {
hasEntry[0] = true;
return columnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths.get(server);
} else {
hasEntry[0] = false;
return null;
Properties activeConnectionProperties; // the active set of connection properties
private boolean integratedSecurity = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.INTEGRATED_SECURITY.getDefaultValue();
private boolean ntlmAuthentication = false;
private byte[] ntlmPasswordHash = null;
private AuthenticationScheme intAuthScheme = AuthenticationScheme.nativeAuthentication;
private GSSCredential impersonatedUserCred;
private boolean isUserCreatedCredential;
// This is the current connect place holder this should point one of the primary or failover place holder
ServerPortPlaceHolder currentConnectPlaceHolder = null;
String sqlServerVersion; // SQL Server version string
boolean xopenStates; // XOPEN or SQL 92 state codes?
private boolean databaseAutoCommitMode;
private boolean inXATransaction = false; // Set to true when in an XA transaction.
private byte[] transactionDescriptor = new byte[8];
* Flag (Yukon and later) set to true whenever a transaction is rolled back..The flag's value is reset to false when
* a new transaction starts or when the autoCommit mode changes.
private boolean rolledBackTransaction;
final boolean rolledBackTransaction() {
return rolledBackTransaction;
private State state = State.Initialized; // connection state
private void setState(State state) {
this.state = state;
* This function actually represents whether a database session is not open. The session is not available before the
* session is established and after the session is closed.
final boolean isSessionUnAvailable() {
return !(state.equals(State.Opened));
final static int maxDecimalPrecision = 38; // @@max_precision for SQL 2000 and 2005 is 38.
final static int defaultDecimalPrecision = 18;
final String traceID;
/** Limit for the size of data (in bytes) returned for value on this connection */
private int maxFieldSize; // default: 0 --> no limit
final void setMaxFieldSize(int limit) throws SQLServerException {
// assert limit >= 0;
if (maxFieldSize != limit) {
if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER) && Util.isActivityTraceOn()) {
loggerExternal.finer(toString() + " ActivityId: " + ActivityCorrelator.getNext().toString());
// If no limit on field size, set text size to max (2147483647), NOT default (0 --> 4K)
connectionCommand("SET TEXTSIZE " + ((0 == limit) ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : limit), "setMaxFieldSize");
maxFieldSize = limit;
* This function is used both to init the values on creation of connection and resetting the values after the
* connection is released to the pool for reuse.
final void initResettableValues() {
rolledBackTransaction = false;
transactionIsolationLevel = Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED;// default isolation level
maxFieldSize = 0; // default: 0 --> no limit
maxRows = 0; // default: 0 --> no limit
nLockTimeout = -1;
databaseAutoCommitMode = true;// auto commit mode
holdability = ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT;
sqlWarnings = null;
sCatalog = originalCatalog;
databaseMetaData = null;
/** Limit for the maximum number of rows returned from queries on this connection */
private int maxRows; // default: 0 --> no limit
final void setMaxRows(int limit) throws SQLServerException {
// assert limit >= 0;
if (maxRows != limit) {
if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER) && Util.isActivityTraceOn()) {
loggerExternal.finer(toString() + " ActivityId: " + ActivityCorrelator.getNext().toString());
connectionCommand("SET ROWCOUNT " + limit, "setMaxRows");
maxRows = limit;
private SQLCollation databaseCollation; // Default database collation read from ENVCHANGE_SQLCOLLATION token.
final SQLCollation getDatabaseCollation() {
return databaseCollation;
static private final AtomicInteger baseConnectionID = new AtomicInteger(0); // connection id dispenser
// This is the current catalog
private String sCatalog = "master"; // the database catalog
// This is the catalog immediately after login.
private String originalCatalog = "master";
private int transactionIsolationLevel;
private SQLServerPooledConnection pooledConnectionParent;
private SQLServerDatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData; // the meta data for this connection
private int nNextSavePointId = 10000; // first save point id
static final private java.util.logging.Logger connectionlogger = java.util.logging.Logger
static final private java.util.logging.Logger loggerExternal = java.util.logging.Logger
private final String loggingClassName;
* There are three ways to get a failover partner connection string, from the failover map, the connecting server
* returned the following variable only stores the serverReturned failver information.
private String failoverPartnerServerProvided = null;
private int holdability;
final int getHoldabilityInternal() {
return holdability;
* Default TDS packet size used after logon if no other value was set via the packetSize connection property. The
* value was chosen to take maximum advantage of SQL Server's default page size.
private int tdsPacketSize = TDS.INITIAL_PACKET_SIZE;
private int requestedPacketSize = TDS.DEFAULT_PACKET_SIZE;
final int getTDSPacketSize() {
return tdsPacketSize;
private TDSChannel tdsChannel;
private TDSCommand currentCommand = null;
private int tdsVersion = TDS.VER_UNKNOWN;
final boolean isKatmaiOrLater() {
assert TDS.VER_UNKNOWN != tdsVersion;
assert tdsVersion >= TDS.VER_YUKON;
return tdsVersion >= TDS.VER_KATMAI;
final boolean isDenaliOrLater() {
return tdsVersion >= TDS.VER_DENALI;
private int serverMajorVersion;
int getServerMajorVersion() {
return serverMajorVersion;
private SQLServerConnectionPoolProxy proxy;
private UUID clientConnectionId = null;
public UUID getClientConnectionId() throws SQLServerException {
// If the connection is closed, we do not allow external application to get
// ClientConnectionId.
return clientConnectionId;
* This function is called internally, e.g. when login process fails, we need to append the ClientConnectionId to
* error string.
final UUID getClientConIdInternal() {
return clientConnectionId;
final boolean attachConnId() {
return state.equals(State.Connected);
SQLServerConnection(String parentInfo) throws SQLServerException {
int connectionID = nextConnectionID(); // sequential connection id
traceID = "ConnectionID:" + connectionID;
loggingClassName = "" + connectionID;
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " created by (" + parentInfo + ")");
// Caching turned on?
if (!this.getDisableStatementPooling() && 0 < this.getStatementPoolingCacheSize()) {
void setFailoverPartnerServerProvided(String partner) {
failoverPartnerServerProvided = partner;
// after login this info should be added to the map
final void setAssociatedProxy(SQLServerConnectionPoolProxy proxy) {
this.proxy = proxy;
* Provides functionality to return a connection object to outside world. E.g. stmt.getConnection, these functions
* should return the proxy not the actual physical connection when the physical connection is pooled and the user
* should be accessing the connection functions via the proxy object.
final Connection getConnection() {
if (null != proxy)
return proxy;
return this;
final void resetPooledConnection() {
* Generates the next unique connection id.
* @return the next conn id
private static int nextConnectionID() {
return baseConnectionID.incrementAndGet(); // 4.04 Ensure thread safe id allocation
java.util.logging.Logger getConnectionLogger() {
return connectionlogger;
String getClassNameLogging() {
return loggingClassName;
* Provides a helper function to return an ID string suitable for tracing.
public String toString() {
if (null != clientConnectionId)
return traceID + " ClientConnectionId: " + clientConnectionId.toString();
return traceID;
* Checks if the connection is closed
* @throws SQLServerException
void checkClosed() throws SQLServerException {
if (isSessionUnAvailable()) {
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(null, null, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_connectionIsClosed"),
null, false);
* Returns if Federated Authentication is in use or is about to expire soon
* @return true/false
protected boolean needsReconnect() {
return (null != fedAuthToken && Util.checkIfNeedNewAccessToken(this, fedAuthToken.expiresOn));
* Returns if a string property is enabled.
* @param propName
* the string property name
* @param propValue
* the string property value.
* @return false if p == null (meaning take default).
* @return true if p == "true" (case-insensitive).
* @return false if p == "false" (case-insensitive).
* @exception SQLServerException
* thrown if value is not recognized.
private boolean isBooleanPropertyOn(String propName, String propValue) throws SQLServerException {
// Null means take the default of false.
if (null == propValue)
return false;
if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(propValue)) {
return true;
} else if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(propValue)) {
return false;
} else {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidBooleanValue"));
Object[] msgArgs = {propName};
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false);
return false;
* Maximum number of wide characters for a SQL login record name (such as instance name, application name, etc...).
* See TDS specification, "Login Data Validation Rules" section.
final static int MAX_SQL_LOGIN_NAME_WCHARS = 128;
* Validates propName against maximum allowed length MAX_SQL_LOGIN_NAME_WCHARS. Throws exception if name length
* exceeded.
* @param propName
* the name of the property.
* @param propValue
* the value of the property.
* @throws SQLServerException
void validateMaxSQLLoginName(String propName, String propValue) throws SQLServerException {
if (propValue != null && propValue.length() > MAX_SQL_LOGIN_NAME_WCHARS) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_propertyMaximumExceedsChars"));
Object[] msgArgs = {propName, Integer.toString(MAX_SQL_LOGIN_NAME_WCHARS)};
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false);
Connection connect(Properties propsIn, SQLServerPooledConnection pooledConnection) throws SQLServerException {
int loginTimeoutSeconds = 0; // Will be set during the first retry attempt.
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int retryAttempt = 0;;) {
try {
return connectInternal(propsIn, pooledConnection);
} catch (SQLServerException e) {
// Catch only the TLS 1.2 specific intermittent error.
if (SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_INTERMITTENT_TLS_FAILED != e.getDriverErrorCode()) {
// Re-throw all other exceptions.
throw e;
} else {
// Special handling of the retry logic for TLS 1.2 intermittent issue.
// If timeout is not set yet, set it once.
if (0 == retryAttempt) {
// We do not need to check for exceptions here, as the connection properties are already
// verified during the first try. Also, we would like to do this calculation
// only for the TLS 1.2 exception case.
// if the user does not specify a default timeout, default is 15 per spec
loginTimeoutSeconds = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.LOGIN_TIMEOUT.getDefaultValue();
String sPropValue = propsIn.getProperty(SQLServerDriverIntProperty.LOGIN_TIMEOUT.toString());
if (null != sPropValue && sPropValue.length() > 0) {
int sPropValueInt = Integer.parseInt(sPropValue);
if (0 != sPropValueInt) { // Use the default timeout in case of a zero value
loginTimeoutSeconds = sPropValueInt;
long elapsedSeconds = ((System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000L);
if (INTERMITTENT_TLS_MAX_RETRY < retryAttempt) {
// Re-throw the exception if we have reached the maximum retry attempts.
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
connectionlogger.fine("Connection failed during SSL handshake. Maximum retry attempt ("
+ INTERMITTENT_TLS_MAX_RETRY + ") reached. ");
throw e;
} else if (elapsedSeconds >= loginTimeoutSeconds) {
// Re-throw the exception if we do not have any time left to retry.
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
.fine("Connection failed during SSL handshake. Not retrying as timeout expired.");
throw e;
} else {
// Retry the connection.
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
"Connection failed during SSL handshake. Retrying due to an intermittent TLS 1.2 failure issue. Retry attempt = "
+ retryAttempt + ".");
private void registerKeyStoreProviderOnConnection(String keyStoreAuth, String keyStoreSecret,
String keyStoreLocation) throws SQLServerException {
if (null == keyStoreAuth) {
// secret and location must be null too.
if ((null != keyStoreSecret)) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(
Object[] msgArgs = {"keyStoreSecret"};
throw new SQLServerException(form.format(msgArgs), null);
if (null != keyStoreLocation) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(
Object[] msgArgs = {"keyStoreLocation"};
throw new SQLServerException(form.format(msgArgs), null);
} else {
KeyStoreAuthentication keyStoreAuthentication = KeyStoreAuthentication.valueOfString(keyStoreAuth);
switch (keyStoreAuthentication) {
case JavaKeyStorePassword:
// both secret and location must be set for JKS.
if ((null == keyStoreSecret) || (null == keyStoreLocation)) {
throw new SQLServerException(
SQLServerException.getErrString("R_keyStoreSecretOrLocationNotSet"), null);
} else {
SQLServerColumnEncryptionJavaKeyStoreProvider provider = new SQLServerColumnEncryptionJavaKeyStoreProvider(
keyStoreLocation, keyStoreSecret.toCharArray());
systemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider.put(provider.getName(), provider);
// valueOfString would throw an exception if the keyStoreAuthentication is not valid.
* Establish a physical database connection based on the user specified connection properties. Logon to the
* database.
* @param propsIn
* the connection properties
* @param pooledConnection
* a parent pooled connection if this is a logical connection
* @throws SQLServerException
* @return the database connection
Connection connectInternal(Properties propsIn,
SQLServerPooledConnection pooledConnection) throws SQLServerException {
try {
activeConnectionProperties = (Properties) propsIn.clone();
pooledConnectionParent = pooledConnection;
String hostNameInCertificate = activeConnectionProperties
* hostNameInCertificate property can change when redirection is involved, so maintain this value for every
* instance of SQLServerConnection.
if (null == originalHostNameInCertificate && null != hostNameInCertificate
&& !hostNameInCertificate.isEmpty()) {
originalHostNameInCertificate = activeConnectionProperties
* if hostNameInCertificate has a legitimate value (and not empty or null), reset hostNameInCertificate to
* the original value every time we connect (or re-connect).
if (null != originalHostNameInCertificate && !originalHostNameInCertificate.isEmpty()) {
String sPropKey;
String sPropValue;
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.USER.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null == sPropValue) {
sPropValue = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.USER.getDefaultValue();
activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, sPropValue);
validateMaxSQLLoginName(sPropKey, sPropValue);
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.PASSWORD.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null == sPropValue) {
sPropValue = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.PASSWORD.getDefaultValue();
activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, sPropValue);
validateMaxSQLLoginName(sPropKey, sPropValue);
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.DATABASE_NAME.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
validateMaxSQLLoginName(sPropKey, sPropValue);
// if the user does not specify a default timeout, default is 15 per spec
int loginTimeoutSeconds = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.LOGIN_TIMEOUT.getDefaultValue();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverIntProperty.LOGIN_TIMEOUT.toString());
if (null != sPropValue && sPropValue.length() > 0) {
try {
loginTimeoutSeconds = Integer.parseInt(sPropValue);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidTimeOut"));
Object[] msgArgs = {sPropValue};
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false);
if (loginTimeoutSeconds < 0 || loginTimeoutSeconds > 65535) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidTimeOut"));
Object[] msgArgs = {sPropValue};
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false);
// Translates the serverName from Unicode to ASCII Compatible Encoding (ACE), as defined by the ToASCII
// operation of RFC 3490.
