Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Factors out deterministic expressions to final static fields.
* Instances of this class should not be reused, so new visitor should be
* created for optimizing a new expression tree.
public class DeterministicCodeOptimizer extends ClassDeclarationFinder {
* The map contains known to be effectively-final expression.
* The map uses identity equality.
* Typically the key is {@code ParameterExpression}, however there might be
* non-factored to final field expression that is known to be constant.
* For instance, cast expression will not be factored to a field,
* but we still need to track its constant status.
protected final IdentityHashMap constants = new IdentityHashMap<>();
* The map that de-duplicates expressions, so the same expressions may reuse
* the same final static fields.
protected final Map dedup = new HashMap<>();
* The map of all the added final static fields. Allows to identify if the
* name is occupied or not.
protected final Map fieldsByName =
new HashMap<>();
// Pre-compiled patterns for generation names for the final static fields
private static final Pattern NON_ASCII = Pattern.compile("[^0-9a-zA-Z$]+");
private static final String FIELD_PREFIX = "$L4J$C$";
private static final Pattern PREFIX_PATTERN =
private static final Set DETERMINISTIC_CLASSES =
ImmutableSet.of(Byte.class, Boolean.class, Short.class,
Integer.class, Long.class, BigInteger.class, BigDecimal.class,
String.class, Math.class);
* Creates a child optimizer.
* Typically a child is created for each class declaration,
* so each optimizer collects fields for exactly one class.
* @param parent parent optimizer
public DeterministicCodeOptimizer(ClassDeclarationFinder parent) {
* Optimizes {@code new Type()} constructs.
* @param newExpression expression to optimize
* @return optimized expression
@Override protected Expression
tryOptimizeNewInstance(NewExpression newExpression) {
if (newExpression.type instanceof Class
&& isConstant(newExpression.arguments)
&& isConstructorDeterministic(newExpression)) {
// Reuse instance creation when class is immutable: new BigInteger(3)
return createField(newExpression);
return newExpression;
@Override public Expression visit(BinaryExpression binaryExpression,
Expression expression0, Expression expression1) {
Expression result = super.visit(binaryExpression, expression0, expression1);
if (binaryExpression.getNodeType().modifiesLvalue) {
return result;
if (isConstant(expression0) && isConstant(expression1)) {
return createField(result);
return result;
@Override public Expression visit(TernaryExpression ternaryExpression,
Expression expression0, Expression expression1, Expression expression2) {
Expression result =
super.visit(ternaryExpression, expression0, expression1, expression2);
if (isConstant(expression0)
&& isConstant(expression1)
&& isConstant(expression2)) {
return createField(result);
return result;
@Override public Expression visit(UnaryExpression unaryExpression,
Expression expression) {
Expression result = super.visit(unaryExpression, expression);
if (isConstant(expression)) {
constants.put(result, true);
if (result.getNodeType() != ExpressionType.Convert) {
return createField(result);
return result;
@Override public Expression visit(TypeBinaryExpression typeBinaryExpression,
Expression expression) {
Expression result = super.visit(typeBinaryExpression, expression);
if (isConstant(expression)) {
constants.put(result, true);
return result;
* Optimized method call, possibly converting it to final static field.
* @param methodCallExpression method call to optimize
* @return optimized expression
protected Expression tryOptimizeMethodCall(MethodCallExpression
methodCallExpression) {
if (isConstant(methodCallExpression.targetExpression)
&& isConstant(methodCallExpression.expressions)
&& isMethodDeterministic(methodCallExpression.method)) {
return createField(methodCallExpression);
return methodCallExpression;
@Override public Expression visit(MethodCallExpression methodCallExpression,
@Nullable Expression targetExpression, List expressions) {
Expression result =
super.visit(methodCallExpression, targetExpression, expressions);
result = tryOptimizeMethodCall((MethodCallExpression) result);
return result;
@Override public Expression visit(MemberExpression memberExpression,
@Nullable Expression expression) {
Expression result = super.visit(memberExpression, expression);
if (isConstant(expression)
&& Modifier.isFinal(memberExpression.field.getModifiers())) {
constants.put(result, true);
return result;
@Override public MemberDeclaration visit(FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration,
@Nullable Expression initializer) {
if (Modifier.isStatic(fieldDeclaration.modifier)) {
// Avoid optimization of static fields, since we'll have to track order
// of static declarations.
return fieldDeclaration;
return super.visit(fieldDeclaration, initializer);
* Processes the list of declarations and learns final static ones as
* effectively constant.
