com.hazelcast.org.apache.calcite.rel.metadata.BuiltInMetadata Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.hazelcast.org.apache.calcite.rel.metadata;
import com.hazelcast.org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptCost;
import com.hazelcast.org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptPredicateList;
import com.hazelcast.org.apache.calcite.rel.RelCollation;
import com.hazelcast.org.apache.calcite.rel.RelDistribution;
import com.hazelcast.org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode;
import com.hazelcast.org.apache.calcite.rex.RexNode;
import com.hazelcast.org.apache.calcite.rex.RexTableInputRef;
import com.hazelcast.org.apache.calcite.rex.RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef;
import com.hazelcast.org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlExplainLevel;
import com.hazelcast.org.apache.calcite.util.BuiltInMethod;
import com.hazelcast.org.apache.calcite.util.ImmutableBitSet;
import com.hazelcast.com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.hazelcast.com.google.common.collect.Multimap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* Contains the interfaces for several common forms of metadata.
public abstract class BuiltInMetadata {
/** Metadata about the selectivity of a predicate. */
public interface Selectivity extends Metadata {
MetadataDef DEF = MetadataDef.of(Selectivity.class,
Selectivity.Handler.class, BuiltInMethod.SELECTIVITY.method);
* Estimates the percentage of an expression's output rows which satisfy a
* given predicate. Returns null to indicate that no reliable estimate can
* be produced.
* @param predicate predicate whose selectivity is to be estimated against
* rel's output
* @return estimated selectivity (between 0.0 and 1.0), or null if no
* reliable estimate can be determined
Double getSelectivity(RexNode predicate);
/** Handler API. */
interface Handler extends MetadataHandler {
Double getSelectivity(RelNode r, RelMetadataQuery mq, RexNode predicate);
/** Metadata about which combinations of columns are unique identifiers. */
public interface UniqueKeys extends Metadata {
MetadataDef DEF = MetadataDef.of(UniqueKeys.class,
UniqueKeys.Handler.class, BuiltInMethod.UNIQUE_KEYS.method);
* Determines the set of unique minimal keys for this expression. A key is
* represented as an {@link com.hazelcast.org.apache.calcite.util.ImmutableBitSet}, where
* each bit position represents a 0-based output column ordinal.
* Nulls can be ignored if the relational expression has filtered out
* null values.
* @param ignoreNulls if true, ignore null values when determining
* whether the keys are unique
* @return set of keys, or null if this information cannot be determined
* (whereas empty set indicates definitely no keys at all)
Set getUniqueKeys(boolean ignoreNulls);
/** Handler API. */
interface Handler extends MetadataHandler {
Set getUniqueKeys(RelNode r, RelMetadataQuery mq,
boolean ignoreNulls);
/** Metadata about whether a set of columns uniquely identifies a row. */
public interface ColumnUniqueness extends Metadata {
MetadataDef DEF = MetadataDef.of(ColumnUniqueness.class,
ColumnUniqueness.Handler.class, BuiltInMethod.COLUMN_UNIQUENESS.method);
* Determines whether a specified set of columns from a specified relational
* expression are unique.
* For example, if the relational expression is a {@code TableScan} to
* T(A, B, C, D) whose key is (A, B), then:
* - {@code areColumnsUnique([0, 1])} yields true,
- {@code areColumnsUnique([0])} yields false,
- {@code areColumnsUnique([0, 2])} yields false.
* Nulls can be ignored if the relational expression has filtered out
* null values.
* @param columns column mask representing the subset of columns for which
* uniqueness will be determined
* @param ignoreNulls if true, ignore null values when determining column
* uniqueness
* @return whether the columns are unique, or
* null if not enough information is available to make that determination
Boolean areColumnsUnique(ImmutableBitSet columns, boolean ignoreNulls);
/** Handler API. */
interface Handler extends MetadataHandler {
Boolean areColumnsUnique(RelNode r, RelMetadataQuery mq,
ImmutableBitSet columns, boolean ignoreNulls);
/** Metadata about which columns are sorted. */
public interface Collation extends Metadata {
MetadataDef DEF = MetadataDef.of(Collation.class,
Collation.Handler.class, BuiltInMethod.COLLATIONS.method);
/** Determines which columns are sorted. */
ImmutableList collations();
/** Handler API. */
interface Handler extends MetadataHandler {
ImmutableList collations(RelNode r, RelMetadataQuery mq);
/** Metadata about how a relational expression is distributed.