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.SERVER_NAME_AS_ACE.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null == sPropValue) {
sPropValue = Boolean.toString(SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.SERVER_NAME_AS_ACE.getDefaultValue());
activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, sPropValue);
serverNameAsACE = isBooleanPropertyOn(sPropKey, sPropValue);
// get the server name from the properties if it has instance name in it, getProperty the instance name
// if there is a port number specified do not get the port number from the instance name
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.SERVER_NAME.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null == sPropValue) {
sPropValue = "localhost";
String sPropKeyPort = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.PORT_NUMBER.toString();
String sPropValuePort = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKeyPort);
int px = sPropValue.indexOf('\\');
String instanceValue = null;
String instanceNameProperty = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.INSTANCE_NAME.toString();
// found the instance name with the servername
if (px >= 0) {
instanceValue = sPropValue.substring(px + 1, sPropValue.length());
validateMaxSQLLoginName(instanceNameProperty, instanceValue);
sPropValue = sPropValue.substring(0, px);
trustedServerNameAE = sPropValue;
if (serverNameAsACE) {
try {
sPropValue =;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(
Object[] msgArgs = {"serverNameAsACE", sPropValue};
throw new SQLServerException(form.format(msgArgs), ex);
activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, sPropValue);
String instanceValueFromProp = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(instanceNameProperty);
// property takes precedence
if (null != instanceValueFromProp)
instanceValue = instanceValueFromProp;
if (instanceValue != null) {
validateMaxSQLLoginName(instanceNameProperty, instanceValue);
// only get port if the port is not specified
activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(instanceNameProperty, instanceValue);
trustedServerNameAE += "\\" + instanceValue;
if (null != sPropValuePort) {
trustedServerNameAE += ":" + sPropValuePort;
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.APPLICATION_NAME.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null != sPropValue)
validateMaxSQLLoginName(sPropKey, sPropValue);
activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, SQLServerDriver.DEFAULT_APP_NAME);
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.LAST_UPDATE_COUNT.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null == sPropValue) {
sPropValue = Boolean.toString(SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.LAST_UPDATE_COUNT.getDefaultValue());
activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, sPropValue);
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.COLUMN_ENCRYPTION.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null == sPropValue) {
sPropValue = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.COLUMN_ENCRYPTION.getDefaultValue();
activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, sPropValue);
columnEncryptionSetting = ColumnEncryptionSetting.valueOfString(sPropValue).toString();
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.ENCLAVE_ATTESTATION_URL.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null != sPropValue) {
enclaveAttestationUrl = sPropValue;
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.ENCLAVE_ATTESTATION_PROTOCOL.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null != sPropValue) {
enclaveAttestationProtocol = sPropValue;
if (!AttestationProtocol.isValidAttestationProtocol(enclaveAttestationProtocol)) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
connectionlogger.severe(toString() + " "
+ SQLServerException.getErrString("R_enclaveInvalidAttestationProtocol"));
throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_enclaveInvalidAttestationProtocol"),
// both enclaveAttestationUrl must be enclaveAttestationProtocol specified
if ((null != enclaveAttestationUrl && !enclaveAttestationUrl.isEmpty()
&& (null == enclaveAttestationProtocol || enclaveAttestationProtocol.isEmpty()))
|| (null != enclaveAttestationProtocol && !enclaveAttestationProtocol.isEmpty()
&& (null == enclaveAttestationUrl || enclaveAttestationUrl.isEmpty()))) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
toString() + " " + SQLServerException.getErrString("R_enclaveNoAttestationProtocol"));
throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_enclaveNoAttestationProtocol"), null);
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.KEY_STORE_AUTHENTICATION.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null != sPropValue) {
keyStoreAuthentication = KeyStoreAuthentication.valueOfString(sPropValue).toString();
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.KEY_STORE_SECRET.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null != sPropValue) {
keyStoreSecret = sPropValue;
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.KEY_STORE_LOCATION.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null != sPropValue) {
keyStoreLocation = sPropValue;
registerKeyStoreProviderOnConnection(keyStoreAuthentication, keyStoreSecret, keyStoreLocation);
if (null == globalCustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders) {
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.KEY_VAULT_PROVIDER_CLIENT_ID.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null != sPropValue) {
String keyVaultColumnEncryptionProviderClientId = sPropValue;
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.KEY_VAULT_PROVIDER_CLIENT_KEY.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null != sPropValue) {
String keyVaultColumnEncryptionProviderClientKey = sPropValue;
SQLServerColumnEncryptionAzureKeyVaultProvider akvProvider = new SQLServerColumnEncryptionAzureKeyVaultProvider(
keyVaultColumnEncryptionProviderClientId, keyVaultColumnEncryptionProviderClientKey);
Map keyStoreMap = new HashMap();
keyStoreMap.put(akvProvider.getName(), akvProvider);
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.MULTI_SUBNET_FAILOVER.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null == sPropValue) {
sPropValue = Boolean.toString(SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.MULTI_SUBNET_FAILOVER.getDefaultValue());
activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, sPropValue);
multiSubnetFailover = isBooleanPropertyOn(sPropKey, sPropValue);
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.TRANSPARENT_NETWORK_IP_RESOLUTION.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null == sPropValue) {
userSetTNIR = false;
sPropValue = Boolean
activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, sPropValue);
transparentNetworkIPResolution = isBooleanPropertyOn(sPropKey, sPropValue);
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.ENCRYPT.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null == sPropValue) {
sPropValue = Boolean.toString(SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.ENCRYPT.getDefaultValue());
activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, sPropValue);
// Set requestedEncryptionLevel according to the value of the encrypt connection property
requestedEncryptionLevel = isBooleanPropertyOn(sPropKey, sPropValue) ? TDS.ENCRYPT_ON : TDS.ENCRYPT_OFF;
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.TRUST_SERVER_CERTIFICATE.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null == sPropValue) {
sPropValue = Boolean
activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, sPropValue);
trustServerCertificate = isBooleanPropertyOn(sPropKey, sPropValue);
trustManagerClass = activeConnectionProperties
trustManagerConstructorArg = activeConnectionProperties
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.SELECT_METHOD.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null == sPropValue) {
sPropValue = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.SELECT_METHOD.getDefaultValue();
if ("cursor".equalsIgnoreCase(sPropValue) || "direct".equalsIgnoreCase(sPropValue)) {
sPropValue = sPropValue.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, sPropValue);
selectMethod = sPropValue;
} else {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidselectMethod"));
Object[] msgArgs = {sPropValue};
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false);
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.RESPONSE_BUFFERING.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null == sPropValue) {
sPropValue = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.RESPONSE_BUFFERING.getDefaultValue();
if ("full".equalsIgnoreCase(sPropValue) || "adaptive".equalsIgnoreCase(sPropValue)) {
activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, sPropValue.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH));
} else {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidresponseBuffering"));
Object[] msgArgs = {sPropValue};
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false);
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.APPLICATION_INTENT.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null == sPropValue) {
sPropValue = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.APPLICATION_INTENT.getDefaultValue();
applicationIntent = ApplicationIntent.valueOfString(sPropValue);
activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, applicationIntent.toString());
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.SEND_TIME_AS_DATETIME.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null == sPropValue) {
sPropValue = Boolean.toString(SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.SEND_TIME_AS_DATETIME.getDefaultValue());
activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, sPropValue);
sendTimeAsDatetime = isBooleanPropertyOn(sPropKey, sPropValue);
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.USE_FMT_ONLY.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null == sPropValue) {
sPropValue = Boolean.toString(SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.USE_FMT_ONLY.getDefaultValue());
activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, sPropValue);
useFmtOnly = isBooleanPropertyOn(sPropKey, sPropValue);
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.STATEMENT_POOLING_CACHE_SIZE.toString();
if (activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey) != null
&& activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey).length() > 0) {
try {
int n = Integer.parseInt(activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(
Object[] msgArgs = {activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey)};
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false);
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.DISABLE_STATEMENT_POOLING.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null != sPropValue) {
setDisableStatementPooling(isBooleanPropertyOn(sPropKey, sPropValue));
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.INTEGRATED_SECURITY.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null != sPropValue) {
integratedSecurity = isBooleanPropertyOn(sPropKey, sPropValue);
// Ignore authenticationScheme setting if integrated authentication not specified
if (integratedSecurity) {
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null != sPropValue) {
intAuthScheme = AuthenticationScheme.valueOfString(sPropValue);
if (intAuthScheme == AuthenticationScheme.javaKerberos) {
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverObjectProperty.GSS_CREDENTIAL.toString();
if (activeConnectionProperties.containsKey(sPropKey)) {
impersonatedUserCred = (GSSCredential) activeConnectionProperties.get(sPropKey);
isUserCreatedCredential = true;
} else if (intAuthScheme == AuthenticationScheme.ntlm) {
String sPropKeyDomain = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.DOMAIN.toString();
String sPropValueDomain = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKeyDomain);
if (null == sPropValueDomain) {
// NTLM and no user or password
if (activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.USER.toString()).isEmpty()
|| activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.PASSWORD.toString())
.isEmpty()) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
toString() + " " + SQLServerException.getErrString("R_NtlmNoUserPasswordDomain"));
throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_NtlmNoUserPasswordDomain"), null);
ntlmAuthentication = true;
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.AUTHENTICATION.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null == sPropValue) {
sPropValue = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.AUTHENTICATION.getDefaultValue();
authenticationString = SqlAuthentication.valueOfString(sPropValue).toString().trim();
if (integratedSecurity
&& !authenticationString.equalsIgnoreCase(SqlAuthentication.NotSpecified.toString())) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
connectionlogger.severe(toString() + " "
+ SQLServerException.getErrString("R_SetAuthenticationWhenIntegratedSecurityTrue"));
throw new SQLServerException(
SQLServerException.getErrString("R_SetAuthenticationWhenIntegratedSecurityTrue"), null);
if (authenticationString.equalsIgnoreCase(SqlAuthentication.ActiveDirectoryIntegrated.toString())
&& ((!activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.USER.toString())
|| (!activeConnectionProperties
.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.PASSWORD.toString()).isEmpty()))) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
connectionlogger.severe(toString() + " "
+ SQLServerException.getErrString("R_IntegratedAuthenticationWithUserPassword"));
throw new SQLServerException(
SQLServerException.getErrString("R_IntegratedAuthenticationWithUserPassword"), null);
if (authenticationString.equalsIgnoreCase(SqlAuthentication.ActiveDirectoryPassword.toString())
&& ((activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.USER.toString())
|| (activeConnectionProperties
.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.PASSWORD.toString()).isEmpty()))) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
toString() + " " + SQLServerException.getErrString("R_NoUserPasswordForActivePassword"));
throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_NoUserPasswordForActivePassword"),
if (authenticationString.equalsIgnoreCase(SqlAuthentication.ActiveDirectoryMSI.toString())
&& ((!activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.USER.toString())
|| (!activeConnectionProperties
.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.PASSWORD.toString()).isEmpty()))) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
toString() + " " + SQLServerException.getErrString("R_MSIAuthenticationWithUserPassword"));
throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_MSIAuthenticationWithUserPassword"),
if (authenticationString.equalsIgnoreCase(SqlAuthentication.SqlPassword.toString())
&& ((activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.USER.toString())
|| (activeConnectionProperties
.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.PASSWORD.toString()).isEmpty()))) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
toString() + " " + SQLServerException.getErrString("R_NoUserPasswordForSqlPassword"));
throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_NoUserPasswordForSqlPassword"), null);
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.ACCESS_TOKEN.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null != sPropValue) {
accessTokenInByte = sPropValue.getBytes(UTF_16LE);
if ((null != accessTokenInByte) && 0 == accessTokenInByte.length) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
.severe(toString() + " " + SQLServerException.getErrString("R_AccessTokenCannotBeEmpty"));
throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_AccessTokenCannotBeEmpty"), null);
if (integratedSecurity && (null != accessTokenInByte)) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
connectionlogger.severe(toString() + " "
+ SQLServerException.getErrString("R_SetAccesstokenWhenIntegratedSecurityTrue"));
throw new SQLServerException(
SQLServerException.getErrString("R_SetAccesstokenWhenIntegratedSecurityTrue"), null);
if ((!authenticationString.equalsIgnoreCase(SqlAuthentication.NotSpecified.toString()))
&& (null != accessTokenInByte)) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
connectionlogger.severe(toString() + " "
+ SQLServerException.getErrString("R_SetBothAuthenticationAndAccessToken"));
throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_SetBothAuthenticationAndAccessToken"),
if ((null != accessTokenInByte) && ((!activeConnectionProperties
|| (!activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.PASSWORD.toString())
.isEmpty()))) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
toString() + " " + SQLServerException.getErrString("R_AccessTokenWithUserPassword"));
throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_AccessTokenWithUserPassword"), null);
// Turn off TNIR for FedAuth if user did not set TNIR explicitly
if (!userSetTNIR && (!authenticationString.equalsIgnoreCase(SqlAuthentication.NotSpecified.toString())
|| null != accessTokenInByte)) {
transparentNetworkIPResolution = false;
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.WORKSTATION_ID.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
validateMaxSQLLoginName(sPropKey, sPropValue);
int nPort = 0;
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.PORT_NUMBER.toString();
try {
String strPort = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null != strPort) {
nPort = Integer.parseInt(strPort);
if ((nPort < 0) || (nPort > 65535)) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidPortNumber"));
Object[] msgArgs = {Integer.toString(nPort)};
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidPortNumber"));
Object[] msgArgs = {activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey)};
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false);
// Handle optional packetSize property
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.PACKET_SIZE.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null != sPropValue && sPropValue.length() > 0) {
try {
requestedPacketSize = Integer.parseInt(sPropValue);
// -1 --> Use server default
if (-1 == requestedPacketSize)
requestedPacketSize = TDS.SERVER_PACKET_SIZE;
// 0 --> Use maximum size
else if (0 == requestedPacketSize)
requestedPacketSize = TDS.MAX_PACKET_SIZE;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// Ensure that an invalid prop value results in an invalid packet size that
// is not acceptable to the server.
requestedPacketSize = TDS.INVALID_PACKET_SIZE;
if (TDS.SERVER_PACKET_SIZE != requestedPacketSize) {
// Complain if the packet size is not in the range acceptable to the server.
if (requestedPacketSize < TDS.MIN_PACKET_SIZE || requestedPacketSize > TDS.MAX_PACKET_SIZE) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidPacketSize"));
Object[] msgArgs = {sPropValue};
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false);
// Note isBooleanPropertyOn will throw exception if parsed value is not valid.
// have to check for null before calling isBooleanPropertyOn, because isBooleanPropertyOn
// assumes that the null property defaults to false.
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.SEND_STRING_PARAMETERS_AS_UNICODE.toString();
sendStringParametersAsUnicode = (null == activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(
sPropKey)) ? SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.SEND_STRING_PARAMETERS_AS_UNICODE.getDefaultValue()
: isBooleanPropertyOn(sPropKey, activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey));
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.LAST_UPDATE_COUNT.toString();
lastUpdateCount = isBooleanPropertyOn(sPropKey, activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey));
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.XOPEN_STATES.toString();
xopenStates = isBooleanPropertyOn(sPropKey, activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey));
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.RESPONSE_BUFFERING.toString();
responseBuffering = (null != activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey)
&& activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey).length() > 0)
? activeConnectionProperties
: null;
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.LOCK_TIMEOUT.toString();
int defaultLockTimeOut = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.LOCK_TIMEOUT.getDefaultValue();
nLockTimeout = defaultLockTimeOut; // Wait forever
if (activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey) != null
&& activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey).length() > 0) {
try {
int n = Integer.parseInt(activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey));
if (n >= defaultLockTimeOut)
nLockTimeout = n;
else {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidLockTimeOut"));
Object[] msgArgs = {activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey)};
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidLockTimeOut"));
Object[] msgArgs = {activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey)};
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false);
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.QUERY_TIMEOUT.toString();
int defaultQueryTimeout = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.QUERY_TIMEOUT.getDefaultValue();
queryTimeoutSeconds = defaultQueryTimeout; // Wait forever
if (activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey) != null
&& activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey).length() > 0) {
try {
int n = Integer.parseInt(activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey));
if (n >= defaultQueryTimeout) {
queryTimeoutSeconds = n;
} else {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(
Object[] msgArgs = {activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey)};
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidQueryTimeout"));
Object[] msgArgs = {activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey)};
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false);
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.SOCKET_TIMEOUT.toString();
int defaultSocketTimeout = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.SOCKET_TIMEOUT.getDefaultValue();
socketTimeoutMilliseconds = defaultSocketTimeout; // Wait forever
if (activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey) != null
&& activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey).length() > 0) {
try {
int n = Integer.parseInt(activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey));
if (n >= defaultSocketTimeout) {
socketTimeoutMilliseconds = n;
} else {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(
Object[] msgArgs = {activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey)};
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidSocketTimeout"));
Object[] msgArgs = {activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey)};
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false);
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.CANCEL_QUERY_TIMEOUT.toString();
int cancelQueryTimeout = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.CANCEL_QUERY_TIMEOUT.getDefaultValue();
if (activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey) != null
&& activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey).length() > 0) {
try {
int n = Integer.parseInt(activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey));
if (n >= cancelQueryTimeout) {
// use cancelQueryTimeout only if queryTimeout is set.
if (queryTimeoutSeconds > defaultQueryTimeout) {
cancelQueryTimeoutSeconds = n;
} else {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(
Object[] msgArgs = {activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey)};
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(
Object[] msgArgs = {activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey)};
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false);
if (activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey) != null
&& activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey).length() > 0) {
try {
int n = Integer.parseInt(activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(
Object[] msgArgs = {activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey)};
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false);
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.ENABLE_PREPARE_ON_FIRST_PREPARED_STATEMENT.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null != sPropValue) {
setEnablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall(isBooleanPropertyOn(sPropKey, sPropValue));
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverBooleanProperty.USE_BULK_COPY_FOR_BATCH_INSERT.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null != sPropValue) {
useBulkCopyForBatchInsert = isBooleanPropertyOn(sPropKey, sPropValue);
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.SSL_PROTOCOL.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null == sPropValue) {
sPropValue = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.SSL_PROTOCOL.getDefaultValue();
activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, sPropValue);
} else {
activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, SSLProtocol.valueOfString(sPropValue).toString());
sPropKey = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.MSI_CLIENT_ID.toString();
sPropValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(sPropKey);
if (null != sPropValue) {
activeConnectionProperties.setProperty(sPropKey, sPropValue);
FailoverInfo fo = null;
String databaseNameProperty = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.DATABASE_NAME.toString();
String serverNameProperty = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.SERVER_NAME.toString();
String failOverPartnerProperty = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.FAILOVER_PARTNER.toString();
String failOverPartnerPropertyValue = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(failOverPartnerProperty);
// failoverPartner and multiSubnetFailover=true cannot be used together
if (multiSubnetFailover && failOverPartnerPropertyValue != null) {
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this,
SQLServerException.getErrString("R_dbMirroringWithMultiSubnetFailover"), null, false);
// transparentNetworkIPResolution is ignored if multiSubnetFailover or DBMirroring is true and user did not
// set TNIR explicitly
if ((multiSubnetFailover || null != failOverPartnerPropertyValue) && !userSetTNIR) {
transparentNetworkIPResolution = false;
// failoverPartner and applicationIntent=ReadOnly cannot be used together
if ((applicationIntent != null) && applicationIntent.equals(ApplicationIntent.READ_ONLY)
&& failOverPartnerPropertyValue != null) {
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this,
SQLServerException.getErrString("R_dbMirroringWithReadOnlyIntent"), null, false);
// check to see failover specified without DB error here if not.
if (null != activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(databaseNameProperty)) {
// look to see if there exists a failover
fo = FailoverMapSingleton.getFailoverInfo(this,
} else {
// it is an error to specify failover without db.
if (null != failOverPartnerPropertyValue)
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this,
SQLServerException.getErrString("R_failoverPartnerWithoutDB"), null, true);
String mirror = (null == fo) ? failOverPartnerPropertyValue : null;
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
login(activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(serverNameProperty), instanceValue, nPort, mirror, fo,
loginTimeoutSeconds, startTime);
// If SSL is to be used for the duration of the connection, then make sure
// that the final negotiated TDS packet size is no larger than the SSL record size.
if (TDS.ENCRYPT_ON == negotiatedEncryptionLevel || TDS.ENCRYPT_REQ == negotiatedEncryptionLevel) {
// IBM (Websphere) security provider uses 8K SSL record size. All others use 16K.
int sslRecordSize = Util.isIBM() ? 8192 : 16384;
if (tdsPacketSize > sslRecordSize) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " Negotiated tdsPacketSize " + tdsPacketSize
+ " is too large for SSL with JRE " + Util.SYSTEM_JRE + " (max size is " + sslRecordSize
+ ")");
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_packetSizeTooBigForSSL"));
Object[] msgArgs = {Integer.toString(sslRecordSize)};
terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CONFIG, form.format(msgArgs));
state = State.Opened;
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " End of connect");
} finally {
// once we exit the connect function, the connection can be only in one of two
// states, Opened or Closed(if an exception occurred)
if (!state.equals(State.Opened)) {
// if connection is not closed, close it
if (!state.equals(State.Closed))
return this;
* This function is used by non failover and failover cases. Even when we make a standard connection the server can
* provide us with its FO partner. If no FO information is available a standard connection is made. If the server
* returns a failover upon connection, we shall store the FO in our cache.
private void login(String primary, String primaryInstanceName, int primaryPortNumber, String mirror,
FailoverInfo foActual, int timeout, long timerStart) throws SQLServerException {
// standardLogin would be false only for db mirroring scenarios. It would be true
// for all other cases, including multiSubnetFailover
final boolean isDBMirroring = null != mirror || null != foActual;
int sleepInterval = 100; // milliseconds to sleep (back off) between attempts.
long timeoutUnitInterval;
boolean useFailoverHost = false;
FailoverInfo tempFailover = null;
// This is the failover server info place holder
ServerPortPlaceHolder currentFOPlaceHolder = null;
// This is the primary server placeHolder
ServerPortPlaceHolder currentPrimaryPlaceHolder = null;
if (null != foActual) {
tempFailover = foActual;
useFailoverHost = foActual.getUseFailoverPartner();
} else {
if (isDBMirroring) {
// Create a temporary class with the mirror info from the user
tempFailover = new FailoverInfo(mirror, this, false);
// useParallel is set to true only for the first connection
// when multiSubnetFailover is set to true. In all other cases, it is set
// to false.
boolean useParallel = getMultiSubnetFailover();
boolean useTnir = getTransparentNetworkIPResolution();
long intervalExpire;
if (0 == timeout) {
timeout = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.LOGIN_TIMEOUT.getDefaultValue();
long timerTimeout = timeout * 1000L; // ConnectTimeout is in seconds, we need timer millis
timerExpire = timerStart + timerTimeout;
// For non-dbmirroring, non-tnir and non-multisubnetfailover scenarios, full time out would be used as time
// slice.
if (isDBMirroring || useParallel) {
timeoutUnitInterval = (long) (TIMEOUTSTEP * timerTimeout);
} else if (useTnir) {
timeoutUnitInterval = (long) (TIMEOUTSTEP_TNIR * timerTimeout);
} else {
timeoutUnitInterval = timerTimeout;
intervalExpire = timerStart + timeoutUnitInterval;
// This is needed when the host resolves to more than 64 IP addresses. In that case, TNIR is ignored
// and the original timeout is used instead of the timeout slice.
long intervalExpireFullTimeout = timerStart + timerTimeout;
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " Start time: " + timerStart + " Time out time: " + timerExpire
+ " Timeout Unit Interval: " + timeoutUnitInterval);
// Initialize loop variables
int attemptNumber = 0;
// indicates the no of times the connection was routed to a different server
int noOfRedirections = 0;
// Only three ways out of this loop:
// 1) Successfully connected
// 2) Parser threw exception while main timer was expired
// 3) Parser threw logon failure-related exception (LOGON_FAILED, PASSWORD_EXPIRED, etc)
// Of these methods, only #1 exits normally. This preserves the call stack on the exception
// back into the parser for the error cases.
while (true) {
clientConnectionId = null;
state = State.Initialized;
try {
if (isDBMirroring && useFailoverHost) {
if (null == currentFOPlaceHolder) {
// integrated security flag passed here to verify that the linked dll can be loaded
currentFOPlaceHolder = tempFailover.failoverPermissionCheck(this, integratedSecurity);
currentConnectPlaceHolder = currentFOPlaceHolder;
} else {
if (routingInfo != null) {
currentPrimaryPlaceHolder = routingInfo;
routingInfo = null;
} else if (null == currentPrimaryPlaceHolder) {
currentPrimaryPlaceHolder = primaryPermissionCheck(primary, primaryInstanceName,
currentConnectPlaceHolder = currentPrimaryPlaceHolder;
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
.fine(toString() + " This attempt server name: " + currentConnectPlaceHolder.getServerName()
+ " port: " + currentConnectPlaceHolder.getPortNumber() + " InstanceName: "
+ currentConnectPlaceHolder.getInstanceName() + " useParallel: " + useParallel);
connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " This attempt endtime: " + intervalExpire);
connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " This attempt No: " + attemptNumber);
// Attempt login. Use Place holder to make sure that the failoverdemand is done.
connectHelper(currentConnectPlaceHolder, timerRemaining(intervalExpire), timeout, useParallel, useTnir,
(0 == attemptNumber), // is this the TNIR first attempt
timerRemaining(intervalExpireFullTimeout)); // Only used when host resolves to >64 IPs
if (isRoutedInCurrentAttempt) {
// we ignore the failoverpartner ENVCHANGE if we got routed so no error needs to be thrown
if (isDBMirroring) {
String msg = SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidRoutingInfo");
terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CONFIG, msg);
if (noOfRedirections > 1) {
String msg = SQLServerException.getErrString("R_multipleRedirections");
terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CONFIG, msg);
// close tds channel
if (tdsChannel != null)
// reset all params that could have been changed due to ENVCHANGE tokens
// to defaults, excluding those changed due to routing ENVCHANGE token
// increase the attempt number. This is not really necessary
// (in fact it does not matter whether we increase it or not) as
// we do not use any timeslicing for multisubnetfailover. However, this
// is done just to be consistent with the rest of the logic.
