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import java.util.List;

 * Implementation of {@link} containing
 * the standard operators and functions.
public class SqlStdOperatorTable extends ReflectiveSqlOperatorTable {

  //~ Static fields/initializers ---------------------------------------------

   * The standard operator table.
  private static SqlStdOperatorTable instance;

  //                   SET OPERATORS
  // The set operators can be compared to the arithmetic operators
  // UNION -> +
  // EXCEPT -> -
  // INTERSECT -> *
  // which explains the different precedence values
  public static final SqlSetOperator UNION =
      new SqlSetOperator("UNION", SqlKind.UNION, 14, false);

  public static final SqlSetOperator UNION_ALL =
      new SqlSetOperator("UNION ALL", SqlKind.UNION, 14, true);

  public static final SqlSetOperator EXCEPT =
      new SqlSetOperator("EXCEPT", SqlKind.EXCEPT, 14, false);

  public static final SqlSetOperator EXCEPT_ALL =
      new SqlSetOperator("EXCEPT ALL", SqlKind.EXCEPT, 14, true);

  public static final SqlSetOperator INTERSECT =
      new SqlSetOperator("INTERSECT", SqlKind.INTERSECT, 18, false);

  public static final SqlSetOperator INTERSECT_ALL =
      new SqlSetOperator("INTERSECT ALL", SqlKind.INTERSECT, 18, true);

   * The {@code MULTISET UNION DISTINCT} operator.
  public static final SqlMultisetSetOperator MULTISET_UNION_DISTINCT =
      new SqlMultisetSetOperator("MULTISET UNION DISTINCT", 14, false);

   * The {@code MULTISET UNION [ALL]} operator.
  public static final SqlMultisetSetOperator MULTISET_UNION =
      new SqlMultisetSetOperator("MULTISET UNION ALL", 14, true);

   * The {@code MULTISET EXCEPT DISTINCT} operator.
  public static final SqlMultisetSetOperator MULTISET_EXCEPT_DISTINCT =
      new SqlMultisetSetOperator("MULTISET EXCEPT DISTINCT", 14, false);

   * The {@code MULTISET EXCEPT [ALL]} operator.
  public static final SqlMultisetSetOperator MULTISET_EXCEPT =
      new SqlMultisetSetOperator("MULTISET EXCEPT ALL", 14, true);

   * The {@code MULTISET INTERSECT DISTINCT} operator.
  public static final SqlMultisetSetOperator MULTISET_INTERSECT_DISTINCT =
      new SqlMultisetSetOperator("MULTISET INTERSECT DISTINCT", 18, false);

   * The {@code MULTISET INTERSECT [ALL]} operator.
  public static final SqlMultisetSetOperator MULTISET_INTERSECT =
      new SqlMultisetSetOperator("MULTISET INTERSECT ALL", 18, true);

  //                   BINARY OPERATORS

   * Logical AND operator.
  public static final SqlBinaryOperator AND =
      new SqlBinaryOperator(

   * AS operator associates an expression in the SELECT clause
   * with an alias.
  public static final SqlAsOperator AS = new SqlAsOperator();

   * ARGUMENT_ASSIGNMENT operator (=<)
   * assigns an argument to a function call to a particular named parameter.
  public static final SqlSpecialOperator ARGUMENT_ASSIGNMENT =
      new SqlArgumentAssignmentOperator();

   * DEFAULT operator indicates that an argument to a function call
   * is to take its default value..
  public static final SqlSpecialOperator DEFAULT = new SqlDefaultOperator();

  /** FILTER operator filters which rows are included in an
   *  aggregate function. */
  public static final SqlFilterOperator FILTER = new SqlFilterOperator();

  /** WITHIN_GROUP operator performs aggregations on ordered data input. */
  public static final SqlWithinGroupOperator WITHIN_GROUP = new SqlWithinGroupOperator();

  /** {@code CUBE} operator, occurs within {@code GROUP BY} clause
   * or nested within a {@code GROUPING SETS}. */
  public static final SqlInternalOperator CUBE =
      new SqlRollupOperator("CUBE", SqlKind.CUBE);

  /** {@code ROLLUP} operator, occurs within {@code GROUP BY} clause
   * or nested within a {@code GROUPING SETS}. */
  public static final SqlInternalOperator ROLLUP =
      new SqlRollupOperator("ROLLUP", SqlKind.ROLLUP);

  /** {@code GROUPING SETS} operator, occurs within {@code GROUP BY} clause
   * or nested within a {@code GROUPING SETS}. */
  public static final SqlInternalOperator GROUPING_SETS =
      new SqlRollupOperator("GROUPING SETS", SqlKind.GROUPING_SETS);

  /** {@code GROUPING(c1 [, c2, ...])} function.

Occurs in similar places to an aggregate * function ({@code SELECT}, {@code HAVING} clause, etc. of an aggregate * query), but not technically an aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction GROUPING = new SqlGroupingFunction("GROUPING"); /** {@code GROUP_ID()} function. (Oracle-specific.) */ public static final SqlAggFunction GROUP_ID = new SqlGroupIdFunction(); /** {@code GROUPING_ID} function is a synonym for {@code GROUPING}. * *

Some history. The {@code GROUPING} function is in the SQL standard, * and originally supported only one argument. {@code GROUPING_ID} is not * standard (though supported in Oracle and SQL Server) and supports one or * more arguments. * *

The SQL standard has changed to allow {@code GROUPING} to have multiple * arguments. It is now equivalent to {@code GROUPING_ID}, so we made * {@code GROUPING_ID} a synonym for {@code GROUPING}. */ public static final SqlAggFunction GROUPING_ID = new SqlGroupingFunction("GROUPING_ID"); /** {@code EXTEND} operator. */ public static final SqlInternalOperator EXTEND = new SqlExtendOperator(); /** * String concatenation operator, '||'. */ public static final SqlBinaryOperator CONCAT = new SqlBinaryOperator( "||", SqlKind.OTHER, 60, true, ReturnTypes.DYADIC_STRING_SUM_PRECISION_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.STRING_SAME_SAME); /** * Arithmetic division operator, '/'. */ public static final SqlBinaryOperator DIVIDE = new SqlBinaryOperator( "/", SqlKind.DIVIDE, 60, true, ReturnTypes.QUOTIENT_NULLABLE, InferTypes.FIRST_KNOWN, OperandTypes.DIVISION_OPERATOR); /** * Arithmetic remainder operator, '%', * an alternative to {@link #MOD} allowed if under certain conformance levels. * * @see SqlConformance#isPercentRemainderAllowed */ public static final SqlBinaryOperator PERCENT_REMAINDER = new SqlBinaryOperator( "%", SqlKind.MOD, 60, true, ReturnTypes.ARG1_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.EXACT_NUMERIC_EXACT_NUMERIC); /** The {@code RAND_INTEGER([seed, ] bound)} function, which yields a random * integer, optionally with seed. */ public static final SqlRandIntegerFunction RAND_INTEGER = new SqlRandIntegerFunction(); /** The {@code RAND([seed])} function, which yields a random double, * optionally with seed. */ public static final SqlRandFunction RAND = new SqlRandFunction(); /** * Internal integer arithmetic division operator, '/INT'. This * is only used to adjust scale for numerics. We distinguish it from * user-requested division since some personalities want a floating-point * computation, whereas for the internal scaling use of division, we always * want integer division. */ public static final SqlBinaryOperator DIVIDE_INTEGER = new SqlBinaryOperator( "/INT", SqlKind.DIVIDE, 60, true, ReturnTypes.INTEGER_QUOTIENT_NULLABLE, InferTypes.FIRST_KNOWN, OperandTypes.DIVISION_OPERATOR); /** * Dot operator, '.', used for referencing fields of records. */ public static final SqlOperator DOT = new SqlDotOperator(); /** * Logical equals operator, '='. */ public static final SqlBinaryOperator EQUALS = new SqlBinaryOperator( "=", SqlKind.EQUALS, 30, true, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN_NULLABLE, InferTypes.FIRST_KNOWN, OperandTypes.COMPARABLE_UNORDERED_COMPARABLE_UNORDERED); /** * Logical greater-than operator, '>'. */ public static final SqlBinaryOperator GREATER_THAN = new SqlBinaryOperator( ">", SqlKind.GREATER_THAN, 30, true, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN_NULLABLE, InferTypes.FIRST_KNOWN, OperandTypes.COMPARABLE_ORDERED_COMPARABLE_ORDERED); /** * IS DISTINCT FROM operator. */ public static final SqlBinaryOperator IS_DISTINCT_FROM = new SqlBinaryOperator( "IS DISTINCT FROM", SqlKind.IS_DISTINCT_FROM, 30, true, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN, InferTypes.FIRST_KNOWN, OperandTypes.COMPARABLE_UNORDERED_COMPARABLE_UNORDERED); /** * IS NOT DISTINCT FROM operator. Is equivalent to NOT(x * IS DISTINCT FROM y) */ public static final SqlBinaryOperator IS_NOT_DISTINCT_FROM = new SqlBinaryOperator( "IS NOT DISTINCT FROM", SqlKind.IS_NOT_DISTINCT_FROM, 30, true, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN, InferTypes.FIRST_KNOWN, OperandTypes.COMPARABLE_UNORDERED_COMPARABLE_UNORDERED); /** * The internal $IS_DIFFERENT_FROM operator is the same as the * user-level {@link #IS_DISTINCT_FROM} in all respects except that * the test for equality on character datatypes treats trailing spaces as * significant. */ public static final SqlBinaryOperator IS_DIFFERENT_FROM = new SqlBinaryOperator( "$IS_DIFFERENT_FROM", SqlKind.OTHER, 30, true, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN, InferTypes.FIRST_KNOWN, OperandTypes.COMPARABLE_UNORDERED_COMPARABLE_UNORDERED); /** * Logical greater-than-or-equal operator, '>='. */ public static final SqlBinaryOperator GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL = new SqlBinaryOperator( ">=", SqlKind.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, 30, true, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN_NULLABLE, InferTypes.FIRST_KNOWN, OperandTypes.COMPARABLE_ORDERED_COMPARABLE_ORDERED); /** * IN operator tests for a value's membership in a sub-query or * a list of values. */ public static final SqlBinaryOperator IN = new SqlInOperator(SqlKind.IN); /** * NOT IN operator tests for a value's membership in a sub-query * or a list of values. */ public static final SqlBinaryOperator NOT_IN = new SqlInOperator(SqlKind.NOT_IN); /** * The < SOME operator (synonymous with * < ANY). */ public static final SqlQuantifyOperator SOME_LT = new SqlQuantifyOperator(SqlKind.SOME, SqlKind.LESS_THAN); public static final SqlQuantifyOperator SOME_LE = new SqlQuantifyOperator(SqlKind.SOME, SqlKind.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL); public static final SqlQuantifyOperator SOME_GT = new SqlQuantifyOperator(SqlKind.SOME, SqlKind.GREATER_THAN); public static final SqlQuantifyOperator SOME_GE = new SqlQuantifyOperator(SqlKind.SOME, SqlKind.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL); public static final SqlQuantifyOperator SOME_EQ = new SqlQuantifyOperator(SqlKind.SOME, SqlKind.EQUALS); public static final SqlQuantifyOperator SOME_NE = new SqlQuantifyOperator(SqlKind.SOME, SqlKind.NOT_EQUALS); /** * The < ALL operator. */ public static final SqlQuantifyOperator ALL_LT = new SqlQuantifyOperator(SqlKind.ALL, SqlKind.LESS_THAN); public static final SqlQuantifyOperator ALL_LE = new SqlQuantifyOperator(SqlKind.ALL, SqlKind.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL); public static final SqlQuantifyOperator ALL_GT = new SqlQuantifyOperator(SqlKind.ALL, SqlKind.GREATER_THAN); public static final SqlQuantifyOperator ALL_GE = new SqlQuantifyOperator(SqlKind.ALL, SqlKind.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL); public static final SqlQuantifyOperator ALL_EQ = new SqlQuantifyOperator(SqlKind.ALL, SqlKind.EQUALS); public static final SqlQuantifyOperator ALL_NE = new SqlQuantifyOperator(SqlKind.ALL, SqlKind.NOT_EQUALS); /** * Logical less-than operator, '<'. */ public static final SqlBinaryOperator LESS_THAN = new SqlBinaryOperator( "<", SqlKind.LESS_THAN, 30, true, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN_NULLABLE, InferTypes.FIRST_KNOWN, OperandTypes.COMPARABLE_ORDERED_COMPARABLE_ORDERED); /** * Logical less-than-or-equal operator, '<='. */ public static final SqlBinaryOperator LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL = new SqlBinaryOperator( "<=", SqlKind.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL, 30, true, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN_NULLABLE, InferTypes.FIRST_KNOWN, OperandTypes.COMPARABLE_ORDERED_COMPARABLE_ORDERED); /** * Infix arithmetic minus operator, '-'. * *

