android.os.Build Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.os;
public class Build {
/** Various version strings. */
public static class VERSION {
* The user-visible SDK version of the framework; its possible
* values are defined in {@link Build.VERSION_CODES}.
public static final int SDK_INT = VERSION_CODES.M;
* Enumeration of the currently known SDK version codes. These are the
* values that can be found in {@link VERSION#SDK}. Version numbers
* increment monotonically with each official platform release.
public static class VERSION_CODES {
* Magic version number for a current development build, which has
* not yet turned into an official release.
public static final int CUR_DEVELOPMENT = 10000;
* October 2008: The original, first, version of Android. Yay!
public static final int BASE = 1;
* February 2009: First Android update, officially called 1.1.
public static final int BASE_1_1 = 2;
* May 2009: Android 1.5.
public static final int CUPCAKE = 3;
* September 2009: Android 1.6.
Applications targeting this or a later release will get these
* new changes in behavior:
* - They must explicitly request the
* {@link android.Manifest.permission#WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE} permission to be
* able to modify the contents of the SD card. (Apps targeting
* earlier versions will always request the permission.)
- They must explicitly request the
* {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE} permission to be
* able to be able to retrieve phone state info. (Apps targeting
* earlier versions will always request the permission.)
- They are assumed to support different screen densities and
* sizes. (Apps targeting earlier versions are assumed to only support
* medium density normal size screens unless otherwise indicated).
* They can still explicitly specify screen support either way with the
* supports-screens manifest tag.
- {@link android.widget.TabHost} will use the new dark tab
* background design.
public static final int DONUT = 4;
* November 2009: Android 2.0
Applications targeting this or a later release will get these
* new changes in behavior:
* - The {@link
* Service.onStartCommand} function will return the new
* {@link} behavior instead of the
* old compatibility {@link}.
- The {@link} class will now execute back
* key presses on the key up instead of key down, to be able to detect
* canceled presses from virtual keys.
- The {@link android.widget.TabWidget} class will use a new color scheme
* for tabs. In the new scheme, the foreground tab has a medium gray background
* the background tabs have a dark gray background.
public static final int ECLAIR = 5;
* December 2009: Android 2.0.1
public static final int ECLAIR_0_1 = 6;
* January 2010: Android 2.1
public static final int ECLAIR_MR1 = 7;
* June 2010: Android 2.2
public static final int FROYO = 8;
* November 2010: Android 2.3
Applications targeting this or a later release will get these
* new changes in behavior:
* - The application's notification icons will be shown on the new
* dark status bar background, so must be visible in this situation.
public static final int GINGERBREAD = 9;
* February 2011: Android 2.3.3.
public static final int GINGERBREAD_MR1 = 10;
* February 2011: Android 3.0.
Applications targeting this or a later release will get these
* new changes in behavior:
* - The default theme for applications is now dark holographic:
* {@link}.
- On large screen devices that do not have a physical menu
* button, the soft (compatibility) menu is disabled.
- The activity lifecycle has changed slightly as per
* {@link}.
- An application will crash if it does not call through
* to the super implementation of its
* {@link Activity.onPause()} method.
- When an application requires a permission to access one of
* its components (activity, receiver, service, provider), this
* permission is no longer enforced when the application wants to
* access its own component. This means it can require a permission
* on a component that it does not itself hold and still access that
* component.
- {@link android.content.Context#getSharedPreferences
* Context.getSharedPreferences()} will not automatically reload
* the preferences if they have changed on storage, unless
* {@link android.content.Context#MODE_MULTI_PROCESS} is used.
- {@link android.view.ViewGroup#setMotionEventSplittingEnabled}
* will default to true.
- {@link android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#FLAG_SPLIT_TOUCH}
* is enabled by default on windows.
- {@link android.widget.PopupWindow#isSplitTouchEnabled()
* PopupWindow.isSplitTouchEnabled()} will return true by default.
- {@link android.widget.GridView} and {@link android.widget.ListView}
* will use {@link android.view.View#setActivated View.setActivated}
* for selected items if they do not implement {@link android.widget.Checkable}.
- {@link android.widget.Scroller} will be constructed with
* "flywheel" behavior enabled by default.
public static final int HONEYCOMB = 11;
* May 2011: Android 3.1.
public static final int HONEYCOMB_MR1 = 12;
* June 2011: Android 3.2.
Update to Honeycomb MR1 to support 7 inch tablets, improve
* screen compatibility mode, etc.
