io.undertow.Undertow Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
* Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors
* as indicated by the @author tags.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.undertow;
import io.undertow.connector.ByteBufferPool;
import io.undertow.protocols.ssl.UndertowXnioSsl;
import io.undertow.server.ConnectorStatistics;
import io.undertow.server.DefaultByteBufferPool;
import io.undertow.server.HttpHandler;
import io.undertow.server.OpenListener;
import io.undertow.server.protocol.ajp.AjpOpenListener;
import io.undertow.server.protocol.http.AlpnOpenListener;
import io.undertow.server.protocol.http.HttpOpenListener;
import io.undertow.server.protocol.http2.Http2OpenListener;
import io.undertow.server.protocol.http2.Http2UpgradeHandler;
import io.undertow.server.protocol.proxy.ProxyProtocolOpenListener;
import org.xnio.ChannelListener;
import org.xnio.ChannelListeners;
import org.xnio.IoUtils;
import org.xnio.Option;
import org.xnio.OptionMap;
import org.xnio.Options;
import org.xnio.StreamConnection;
import org.xnio.Xnio;
import org.xnio.XnioWorker;
import org.xnio.channels.AcceptingChannel;
import org.xnio.ssl.JsseSslUtils;
import javax.net.ssl.KeyManager;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLContext;
import javax.net.ssl.TrustManager;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.Inet4Address;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.SocketAddress;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* Convenience class used to build an Undertow server.
* @author Stuart Douglas
public final class Undertow {
private final int bufferSize;
private final int ioThreads;
private final int workerThreads;
private final boolean directBuffers;
private final List listeners = new ArrayList<>();
private volatile List listenerInfo;
private final HttpHandler rootHandler;
private final OptionMap workerOptions;
private final OptionMap socketOptions;
private final OptionMap serverOptions;
* Will be true when a {@link XnioWorker} instance was NOT provided to the {@link Builder}.
* When true, a new worker will be created during {@link Undertow#start()},
* and shutdown when {@link Undertow#stop()} is called.
* Will be false when a {@link XnioWorker} instance was provided to the {@link Builder}.
* When false, the provided {@link #worker} will be used instead of creating a new one in {@link Undertow#start()}.
* Also, when false, the {@link #worker} will NOT be shutdown when {@link Undertow#stop()} is called.
private final boolean internalWorker;
private ByteBufferPool byteBufferPool;
private XnioWorker worker;
private List> channels;
private Xnio xnio;
private Undertow(Builder builder) {
this.byteBufferPool = builder.byteBufferPool;
this.bufferSize = byteBufferPool != null ? byteBufferPool.getBufferSize() : builder.bufferSize;
this.directBuffers = byteBufferPool != null ? byteBufferPool.isDirect() : builder.directBuffers;
this.ioThreads = builder.ioThreads;
this.workerThreads = builder.workerThreads;
this.rootHandler = builder.handler;
this.worker = builder.worker;
this.internalWorker = builder.worker == null;
this.workerOptions = builder.workerOptions.getMap();
this.socketOptions = builder.socketOptions.getMap();
this.serverOptions = builder.serverOptions.getMap();
* @return A builder that can be used to create an Undertow server instance
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public synchronized void start() {
UndertowLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.infof("starting server: %s", Version.getFullVersionString());
xnio = Xnio.getInstance(Undertow.class.getClassLoader());
channels = new ArrayList<>();
try {
if (internalWorker) {
worker = xnio.createWorker(OptionMap.builder()
.set(Options.WORKER_IO_THREADS, ioThreads)
.set(Options.CONNECTION_HIGH_WATER, 1000000)
.set(Options.CONNECTION_LOW_WATER, 1000000)
