Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.ParsePosition;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.TimeZone;
* Utility functions for datetime types: date, time, timestamp.
* Used by the JDBC driver.
TODO: review methods for performance. Due to allocations required, it may
* be preferable to introduce a "formatter" with the required state.
public class DateTimeUtils {
/** The julian date of the epoch, 1970-01-01. */
public static final int EPOCH_JULIAN = 2440588;
private DateTimeUtils() {}
//~ Static fields/initializers ---------------------------------------------
/** The SimpleDateFormat string for ISO dates, "yyyy-MM-dd". */
public static final String DATE_FORMAT_STRING = "yyyy-MM-dd";
/** The SimpleDateFormat string for ISO times, "HH:mm:ss". */
public static final String TIME_FORMAT_STRING = "HH:mm:ss";
/** The SimpleDateFormat string for ISO timestamps, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss". */
public static final String TIMESTAMP_FORMAT_STRING =
/** The GMT time zone.
* @deprecated Use {@link #UTC_ZONE} */
@Deprecated // to be removed before 2.0
public static final TimeZone GMT_ZONE = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT");
/** The UTC time zone. */
public static final TimeZone UTC_ZONE = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC");
/** The Java default time zone. */
public static final TimeZone DEFAULT_ZONE = TimeZone.getDefault();
* The number of milliseconds in a second.
public static final long MILLIS_PER_SECOND = 1000L;
* The number of milliseconds in a minute.
public static final long MILLIS_PER_MINUTE = 60000L;
* The number of milliseconds in an hour.
public static final long MILLIS_PER_HOUR = 3600000L; // = 60 * 60 * 1000
* The number of milliseconds in a day.
This is the modulo 'mask' used when converting
* TIMESTAMP values to DATE and TIME values.
public static final long MILLIS_PER_DAY = 86400000; // = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
* The number of seconds in a day.
public static final long SECONDS_PER_DAY = 86_400; // = 24 * 60 * 60
* Calendar set to the epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC). Useful for
* initializing other values. Calendars are not immutable, so be careful not
* to screw up this object for everyone else.
public static final Calendar ZERO_CALENDAR;
private static final OffsetDateTimeHandler OFFSET_DATE_TIME_HANDLER;
static {
ZERO_CALENDAR = Calendar.getInstance(DateTimeUtils.UTC_ZONE, Locale.ROOT);
OffsetDateTimeHandler h;
try {
h = new ReflectiveOffsetDateTimeHandler();
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
h = new NoopOffsetDateTimeHandler();
//~ Methods ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Parses a string using {@link SimpleDateFormat} and a given pattern. This
* method parses a string at the specified parse position and if successful,
* updates the parse position to the index after the last character used.
* The parsing is strict and requires months to be less than 12, days to be
* less than 31, etc.
* @param s string to be parsed
* @param dateFormat Date format
* @param tz time zone in which to interpret string. Defaults to the Java
* default time zone
* @param pp position to start parsing from
* @return a Calendar initialized with the parsed value, or null if parsing
* failed. If returned, the Calendar is configured to the GMT time zone.
private static Calendar parseDateFormat(String s, DateFormat dateFormat,
TimeZone tz, ParsePosition pp) {
if (tz == null) {
Calendar ret = Calendar.getInstance(tz, Locale.ROOT);
final Date d = dateFormat.parse(s, pp);
if (null == d) {
return null;
return ret;
@Deprecated // to be removed before 2.0
public static Calendar parseDateFormat(String s, String pattern,
TimeZone tz) {
return parseDateFormat(s, new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, Locale.ROOT), tz);
* Parses a string using {@link SimpleDateFormat} and a given pattern. The
* entire string must match the pattern specified.