// set isRoutedInCurrentAttempt to false for the next attempt
isRoutedInCurrentAttempt = false;
// useParallel and useTnir should be set to false once we get routed
useParallel = false;
useTnir = false;
// When connection is routed for read only application, remaining timer duration is used as a one
// full interval
intervalExpire = timerExpire;
// if timeout expired, throw.
if (timerHasExpired(timerExpire)) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(
Object[] msgArgs = {currentConnectPlaceHolder.getServerName(),
String msg = form.format(msgArgs);
terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CONFIG, msg);
} else {
} else
break; // leave the while loop -- we've successfully connected
} catch (SQLServerException sqlex) {
if ((SQLServerException.LOGON_FAILED == sqlex.getErrorCode()) // actual logon failed, i.e. bad password
|| (SQLServerException.PASSWORD_EXPIRED == sqlex.getErrorCode()) // actual logon failed, i.e.
// password isExpired
|| (SQLServerException.USER_ACCOUNT_LOCKED == sqlex.getErrorCode()) // actual logon failed, i.e.
// user account locked
|| (SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_INVALID_TDS == sqlex.getDriverErrorCode()) // invalid TDS
// received from
// server
|| (SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_SSL_FAILED == sqlex.getDriverErrorCode()) // failure
// negotiating SSL
|| (SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_INTERMITTENT_TLS_FAILED == sqlex.getDriverErrorCode()) // failure
// TLS1.2
|| (SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CONFIG == sqlex.getDriverErrorCode()) // unsupported
// configuration
// (e.g.
// Sphinx,
// invalid
// packet
// size,
// etc.)
|| (SQLServerException.ERROR_SOCKET_TIMEOUT == sqlex.getDriverErrorCode()) // socket timeout
// ocurred
|| timerHasExpired(timerExpire)// no more time to try again
|| (state.equals(State.Connected) && !isDBMirroring)
// for non-dbmirroring cases, do not retry after tcp socket connection succeeds
) {
// close the connection and throw the error back
throw sqlex;
} else {
// Close the TDS channel from the failed connection attempt so that we don't
// hold onto network resources any longer than necessary.
if (null != tdsChannel)
// For standard connections and MultiSubnetFailover connections, change the sleep interval after every
// attempt.
// For DB Mirroring, we only sleep after every other attempt.
if (!isDBMirroring || 1 == attemptNumber % 2) {
// Check sleep interval to make sure we won't exceed the timeout
// Do this in the catch block so we can re-throw the current exception
long remainingMilliseconds = timerRemaining(timerExpire);
if (remainingMilliseconds <= sleepInterval) {
throw sqlex;
// We only get here when we failed to connect, but are going to re-try
// After trying to connect to both servers fails, sleep for a bit to prevent clogging
// the network with requests, then update sleep interval for next iteration (max 1 second interval)
// We have to sleep for every attempt in case of non-dbMirroring scenarios (including multisubnetfailover),
// Whereas for dbMirroring, we sleep for every two attempts as each attempt is to a different server.
if (!isDBMirroring || (1 == attemptNumber % 2)) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " sleeping milisec: " + sleepInterval);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// re-interrupt the current thread, in order to restore the thread's interrupt status.
sleepInterval = (sleepInterval < 500) ? sleepInterval * 2 : 1000;
// Update timeout interval (but no more than the point where we're supposed to fail: timerExpire)
if (useParallel) {
intervalExpire = System.currentTimeMillis() + (timeoutUnitInterval * (attemptNumber + 1));
} else if (isDBMirroring) {
intervalExpire = System.currentTimeMillis() + (timeoutUnitInterval * ((attemptNumber / 2) + 1));
} else if (useTnir) {
long timeSlice = timeoutUnitInterval * (1 << attemptNumber);
// In case the timeout for the first slice is less than 500 ms then bump it up to 500 ms
if ((1 == attemptNumber) && (500 > timeSlice)) {
timeSlice = 500;
intervalExpire = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeSlice;
} else
intervalExpire = timerExpire;
// Due to the below condition and the timerHasExpired check in catch block,
// the multiSubnetFailover case or any other standardLogin case where timeOutInterval is full timeout would
// also be handled correctly.
if (intervalExpire > timerExpire) {
intervalExpire = timerExpire;
// try again, this time swapping primary/secondary servers
if (isDBMirroring) {
useFailoverHost = !useFailoverHost;
// If we get here, connection/login succeeded! Just a few more checks & record-keeping
// if connected to failover host, but said host doesn't have DbMirroring set up, throw an error
if (useFailoverHost && null == failoverPartnerServerProvided) {
String curserverinfo = currentConnectPlaceHolder.getServerName();
if (null != currentFOPlaceHolder.getInstanceName()) {
curserverinfo = curserverinfo + "\\";
curserverinfo = curserverinfo + currentFOPlaceHolder.getInstanceName();
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidPartnerConfiguration"));
Object[] msgArgs = {
terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CONFIG, form.format(msgArgs));
if (null != failoverPartnerServerProvided) {
// if server returns failoverPartner when multiSubnetFailover keyword is used, fail
if (multiSubnetFailover) {
String msg = SQLServerException.getErrString("R_dbMirroringWithMultiSubnetFailover");
terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CONFIG, msg);
// if server returns failoverPartner and applicationIntent=ReadOnly, fail
if ((applicationIntent != null) && applicationIntent.equals(ApplicationIntent.READ_ONLY)) {
String msg = SQLServerException.getErrString("R_dbMirroringWithReadOnlyIntent");
terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CONFIG, msg);
if (null == tempFailover)
tempFailover = new FailoverInfo(failoverPartnerServerProvided, this, false);
// if the failover is not from the map already out this in the map, if it is from the map just make sure
// that we change the
if (null != foActual) {
// We must wait for CompleteLogin to finish for to have the
// env change from the server to know its designated failover
// partner; saved in failoverPartnerServerProvided
foActual.failoverAdd(this, useFailoverHost, failoverPartnerServerProvided);
} else {
String databaseNameProperty = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.DATABASE_NAME.toString();
String instanceNameProperty = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.INSTANCE_NAME.toString();
String serverNameProperty = SQLServerDriverStringProperty.SERVER_NAME.toString();
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " adding new failover info server: "
+ activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(serverNameProperty) + " instance: "
+ activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(instanceNameProperty) + " database: "
+ activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(databaseNameProperty)
+ " server provided failover: " + failoverPartnerServerProvided);
tempFailover.failoverAdd(this, useFailoverHost, failoverPartnerServerProvided);
FailoverMapSingleton.putFailoverInfo(this, primary,
activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(databaseNameProperty), tempFailover, useFailoverHost,
// reset all params that could have been changed due to ENVCHANGE tokens to defaults,
// excluding those changed due to routing ENVCHANGE token
void resetNonRoutingEnvchangeValues() {
databaseCollation = null;
rolledBackTransaction = false;
Arrays.fill(getTransactionDescriptor(), (byte) 0);
sCatalog = originalCatalog;
failoverPartnerServerProvided = null;
static final int DEFAULTPORT = SQLServerDriverIntProperty.PORT_NUMBER.getDefaultValue();
* This code should be similar to the code in FailOverInfo class's failoverPermissionCheck Only difference is that
* this gets the instance port if the port number is zero where as failover does not have port number available.
ServerPortPlaceHolder primaryPermissionCheck(String primary, String primaryInstanceName,
int primaryPortNumber) throws SQLServerException {
String instancePort;
// look to see primary port number is specified
if (0 == primaryPortNumber) {
if (null != primaryInstanceName) {
instancePort = getInstancePort(primary, primaryInstanceName);
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " SQL Server port returned by SQL Browser: " + instancePort);
try {
if (null != instancePort) {
primaryPortNumber = Integer.parseInt(instancePort);
if ((primaryPortNumber < 0) || (primaryPortNumber > 65535)) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(
Object[] msgArgs = {Integer.toString(primaryPortNumber)};
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false);
} else
primaryPortNumber = DEFAULTPORT;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidPortNumber"));
Object[] msgArgs = {primaryPortNumber};
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false);
} else
primaryPortNumber = DEFAULTPORT;
// now we have determined the right port set the connection property back
return new ServerPortPlaceHolder(primary, primaryPortNumber, primaryInstanceName, integratedSecurity);
static boolean timerHasExpired(long timerExpire) {
return (System.currentTimeMillis() > timerExpire);
* Get time remaining to timer expiry
* @param timerExpire
* @return remaining time to expiry
static int timerRemaining(long timerExpire) {
long remaining = timerExpire - System.currentTimeMillis();
// maximum timeout the socket takes is int max, minimum is at least 1 ms
return (int) ((remaining > Integer.MAX_VALUE) ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : (remaining <= 0) ? 1 : remaining);
* This is a helper function to connect this gets the port of the server to connect and the server name to connect
* and the timeout This function achieves one connection attempt Create a prepared statement for internal use by the
* driver.
* @param serverInfo
* @param timeOutSliceInMillis
* -timeout value in milli seconds for one try
* @param timeOutFullInSeconds
* - whole timeout value specified by the user in seconds
* @param useParallel
* - It is used to indicate whether a parallel algorithm should be tried or not for resolving a hostName.
* Note that useParallel is set to false for a routed connection even if multiSubnetFailover is set to true.
* @param useTnir
* @param isTnirFirstAttempt
* @param timeOutsliceInMillisForFullTimeout
* @throws SQLServerException
private void connectHelper(ServerPortPlaceHolder serverInfo, int timeOutsliceInMillis, int timeOutFullInSeconds,
boolean useParallel, boolean useTnir, boolean isTnirFirstAttempt,
int timeOutsliceInMillisForFullTimeout) throws SQLServerException {
// Make the initial tcp-ip connection.
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " Connecting with server: " + serverInfo.getServerName() + " port: "
+ serverInfo.getPortNumber() + " Timeout slice: " + timeOutsliceInMillis + " Timeout Full: "
+ timeOutFullInSeconds);
// Before opening the TDSChannel, calculate local hostname
// as the InetAddress.getLocalHost() takes more than usual time in certain OS and JVM combination, it avoids
// connection loss
hostName = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.WORKSTATION_ID.toString());
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(hostName)) {
hostName = Util.lookupHostName();
// if the timeout is infinite slices are infinite too.
tdsChannel = new TDSChannel(this);
if (0 == timeOutFullInSeconds), serverInfo.getPortNumber(), 0, useParallel, useTnir,
isTnirFirstAttempt, timeOutsliceInMillisForFullTimeout);
else, serverInfo.getPortNumber(), timeOutsliceInMillis, useParallel,
useTnir, isTnirFirstAttempt, timeOutsliceInMillisForFullTimeout);
clientConnectionId = UUID.randomUUID();
assert null != clientConnectionId;
Prelogin(serverInfo.getServerName(), serverInfo.getPortNumber());
// If prelogin negotiated SSL encryption then, enable it on the TDS channel.
if (TDS.ENCRYPT_NOT_SUP != negotiatedEncryptionLevel) {
tdsChannel.enableSSL(serverInfo.getServerName(), serverInfo.getPortNumber());
// We have successfully connected, now do the login. logon takes seconds timeout
executeCommand(new LogonCommand());
* Negotiates prelogin information with the server.
void Prelogin(String serverName, int portNumber) throws SQLServerException {
// Build a TDS Pre-Login packet to send to the server.
if ((!authenticationString.equalsIgnoreCase(SqlAuthentication.NotSpecified.toString()))
|| (null != accessTokenInByte)) {
fedAuthRequiredByUser = true;
// Message length (incl. header)
final byte messageLength;
final byte fedAuthOffset;
if (fedAuthRequiredByUser) {
requestedEncryptionLevel = TDS.ENCRYPT_ON;
// since we added one more line for prelogin option with fedauth,
// we also needed to modify the offsets above, by adding 5 to each offset,
// since the data session of each option is push 5 bytes behind.
fedAuthOffset = 5;
} else {
fedAuthOffset = 0;
final byte[] preloginRequest = new byte[messageLength];
int preloginRequestOffset = 0;
byte[] bufferHeader = {
// Buffer Header
TDS.PKT_PRELOGIN, // Message Type
TDS.STATUS_BIT_EOM, 0, messageLength, 0, 0, // SPID (not used)
0, // Packet (not used)
0, // Window (not used)
System.arraycopy(bufferHeader, 0, preloginRequest, preloginRequestOffset, bufferHeader.length);
preloginRequestOffset = preloginRequestOffset + bufferHeader.length;
byte[] preloginOptionsBeforeFedAuth = {
TDS.B_PRELOGIN_OPTION_VERSION, 0, (byte) (16 + fedAuthOffset), 0, 6, // UL_VERSION + US_SUBBUILD
TDS.B_PRELOGIN_OPTION_ENCRYPTION, 0, (byte) (22 + fedAuthOffset), 0, 1, // B_FENCRYPTION
TDS.B_PRELOGIN_OPTION_TRACEID, 0, (byte) (23 + fedAuthOffset), 0, 36, // ClientConnectionId + ActivityId
System.arraycopy(preloginOptionsBeforeFedAuth, 0, preloginRequest, preloginRequestOffset,
preloginRequestOffset = preloginRequestOffset + preloginOptionsBeforeFedAuth.length;
if (fedAuthRequiredByUser) {
byte[] preloginOptions2 = {TDS.B_PRELOGIN_OPTION_FEDAUTHREQUIRED, 0, 64, 0, 1,};
System.arraycopy(preloginOptions2, 0, preloginRequest, preloginRequestOffset, preloginOptions2.length);
preloginRequestOffset = preloginRequestOffset + preloginOptions2.length;
preloginRequest[preloginRequestOffset] = TDS.B_PRELOGIN_OPTION_TERMINATOR;
byte[] preloginOptionData = {
// - Server version -
// (out param, filled in by the server in the prelogin response).
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// - Encryption -
// TRACEID Data Session (ClientConnectionId + ActivityId) - Initialize to 0
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
System.arraycopy(preloginOptionData, 0, preloginRequest, preloginRequestOffset, preloginOptionData.length);
preloginRequestOffset = preloginRequestOffset + preloginOptionData.length;
// If the client’s PRELOGIN request message contains the FEDAUTHREQUIRED option,
// the client MUST specify 0x01 as the B_FEDAUTHREQUIRED value
if (fedAuthRequiredByUser) {
preloginRequest[preloginRequestOffset] = 1;
preloginRequestOffset = preloginRequestOffset + 1;
final byte[] preloginResponse = new byte[TDS.INITIAL_PACKET_SIZE];
String preloginErrorLogString = " Prelogin error: host " + serverName + " port " + portNumber;
final byte[] conIdByteArray = Util.asGuidByteArray(clientConnectionId);
int offset;
if (fedAuthRequiredByUser) {
offset = preloginRequest.length - 36 - 1; // point to the TRACEID Data Session (one more byte for fedauth
// data session)
} else {
offset = preloginRequest.length - 36; // point to the TRACEID Data Session
// copy ClientConnectionId
System.arraycopy(conIdByteArray, 0, preloginRequest, offset, conIdByteArray.length);
offset += conIdByteArray.length;
if (Util.isActivityTraceOn()) {
ActivityId activityId = ActivityCorrelator.getNext();
final byte[] actIdByteArray = Util.asGuidByteArray(activityId.getId());
System.arraycopy(actIdByteArray, 0, preloginRequest, offset, actIdByteArray.length);
offset += actIdByteArray.length;
long seqNum = activityId.getSequence();
Util.writeInt((int) seqNum, preloginRequest, offset);
offset += 4;
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " ActivityId " + activityId.toString());
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
toString() + " Requesting encryption level:" + TDS.getEncryptionLevel(requestedEncryptionLevel));
// Write the entire prelogin request
if (tdsChannel.isLoggingPackets())
tdsChannel.logPacket(preloginRequest, 0, preloginRequest.length, toString() + " Prelogin request");
try {
tdsChannel.write(preloginRequest, 0, preloginRequest.length);
} catch (SQLServerException e) {
toString() + preloginErrorLogString + " Error sending prelogin request: " + e.getMessage());
throw e;
if (Util.isActivityTraceOn()) {
ActivityCorrelator.setCurrentActivityIdSentFlag(); // indicate current ActivityId is sent
// Read the entire prelogin response
int responseLength = preloginResponse.length;
int responseBytesRead = 0;
boolean processedResponseHeader = false;
while (responseBytesRead < responseLength) {
int bytesRead;
try {
bytesRead =, responseBytesRead, responseLength - responseBytesRead);
} catch (SQLServerException e) {
toString() + preloginErrorLogString + " Error reading prelogin response: " + e.getMessage());
throw e;
// If we reached EOF before the end of the prelogin response then something is wrong.
// Special case: If there was no response at all (i.e. the server closed the connection),
// then maybe we are just trying to talk to an older server that doesn't support prelogin
// (and that we don't support with this driver).
if (-1 == bytesRead) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
connectionlogger.warning(toString() + preloginErrorLogString
+ " Unexpected end of prelogin response after " + responseBytesRead + " bytes read");
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_tcpipConnectionFailed"));
Object[] msgArgs = {serverName, Integer.toString(portNumber),
terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_IO_FAILED, form.format(msgArgs));
// Otherwise, we must have read some bytes...
assert bytesRead >= 0;
assert bytesRead <= responseLength - responseBytesRead;
if (tdsChannel.isLoggingPackets())
tdsChannel.logPacket(preloginResponse, responseBytesRead, bytesRead, toString() + " Prelogin response");
responseBytesRead += bytesRead;
// Validate the response header if we haven't already done so and
// we've read enough of the response to do it.
if (!processedResponseHeader && responseBytesRead >= TDS.PACKET_HEADER_SIZE) {
// Verify that the response is actually a response...
if (TDS.PKT_REPLY != preloginResponse[0]) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
connectionlogger.warning(toString() + preloginErrorLogString + " Unexpected response type:"
+ preloginResponse[0]);
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_tcpipConnectionFailed"));
Object[] msgArgs = {serverName, Integer.toString(portNumber),
terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_IO_FAILED, form.format(msgArgs));
// Verify that the response claims to only be one TDS packet long.