* If you are an operator consuming a relational expression, which subset
* of the rows are you seeing? You might be seeing all of them (BROADCAST
* or SINGLETON), only those whose key column values have a particular hash
* code (HASH) or only those whose column values have particular values or
* ranges of values (RANGE).
When a relational expression is partitioned, it is often partitioned
* among nodes, but it may be partitioned among threads running on the same
* node. */
public interface Distribution extends Metadata {
MetadataDef DEF = MetadataDef.of(Distribution.class,
Distribution.Handler.class, BuiltInMethod.DISTRIBUTION.method);
/** Determines how the rows are distributed. */
RelDistribution distribution();
/** Handler API. */
interface Handler extends MetadataHandler {
RelDistribution distribution(RelNode r, RelMetadataQuery mq);
* Metadata about the node types in a relational expression.
* For each relational expression, it returns a multimap from the class
* to the nodes instantiating that class. Each node will appear in the
* multimap only once.
public interface NodeTypes extends Metadata {
MetadataDef DEF = MetadataDef.of(NodeTypes.class,
NodeTypes.Handler.class, BuiltInMethod.NODE_TYPES.method);
* Returns a multimap from the class to the nodes instantiating that
* class. The default implementation for a node classifies it as a
* {@link RelNode}.
Multimap, RelNode> getNodeTypes();
/** Handler API. */
interface Handler extends MetadataHandler {
Multimap, RelNode> getNodeTypes(RelNode r,
RelMetadataQuery mq);
/** Metadata about the number of rows returned by a relational expression. */
public interface RowCount extends Metadata {
MetadataDef DEF = MetadataDef.of(RowCount.class,
RowCount.Handler.class, BuiltInMethod.ROW_COUNT.method);
* Estimates the number of rows which will be returned by a relational
* expression. The default implementation for this query asks the rel itself
* via {@link RelNode#estimateRowCount}, but metadata providers can override this
* with their own cost models.
* @return estimated row count, or null if no reliable estimate can be
* determined
Double getRowCount();
/** Handler API. */
interface Handler extends MetadataHandler {
Double getRowCount(RelNode r, RelMetadataQuery mq);
/** Metadata about the maximum number of rows returned by a relational
* expression. */
public interface MaxRowCount extends Metadata {
MetadataDef DEF = MetadataDef.of(MaxRowCount.class,
MaxRowCount.Handler.class, BuiltInMethod.MAX_ROW_COUNT.method);
* Estimates the max number of rows which will be returned by a relational
* expression.
* The default implementation for this query returns
* {@link Double#POSITIVE_INFINITY},
* but metadata providers can override this with their own cost models.
* @return upper bound on the number of rows returned
Double getMaxRowCount();
/** Handler API. */
interface Handler extends MetadataHandler {
Double getMaxRowCount(RelNode r, RelMetadataQuery mq);
/** Metadata about the minimum number of rows returned by a relational
* expression. */
public interface MinRowCount extends Metadata {
MetadataDef DEF = MetadataDef.of(MinRowCount.class,
MinRowCount.Handler.class, BuiltInMethod.MIN_ROW_COUNT.method);
* Estimates the minimum number of rows which will be returned by a
* relational expression.
* The default implementation for this query returns 0,
* but metadata providers can override this with their own cost models.
* @return lower bound on the number of rows returned
Double getMinRowCount();
/** Handler API. */
interface Handler extends MetadataHandler {
Double getMinRowCount(RelNode r, RelMetadataQuery mq);
/** Metadata about the number of distinct rows returned by a set of columns
* in a relational expression. */
public interface DistinctRowCount extends Metadata {
MetadataDef DEF = MetadataDef.of(DistinctRowCount.class,
DistinctRowCount.Handler.class, BuiltInMethod.DISTINCT_ROW_COUNT.method);
* Estimates the number of rows which would be produced by a GROUP BY on the
* set of columns indicated by groupKey, where the input to the GROUP BY has
* been pre-filtered by predicate. This quantity (leaving out predicate) is
* often referred to as cardinality (as in gender being a "low-cardinality
* column").