* @param s string to be parsed
* @param dateFormat Date format
* @param tz time zone in which to interpret string. Defaults to the Java
* default time zone
* @return a Calendar initialized with the parsed value, or null if parsing
* failed. If returned, the Calendar is configured to the UTC time zone.
public static Calendar parseDateFormat(String s, DateFormat dateFormat,
TimeZone tz) {
ParsePosition pp = new ParsePosition(0);
Calendar ret = parseDateFormat(s, dateFormat, tz, pp);
if (pp.getIndex() != s.length()) {
// Didn't consume entire string - not good
return null;
return ret;
@Deprecated // to be removed before 2.0
public static PrecisionTime parsePrecisionDateTimeLiteral(
String s,
String pattern,
TimeZone tz) {
assert pattern != null;
return parsePrecisionDateTimeLiteral(s,
new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, Locale.ROOT), tz, 3);
* Parses a string using {@link SimpleDateFormat} and a given pattern, and
* if present, parses a fractional seconds component. The fractional seconds
* component must begin with a decimal point ('.') followed by numeric
* digits. The precision is rounded to a maximum of 3 digits of fractional
* seconds precision (to obtain milliseconds).
* @param s string to be parsed
* @param dateFormat Date format
* @param tz time zone in which to interpret string. Defaults to the
* local time zone
* @return a {@link DateTimeUtils.PrecisionTime PrecisionTime} initialized
* with the parsed value, or null if parsing failed. The PrecisionTime
* contains a GMT Calendar and a precision.
public static PrecisionTime parsePrecisionDateTimeLiteral(String s,
DateFormat dateFormat, TimeZone tz, int maxPrecision) {
final ParsePosition pp = new ParsePosition(0);
final Calendar cal = parseDateFormat(s, dateFormat, tz, pp);
if (cal == null) {
return null; // Invalid date/time format
// Note: the Java SimpleDateFormat 'S' treats any number after
// the decimal as milliseconds. That means 12:00:00.9 has 9
// milliseconds and 12:00:00.9999 has 9999 milliseconds.
int p = 0;
String secFraction = "";
if (pp.getIndex() < s.length()) {
// Check to see if rest is decimal portion
if (s.charAt(pp.getIndex()) != '.') {
return null;
// Skip decimal sign
pp.setIndex(pp.getIndex() + 1);
// Parse decimal portion
if (pp.getIndex() < s.length()) {
secFraction = s.substring(pp.getIndex());
if (!secFraction.matches("\\d+")) {
return null;
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(Locale.ROOT);
Number num = nf.parse(s, pp);
if ((num == null) || (pp.getIndex() != s.length())) {
// Invalid decimal portion
return null;
// Determine precision - only support prec 3 or lower
// (milliseconds) Higher precisions are quietly rounded away
p = secFraction.length();
if (maxPrecision >= 0) {
// If there is a maximum precision, ignore subsequent digits
p = Math.min(maxPrecision, p);
secFraction = secFraction.substring(0, p);
// Calculate milliseconds
String millis = secFraction;
if (millis.length() > 3) {
millis = secFraction.substring(0, 3);
while (millis.length() < 3) {
millis = millis + "0";
int ms = Integer.parseInt(millis);
cal.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, ms);
assert pp.getIndex() == s.length();
return new PrecisionTime(cal, secFraction, p);
* Gets the active time zone based on a Calendar argument
public static TimeZone getTimeZone(Calendar cal) {
if (cal == null) {
return cal.getTimeZone();
* Checks if the date/time format is valid
* @param pattern {@link SimpleDateFormat} pattern
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given pattern is invalid
public static void checkDateFormat(String pattern) {
new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, Locale.ROOT);
* Creates a new date formatter with Farrago specific options. Farrago
* parsing is strict and does not allow values such as day 0, month 13, etc.
