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org.bouncycastle.pqc.crypto.lms.LM_OTS Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.bouncycastle.pqc.crypto.lms;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.Digest;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Pack;
class LM_OTS
private static final short D_PBLC = (short)0x8080;
private static final int ITER_K = 20;
private static final int ITER_PREV = 23;
private static final int ITER_J = 22;
static final int SEED_RANDOMISER_INDEX = ~2;
static final int SEED_LEN = 32;
static final int MAX_HASH = 32;
static final short D_MESG = (short)0x8181;
public static int coef(byte[] S, int i, int w)
int index = (i * w) / 8;
int digits_per_byte = 8 / w;
int shift = w * (~i & (digits_per_byte - 1));
int mask = (1 << w) - 1;
return (S[index] >>> shift) & mask;
public static int cksm(byte[] S, int sLen, LMOtsParameters parameters)
int sum = 0;
int w = parameters.getW();
// NB assumption about size of "w" not overflowing integer.
int twoWpow = (1 << w) - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < (sLen * 8 / parameters.getW()); i++)
sum = sum + twoWpow - coef(S, i, parameters.getW());
return sum << parameters.getLs();
public static LMOtsPublicKey lms_ots_generatePublicKey(LMOtsPrivateKey privateKey)
byte[] K = lms_ots_generatePublicKey(privateKey.getParameter(), privateKey.getI(), privateKey.getQ(), privateKey.getMasterSecret());
return new LMOtsPublicKey(privateKey.getParameter(), privateKey.getI(), privateKey.getQ(), K);
static byte[] lms_ots_generatePublicKey(LMOtsParameters parameter, byte[] I, int q, byte[] masterSecret)
// Start hash that computes the final value.
Digest publicContext = DigestUtil.getDigest(parameter.getDigestOID());
byte[] prehashPrefix = Composer.compose()
.padUntil(0, 22)
publicContext.update(prehashPrefix, 0, prehashPrefix.length);
Digest ctx = DigestUtil.getDigest(parameter.getDigestOID());
byte[] buf = Composer.compose()
.padUntil(0, 23 + ctx.getDigestSize())
SeedDerive derive = new SeedDerive(I, masterSecret, DigestUtil.getDigest(parameter.getDigestOID()));
int p = parameter.getP();
int n = parameter.getN();
final int twoToWminus1 = (1 << parameter.getW()) - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < p; i++)
derive.deriveSeed(buf, i < p - 1, ITER_PREV); // Private Key!
Pack.shortToBigEndian((short)i, buf, ITER_K);
for (int j = 0; j < twoToWminus1; j++)
buf[ITER_J] = (byte)j;
ctx.update(buf, 0, buf.length);
ctx.doFinal(buf, ITER_PREV);
publicContext.update(buf, ITER_PREV, n);
byte[] K = new byte[publicContext.getDigestSize()];
publicContext.doFinal(K, 0);
return K;
public static LMOtsSignature lm_ots_generate_signature(LMSigParameters sigParams, LMOtsPrivateKey privateKey, byte[][] path, byte[] message, boolean preHashed)
// Add the randomizer.
byte[] C;
byte[] Q = new byte[MAX_HASH + 2];
if (!preHashed)
LMSContext qCtx = privateKey.getSignatureContext(sigParams, path);
LmsUtils.byteArray(message, 0, message.length, qCtx);
C = qCtx.getC();
Q = qCtx.getQ();
C = new byte[SEED_LEN];
System.arraycopy(message, 0, Q, 0, privateKey.getParameter().getN());
return lm_ots_generate_signature(privateKey, Q, C);
public static LMOtsSignature lm_ots_generate_signature(LMOtsPrivateKey privateKey, byte[] Q, byte[] C)
LMOtsParameters parameter = privateKey.getParameter();
int n = parameter.getN();
int p = parameter.getP();
int w = parameter.getW();
byte[] sigComposer = new byte[p * n];
Digest ctx = DigestUtil.getDigest(parameter.getDigestOID());
SeedDerive derive = privateKey.getDerivationFunction();
int cs = cksm(Q, n, parameter);
Q[n] = (byte)((cs >>> 8) & 0xFF);
Q[n + 1] = (byte)cs;
byte[] tmp = Composer.compose().bytes(privateKey.getI()).u32str(privateKey.getQ()).padUntil(0, ITER_PREV + n).build();
for (int i = 0; i < p; i++)
Pack.shortToBigEndian((short)i, tmp, ITER_K);
derive.deriveSeed(tmp, i < p - 1, ITER_PREV);
int a = coef(Q, i, w);
for (int j = 0; j < a; j++)
tmp[ITER_J] = (byte)j;
ctx.update(tmp, 0, ITER_PREV + n);
ctx.doFinal(tmp, ITER_PREV);
System.arraycopy(tmp, ITER_PREV, sigComposer, n * i, n);
return new LMOtsSignature(parameter, C, sigComposer);
public static boolean lm_ots_validate_signature(LMOtsPublicKey publicKey, LMOtsSignature signature, byte[] message, boolean prehashed)
throws LMSException
if (!signature.getType().equals(publicKey.getParameter()))
throw new LMSException("public key and signature ots types do not match");
return Arrays.areEqual(lm_ots_validate_signature_calculate(publicKey, signature, message), publicKey.getK());
public static byte[] lm_ots_validate_signature_calculate(LMOtsPublicKey publicKey, LMOtsSignature signature, byte[] message)
LMSContext ctx = publicKey.createOtsContext(signature);
LmsUtils.byteArray(message, ctx);
return lm_ots_validate_signature_calculate(ctx);
public static byte[] lm_ots_validate_signature_calculate(LMSContext context)
LMOtsPublicKey publicKey = context.getPublicKey();
LMOtsParameters parameter = publicKey.getParameter();
Object sig = context.getSignature();
LMOtsSignature signature;
if (sig instanceof LMSSignature)
signature = ((LMSSignature)sig).getOtsSignature();
signature = (LMOtsSignature)sig;
int n = parameter.getN();
int w = parameter.getW();
int p = parameter.getP();
byte[] Q = context.getQ();
int cs = cksm(Q, n, parameter);
Q[n] = (byte)((cs >>> 8) & 0xFF);
Q[n + 1] = (byte)cs;
byte[] I = publicKey.getI();
int q = publicKey.getQ();
Digest finalContext = DigestUtil.getDigest(parameter.getDigestOID());
LmsUtils.byteArray(I, finalContext);
LmsUtils.u32str(q, finalContext);
LmsUtils.u16str(D_PBLC, finalContext);
byte[] tmp = Composer.compose()
.padUntil(0, ITER_PREV + n).build();
int max_digit = (1 << w) - 1;
byte[] y = signature.getY();
Digest ctx = DigestUtil.getDigest(parameter.getDigestOID());
for (int i = 0; i < p; i++)
Pack.shortToBigEndian((short)i, tmp, ITER_K);
System.arraycopy(y, i * n, tmp, ITER_PREV, n);
int a = coef(Q, i, w);
for (int j = a; j < max_digit; j++)
tmp[ITER_J] = (byte)j;
ctx.update(tmp, 0, ITER_PREV + n);
ctx.doFinal(tmp, ITER_PREV);
finalContext.update(tmp, ITER_PREV, n);
byte[] K = new byte[n];
finalContext.doFinal(K, 0);
return K;