* @param memberDeclarations list of declarations to search finals from
@Override protected void learnFinalStaticDeclarations(
List memberDeclarations) {
for (MemberDeclaration decl : memberDeclarations) {
if (decl instanceof FieldDeclaration) {
FieldDeclaration field = (FieldDeclaration) decl;
if (Modifier.isStatic(field.modifier)
&& Modifier.isFinal(field.modifier)
&& field.initializer != null) {
constants.put(field.parameter, true);
fieldsByName.put(, field.parameter);
dedup.put(field.initializer, field.parameter);
* Finds if there exists ready for reuse declaration for given expression.
* @param expression input expression
* @return parameter of the already existing declaration, or null
@Override protected @Nullable ParameterExpression findDeclaredExpression(Expression expression) {
if (!dedup.isEmpty()) {
ParameterExpression pe = dedup.get(expression);
if (pe != null) {
return pe;
return parent == null ? null : parent.findDeclaredExpression(expression);
* Creates final static field to hold the given expression.
* The method might reuse existing declarations if appropriate.
* @param expression expression to store in final field
* @return expression for the given input expression
protected Expression createField(Expression expression) {
ParameterExpression pe = findDeclaredExpression(expression);
if (pe != null) {
return pe;
String name = inventFieldName(expression);
pe = Expressions.parameter(expression.getType(), name);
FieldDeclaration decl =
Expressions.fieldDecl(Modifier.FINAL | Modifier.STATIC, pe, expression);
dedup.put(expression, pe);
constants.put(pe, true);
fieldsByName.put(name, pe);
return pe;
* Generates field name to store given expression.
* The expression is converted to string and all the non-ascii/numeric
* characters are replaced with underscores and {@code "_$L4J$C$"} suffix is
* added to avoid conflicts with other variables.
* When multiple variables are mangled to the same name,
* counter is used to avoid conflicts.
* @param expression input expression
* @return unique name to store given expression
protected String inventFieldName(Expression expression) {
String exprText = expression.toString();
exprText = PREFIX_PATTERN.matcher(exprText).replaceAll("");
exprText = FIELD_PREFIX + NON_ASCII.matcher(exprText).replaceAll("_");
if (exprText.length() > 70) {
exprText = exprText.substring(0, 70)
+ Integer.toHexString(exprText.hashCode());
String fieldName = exprText;
for (int i = 0; hasField(fieldName); i++) {
fieldName = exprText + i;
return fieldName;
* Verifies if the expression is effectively constant.
* It is assumed the expression is simple (e.g. {@code ConstantExpression} or
* {@code ParameterExpression}).
* The method verifies parent chain since the expression might be defined
* in enclosing class.
* @param expression expression to test
* @return true when the expression is known to be constant
@Override protected boolean isConstant(@Nullable Expression expression) {
return expression == null
|| expression instanceof ConstantExpression
|| !constants.isEmpty() && constants.containsKey(expression)
|| parent != null && parent.isConstant(expression);
* Checks if given method is deterministic (i.e. returns the same output
* given the same inputs).
* @param method method to test
* @return true when the method is deterministic
protected boolean isMethodDeterministic(Method method) {
return (allMethodsDeterministic(method.getDeclaringClass())
&& !method.isAnnotationPresent(NonDeterministic.class))
|| method.isAnnotationPresent(Deterministic.class);
* Checks if new instance creation can be reused. For instance {@code new
* BigInteger("42")} is effectively final and can be reused.
* @param newExpression method to test
* @return true when the method is deterministic
protected boolean isConstructorDeterministic(NewExpression newExpression) {
final Class klass = (Class) newExpression.type;
final Constructor constructor = getConstructor(klass);
return allMethodsDeterministic(klass)
|| constructor != null
&& constructor.isAnnotationPresent(Deterministic.class);
private static @Nullable Constructor getConstructor(Class klass) {
try {
return klass.getConstructor();
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
return null;
* Checks if all the methods in given class are deterministic (i.e. return
* the same value given the same inputs)
* @param klass class to test
* @return true when all the methods including constructors are deterministic
protected boolean allMethodsDeterministic(Class klass) {
return DETERMINISTIC_CLASSES.contains(klass)
|| "".equals(klass.getCanonicalName())
|| klass.isAnnotationPresent(Deterministic.class);
* Verifies if the variable name is already in use.
* Only the variables that are explicitly added to {@code fieldsByName} are
* verified. The method verifies parent chain.
* @param name name of the variable to test
* @return true if the name is used by one of static final fields
@Override protected boolean hasField(String name) {
return !fieldsByName.isEmpty() && fieldsByName.containsKey(name)
|| parent != null && parent.hasField(name);
* Creates child visitor. It is used to traverse nested class declarations.
* @return new Visitor that is used to optimize class declarations
@Override protected DeterministicCodeOptimizer goDeeper() {
return new DeterministicCodeOptimizer(this);
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