// In theory, it can be longer, but in current practice it isn't, as all of the
// prelogin response items easily fit into a single 4K packet.
if (TDS.STATUS_BIT_EOM != (TDS.STATUS_BIT_EOM & preloginResponse[1])) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
connectionlogger.warning(toString() + preloginErrorLogString + " Unexpected response status:"
+ preloginResponse[1]);
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_tcpipConnectionFailed"));
Object[] msgArgs = {serverName, Integer.toString(portNumber),
terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_IO_FAILED, form.format(msgArgs));
// Verify that the length of the response claims to be small enough to fit in the allocated area
responseLength = Util.readUnsignedShortBigEndian(preloginResponse, 2);
assert responseLength >= 0;
if (responseLength >= preloginResponse.length) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
connectionlogger.warning(toString() + preloginErrorLogString + " Response length:"
+ responseLength + " is greater than allowed length:" + preloginResponse.length);
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_tcpipConnectionFailed"));
Object[] msgArgs = {serverName, Integer.toString(portNumber),
terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_IO_FAILED, form.format(msgArgs));
processedResponseHeader = true;
// Walk the response for prelogin options received. We expect at least to get
// back the server version and the encryption level.
boolean receivedVersionOption = false;
negotiatedEncryptionLevel = TDS.ENCRYPT_INVALID;
int responseIndex = TDS.PACKET_HEADER_SIZE;
while (true) {
// Get the option token
if (responseIndex >= responseLength) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
connectionlogger.warning(toString() + " Option token not found");
byte optionToken = preloginResponse[responseIndex++];
// When we reach the option terminator, we're done processing option tokens
// Get the offset and length that follows the option token
if (responseIndex + 4 >= responseLength) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
connectionlogger.warning(toString() + " Offset/Length not found for option:" + optionToken);
int optionOffset = Util.readUnsignedShortBigEndian(preloginResponse, responseIndex)
responseIndex += 2;
assert optionOffset >= 0;
int optionLength = Util.readUnsignedShortBigEndian(preloginResponse, responseIndex);
responseIndex += 2;
assert optionLength >= 0;
if (optionOffset + optionLength > responseLength) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
connectionlogger.warning(toString() + " Offset:" + optionOffset + " and length:" + optionLength
+ " exceed response length:" + responseLength);
switch (optionToken) {
if (receivedVersionOption) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
connectionlogger.warning(toString() + " Version option already received");
if (6 != optionLength) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
connectionlogger.warning(toString() + " Version option length:" + optionLength
+ " is incorrect. Correct value is 6.");
serverMajorVersion = preloginResponse[optionOffset];
if (serverMajorVersion < 9) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
connectionlogger.warning(toString() + " Server major version:" + serverMajorVersion
+ " is not supported by this driver.");
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(
Object[] msgArgs = {Integer.toString(preloginResponse[optionOffset])};
terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CONFIG, form.format(msgArgs));
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
.fine(toString() + " Server returned major version:" + preloginResponse[optionOffset]);
receivedVersionOption = true;
if (TDS.ENCRYPT_INVALID != negotiatedEncryptionLevel) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
connectionlogger.warning(toString() + " Encryption option already received");
if (1 != optionLength) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
connectionlogger.warning(toString() + " Encryption option length:" + optionLength
+ " is incorrect. Correct value is 1.");
negotiatedEncryptionLevel = preloginResponse[optionOffset];
// If the server did not return a valid encryption level, terminate the connection.
if (TDS.ENCRYPT_OFF != negotiatedEncryptionLevel && TDS.ENCRYPT_ON != negotiatedEncryptionLevel
&& TDS.ENCRYPT_REQ != negotiatedEncryptionLevel
&& TDS.ENCRYPT_NOT_SUP != negotiatedEncryptionLevel) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
connectionlogger.warning(toString() + " Server returned "
+ TDS.getEncryptionLevel(negotiatedEncryptionLevel));
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " Negotiated encryption level:"
+ TDS.getEncryptionLevel(negotiatedEncryptionLevel));
// If we requested SSL encryption and the server does not support it, then terminate the connection.
if (TDS.ENCRYPT_ON == requestedEncryptionLevel && TDS.ENCRYPT_ON != negotiatedEncryptionLevel
&& TDS.ENCRYPT_REQ != negotiatedEncryptionLevel) {
// If we say we don't support SSL and the server doesn't accept unencrypted connections,
// then terminate the connection.
if (TDS.ENCRYPT_NOT_SUP == requestedEncryptionLevel
&& TDS.ENCRYPT_NOT_SUP != negotiatedEncryptionLevel) {
// If the server required an encrypted connection then terminate with an appropriate error.
if (TDS.ENCRYPT_REQ == negotiatedEncryptionLevel)
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
connectionlogger.warning(toString() + " Client requested encryption level: "
+ TDS.getEncryptionLevel(requestedEncryptionLevel)
+ " Server returned unexpected encryption level: "
+ TDS.getEncryptionLevel(negotiatedEncryptionLevel));
// Only 0x00 and 0x01 are accepted values from the server.
if (0 != preloginResponse[optionOffset] && 1 != preloginResponse[optionOffset]) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
+ " Server sent an unexpected value for FedAuthRequired PreLogin Option. Value was "
+ preloginResponse[optionOffset]);
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(
throw new SQLServerException(form.format(new Object[] {preloginResponse[optionOffset]}), null);
// We must NOT use the response for the FEDAUTHREQUIRED PreLogin option, if the connection string
// option
// was not using the new Authentication keyword or in other words, if Authentication=NotSpecified
// Or AccessToken is not null, mean token based authentication is used.
if (((null != authenticationString)
&& (!authenticationString.equalsIgnoreCase(SqlAuthentication.NotSpecified.toString())))
|| (null != accessTokenInByte)) {
fedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponse = (preloginResponse[optionOffset] == 1);
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " Ignoring prelogin response option:" + optionToken);
if (!receivedVersionOption || TDS.ENCRYPT_INVALID == negotiatedEncryptionLevel) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
.warning(toString() + " Prelogin response is missing version and/or encryption option.");
final void throwInvalidTDS() throws SQLServerException {
terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_INVALID_TDS, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidTDS"));
final void throwInvalidTDSToken(String tokenName) throws SQLServerException {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_unexpectedToken"));
Object[] msgArgs = {tokenName};
String message = SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidTDS") + form.format(msgArgs);
terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_INVALID_TDS, message);
* Terminates the connection and throws an exception detailing the reason for termination.
* This method is similar to SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError, except that it always terminates the
* connection, and does so with the appropriate state code.
final void terminate(int driverErrorCode, String message) throws SQLServerException {
terminate(driverErrorCode, message, null);
final void terminate(int driverErrorCode, String message, Throwable throwable) throws SQLServerException {
String state = this.state.equals(State.Opened) ? SQLServerException.EXCEPTION_XOPEN_CONNECTION_FAILURE
if (!xopenStates)
state = SQLServerException.mapFromXopen(state);
SQLServerException ex = new SQLServerException(this,
SQLServerException.checkAndAppendClientConnId(message, this), state, // X/Open or SQL99
// SQLState
0, // database error number (0 -> driver error)
true); // include stack trace in log
if (null != throwable)
throw ex;
private final transient Object schedulerLock = new Object();
* Executes a command through the scheduler.
* @param newCommand
* the command to execute
boolean executeCommand(TDSCommand newCommand) throws SQLServerException {
synchronized (schedulerLock) {
* Detach (buffer) the response from any previously executing command so that we can execute the new
* command. Note that detaching the response does not process it. Detaching just buffers the response off of
* the wire to clear the TDS channel.
if (null != currentCommand) {
try {
} catch (SQLServerException e) {
* If any exception occurs during detach, need not do anything, simply log it. Our purpose to detach
* the response and empty buffer is done here. If there is anything wrong with the connection
* itself, let the exception pass below to be thrown during 'execute()'.
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
connectionlogger.fine("Failed to detach current command : " + e.getMessage());
} finally {
currentCommand = null;
* The implementation of this scheduler is pretty simple... Since only one command at a time may use a
* connection (to avoid TDS protocol errors), just synchronize to serialize command execution.
boolean commandComplete = false;
try {
commandComplete = newCommand.execute(tdsChannel.getWriter(), tdsChannel.getReader(newCommand));
} finally {
* If execution of the new command left response bytes on the wire (e.g. a large ResultSet or complex
* response with multiple results) then remember it as the current command so that any subsequent call
* to executeCommand will detach it before executing another new command.
if (!commandComplete && !isSessionUnAvailable())
currentCommand = newCommand;
return commandComplete;
void resetCurrentCommand() throws SQLServerException {
if (null != currentCommand) {
currentCommand = null;
* Executes a connection-level command
private void connectionCommand(String sql, String logContext) throws SQLServerException {
final class ConnectionCommand extends UninterruptableTDSCommand {
* Always update serialVersionUID when prompted.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
final String sql;
ConnectionCommand(String sql, String logContext) {
this.sql = sql;
final boolean doExecute() throws SQLServerException {
TDSWriter tdsWriter = startRequest(TDS.PKT_QUERY);
tdsWriter.sendEnclavePackage(null, null);
TDSParser.parse(startResponse(), getLogContext());
return true;
executeCommand(new ConnectionCommand(sql, logContext));
* Build the syntax to initialize the connection at the database side.
* @return the syntax string
private String sqlStatementToInitialize() {
String s = null;
if (nLockTimeout > -1)
s = " set lock_timeout " + nLockTimeout;
return s;
* Sets the syntax to set the database calatog to use.
* @param sDB
* the new catalog
* @return the required syntax
void setCatalogName(String sDB) {
if (sDB != null) {
if (sDB.length() > 0) {
sCatalog = sDB;
* Returns the syntax to set the database isolation level.
* @return the required syntax
String sqlStatementToSetTransactionIsolationLevel() throws SQLServerException {
String sql = "set transaction isolation level ";
switch (transactionIsolationLevel) {
sql = sql + " read uncommitted ";
sql = sql + " read committed ";
sql = sql + " repeatable read ";
sql = sql + " serializable ";
case SQLServerConnection.TRANSACTION_SNAPSHOT: {
sql = sql + " snapshot ";
default: {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidTransactionLevel"));
Object[] msgArgs = {Integer.toString(transactionIsolationLevel)};
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false);
return sql;
* Returns the syntax to set the database commit mode.
* @return the required syntax
static String sqlStatementToSetCommit(boolean autoCommit) {
return autoCommit ? "set implicit_transactions off " : "set implicit_transactions on ";
public Statement createStatement() throws SQLServerException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "createStatement");
Statement st = createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "createStatement", st);
return st;
public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql) throws SQLServerException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", sql);
PreparedStatement pst = prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", pst);
return pst;
public CallableStatement prepareCall(String sql) throws SQLServerException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareCall", sql);
CallableStatement st = prepareCall(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareCall", st);
return st;
public String nativeSQL(String sql) throws SQLServerException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "nativeSQL", sql);
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "nativeSQL", sql);
return sql;
public void setAutoCommit(boolean newAutoCommitMode) throws SQLServerException {
if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "setAutoCommit", newAutoCommitMode);
if (Util.isActivityTraceOn())
loggerExternal.finer(toString() + " ActivityId: " + ActivityCorrelator.getNext().toString());
String commitPendingTransaction = "";
if (newAutoCommitMode == databaseAutoCommitMode) // No Change
// When changing to auto-commit from inside an existing transaction,
// commit that transaction first.
if (newAutoCommitMode)
commitPendingTransaction = "IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRAN ";
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
toString() + " Autocommitmode current :" + databaseAutoCommitMode + " new: " + newAutoCommitMode);
rolledBackTransaction = false;
connectionCommand(sqlStatementToSetCommit(newAutoCommitMode) + commitPendingTransaction, "setAutoCommit");
databaseAutoCommitMode = newAutoCommitMode;
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "setAutoCommit");
public boolean getAutoCommit() throws SQLServerException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "getAutoCommit");
boolean res = !inXATransaction && databaseAutoCommitMode;
if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "getAutoCommit", res);
return res;
final byte[] getTransactionDescriptor() {
return transactionDescriptor;
public void commit() throws SQLServerException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "commit");
if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER) && Util.isActivityTraceOn()) {
loggerExternal.finer(toString() + " ActivityId: " + ActivityCorrelator.getNext().toString());
if (!databaseAutoCommitMode)
connectionCommand("IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRAN", "Connection.commit");
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "commit");
public void rollback() throws SQLServerException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "rollback");
if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER) && Util.isActivityTraceOn()) {
loggerExternal.finer(toString() + " ActivityId: " + ActivityCorrelator.getNext().toString());
if (databaseAutoCommitMode) {
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_cantInvokeRollback"),
null, true);
} else
connectionCommand("IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRAN", "Connection.rollback");
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "rollback");
public void abort(Executor executor) throws SQLException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "abort", executor);
// no-op if connection is closed
if (isClosed())
// check for callAbort permission
SecurityManager secMgr = System.getSecurityManager();
if (secMgr != null) {
try {
SQLPermission perm = new SQLPermission(callAbortPerm);
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_permissionDenied"));
Object[] msgArgs = {callAbortPerm};
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, true);
if (null == executor) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidArgument"));
Object[] msgArgs = {"executor"};
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(null, null, form.format(msgArgs), null, false);
} else {
* Always report the connection as closed for any further use, no matter what happens when we try to clean
* up the physical resources associated with the connection using executor.
executor.execute(() -> clearConnectionResources());
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "abort");
public void close() throws SQLServerException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "close");
* Always report the connection as closed for any further use, no matter what happens when we try to clean up
* the physical resources associated with the connection.
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "close");
private void clearConnectionResources() {
if (sharedTimer != null) {
sharedTimer = null;
* Close the TDS channel. When the channel is closed, the server automatically rolls back any pending
* transactions and closes associated resources like prepared handles.
if (null != tdsChannel) {
// Invalidate statement caches.
if (null != preparedStatementHandleCache)
if (null != parameterMetadataCache)
// Clean-up queue etc. related to batching of prepared statement discard actions (sp_unprepare).
if (Util.isActivityTraceOn()) {
* This function is used by the proxy for notifying the pool manager that this connection proxy is closed This event
* will pool the connection
final void poolCloseEventNotify() throws SQLServerException {
if (state.equals(State.Opened) && null != pooledConnectionParent) {
// autocommit = true => nothing to do when app closes connection
// XA = true => the transaction manager is the only one who can invoke transactional APIs
// Non XA and autocommit off =>
// If there is a pending BEGIN TRAN from the last commit or rollback, dont propagate it to
// the next allocated connection.
// Also if the app closes a connection handle before committing or rolling back the uncompleted
// transaction may lock other updates/queries so close the transaction now.
if (!databaseAutoCommitMode && !(pooledConnectionParent instanceof XAConnection)) {
connectionCommand("IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRAN", "close connection");
if (Util.isActivityTraceOn()) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " Connection closed and returned to connection pool");
public boolean isClosed() throws SQLServerException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "isClosed");
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "isClosed", isSessionUnAvailable());
return isSessionUnAvailable();
public DatabaseMetaData getMetaData() throws SQLServerException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "getMetaData");
if (databaseMetaData == null) {
databaseMetaData = new SQLServerDatabaseMetaData(this);
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "getMetaData", databaseMetaData);
return databaseMetaData;
public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) throws SQLServerException {
if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "setReadOnly", readOnly);
// do nothing per spec
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "setReadOnly");
public boolean isReadOnly() throws SQLServerException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "isReadOnly");
if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "isReadOnly", Boolean.FALSE);
return false;
public void setCatalog(String catalog) throws SQLServerException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "setCatalog", catalog);
if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER) && Util.isActivityTraceOn()) {
loggerExternal.finer(toString() + " ActivityId: " + ActivityCorrelator.getNext().toString());
if (catalog != null) {
connectionCommand("use " + Util.escapeSQLId(catalog), "setCatalog");
sCatalog = catalog;
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "setCatalog");
public String getCatalog() throws SQLServerException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "getCatalog");
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "getCatalog", sCatalog);
return sCatalog;
String getSCatalog() throws SQLServerException {
return sCatalog;
public void setTransactionIsolation(int level) throws SQLServerException {
if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "setTransactionIsolation", level);
if (Util.isActivityTraceOn()) {
loggerExternal.finer(toString() + " ActivityId: " + ActivityCorrelator.getNext().toString());
if (level == Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE)
String sql;
transactionIsolationLevel = level;
sql = sqlStatementToSetTransactionIsolationLevel();
connectionCommand(sql, "setTransactionIsolation");
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "setTransactionIsolation");
public int getTransactionIsolation() throws SQLServerException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "getTransactionIsolation");
if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "getTransactionIsolation", transactionIsolationLevel);
return transactionIsolationLevel;
volatile SQLWarning sqlWarnings; // the SQL warnings chain
private final Object warningSynchronization = new Object();
// Think about returning a copy when we implement additional warnings.
public SQLWarning getWarnings() throws SQLServerException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "getWarnings");
// check null warn wont crash
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "getWarnings", sqlWarnings);
return sqlWarnings;
// Any changes to SQLWarnings should be synchronized.
private void addWarning(String warningString) {
synchronized (warningSynchronization) {
SQLWarning warning = new SQLWarning(warningString);
if (null == sqlWarnings) {
sqlWarnings = warning;
} else {
public void clearWarnings() throws SQLServerException {
synchronized (warningSynchronization) {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "clearWarnings");
sqlWarnings = null;
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "clearWarnings");
// --------------------------JDBC 2.0-----------------------------
public Statement createStatement(int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency) throws SQLServerException {
if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "createStatement",
new Object[] {resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency});
SQLServerStatement st = new SQLServerStatement(this, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency,
if (requestStarted) {
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "createStatement", st);
return st;
public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int resultSetType,
int resultSetConcurrency) throws SQLServerException {
if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement",
new Object[] {sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency});
SQLServerPreparedStatement st = new SQLServerPreparedStatement(this, sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency,
if (requestStarted) {
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", st);
return st;
private PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency,
SQLServerStatementColumnEncryptionSetting stmtColEncSetting) throws SQLServerException {
if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement",
new Object[] {sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, stmtColEncSetting});
SQLServerPreparedStatement st = new SQLServerPreparedStatement(this, sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency,
if (requestStarted) {
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", st);
return st;
public CallableStatement prepareCall(String sql, int resultSetType,
int resultSetConcurrency) throws SQLServerException {
if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareCall",
new Object[] {sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency});
SQLServerCallableStatement st = new SQLServerCallableStatement(this, sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency,
if (requestStarted) {
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareCall", st);
return st;
public void setTypeMap(java.util.Map> map) throws SQLException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "setTypeMap", map);
if (map != null && (map instanceof java.util.HashMap)) {
// we return an empty Hash map if the user gives this back make sure we accept it.
if (map.isEmpty()) {
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "setTypeMap");
SQLServerException.throwNotSupportedException(this, null);
public java.util.Map> getTypeMap() throws SQLServerException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "getTypeMap");
java.util.Map> mp = new java.util.HashMap<>();
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "getTypeMap", mp);
return mp;
/* ---------------------- Logon --------------------------- */
int writeAEFeatureRequest(boolean write, /* if false just calculates the length */
TDSWriter tdsWriter) throws SQLServerException {
// This includes the length of the terminator byte. If there are other extension features, re-adjust
// accordingly.
