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* Copyright 2004-2010 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the H2 License,
* Version 1.0, and under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0
* (
* Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.constant;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import org.h2.engine.Constants;
import org.h2.message.TraceSystem;
import org.h2.util.MathUtils;
* The constants defined in this class are initialized from system properties.
* Those properties can be set when starting the virtual machine:
* java -Dh2.baseDir=/temp
* They can be set within the application, but this must be done before loading
* any classes of this database (before loading the JDBC driver):
* System.setProperty("h2.baseDir", "/temp");
public class SysProperties {
public static final String H2_SCRIPT_DIRECTORY = "h2.scriptDirectory";
public static final String H2_MAX_QUERY_TIMEOUT = "h2.maxQueryTimeout";
public static final String H2_COLLATOR_CACHE_SIZE = "h2.collatorCacheSize";
* System property file.encoding (default: Cp1252).
* It is usually set by the system and is the default encoding used for the
* RunScript and CSV tool.
public static final String FILE_ENCODING = getStringSetting("file.encoding", "Cp1252");
* System property file.separator (default: /).
* It is usually set by the system, and used to build absolute file names.
public static final String FILE_SEPARATOR = getStringSetting("file.separator", "/");
* System property java.specification.version.
* It is set by the system. Examples: 1.4, 1.5, 1.6.
public static final String JAVA_SPECIFICATION_VERSION = getStringSetting("java.specification.version", "1.4");
* System property line.separator (default: \n).
* It is usually set by the system, and used by the script and trace tools.
public static final String LINE_SEPARATOR = getStringSetting("line.separator", "\n");
* System property user.home (empty string if not set).
* It is usually set by the system, and used as a replacement for ~ in file
* names.
public static final String USER_HOME = getStringSetting("user.home", "");
* System property h2.analyzeSample (default: 10000).
* The default sample size when analyzing a table.
public static final int ANALYZE_SAMPLE = getIntSetting("h2.analyzeSample", 10000);
* System property h2.analyzeAuto (default: 0).
* After changing this many rows, ANALYZE is automatically run for a table.
* Automatically running ANALYZE is disabled if set to 0. If set to 1000,
* then ANALYZE will run against each user table after about 1000 changes to
* that table. The time between running ANALYZE doubles each time since
* starting the database. It is not run on local temporary tables, and
* tables that have a trigger on SELECT.
public static final int ANALYZE_AUTO = getIntSetting("h2.analyzeAuto", 0);
* System property h2.aliasColumnName (default: false).
* When enabled, aliased columns (as in SELECT ID AS I FROM TEST) return the
* alias (I in this case) in ResultSetMetaData.getColumnName() and 'null' in
* getTableName(). If disabled, the real column name (ID in this case) and
* table name is returned. This setting only affects the default mode.
* When using different modes, this feature is disabled for compatibility
* for all databases except MySQL. For MySQL, it is always enabled.
public static final boolean ALIAS_COLUMN_NAME = getBooleanSetting("h2.aliasColumnName", false);
* System property h2.allowBigDecimalExtensions (default:
* false).
* When enabled, classes that extend BigDecimal are supported in
* PreparedStatement.setBigDecimal.
public static final boolean ALLOW_BIG_DECIMAL_EXTENSIONS = getBooleanSetting("h2.allowBigDecimalExtensions", false);
* System property h2.allowedClasses (default: *).
* Comma separated list of class names or prefixes.
public static final String ALLOWED_CLASSES = getStringSetting("h2.allowedClasses", "*");
* System property h2.browser (default: null).
* The preferred browser to use. If not set, the default browser is used.
* For Windows, to use the Internet Explorer, set this property to 'explorer'.
* For Mac OS, if the default browser is not Safari and you want to use Safari,
* use: java -Dh2.browser="open,-a,Safari,%url" ....
public static final String BROWSER = getStringSetting("h2.browser", null);
* System property h2.enableAnonymousSSL (default: true).
* When using SSL connection, the anonymous cipher suite
* SSL_DH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 should be enabled.
public static final boolean ENABLE_ANONYMOUS_SSL = getBooleanSetting("h2.enableAnonymousSSL", true);
* System property h2.bindAddress (default: null).
* Comma separated list of class names or prefixes.
public static final String BIND_ADDRESS = getStringSetting("h2.bindAddress", null);
* System property h2.cacheSizeDefault (default: 16384).
* The default cache size in KB.
public static final int CACHE_SIZE_DEFAULT = getIntSetting("h2.cacheSizeDefault", 16 * 1024);
* System property h2.cacheTypeDefault (default: LRU).