.set(Options.WORKER_TASK_CORE_THREADS, workerThreads)
.set(Options.WORKER_TASK_MAX_THREADS, workerThreads)
.set(Options.TCP_NODELAY, true)
.set(Options.CORK, true)
OptionMap socketOptions = OptionMap.builder()
.set(Options.WORKER_IO_THREADS, worker.getIoThreadCount())
.set(Options.TCP_NODELAY, true)
.set(Options.REUSE_ADDRESSES, true)
.set(Options.BALANCING_TOKENS, 1)
.set(Options.BACKLOG, 1000)
OptionMap serverOptions = OptionMap.builder()
.set(UndertowOptions.NO_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, 60 * 1000)
ByteBufferPool buffers = this.byteBufferPool;
if (buffers == null) {
buffers = new DefaultByteBufferPool(directBuffers, bufferSize, -1, 4);
listenerInfo = new ArrayList<>();
for (ListenerConfig listener : listeners) {
UndertowLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.debugf("Configuring listener with protocol %s for interface %s and port %s", listener.type, listener.host, listener.port);
final HttpHandler rootHandler = listener.rootHandler != null ? listener.rootHandler : this.rootHandler;
OptionMap socketOptionsWithOverrides = OptionMap.builder().addAll(socketOptions).addAll(listener.overrideSocketOptions).getMap();
if (listener.type == ListenerType.AJP) {
AjpOpenListener openListener = new AjpOpenListener(buffers, serverOptions);
final ChannelListener finalListener;
if (listener.useProxyProtocol) {
finalListener = new ProxyProtocolOpenListener(openListener, null, buffers, OptionMap.EMPTY);
} else {
finalListener = openListener;
ChannelListener> acceptListener = ChannelListeners.openListenerAdapter(finalListener);
AcceptingChannel extends StreamConnection> server = worker.createStreamConnectionServer(new InetSocketAddress(Inet4Address.getByName(listener.host), listener.port), acceptListener, socketOptionsWithOverrides);
listenerInfo.add(new ListenerInfo("ajp", server.getLocalAddress(), openListener, null, server));
} else {
OptionMap undertowOptions = OptionMap.builder().set(UndertowOptions.BUFFER_PIPELINED_DATA, true).addAll(serverOptions).getMap();
boolean http2 = serverOptions.get(UndertowOptions.ENABLE_HTTP2, false);
if (listener.type == ListenerType.HTTP) {
HttpOpenListener openListener = new HttpOpenListener(buffers, undertowOptions);
HttpHandler handler = rootHandler;
if (http2) {
handler = new Http2UpgradeHandler(handler);
final ChannelListener finalListener;
if (listener.useProxyProtocol) {
finalListener = new ProxyProtocolOpenListener(openListener, null, buffers, OptionMap.EMPTY);
} else {
finalListener = openListener;
ChannelListener> acceptListener = ChannelListeners.openListenerAdapter(finalListener);
AcceptingChannel extends StreamConnection> server = worker.createStreamConnectionServer(new InetSocketAddress(Inet4Address.getByName(listener.host), listener.port), acceptListener, socketOptionsWithOverrides);
listenerInfo.add(new ListenerInfo("http", server.getLocalAddress(), openListener, null, server));
} else if (listener.type == ListenerType.HTTPS) {
OpenListener openListener;
HttpOpenListener httpOpenListener = new HttpOpenListener(buffers, undertowOptions);
if (http2) {
AlpnOpenListener alpn = new AlpnOpenListener(buffers, undertowOptions, httpOpenListener);
Http2OpenListener http2Listener = new Http2OpenListener(buffers, undertowOptions);
alpn.addProtocol(Http2OpenListener.HTTP2, http2Listener, 10);
alpn.addProtocol(Http2OpenListener.HTTP2_14, http2Listener, 7);
openListener = alpn;
} else {
openListener = httpOpenListener;
UndertowXnioSsl xnioSsl;
if (listener.sslContext != null) {
xnioSsl = new UndertowXnioSsl(xnio, OptionMap.create(Options.USE_DIRECT_BUFFERS, true), listener.sslContext);
} else {
OptionMap.Builder builder = OptionMap.builder()
if (!socketOptionsWithOverrides.contains(Options.SSL_PROTOCOL)) {
builder.set(Options.SSL_PROTOCOL, "TLSv1.2");