int len = 6; // (1byte = featureID, 4bytes = featureData length, 1 bytes = Version)
if (write) {
tdsWriter.writeInt(1); // length of version
if (null == enclaveAttestationUrl || enclaveAttestationUrl.isEmpty()) {
} else {
return len;
int writeFedAuthFeatureRequest(boolean write, /* if false just calculates the length */
TDSWriter tdsWriter,
FederatedAuthenticationFeatureExtensionData fedAuthFeatureExtensionData) throws SQLServerException {
assert (fedAuthFeatureExtensionData.libraryType == TDS.TDS_FEDAUTH_LIBRARY_ADAL
|| fedAuthFeatureExtensionData.libraryType == TDS.TDS_FEDAUTH_LIBRARY_SECURITYTOKEN);
int dataLen = 0;
// set dataLen and totalLen
switch (fedAuthFeatureExtensionData.libraryType) {
dataLen = 2; // length of feature data = 1 byte for library and echo + 1 byte for workflow
assert null != fedAuthFeatureExtensionData.accessToken;
// length of feature data = 1 byte for library and echo,
// security token length and sizeof(int) for token length itself
dataLen = 1 + 4 + fedAuthFeatureExtensionData.accessToken.length;
assert (false); // Unrecognized library type for fedauth feature extension request"
int totalLen = dataLen + 5; // length of feature id (1 byte), data length field (4 bytes), and feature data
// (dataLen)
// write feature id
if (write) {
// set options
byte options = 0x00;
// set upper 7 bits of options to indicate fed auth library type
switch (fedAuthFeatureExtensionData.libraryType) {
assert federatedAuthenticationInfoRequested;
assert federatedAuthenticationRequested;
assert (false); // Unrecognized library type for fedauth feature extension request
options |= (byte) (fedAuthFeatureExtensionData.fedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponse ? 0x01 : 0x00);
// write FeatureDataLen
// write FeatureData
// write option
// write workflow for FedAuthLibrary.ADAL
// write accessToken for FedAuthLibrary.SecurityToken
switch (fedAuthFeatureExtensionData.libraryType) {
byte workflow = 0x00;
switch (fedAuthFeatureExtensionData.authentication) {
case ActiveDirectoryPassword:
case ActiveDirectoryIntegrated:
case ActiveDirectoryMSI:
assert (false); // Unrecognized Authentication type for fedauth ADAL request
tdsWriter.writeBytes(fedAuthFeatureExtensionData.accessToken, 0,
assert (false); // Unrecognized FedAuthLibrary type for feature extension request
return totalLen;
int writeDataClassificationFeatureRequest(boolean write /* if false just calculates the length */,
TDSWriter tdsWriter) throws SQLServerException {
int len = 6; // 1byte = featureID, 4bytes = featureData length, 1 bytes = Version
if (write) {
// Write Feature ID, length of the version# field and Sensitivity Classification Version#
return len; // size of data written
int writeUTF8SupportFeatureRequest(boolean write, /* if false just calculates the length */
TDSWriter tdsWriter) throws SQLServerException {
int len = 5; // 1byte = featureID, 4bytes = featureData length
if (write) {
return len;
private final class LogonCommand extends UninterruptableTDSCommand {
// Always update serialVersionUID when prompted.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
LogonCommand() {
final boolean doExecute() throws SQLServerException {
return true;
private void logon(LogonCommand command) throws SQLServerException {
SSPIAuthentication authentication = null;
if (integratedSecurity) {
if (AuthenticationScheme.nativeAuthentication == intAuthScheme) {
authentication = new AuthenticationJNI(this, currentConnectPlaceHolder.getServerName(),
} else if (AuthenticationScheme.javaKerberos == intAuthScheme) {
if (null != impersonatedUserCred) {
authentication = new KerbAuthentication(this, currentConnectPlaceHolder.getServerName(),
currentConnectPlaceHolder.getPortNumber(), impersonatedUserCred, isUserCreatedCredential);
} else {
authentication = new KerbAuthentication(this, currentConnectPlaceHolder.getServerName(),
} else if (ntlmAuthentication) {
if (null == ntlmPasswordHash) {
ntlmPasswordHash = NTLMAuthentication.getNtlmPasswordHash(
authentication = new NTLMAuthentication(this,
ntlmPasswordHash, hostName);
// If the workflow being used is Active Directory Password or Active Directory Integrated and server's prelogin
// response
// for FEDAUTHREQUIRED option indicates Federated Authentication is required, we have to insert FedAuth Feature
// Extension
// in Login7, indicating the intent to use Active Directory Authentication Library for SQL Server.
if (authenticationString.equalsIgnoreCase(SqlAuthentication.ActiveDirectoryPassword.toString())
|| ((authenticationString.equalsIgnoreCase(SqlAuthentication.ActiveDirectoryIntegrated.toString())
|| authenticationString.equalsIgnoreCase(SqlAuthentication.ActiveDirectoryMSI.toString()))
&& fedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponse)) {
federatedAuthenticationInfoRequested = true;
fedAuthFeatureExtensionData = new FederatedAuthenticationFeatureExtensionData(TDS.TDS_FEDAUTH_LIBRARY_ADAL,
authenticationString, fedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponse);
if (null != accessTokenInByte) {
fedAuthFeatureExtensionData = new FederatedAuthenticationFeatureExtensionData(
TDS.TDS_FEDAUTH_LIBRARY_SECURITYTOKEN, fedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponse, accessTokenInByte);
// No need any further info from the server for token based authentication. So set
// _federatedAuthenticationRequested to true
federatedAuthenticationRequested = true;
try {
sendLogon(command, authentication, fedAuthFeatureExtensionData);
// If we got routed in the current attempt,
// the server closes the connection. So, we should not
// be sending anymore commands to the server in that case.
if (!isRoutedInCurrentAttempt) {
originalCatalog = sCatalog;
String sqlStmt = sqlStatementToInitialize();
if (sqlStmt != null) {
connectionCommand(sqlStmt, "Change Settings");
} finally {
if (integratedSecurity) {
if (null != authentication) {
authentication = null;
if (null != impersonatedUserCred) {
impersonatedUserCred = null;
private static final int ENVCHANGE_DATABASE = 1;
private static final int ENVCHANGE_LANGUAGE = 2;
private static final int ENVCHANGE_CHARSET = 3;
private static final int ENVCHANGE_PACKETSIZE = 4;
private static final int ENVCHANGE_SORTLOCALEID = 5;
private static final int ENVCHANGE_SORTFLAGS = 6;
private static final int ENVCHANGE_SQLCOLLATION = 7;
private static final int ENVCHANGE_XACT_BEGIN = 8;
private static final int ENVCHANGE_XACT_COMMIT = 9;
private static final int ENVCHANGE_XACT_ROLLBACK = 10;
private static final int ENVCHANGE_DTC_ENLIST = 11;
private static final int ENVCHANGE_DTC_DEFECT = 12;
private static final int ENVCHANGE_CHANGE_MIRROR = 13;
private static final int ENVCHANGE_UNUSED_14 = 14;
private static final int ENVCHANGE_DTC_PROMOTE = 15;
private static final int ENVCHANGE_DTC_MGR_ADDR = 16;
private static final int ENVCHANGE_XACT_ENDED = 17;
private static final int ENVCHANGE_RESET_COMPLETE = 18;
private static final int ENVCHANGE_USER_INFO = 19;
private static final int ENVCHANGE_ROUTING = 20;
final void processEnvChange(TDSReader tdsReader) throws SQLServerException {
tdsReader.readUnsignedByte(); // token type
final int envValueLength = tdsReader.readUnsignedShort();
TDSReaderMark mark = tdsReader.mark();
int envchange = tdsReader.readUnsignedByte();
switch (envchange) {
// Set NEW value as new TDS packet size
try {
tdsPacketSize = Integer.parseInt(tdsReader.readUnicodeString(tdsReader.readUnsignedByte()));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " Network packet size is " + tdsPacketSize + " bytes");
if (SQLCollation.tdsLength() != tdsReader.readUnsignedByte())
try {
databaseCollation = new SQLCollation(tdsReader);
} catch ( e) {
terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_INVALID_TDS, e.getMessage(), e);
rolledBackTransaction = false;
byte[] transactionDescriptor = getTransactionDescriptor();
if (transactionDescriptor.length != tdsReader.readUnsignedByte())
tdsReader.readBytes(transactionDescriptor, 0, transactionDescriptor.length);
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
String op;
if (ENVCHANGE_XACT_BEGIN == envchange)
op = " started";
op = " enlisted";
connectionlogger.finer(toString() + op);
rolledBackTransaction = true;
if (inXATransaction) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " rolled back. (DTC)");
// Do not clear the transaction descriptor if the connection is in DT.
// For a DTC transaction, a ENV_ROLLBACKTRAN token won't cleanup the xactID previously cached on the
// connection
// because user is required to explicitly un-enlist/defect a connection from a DTC.
// A ENV_DEFECTTRAN token though will clean the DTC xactID on the connection.
} else {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " rolled back");
Arrays.fill(getTransactionDescriptor(), (byte) 0);
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " committed");
Arrays.fill(getTransactionDescriptor(), (byte) 0);
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " defected");
Arrays.fill(getTransactionDescriptor(), (byte) 0);
// Skip unsupported, ENVCHANGES
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " Ignored env change: " + envchange);
// initialize to invalid values
int routingDataValueLength, routingProtocol, routingPortNumber, routingServerNameLength;
routingDataValueLength = routingProtocol = routingPortNumber = routingServerNameLength = -1;
String routingServerName = null;
try {
routingDataValueLength = tdsReader.readUnsignedShort();
if (routingDataValueLength <= 5)// (5 is the no of bytes in protocol + port number+ length field of
// server name)
routingProtocol = tdsReader.readUnsignedByte();
if (routingProtocol != 0) {
routingPortNumber = tdsReader.readUnsignedShort();
if (routingPortNumber <= 0 || routingPortNumber > 65535) {
routingServerNameLength = tdsReader.readUnsignedShort();
if (routingServerNameLength <= 0 || routingServerNameLength > 1024) {
routingServerName = tdsReader.readUnicodeString(routingServerNameLength);
assert routingServerName != null;
} finally {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " Received routing ENVCHANGE with the following values."
+ " routingDataValueLength:" + routingDataValueLength + " protocol:" + routingProtocol
+ " portNumber:" + routingPortNumber + " serverNameLength:" + routingServerNameLength
+ " serverName:" + ((routingServerName != null) ? routingServerName : "null"));
// Check if the hostNameInCertificate needs to be updated to handle the rerouted subdomain in Azure
String currentHostName = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty("hostNameInCertificate");
// skip the check for hostNameInCertificate if routingServerName is null
if (null != currentHostName && currentHostName.startsWith("*") && (null != routingServerName)
&& routingServerName.indexOf('.') != -1) {
char[] currentHostNameCharArray = currentHostName.toCharArray();
char[] routingServerNameCharArray = routingServerName.toCharArray();
boolean hostNameNeedsUpdate = true;
* Check if routingServerName and hostNameInCertificate are from same domain by verifying each
* character in currentHostName from last until it reaches the character before the wildcard symbol
* (i.e. currentHostNameCharArray[1])
for (int i = currentHostName.length() - 1, j = routingServerName.length() - 1; i > 0 && j > 0;
i--, j--) {
if (routingServerNameCharArray[j] != currentHostNameCharArray[i]) {
hostNameNeedsUpdate = false;
if (hostNameNeedsUpdate) {
String newHostName = "*" + routingServerName.substring(routingServerName.indexOf('.'));
activeConnectionProperties.setProperty("hostNameInCertificate", newHostName);
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
connectionlogger.finer(toString() + "Using new host to validate the SSL certificate");
isRoutedInCurrentAttempt = true;
routingInfo = new ServerPortPlaceHolder(routingServerName, routingPortNumber, null, integratedSecurity);
// Error on unrecognized, unused ENVCHANGES
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
connectionlogger.warning(toString() + " Unknown environment change: " + envchange);
// After extracting whatever value information we need, skip over whatever is left
// that we're not interested in.
tdsReader.readBytes(new byte[envValueLength], 0, envValueLength);
final void processFedAuthInfo(TDSReader tdsReader, TDSTokenHandler tdsTokenHandler) throws SQLServerException {
SqlFedAuthInfo sqlFedAuthInfo = new SqlFedAuthInfo();
tdsReader.readUnsignedByte(); // token type, 0xEE
// TdsParser.TryGetTokenLength, for FEDAUTHINFO, it uses TryReadInt32()
int tokenLen = tdsReader.readInt();
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " FEDAUTHINFO token stream length = " + tokenLen);
if (tokenLen < 4) {
// the token must at least contain a DWORD(length is 4 bytes) indicating the number of info IDs
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
connectionlogger.severe(toString() + "FEDAUTHINFO token stream length too short for CountOfInfoIDs.");
throw new SQLServerException(
SQLServerException.getErrString("R_FedAuthInfoLengthTooShortForCountOfInfoIds"), null);
// read how many FedAuthInfo options there are
int optionsCount = tdsReader.readInt();
tokenLen = tokenLen - 4; // remaining length is shortened since we read optCount, 4 is the size of int
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " CountOfInfoIDs = " + optionsCount);
if (tokenLen > 0) {
// read the rest of the token
byte[] tokenData = new byte[tokenLen];
tdsReader.readBytes(tokenData, 0, tokenLen);
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
.fine(toString() + " Read rest of FEDAUTHINFO token stream: " + Arrays.toString(tokenData));
// each FedAuthInfoOpt is 9 bytes:
// 1 byte for FedAuthInfoID
// 4 bytes for FedAuthInfoDataLen
// 4 bytes for FedAuthInfoDataOffset
// So this is the index in tokenData for the i-th option
final int optionSize = 9;
// the total number of bytes for all FedAuthInfoOpts together
int totalOptionsSize = optionsCount * optionSize;
for (int i = 0; i < optionsCount; i++) {
int currentOptionOffset = i * optionSize;
byte id = tokenData[currentOptionOffset];
byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
buffer[3] = tokenData[currentOptionOffset + 1];
buffer[2] = tokenData[currentOptionOffset + 2];
buffer[1] = tokenData[currentOptionOffset + 3];
buffer[0] = tokenData[currentOptionOffset + 4];
java.nio.ByteBuffer wrapped = java.nio.ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer); // big-endian by default
int dataLen = wrapped.getInt();
buffer = new byte[4];
buffer[3] = tokenData[currentOptionOffset + 5];
buffer[2] = tokenData[currentOptionOffset + 6];
buffer[1] = tokenData[currentOptionOffset + 7];
buffer[0] = tokenData[currentOptionOffset + 8];
wrapped = java.nio.ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer); // big-endian by default
int dataOffset = wrapped.getInt();
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " FedAuthInfoOpt: ID=" + id + ", DataLen=" + dataLen
+ ", Offset=" + dataOffset);
// offset is measured from optCount, so subtract to make offset measured
// from the beginning of tokenData, 4 is the size of int
dataOffset = dataOffset - 4;
// if dataOffset points to a region within FedAuthInfoOpt or after the end of the token, throw
if (dataOffset < totalOptionsSize || dataOffset >= tokenLen) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
connectionlogger.severe(toString() + "FedAuthInfoDataOffset points to an invalid location.");
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(
throw new SQLServerException(form.format(new Object[] {dataOffset}), null);
// try to read data and throw if the arguments are bad, meaning the server sent us a bad token
String data = null;
try {
byte[] dataArray = new byte[dataLen];
System.arraycopy(tokenData, dataOffset, dataArray, 0, dataLen);
data = new String(dataArray, UTF_16LE);
} catch (Exception e) {
connectionlogger.severe(toString() + "Failed to read FedAuthInfoData.");
throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_FedAuthInfoFailedToReadData"), e);
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " FedAuthInfoData: " + data);
// store data in tempFedAuthInfo
switch (id) {
sqlFedAuthInfo.spn = data;
sqlFedAuthInfo.stsurl = data;
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
.fine(toString() + " Ignoring unknown federated authentication info option: " + id);
} else {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
toString() + "FEDAUTHINFO token stream is not long enough to contain the data it claims to.");
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(
throw new SQLServerException(form.format(new Object[] {tokenLen}), null);
if (null == sqlFedAuthInfo.spn || null == sqlFedAuthInfo.stsurl || sqlFedAuthInfo.spn.trim().isEmpty()
|| sqlFedAuthInfo.stsurl.trim().isEmpty()) {
// We should be receiving both stsurl and spn
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
connectionlogger.severe(toString() + "FEDAUTHINFO token stream does not contain both STSURL and SPN.");
throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_FedAuthInfoDoesNotContainStsurlAndSpn"),
onFedAuthInfo(sqlFedAuthInfo, tdsTokenHandler);
final class FedAuthTokenCommand extends UninterruptableTDSCommand {
// Always update serialVersionUID when prompted.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
TDSTokenHandler tdsTokenHandler = null;
SqlFedAuthToken sqlFedAuthToken = null;
FedAuthTokenCommand(SqlFedAuthToken sqlFedAuthToken, TDSTokenHandler tdsTokenHandler) {
this.tdsTokenHandler = tdsTokenHandler;
this.sqlFedAuthToken = sqlFedAuthToken;
final boolean doExecute() throws SQLServerException {
sendFedAuthToken(this, sqlFedAuthToken, tdsTokenHandler);
return true;
* Generates (if appropriate) and sends a Federated Authentication Access token to the server, using the Federated
* Authentication Info.
void onFedAuthInfo(SqlFedAuthInfo fedAuthInfo, TDSTokenHandler tdsTokenHandler) throws SQLServerException {
assert (null != activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.USER.toString())
&& null != activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.PASSWORD.toString()))
|| (authenticationString.equalsIgnoreCase(SqlAuthentication.ActiveDirectoryIntegrated.toString())
|| authenticationString.equalsIgnoreCase(SqlAuthentication.ActiveDirectoryMSI.toString())
&& fedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponse);
assert null != fedAuthInfo;
attemptRefreshTokenLocked = true;
fedAuthToken = getFedAuthToken(fedAuthInfo);
attemptRefreshTokenLocked = false;
// fedAuthToken cannot be null.
assert null != fedAuthToken;
TDSCommand fedAuthCommand = new FedAuthTokenCommand(fedAuthToken, tdsTokenHandler);
fedAuthCommand.execute(tdsChannel.getWriter(), tdsChannel.getReader(fedAuthCommand));
private SqlFedAuthToken getFedAuthToken(SqlFedAuthInfo fedAuthInfo) throws SQLServerException {
SqlFedAuthToken fedAuthToken = null;
// fedAuthInfo should not be null.
assert null != fedAuthInfo;
String user = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.USER.toString());
// No:of milliseconds to sleep for the inital back off.
int sleepInterval = 100;
while (true) {
if (authenticationString.equalsIgnoreCase(SqlAuthentication.ActiveDirectoryPassword.toString())) {
fedAuthToken = SQLServerADAL4JUtils.getSqlFedAuthToken(fedAuthInfo, user,
// Break out of the retry loop in successful case.
} else if (authenticationString.equalsIgnoreCase(SqlAuthentication.ActiveDirectoryMSI.toString())) {
fedAuthToken = getMSIAuthToken(fedAuthInfo.spn,
// Break out of the retry loop in successful case.
} else if (authenticationString.equalsIgnoreCase(SqlAuthentication.ActiveDirectoryIntegrated.toString())) {
// If operating system is windows and sqljdbc_auth is loaded then choose the DLL authentication.
if (System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).startsWith("windows")
&& AuthenticationJNI.isDllLoaded()) {
try {
FedAuthDllInfo dllInfo = AuthenticationJNI.getAccessTokenForWindowsIntegrated(
fedAuthInfo.stsurl, fedAuthInfo.spn, clientConnectionId.toString(),
ActiveDirectoryAuthentication.JDBC_FEDAUTH_CLIENT_ID, 0);
// AccessToken should not be null.
assert null != dllInfo.accessTokenBytes;
byte[] accessTokenFromDLL = dllInfo.accessTokenBytes;
String accessToken = new String(accessTokenFromDLL, UTF_16LE);
fedAuthToken = new SqlFedAuthToken(accessToken, dllInfo.expiresIn);
// Break out of the retry loop in successful case.