Its precedence is less than the prefix {@link #UNARY_PLUS +} * and {@link #UNARY_MINUS -} operators. */ public static final SqlBinaryOperator MINUS = new SqlMonotonicBinaryOperator( "-", SqlKind.MINUS, 40, true, // Same type inference strategy as sum ReturnTypes.NULLABLE_SUM, InferTypes.FIRST_KNOWN, OperandTypes.MINUS_OPERATOR); /** * Arithmetic multiplication operator, '*'. */ public static final SqlBinaryOperator MULTIPLY = new SqlMonotonicBinaryOperator( "*", SqlKind.TIMES, 60, true, ReturnTypes.PRODUCT_NULLABLE, InferTypes.FIRST_KNOWN, OperandTypes.MULTIPLY_OPERATOR); /** * Logical not-equals operator, '<>'. */ public static final SqlBinaryOperator NOT_EQUALS = new SqlBinaryOperator( "<>", SqlKind.NOT_EQUALS, 30, true, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN_NULLABLE, InferTypes.FIRST_KNOWN, OperandTypes.COMPARABLE_UNORDERED_COMPARABLE_UNORDERED); /** * Logical OR operator. */ public static final SqlBinaryOperator OR = new SqlBinaryOperator( "OR", SqlKind.OR, 22, true, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN_NULLABLE_OPTIMIZED, InferTypes.BOOLEAN, OperandTypes.BOOLEAN_BOOLEAN); /** * Infix arithmetic plus operator, '+'. */ public static final SqlBinaryOperator PLUS = new SqlMonotonicBinaryOperator( "+", SqlKind.PLUS, 40, true, ReturnTypes.NULLABLE_SUM, InferTypes.FIRST_KNOWN, OperandTypes.PLUS_OPERATOR); /** * Infix datetime plus operator, 'DATETIME + INTERVAL'. */ public static final SqlSpecialOperator DATETIME_PLUS = new SqlDatetimePlusOperator(); /** * Multiset {@code MEMBER OF}, which returns whether a element belongs to a * multiset. * *

For example, the following returns false: * *

* 'green' MEMBER OF MULTISET ['red','almost green','blue'] *
*/ public static final SqlBinaryOperator MEMBER_OF = new SqlMultisetMemberOfOperator(); /** * Submultiset. Checks to see if an multiset is a sub-set of another * multiset. * *

For example, the following returns false: * *

* MULTISET ['green'] SUBMULTISET OF * MULTISET['red', 'almost green', 'blue'] *
* *

The following returns true, in part because multisets are * order-independent: * *

