iota.Contexts.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package iota
import android.app.Activity
import android.content.{Context => AndroidContext}
import android.net.nsd.NsdManager
import android.telephony.TelephonyManager
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.reflect.macros.{Context => MacroContext}
* @author pfnguyen
@implicitNotFound("Unable to find a service constant for ${T},\n" +
"add the following implicit value to your code if this is not a mistake:\n " +
"'implicit val `systemService for ${T}` =\n " +
case class SystemService[T](name: String) extends AnyVal
private[iota] trait Contexts {
/** pull a context out of "thin air", checks for Activity, Fragment and WithContext */
implicit def materializeContext: AndroidContext = macro ContextMacro.materializeContextImpl
implicit def materializeActivity: Activity = macro ContextMacro.materializeActivityImpl
/** find a strongly-typed view.
* will fail to compile if id(xxx) is not used prior in the source
@deprecated("Use the view holder pattern for better compile-time safety", "0.9.2")
def findView[A <: android.view.View : ViewIdType : ClassTag](id: Int)(implicit activity: Activity): A = {
val v = activity.findViewById(id).asInstanceOf[A]
if (v == null) throw new NullPointerException(s"view $id not found")
/** find a strongly-typed view.
* will fail to compile if id(xxx) is not used prior in the source
@deprecated("Use the view holder pattern for better compile-time safety", "0.9.2")
def findViewOption[A <: android.view.View : ViewIdType : ClassTag](id: Int)(implicit activity: Activity): Option[A] =
implicit val `nsd system service` =
implicit val `telephony system service` =
implicit def materializeSystemService[T]: SystemService[T] = macro ContextMacro.materializeSystemServiceImpl[T]
/** type-safe retrieval of system service objects.
* e.g. `systemService[NotificationManager]`
@inline final def systemService[T](implicit s: SystemService[T], context: AndroidContext): T =
private[iota] object ContextMacro {
private[this] val TYPES =
"android.app.Context" ::
"android.app.Fragment" ::
"android.view.View" ::
"android.support.v4.app.Fragment" ::
"iota.WithContext" ::
def materializeContextImpl(c: MacroContext): c.Expr[AndroidContext] = {
import c.universe._
val supportFragment = util.Try(rootMirror.staticClass("android.support.v4.app.Fragment")).toOption
val classType = c.enclosingClass.symbol.asType.toType
def dfs(body: c.Tree, pos: c.Position, path: List[c.Tree]): List[c.Tree] =
if (body.pos == pos) path.collect { case a@ClassDef(_,_,_,_) => a }
else body.children.flatMap { child => dfs(child, pos, body :: path) }
def expandTree(tpe: Type): Option[c.Tree] = {
if (tpe <:< c.weakTypeOf[AndroidContext]) {
} else if (tpe <:< c.weakTypeOf[HasContext]) {
Option(Select(This(tpe.typeSymbol), newTermName("context")))
} else if (tpe <:< c.weakTypeOf[HasActivity]) {
Option(Select(This(tpe.typeSymbol), newTermName("activity")))
} else if (tpe <:< c.weakTypeOf[android.view.View]) {
Option(Apply(Select(This(tpe.typeSymbol), newTermName("getContext")), Nil))
} else if (tpe <:< c.weakTypeOf[android.app.Fragment]) {
Option(Apply(Select(This(tpe.typeSymbol), newTermName("getActivity")), Nil))
} else if (supportFragment.exists(tpe <:< _.toType)) {
Option(Apply(Select(This(tpe.typeSymbol), newTermName("getActivity")), Nil))
} else {
def error = c.abort(c.enclosingPosition,
s"$classType does not extend any of:\n ${TYPES mkString "\n "}")
c.Expr(expandTree(classType).getOrElse {
val paths = dfs(c.enclosingUnit.body, c.enclosingPosition, Nil)
paths.find(_.symbol.asType.toType <:< c.weakTypeOf[AndroidContext]).fold(
)(t => expandTree(t.symbol.asType.toType).getOrElse (error))
def materializeActivityImpl(c: MacroContext): c.Expr[Activity] = {
import c.universe._
val supportFragment = util.Try(rootMirror.staticClass("android.support.v4.app.Fragment")).toOption
val classType = c.enclosingClass.symbol.asType.toType
def dfs(body: c.Tree, pos: c.Position, path: List[c.Tree]): List[c.Tree] =
if (body.pos == pos) path.collect { case a@ClassDef(_,_,_,_) => a }
else body.children.flatMap { child => dfs(child, pos, body :: path) }
def expandTree(tpe: Type): Option[c.Tree] = {
if (tpe <:< c.weakTypeOf[Activity]) {
} else if (tpe <:< c.weakTypeOf[HasActivity]) {
Option(Select(This(tpe.typeSymbol), newTermName("activity")))
} else if (tpe <:< c.weakTypeOf[android.app.Fragment]) {
Option(Apply(Select(This(tpe.typeSymbol), newTermName("getActivity")), Nil))
} else if (supportFragment.exists(tpe <:< _.toType)) {
Option(Apply(Select(This(tpe.typeSymbol), newTermName("getActivity")), Nil))
} else {
def error = c.abort(c.enclosingPosition,
s"$classType does not extend any of:\n ${TYPES mkString "\n "}")
c.Expr(expandTree(classType).getOrElse {
val paths = dfs(c.enclosingUnit.body, c.enclosingPosition, Nil)
paths.find(_.symbol.asType.toType <:< c.weakTypeOf[AndroidContext]).fold(
)(t => expandTree(t.symbol.asType.toType).getOrElse (error))
private[this] lazy val SERVICE_CONSTANTS = {
val fields = classOf[AndroidContext].getDeclaredFields filter {
_.getName endsWith "_SERVICE"
fields map { f =>
val v = f.get(null).toString
v.replaceAll("_", "") -> v
} toSeq
def materializeSystemServiceImpl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: MacroContext): c.Expr[SystemService[T]] = {
import c.universe._
val tpe = weakTypeOf[T]
val candidates = SERVICE_CONSTANTS filter (tpe.toString.toLowerCase contains _._1)
val service = ("" /: candidates) { (a, b) =>
if (a.length > b._2.length) a else b._2
if (service.isEmpty)
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"No service constant found for $tpe")
Select(reify(iota.SystemService).tree, newTermName("apply")),
), List(Literal(Constant(service)))))
/** When a `android.content.Context` can't be found automatically using
* the implicits in `iota._` or `iota.std.Contexts._` implement this trait
* to help the implicit out
trait HasContext {
def context: AndroidContext
/** When an `android.app.Activity` can't be found automatically using
* the implicits in `iota._` or `iota.std.Contexts._` implement this trait
* to help the implicit out
trait HasActivity {
def activity: Activity
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