} catch (DLLException adalException) {
// the sqljdbc_auth.dll return -1 for errorCategory, if unable to load the adalsql.dll
int errorCategory = adalException.GetCategory();
if (-1 == errorCategory) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(
Object[] msgArgs = {Integer.toHexString(adalException.GetState())};
throw new SQLServerException(form.format(msgArgs), null);
int millisecondsRemaining = timerRemaining(timerExpire);
if (ActiveDirectoryAuthentication.GET_ACCESS_TOKEN_TANSISENT_ERROR != errorCategory
|| timerHasExpired(timerExpire) || (sleepInterval >= millisecondsRemaining)) {
String errorStatus = Integer.toHexString(adalException.GetStatus());
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
toString() + " SQLServerConnection.getFedAuthToken.AdalException category:"
+ errorCategory + " error: " + errorStatus);
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(
String errorCode = Integer.toHexString(adalException.GetStatus()).toUpperCase();
Object[] msgArgs1 = {errorCode, adalException.GetState()};
SQLServerException middleException = new SQLServerException(form.format(msgArgs1),
form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_ADALExecution"));
Object[] msgArgs = {user, authenticationString};
throw new SQLServerException(form.format(msgArgs), null, 0, middleException);
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " SQLServerConnection.getFedAuthToken sleeping: "
+ sleepInterval + " milliseconds.");
connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " SQLServerConnection.getFedAuthToken remaining: "
+ millisecondsRemaining + " milliseconds.");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e1) {
// re-interrupt the current thread, in order to restore the thread's interrupt status.
sleepInterval = sleepInterval * 2;
// else choose ADAL4J for integrated authentication. This option is supported for both windows and unix,
// so we don't need to check the
// OS version here.
else {
// Check if ADAL4J library is available
fedAuthToken = SQLServerADAL4JUtils.getSqlFedAuthTokenIntegrated(fedAuthInfo, authenticationString);
// Break out of the retry loop in successful case.
return fedAuthToken;
private void validateAdalLibrary(String errorMessage) throws SQLServerException {
try {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// throw Exception for missing libraries
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString(errorMessage));
throw new SQLServerException(form.format(new Object[] {authenticationString}), null, 0, null);
private SqlFedAuthToken getMSIAuthToken(String resource, String msiClientId) throws SQLServerException {
// IMDS upgrade time can take up to 70s
final int imdsUpgradeTimeInMs = 70 * 1000;
final List retrySlots = new ArrayList<>();
final String msiEndpoint = System.getenv("MSI_ENDPOINT");
final String msiSecret = System.getenv("MSI_SECRET");
StringBuilder urlString = new StringBuilder();
int retry = 1, maxRetry = 1;
* isAzureFunction is used for identifying if the current client application is running in a Virtual Machine
* (without MSI environment variables) or App Service/Function (with MSI environment variables) as the APIs to
* be called for acquiring MSI Token are different for both cases.
boolean isAzureFunction = null != msiEndpoint && !msiEndpoint.isEmpty() && null != msiSecret
&& !msiSecret.isEmpty();
if (isAzureFunction) {
} else {
// Retry acquiring access token upto 20 times due to possible IMDS upgrade (Applies to VM only)
maxRetry = 20;
// Simplified variant of Exponential BackOff
for (int x = 0; x < maxRetry; x++) {
retrySlots.add(500 * ((2 << 1) - 1) / 1000);
// Append Client Id if available
if (null != msiClientId && !msiClientId.isEmpty()) {
if (isAzureFunction) {
} else {
// Loop while maxRetry reaches its limit
while (retry <= maxRetry) {
HttpURLConnection connection = null;
try {
connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(urlString.toString()).openConnection();
if (isAzureFunction) {
connection.setRequestProperty("Secret", msiSecret);
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " Using Azure Function/App Service MSI auth: " + urlString);
} else {
connection.setRequestProperty("Metadata", "true");
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " Using Azure MSI auth: " + urlString);
try (InputStream stream = connection.getInputStream()) {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream, UTF_8), 100);
String result = reader.readLine();
int startIndex_AT = result.indexOf(ActiveDirectoryAuthentication.ACCESS_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER)
+ ActiveDirectoryAuthentication.ACCESS_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER.length();
String accessToken = result.substring(startIndex_AT, result.indexOf("\"", startIndex_AT + 1));
Calendar cal = new Calendar.Builder().setInstant(new Date()).build();
if (isAzureFunction) {
// Fetch expires_on
int startIndex_ATX = result
+ ActiveDirectoryAuthentication.ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES_ON_IDENTIFIER.length();
String accessTokenExpiry = result.substring(startIndex_ATX,
result.indexOf("\"", startIndex_ATX + 1));
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
connectionlogger.finer(toString() + " MSI auth token expires on: " + accessTokenExpiry);
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(
cal = new Calendar.Builder().setInstant(df.parse(accessTokenExpiry)).build();
} else {
// Fetch expires_in
int startIndex_ATX = result
+ ActiveDirectoryAuthentication.ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES_IN_IDENTIFIER.length();
String accessTokenExpiry = result.substring(startIndex_ATX,
result.indexOf("\"", startIndex_ATX + 1));
cal.add(Calendar.SECOND, Integer.parseInt(accessTokenExpiry));
return new SqlFedAuthToken(accessToken, cal.getTime());
} catch (Exception e) {
// Below code applicable only when !isAzureFunctcion (VM)
if (retry > maxRetry) {
// Do not retry if maxRetry limit has been reached.
} else {
try {
int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode();
// Check Error Response Code from Connection
if (410 == responseCode || 429 == responseCode || 404 == responseCode
|| (500 <= responseCode && 599 >= responseCode)) {
try {
int retryTimeoutInMs = retrySlots.get(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(retry - 1));
// Error code 410 indicates IMDS upgrade is in progress, which can take up to 70s
retryTimeoutInMs = (responseCode == 410
&& retryTimeoutInMs < imdsUpgradeTimeInMs) ? imdsUpgradeTimeInMs
: retryTimeoutInMs;
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
// Throw runtime exception as driver must not be interrupted here
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
} else {
if (null != msiClientId && !msiClientId.isEmpty()) {
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, null,
SQLServerException.getErrString("R_MSITokenFailureClientId"), null, true);
} else {
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, null,
SQLServerException.getErrString("R_MSITokenFailureImds"), null, true);
} catch (IOException io) {
// Throw error as unexpected if response code not available
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, null,
SQLServerException.getErrString("R_MSITokenFailureUnexpected"), null, true);
} finally {
if (connection != null) {
if (retry > maxRetry) {
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, null, SQLServerException
.getErrString(isAzureFunction ? "R_MSITokenFailureEndpoint" : "R_MSITokenFailureImds"), null, true);
return null;
* Send the access token to the server.
private void sendFedAuthToken(FedAuthTokenCommand fedAuthCommand, SqlFedAuthToken fedAuthToken,
TDSTokenHandler tdsTokenHandler) throws SQLServerException {
assert null != fedAuthToken;
assert null != fedAuthToken.accessToken;
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " Sending federated authentication token.");
TDSWriter tdsWriter = fedAuthCommand.startRequest(TDS.PKT_FEDAUTH_TOKEN_MESSAGE);
byte[] accessToken = fedAuthToken.accessToken.getBytes(UTF_16LE);
// Send total length (length of token plus 4 bytes for the token length field)
// If we were sending a nonce, this would include that length as well
tdsWriter.writeInt(accessToken.length + 4);
// Send length of token
// Send federated authentication access token.
tdsWriter.writeBytes(accessToken, 0, accessToken.length);
TDSReader tdsReader;
tdsReader = fedAuthCommand.startResponse();
federatedAuthenticationRequested = true;
TDSParser.parse(tdsReader, tdsTokenHandler);
final void processFeatureExtAck(TDSReader tdsReader) throws SQLServerException {
tdsReader.readUnsignedByte(); // Reading FEATUREEXTACK_TOKEN 0xAE
// read feature ID
byte featureId;
do {
featureId = (byte) tdsReader.readUnsignedByte();
int dataLen;
dataLen = tdsReader.readInt();
byte[] data = new byte[dataLen];
if (dataLen > 0) {
tdsReader.readBytes(data, 0, dataLen);
onFeatureExtAck(featureId, data);
} while (featureId != TDS.FEATURE_EXT_TERMINATOR);
private void onFeatureExtAck(byte featureId, byte[] data) throws SQLServerException {
if (null != routingInfo) {
switch (featureId) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
toString() + " Received feature extension acknowledgement for federated authentication.");
if (!federatedAuthenticationRequested) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
connectionlogger.severe(toString() + " Did not request federated authentication.");
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(
Object[] msgArgs = {featureId};
throw new SQLServerException(form.format(msgArgs), null);
// _fedAuthFeatureExtensionData must not be null when _federatedAuthenticatonRequested == true
assert null != fedAuthFeatureExtensionData;
switch (fedAuthFeatureExtensionData.libraryType) {
// The server shouldn't have sent any additional data with the ack (like a nonce)
if (0 != data.length) {
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
+ " Federated authentication feature extension ack for ADAL and Security Token includes extra data.");
throw new SQLServerException(
SQLServerException.getErrString("R_FedAuthFeatureAckContainsExtraData"), null);
assert false; // Unknown _fedAuthLibrary type
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
toString() + " Attempting to use unknown federated authentication library.");
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(
Object[] msgArgs = {fedAuthFeatureExtensionData.libraryType};
throw new SQLServerException(form.format(msgArgs), null);
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " Received feature extension acknowledgement for AE.");
if (1 > data.length) {
throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_InvalidAEVersionNumber"), null);
aeVersion = data[0];
throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_InvalidAEVersionNumber"), null);
serverColumnEncryptionVersion = ColumnEncryptionVersion.AE_v1;
if (null != enclaveAttestationUrl) {
throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_enclaveNotSupported"), null);
} else {
serverColumnEncryptionVersion = ColumnEncryptionVersion.AE_v2;
enclaveType = new String(data, 2, data.length - 2, UTF_16LE);
if (!EnclaveType.isValidEnclaveType(enclaveType)) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_enclaveTypeInvalid"));
Object[] msgArgs = {enclaveType};
throw new SQLServerException(null, form.format(msgArgs), null, 0, false);
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
.fine(toString() + " Received feature extension acknowledgement for Data Classification.");
if (2 != data.length) {
throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_UnknownDataClsTokenNumber"), null);
byte supportedDataClassificationVersion = data[0];
if ((0 == supportedDataClassificationVersion)
|| (supportedDataClassificationVersion > TDS.MAX_SUPPORTED_DATA_CLASSIFICATION_VERSION)) {
throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_InvalidDataClsVersionNumber"),
byte enabled = data[1];
serverSupportsDataClassification = enabled != 0;
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " Received feature extension acknowledgement for UTF8 support.");
if (1 > data.length) {
throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_unknownUTF8SupportValue"), null);
default: {
// Unknown feature ack
throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_UnknownFeatureAck"), null);
* Executes a DTC command
private void executeDTCCommand(int requestType, byte[] payload, String logContext) throws SQLServerException {
final class DTCCommand extends UninterruptableTDSCommand {
* Always update serialVersionUID when prompted.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private final int requestType;
private final byte[] payload;
DTCCommand(int requestType, byte[] payload, String logContext) {
this.requestType = requestType;
this.payload = payload;
final boolean doExecute() throws SQLServerException {
TDSWriter tdsWriter = startRequest(TDS.PKT_DTC);
tdsWriter.sendEnclavePackage(null, null);
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) requestType);
if (null == payload) {
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) 0);
} else {
assert payload.length <= Short.MAX_VALUE;
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) payload.length);
TDSParser.parse(startResponse(), getLogContext());
return true;
executeCommand(new DTCCommand(requestType, payload, logContext));
* Delist the local transaction with DTC.
* @throws SQLServerException
final void JTAUnenlistConnection() throws SQLServerException {
// delist the connection
executeDTCCommand(TDS.TM_PROPAGATE_XACT, null, "MS_DTC delist connection");
inXATransaction = false;
* Enlist this connection's local transaction with MS DTC
* @param cookie
* the cookie identifying the transaction
* @throws SQLServerException
final void JTAEnlistConnection(byte cookie[]) throws SQLServerException {
// Enlist the connection
executeDTCCommand(TDS.TM_PROPAGATE_XACT, cookie, "MS_DTC enlist connection");
// DTC sets the enlisted connection's isolation level to SERIALIZABLE by default.
// Set the isolation level the way the app wants it.
connectionCommand(sqlStatementToSetTransactionIsolationLevel(), "JTAEnlistConnection");
inXATransaction = true;
* Convert to a String UCS16 encoding.
* @param s
* the string
* @return the encoded data
private byte[] toUCS16(String s) {
if (s == null)
return new byte[0];
int l = s.length();
byte data[] = new byte[l * 2];
int offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
int c = s.charAt(i);
byte b1 = (byte) (c & 0xFF);
data[offset++] = b1;
data[offset++] = (byte) ((c >> 8) & 0xFF); // Unicode MSB
return data;
* Encrypt a password for the SQL Server logon.
* @param pwd
* the password
* @return the encrypted password
private byte[] encryptPassword(String pwd) {
// Changed to handle non ascii passwords
if (pwd == null)
pwd = "";
int len = pwd.length();
byte data[] = new byte[len * 2];
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < len; i1++) {
int j1 = pwd.charAt(i1) ^ 0x5a5a;
j1 = (j1 & 0xf) << 4 | (j1 & 0xf0) >> 4 | (j1 & 0xf00) << 4 | (j1 & 0xf000) >> 4;
byte b1 = (byte) ((j1 & 0xFF00) >> 8);
data[(i1 * 2) + 1] = b1;
byte b2 = (byte) ((j1 & 0x00FF));
data[(i1 * 2) + 0] = b2;
return data;
* Send a TDS 7.x logon packet.
* @param secsTimeout
* (optional) if non-zero, seconds to wait for logon to be sent.
* @throws SQLServerException
private void sendLogon(LogonCommand logonCommand, SSPIAuthentication authentication,
FederatedAuthenticationFeatureExtensionData fedAuthFeatureExtensionData) throws SQLServerException {
// TDS token handler class for processing logon responses.
// Note:
// As a local inner class, LogonProcessor implicitly has access to private
// members of SQLServerConnection. Certain JVM implementations generate
// package scope accessors to any private members touched by this class,
// effectively changing visibility of such members from private to package.
// Therefore, it is IMPORTANT then for this class not to touch private
// member variables in SQLServerConnection that contain secure information.
final class LogonProcessor extends TDSTokenHandler {
private final SSPIAuthentication auth;
private byte[] secBlobOut = null;
StreamLoginAck loginAckToken;
LogonProcessor(SSPIAuthentication auth) {
this.auth = auth;
this.loginAckToken = null;
boolean onSSPI(TDSReader tdsReader) throws SQLServerException {
StreamSSPI ack = new StreamSSPI();
// Extract SSPI data from the response. If another round trip is
// required then we will start it after we finish processing the
// rest of this response.
boolean[] done = {false};
secBlobOut = auth.generateClientContext(ack.sspiBlob, done);
return true;
boolean onLoginAck(TDSReader tdsReader) throws SQLServerException {
loginAckToken = new StreamLoginAck();
sqlServerVersion = loginAckToken.sSQLServerVersion;
tdsVersion = loginAckToken.tdsVersion;
return true;
final boolean complete(LogonCommand logonCommand, TDSReader tdsReader) throws SQLServerException {
// If we have the login ack already then we're done processing.
if (null != loginAckToken)
return true;
// No login ack yet. Check if there is more SSPI handshake to do...
if (null != secBlobOut && 0 != secBlobOut.length) {
// Yes, there is. So start the next SSPI round trip and indicate to
// our caller that it needs to keep the processing loop going.
logonCommand.startRequest(TDS.PKT_SSPI).writeBytes(secBlobOut, 0, secBlobOut.length);
return false;
// The login ack comes in its own complete TDS response message.
// So integrated auth effectively receives more response messages from
// the server than it sends request messages from the driver.
// To ensure that the rest of the response can be read, fake another
// request to the server so that the channel sees int auth login
// as a symmetric conversation.
TDSParser.parse(tdsReader, this);
return true;
// Cannot use SSPI when server has responded 0x01 for FedAuthRequired PreLogin Option.
assert !(integratedSecurity && fedAuthRequiredPreLoginResponse);
// Cannot use both SSPI and FedAuth
assert (!integratedSecurity) || !(federatedAuthenticationInfoRequested || federatedAuthenticationRequested);
// fedAuthFeatureExtensionData provided without fed auth feature request
assert (null == fedAuthFeatureExtensionData)
|| (federatedAuthenticationInfoRequested || federatedAuthenticationRequested);
// Fed Auth feature requested without specifying fedAuthFeatureExtensionData.
assert (null != fedAuthFeatureExtensionData
|| !(federatedAuthenticationInfoRequested || federatedAuthenticationRequested));
String sUser = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.USER.toString());
String sPwd = activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(SQLServerDriverStringProperty.PASSWORD.toString());
String appName = activeConnectionProperties
String interfaceLibName = "Microsoft JDBC Driver " + SQLJdbcVersion.major + "." + SQLJdbcVersion.minor;
String databaseName = activeConnectionProperties
String serverName = (null != currentConnectPlaceHolder) ? currentConnectPlaceHolder.getServerName()
: activeConnectionProperties.getProperty(
if (null != serverName && serverName.length() > 128) {
serverName = serverName.substring(0, 128);
byte[] secBlob = new byte[0];
boolean[] done = {false};
if (null != authentication) {
secBlob = authentication.generateClientContext(secBlob, done);
sUser = null;
sPwd = null;
byte hostnameBytes[] = toUCS16(hostName);
byte userBytes[] = toUCS16(sUser);
byte passwordBytes[] = encryptPassword(sPwd);
int passwordLen = (null != passwordBytes) ? passwordBytes.length : 0;
byte appNameBytes[] = toUCS16(appName);
byte serverNameBytes[] = toUCS16(serverName);
byte interfaceLibNameBytes[] = toUCS16(interfaceLibName);
byte interfaceLibVersionBytes[] = {(byte), (byte) SQLJdbcVersion.patch,
(byte) SQLJdbcVersion.minor, (byte) SQLJdbcVersion.major};
byte databaseNameBytes[] = toUCS16(databaseName);
byte netAddress[] = new byte[6];
int dataLen = 0;
// Denali --> TDS 7.4, Katmai (10.0) & later 7.3B, Prelogin disconnects anything older
if (serverMajorVersion >= 11) {
tdsVersion = TDS.VER_DENALI;
} else if (serverMajorVersion >= 10) {
tdsVersion = TDS.VER_KATMAI;
} else if (serverMajorVersion >= 9) {
tdsVersion = TDS.VER_YUKON;
} else {
assert false : "prelogin did not disconnect for the old version: " + serverMajorVersion;
final int tdsLoginRequestBaseLength = 94;
TDSWriter tdsWriter = logonCommand.startRequest(TDS.PKT_LOGON70);
int len = tdsLoginRequestBaseLength + hostnameBytes.length + appNameBytes.length + serverNameBytes.length
+ interfaceLibNameBytes.length + databaseNameBytes.length + ((secBlob != null) ? secBlob.length : 0)
+ 4; // AE is always on;
// only add lengths of password and username if not using SSPI or requesting federated authentication info
if (!integratedSecurity && !(federatedAuthenticationInfoRequested || federatedAuthenticationRequested)) {
len = len + passwordLen + userBytes.length;
int aeOffset = len;
// AE is always ON
len += writeAEFeatureRequest(false, tdsWriter);
if (federatedAuthenticationInfoRequested || federatedAuthenticationRequested) {
len = len + writeFedAuthFeatureRequest(false, tdsWriter, fedAuthFeatureExtensionData);
// Data Classification is always enabled (by default)
len += writeDataClassificationFeatureRequest(false, tdsWriter);
len = len + writeUTF8SupportFeatureRequest(false, tdsWriter);
len = len + 1; // add 1 to length because of FeatureEx terminator
// Length of entire Login 7 packet
tdsWriter.writeBytes(interfaceLibVersionBytes); // writeBytes() is little endian
tdsWriter.writeInt(0); // Client process ID (0 = ??)