* MULTISET ['blue', 'red'] SUBMULTISET OF * MULTISET ['red', 'almost green', 'blue'] *
*/ public static final SqlBinaryOperator SUBMULTISET_OF = // TODO: check if precedence is correct new SqlBinaryOperator( "SUBMULTISET OF", SqlKind.OTHER, 30, true, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.MULTISET_MULTISET); public static final SqlBinaryOperator NOT_SUBMULTISET_OF = // TODO: check if precedence is correct new SqlBinaryOperator( "NOT SUBMULTISET OF", SqlKind.OTHER, 30, true, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.MULTISET_MULTISET); //------------------------------------------------------------- // POSTFIX OPERATORS //------------------------------------------------------------- public static final SqlPostfixOperator DESC = new SqlPostfixOperator( "DESC", SqlKind.DESCENDING, 20, ReturnTypes.ARG0, InferTypes.RETURN_TYPE, OperandTypes.ANY); public static final SqlPostfixOperator NULLS_FIRST = new SqlPostfixOperator( "NULLS FIRST", SqlKind.NULLS_FIRST, 18, ReturnTypes.ARG0, InferTypes.RETURN_TYPE, OperandTypes.ANY); public static final SqlPostfixOperator NULLS_LAST = new SqlPostfixOperator( "NULLS LAST", SqlKind.NULLS_LAST, 18, ReturnTypes.ARG0, InferTypes.RETURN_TYPE, OperandTypes.ANY); public static final SqlPostfixOperator IS_NOT_NULL = new SqlPostfixOperator( "IS NOT NULL", SqlKind.IS_NOT_NULL, 28, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN_NOT_NULL, InferTypes.VARCHAR_1024, OperandTypes.ANY); public static final SqlPostfixOperator IS_NULL = new SqlPostfixOperator( "IS NULL", SqlKind.IS_NULL, 28, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN_NOT_NULL, InferTypes.VARCHAR_1024, OperandTypes.ANY); public static final SqlPostfixOperator IS_NOT_TRUE = new SqlPostfixOperator( "IS NOT TRUE", SqlKind.IS_NOT_TRUE, 28, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN_NOT_NULL, InferTypes.BOOLEAN, OperandTypes.BOOLEAN); public static final SqlPostfixOperator IS_TRUE = new SqlPostfixOperator( "IS TRUE", SqlKind.IS_TRUE, 28, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN_NOT_NULL, InferTypes.BOOLEAN, OperandTypes.BOOLEAN); public static final SqlPostfixOperator IS_NOT_FALSE = new SqlPostfixOperator( "IS NOT FALSE", SqlKind.IS_NOT_FALSE, 28, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN_NOT_NULL, InferTypes.BOOLEAN, OperandTypes.BOOLEAN); public static final SqlPostfixOperator IS_FALSE = new SqlPostfixOperator( "IS FALSE", SqlKind.IS_FALSE, 28, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN_NOT_NULL, InferTypes.BOOLEAN, OperandTypes.BOOLEAN); public static final SqlPostfixOperator IS_NOT_UNKNOWN = new SqlPostfixOperator( "IS NOT UNKNOWN", SqlKind.IS_NOT_NULL, 28, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN_NOT_NULL, InferTypes.BOOLEAN, OperandTypes.BOOLEAN); public static final SqlPostfixOperator IS_UNKNOWN = new SqlPostfixOperator( "IS UNKNOWN", SqlKind.IS_NULL, 28, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN_NOT_NULL, InferTypes.BOOLEAN, OperandTypes.BOOLEAN); public static final SqlPostfixOperator IS_A_SET = new SqlPostfixOperator( "IS A SET", SqlKind.OTHER, 28, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN, null, OperandTypes.MULTISET); public static final SqlPostfixOperator IS_NOT_A_SET = new SqlPostfixOperator( "IS NOT A SET", SqlKind.OTHER, 28, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN, null, OperandTypes.MULTISET); public static final SqlPostfixOperator IS_EMPTY = new SqlPostfixOperator( "IS EMPTY", SqlKind.OTHER, 28, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN, null, OperandTypes.COLLECTION_OR_MAP); public static final SqlPostfixOperator IS_NOT_EMPTY = new SqlPostfixOperator( "IS NOT EMPTY", SqlKind.OTHER, 28, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN, null, OperandTypes.COLLECTION_OR_MAP); public static final SqlPostfixOperator IS_JSON_VALUE = new SqlPostfixOperator( "IS JSON VALUE", SqlKind.OTHER, 28, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN, null, OperandTypes.CHARACTER); public static final SqlPostfixOperator IS_NOT_JSON_VALUE = new SqlPostfixOperator( "IS NOT JSON VALUE", SqlKind.OTHER, 28, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN, null, OperandTypes.CHARACTER); public static final SqlPostfixOperator IS_JSON_OBJECT = new SqlPostfixOperator( "IS JSON OBJECT", SqlKind.OTHER, 28, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN, null, OperandTypes.CHARACTER); public static final SqlPostfixOperator IS_NOT_JSON_OBJECT = new SqlPostfixOperator( "IS NOT JSON OBJECT", SqlKind.OTHER, 28, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN, null, OperandTypes.CHARACTER); public static final SqlPostfixOperator IS_JSON_ARRAY = new SqlPostfixOperator( "IS JSON ARRAY", SqlKind.OTHER, 28, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN, null, OperandTypes.CHARACTER); public static final SqlPostfixOperator IS_NOT_JSON_ARRAY = new SqlPostfixOperator( "IS NOT JSON ARRAY", SqlKind.OTHER, 28, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN, null, OperandTypes.CHARACTER); public static final SqlPostfixOperator IS_JSON_SCALAR = new SqlPostfixOperator( "IS JSON SCALAR", SqlKind.OTHER, 28, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN, null, OperandTypes.CHARACTER); public static final SqlPostfixOperator IS_NOT_JSON_SCALAR = new SqlPostfixOperator( "IS NOT JSON SCALAR", SqlKind.OTHER, 28, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN, null, OperandTypes.CHARACTER); public static final SqlPostfixOperator JSON_VALUE_EXPRESSION = new SqlJsonValueExpressionOperator(); //------------------------------------------------------------- // PREFIX OPERATORS //------------------------------------------------------------- public static final SqlPrefixOperator EXISTS = new SqlPrefixOperator( "EXISTS", SqlKind.EXISTS, 40, ReturnTypes.BOOLEAN, null, OperandTypes.ANY) { public boolean argumentMustBeScalar(int ordinal) { return false; } @Override public boolean validRexOperands(int count, Litmus litmus) { if (count != 0) { return"wrong operand count {} for {}", count, this); } return litmus.succeed(); } }; public static final SqlPrefixOperator NOT = new SqlPrefixOperator( "NOT", SqlKind.NOT, 26, ReturnTypes.ARG0, InferTypes.BOOLEAN, OperandTypes.BOOLEAN); /** * Prefix arithmetic minus operator, '-'. * *

Its precedence is greater than the infix '{@link #PLUS +}' and * '{@link #MINUS -}' operators. */ public static final SqlPrefixOperator UNARY_MINUS = new SqlPrefixOperator( "-", SqlKind.MINUS_PREFIX, 80, ReturnTypes.ARG0, InferTypes.RETURN_TYPE, OperandTypes.NUMERIC_OR_INTERVAL); /** * Prefix arithmetic plus operator, '+'. * *

Its precedence is greater than the infix '{@link #PLUS +}' and * '{@link #MINUS -}' operators. */ public static final SqlPrefixOperator UNARY_PLUS = new SqlPrefixOperator( "+", SqlKind.PLUS_PREFIX, 80, ReturnTypes.ARG0, InferTypes.RETURN_TYPE, OperandTypes.NUMERIC_OR_INTERVAL); /** * Keyword which allows an identifier to be explicitly flagged as a table. * For example, select * from (TABLE t) or TABLE * t. See also {@link #COLLECTION_TABLE}. */ public static final SqlPrefixOperator EXPLICIT_TABLE = new SqlPrefixOperator( "TABLE", SqlKind.EXPLICIT_TABLE, 2, null, null, null); /** {@code FINAL} function to be used within {@code MATCH_RECOGNIZE}. */ public static final SqlPrefixOperator FINAL = new SqlPrefixOperator( "FINAL", SqlKind.FINAL, 80, ReturnTypes.ARG0_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.ANY); /** {@code RUNNING} function to be used within {@code MATCH_RECOGNIZE}. */ public static final SqlPrefixOperator RUNNING = new SqlPrefixOperator( "RUNNING", SqlKind.RUNNING, 80, ReturnTypes.ARG0_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.ANY); //------------------------------------------------------------- // AGGREGATE OPERATORS //------------------------------------------------------------- /** * SUM aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction SUM = new SqlSumAggFunction(null); /** * COUNT aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction COUNT = new SqlCountAggFunction("COUNT"); /** * APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT = new SqlCountAggFunction("APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT"); /** * MIN aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction MIN = new SqlMinMaxAggFunction(SqlKind.MIN); /** * MAX aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction MAX = new SqlMinMaxAggFunction(SqlKind.MAX); /** * EVERY aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction EVERY = new SqlMinMaxAggFunction("EVERY", SqlKind.MIN, OperandTypes.BOOLEAN); /** * SOME aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction SOME = new SqlMinMaxAggFunction("SOME", SqlKind.MAX, OperandTypes.BOOLEAN); /** * LAST_VALUE aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction LAST_VALUE = new SqlFirstLastValueAggFunction(SqlKind.LAST_VALUE); /** * ANY_VALUE aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction ANY_VALUE = new SqlAnyValueAggFunction(SqlKind.ANY_VALUE); /** * FIRST_VALUE aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction FIRST_VALUE = new SqlFirstLastValueAggFunction(SqlKind.FIRST_VALUE); /** * NTH_VALUE aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction NTH_VALUE = new SqlNthValueAggFunction(SqlKind.NTH_VALUE); /** * LEAD aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction LEAD = new SqlLeadLagAggFunction(SqlKind.LEAD); /** * LAG aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction LAG = new SqlLeadLagAggFunction(SqlKind.LAG); /** * NTILE aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction NTILE = new SqlNtileAggFunction(); /** * SINGLE_VALUE aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction SINGLE_VALUE = new SqlSingleValueAggFunction(null); /** * AVG aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction AVG = new SqlAvgAggFunction(SqlKind.AVG); /** * STDDEV_POP aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction STDDEV_POP = new SqlAvgAggFunction(SqlKind.STDDEV_POP); /** * REGR_COUNT aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction REGR_COUNT = new SqlRegrCountAggFunction(SqlKind.REGR_COUNT); /** * REGR_SXX aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction REGR_SXX = new SqlCovarAggFunction(SqlKind.REGR_SXX); /** * REGR_SYY aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction REGR_SYY = new SqlCovarAggFunction(SqlKind.REGR_SYY); /** * COVAR_POP aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction COVAR_POP = new SqlCovarAggFunction(SqlKind.COVAR_POP); /** * COVAR_SAMP aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction COVAR_SAMP = new SqlCovarAggFunction(SqlKind.COVAR_SAMP); /** * STDDEV_SAMP aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction STDDEV_SAMP = new SqlAvgAggFunction(SqlKind.STDDEV_SAMP); /** * STDDEV aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction STDDEV = new SqlAvgAggFunction("STDDEV", SqlKind.STDDEV_SAMP); /** * VAR_POP aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction VAR_POP = new SqlAvgAggFunction(SqlKind.VAR_POP); /** * VAR_SAMP aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction VAR_SAMP = new SqlAvgAggFunction(SqlKind.VAR_SAMP); /** * VARIANCE aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction VARIANCE = new SqlAvgAggFunction("VARIANCE", SqlKind.VAR_SAMP); /** * BIT_AND aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction BIT_AND = new SqlBitOpAggFunction(SqlKind.BIT_AND); /** * BIT_OR aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction BIT_OR = new SqlBitOpAggFunction(SqlKind.BIT_OR); /** * BIT_XOR aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction BIT_XOR = new SqlBitOpAggFunction(SqlKind.BIT_XOR); //------------------------------------------------------------- // WINDOW Aggregate Functions //------------------------------------------------------------- /** * HISTOGRAM aggregate function support. Used by window * aggregate versions of MIN/MAX */ public static final SqlAggFunction HISTOGRAM_AGG = new SqlHistogramAggFunction(null); /** * HISTOGRAM_MIN window aggregate function. */ public static final SqlFunction HISTOGRAM_MIN = new SqlFunction( "$HISTOGRAM_MIN", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.ARG0_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.NUMERIC_OR_STRING, SqlFunctionCategory.NUMERIC); /** * HISTOGRAM_MAX window aggregate function. */ public static final SqlFunction HISTOGRAM_MAX = new SqlFunction( "$HISTOGRAM_MAX", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.ARG0_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.NUMERIC_OR_STRING, SqlFunctionCategory.NUMERIC); /** * HISTOGRAM_FIRST_VALUE window aggregate function. */ public static final SqlFunction HISTOGRAM_FIRST_VALUE = new SqlFunction( "$HISTOGRAM_FIRST_VALUE", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.ARG0_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.NUMERIC_OR_STRING, SqlFunctionCategory.NUMERIC); /** * HISTOGRAM_LAST_VALUE window aggregate function. */ public static final SqlFunction HISTOGRAM_LAST_VALUE = new SqlFunction( "$HISTOGRAM_LAST_VALUE", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.ARG0_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.NUMERIC_OR_STRING, SqlFunctionCategory.NUMERIC); /** * SUM0 aggregate function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction SUM0 = new SqlSumEmptyIsZeroAggFunction(); //------------------------------------------------------------- // WINDOW Rank Functions //------------------------------------------------------------- /** * CUME_DIST window function. */ public static final SqlRankFunction CUME_DIST = new SqlRankFunction(SqlKind.CUME_DIST, ReturnTypes.FRACTIONAL_RANK, true); /** * DENSE_RANK window function. */ public static final SqlRankFunction DENSE_RANK = new SqlRankFunction(SqlKind.DENSE_RANK, ReturnTypes.RANK, true); /** * PERCENT_RANK window function. */ public static final SqlRankFunction PERCENT_RANK = new SqlRankFunction(SqlKind.PERCENT_RANK, ReturnTypes.FRACTIONAL_RANK, true); /** * RANK window function. */ public static final SqlRankFunction RANK = new SqlRankFunction(SqlKind.RANK, ReturnTypes.RANK, true); /** * ROW_NUMBER window function. */ public static final SqlRankFunction ROW_NUMBER = new SqlRankFunction(SqlKind.ROW_NUMBER, ReturnTypes.RANK, false); //------------------------------------------------------------- // SPECIAL OPERATORS //------------------------------------------------------------- public static final SqlRowOperator ROW = new SqlRowOperator("ROW"); /** IGNORE NULLS operator. */ public static final SqlNullTreatmentOperator IGNORE_NULLS = new SqlNullTreatmentOperator(SqlKind.IGNORE_NULLS); /** RESPECT NULLS operator. */ public static final SqlNullTreatmentOperator RESPECT_NULLS = new SqlNullTreatmentOperator(SqlKind.RESPECT_NULLS); /** * A special operator for the subtraction of two DATETIMEs. The format of * DATETIME subtraction is: * *