* @param groupKey column mask representing group by columns
* @param predicate pre-filtered predicates
* @return distinct row count for groupKey, filtered by predicate, or null
* if no reliable estimate can be determined
Double getDistinctRowCount(ImmutableBitSet groupKey, RexNode predicate);
/** Handler API. */
interface Handler extends MetadataHandler {
Double getDistinctRowCount(RelNode r, RelMetadataQuery mq,
ImmutableBitSet groupKey, RexNode predicate);
/** Metadata about the proportion of original rows that remain in a relational
* expression. */
public interface PercentageOriginalRows extends Metadata {
MetadataDef DEF =
* Estimates the percentage of the number of rows actually produced by a
* relational expression out of the number of rows it would produce if all
* single-table filter conditions were removed.
* @return estimated percentage (between 0.0 and 1.0), or null if no
* reliable estimate can be determined
Double getPercentageOriginalRows();
/** Handler API. */
interface Handler extends MetadataHandler {
Double getPercentageOriginalRows(RelNode r, RelMetadataQuery mq);
/** Metadata about the number of distinct values in the original source of a
* column or set of columns. */
public interface PopulationSize extends Metadata {
MetadataDef DEF = MetadataDef.of(PopulationSize.class,
PopulationSize.Handler.class, BuiltInMethod.POPULATION_SIZE.method);
* Estimates the distinct row count in the original source for the given
* {@code groupKey}, ignoring any filtering being applied by the expression.
* Typically, "original source" means base table, but for derived columns,
* the estimate may come from a non-leaf rel such as a LogicalProject.
* @param groupKey column mask representing the subset of columns for which
* the row count will be determined
* @return distinct row count for the given groupKey, or null if no reliable
* estimate can be determined
Double getPopulationSize(ImmutableBitSet groupKey);
/** Handler API. */
interface Handler extends MetadataHandler {
Double getPopulationSize(RelNode r, RelMetadataQuery mq,
ImmutableBitSet groupKey);
/** Metadata about the size of rows and columns. */
public interface Size extends Metadata {
MetadataDef DEF = MetadataDef.of(Size.class, Size.Handler.class,
* Determines the average size (in bytes) of a row from this relational
* expression.
* @return average size of a row, in bytes, or null if not known
Double averageRowSize();
* Determines the average size (in bytes) of a value of a column in this
* relational expression.
* Null values are included (presumably they occupy close to 0 bytes).
It is left to the caller to decide whether the size is the compressed
* size, the uncompressed size, or memory allocation when the value is
* wrapped in an object in the Java heap. The uncompressed size is probably
* a good compromise.
* @return an immutable list containing, for each column, the average size
* of a column value, in bytes. Each value or the entire list may be null if
* the metadata is not available
List averageColumnSizes();
/** Handler API. */
interface Handler extends MetadataHandler {
Double averageRowSize(RelNode r, RelMetadataQuery mq);
List averageColumnSizes(RelNode r, RelMetadataQuery mq);
/** Metadata about the origins of columns. */
public interface ColumnOrigin extends Metadata {
MetadataDef DEF = MetadataDef.of(ColumnOrigin.class,
ColumnOrigin.Handler.class, BuiltInMethod.COLUMN_ORIGIN.method);
* For a given output column of an expression, determines all columns of
* underlying tables which contribute to result values. An output column may
* have more than one origin due to expressions such as Union and
* LogicalProject. The optimizer may use this information for catalog access
* (e.g. index availability).
* @param outputColumn 0-based ordinal for output column of interest
* @return set of origin columns, or null if this information cannot be
* determined (whereas empty set indicates definitely no origin columns at
* all)
Set getColumnOrigins(int outputColumn);
/** Handler API. */
interface Handler extends MetadataHandler {
Set getColumnOrigins(RelNode r, RelMetadataQuery mq,
int outputColumn);
/** Metadata about the origins of expressions. */
public interface ExpressionLineage extends Metadata {
MetadataDef DEF = MetadataDef.of(ExpressionLineage.class,
ExpressionLineage.Handler.class, BuiltInMethod.EXPRESSION_LINEAGE.method);
* Given the input expression applied on the given {@link RelNode}, this
* provider returns the expression with its lineage resolved.
* In particular, the result will be a set of nodes which might contain
* references to columns in TableScan operators ({@link RexTableInputRef}).
* An expression can have more than one lineage expression due to Union
* operators. However, we do not check column equality in Filter predicates.
* Each TableScan operator below the node is identified uniquely by its
* qualified name and its entity number.