tdsWriter.writeInt(0); // Primary server connection ID
tdsWriter.writeByte((byte) (// OptionFlags1:
TDS.LOGIN_OPTION1_ORDER_X86 | // X86 byte order for numeric & datetime types
TDS.LOGIN_OPTION1_FLOAT_IEEE_754 | // IEEE 754 floating point representation
TDS.LOGIN_OPTION1_DUMPLOAD_ON | // Require dump/load BCP capabilities
TDS.LOGIN_OPTION1_INIT_DB_FATAL | // Fail connection if initial database change fails
// OptionFlags2:
tdsWriter.writeByte((byte) (TDS.LOGIN_OPTION2_INIT_LANG_FATAL | // Fail connection if initial language change
// fails
// inf, ROWCOUNT inf)
(integratedSecurity ? // integrated security if integratedSecurity requested
// TypeFlags
tdsWriter.writeByte((byte) (TDS.LOGIN_SQLTYPE_DEFAULT | (applicationIntent != null
&& applicationIntent.equals(ApplicationIntent.READ_ONLY) ? TDS.LOGIN_READ_ONLY_INTENT
// OptionFlags3
byte colEncSetting;
// AE is always ON
// Accept unknown collations from Katmai & later servers
tdsWriter.writeByte((byte) (TDS.LOGIN_OPTION3_DEFAULT | colEncSetting
| ((serverMajorVersion >= 10) ? TDS.LOGIN_OPTION3_UNKNOWN_COLLATION_HANDLING : 0)));
tdsWriter.writeInt((byte) 0); // Client time zone
tdsWriter.writeInt((byte) 0); // Client LCID
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) tdsLoginRequestBaseLength);
// Hostname
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) ((hostName != null && !hostName.isEmpty()) ? hostName.length() : 0));
dataLen += hostnameBytes.length;
// Only send user/password over if not NTLM or fSSPI or fed auth ADAL... If both user/password and SSPI are in
// login rec, only SSPI is used.
if (ntlmAuthentication) {
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (tdsLoginRequestBaseLength + dataLen));
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (0));
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (tdsLoginRequestBaseLength + dataLen));
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (0));
} else if (!integratedSecurity && !(federatedAuthenticationInfoRequested || federatedAuthenticationRequested)) {
// User and Password
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (tdsLoginRequestBaseLength + dataLen));
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (sUser == null ? 0 : sUser.length()));
dataLen += userBytes.length;
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (tdsLoginRequestBaseLength + dataLen));
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (sPwd == null ? 0 : sPwd.length()));
dataLen += passwordLen;
} else {
// User and Password are null
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (0));
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (0));
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (0));
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (0));
// App name
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (tdsLoginRequestBaseLength + dataLen));
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (appName == null ? 0 : appName.length()));
dataLen += appNameBytes.length;
// Server name
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (tdsLoginRequestBaseLength + dataLen));
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (serverName == null ? 0 : serverName.length()));
dataLen += serverNameBytes.length;
// Unused
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (tdsLoginRequestBaseLength + dataLen));
// AE is always ON
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) 4);
dataLen += 4;
// Interface library name
assert null != interfaceLibName;
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (tdsLoginRequestBaseLength + dataLen));
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (interfaceLibName.length()));
dataLen += interfaceLibNameBytes.length;
// Language
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) 0);
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) 0);
// Database
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (tdsLoginRequestBaseLength + dataLen));
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (databaseName == null ? 0 : databaseName.length()));
dataLen += databaseNameBytes.length;
// Client ID (from MAC addr)
final int uShortMax = 65535;
// SSPI data
if (!integratedSecurity) {
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) 0);
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) 0);
} else {
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (tdsLoginRequestBaseLength + dataLen));
if (uShortMax <= secBlob.length) {
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (uShortMax));
} else {
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) (secBlob.length));
// Database to attach during connection process
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) 0);
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) 0);
if (tdsVersion >= TDS.VER_YUKON) {
// TDS 7.2: Password change
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) 0);
tdsWriter.writeShort((short) 0);
// TDS 7.2: 32-bit SSPI byte count (used if 16 bits above were not sufficient)
if (null != secBlob && uShortMax <= secBlob.length) {
} else {
tdsWriter.writeInt((short) 0);
// Don't allow user credentials to be logged
// if we are using NTLM or SSPI or fed auth ADAL, do not send over username/password, since we will use SSPI
// instead
if (!integratedSecurity && !(federatedAuthenticationInfoRequested || federatedAuthenticationRequested)) {
tdsWriter.writeBytes(userBytes); // Username
tdsWriter.writeBytes(passwordBytes); // Password (encrypted)
tdsWriter.writeBytes(appNameBytes); // application name
tdsWriter.writeBytes(serverNameBytes); // server name
// AE is always ON
tdsWriter.writeBytes(interfaceLibNameBytes); // interfaceLibName
tdsWriter.writeBytes(databaseNameBytes); // databaseName
// Don't allow user credentials to be logged
// SSPI data
if (integratedSecurity) {
tdsWriter.writeBytes(secBlob, 0, secBlob.length);
// AE is always ON
writeAEFeatureRequest(true, tdsWriter);
if (federatedAuthenticationInfoRequested || federatedAuthenticationRequested) {
writeFedAuthFeatureRequest(true, tdsWriter, fedAuthFeatureExtensionData);
writeDataClassificationFeatureRequest(true, tdsWriter);
writeUTF8SupportFeatureRequest(true, tdsWriter);
tdsWriter.writeByte((byte) TDS.FEATURE_EXT_TERMINATOR);
LogonProcessor logonProcessor = new LogonProcessor(authentication);
TDSReader tdsReader;
do {
tdsReader = logonCommand.startResponse();
TDSParser.parse(tdsReader, logonProcessor);
} while (!logonProcessor.complete(logonCommand, tdsReader));
/* --------------- JDBC 3.0 ------------- */
* Checks that the holdability argument is one of the values allowed by the JDBC spec and by this driver.
private void checkValidHoldability(int holdability) throws SQLServerException {
if (holdability != ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT && holdability != ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidHoldability"));
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(new Object[] {holdability}), null, true);
* Checks that the proposed statement holdability matches this connection's current holdability.
* SQL Server doesn't support per-statement holdability, so the statement's proposed holdability must match its
* parent connection's. Note that this doesn't stop anyone from changing the holdability of the connection after
* creating the statement. Apps should always call Statement.getResultSetHoldability to check the holdability of
* ResultSets that would be created, and/or ResultSet.getHoldability to check the holdability of an existing
* ResultSet.
private void checkMatchesCurrentHoldability(int resultSetHoldability) throws SQLServerException {
if (resultSetHoldability != this.holdability) {
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this,
SQLServerException.getErrString("R_sqlServerHoldability"), null, false);
public Statement createStatement(int nType, int nConcur, int resultSetHoldability) throws SQLServerException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "createStatement",
new Object[] {nType, nConcur, resultSetHoldability});
Statement st = createStatement(nType, nConcur, resultSetHoldability,
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "createStatement", st);
return st;
public Statement createStatement(int nType, int nConcur, int resultSetHoldability,
SQLServerStatementColumnEncryptionSetting stmtColEncSetting) throws SQLServerException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "createStatement",
new Object[] {nType, nConcur, resultSetHoldability, stmtColEncSetting});
Statement st = new SQLServerStatement(this, nType, nConcur, stmtColEncSetting);
if (requestStarted) {
addOpenStatement((ISQLServerStatement) st);
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "createStatement", st);
return st;
public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(java.lang.String sql, int nType, int nConcur,
int resultSetHoldability) throws SQLServerException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement",
new Object[] {nType, nConcur, resultSetHoldability});
PreparedStatement st = prepareStatement(sql, nType, nConcur, resultSetHoldability,
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", st);
return st;
public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(java.lang.String sql, int nType, int nConcur, int resultSetHoldability,
SQLServerStatementColumnEncryptionSetting stmtColEncSetting) throws SQLServerException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement",
new Object[] {nType, nConcur, resultSetHoldability, stmtColEncSetting});
PreparedStatement st = new SQLServerPreparedStatement(this, sql, nType, nConcur, stmtColEncSetting);
if (requestStarted) {
addOpenStatement((ISQLServerStatement) st);
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", st);
return st;
public CallableStatement prepareCall(String sql, int nType, int nConcur,
int resultSetHoldability) throws SQLServerException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement",
new Object[] {nType, nConcur, resultSetHoldability});
CallableStatement st = prepareCall(sql, nType, nConcur, resultSetHoldability,
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareCall", st);
return st;
public CallableStatement prepareCall(String sql, int nType, int nConcur, int resultSetHoldability,
SQLServerStatementColumnEncryptionSetting stmtColEncSetiing) throws SQLServerException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement",
new Object[] {nType, nConcur, resultSetHoldability, stmtColEncSetiing});
CallableStatement st = new SQLServerCallableStatement(this, sql, nType, nConcur, stmtColEncSetiing);
if (requestStarted) {
addOpenStatement((ISQLServerStatement) st);
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareCall", st);
return st;
/* JDBC 3.0 Auto generated keys */
public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int flag) throws SQLServerException {
if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(java.util.logging.Level.FINER)) {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", new Object[] {sql, flag});
SQLServerPreparedStatement ps = (SQLServerPreparedStatement) prepareStatement(sql, flag,
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", ps);
return ps;
public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int flag,
SQLServerStatementColumnEncryptionSetting stmtColEncSetting) throws SQLServerException {
if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(java.util.logging.Level.FINER)) {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement",
new Object[] {sql, flag, stmtColEncSetting});
SQLServerPreparedStatement ps = (SQLServerPreparedStatement) prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY,
ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, stmtColEncSetting);
ps.bRequestedGeneratedKeys = (flag == Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", ps);
return ps;
public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int[] columnIndexes) throws SQLServerException {
if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(java.util.logging.Level.FINER)) {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", new Object[] {sql, columnIndexes});
SQLServerPreparedStatement ps = (SQLServerPreparedStatement) prepareStatement(sql, columnIndexes,
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", ps);
return ps;
public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int[] columnIndexes,
SQLServerStatementColumnEncryptionSetting stmtColEncSetting) throws SQLServerException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement",
new Object[] {sql, columnIndexes, stmtColEncSetting});
if (columnIndexes == null || columnIndexes.length != 1) {
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this,
SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidColumnArrayLength"), null, false);
SQLServerPreparedStatement ps = (SQLServerPreparedStatement) prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY,
ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, stmtColEncSetting);
ps.bRequestedGeneratedKeys = true;
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", ps);
return ps;
public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, String[] columnNames) throws SQLServerException {
if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(java.util.logging.Level.FINER)) {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", new Object[] {sql, columnNames});
SQLServerPreparedStatement ps = (SQLServerPreparedStatement) prepareStatement(sql, columnNames,
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", ps);
return ps;
public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, String[] columnNames,
SQLServerStatementColumnEncryptionSetting stmtColEncSetting) throws SQLServerException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement",
new Object[] {sql, columnNames, stmtColEncSetting});
if (columnNames == null || columnNames.length != 1) {
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this,
SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidColumnArrayLength"), null, false);
SQLServerPreparedStatement ps = (SQLServerPreparedStatement) prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY,
ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, stmtColEncSetting);
ps.bRequestedGeneratedKeys = true;
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "prepareStatement", ps);
return ps;
/* JDBC 3.0 Savepoints */
public void releaseSavepoint(Savepoint savepoint) throws SQLException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "releaseSavepoint", savepoint);
SQLServerException.throwNotSupportedException(this, null);
final private Savepoint setNamedSavepoint(String sName) throws SQLServerException {
if (databaseAutoCommitMode) {
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_cantSetSavepoint"),
null, false);
SQLServerSavepoint s = new SQLServerSavepoint(this, sName);
// Create the named savepoint. Note that we explicitly start a transaction if we
// are not already in one. This is to allow the savepoint to be created even if
// setSavepoint() is called before executing any other implicit-transaction-starting
// statements. Also note that the way we create this transaction is rather weird.
// This is because the server creates a nested transaction (@@TRANCOUNT = 2) rather
// than just the outer transaction (@@TRANCOUNT = 1). Should this limitation ever
// change, the T-SQL below should still work.
+ Util.escapeSQLId(s.getLabel()), "setSavepoint");
return s;
public Savepoint setSavepoint(String sName) throws SQLServerException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "setSavepoint", sName);
if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER) && Util.isActivityTraceOn()) {
loggerExternal.finer(toString() + " ActivityId: " + ActivityCorrelator.getNext().toString());
Savepoint pt = setNamedSavepoint(sName);
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "setSavepoint", pt);
return pt;
public Savepoint setSavepoint() throws SQLServerException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "setSavepoint");
if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER) && Util.isActivityTraceOn()) {
loggerExternal.finer(toString() + " ActivityId: " + ActivityCorrelator.getNext().toString());
Savepoint pt = setNamedSavepoint(null);
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "setSavepoint", pt);
return pt;
public void rollback(Savepoint s) throws SQLServerException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "rollback", s);
if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER) && Util.isActivityTraceOn()) {
loggerExternal.finer(toString() + " ActivityId: " + ActivityCorrelator.getNext().toString());
if (databaseAutoCommitMode) {
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_cantInvokeRollback"),
null, false);
connectionCommand("IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRAN " + Util.escapeSQLId(((SQLServerSavepoint) s).getLabel()),
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "rollback");
public int getHoldability() throws SQLServerException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "getHoldability");
if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "getHoldability", holdability);
return holdability;
public void setHoldability(int holdability) throws SQLServerException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "setHoldability", holdability);
if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER) && Util.isActivityTraceOn()) {
loggerExternal.finer(toString() + " ActivityId: " + ActivityCorrelator.getNext().toString());
if (this.holdability != holdability) {
assert ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT == holdability
|| ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT == holdability : "invalid holdability " + holdability;
this.holdability = holdability;
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "setHoldability");
public int getNetworkTimeout() throws SQLException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "getNetworkTimeout");
int timeout = 0;
try {
timeout = tdsChannel.getNetworkTimeout();
} catch (IOException ioe) {
terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_IO_FAILED, ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "getNetworkTimeout");
return timeout;
public void setNetworkTimeout(Executor executor, int timeout) throws SQLException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "setNetworkTimeout", timeout);
if (timeout < 0) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidSocketTimeout"));
Object[] msgArgs = {timeout};
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, false);
// check for setNetworkTimeout permission
SecurityManager secMgr = System.getSecurityManager();
if (secMgr != null) {
try {
SQLPermission perm = new SQLPermission(SET_NETWORK_TIMEOUT_PERM);
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_permissionDenied"));
Object[] msgArgs = {SET_NETWORK_TIMEOUT_PERM};
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, true);
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
terminate(SQLServerException.DRIVER_ERROR_IO_FAILED, ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "setNetworkTimeout");
public String getSchema() throws SQLException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "getSchema");
try (SQLServerStatement stmt = (SQLServerStatement) this.createStatement();
SQLServerResultSet resultSet = stmt.executeQueryInternal("SELECT SCHEMA_NAME()")) {
if (resultSet != null) {;
return resultSet.getString(1);
} else {
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_getSchemaError"),
null, true);
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (isSessionUnAvailable()) {
throw e;
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_getSchemaError"),
null, true);
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "getSchema");
return null;
public void setSchema(String schema) throws SQLException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "setSchema", schema);
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "setSchema");
public void setSendTimeAsDatetime(boolean sendTimeAsDateTimeValue) {
sendTimeAsDatetime = sendTimeAsDateTimeValue;
public void setUseFmtOnly(boolean useFmtOnly) {
this.useFmtOnly = useFmtOnly;
public final boolean getUseFmtOnly() {
return useFmtOnly;
public java.sql.Array createArrayOf(String typeName, Object[] elements) throws SQLException {
SQLServerException.throwNotSupportedException(this, null);
return null;
public java.sql.Blob createBlob() throws SQLException {
return new SQLServerBlob(this);
public java.sql.Clob createClob() throws SQLException {
return new SQLServerClob(this);
public java.sql.NClob createNClob() throws SQLException {
return new SQLServerNClob(this);
public SQLXML createSQLXML() throws SQLException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "createSQLXML");
SQLXML sqlxml = new SQLServerSQLXML(this);
if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "createSQLXML", sqlxml);
return sqlxml;
public java.sql.Struct createStruct(String typeName, Object[] attributes) throws SQLException {
SQLServerException.throwNotSupportedException(this, null);
return null;
String getTrustedServerNameAE() throws SQLServerException {
return trustedServerNameAE.toUpperCase();
public Properties getClientInfo() throws SQLException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "getClientInfo");
Properties p = new Properties();
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "getClientInfo", p);
return p;
public String getClientInfo(String name) throws SQLException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "getClientInfo", name);
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "getClientInfo", null);
return null;
public void setClientInfo(Properties properties) throws SQLClientInfoException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "setClientInfo", properties);
// This function is only marked as throwing only SQLClientInfoException so the conversion is necessary
try {
} catch (SQLServerException ex) {
SQLClientInfoException info = new SQLClientInfoException();
throw info;
if (!properties.isEmpty()) {
Enumeration> e = properties.keys();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidProperty"));
Object[] msgArgs = {e.nextElement()};
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "setClientInfo");
public void setClientInfo(String name, String value) throws SQLClientInfoException {
if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(java.util.logging.Level.FINER)) {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "setClientInfo", new Object[] {name, value});
// This function is only marked as throwing only SQLClientInfoException so the conversion is necessary
try {
} catch (SQLServerException ex) {
SQLClientInfoException info = new SQLClientInfoException();
throw info;
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidProperty"));
Object[] msgArgs = {name};
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "setClientInfo");
* Determine whether the connection is still valid.
* The driver shall submit a query on the connection or use some other mechanism that positively verifies the
* connection is still valid when this method is called.
* The query submitted by the driver to validate the connection shall be executed in the context of the current
* transaction.
* @param timeout
* The time in seconds to wait for the database operation used to validate the connection to complete. If the
* timeout period expires before the operation completes, this method returns false. A value of 0 indicates a
* timeout is not applied to the database operation. Note that if the value is 0, the call to isValid may
* block indefinitely if the connection is not valid...
* @return true if the connection has not been closed and is still valid.