"(" <datetime> "-" <datetime> ")" * <interval qualifier>
* *

This operator is special since it needs to hold the * additional interval qualifier specification.

*/ public static final SqlDatetimeSubtractionOperator MINUS_DATE = new SqlDatetimeSubtractionOperator(); /** * The MULTISET Value Constructor. e.g. "MULTISET[1,2,3]". */ public static final SqlMultisetValueConstructor MULTISET_VALUE = new SqlMultisetValueConstructor(); /** * The MULTISET Query Constructor. e.g. "SELECT dname, MULTISET(SELECT * FROM emp WHERE deptno = dept.deptno) FROM dept". */ public static final SqlMultisetQueryConstructor MULTISET_QUERY = new SqlMultisetQueryConstructor(); /** * The ARRAY Query Constructor. e.g. "SELECT dname, ARRAY(SELECT * FROM emp WHERE deptno = dept.deptno) FROM dept". */ public static final SqlMultisetQueryConstructor ARRAY_QUERY = new SqlArrayQueryConstructor(); /** * The MAP Query Constructor. e.g. "MAP(SELECT empno, deptno * FROM emp)". */ public static final SqlMultisetQueryConstructor MAP_QUERY = new SqlMapQueryConstructor(); /** * The CURSOR constructor. e.g. "SELECT * FROM * TABLE(DEDUP(CURSOR(SELECT * FROM EMPS), 'name'))". */ public static final SqlCursorConstructor CURSOR = new SqlCursorConstructor(); /** * The COLUMN_LIST constructor. e.g. the ROW() call in "SELECT * FROM * TABLE(DEDUP(CURSOR(SELECT * FROM EMPS), ROW(name, empno)))". */ public static final SqlColumnListConstructor COLUMN_LIST = new SqlColumnListConstructor(); /** * The UNNEST operator. */ public static final SqlUnnestOperator UNNEST = new SqlUnnestOperator(false); /** * The UNNEST WITH ORDINALITY operator. */ public static final SqlUnnestOperator UNNEST_WITH_ORDINALITY = new SqlUnnestOperator(true); /** * The LATERAL operator. */ public static final SqlSpecialOperator LATERAL = new SqlLateralOperator(SqlKind.LATERAL); /** * The "table function derived table" operator, which a table-valued * function into a relation, e.g. "SELECT * FROM * TABLE(ramp(5))". * *

This operator has function syntax (with one argument), whereas * {@link #EXPLICIT_TABLE} is a prefix operator. */ public static final SqlSpecialOperator COLLECTION_TABLE = new SqlCollectionTableOperator("TABLE", SqlModality.RELATION); public static final SqlOverlapsOperator OVERLAPS = new SqlOverlapsOperator(SqlKind.OVERLAPS); public static final SqlOverlapsOperator CONTAINS = new SqlOverlapsOperator(SqlKind.CONTAINS); public static final SqlOverlapsOperator PRECEDES = new SqlOverlapsOperator(SqlKind.PRECEDES); public static final SqlOverlapsOperator IMMEDIATELY_PRECEDES = new SqlOverlapsOperator(SqlKind.IMMEDIATELY_PRECEDES); public static final SqlOverlapsOperator SUCCEEDS = new SqlOverlapsOperator(SqlKind.SUCCEEDS); public static final SqlOverlapsOperator IMMEDIATELY_SUCCEEDS = new SqlOverlapsOperator(SqlKind.IMMEDIATELY_SUCCEEDS); public static final SqlOverlapsOperator PERIOD_EQUALS = new SqlOverlapsOperator(SqlKind.PERIOD_EQUALS); public static final SqlSpecialOperator VALUES = new SqlValuesOperator(); public static final SqlLiteralChainOperator LITERAL_CHAIN = new SqlLiteralChainOperator(); public static final SqlThrowOperator THROW = new SqlThrowOperator(); public static final SqlFunction JSON_EXISTS = new SqlJsonExistsFunction(); public static final SqlFunction JSON_VALUE = new SqlJsonValueFunction("JSON_VALUE"); public static final SqlFunction JSON_QUERY = new SqlJsonQueryFunction(); public static final SqlFunction JSON_OBJECT = new SqlJsonObjectFunction(); public static final SqlJsonObjectAggAggFunction JSON_OBJECTAGG = new SqlJsonObjectAggAggFunction(SqlKind.JSON_OBJECTAGG, SqlJsonConstructorNullClause.NULL_ON_NULL); public static final SqlFunction JSON_ARRAY = new SqlJsonArrayFunction(); @Deprecated // to be removed before 2.0 public static final SqlFunction JSON_TYPE = SqlLibraryOperators.JSON_TYPE; @Deprecated // to be removed before 2.0 public static final SqlFunction JSON_DEPTH = SqlLibraryOperators.JSON_DEPTH; @Deprecated // to be removed before 2.0 public static final SqlFunction JSON_LENGTH = SqlLibraryOperators.JSON_LENGTH; @Deprecated // to be removed before 2.0 public static final SqlFunction JSON_KEYS = SqlLibraryOperators.JSON_KEYS; @Deprecated // to be removed before 2.0 public static final SqlFunction JSON_PRETTY = SqlLibraryOperators.JSON_PRETTY; @Deprecated // to be removed before 2.0 public static final SqlFunction JSON_REMOVE = SqlLibraryOperators.JSON_REMOVE; @Deprecated // to be removed before 2.0 public static final SqlFunction JSON_STORAGE_SIZE = SqlLibraryOperators.JSON_STORAGE_SIZE; public static final SqlJsonArrayAggAggFunction JSON_ARRAYAGG = new SqlJsonArrayAggAggFunction(SqlKind.JSON_ARRAYAGG, SqlJsonConstructorNullClause.ABSENT_ON_NULL); public static final SqlBetweenOperator BETWEEN = new SqlBetweenOperator( SqlBetweenOperator.Flag.ASYMMETRIC, false); public static final SqlBetweenOperator SYMMETRIC_BETWEEN = new SqlBetweenOperator( SqlBetweenOperator.Flag.SYMMETRIC, false); public static final SqlBetweenOperator NOT_BETWEEN = new SqlBetweenOperator( SqlBetweenOperator.Flag.ASYMMETRIC, true); public static final SqlBetweenOperator SYMMETRIC_NOT_BETWEEN = new SqlBetweenOperator( SqlBetweenOperator.Flag.SYMMETRIC, true); public static final SqlSpecialOperator NOT_LIKE = new SqlLikeOperator("NOT LIKE", SqlKind.LIKE, true); public static final SqlSpecialOperator LIKE = new SqlLikeOperator("LIKE", SqlKind.LIKE, false); public static final SqlSpecialOperator NOT_SIMILAR_TO = new SqlLikeOperator("NOT SIMILAR TO", SqlKind.SIMILAR, true); public static final SqlSpecialOperator SIMILAR_TO = new SqlLikeOperator("SIMILAR TO", SqlKind.SIMILAR, false); public static final SqlBinaryOperator POSIX_REGEX_CASE_SENSITIVE = new SqlPosixRegexOperator( "POSIX REGEX CASE SENSITIVE", SqlKind.POSIX_REGEX_CASE_SENSITIVE, true, false); public static final SqlBinaryOperator POSIX_REGEX_CASE_INSENSITIVE = new SqlPosixRegexOperator( "POSIX REGEX CASE INSENSITIVE", SqlKind.POSIX_REGEX_CASE_INSENSITIVE, false, false); public static final SqlBinaryOperator NEGATED_POSIX_REGEX_CASE_SENSITIVE = new SqlPosixRegexOperator("NEGATED POSIX REGEX CASE SENSITIVE", SqlKind.POSIX_REGEX_CASE_SENSITIVE, true, true); public static final SqlBinaryOperator NEGATED_POSIX_REGEX_CASE_INSENSITIVE = new SqlPosixRegexOperator("NEGATED POSIX REGEX CASE INSENSITIVE", SqlKind.POSIX_REGEX_CASE_INSENSITIVE, false, true); /** * Internal operator used to represent the ESCAPE clause of a LIKE or * SIMILAR TO expression. */ public static final SqlSpecialOperator ESCAPE = new SqlSpecialOperator("ESCAPE", SqlKind.ESCAPE, 0); public static final SqlCaseOperator CASE = SqlCaseOperator.INSTANCE; public static final SqlOperator PROCEDURE_CALL = new SqlProcedureCallOperator(); public static final SqlOperator NEW = new SqlNewOperator(); /** * The OVER operator, which applies an aggregate functions to a * {@link SqlWindow window}. * *