For example, if the expression is {@code $0 + 2} and {@code $0} originated
* from column {@code $3} in the {@code 0} occurrence of table {@code A} in the
* plan, result will be: {@code A.#0.$3 + 2}. Occurrences are generated in no
* particular order, but it is guaranteed that if two expressions referred to the
* same table, the qualified name + occurrence will be the same.
* @param expression expression whose lineage we want to resolve
* @return set of expressions with lineage resolved, or null if this information
* cannot be determined (e.g. origin of an expression is an aggregation
* in an {@link com.hazelcast.org.apache.calcite.rel.core.Aggregate} operator)
Set getExpressionLineage(RexNode expression);
/** Handler API. */
interface Handler extends MetadataHandler {
Set getExpressionLineage(RelNode r, RelMetadataQuery mq,
RexNode expression);
/** Metadata to obtain references to tables used by a given expression. */
public interface TableReferences extends Metadata {
MetadataDef DEF = MetadataDef.of(TableReferences.class,
TableReferences.Handler.class, BuiltInMethod.TABLE_REFERENCES.method);
* This provider returns the tables used by a given plan.
* In particular, the result will be a set of unique table references
* ({@link RelTableRef}) corresponding to each TableScan operator in the
* plan. These table references are composed by the table qualified name
* and an entity number.
Importantly, the table identifiers returned by this metadata provider
* will be consistent with the unique identifiers used by the {@link ExpressionLineage}
* provider, meaning that it is guaranteed that same table will use same unique
* identifiers in both.
* @return set of unique table identifiers, or null if this information
* cannot be determined
Set getTableReferences();
/** Handler API. */
interface Handler extends MetadataHandler {
Set getTableReferences(RelNode r, RelMetadataQuery mq);
/** Metadata about the cost of evaluating a relational expression, including
* all of its inputs. */
public interface CumulativeCost extends Metadata {
MetadataDef DEF = MetadataDef.of(CumulativeCost.class,
CumulativeCost.Handler.class, BuiltInMethod.CUMULATIVE_COST.method);
* Estimates the cost of executing a relational expression, including the
* cost of its inputs. The default implementation for this query adds
* {@link NonCumulativeCost#getNonCumulativeCost} to the cumulative cost of
* each input, but metadata providers can override this with their own cost
* models, e.g. to take into account interactions between expressions.
* @return estimated cost, or null if no reliable estimate can be
* determined
RelOptCost getCumulativeCost();
/** Handler API. */
interface Handler extends MetadataHandler {
RelOptCost getCumulativeCost(RelNode r, RelMetadataQuery mq);
/** Metadata about the cost of evaluating a relational expression, not
* including its inputs. */
public interface NonCumulativeCost extends Metadata {
MetadataDef DEF = MetadataDef.of(NonCumulativeCost.class,
* Estimates the cost of executing a relational expression, not counting the
* cost of its inputs. (However, the non-cumulative cost is still usually
* dependent on the row counts of the inputs.) The default implementation
* for this query asks the rel itself via {@link RelNode#computeSelfCost},
* but metadata providers can override this with their own cost models.
* @return estimated cost, or null if no reliable estimate can be
* determined
RelOptCost getNonCumulativeCost();
/** Handler API. */
interface Handler extends MetadataHandler {
RelOptCost getNonCumulativeCost(RelNode r, RelMetadataQuery mq);
/** Metadata about whether a relational expression should appear in a plan. */
public interface ExplainVisibility extends Metadata {
MetadataDef DEF = MetadataDef.of(ExplainVisibility.class,
* Determines whether a relational expression should be visible in EXPLAIN
* PLAN output at a particular level of detail.
* @param explainLevel level of detail
* @return true for visible, false for invisible
Boolean isVisibleInExplain(SqlExplainLevel explainLevel);
/** Handler API. */
interface Handler extends MetadataHandler {
Boolean isVisibleInExplain(RelNode r, RelMetadataQuery mq,
SqlExplainLevel explainLevel);
/** Metadata about the predicates that hold in the rows emitted from a
* relational expression. */
public interface Predicates extends Metadata {
MetadataDef DEF = MetadataDef.of(Predicates.class,
Predicates.Handler.class, BuiltInMethod.PREDICATES.method);
* Derives the predicates that hold on rows emitted from a relational
* expression.