* @param format {@link SimpleDateFormat} pattern
public static SimpleDateFormat newDateFormat(String format) {
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(format, Locale.ROOT);
return sdf;
/** Helper for CAST({timestamp} AS VARCHAR(n)). */
public static String unixTimestampToString(long timestamp) {
return unixTimestampToString(timestamp, 0);
public static String unixTimestampToString(long timestamp, int precision) {
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(17);
int date = (int) (timestamp / MILLIS_PER_DAY);
int time = (int) (timestamp % MILLIS_PER_DAY);
if (time < 0) {
unixDateToString(buf, date);
buf.append(' ');
unixTimeToString(buf, time, precision);
return buf.toString();
/** Helper for CAST({timestamp} AS VARCHAR(n)). */
public static String unixTimeToString(int time) {
return unixTimeToString(time, 0);
public static String unixTimeToString(int time, int precision) {
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(8);
unixTimeToString(buf, time, precision);
return buf.toString();
private static void unixTimeToString(StringBuilder buf, int time,
int precision) {
int h = time / 3600000;
int time2 = time % 3600000;
int m = time2 / 60000;
int time3 = time2 % 60000;
int s = time3 / 1000;
int ms = time3 % 1000;
int2(buf, h);
int2(buf, m);
int2(buf, s);
if (precision > 0) {
while (precision > 0) {
buf.append((char) ('0' + (ms / 100)));
ms = ms % 100;
ms = ms * 10;
private static void int2(StringBuilder buf, int i) {
buf.append((char) ('0' + (i / 10) % 10));
buf.append((char) ('0' + i % 10));
private static void int4(StringBuilder buf, int i) {
buf.append((char) ('0' + (i / 1000) % 10));
buf.append((char) ('0' + (i / 100) % 10));
buf.append((char) ('0' + (i / 10) % 10));
buf.append((char) ('0' + i % 10));
/** Helper for CAST({date} AS VARCHAR(n)). */
public static String unixDateToString(int date) {
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(10);
unixDateToString(buf, date);
return buf.toString();
private static void unixDateToString(StringBuilder buf, int date) {
julianToString(buf, date + EPOCH_JULIAN);
private static void julianToString(StringBuilder buf, int julian) {
// this shifts the epoch back to astronomical year -4800 instead of the
// start of the Christian era in year AD 1 of the proleptic Gregorian
// calendar.
int j = julian + 32044;
int g = j / 146097;
int dg = j % 146097;
int c = (dg / 36524 + 1) * 3 / 4;
int dc = dg - c * 36524;
int b = dc / 1461;
int db = dc % 1461;
int a = (db / 365 + 1) * 3 / 4;
int da = db - a * 365;
// integer number of full years elapsed since March 1, 4801 BC
int y = g * 400 + c * 100 + b * 4 + a;
// integer number of full months elapsed since the last March 1
int m = (da * 5 + 308) / 153 - 2;
// number of days elapsed since day 1 of the month
int d = da - (m + 4) * 153 / 5 + 122;
int year = y - 4800 + (m + 2) / 12;
int month = (m + 2) % 12 + 1;
int day = d + 1;
int4(buf, year);
int2(buf, month);
int2(buf, day);
public static String intervalYearMonthToString(int v, TimeUnitRange range) {
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
if (v >= 0) {
} else {
v = -v;
final int y;
final int m;
switch (range) {
case YEAR:
v = roundUp(v, 12);
y = v / 12;
y = v / 12;
m = v % 12;
number(buf, m, 2);
case MONTH:
m = v;
throw new AssertionError(range);
return buf.toString();
public static StringBuilder number(StringBuilder buf, int v, int n) {
for (int k = digitCount(v); k < n; k++) {
return buf.append(v);
public static int digitCount(int v) {
for (int n = 1;; n++) {
v /= 10;
if (v == 0) {
return n;
private static int roundUp(int dividend, int divisor) {
int remainder = dividend % divisor;
dividend -= remainder;
if (remainder * 2 > divisor) {
dividend += divisor;
return dividend;
/** Cheap, unsafe, long power. power(2, 3) returns 8. */
public static long powerX(long a, long b) {
long x = 1;
while (b > 0) {
x *= a;
return x;
public static String intervalDayTimeToString(long v, TimeUnitRange range,
int scale) {
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
if (v >= 0) {
} else {
v = -v;
final long ms;
final long s;
final long m;
