iota.IdMacros.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package iota
import java.io.{FileOutputStream, OutputStreamWriter}
import android.view.View
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.reflect.macros.Context
@implicitNotFound("cannot use findView prior to source application of id(Int)")
case class ViewIdType[+A : ClassTag]()
* @author pfnguyen
private[iota] trait IdMacros {
implicit def materializeIdType: ViewIdType[Any] = macro IdMacros.matIdType
private[iota] object IdMacros {
def matIdType(c: Context): c.Expr[ViewIdType[Any]] = {
import FileUtil._
import c.universe._
val base = target(c.enclosingUnit.source.file.file)
val strFile = file(base, STR_TYPE_FILE)
val intFile = file(base, INT_TYPE_FILE)
val (strs, ints) = loadMappings(strFile, intFile)
// check `Product` to be source compatible with scala 2.10 and 2.11
val mapped = c.enclosingImplicits.headOption.fold {
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "materializeIdType is not being used properly for implicit resolution")
} { impls =>
val tree = impls match {
case p: Product if p.productArity == 2 => p.productElement(1).asInstanceOf[c.Tree]
case p: Product if p.productArity == 4 => p.productElement(3).asInstanceOf[c.Tree]
val idInfo: Either[String,Int] = tree.collect {
case Apply(_, y :: _) => y
}.head match {
case Literal(Constant(n: Int)) => Right(n)
case t => Left(t.symbol.fullName)
idInfo.left.map(strs.get).right.map(ints.get).fold(identity,identity) getOrElse
"Id used before declaring in id(_), cannot determine type, aborting")
val tpe = rootMirror.staticClass(mapped).asType.toType
Select(reify(ViewIdType).tree, newTermName("apply")),
List(Select(reify(scala.Predef).tree, newTermName("implicitly")))
private[this] val INT_TYPE_FILE = "iota-int-ids.txt"
private[this] val STR_TYPE_FILE = "iota-str-ids.txt"
private[this] var strMap = Map.empty[String,String]
private[this] var intMap = Map.empty[Int,String]
private[this] var intMapTime = 0l
private[this] var strMapTime = 0l
def tIdImpl[A <: View : c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(id: c.Expr[Int]): c.Expr[Kestrel[A]] = {
import FileUtil._
import c.universe._
val tpeInfo = c.weakTypeOf[A].typeSymbol.fullName
if (tpeInfo == "iota.ViewCombinators.A")
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "Unable to determine concrete type for A")
val idInfo: Either[String,Int] = id match {
case c.Expr(Literal(Constant(n: Int))) => Right(n)
case x => Left(x.tree.symbol.fullName)
val base = target(c.enclosingUnit.source.file.file)
val strFile = file(base, STR_TYPE_FILE)
val intFile = file(base, INT_TYPE_FILE)
val (strs, ints) = loadMappings(strFile, intFile)
val newMappingFile = idInfo.fold(_ => strFile, _ => intFile)
def addMapping[M](mapping: Map[M,String], id: M): Unit = {
val item = mapping.get(id)
item match {
case Some(tpe) =>
if (tpe != tpeInfo) {
// reassigning types will cause the mapping file to grow without bound
// when building incrementally :-( fix how?
val tpe1 = rootMirror.staticClass(tpe).baseClasses.collect { case c: ClassSymbol if !c.isTrait => c }.reverse
val tpe2 = rootMirror.staticClass(tpeInfo).baseClasses.collect { case c: ClassSymbol if !c.isTrait => c }.reverse
val common = (tpe1 zip tpe2).takeWhile(t => t._1 == t._2).lastOption map (_._1.fullName) getOrElse "android.view.View"
c.warning(c.enclosingPosition, s"type reassigned, $tpe => $tpeInfo using $common")
writeNewMapping(newMappingFile, common, idInfo)
case None =>
writeNewMapping(newMappingFile, tpeInfo, idInfo)
idInfo.right.foreach { addMapping(ints, _) }
idInfo.left.foreach { addMapping(strs, _) }
reify {
kestrel ((v: A) => v.setId(id.splice))
private[this] def writeNewMapping(f: java.io.File, tpe: String, idInfo: Either[String,Int]): Unit = {
val fout = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(f, true), "utf-8")
fout.write(s"$tpe ${idInfo.fold(identity,identity)}\n")
private[this] def fileToMap[A,B](f: java.io.File, fn: (String => (A,B))): Map[A,B] = {
if (f.isFile) {
val src = io.Source.fromFile(f)
try {
} finally {
} else {
private[this] def loadMappings(strfile: java.io.File, intfile: java.io.File): (Map[String,String],Map[Int,String]) = {
if (intfile.lastModified > intMapTime) {
intMap = fileToMap(intfile, { s =>
val parts = s.split(' ')
(parts(1).toInt, parts(0))
intMapTime = intfile.lastModified
if (strfile.lastModified > strMapTime) {
strMap = fileToMap(strfile, { s =>
val parts = s.split(' ')
(parts(1), parts(0))
strMapTime = strfile.lastModified
(strMap, intMap)
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