Operands are as follows: * *

  1. name of window function ({@link})
  2. *
  3. window name ({@link}) or window * in-line specification (@link SqlWindowOperator})
  4. *
*/ public static final SqlBinaryOperator OVER = new SqlOverOperator(); /** * An REINTERPRET operator is internal to the planner. When the * physical storage of two types is the same, this operator may be used to * reinterpret values of one type as the other. This operator is similar to * a cast, except that it does not alter the data value. Like a regular cast * it accepts one operand and stores the target type as the return type. It * performs an overflow check if it has any second operand, whether * true or not. */ public static final SqlSpecialOperator REINTERPRET = new SqlSpecialOperator("Reinterpret", SqlKind.REINTERPRET) { public SqlOperandCountRange getOperandCountRange() { return SqlOperandCountRanges.between(1, 2); } }; //------------------------------------------------------------- // FUNCTIONS //------------------------------------------------------------- /** * The character substring function: SUBSTRING(string FROM start [FOR * length]). * *

If the length parameter is a constant, the length of the result is the * minimum of the length of the input and that length. Otherwise it is the * length of the input. */ public static final SqlFunction SUBSTRING = new SqlSubstringFunction(); /** The {@code REPLACE(string, search, replace)} function. Not standard SQL, * but in Oracle and Postgres. */ public static final SqlFunction REPLACE = new SqlFunction("REPLACE", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.ARG0_NULLABLE_VARYING, null, OperandTypes.STRING_STRING_STRING, SqlFunctionCategory.STRING); public static final SqlFunction CONVERT = new SqlConvertFunction("CONVERT"); /** * The TRANSLATE(char_value USING translation_name) function * alters the character set of a string value from one base character set to another. * *