* @return Predicate list
RelOptPredicateList getPredicates();
/** Handler API. */
interface Handler extends MetadataHandler {
RelOptPredicateList getPredicates(RelNode r, RelMetadataQuery mq);
/** Metadata about the predicates that hold in the rows emitted from a
* relational expression.
* The difference with respect to {@link Predicates} provider is that
* this provider tries to extract ALL predicates even if they are not
* applied on the output expressions of the relational expression; we rely
* on {@link RexTableInputRef} to reference origin columns in
* {@link com.hazelcast.org.apache.calcite.rel.core.TableScan} for the result predicates.
public interface AllPredicates extends Metadata {
MetadataDef DEF = MetadataDef.of(AllPredicates.class,
AllPredicates.Handler.class, BuiltInMethod.ALL_PREDICATES.method);
* Derives the predicates that hold on rows emitted from a relational
* expression.
* @return predicate list, or null if the provider cannot infer the
* lineage for any of the expressions contained in any of the predicates
RelOptPredicateList getAllPredicates();
/** Handler API. */
interface Handler extends MetadataHandler {
RelOptPredicateList getAllPredicates(RelNode r, RelMetadataQuery mq);
/** Metadata about the degree of parallelism of a relational expression, and
* how its operators are assigned to processes with independent resource
* pools. */
public interface Parallelism extends Metadata {
MetadataDef DEF = MetadataDef.of(Parallelism.class,
Parallelism.Handler.class, BuiltInMethod.IS_PHASE_TRANSITION.method,
/** Returns whether each physical operator implementing this relational
* expression belongs to a different process than its inputs.
* A collection of operators processing all of the splits of a particular
* stage in the query pipeline is called a "phase". A phase starts with
* a leaf node such as a {@link com.hazelcast.org.apache.calcite.rel.core.TableScan},
* or with a phase-change node such as an
* {@link com.hazelcast.org.apache.calcite.rel.core.Exchange}. Hadoop's shuffle operator
* (a form of sort-exchange) causes data to be sent across the network. */
Boolean isPhaseTransition();
/** Returns the number of distinct splits of the data.
Note that splits must be distinct. For broadcast, where each copy is
* the same, returns 1.
Thus the split count is the proportion of the data seen by
* each operator instance.
Integer splitCount();
/** Handler API. */
interface Handler extends MetadataHandler {
Boolean isPhaseTransition(RelNode r, RelMetadataQuery mq);
Integer splitCount(RelNode r, RelMetadataQuery mq);
/** Metadata about the memory use of an operator. */
public interface Memory extends Metadata {
MetadataDef DEF = MetadataDef.of(Memory.class,
Memory.Handler.class, BuiltInMethod.MEMORY.method,
/** Returns the expected amount of memory, in bytes, required by a physical
* operator implementing this relational expression, across all splits.
* How much memory is used depends very much on the algorithm; for
* example, an implementation of
* {@link com.hazelcast.org.apache.calcite.rel.core.Aggregate} that loads all data into a
* hash table requires approximately {@code rowCount * averageRowSize}
* bytes, whereas an implementation that assumes that the input is sorted
* requires only {@code averageRowSize} bytes to maintain a single
* accumulator for each aggregate function.
Double memory();
/** Returns the cumulative amount of memory, in bytes, required by the
* physical operator implementing this relational expression, and all other
* operators within the same phase, across all splits.
* @see Parallelism#splitCount()
Double cumulativeMemoryWithinPhase();
/** Returns the expected cumulative amount of memory, in bytes, required by
* the physical operator implementing this relational expression, and all
* operators within the same phase, within each split.
Basic formula:
* = cumulativeMemoryWithinPhase / Parallelism.splitCount
Double cumulativeMemoryWithinPhaseSplit();
/** Handler API. */
interface Handler extends MetadataHandler {
Double memory(RelNode r, RelMetadataQuery mq);
Double cumulativeMemoryWithinPhase(RelNode r, RelMetadataQuery mq);
Double cumulativeMemoryWithinPhaseSplit(RelNode r, RelMetadataQuery mq);
/** The built-in forms of metadata. */
interface All extends Selectivity, UniqueKeys, RowCount, DistinctRowCount,
PercentageOriginalRows, ColumnUniqueness, ColumnOrigin, Predicates,
Collation, Distribution, Size, Parallelism, Memory, AllPredicates,
ExpressionLineage, TableReferences, NodeTypes {