As of this version, applications that don't say whether they
* support XLARGE screens will be assumed to do so only if they target
* {@link #HONEYCOMB} or later; it had been {@link #GINGERBREAD} or
* later. Applications that don't support a screen size at least as
* large as the current screen will provide the user with a UI to
* switch them in to screen size compatibility mode.
This version introduces new screen size resource qualifiers
* based on the screen size in dp: see
* {@link android.content.res.Configuration#screenWidthDp},
* {@link android.content.res.Configuration#screenHeightDp}, and
* {@link android.content.res.Configuration#smallestScreenWidthDp}.
* Supplying these in <supports-screens> as per
* {@link},
* {@link}, and
* {@link} is
* preferred over the older screen size buckets and for older devices
* the appropriate buckets will be inferred from them.
Applications targeting this or a later release will get these
* new changes in behavior:
* New {@link}
* and {@link}
* features were introduced in this release. Applications that target
* previous platform versions are assumed to require both portrait and
* landscape support in the device; when targeting Honeycomb MR1 or
* greater the application is responsible for specifying any specific
* orientation it requires.
* {@link android.os.AsyncTask} will use the serial executor
* by default when calling {@link android.os.AsyncTask#execute}.
* {@link
* ActivityInfo.configChanges} will have the
* {@link} and
* {@link}
* bits set; these need to be cleared for older applications because
* some developers have done absolute comparisons against this value
* instead of correctly masking the bits they are interested in.
public static final int HONEYCOMB_MR2 = 13;
* October 2011: Android 4.0.
Applications targeting this or a later release will get these
* new changes in behavior:
* - For devices without a dedicated menu key, the software compatibility
* menu key will not be shown even on phones. By targeting Ice Cream Sandwich
* or later, your UI must always have its own menu UI affordance if needed,
* on both tablets and phones. The ActionBar will take care of this for you.
- 2d drawing hardware acceleration is now turned on by default.
* You can use
* {@link android.R.attr#hardwareAccelerated android:hardwareAccelerated}
* to turn it off if needed, although this is strongly discouraged since
* it will result in poor performance on larger screen devices.
- The default theme for applications is now the "device default" theme:
* {@link}. This may be the
* holo dark theme or a different dark theme defined by the specific device.
* The {@link} family must not be modified
* for a device to be considered compatible. Applications that explicitly
* request a theme from the Holo family will be guaranteed that these themes
* will not change character within the same platform version. Applications
* that wish to blend in with the device should use a theme from the
* {@link} family.
- Managed cursors can now throw an exception if you directly close
* the cursor yourself without stopping the management of it; previously failures
* would be silently ignored.
- The fadingEdge attribute on views will be ignored (fading edges is no
* longer a standard part of the UI). A new requiresFadingEdge attribute allows
* applications to still force fading edges on for special cases.
- {@link android.content.Context#bindService Context.bindService()}
* will not automatically add in {@link android.content.Context#BIND_WAIVE_PRIORITY}.
- App Widgets will have standard padding automatically added around
* them, rather than relying on the padding being baked into the widget itself.
- An exception will be thrown if you try to change the type of a
* window after it has been added to the window manager. Previously this
* would result in random incorrect behavior.
- {@link android.view.animation.AnimationSet} will parse out
* the duration, fillBefore, fillAfter, repeatMode, and startOffset
* XML attributes that are defined.
- {@link
* ActionBar.setHomeButtonEnabled()} is false by default.
public static final int ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH = 14;
* December 2011: Android 4.0.3.
public static final int ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH_MR1 = 15;
* Android 4.1.
Applications targeting this or a later release will get these
* new changes in behavior:
* - You must explicitly request the {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_CALL_LOG}
* and/or {@link android.Manifest.permission#WRITE_CALL_LOG} permissions;
* access to the call log is no longer implicitly provided through
* {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_CONTACTS} and
* {@link android.Manifest.permission#WRITE_CONTACTS}.
- {@link android.widget.RemoteViews} will throw an exception if
* setting an onClick handler for views being generated by a
* {@link android.widget.RemoteViewsService} for a collection container;
* previously this just resulted in a warning log message.
- New {@link} policy for embedded tabs:
* embedded tabs are now always stacked in the action bar when in portrait
* mode, regardless of the size of the screen.
- {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs(boolean)
* WebSettings.setAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs} and
* {@link android.webkit.WebSettings#setAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs(boolean)
* WebSettings.setAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs} default to false.