It is defined in the SQL standard. See also the non-standard * {@link SqlLibraryOperators#TRANSLATE3}, which has a different purpose. */ public static final SqlFunction TRANSLATE = new SqlConvertFunction("TRANSLATE"); public static final SqlFunction OVERLAY = new SqlOverlayFunction(); /** The "TRIM" function. */ public static final SqlFunction TRIM = SqlTrimFunction.INSTANCE; public static final SqlFunction POSITION = new SqlPositionFunction(); public static final SqlFunction CHAR_LENGTH = new SqlFunction( "CHAR_LENGTH", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.INTEGER_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.CHARACTER, SqlFunctionCategory.NUMERIC); public static final SqlFunction CHARACTER_LENGTH = new SqlFunction( "CHARACTER_LENGTH", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.INTEGER_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.CHARACTER, SqlFunctionCategory.NUMERIC); public static final SqlFunction UPPER = new SqlFunction( "UPPER", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.ARG0_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.CHARACTER, SqlFunctionCategory.STRING); public static final SqlFunction LOWER = new SqlFunction( "LOWER", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.ARG0_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.CHARACTER, SqlFunctionCategory.STRING); public static final SqlFunction INITCAP = new SqlFunction( "INITCAP", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.ARG0_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.CHARACTER, SqlFunctionCategory.STRING); public static final SqlFunction ASCII = new SqlFunction( "ASCII", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.INTEGER_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.CHARACTER, SqlFunctionCategory.STRING); /** * Uses SqlOperatorTable.useDouble for its return type since we don't know * what the result type will be by just looking at the operand types. For * example POW(int, int) can return a non integer if the second operand is * negative. */ public static final SqlFunction POWER = new SqlFunction( "POWER", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.DOUBLE_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.NUMERIC_NUMERIC, SqlFunctionCategory.NUMERIC); public static final SqlFunction SQRT = new SqlFunction( "SQRT", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.DOUBLE_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.NUMERIC, SqlFunctionCategory.NUMERIC); /** * Arithmetic remainder function {@code MOD}. * * @see #PERCENT_REMAINDER */ public static final SqlFunction MOD = // Return type is same as divisor (2nd operand) // SQL2003 Part2 Section 6.27, Syntax Rules 9 new SqlFunction( "MOD", SqlKind.MOD, ReturnTypes.NULLABLE_MOD, null, OperandTypes.EXACT_NUMERIC_EXACT_NUMERIC, SqlFunctionCategory.NUMERIC); public static final SqlFunction LN = new SqlFunction( "LN", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.DOUBLE_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.NUMERIC, SqlFunctionCategory.NUMERIC); public static final SqlFunction LOG10 = new SqlFunction( "LOG10", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.DOUBLE_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.NUMERIC, SqlFunctionCategory.NUMERIC); public static final SqlFunction ABS = new SqlFunction( "ABS", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.ARG0, null, OperandTypes.NUMERIC_OR_INTERVAL, SqlFunctionCategory.NUMERIC); public static final SqlFunction ACOS = new SqlFunction( "ACOS", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.DOUBLE_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.NUMERIC, SqlFunctionCategory.NUMERIC); public static final SqlFunction ASIN = new SqlFunction( "ASIN", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.DOUBLE_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.NUMERIC, SqlFunctionCategory.NUMERIC); public static final SqlFunction ATAN = new SqlFunction( "ATAN", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.DOUBLE_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.NUMERIC, SqlFunctionCategory.NUMERIC); public static final SqlFunction ATAN2 = new SqlFunction( "ATAN2", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.DOUBLE_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.NUMERIC_NUMERIC, SqlFunctionCategory.NUMERIC); public static final SqlFunction CBRT = new SqlFunction( "CBRT", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.DOUBLE_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.NUMERIC, SqlFunctionCategory.NUMERIC); public static final SqlFunction COS = new SqlFunction( "COS", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.DOUBLE_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.NUMERIC, SqlFunctionCategory.NUMERIC); public static final SqlFunction COT = new SqlFunction( "COT", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.DOUBLE_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.NUMERIC, SqlFunctionCategory.NUMERIC); public static final SqlFunction DEGREES = new SqlFunction( "DEGREES", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.DOUBLE_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.NUMERIC, SqlFunctionCategory.NUMERIC); public static final SqlFunction EXP = new SqlFunction( "EXP", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.DOUBLE_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.NUMERIC, SqlFunctionCategory.NUMERIC); public static final SqlFunction RADIANS = new SqlFunction( "RADIANS", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.DOUBLE_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.NUMERIC, SqlFunctionCategory.NUMERIC); public static final SqlFunction ROUND = new SqlFunction( "ROUND", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.ARG0_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.NUMERIC_OPTIONAL_INTEGER, SqlFunctionCategory.NUMERIC); public static final SqlFunction SIGN = new SqlFunction( "SIGN", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.ARG0, null, OperandTypes.NUMERIC, SqlFunctionCategory.NUMERIC); public static final SqlFunction SIN = new SqlFunction( "SIN", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.DOUBLE_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.NUMERIC, SqlFunctionCategory.NUMERIC); public static final SqlFunction TAN = new SqlFunction( "TAN", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.DOUBLE_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.NUMERIC, SqlFunctionCategory.NUMERIC); public static final SqlFunction TRUNCATE = new SqlFunction( "TRUNCATE", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.ARG0_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.NUMERIC_OPTIONAL_INTEGER, SqlFunctionCategory.NUMERIC); public static final SqlFunction PI = new SqlFunction( "PI", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.DOUBLE, null, OperandTypes.NILADIC, SqlFunctionCategory.NUMERIC) { public SqlSyntax getSyntax() { return SqlSyntax.FUNCTION_ID; } }; /** {@code FIRST} function to be used within {@code MATCH_RECOGNIZE}. */ public static final SqlFunction FIRST = new SqlFunction("FIRST", SqlKind.FIRST, ReturnTypes.ARG0_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.ANY_NUMERIC, SqlFunctionCategory.MATCH_RECOGNIZE); /** {@code LAST} function to be used within {@code MATCH_RECOGNIZE}. */ public static final SqlMatchFunction LAST = new SqlMatchFunction("LAST", SqlKind.LAST, ReturnTypes.ARG0_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.ANY_NUMERIC, SqlFunctionCategory.MATCH_RECOGNIZE); /** {@code PREV} function to be used within {@code MATCH_RECOGNIZE}. */ public static final SqlMatchFunction PREV = new SqlMatchFunction("PREV", SqlKind.PREV, ReturnTypes.ARG0_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.ANY_NUMERIC, SqlFunctionCategory.MATCH_RECOGNIZE); /** {@code NEXT} function to be used within {@code MATCH_RECOGNIZE}. */ public static final SqlFunction NEXT = new SqlFunction("NEXT", SqlKind.NEXT, ReturnTypes.ARG0_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.ANY_NUMERIC, SqlFunctionCategory.MATCH_RECOGNIZE); /** {@code CLASSIFIER} function to be used within {@code MATCH_RECOGNIZE}. */ public static final SqlMatchFunction CLASSIFIER = new SqlMatchFunction("CLASSIFIER", SqlKind.CLASSIFIER, ReturnTypes.VARCHAR_2000, null, OperandTypes.NILADIC, SqlFunctionCategory.MATCH_RECOGNIZE); /** {@code MATCH_NUMBER} function to be used within {@code MATCH_RECOGNIZE}. */ public static final SqlFunction MATCH_NUMBER = new SqlFunction("MATCH_NUMBER ", SqlKind.MATCH_NUMBER, ReturnTypes.BIGINT_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.NILADIC, SqlFunctionCategory.MATCH_RECOGNIZE); public static final SqlFunction NULLIF = new SqlNullifFunction(); /** * The COALESCE builtin function. */ public static final SqlFunction COALESCE = new SqlCoalesceFunction(); /** * The FLOOR function. */ public static final SqlFunction FLOOR = new SqlFloorFunction(SqlKind.FLOOR); /** * The CEIL function. */ public static final SqlFunction CEIL = new SqlFloorFunction(SqlKind.CEIL); /** * The USER function. */ public static final SqlFunction USER = new SqlStringContextVariable("USER"); /** * The CURRENT_USER function. */ public static final SqlFunction CURRENT_USER = new SqlStringContextVariable("CURRENT_USER"); /** * The SESSION_USER function. */ public static final SqlFunction SESSION_USER = new SqlStringContextVariable("SESSION_USER"); /** * The SYSTEM_USER function. */ public static final SqlFunction SYSTEM_USER = new SqlStringContextVariable("SYSTEM_USER"); /** * The CURRENT_PATH function. */ public static final SqlFunction CURRENT_PATH = new SqlStringContextVariable("CURRENT_PATH"); /** * The CURRENT_ROLE function. */ public static final SqlFunction CURRENT_ROLE = new SqlStringContextVariable("CURRENT_ROLE"); /** * The CURRENT_CATALOG function. */ public static final SqlFunction CURRENT_CATALOG = new SqlStringContextVariable("CURRENT_CATALOG"); /** * The CURRENT_SCHEMA function. */ public static final SqlFunction CURRENT_SCHEMA = new SqlStringContextVariable("CURRENT_SCHEMA"); /** * The LOCALTIME [(precision)] function. */ public static final SqlFunction LOCALTIME = new SqlAbstractTimeFunction("LOCALTIME", SqlTypeName.TIME); /** * The LOCALTIMESTAMP [(precision)] function. */ public static final SqlFunction LOCALTIMESTAMP = new SqlAbstractTimeFunction("LOCALTIMESTAMP", SqlTypeName.TIMESTAMP); /** * The CURRENT_TIME [(precision)] function. */ public static final SqlFunction CURRENT_TIME = new SqlAbstractTimeFunction("CURRENT_TIME", SqlTypeName.TIME); /** * The CURRENT_TIMESTAMP [(precision)] function. */ public static final SqlFunction CURRENT_TIMESTAMP = new SqlAbstractTimeFunction("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", SqlTypeName.TIMESTAMP); /** * The CURRENT_DATE function. */ public static final SqlFunction CURRENT_DATE = new SqlCurrentDateFunction(); /** The TIMESTAMPADD function. */ public static final SqlFunction TIMESTAMP_ADD = new SqlTimestampAddFunction(); /** The TIMESTAMPDIFF function. */ public static final SqlFunction TIMESTAMP_DIFF = new SqlTimestampDiffFunction(); /** * Use of the IN_FENNEL operator forces the argument to be * evaluated in Fennel. Otherwise acts as identity function. */ public static final SqlFunction IN_FENNEL = new SqlMonotonicUnaryFunction( "$IN_FENNEL", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.ARG0, null, OperandTypes.ANY, SqlFunctionCategory.SYSTEM); /** * The SQL CAST operator. * *

The SQL syntax is * *

CAST(expression AS type) *
* *

When the CAST operator is applies as a {@link SqlCall}, it has two * arguments: the expression and the type. The type must not include a * constraint, so CAST(x AS INTEGER NOT NULL), for instance, is * invalid.

* *

When the CAST operator is applied as a RexCall, the * target type is simply stored as the return type, not an explicit operand. * For example, the expression CAST(1 + 2 AS DOUBLE) will * become a call to CAST with the expression 1 + 2 * as its only operand.

* *

The RexCall form can also have a type which contains a * NOT NULL constraint. When this expression is implemented, if * the value is NULL, an exception will be thrown.

*/ public static final SqlFunction CAST = new SqlCastFunction(); /** * The SQL EXTRACT operator. Extracts a specified field value * from a DATETIME or an INTERVAL. E.g.
* EXTRACT(HOUR FROM INTERVAL '364 23:59:59') returns * 23 */ public static final SqlFunction EXTRACT = new SqlExtractFunction(); /** * The SQL YEAR operator. Returns the Year * from a DATETIME E.g.
* YEAR(date '2008-9-23') returns * 2008 */ public static final SqlDatePartFunction YEAR = new SqlDatePartFunction("YEAR", TimeUnit.YEAR); /** * The SQL QUARTER operator. Returns the Quarter * from a DATETIME E.g.
* QUARTER(date '2008-9-23') returns * 3 */ public static final SqlDatePartFunction QUARTER = new SqlDatePartFunction("QUARTER", TimeUnit.QUARTER); /** * The SQL MONTH operator. Returns the Month * from a DATETIME E.g.
* MONTH(date '2008-9-23') returns * 9 */ public static final SqlDatePartFunction MONTH = new SqlDatePartFunction("MONTH", TimeUnit.MONTH); /** * The SQL WEEK operator. Returns the Week * from a DATETIME E.g.
* WEEK(date '2008-9-23') returns * 39 */ public static final SqlDatePartFunction WEEK = new SqlDatePartFunction("WEEK", TimeUnit.WEEK); /** * The SQL DAYOFYEAR operator. Returns the DOY * from a DATETIME E.g.
* DAYOFYEAR(date '2008-9-23') returns * 267 */ public static final SqlDatePartFunction DAYOFYEAR = new SqlDatePartFunction("DAYOFYEAR", TimeUnit.DOY); /** * The SQL DAYOFMONTH operator. Returns the Day * from a DATETIME E.g.
* DAYOFMONTH(date '2008-9-23') returns * 23 */ public static final SqlDatePartFunction DAYOFMONTH = new SqlDatePartFunction("DAYOFMONTH", TimeUnit.DAY); /** * The SQL DAYOFWEEK operator. Returns the DOW * from a DATETIME E.g.
* DAYOFWEEK(date '2008-9-23') returns * 2 */ public static final SqlDatePartFunction DAYOFWEEK = new SqlDatePartFunction("DAYOFWEEK", TimeUnit.DOW); /** * The SQL HOUR operator. Returns the Hour * from a DATETIME E.g.
* HOUR(timestamp '2008-9-23 01:23:45') returns * 1 */ public static final SqlDatePartFunction HOUR = new SqlDatePartFunction("HOUR", TimeUnit.HOUR); /** * The SQL MINUTE operator. Returns the Minute * from a DATETIME E.g.
* MINUTE(timestamp '2008-9-23 01:23:45') returns * 23 */ public static final SqlDatePartFunction MINUTE = new SqlDatePartFunction("MINUTE", TimeUnit.MINUTE); /** * The SQL SECOND operator. Returns the Second * from a DATETIME E.g.
* SECOND(timestamp '2008-9-23 01:23:45') returns * 45 */ public static final SqlDatePartFunction SECOND = new SqlDatePartFunction("SECOND", TimeUnit.SECOND); public static final SqlFunction LAST_DAY = new SqlFunction( "LAST_DAY", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.DATE_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.DATETIME, SqlFunctionCategory.TIMEDATE); /** * The ELEMENT operator, used to convert a multiset with only one item to a * "regular" type. Example ... log(ELEMENT(MULTISET[1])) ... */ public static final SqlFunction ELEMENT = new SqlFunction( "ELEMENT", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.MULTISET_ELEMENT_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.COLLECTION, SqlFunctionCategory.SYSTEM); /** * The item operator {@code [ ... ]}, used to access a given element of an * array or map. For example, {@code myArray[3]} or {@code "myMap['foo']"}. * *

The SQL standard calls the ARRAY variant a * <array element reference>. Index is 1-based. The standard says * to raise "data exception - array element error" but we currently return * null.