xnioSsl = new UndertowXnioSsl(xnio, OptionMap.create(Options.USE_DIRECT_BUFFERS, true), JsseSslUtils.createSSLContext(listener.keyManagers, listener.trustManagers, new SecureRandom(), builder.getMap()));
AcceptingChannel extends StreamConnection> sslServer;
if (listener.useProxyProtocol) {
ChannelListener> acceptListener = ChannelListeners.openListenerAdapter(new ProxyProtocolOpenListener(openListener, xnioSsl, buffers, socketOptionsWithOverrides));
sslServer = worker.createStreamConnectionServer(new InetSocketAddress(Inet4Address.getByName(listener.host), listener.port), (ChannelListener) acceptListener, socketOptionsWithOverrides);
} else {
ChannelListener> acceptListener = ChannelListeners.openListenerAdapter(openListener);
sslServer = xnioSsl.createSslConnectionServer(worker, new InetSocketAddress(Inet4Address.getByName(listener.host), listener.port), (ChannelListener) acceptListener, socketOptionsWithOverrides);
listenerInfo.add(new ListenerInfo("https", sslServer.getLocalAddress(), openListener, xnioSsl, sslServer));
} catch (Exception e) {
if(internalWorker && worker != null) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public synchronized void stop() {
UndertowLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.infof("stopping server: %s", Version.getFullVersionString());
if (channels != null) {
for (AcceptingChannel extends StreamConnection> channel : channels) {
channels = null;
* Only shutdown the worker if it was created during start()
if (internalWorker && worker != null) {
Integer shutdownTimeoutMillis = serverOptions.get(UndertowOptions.SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT);
try {
if (shutdownTimeoutMillis == null) {
} else {
if (!worker.awaitTermination(shutdownTimeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
worker = null;
xnio = null;
listenerInfo = null;
public Xnio getXnio() {
return xnio;
public XnioWorker getWorker() {
return worker;
public List getListenerInfo() {
if (listenerInfo == null) {
throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.serverNotStarted();
return Collections.unmodifiableList(listenerInfo);
public enum ListenerType {
private static class ListenerConfig {
final ListenerType type;
final int port;
final String host;
final KeyManager[] keyManagers;
final TrustManager[] trustManagers;
final SSLContext sslContext;
final HttpHandler rootHandler;
final OptionMap overrideSocketOptions;
final boolean useProxyProtocol;
private ListenerConfig(final ListenerType type, final int port, final String host, KeyManager[] keyManagers, TrustManager[] trustManagers, HttpHandler rootHandler) {
this.type = type;
this.port = port;
this.host = host;
this.keyManagers = keyManagers;
this.trustManagers = trustManagers;
this.rootHandler = rootHandler;
this.sslContext = null;
this.overrideSocketOptions = OptionMap.EMPTY;
this.useProxyProtocol = false;
private ListenerConfig(final ListenerType type, final int port, final String host, SSLContext sslContext, HttpHandler rootHandler) {
this.type = type;
this.port = port;
this.host = host;
this.rootHandler = rootHandler;
this.keyManagers = null;
this.trustManagers = null;
this.sslContext = sslContext;
this.overrideSocketOptions = OptionMap.EMPTY;
this.useProxyProtocol = false;
private ListenerConfig(final ListenerBuilder listenerBuilder) {
this.type = listenerBuilder.type;
this.port = listenerBuilder.port;
this.host = listenerBuilder.host;
this.rootHandler = listenerBuilder.rootHandler;
this.keyManagers = listenerBuilder.keyManagers;
this.trustManagers = listenerBuilder.trustManagers;
this.sslContext = listenerBuilder.sslContext;
this.overrideSocketOptions = listenerBuilder.overrideSocketOptions;
this.useProxyProtocol = listenerBuilder.useProxyProtocol;
public static final class ListenerBuilder {
ListenerType type;
int port;
String host;
KeyManager[] keyManagers;
TrustManager[] trustManagers;
SSLContext sslContext;
HttpHandler rootHandler;
OptionMap overrideSocketOptions = OptionMap.EMPTY;