- Calls to {@link
* PackageManager.setComponentEnabledSetting} will now throw an
* IllegalArgumentException if the given component class name does not
* exist in the application's manifest.
- {@link android.nfc.NfcAdapter#setNdefPushMessage
* NfcAdapter.setNdefPushMessage},
* {@link android.nfc.NfcAdapter#setNdefPushMessageCallback
* NfcAdapter.setNdefPushMessageCallback} and
* {@link android.nfc.NfcAdapter#setOnNdefPushCompleteCallback
* NfcAdapter.setOnNdefPushCompleteCallback} will throw
* IllegalStateException if called after the Activity has been destroyed.
- Accessibility services must require the new
* {@link android.Manifest.permission#BIND_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE} permission or
* they will not be available for use.
- {@link android.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityServiceInfo#FLAG_INCLUDE_NOT_IMPORTANT_VIEWS
* AccessibilityServiceInfo.FLAG_INCLUDE_NOT_IMPORTANT_VIEWS} must be set
* for unimportant views to be included in queries.
public static final int JELLY_BEAN = 16;
* November 2012: Android 4.2, Moar jelly beans!
* Applications targeting this or a later release will get these
* new changes in behavior:
* - Content Providers: The default value of {@code android:exported} is now
* {@code false}. See
* the android:exported section in the provider documentation for more details.
* - {@link android.view.View#getLayoutDirection() View.getLayoutDirection()}
* can return different values than {@link android.view.View#LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR}
* based on the locale etc.
- {@link android.webkit.WebView#addJavascriptInterface(Object, String)
* WebView.addJavascriptInterface} requires explicit annotations on methods
* for them to be accessible from Javascript.
public static final int JELLY_BEAN_MR1 = 17;
* July 2013: Android 4.3, the revenge of the beans.
public static final int JELLY_BEAN_MR2 = 18;
* October 2013: Android 4.4, KitKat, another tasty treat.
* Applications targeting this or a later release will get these
* new changes in behavior:
* - The default result of
* {@link android.preference.PreferenceActivity#isValidFragment(String)
* PreferenceActivity.isValueFragment} becomes false instead of true.
* - In {@link android.webkit.WebView}, apps targeting earlier versions will have
* JS URLs evaluated directly and any result of the evaluation will not replace
* the current page content. Apps targetting KITKAT or later that load a JS URL will
* have the result of that URL replace the content of the current page
* - {@link AlarmManager.set} becomes interpreted as
* an inexact value, to give the system more flexibility in scheduling alarms.
* - {@link android.content.Context#getSharedPreferences(String, int)
* Context.getSharedPreferences} no longer allows a null name.
* - {@link android.widget.RelativeLayout} changes to compute wrapped content
* margins correctly.
* - {@link}'s window content overlay is allowed to be
* drawn.
* - The {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE}
* permission is now always enforced.
* - Access to package-specific external storage directories belonging
* to the calling app no longer requires the
* {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE} or
* {@link android.Manifest.permission#WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE}
* permissions.
public static final int KITKAT = 19;
* June 2014: Android 4.4W. KitKat for watches, snacks on the run.
* Applications targeting this or a later release will get these
* new changes in behavior:
* - {@link} might not have a default background if the theme does
* not specify one.
public static final int KITKAT_WATCH = 20;
* Temporary until we completely switch to {@link #LOLLIPOP}.
* @hide
public static final int L = 21;
* November 2014: Lollipop. A flat one with beautiful shadows. But still tasty.
* Applications targeting this or a later release will get these
* new changes in behavior:
* - {@link android.content.Context#bindService Context.bindService} now
* requires an explicit Intent, and will throw an exception if given an implicit
* Intent.
* - {@link Notification.Builder} will
* not have the colors of their various notification elements adjusted to better
* match the new material design look.
* - {@link android.os.Message} will validate that a message is not currently
* in use when it is recycled.
* - Hardware accelerated drawing in windows will be enabled automatically
* in most places.
* - {@link android.widget.Spinner} throws an exception if attaching an
* adapter with more than one item type.
* - If the app is a launcher, the launcher will be available to the user
* even when they are using corporate profiles (which requires that the app
* use {@link} to correctly populate its
* apps UI).
* - Calling {@link Service.stopForeground}
* with removeNotification false will modify the still posted notification so that
* it is no longer forced to be ongoing.
* - A {@link android.service.dreams.DreamService} must require the
* {@link android.Manifest.permission#BIND_DREAM_SERVICE} permission to be usable.
public static final int LOLLIPOP = 21;
* March 2015: Lollipop with an extra sugar coating on the outside!
public static final int LOLLIPOP_MR1 = 22;
* M is for Marshmallow!