* *

MAP is not standard SQL.

*/ public static final SqlOperator ITEM = new SqlItemOperator(); /** * The ARRAY Value Constructor. e.g. "ARRAY[1, 2, 3]". */ public static final SqlArrayValueConstructor ARRAY_VALUE_CONSTRUCTOR = new SqlArrayValueConstructor(); /** * The MAP Value Constructor, * e.g. "MAP['washington', 1, 'obama', 44]". */ public static final SqlMapValueConstructor MAP_VALUE_CONSTRUCTOR = new SqlMapValueConstructor(); /** * The internal "$SLICE" operator takes a multiset of records and returns a * multiset of the first column of those records. * *

It is introduced when multisets of scalar types are created, in order * to keep types consistent. For example, MULTISET [5] has type * INTEGER MULTISET but is translated to an expression of type * RECORD(INTEGER EXPR$0) MULTISET because in our internal * representation of multisets, every element must be a record. Applying the * "$SLICE" operator to this result converts the type back to an * INTEGER MULTISET multiset value. * *

$SLICE is often translated away when the multiset type is * converted back to scalar values. */ public static final SqlInternalOperator SLICE = new SqlInternalOperator( "$SLICE", SqlKind.OTHER, 0, false, ReturnTypes.MULTISET_PROJECT0, null, OperandTypes.RECORD_COLLECTION) { }; /** * The internal "$ELEMENT_SLICE" operator returns the first field of the * only element of a multiset. * *

It is introduced when multisets of scalar types are created, in order * to keep types consistent. For example, ELEMENT(MULTISET [5]) * is translated to $ELEMENT_SLICE(MULTISET (VALUES ROW (5 * EXPR$0)) It is translated away when the multiset type is converted * back to scalar values.

* *

NOTE: jhyde, 2006/1/9: Usages of this operator are commented out, but * I'm not deleting the operator, because some multiset tests are disabled, * and we may need this operator to get them working!

*/ public static final SqlInternalOperator ELEMENT_SLICE = new SqlInternalOperator( "$ELEMENT_SLICE", SqlKind.OTHER, 0, false, ReturnTypes.MULTISET_RECORD, null, OperandTypes.MULTISET) { public void unparse( SqlWriter writer, SqlCall call, int leftPrec, int rightPrec) { SqlUtil.unparseFunctionSyntax( this, writer, call); } }; /** * The internal "$SCALAR_QUERY" operator returns a scalar value from a * record type. It assumes the record type only has one field, and returns * that field as the output. */ public static final SqlInternalOperator SCALAR_QUERY = new SqlInternalOperator( "$SCALAR_QUERY", SqlKind.SCALAR_QUERY, 0, false, ReturnTypes.RECORD_TO_SCALAR, null, OperandTypes.RECORD_TO_SCALAR) { public void unparse( SqlWriter writer, SqlCall call, int leftPrec, int rightPrec) { final SqlWriter.Frame frame = writer.startList("(", ")"); call.operand(0).unparse(writer, 0, 0); writer.endList(frame); } public boolean argumentMustBeScalar(int ordinal) { // Obvious, really. return false; } }; /** * The internal {@code $STRUCT_ACCESS} operator is used to access a * field of a record. * *

In contrast with {@link #DOT} operator, it never appears in an * {@link SqlNode} tree and allows to access fields by position and * not by name. */ public static final SqlInternalOperator STRUCT_ACCESS = new SqlInternalOperator("$STRUCT_ACCESS", SqlKind.OTHER); /** * The CARDINALITY operator, used to retrieve the number of elements in a * MULTISET, ARRAY or MAP. */ public static final SqlFunction CARDINALITY = new SqlFunction( "CARDINALITY", SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, ReturnTypes.INTEGER_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.COLLECTION_OR_MAP, SqlFunctionCategory.SYSTEM); /** * The COLLECT operator. Multiset aggregator function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction COLLECT = new SqlAggFunction("COLLECT", null, SqlKind.COLLECT, ReturnTypes.TO_MULTISET, null, OperandTypes.ANY, SqlFunctionCategory.SYSTEM, false, false, Optionality.OPTIONAL) { }; /** * The LISTAGG operator. Multiset aggregator function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction LISTAGG = new SqlAggFunction("LISTAGG", null, SqlKind.LISTAGG, ReturnTypes.ARG0_NULLABLE, null, OperandTypes.or(OperandTypes.STRING, OperandTypes.STRING_STRING), SqlFunctionCategory.SYSTEM, false, false, Optionality.OPTIONAL) { }; /** * The FUSION operator. Multiset aggregator function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction FUSION = new SqlAggFunction("FUSION", null, SqlKind.FUSION, ReturnTypes.ARG0, null, OperandTypes.MULTISET, SqlFunctionCategory.SYSTEM, false, false, Optionality.FORBIDDEN) { }; /** * The INTERSECTION operator. Multiset aggregator function. */ public static final SqlAggFunction INTERSECTION = new SqlAggFunction("INTERSECTION", null, SqlKind.INTERSECTION, ReturnTypes.ARG0, null, OperandTypes.MULTISET, SqlFunctionCategory.SYSTEM, false, false, Optionality.FORBIDDEN) { }; /** * The sequence next value function: NEXT VALUE FOR sequence */ public static final SqlOperator NEXT_VALUE = new SqlSequenceValueOperator(SqlKind.NEXT_VALUE); /** * The sequence current value function: CURRENT VALUE FOR * sequence */ public static final SqlOperator CURRENT_VALUE = new SqlSequenceValueOperator(SqlKind.CURRENT_VALUE); /** * The TABLESAMPLE operator. * *

Examples: * *

  • <query> TABLESAMPLE SUBSTITUTE('sampleName') * (non-standard) *
  • <query> TABLESAMPLE BERNOULLI(<percent>) * [REPEATABLE(<seed>)] (standard, but not implemented for FTRS * yet) *
  • <query> TABLESAMPLE SYSTEM(<percent>) * [REPEATABLE(<seed>)] (standard, but not implemented for FTRS * yet) *
* *

Operand #0 is a query or table; Operand #1 is a {@link SqlSampleSpec} * wrapped in a {@link SqlLiteral}. */ public static final SqlSpecialOperator TABLESAMPLE = new SqlSpecialOperator( "TABLESAMPLE", SqlKind.TABLESAMPLE, 20, true, ReturnTypes.ARG0, null, OperandTypes.VARIADIC) { public void unparse( SqlWriter writer, SqlCall call, int leftPrec, int rightPrec) { call.operand(0).unparse(writer, leftPrec, 0); writer.keyword("TABLESAMPLE"); call.operand(1).unparse(writer, 0, rightPrec); } }; /** DESCRIPTOR(column_name, ...). */ public static final SqlOperator DESCRIPTOR = new SqlDescriptorOperator(); /** TUMBLE as a table function. */ public static final SqlFunction TUMBLE = new SqlTumbleTableFunction(); /** HOP as a table function. */ public static final SqlFunction HOP = new SqlHopTableFunction(); /** SESSION as a table function. */ public static final SqlFunction SESSION = new SqlSessionTableFunction(); /** The {@code TUMBLE} group function. * *

This operator is named "$TUMBLE" (not "TUMBLE") because it is created * directly by the parser, not by looking up an operator by name. * *

Why did we add TUMBLE to the parser? Because we plan to support TUMBLE * as a table function (see [CALCITE-3272]); "TUMBLE" as a name will only be * used by the TUMBLE table function. * *