* How many time the cache size value is divided by two to get the index
* cache size. The index cache size is calculated like this: cacheSize >>
* cacheSizeIndexShift.
public static final String CACHE_TYPE_DEFAULT = getStringSetting("h2.cacheTypeDefault", "LRU");
* System property h2.check (default: true).
* Assertions in the database engine.
public static final boolean CHECK = getBooleanSetting("h2.check", true);
* System property h2.check2 (default: true).
* Additional assertions in the database engine.
public static final boolean CHECK2 = getBooleanSetting("h2.check2", false);
* System property h2.clientTraceDirectory (default:
* trace.db/).
* Directory where the trace files of the JDBC client are stored (only for
* client / server).
public static final String CLIENT_TRACE_DIRECTORY = getStringSetting("h2.clientTraceDirectory", "trace.db/");
* System property h2.consoleStream (default: true).
* H2 Console: stream query results.
public static final boolean CONSOLE_STREAM = getBooleanSetting("h2.consoleStream", true);
* System property h2.defaultEscape (default: \).
* The default escape character for LIKE comparisons. To select no escape
* character, use an empty string.
public static final String DEFAULT_ESCAPE = getStringSetting("h2.defaultEscape", "\\");
* System property h2.defaultMaxOperationMemory (default:
* 100000).
* The default for the setting MAX_OPERATION_MEMORY.
public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_OPERATION_MEMORY = getIntSetting("h2.defaultMaxOperationMemory", 100000);
* System property h2.defaultMaxLengthInplaceLob
* (default: 4096).
* The default maximum length of an LOB that is stored in the database file.
public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH_INPLACE_LOB = getIntSetting("h2.defaultMaxLengthInplaceLob", 4096);
* System property h2.defaultMaxLengthInplaceLob2
* (default: 128).
* The default maximum length of an LOB that is stored with the record itself.
* Only used if h2.lobInDatabase is enabled.
public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH_INPLACE_LOB2 = getIntSetting("h2.defaultMaxLengthInplaceLob2", 128);
* System property h2.defaultResultSetConcurrency (default:
* The default result set concurrency for statements created with
* Connection.createStatement() or prepareStatement(String sql).
public static final int DEFAULT_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY = getIntSetting("h2.defaultResultSetConcurrency", ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
* System property h2.dataSourceTraceLevel (default: 1).
* The trace level of the data source implementation. Default is 1 for
* error.
public static final int DATASOURCE_TRACE_LEVEL = getIntSetting("h2.dataSourceTraceLevel", TraceSystem.ERROR);
* System property h2.defaultMaxMemoryUndo (default: 50000).
* The default value for the MAX_MEMORY_UNDO setting.
public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_MEMORY_UNDO = getIntSetting("h2.defaultMaxMemoryUndo", 50000);
* System property h2.defaultLockMode (default: 3).
* The default value for the LOCK_MODE setting.
public static final int DEFAULT_LOCK_MODE = getIntSetting("h2.defaultLockMode", Constants.LOCK_MODE_READ_COMMITTED);
* System property h2.delayWrongPasswordMin (default: 250).
* The minimum delay in milliseconds before an exception is thrown for using
* the wrong user name or password. This slows down brute force attacks. The
* delay is reset to this value after a successful login. Unsuccessful
* logins will double the time until DELAY_WRONG_PASSWORD_MAX.
* To disable the delay, set this system property to 0.
public static final int DELAY_WRONG_PASSWORD_MIN = getIntSetting("h2.delayWrongPasswordMin", 250);
* System property h2.delayWrongPasswordMax (default: 4000).
* The maximum delay in milliseconds before an exception is thrown for using
* the wrong user name or password. This slows down brute force attacks. The
* delay is reset after a successful login. The value 0 means there is no
* maximum delay.
public static final int DELAY_WRONG_PASSWORD_MAX = getIntSetting("h2.delayWrongPasswordMax", 4000);
* System property h2.estimatedFunctionTableRows (default:
* 1000).
* The estimated number of rows in a function table (for example, CSVREAD or
* FTL_SEARCH). This value is used by the optimizer.
public static final int ESTIMATED_FUNCTION_TABLE_ROWS = getIntSetting("h2.estimatedFunctionTableRows", 1000);
* System property h2.functionsInSchema (default:
* false).
* If set, all functions are stored in a schema. Specially, the SCRIPT statement
* will always include the schema name in the CREATE ALIAS statement.
* This is not backward compatible with H2 versions 1.2.134 and older.
public static final boolean FUNCTIONS_IN_SCHEMA = getBooleanSetting("h2.functionsInSchema", false);
* System property h2.identifiersToUpper (default: true).