final long h;
final long d;
switch (range) {
v = roundUp(v, powerX(10, 3 - scale));
ms = v % 1000;
v /= 1000;
s = v % 60;
v /= 60;
m = v % 60;
v /= 60;
h = v % 24;
v /= 24;
d = v;
buf.append((int) d);
buf.append(' ');
number(buf, (int) h, 2);
number(buf, (int) m, 2);
number(buf, (int) s, 2);
fraction(buf, scale, ms);
v = roundUp(v, 1000 * 60);
v /= 1000;
v /= 60;
m = v % 60;
v /= 60;
h = v % 24;
v /= 24;
d = v;
buf.append((int) d);
buf.append(' ');
number(buf, (int) h, 2);
number(buf, (int) m, 2);
v = roundUp(v, 1000 * 60 * 60);
v /= 1000;
v /= 60;
v /= 60;
h = v % 24;
v /= 24;
d = v;
buf.append((int) d);
buf.append(' ');
number(buf, (int) h, 2);
case DAY:
v = roundUp(v, 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
d = v / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
buf.append((int) d);
case HOUR:
v = roundUp(v, 1000 * 60 * 60);
v /= 1000;
v /= 60;
v /= 60;
h = v;
buf.append((int) h);
v = roundUp(v, 1000 * 60);
v /= 1000;
v /= 60;
m = v % 60;
v /= 60;
h = v;
buf.append((int) h);
number(buf, (int) m, 2);
v = roundUp(v, powerX(10, 3 - scale));
ms = v % 1000;
v /= 1000;
s = v % 60;
v /= 60;
m = v % 60;
v /= 60;
h = v;
buf.append((int) h);
number(buf, (int) m, 2);
number(buf, (int) s, 2);
fraction(buf, scale, ms);
v = roundUp(v, powerX(10, 3 - scale));
ms = v % 1000;
v /= 1000;
s = v % 60;
v /= 60;
m = v;
buf.append((int) m);
number(buf, (int) s, 2);
fraction(buf, scale, ms);
case MINUTE:
v = roundUp(v, 1000 * 60);
v /= 1000;
v /= 60;
m = v;
buf.append((int) m);
case SECOND:
v = roundUp(v, powerX(10, 3 - scale));
ms = v % 1000;
v /= 1000;
s = v;
buf.append((int) s);
fraction(buf, scale, ms);
throw new AssertionError(range);
return buf.toString();
* Rounds a dividend to the nearest divisor.
* For example roundUp(31, 10) yields 30; roundUp(37, 10) yields 40.
* @param dividend Number to be divided
* @param divisor Number to divide by
* @return Rounded dividend
private static long roundUp(long dividend, long divisor) {
long remainder = dividend % divisor;
dividend -= remainder;
if (remainder * 2 > divisor) {
dividend += divisor;
return dividend;
private static void fraction(StringBuilder buf, int scale, long ms) {
if (scale > 0) {
long v1 = scale == 3 ? ms
: scale == 2 ? ms / 10
: scale == 1 ? ms / 100
: 0;
number(buf, (int) v1, scale);
public static int dateStringToUnixDate(String s) {
int hyphen1 = s.indexOf('-');
int y;
int m;
int d;
if (hyphen1 < 0) {
y = Integer.parseInt(s.trim());
m = 1;
d = 1;
} else {
y = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(0, hyphen1).trim());
final int hyphen2 = s.indexOf('-', hyphen1 + 1);
if (hyphen2 < 0) {
m = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(hyphen1 + 1).trim());
d = 1;
} else {
m = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(hyphen1 + 1, hyphen2).trim());
d = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(hyphen2 + 1).trim());
return ymdToUnixDate(y, m, d);
public static int timeStringToUnixDate(String v) {
return timeStringToUnixDate(v, 0);
public static int timeStringToUnixDate(String v, int start) {
final int colon1 = v.indexOf(':', start);
int hour;
int minute;
int second;
int milli;
if (colon1 < 0) {
hour = Integer.parseInt(v.trim());
minute = 0;
second = 0;
milli = 0;
} else {
hour = Integer.parseInt(v.substring(start, colon1).trim());
final int colon2 = v.indexOf(':', colon1 + 1);
if (colon2 < 0) {
minute = Integer.parseInt(v.substring(colon1 + 1).trim());
second = 0;
milli = 0;
} else {
minute = Integer.parseInt(v.substring(colon1 + 1, colon2).trim());
int dot = v.indexOf('.', colon2);
if (dot < 0) {
second = Integer.parseInt(v.substring(colon2 + 1).trim());
milli = 0;
} else {
second = Integer.parseInt(v.substring(colon2 + 1, dot).trim());
milli = parseFraction(v.substring(dot + 1).trim(), 100);
return hour * (int) MILLIS_PER_HOUR
+ minute * (int) MILLIS_PER_MINUTE
+ second * (int) MILLIS_PER_SECOND
+ milli;
/** Parses a fraction, multiplying the first character by {@code multiplier},
* the second character by {@code multiplier / 10},
* the third character by {@code multiplier / 100}, and so forth.