boolean useProxyProtocol;
public ListenerBuilder setType(ListenerType type) {
this.type = type;
return this;
public ListenerBuilder setPort(int port) {
this.port = port;
return this;
public ListenerBuilder setHost(String host) {
this.host = host;
return this;
public ListenerBuilder setKeyManagers(KeyManager[] keyManagers) {
this.keyManagers = keyManagers;
return this;
public ListenerBuilder setTrustManagers(TrustManager[] trustManagers) {
this.trustManagers = trustManagers;
return this;
public ListenerBuilder setSslContext(SSLContext sslContext) {
this.sslContext = sslContext;
return this;
public ListenerBuilder setRootHandler(HttpHandler rootHandler) {
this.rootHandler = rootHandler;
return this;
public ListenerBuilder setOverrideSocketOptions(OptionMap overrideSocketOptions) {
this.overrideSocketOptions = overrideSocketOptions;
return this;
public ListenerBuilder setUseProxyProtocol(boolean useProxyProtocol) {
this.useProxyProtocol = useProxyProtocol;
return this;
public static final class Builder {
private int bufferSize;
private int ioThreads;
private int workerThreads;
private boolean directBuffers;
private final List listeners = new ArrayList<>();
private HttpHandler handler;
private XnioWorker worker;
private ByteBufferPool byteBufferPool;
private final OptionMap.Builder workerOptions = OptionMap.builder();
private final OptionMap.Builder socketOptions = OptionMap.builder();
private final OptionMap.Builder serverOptions = OptionMap.builder();
private Builder() {
ioThreads = Math.max(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(), 2);
workerThreads = ioThreads * 8;
long maxMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory();
//smaller than 64mb of ram we use 512b buffers
if (maxMemory < 64 * 1024 * 1024) {
//use 512b buffers
directBuffers = false;
bufferSize = 512;
} else if (maxMemory < 128 * 1024 * 1024) {
//use 1k buffers
directBuffers = true;
bufferSize = 1024;
} else {
//use 16k buffers for best performance
//as 16k is generally the max amount of data that can be sent in a single write() call
directBuffers = true;
bufferSize = 1024 * 16 - 20; //the 20 is to allow some space for protocol headers, see UNDERTOW-1209
public Undertow build() {
return new Undertow(this);
public Builder addListener(int port, String host) {
listeners.add(new ListenerConfig(ListenerType.HTTP, port, host, null, null, null));
return this;
public Builder addListener(int port, String host, ListenerType listenerType) {
listeners.add(new ListenerConfig(listenerType, port, host, null, null, null));
return this;
public Builder addListener(ListenerBuilder listenerBuilder) {
listeners.add(new ListenerConfig(listenerBuilder));
return this;
public Builder addHttpListener(int port, String host) {
listeners.add(new ListenerConfig(ListenerType.HTTP, port, host, null, null, null));
return this;
public Builder addHttpsListener(int port, String host, KeyManager[] keyManagers, TrustManager[] trustManagers) {
listeners.add(new ListenerConfig(ListenerType.HTTPS, port, host, keyManagers, trustManagers, null));
return this;
public Builder addHttpsListener(int port, String host, SSLContext sslContext) {
listeners.add(new ListenerConfig(ListenerType.HTTPS, port, host, sslContext, null));
return this;
public Builder addAjpListener(int port, String host) {
listeners.add(new ListenerConfig(ListenerType.AJP, port, host, null, null, null));
return this;
public Builder addHttpListener(int port, String host, HttpHandler rootHandler) {
listeners.add(new ListenerConfig(ListenerType.HTTP, port, host, null, null, rootHandler));
return this;
public Builder addHttpsListener(int port, String host, KeyManager[] keyManagers, TrustManager[] trustManagers, HttpHandler rootHandler) {
listeners.add(new ListenerConfig(ListenerType.HTTPS, port, host, keyManagers, trustManagers, rootHandler));
return this;