* Unquoted identifiers in SQL statements are case insensitive and converted
* to uppercase.
public static final boolean IDENTIFIERS_TO_UPPER = getBooleanSetting("h2.identifiersToUpper", true);
* System property h2.largeResultBufferSize (default: 4096).
* Buffer size for large result sets. Set this value to 0 to disable the
* buffer.
public static final int LARGE_RESULT_BUFFER_SIZE = getIntSetting("h2.largeResultBufferSize", 4 * 1024);
* System property h2.lobCloseBetweenReads (default: false).
* Close LOB files between read operations.
public static boolean lobCloseBetweenReads = getBooleanSetting("h2.lobCloseBetweenReads", false);
* System property h2.lobFilesPerDirectory (default: 256).
* Maximum number of LOB files per directory.
public static final int LOB_FILES_PER_DIRECTORY = getIntSetting("h2.lobFilesPerDirectory", 256);
* System property h2.lobInDatabase (default: false).
* Store LOB files in the database.
public static final boolean LOB_IN_DATABASE = getBooleanSetting("h2.lobInDatabase", false);
* System property h2.logAllErrors (default: false).
* Write stack traces of any kind of error to a file.
public static final boolean LOG_ALL_ERRORS = getBooleanSetting("h2.logAllErrors", false);
* System property h2.logAllErrorsFile (default:
* h2errors.txt).
* File name to log errors.
public static final String LOG_ALL_ERRORS_FILE = getStringSetting("h2.logAllErrorsFile", "h2errors.txt");
* System property h2.maxCompactCount
* (default: Integer.MAX_VALUE).
* The maximum number of pages to move when closing a database.
public static final int MAX_COMPACT_COUNT = getIntSetting("h2.maxCompactCount", Integer.MAX_VALUE);
* System property h2.maxCompactTime (default: 1000).
* The maximum time in milliseconds used to compact a database when closing.
public static final int MAX_COMPACT_TIME = getIntSetting("h2.maxCompactTime", 1000);
* System property h2.maxFileRetry (default: 16).
* Number of times to retry file delete and rename. in Windows, files can't
* be deleted if they are open. Waiting a bit can help (sometimes the
* Windows Explorer opens the files for a short time) may help. Sometimes,
* running garbage collection may close files if the user forgot to call
* Connection.close() or InputStream.close().
public static final int MAX_FILE_RETRY = Math.max(1, getIntSetting("h2.maxFileRetry", 16));
* System property h2.maxMemoryRowsDistinct (default:
* Integer.MAX_VALUE).
* The maximum number of rows kept in-memory for SELECT DISTINCT queries. If
* more than this number of rows are in a result set, a temporary table is
* used.
public static final int MAX_MEMORY_ROWS_DISTINCT = getIntSetting("h2.maxMemoryRowsDistinct", Integer.MAX_VALUE);
* System property h2.maxReconnect (default: 3).
* The maximum number of tries to reconnect in a row.
public static final int MAX_RECONNECT = getIntSetting("h2.maxReconnect", 3);
* System property h2.maxTraceDataLength (default: 65535).
* The maximum size of a LOB value that is written as data to the trace system.
public static final long MAX_TRACE_DATA_LENGTH = getIntSetting("h2.maxTraceDataLength", 65535);
* System property h2.minColumnNameMap (default: 3).
* The minimum number of columns where a hash table is created when result set
* methods with column name (instead of column index) parameter are called.
public static final int MIN_COLUMN_NAME_MAP = getIntSetting("h2.minColumnNameMap", 3);
* System property h2.minWriteDelay (default: 5).
* The minimum write delay that causes commits to be delayed.
public static final int MIN_WRITE_DELAY = getIntSetting("h2.minWriteDelay", 5);
* System property h2.nioLoadMapped (default: false).
* If the mapped buffer should be loaded when the file is opened.
* This can improve performance.
public static final boolean NIO_LOAD_MAPPED = getBooleanSetting("h2.nioLoadMapped", false);
* System property h2.nioCleanerHack (default: true).
* If possible, use a hack to un-map the mapped file. See also
public static final boolean NIO_CLEANER_HACK = getBooleanSetting("h2.nioCleanerHack", true);
* System property h2.objectCache (default: true).
* Cache commonly used objects (integers, strings).
public static final boolean OBJECT_CACHE = getBooleanSetting("h2.objectCache", true);
* System property h2.objectCacheMaxPerElementSize (default:
* 4096).