* @throws SQLException
* if the value supplied for the timeout is less than 0.
public boolean isValid(int timeout) throws SQLException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "isValid", timeout);
// Throw an exception if the timeout is invalid
if (timeout < 0) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidQueryTimeOutValue"));
Object[] msgArgs = {timeout};
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, true);
// Return false if the connection is closed
if (isSessionUnAvailable())
return false;
boolean isValid = true;
try (SQLServerStatement stmt = new SQLServerStatement(this, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY,
ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, SQLServerStatementColumnEncryptionSetting.UseConnectionSetting)) {
// If asked, limit the time to wait for the query to complete.
if (0 != timeout)
* Try to execute the query. If this succeeds, then the connection is valid. If it fails (throws an
* exception), then the connection is not valid. If a timeout was provided, execution throws an
* "query timed out" exception if the query fails to execute in that time.
stmt.executeQueryInternal("SELECT 1");
} catch (SQLException e) {
isValid = false;
* Do not propagate SQLExceptions from query execution or statement closure. The connection is considered to
* be invalid if the statement fails to close, even though query execution succeeded.
connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " Exception checking connection validity: " + e.getMessage());
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "isValid", isValid);
return isValid;
public boolean isWrapperFor(Class> iface) throws SQLException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "isWrapperFor", iface);
boolean f = iface.isInstance(this);
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "isWrapperFor", f);
return f;
public T unwrap(Class iface) throws SQLException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "unwrap", iface);
T t;
try {
t = iface.cast(this);
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
SQLServerException newe = new SQLServerException(e.getMessage(), e);
throw newe;
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "unwrap", t);
return t;
private boolean requestStarted = false;
private boolean originalDatabaseAutoCommitMode;
private int originalTransactionIsolationLevel;
private int originalNetworkTimeout;
private int originalHoldability;
private boolean originalSendTimeAsDatetime;
private int originalStatementPoolingCacheSize;
private boolean originalDisableStatementPooling;
private int originalServerPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold;
private Boolean originalEnablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall;
private String originalSCatalog;
private boolean originalUseBulkCopyForBatchInsert;
private volatile SQLWarning originalSqlWarnings;
private List openStatements;
private boolean originalUseFmtOnly;
protected void beginRequestInternal() throws SQLException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "beginRequest", this);
synchronized (this) {
if (!requestStarted) {
originalDatabaseAutoCommitMode = databaseAutoCommitMode;
originalTransactionIsolationLevel = transactionIsolationLevel;
originalNetworkTimeout = getNetworkTimeout();
originalHoldability = holdability;
originalSendTimeAsDatetime = sendTimeAsDatetime;
originalStatementPoolingCacheSize = statementPoolingCacheSize;
originalDisableStatementPooling = disableStatementPooling;
originalServerPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold = getServerPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold();
originalEnablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall = getEnablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall();
originalSCatalog = sCatalog;
originalUseBulkCopyForBatchInsert = getUseBulkCopyForBatchInsert();
originalSqlWarnings = sqlWarnings;
openStatements = new LinkedList();
originalUseFmtOnly = useFmtOnly;
requestStarted = true;
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "beginRequest", this);
protected void endRequestInternal() throws SQLException {
loggerExternal.entering(getClassNameLogging(), "endRequest", this);
synchronized (this) {
if (requestStarted) {
if (!databaseAutoCommitMode) {
if (databaseAutoCommitMode != originalDatabaseAutoCommitMode) {
if (transactionIsolationLevel != originalTransactionIsolationLevel) {
if (getNetworkTimeout() != originalNetworkTimeout) {
setNetworkTimeout(null, originalNetworkTimeout);
if (holdability != originalHoldability) {
if (sendTimeAsDatetime != originalSendTimeAsDatetime) {
if (useFmtOnly != originalUseFmtOnly) {
if (statementPoolingCacheSize != originalStatementPoolingCacheSize) {
if (disableStatementPooling != originalDisableStatementPooling) {
if (getServerPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold() != originalServerPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold) {
if (getEnablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall() != originalEnablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall) {
if (!sCatalog.equals(originalSCatalog)) {
if (getUseBulkCopyForBatchInsert() != originalUseBulkCopyForBatchInsert) {
sqlWarnings = originalSqlWarnings;
if (null != openStatements) {
while (!openStatements.isEmpty()) {
try (Statement st = openStatements.get(0)) {}
requestStarted = false;
loggerExternal.exiting(getClassNameLogging(), "endRequest", this);
* Replaces JDBC syntax parameter markets '?' with SQL Server parameter markers @p1, @p2 etc...
* @param sql
* the user's SQL
* @throws SQLServerException
* @return the returned syntax
static final char[] OUT = {' ', 'O', 'U', 'T'};
String replaceParameterMarkers(String sqlSrc, int[] paramPositions, Parameter[] params,
boolean isReturnValueSyntax) throws SQLServerException {
final int MAX_PARAM_NAME_LEN = 6;
char[] sqlDst = new char[sqlSrc.length() + params.length * (MAX_PARAM_NAME_LEN + OUT.length)];
int dstBegin = 0;
int srcBegin = 0;
int nParam = 0;
int paramIndex = 0;
while (true) {
int srcEnd = (paramIndex >= paramPositions.length) ? sqlSrc.length() : paramPositions[paramIndex];
sqlSrc.getChars(srcBegin, srcEnd, sqlDst, dstBegin);
dstBegin += srcEnd - srcBegin;
if (sqlSrc.length() == srcEnd)
dstBegin += makeParamName(nParam++, sqlDst, dstBegin);
srcBegin = srcEnd + 1;
if (params[paramIndex++].isOutput()) {
if (!isReturnValueSyntax || paramIndex > 1) {
System.arraycopy(OUT, 0, sqlDst, dstBegin, OUT.length);
dstBegin += OUT.length;
while (dstBegin < sqlDst.length)
sqlDst[dstBegin++] = ' ';
return new String(sqlDst);
* Makes a SQL Server style parameter name.
* @param nParam
* the parameter number
* @param name
* the parameter name
* @param offset
* @return int
static int makeParamName(int nParam, char[] name, int offset) {
name[offset + 0] = '@';
name[offset + 1] = 'P';
if (nParam < 10) {
name[offset + 2] = (char) ('0' + nParam);
return 3;
} else {
if (nParam < 100) {
int nBase = 2;
while (true) { // make a char[] representation of the param number 2.26
if (nParam < nBase * 10) {
name[offset + 2] = (char) ('0' + (nBase - 1));
name[offset + 3] = (char) ('0' + (nParam - ((nBase - 1) * 10)));
return 4;
} else {
String sParam = "" + nParam;
sParam.getChars(0, sParam.length(), name, offset + 2);
return 2 + sParam.length();
* Notify any interested parties (e.g. pooling managers) of a ConnectionEvent activity on the connection. Calling
* notifyPooledConnection with null event will place this connection back in the pool. Calling
* notifyPooledConnection with a non-null event is used to notify the pooling manager that the connection is bad and
* should be removed from the pool.
void notifyPooledConnection(SQLServerException e) {
synchronized (this) {
if (null != pooledConnectionParent) {
// Detaches this connection from connection pool.
void DetachFromPool() {
synchronized (this) {
pooledConnectionParent = null;
* Determines the listening port of a named SQL Server instance.
* @param server
* the server name
* @param instanceName
* the instance
* @throws SQLServerException
* @return the instance's port
private static final int BROWSER_PORT = 1434;
String getInstancePort(String server, String instanceName) throws SQLServerException {
String browserResult = null;
DatagramSocket datagramSocket = null;
String lastErrorMessage = null;
try {
lastErrorMessage = "Failed to determine instance for the : " + server + " instance:" + instanceName;
// First we create a datagram socket
try {
datagramSocket = new DatagramSocket();
} catch (SocketException socketException) {
// Errors creating a local socket
// Log the error and bail.
lastErrorMessage = "Unable to create local datagram socket";
throw socketException;
// Second, we need to get the IP address of the server to which we'll send the UDP request.
// This may require a DNS lookup, which may fail due to transient conditions, so retry after logging the
// first time.
// send UDP packet
assert null != datagramSocket;
try {
if (multiSubnetFailover) {
// If instance name is specified along with multiSubnetFailover, we get all IPs resolved by server
// name
InetAddress[] inetAddrs = InetAddress.getAllByName(server);
assert null != inetAddrs;
for (InetAddress inetAddr : inetAddrs) {
// Send the UDP request
try {
byte sendBuffer[] = (" " + instanceName).getBytes();
sendBuffer[0] = 4;
DatagramPacket udpRequest = new DatagramPacket(sendBuffer, sendBuffer.length, inetAddr,
} catch (IOException ioException) {
lastErrorMessage = "Error sending SQL Server Browser Service UDP request to address: "
+ inetAddr + ", port: " + BROWSER_PORT;
throw ioException;
} else {
// If instance name is not specified along with multiSubnetFailover, we resolve only the first IP
// for server name
InetAddress inetAddr = InetAddress.getByName(server);
assert null != inetAddr;
// Send the UDP request
try {
byte sendBuffer[] = (" " + instanceName).getBytes();
sendBuffer[0] = 4;
DatagramPacket udpRequest = new DatagramPacket(sendBuffer, sendBuffer.length, inetAddr,
} catch (IOException ioException) {
lastErrorMessage = "Error sending SQL Server Browser Service UDP request to address: "
+ inetAddr + ", port: " + BROWSER_PORT;
throw ioException;
} catch (UnknownHostException unknownHostException) {
lastErrorMessage = "Unable to determine IP address of host: " + server;
throw unknownHostException;
// Receive the UDP response
try {
byte receiveBuffer[] = new byte[4096];
DatagramPacket udpResponse = new DatagramPacket(receiveBuffer, receiveBuffer.length);
browserResult = new String(receiveBuffer, 3, receiveBuffer.length - 3);
if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
connectionlogger.fine(toString() + " Received SSRP UDP response from IP address: "
+ udpResponse.getAddress().getHostAddress());
} catch (IOException ioException) {
// Warn and retry
lastErrorMessage = "Error receiving SQL Server Browser Service UDP response from server: " + server;
throw ioException;
} catch (IOException ioException) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_sqlBrowserFailed"));
Object[] msgArgs = {server, instanceName, ioException.toString()};
connectionlogger.log(Level.FINE, toString() + " " + lastErrorMessage, ioException);
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs),
} finally {
if (null != datagramSocket)
assert null != browserResult;
// If the server isn't configured for TCP then say so and fail
int p = browserResult.indexOf("tcp;");
if (-1 == p) {
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_notConfiguredToListentcpip"));
Object[] msgArgs = {instanceName};
SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(this, this, form.format(msgArgs),
// All went well, so return the TCP port of the SQL Server instance
int p1 = p + 4;
int p2 = browserResult.indexOf(';', p1);
return browserResult.substring(p1, p2);
int getNextSavepointId() {
nNextSavePointId++; // Make them unique for this connection
return nNextSavePointId;
* Returns this connection's SQLServerConnectionSecurityManager class to caller. Used by SQLServerPooledConnection
* to verify security when passing out Connection objects.
void doSecurityCheck() {
assert null != currentConnectPlaceHolder;
* Sets time-to-live for column encryption key entries in the column encryption key cache for the Always Encrypted
* feature. The default value is 2 hours. This variable holds the value in seconds.
private static long columnEncryptionKeyCacheTtl = TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(2, TimeUnit.HOURS);
* Sets time-to-live for column encryption key entries in the column encryption key cache for the Always Encrypted
* feature. The default value is 2 hours. This variable holds the value in seconds.
* @param columnEncryptionKeyCacheTTL
* The timeunit in seconds
* @param unit
* The Timeunit.
* @throws SQLServerException
* when an error occurs
public static synchronized void setColumnEncryptionKeyCacheTtl(int columnEncryptionKeyCacheTTL,
TimeUnit unit) throws SQLServerException {
if (columnEncryptionKeyCacheTTL < 0 || unit.equals(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) || unit.equals(TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS)
|| unit.equals(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)) {
throw new SQLServerException(null, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_invalidCEKCacheTtl"), null, 0, false);
columnEncryptionKeyCacheTtl = TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(columnEncryptionKeyCacheTTL, unit);
static synchronized long getColumnEncryptionKeyCacheTtl() {
return columnEncryptionKeyCacheTtl;
* Enqueues a discarded prepared statement handle to be clean-up on the server.
* @param statementHandle
* The prepared statement handle that should be scheduled for unprepare.
final void enqueueUnprepareStatementHandle(PreparedStatementHandle statementHandle) {
if (null == statementHandle)
if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(java.util.logging.Level.FINER))
.finer(this + ": Adding PreparedHandle to queue for un-prepare:" + statementHandle.getHandle());
// Add the new handle to the discarding queue and find out current # enqueued.
public int getDiscardedServerPreparedStatementCount() {
return this.discardedPreparedStatementHandleCount.get();
public void closeUnreferencedPreparedStatementHandles() {
* Removes references to outstanding un-prepare requests. Should be run when connection is closed.
private final void cleanupPreparedStatementDiscardActions() {
public boolean getEnablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall() {
if (null == this.enablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall)
return this.enablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall;
public void setEnablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall(boolean value) {
this.enablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall = value;
public int getServerPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold() {
if (0 > this.serverPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold)
return this.serverPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold;
public void setServerPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold(int value) {
this.serverPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold = Math.max(0, value);
final boolean isPreparedStatementUnprepareBatchingEnabled() {
return 1 < getServerPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold();
* Cleans up discarded prepared statement handles on the server using batched un-prepare actions if the batching
* threshold has been reached.
* @param force
* When force is set to true we ignore the current threshold for if the discard actions should run and run
* them anyway.
final void unprepareUnreferencedPreparedStatementHandles(boolean force) {
// Skip out if session is unavailable to adhere to previous non-batched behavior.
if (isSessionUnAvailable())
final int threshold = getServerPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold();
// Met threshold to clean-up?
if (force || threshold < getDiscardedServerPreparedStatementCount()) {
// Create batch of sp_unprepare statements.
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(threshold * 32/* EXEC sp_cursorunprepare++; */);
// Build the string containing no more than the # of handles to remove.
// Note that sp_unprepare can fail if the statement is already removed.
// However, the server will only abort that statement and continue with
// the remaining clean-up.
int handlesRemoved = 0;
PreparedStatementHandle statementHandle = null;
while (null != (statementHandle = discardedPreparedStatementHandles.poll())) {
sql.append(statementHandle.isDirectSql() ? "EXEC sp_unprepare " : "EXEC sp_cursorunprepare ")
try {
// Execute the batched set.
try (SQLServerStatement stmt = (SQLServerStatement) this.createStatement()) {
stmt.isInternalEncryptionQuery = true;
if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(java.util.logging.Level.FINER))
loggerExternal.finer(this + ": Finished un-preparing handle count:" + handlesRemoved);
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(java.util.logging.Level.FINER))
loggerExternal.log(Level.FINER, this + ": Error batch-closing at least one prepared handle", e);
// Decrement threshold counter
public boolean getDisableStatementPooling() {
return this.disableStatementPooling;
public void setDisableStatementPooling(boolean value) {
this.disableStatementPooling = value;
if (!value && 0 < this.getStatementPoolingCacheSize()) {
public int getStatementPoolingCacheSize() {
return statementPoolingCacheSize;
public int getStatementHandleCacheEntryCount() {
if (!isStatementPoolingEnabled())
return 0;
return this.preparedStatementHandleCache.size();
public boolean isStatementPoolingEnabled() {
return null != preparedStatementHandleCache && 0 < this.getStatementPoolingCacheSize()
&& !this.getDisableStatementPooling();
public void setStatementPoolingCacheSize(int value) {
value = Math.max(0, value);
statementPoolingCacheSize = value;
if (!this.disableStatementPooling && value > 0) {
if (null != preparedStatementHandleCache)
if (null != parameterMetadataCache)
* Prepares the cache handle.
* @param value
private void prepareCache() {
preparedStatementHandleCache = new Builder()
.listener(new PreparedStatementCacheEvictionListener()).build();
parameterMetadataCache = new Builder()
/** Returns a parameter metadata cache entry if statement pooling is enabled */
final SQLServerParameterMetaData getCachedParameterMetadata(CityHash128Key key) {
if (!isStatementPoolingEnabled())
return null;
return parameterMetadataCache.get(key);
/** Registers a parameter metadata cache entry if statement pooling is enabled */
final void registerCachedParameterMetadata(CityHash128Key key, SQLServerParameterMetaData pmd) {
if (!isStatementPoolingEnabled() || null == pmd)
parameterMetadataCache.put(key, pmd);
/** Gets or creates prepared statement handle cache entry if statement pooling is enabled */
final PreparedStatementHandle getCachedPreparedStatementHandle(CityHash128Key key) {
if (!isStatementPoolingEnabled())
return null;
return preparedStatementHandleCache.get(key);
/** Gets or creates prepared statement handle cache entry if statement pooling is enabled */
final PreparedStatementHandle registerCachedPreparedStatementHandle(CityHash128Key key, int handle,
boolean isDirectSql) {
if (!isStatementPoolingEnabled() || null == key)
return null;
PreparedStatementHandle cacheItem = new PreparedStatementHandle(key, handle, isDirectSql, false);
preparedStatementHandleCache.putIfAbsent(key, cacheItem);
return cacheItem;
/** Returns prepared statement handle cache entry so it can be un-prepared. */
final void returnCachedPreparedStatementHandle(PreparedStatementHandle handle) {
if (handle.isEvictedFromCache() && handle.tryDiscardHandle())
/** Forces eviction of prepared statement handle cache entry. */
final void evictCachedPreparedStatementHandle(PreparedStatementHandle handle) {
if (null == handle || null == handle.getKey())
* Handles closing handles when removed from cache.
final class PreparedStatementCacheEvictionListener
implements EvictionListener {
public void onEviction(CityHash128Key key, PreparedStatementHandle handle) {
if (null != handle) {
handle.setIsEvictedFromCache(true); // Mark as evicted from cache.
// Only discard if not referenced.
if (handle.tryDiscardHandle()) {
// Do not run discard actions here! Can interfere with executing statement.
* Checks if connection is established to SQL Azure server
* SERVERPROPERTY('EngineEdition') is used to determine if the db server is SQL Azure. It should return 6 for SQL
* Azure DW. This is more reliable than @@version or serverproperty('edition').
* Reference:
* SERVERPROPERTY('EngineEdition') means
* Database Engine edition of the instance of SQL Server installed on the server.
* 1 = Personal or Desktop Engine (Not available for SQL Server.)
* 2 = Standard (This is returned for Standard and Workgroup.)
* 3 = Enterprise (This is returned for Enterprise, Enterprise Evaluation, and Developer.)
* 4 = Express (This is returned for Express, Express with Advanced Services, and Windows Embedded SQL.)
* 5 = SQL Azure
* 6 = SQL Azure DW
* 8 = Managed Instance
* Base data type: int
* @return if connected to SQL Azure
boolean isAzure() {
if (null == isAzure) {
try (Statement stmt = this.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('EngineEdition') as INT)")) {;
int engineEdition = rs.getInt(1);
isAzure = (engineEdition == ENGINE_EDITION_FOR_SQL_AZURE
isAzureDW = (engineEdition == ENGINE_EDITION_FOR_SQL_AZURE_DW);
isAzureMI = (engineEdition == ENGINE_EDITION_FOR_SQL_AZURE_MI);
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (loggerExternal.isLoggable(java.util.logging.Level.FINER))
loggerExternal.log(Level.FINER, this + ": Error retrieving server type", e);
isAzure = false;
isAzureDW = false;
isAzureMI = false;
return isAzure;
} else {
return isAzure;
* Checks if connection is established to SQL Azure DW
* @return if connected to SQL Azure DW
boolean isAzureDW() {
return isAzureDW;
* Checks if connection is established to Azure Managed Instance
* @return if connected to SQL Azure MI
boolean isAzureMI() {
return isAzureMI;
* Adds statement to openStatements
* @param st
* Statement to add to openStatements
final synchronized void addOpenStatement(ISQLServerStatement st) {
if (null != openStatements) {
* Removes state from openStatements
* @param st
* Statement to remove from openStatements
final synchronized void removeOpenStatement(ISQLServerStatement st) {
if (null != openStatements) {
boolean isAEv2() {
ISQLServerEnclaveProvider enclaveProvider = new SQLServerVSMEnclaveProvider();
ArrayList initEnclaveParameters(String userSql, String preparedTypeDefinitions, Parameter[] params,
ArrayList parameterNames) throws SQLServerException {
if (!this.enclaveEstablished()) {
enclaveProvider.getAttestationParameters(false, this.enclaveAttestationUrl);
return enclaveProvider.createEnclaveSession(this, userSql, preparedTypeDefinitions, params, parameterNames);
boolean enclaveEstablished() {
return (null != enclaveProvider.getEnclaveSession());
byte[] generateEncalvePackage(String userSQL, ArrayList enclaveCEKs) throws SQLServerException {
return (enclaveCEKs.size() > 0) ? enclaveProvider.getEnclavePackage(userSQL, enclaveCEKs) : null;
* Provides Helper class for security manager functions used by SQLServerConnection class.
final class SQLServerConnectionSecurityManager {
static final String dllName = "sqljdbc_auth.dll";
String serverName;
int portNumber;
SQLServerConnectionSecurityManager(String serverName, int portNumber) {
this.serverName = serverName;
this.portNumber = portNumber;
* Checks if the calling thread is allowed to open a socket connection to the specified serverName and portNumber.
* @throws SecurityException
* when an error occurs
public void checkConnect() throws SecurityException {
SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
if (null != security) {
security.checkConnect(serverName, portNumber);
* Checks if the calling thread is allowed to dynamically link the library code.
* @throws SecurityException
* when an error occurs
public void checkLink() throws SecurityException {
SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
if (null != security) {
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