public Builder addHttpsListener(int port, String host, SSLContext sslContext, HttpHandler rootHandler) {
listeners.add(new ListenerConfig(ListenerType.HTTPS, port, host, sslContext, rootHandler));
return this;
public Builder addAjpListener(int port, String host, HttpHandler rootHandler) {
listeners.add(new ListenerConfig(ListenerType.AJP, port, host, null, null, rootHandler));
return this;
public Builder setBufferSize(final int bufferSize) {
this.bufferSize = bufferSize;
return this;
public Builder setBuffersPerRegion(final int buffersPerRegion) {
return this;
public Builder setIoThreads(final int ioThreads) {
this.ioThreads = ioThreads;
return this;
public Builder setWorkerThreads(final int workerThreads) {
this.workerThreads = workerThreads;
return this;
public Builder setDirectBuffers(final boolean directBuffers) {
this.directBuffers = directBuffers;
return this;
public Builder setHandler(final HttpHandler handler) {
this.handler = handler;
return this;
public Builder setServerOption(final Option option, final T value) {
serverOptions.set(option, value);
return this;
public Builder setSocketOption(final Option option, final T value) {
socketOptions.set(option, value);
return this;
public Builder setWorkerOption(final Option option, final T value) {
workerOptions.set(option, value);
return this;
* When null (the default), a new {@link XnioWorker} will be created according
* to the various worker-related configuration (ioThreads, workerThreads, workerOptions)
* when {@link Undertow#start()} is called.
* Additionally, this newly created worker will be shutdown when {@link Undertow#stop()} is called.
* When non-null, the provided {@link XnioWorker} will be reused instead of creating a new {@link XnioWorker}
* when {@link Undertow#start()} is called.
* Additionally, the provided {@link XnioWorker} will NOT be shutdown when {@link Undertow#stop()} is called.
* Essentially, the lifecycle of the provided worker must be maintained outside of the {@link Undertow} instance.
public Builder setWorker(XnioWorker worker) {
this.worker = worker;
return this;
public Builder setByteBufferPool(ByteBufferPool byteBufferPool) {
this.byteBufferPool = byteBufferPool;
return this;
public static class ListenerInfo {
private final String protcol;
private final SocketAddress address;
private final OpenListener openListener;
private final UndertowXnioSsl ssl;
private final AcceptingChannel extends StreamConnection> channel;
private volatile boolean suspended = false;
public ListenerInfo(String protcol, SocketAddress address, OpenListener openListener, UndertowXnioSsl ssl, AcceptingChannel extends StreamConnection> channel) {
this.protcol = protcol;
this.address = address;
this.openListener = openListener;
this.ssl = ssl;
this.channel = channel;
public String getProtcol() {
return protcol;
public SocketAddress getAddress() {
return address;
public SSLContext getSslContext() {
if(ssl == null) {
return null;
return ssl.getSslContext();
public void setSslContext(SSLContext sslContext) {
if(ssl != null) {
//just ignore it if this is not a SSL listener
public synchronized void suspend() {
suspended = true;
CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
//the channel may be in the middle of an accept, we need to close from the IO thread
channel.getIoThread().execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} finally {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public synchronized void resume() {
suspended = false;
public boolean isSuspended() {
return suspended;
public ConnectorStatistics getConnectorStatistics() {
return openListener.getConnectorStatistics();
public void setSocketOption(Optionoption, T value) throws IOException {
channel.setOption(option, value);
public void setServerOptions(OptionMap options) {
public String toString() {
return "ListenerInfo{" +
"protcol='" + protcol + '\'' +
", address=" + address +
", sslContext=" + getSslContext() +