* Maximum size of an object in the cache.
public static final int OBJECT_CACHE_MAX_PER_ELEMENT_SIZE = getIntSetting("h2.objectCacheMaxPerElementSize", 4096);
* System property h2.objectCacheSize (default: 1024).
* Maximum size of an object in the cache.
* This value must be a power of 2.
public static final int OBJECT_CACHE_SIZE = MathUtils.nextPowerOf2(getIntSetting("h2.objectCacheSize", 1024));
* System property h2.optimizeDistinct (default: true).
* Improve the performance of simple DISTINCT queries if an index is
* available for the given column. The optimization is used if:
The select is a single column query without condition
The query contains only one table, and no group by
There is only one table involved
There is an ascending index on the column
The selectivity of the column is below 20
public static final boolean OPTIMIZE_DISTINCT = getBooleanSetting("h2.optimizeDistinct", true);
* System property h2.optimizeEvaluatableSubqueries (default:
* true).
* Optimize subqueries that are not dependent on the outer query.
public static final boolean OPTIMIZE_EVALUATABLE_SUBQUERIES = getBooleanSetting("h2.optimizeEvaluatableSubqueries", true);
* System property h2.optimizeInList (default: true).
* Optimize IN(...) and IN(SELECT ...) comparisons. This includes
* optimization for SELECT, DELETE, and UPDATE.
public static final boolean OPTIMIZE_IN_LIST = getBooleanSetting("h2.optimizeInList", true);
* System property h2.optimizeOr (default: false).
* Convert (C=? OR C=?) to (C IN(?, ?)).
public static final boolean OPTIMIZE_OR = getBooleanSetting("h2.optimizeOr", false);
* System property h2.optimizeSubqueryCache (default: true).
* Cache subquery results.
public static final boolean OPTIMIZE_SUBQUERY_CACHE = getBooleanSetting("h2.optimizeSubqueryCache", true);
* System property h2.optimizeTwoEquals (default: true).
* Optimize expressions of the form A=B AND B=1. In this case, AND A=1 is
* added so an index on A can be used.
public static final boolean OPTIMIZE_TWO_EQUALS = getBooleanSetting("h2.optimizeTwoEquals", true);
* System property h2.pageSize (default: 2048).
* The page size to use for new databases.
public static final int PAGE_SIZE = getIntSetting("h2.pageSize", 2048);
* System property h2.pageStoreTrim (default: true).
* Trim the database size when closing.
public static final boolean PAGE_STORE_TRIM = getBooleanSetting("h2.pageStoreTrim", true);
* System property h2.pageStoreInternalCount (default: false).
* Update the row counts on a node level.
public static final boolean PAGE_STORE_INTERNAL_COUNT = getBooleanSetting("h2.pageStoreInternalCount", false);
* System property h2.pgClientEncoding (default: UTF-8).
* Default client encoding for PG server. It is used if the client does not
* sends his encoding.
public static final String PG_DEFAULT_CLIENT_ENCODING = getStringSetting("h2.pgClientEncoding", "UTF-8");
* System property h2.prefixTempFile (default: h2.temp).
* The prefix for temporary files in the temp directory.
public static final String PREFIX_TEMP_FILE = getStringSetting("h2.prefixTempFile", "h2.temp");
* System property h2.recompileAlways (default: false).
* Always recompile prepared statements.
public static final boolean RECOMPILE_ALWAYS = getBooleanSetting("h2.recompileAlways", false);
* System property h2.reconnectCheckDelay (default: 200).
* Check the .lock.db file every this many milliseconds to detect that the
* database was changed. The process writing to the database must first
* notify a change in the .lock.db file, then wait twice this many
* milliseconds before updating the database.
public static final int RECONNECT_CHECK_DELAY = getIntSetting("h2.reconnectCheckDelay", 200);
* System property h2.redoBufferSize (default: 262144).
* Size of the redo buffer (used at startup when recovering).
public static final int REDO_BUFFER_SIZE = getIntSetting("h2.redoBufferSize", 256 * 1024);
* System property h2.reserveMemory (default: 524288).
* This many bytes in main memory are allocated as a reserve. This reserve
* is freed up when if no memory is available, so that rolling back a large
* transaction is easier.
public static final int RESERVE_MEMORY = getIntSetting("h2.reserveMemory", 512 * 1024);
* System property h2.returnLobObjects (default: true).
* When true, ResultSet.getObject for CLOB or BLOB will return a
* java.sql.Clob / java.sql.Blob object. When set to false, it will return a
* /
public static final boolean RETURN_LOB_OBJECTS = getBooleanSetting("h2.returnLobObjects", true);
* System property h2.runFinalize (default: true).