For example, {@code parseFraction("1234", 100)} yields {@code 123}. */
private static int parseFraction(String v, int multiplier) {
int r = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < v.length(); i++) {
char c = v.charAt(i);
int x = c < '0' || c > '9' ? 0 : (c - '0');
r += multiplier * x;
if (multiplier < 10) {
// We're at the last digit. Check for rounding.
if (i + 1 < v.length()
&& v.charAt(i + 1) >= '5') {
multiplier /= 10;
return r;
public static long timestampStringToUnixDate(String s) {
final long d;
final long t;
s = s.trim();
int space = s.indexOf(' ');
if (space >= 0) {
d = dateStringToUnixDate(s.substring(0, space));
t = timeStringToUnixDate(s, space + 1);
} else {
d = dateStringToUnixDate(s);
t = 0;
return d * MILLIS_PER_DAY + t;
public static long unixDateExtract(TimeUnitRange range, long date) {
switch (range) {
case EPOCH:
// no need to extract year/month/day, just multiply
return date * SECONDS_PER_DAY;
return julianExtract(range, (int) date + EPOCH_JULIAN);
private static int julianExtract(TimeUnitRange range, int julian) {
// this shifts the epoch back to astronomical year -4800 instead of the
// start of the Christian era in year AD 1 of the proleptic Gregorian
// calendar.
int j = julian + 32044;
int g = j / 146097;
int dg = j % 146097;
int c = (dg / 36524 + 1) * 3 / 4;
int dc = dg - c * 36524;
int b = dc / 1461;
int db = dc % 1461;
int a = (db / 365 + 1) * 3 / 4;
int da = db - a * 365;
// integer number of full years elapsed since March 1, 4801 BC
int y = g * 400 + c * 100 + b * 4 + a;
// integer number of full months elapsed since the last March 1
int m = (da * 5 + 308) / 153 - 2;
// number of days elapsed since day 1 of the month
int d = da - (m + 4) * 153 / 5 + 122;
int year = y - 4800 + (m + 2) / 12;
int month = (m + 2) % 12 + 1;
int day = d + 1;
switch (range) {
case YEAR:
return year;
int weekNumber = getIso8601WeekNumber(julian, year, month, day);
if (weekNumber == 1 && month == 12) {
return year + 1;
} else if (month == 1 && weekNumber > 50) {
return year - 1;
return year;
return (month + 2) / 3;
case MONTH:
return month;
case DAY:
return day;
case DOW:
return (int) floorMod(julian + 1, 7) + 1; // sun=1, sat=7
case ISODOW:
return (int) floorMod(julian, 7) + 1; // mon=1, sun=7
case WEEK:
return getIso8601WeekNumber(julian, year, month, day);
case DOY:
final long janFirst = ymdToJulian(year, 1, 1);
return (int) (julian - janFirst) + 1;
case DECADE:
return year / 10;
return year > 0
? (year + 99) / 100
: (year - 99) / 100;
return year > 0
? (year + 999) / 1000
: (year - 999) / 1000;
throw new AssertionError(range);
/** Returns the first day of the first week of a year.
* Per ISO-8601 it is the Monday of the week that contains Jan 4,
* or equivalently, it is a Monday between Dec 29 and Jan 4.