* Applications targeting this or a later release will get these
* new changes in behavior:
* - Runtime permissions. Dangerous permissions are no longer granted at
* install time, but must be requested by the application at runtime through
* {@link}.
* - Bluetooth and Wi-Fi scanning now requires holding the location permission.
* - {@link AlarmManager.setTimeZone} will fail if
* the given timezone is non-Olson.
* - Activity transitions will only return shared
* elements mapped in the returned view hierarchy back to the calling activity.
* - {@link android.view.View} allows a number of behaviors that may break
* existing apps: Canvas throws an exception if restore() is called too many times,
* widgets may return a hint size when returning UNSPECIFIED measure specs, and it
* will respect the attributes {@link android.R.attr#foreground},
* {@link android.R.attr#foregroundGravity}, {@link android.R.attr#foregroundTint}, and
* {@link android.R.attr#foregroundTintMode}.
* - {@link android.view.MotionEvent#getButtonState MotionEvent.getButtonState}
* will no longer report {@link android.view.MotionEvent#BUTTON_PRIMARY}
* and {@link android.view.MotionEvent#BUTTON_SECONDARY} as synonyms for
* {@link android.view.MotionEvent#BUTTON_STYLUS_PRIMARY} and
* {@link android.view.MotionEvent#BUTTON_STYLUS_SECONDARY}.
* - {@link android.widget.ScrollView} now respects the layout param margins
* when measuring.
public static final int M = 23;
* N is for Nougat.
* Applications targeting this or a later release will get these
* new changes in behavior:
* - {@link
* DownloadManager.Request.setAllowedNetworkTypes}
* will disable "allow over metered" when specifying only
* {@link}.
* - {@link} no longer allows access to raw
* file paths.
* - {@link
* Notification.Builder.setShowWhen}
* must be called explicitly to have the time shown, and various other changes in
* {@link Notification.Builder} to how notifications
* are shown.
* - {@link android.content.Context#MODE_WORLD_READABLE} and
* {@link android.content.Context#MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE} are no longer supported.
* - {@link android.os.FileUriExposedException} will be thrown to applications.
* - Applications will see global drag and drops as per
* {@link android.view.View#DRAG_FLAG_GLOBAL}.
* - {@link android.webkit.WebView#evaluateJavascript WebView.evaluateJavascript}
* will not persist state from an empty WebView.
* - {@link android.animation.AnimatorSet} will not ignore calls to end() before
* start().
* - {@link
* AlarmManager.cancel} will throw a NullPointerException if given a null operation.
* - {@link} will ensure fragments have been created
* before being placed on the back stack.
* - {@link} restores fragments in
* {@link Fragment.onCreate} rather than after the
* method returns.
* - {@link android.R.attr#resizeableActivity} defaults to true.
* - {@link} throws exceptions when
* opening invalid VectorDrawable animations.
* - {@link android.view.ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams} will no longer be dropped
* when converting between some types of layout params (such as
* {@link android.widget.LinearLayout.LayoutParams LinearLayout.LayoutParams} to
* {@link android.widget.RelativeLayout.LayoutParams RelativeLayout.LayoutParams}).
* - Your application processes will not be killed when the device density changes.
* - Drag and drop. After a view receives the
* {@link android.view.DragEvent#ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED} event, when the drag shadow moves into
* a descendant view that can accept the data, the view receives the
* {@link android.view.DragEvent#ACTION_DRAG_EXITED} event and won’t receive
* {@link android.view.DragEvent#ACTION_DRAG_LOCATION} and
* {@link android.view.DragEvent#ACTION_DROP} events while the drag shadow is within that
* descendant view, even if the descendant view returns
from its handler
* for these events.
public static final int N = 24;
* N MR1: Nougat++.
public static final int N_MR1 = 25;
* O.
* Applications targeting this or a later release will get these
* new changes in behavior:
* - {@link android.R.attr#focusable} defaults to a new state ({@code auto}) where it will
* inherit the value of {@link android.R.attr#clickable} unless explicitly overridden.
* - A default theme-appropriate focus-state highlight will be supplied to all Views
* which don't provide a focus-state drawable themselves. This can be disabled by setting
* {@link android.R.attr#defaultFocusHighlightEnabled} to false.
public static final int O = 26;
* O MR1.
public static final int O_MR1 = 27;