* Run finalizers to detect unclosed connections.
public static boolean runFinalize = getBooleanSetting("h2.runFinalize", true);
* System property h2.serverCachedObjects (default: 64).
* TCP Server: number of cached objects per session.
public static final int SERVER_CACHED_OBJECTS = getIntSetting("h2.serverCachedObjects", 64);
* System property h2.serverResultSetFetchSize
* (default: 100).
* The default result set fetch size when using the server mode.
public static final int SERVER_RESULT_SET_FETCH_SIZE = getIntSetting("h2.serverResultSetFetchSize", 100);
* System property h2.shareLinkedConnections
* (default: true).
* Linked connections should be shared, that means connections to the same
* database should be used for all linked tables that connect to the same
* database.
public static final boolean SHARE_LINKED_CONNECTIONS = getBooleanSetting("h2.shareLinkedConnections", true);
* System property h2.socketConnectRetry (default: 16).
* The number of times to retry opening a socket. Windows sometimes fails
* to open a socket, see bug
public static final int SOCKET_CONNECT_RETRY = getIntSetting("h2.socketConnectRetry", 16);
* System property h2.socketConnectTimeout (default: 2000).
* The timeout in milliseconds to connect to a server.
public static final int SOCKET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = getIntSetting("h2.socketConnectTimeout", 2000);
* System property h2.sortNullsHigh (default: false).
* Invert the default sorting behavior for NULL values, such that NULL
* values are sorted to the end of a result set in an ascending sort and to
* the beginning of a result set in a descending sort.
public static final boolean SORT_NULLS_HIGH = getBooleanSetting("h2.sortNullsHigh", false);
* System property h2.splitFileSizeShift (default: 30).
* The maximum file size of a split file is 1L << x.
public static final long SPLIT_FILE_SIZE_SHIFT = getIntSetting("h2.splitFileSizeShift", 30);
* System property h2.syncMethod (default: sync).
* What method to call when closing the database, on checkpoint, and on
* CHECKPOINT SYNC. The following options are supported:
* "sync" (default): RandomAccessFile.getFD().sync();
* "force": RandomAccessFile.getChannel().force(true);
* "forceFalse": RandomAccessFile.getChannel().force(false);
* "": do not call a method (fast but there is a risk of data loss
* on power failure).
public static final String SYNC_METHOD = getStringSetting("h2.syncMethod", "sync");
* System property h2.traceIO (default: false).
* Trace all I/O operations.
public static final boolean TRACE_IO = getBooleanSetting("h2.traceIO", false);
* System property h2.webMaxValueLength (default: 100000).
* The H2 Console will abbreviate (truncate) result values larger than this size.
* The data in the database is not truncated, it is only to avoid out of memory
* in the H2 Console application.
public static final int WEB_MAX_VALUE_LENGTH = getIntSetting("h2.webMaxValueLength", 100000);
private static final String H2_BASE_DIR = "h2.baseDir";
private SysProperties() {
// utility class
private static boolean getBooleanSetting(String name, boolean defaultValue) {
String s = getProperty(name);
if (s != null) {
try {
return Boolean.valueOf(s).booleanValue();
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// ignore
return defaultValue;
private static String getProperty(String name) {
try {
return System.getProperty(name);
} catch (Exception e) {
// SecurityException
// applets may not do that - ignore
return null;
public static String getStringSetting(String name, String defaultValue) {
String s = getProperty(name);
return s == null ? defaultValue : s;
public static int getIntSetting(String name, int defaultValue) {
String s = getProperty(name);
if (s != null) {
try {
return Integer.decode(s).intValue();
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// ignore
return defaultValue;
public static void setBaseDir(String dir) {
if (!dir.endsWith("/")) {
dir += "/";
System.setProperty(H2_BASE_DIR, dir);
public static String getBaseDir() {
return getStringSetting(H2_BASE_DIR, null);
* System property h2.scriptDirectory (default: empty
* string).
* Relative or absolute directory where the script files are stored to or
* read from.
* @return the current value
public static String getScriptDirectory() {
return getStringSetting(H2_SCRIPT_DIRECTORY, "");
* System property h2.maxQueryTimeout (default: 0).
* The maximum timeout of a query. The default is 0, meaning no limit.
* @return the current value
public static int getMaxQueryTimeout() {
return getIntSetting(H2_MAX_QUERY_TIMEOUT, 0);
* System property h2.collatorCacheSize (default: 32000).
* The cache size for collation keys (in elements). Used when a collator has
* been set for the database.
* @return the current value
public static int getCollatorCacheSize() {
return getIntSetting(H2_COLLATOR_CACHE_SIZE, 32000);