* Sometimes it is in the year before the given year. */
private static long firstMondayOfFirstWeek(int year) {
final long janFirst = ymdToJulian(year, 1, 1);
final long janFirstDow = floorMod(janFirst + 1, 7); // sun=0, sat=6
return janFirst + (11 - janFirstDow) % 7 - 3;
/** Returns the ISO-8601 week number based on year, month, day.
* Per ISO-8601 it is the Monday of the week that contains Jan 4,
* or equivalently, it is a Monday between Dec 29 and Jan 4.
* Sometimes it is in the year before the given year, sometimes after. */
private static int getIso8601WeekNumber(int julian, int year, int month, int day) {
long fmofw = firstMondayOfFirstWeek(year);
if (month == 12 && day > 28) {
if (31 - day + 4 > 7 - ((int) floorMod(julian, 7) + 1)
&& 31 - day + (int) (floorMod(julian, 7) + 1) >= 4) {
return (int) (julian - fmofw) / 7 + 1;
} else {
return 1;
} else if (month == 1 && day < 5) {
if (4 - day <= 7 - ((int) floorMod(julian, 7) + 1)
&& day - ((int) (floorMod(julian, 7) + 1)) >= -3) {
return 1;
} else {
return (int) (julian - firstMondayOfFirstWeek(year - 1)) / 7 + 1;
return (int) (julian - fmofw) / 7 + 1;
/** Extracts a time unit from a UNIX date (milliseconds since epoch). */
public static int unixTimestampExtract(TimeUnitRange range,
long timestamp) {
return unixTimeExtract(range, (int) floorMod(timestamp, MILLIS_PER_DAY));
/** Extracts a time unit from a time value (milliseconds since midnight). */
public static int unixTimeExtract(TimeUnitRange range, int time) {
assert time >= 0;
assert time < MILLIS_PER_DAY;
switch (range) {
case HOUR:
return time / (int) MILLIS_PER_HOUR;
case MINUTE:
final int minutes = time / (int) MILLIS_PER_MINUTE;
return minutes % 60;
case SECOND:
final int seconds = time / (int) MILLIS_PER_SECOND;
return seconds % 60;
throw new AssertionError(range);
/** Resets to zero the "time" part of a timestamp. */
public static long resetTime(long timestamp) {
int date = (int) (timestamp / MILLIS_PER_DAY);
return (long) date * MILLIS_PER_DAY;
/** Resets to epoch (1970-01-01) the "date" part of a timestamp. */
public static long resetDate(long timestamp) {
return floorMod(timestamp, MILLIS_PER_DAY);
public static long unixTimestampFloor(TimeUnitRange range, long timestamp) {
int date = (int) (timestamp / MILLIS_PER_DAY);
final int f = julianDateFloor(range, date + EPOCH_JULIAN, true);
return (long) f * MILLIS_PER_DAY;
public static long unixDateFloor(TimeUnitRange range, long date) {
return julianDateFloor(range, (int) date + EPOCH_JULIAN, true);
public static long unixTimestampCeil(TimeUnitRange range, long timestamp) {
int date = (int) (timestamp / MILLIS_PER_DAY);
final int f = julianDateFloor(range, date + EPOCH_JULIAN, false);
return (long) f * MILLIS_PER_DAY;
public static long unixDateCeil(TimeUnitRange range, long date) {
return julianDateFloor(range, (int) date + EPOCH_JULIAN, false);
private static int julianDateFloor(TimeUnitRange range, int julian,
boolean floor) {
// this shifts the epoch back to astronomical year -4800 instead of the
// start of the Christian era in year AD 1 of the proleptic Gregorian
// calendar.