After the TUMBLE table function is introduced, we plan to deprecate * this TUMBLE group function, and in fact all group functions. See * [CALCITE-3340] for details. */ public static final SqlGroupedWindowFunction TUMBLE_OLD = new SqlGroupedWindowFunction("$TUMBLE", SqlKind.TUMBLE, null, ReturnTypes.ARG0, null, OperandTypes.or(OperandTypes.DATETIME_INTERVAL, OperandTypes.DATETIME_INTERVAL_TIME), SqlFunctionCategory.SYSTEM) { @Override public List getAuxiliaryFunctions() { return ImmutableList.of(TUMBLE_START, TUMBLE_END); } }; /** The {@code TUMBLE_START} auxiliary function of * the {@code TUMBLE} group function. */ public static final SqlGroupedWindowFunction TUMBLE_START = TUMBLE_OLD.auxiliary(SqlKind.TUMBLE_START); /** The {@code TUMBLE_END} auxiliary function of * the {@code TUMBLE} group function. */ public static final SqlGroupedWindowFunction TUMBLE_END = TUMBLE_OLD.auxiliary(SqlKind.TUMBLE_END); /** The {@code HOP} group function. */ public static final SqlGroupedWindowFunction HOP_OLD = new SqlGroupedWindowFunction("$HOP", SqlKind.HOP, null, ReturnTypes.ARG0, null, OperandTypes.or(OperandTypes.DATETIME_INTERVAL_INTERVAL, OperandTypes.DATETIME_INTERVAL_INTERVAL_TIME), SqlFunctionCategory.SYSTEM) { @Override public List getAuxiliaryFunctions() { return ImmutableList.of(HOP_START, HOP_END); } }; /** The {@code HOP_START} auxiliary function of * the {@code HOP} group function. */ public static final SqlGroupedWindowFunction HOP_START = HOP_OLD.auxiliary(SqlKind.HOP_START); /** The {@code HOP_END} auxiliary function of * the {@code HOP} group function. */ public static final SqlGroupedWindowFunction HOP_END = HOP_OLD.auxiliary(SqlKind.HOP_END); /** The {@code SESSION} group function. */ public static final SqlGroupedWindowFunction SESSION_OLD = new SqlGroupedWindowFunction("$SESSION", SqlKind.SESSION, null, ReturnTypes.ARG0, null, OperandTypes.or(OperandTypes.DATETIME_INTERVAL, OperandTypes.DATETIME_INTERVAL_TIME), SqlFunctionCategory.SYSTEM) { @Override public List getAuxiliaryFunctions() { return ImmutableList.of(SESSION_START, SESSION_END); } }; /** The {@code SESSION_START} auxiliary function of * the {@code SESSION} group function. */ public static final SqlGroupedWindowFunction SESSION_START = SESSION_OLD.auxiliary(SqlKind.SESSION_START); /** The {@code SESSION_END} auxiliary function of * the {@code SESSION} group function. */ public static final SqlGroupedWindowFunction SESSION_END = SESSION_OLD.auxiliary(SqlKind.SESSION_END); /** {@code |} operator to create alternate patterns * within {@code MATCH_RECOGNIZE}. * *

If {@code p1} and {@code p2} are patterns then {@code p1 | p2} is a * pattern that matches {@code p1} or {@code p2}. */ public static final SqlBinaryOperator PATTERN_ALTER = new SqlBinaryOperator("|", SqlKind.PATTERN_ALTER, 70, true, null, null, null); /** Operator to concatenate patterns within {@code MATCH_RECOGNIZE}. * *

If {@code p1} and {@code p2} are patterns then {@code p1 p2} is a * pattern that matches {@code p1} followed by {@code p2}. */ public static final SqlBinaryOperator PATTERN_CONCAT = new SqlBinaryOperator("", SqlKind.PATTERN_CONCAT, 80, true, null, null, null); /** Operator to quantify patterns within {@code MATCH_RECOGNIZE}. * *

If {@code p} is a pattern then {@code p{3, 5}} is a * pattern that matches between 3 and 5 occurrences of {@code p}. */ public static final SqlSpecialOperator PATTERN_QUANTIFIER = new SqlSpecialOperator("PATTERN_QUANTIFIER", SqlKind.PATTERN_QUANTIFIER, 90) { @Override public void unparse(SqlWriter writer, SqlCall call, int leftPrec, int rightPrec) { call.operand(0).unparse(writer, this.getLeftPrec(), this.getRightPrec()); int startNum = ((SqlNumericLiteral) call.operand(1)).intValue(true); SqlNumericLiteral endRepNum = call.operand(2); boolean isReluctant = ((SqlLiteral) call.operand(3)).booleanValue(); int endNum = endRepNum.intValue(true); if (startNum == endNum) { writer.keyword("{ " + startNum + " }"); } else { if (endNum == -1) { if (startNum == 0) { writer.keyword("*"); } else if (startNum == 1) { writer.keyword("+"); } else { writer.keyword("{ " + startNum + ", }"); } } else { if (startNum == 0 && endNum == 1) { writer.keyword("?"); } else if (startNum == -1) { writer.keyword("{ , " + endNum + " }"); } else { writer.keyword("{ " + startNum + ", " + endNum + " }"); } } if (isReluctant) { writer.keyword("?"); } } } }; /** {@code PERMUTE} operator to combine patterns within * {@code MATCH_RECOGNIZE}. * *

If {@code p1} and {@code p2} are patterns then {@code PERMUTE (p1, p2)} * is a pattern that matches all permutations of {@code p1} and * {@code p2}. */ public static final SqlSpecialOperator PATTERN_PERMUTE = new SqlSpecialOperator("PATTERN_PERMUTE", SqlKind.PATTERN_PERMUTE, 100) { @Override public void unparse(SqlWriter writer, SqlCall call, int leftPrec, int rightPrec) { writer.keyword("PERMUTE"); SqlWriter.Frame frame = writer.startList("(", ")"); for (int i = 0; i < call.getOperandList().size(); i++) { SqlNode pattern = call.getOperandList().get(i); pattern.unparse(writer, 0, 0); if (i != call.getOperandList().size() - 1) { writer.print(","); } } writer.endList(frame); } }; /** {@code EXCLUDE} operator within {@code MATCH_RECOGNIZE}. * *

If {@code p} is a pattern then {@code {- p -} }} is a * pattern that excludes {@code p} from the output. */ public static final SqlSpecialOperator PATTERN_EXCLUDE = new SqlSpecialOperator("PATTERN_EXCLUDE", SqlKind.PATTERN_EXCLUDED, 100) { @Override public void unparse(SqlWriter writer, SqlCall call, int leftPrec, int rightPrec) { SqlWriter.Frame frame = writer.startList("{-", "-}"); SqlNode node = call.getOperandList().get(0); node.unparse(writer, 0, 0); writer.endList(frame); } }; //~ Methods ---------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns the standard operator table, creating it if necessary. */ public static synchronized SqlStdOperatorTable instance() { if (instance == null) { // Creates and initializes the standard operator table. // Uses two-phase construction, because we can't initialize the // table until the constructor of the sub-class has completed. instance = new SqlStdOperatorTable(); instance.init(); } return instance; } /** Returns the group function for which a given kind is an auxiliary * function, or null if it is not an auxiliary function. */ public static SqlGroupedWindowFunction auxiliaryToGroup(SqlKind kind) { switch (kind) { case TUMBLE_START: case TUMBLE_END: return TUMBLE_OLD; case HOP_START: case HOP_END: return HOP_OLD; case SESSION_START: case SESSION_END: return SESSION_OLD; default: return null; } } /** Converts a call to a grouped auxiliary function * to a call to the grouped window function. For other calls returns null. * *

For example, converts {@code TUMBLE_START(rowtime, INTERVAL '1' HOUR))} * to {@code TUMBLE(rowtime, INTERVAL '1' HOUR))}. */ public static SqlCall convertAuxiliaryToGroupCall(SqlCall call) { final SqlOperator op = call.getOperator(); if (op instanceof SqlGroupedWindowFunction && op.isGroupAuxiliary()) { return copy(call, ((SqlGroupedWindowFunction) op).groupFunction); } return null; } /** Converts a call to a grouped window function to a call to its auxiliary * window function(s). For other calls returns null. * *

For example, converts {@code TUMBLE_START(rowtime, INTERVAL '1' HOUR))} * to {@code TUMBLE(rowtime, INTERVAL '1' HOUR))}. */ public static List> convertGroupToAuxiliaryCalls( SqlCall call) { final SqlOperator op = call.getOperator(); if (op instanceof SqlGroupedWindowFunction && op.isGroup()) { ImmutableList.Builder> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (final SqlGroupedWindowFunction f : ((SqlGroupedWindowFunction) op).getAuxiliaryFunctions()) { builder.add( Pair.of(copy(call, f), new AuxiliaryConverter.Impl(f))); } return; } return ImmutableList.of(); } /** Creates a copy of a call with a new operator. */ private static SqlCall copy(SqlCall call, SqlOperator operator) { final List list = call.getOperandList(); return new SqlBasicCall(operator, list.toArray(new SqlNode[0]), call.getParserPosition()); } /** Returns the operator for {@code SOME comparisonKind}. */ public static SqlQuantifyOperator some(SqlKind comparisonKind) { switch (comparisonKind) { case EQUALS: return SOME_EQ; case NOT_EQUALS: return SOME_NE; case LESS_THAN: return SOME_LT; case LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL: return SOME_LE; case GREATER_THAN: return SOME_GT; case GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL: return SOME_GE; default: throw new AssertionError(comparisonKind); } } /** Returns the operator for {@code ALL comparisonKind}. */ public static SqlQuantifyOperator all(SqlKind comparisonKind) { switch (comparisonKind) { case EQUALS: return ALL_EQ; case NOT_EQUALS: return ALL_NE; case LESS_THAN: return ALL_LT; case LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL: return ALL_LE; case GREATER_THAN: return ALL_GT; case GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL: return ALL_GE; default: throw new AssertionError(comparisonKind); } } }

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