iota.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import iota.Compat210._
import blackbox.Context
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
* @author pfnguyen
package iota {
private[iota] trait AllComponents
extends Combinators
with AutoK
with Single
with IdMacros
with Views
with TernaryOps
with Contexts
with Themes
with Configurations
with FutureCombinators
with ViewCombinators
with LayoutCombinators
package object iota extends AllComponents {
type Kestrel[A] = A => IO[A]
implicit class WithTernaryOp(val b: Boolean) extends AnyVal {
def ?[A](ifTrue: Kestrel[A]): TernaryCondition[A] = TernaryCondition(b, ifTrue)
private[iota] def sequence[A](c: Context)(xs: Seq[c.Expr[A]]): c.Expr[Seq[A]] = {
import c.universe._
c.Expr(Apply(Select(reify(Seq).tree, newTermName("apply")),
private[iota] def spliceTree(c: Context)(enclosingOwner: c.Symbol, t: c.Tree): c.Tree = {
import c.universe._
// smuggle the symbol of the current enclosing owner through to the
// `changeOwner` as the symbol of the tree of its first argument.
// Tree attachments would be a more principled approach, but they aren't
// part of the public API.
import internal._, decorators._
Apply(Select(reify(iota.Splicer).tree, newTermName("changeOwner")), t :: Nil)
implicit class Metrics(val size: Int) extends AnyVal {
import android.content.{Context => AndroidContext}
/** convert dp to pixel values */
@inline final def dp(implicit ctx: AndroidContext): Int =
(ctx.getResources.getDisplayMetrics.density * size).toInt
/** convert sp to pixel values */
@inline final def sp(implicit ctx: AndroidContext): Int =
(ctx.getResources.getDisplayMetrics.scaledDensity * size).toInt
implicit class IOKleisli[-A,+B](val f: A => IO[B]) extends AnyVal {
/** f andThen g */
def >=>[C](g: B => IO[C]): A => IO[C] = { a: A =>
f(a) >>= g
implicit class ViewFinder(val vg: android.view.ViewGroup) extends AnyVal {
/** will fail to compile if id(xxx) is not used prior in the source */
@deprecated("Use the view holder pattern for better compile-time safety", "0.9.2")
@inline final def findView[A <: android.view.View : ViewIdType : ClassTag](id: Int): A = {
val v = vg.findViewById(id).asInstanceOf[A]
if (v == null) throw new NullPointerException(s"view $id not found")
/** will fail to compile if id(xxx) is not used prior in the source */
@deprecated("Use the view holder pattern for better compile-time safety", "0.9.2")
@inline final def findViewOption[A <: android.view.View : ViewIdType : ClassTag](id: Int): Option[A] =
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