int j = julian + 32044;
int g = j / 146097;
int dg = j % 146097;
int c = (dg / 36524 + 1) * 3 / 4;
int dc = dg - c * 36524;
int b = dc / 1461;
int db = dc % 1461;
int a = (db / 365 + 1) * 3 / 4;
int da = db - a * 365;
// integer number of full years elapsed since March 1, 4801 BC
int y = g * 400 + c * 100 + b * 4 + a;
// integer number of full months elapsed since the last March 1
int m = (da * 5 + 308) / 153 - 2;
// number of days elapsed since day 1 of the month
int d = da - (m + 4) * 153 / 5 + 122;
int year = y - 4800 + (m + 2) / 12;
int month = (m + 2) % 12 + 1;
int day = d + 1;
switch (range) {
return floor
? ymdToUnixDate(1000 * ((year + 999) / 1000) - 999, 1, 1)
: ymdToUnixDate(1000 * ((year + 999) / 1000) + 1, 1, 1);
return floor
? ymdToUnixDate(100 * ((year + 99) / 100) - 99, 1, 1)
: ymdToUnixDate(100 * ((year + 99) / 100) + 1, 1, 1);
case DECADE:
return floor
? ymdToUnixDate(10 * (year / 10), 1, 1)
: ymdToUnixDate(10 * (1 + year / 10), 1, 1);
case YEAR:
if (!floor && (month > 1 || day > 1)) {
return ymdToUnixDate(year, 1, 1);
final int q = (month - 1) / 3;
if (!floor) {
if (month - 1 > q * 3 || day > 1) {
if (q == 3) {
month = 1;
} else {
month = q * 3 + 4;
} else {
month = q * 3 + 1;
return ymdToUnixDate(year, month, 1);
case MONTH:
if (!floor && day > 1) {
return ymdToUnixDate(year, month, 1);
case WEEK:
final int dow = (int) floorMod(julian + 1, 7); // sun=0, sat=6
int offset = dow;
if (!floor && offset > 0) {
offset -= 7;
return ymdToUnixDate(year, month, day) - offset;
case DAY:
return ymdToUnixDate(year, month, day);
throw new AssertionError(range);
public static int ymdToUnixDate(int year, int month, int day) {
final int julian = ymdToJulian(year, month, day);
return julian - EPOCH_JULIAN;
/** Calculates the Julian Day Number for any valid date in the Gregorian
* calendar.
If date is invalid, result is unspecified.
See an
* explanation of this algorithm.
* @param year Year (e.g. 2020 means 2020 CE, 1 means 1 CE, 0 means 1 BCE
* because there is no 0 CE, -1 means 2 BCE, etc.)
* @param month Month (between 1 and 12 inclusive, 1 meaning January)
* @param day Day of month (between 1 and 31 inclusive) */
public static int ymdToJulian(int year, int month, int day) {
int a = (14 - month) / 12;
int y = year + 4800 - a;
int m = month + 12 * a - 3;
return day + (153 * m + 2) / 5
+ 365 * y
+ y / 4
- y / 100
+ y / 400
- 32045;
public static long unixTimestamp(int year, int month, int day, int hour,
int minute, int second) {
final int date = ymdToUnixDate(year, month, day);
return (long) date * MILLIS_PER_DAY
+ (long) hour * MILLIS_PER_HOUR
+ (long) minute * MILLIS_PER_MINUTE
+ (long) second * MILLIS_PER_SECOND;
/** Adds a given number of months to a timestamp, represented as the number
* of milliseconds since the epoch. */
public static long addMonths(long timestamp, int m) {
final long millis =
DateTimeUtils.floorMod(timestamp, DateTimeUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY);
timestamp -= millis;
final long x =
addMonths((int) (timestamp / DateTimeUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY), m);
return x * DateTimeUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY + millis;
/** Adds a given number of months to a date, represented as the number of
* days since the epoch. */
public static int addMonths(int date, int m) {
int y0 = (int) DateTimeUtils.unixDateExtract(TimeUnitRange.YEAR, date);
int m0 = (int) DateTimeUtils.unixDateExtract(TimeUnitRange.MONTH, date);
int d0 = (int) DateTimeUtils.unixDateExtract(TimeUnitRange.DAY, date);
m0 += m;
int deltaYear = (int) DateTimeUtils.floorDiv(m0, 12);
y0 += deltaYear;
m0 = (int) DateTimeUtils.floorMod(m0, 12);
if (m0 == 0) {
y0 -= 1;
m0 += 12;
int last = lastDay(y0, m0);
if (d0 > last) {
d0 = 1;
if (++m0 > 12) {
m0 = 1;
return DateTimeUtils.ymdToUnixDate(y0, m0, d0);
private static int lastDay(int y, int m) {
switch (m) {
case 2:
return y % 4 == 0
&& (y % 100 != 0
|| y % 400 == 0)
? 29 : 28;
case 4:
case 6:
case 9:
case 11:
return 30;
return 31;
/** Finds the number of months between two dates, each represented as the
* number of days since the epoch. */
public static int subtractMonths(int date0, int date1) {
if (date0 < date1) {
return -subtractMonths(date1, date0);
// Start with an estimate.
// Since no month has more than 31 days, the estimate is <= the true value.
int m = (date0 - date1) / 31;
for (;;) {
int date2 = addMonths(date1, m);
if (date2 >= date0) {
return m;
int date3 = addMonths(date1, m + 1);
if (date3 > date0) {
return m;
public static int subtractMonths(long t0, long t1) {
final long millis0 =
DateTimeUtils.floorMod(t0, DateTimeUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY);
final int d0 = (int) DateTimeUtils.floorDiv(t0 - millis0,
final long millis1 =
DateTimeUtils.floorMod(t1, DateTimeUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY);
final int d1 = (int) DateTimeUtils.floorDiv(t1 - millis1,
int x = subtractMonths(d0, d1);
final long d2 = addMonths(d1, x);
if (d2 == d0 && millis0 < millis1) {
return x;
/** Divide, rounding towards negative infinity. */
public static long floorDiv(long x, long y) {
long r = x / y;
// if the signs are different and modulo not zero, round down
if ((x ^ y) < 0 && (r * y != x)) {
return r;
/** Modulo, always returning a non-negative result. */
public static long floorMod(long x, long y) {
return x - floorDiv(x, y) * y;
/** Creates an instance of {@link Calendar} in the root locale and UTC time
* zone. */
public static Calendar calendar() {
return Calendar.getInstance(UTC_ZONE, Locale.ROOT);
/** Returns whether a value is an {@code OffsetDateTime}. */
public static boolean isOffsetDateTime(Object o) {
return OFFSET_DATE_TIME_HANDLER.isOffsetDateTime(o);
/** Returns the value of a {@code OffsetDateTime} as a string. */
public static String offsetDateTimeValue(Object o) {
return OFFSET_DATE_TIME_HANDLER.stringValue(o);
//~ Inner Classes ----------------------------------------------------------
* Helper class for {@link DateTimeUtils#parsePrecisionDateTimeLiteral}
public static class PrecisionTime {
private final Calendar cal;
private final String fraction;
private final int precision;
public PrecisionTime(Calendar cal, String fraction, int precision) { = cal;
this.fraction = fraction;
this.precision = precision;
public Calendar getCalendar() {
return cal;
public int getPrecision() {
return precision;
public String getFraction() {
return fraction;
/** Deals with values of {@code java.time.OffsetDateTime} without introducing
* a compile-time dependency (because {@code OffsetDateTime} is only JDK 8 and
* higher). */
private interface OffsetDateTimeHandler {
boolean isOffsetDateTime(Object o);
String stringValue(Object o);
/** Implementation of {@code OffsetDateTimeHandler} for environments where
* no instances are possible. */
private static class NoopOffsetDateTimeHandler
implements OffsetDateTimeHandler {
public boolean isOffsetDateTime(Object o) {
return false;
public String stringValue(Object o) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
/** Implementation of {@code OffsetDateTimeHandler} for environments where
* no instances are possible. */
private static class ReflectiveOffsetDateTimeHandler
implements OffsetDateTimeHandler {
final Class offsetDateTimeClass;
private ReflectiveOffsetDateTimeHandler() throws ClassNotFoundException {
offsetDateTimeClass = Class.forName("java.time.OffsetDateTime");
public boolean isOffsetDateTime(Object o) {
return o != null && o.getClass() == offsetDateTimeClass;
public String stringValue(Object o) {
return o.toString();
// End