Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Janino - An embedded Java[TM] compiler
* Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Arno Unkrig. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the
* following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
* following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
* following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote
* products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* An object that implements the Java "class file" format.
* {@link #ClassFile(InputStream)} reads bytecode from an {@link InputStream} and creates a {@link ClassFile} object
* from it.
* {@link #store(OutputStream)} generates JVM bytecode which is suitable for being processed by a Java
* virtual machine, and writes it to an {@link OutputStream}.
class ClassFile implements Annotatable {
* Unchecked exception that represents an error condition that could occur during processing of class files, e.g.
* reading a corrupt class file, or an overflow of the constant pool.
public static
class ClassFileException extends RuntimeException {
public ClassFileException(String message) { super(message); }
public ClassFileException(String message, Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); }
* Constructs a class with no fields and methods.
* An application would typically add fields and methods before saving it.
* By default, the .class file major and minor version are that of the currently executing JVM (system property
* {@code "java.class.version"}).
* @param accessFlags As defined by {@link}
* @param thisClassFd The field descriptor for this class
* @param superclassFd The field descriptor for the extended class (e.g. "Ljava/lang/Object;"); {@code null} for
* {@link Object}
* @param interfaceFds The field descriptors for the implemented interfaces
* @see ClassFile#setVersion(short, short)
* @see ClassFile#addFieldInfo(short, String, String, Object)
* @see ClassFile#addMethodInfo(short, String, MethodDescriptor)
ClassFile(short accessFlags, String thisClassFd, @Nullable String superclassFd, String[] interfaceFds) {
// Compute the .class file major and minor version.
String jcv = System.getProperty("java.class.version");
Matcher m = Pattern.compile("(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)").matcher(jcv);
if (!m.matches()) throw new AssertionError("Unrecognized JVM class file version \"" + jcv + "\"");
this.majorVersion = Short.parseShort(;
this.minorVersion = Short.parseShort(;
this.constantPool = new ArrayList<>();
this.constantPool.add(null); // Add fake "0" index entry.
this.constantPoolMap = new HashMap<>();
// Some sanity checks on the access flags, according to JVMS8 4.1.
if ((accessFlags & Mod.INTERFACE) != 0) {
assert (
) == Mod.ABSTRACT : Integer.toString(accessFlags & 0xffff, 16);
if ((accessFlags & Mod.INTERFACE) == 0) {
assert (
(accessFlags & Mod.ANNOTATION) == 0
&& (accessFlags & (Mod.FINAL | Mod.ABSTRACT)) != (Mod.FINAL | Mod.ABSTRACT)
) : Integer.toString(accessFlags & 0xffff, 16);
this.accessFlags = accessFlags;
this.thisClass = this.addConstantClassInfo(thisClassFd);
this.superclass = superclassFd == null ? (short) 0 : this.addConstantClassInfo(superclassFd);
this.interfaces = new short[interfaceFds.length];
for (int i = 0; i < interfaceFds.length; ++i) {
this.interfaces[i] = this.addConstantClassInfo(interfaceFds[i]);
this.fieldInfos = new ArrayList<>();
this.methodInfos = new ArrayList<>();
this.attributes = new ArrayList<>();
* Adds a {@code SourceFile} attribute to this class file. (Does not check whether one exists already.)
* @param sourceFileName
public void
addSourceFileAttribute(String sourceFileName) {
this.attributes.add(new SourceFileAttribute(
this.addConstantUtf8Info("SourceFile"), // attributeNameIndex
this.addConstantUtf8Info(sourceFileName) // sourceFileIndex
* Adds the {@code Deprecated} attribute to this class.
public void
addDeprecatedAttribute() {
this.attributes.add(new DeprecatedAttribute(this.addConstantUtf8Info("Deprecated")));
* Finds the {@code InnerClasses} attribute of this class file.
* @return {@code null} if this class has no "InnerClasses" attribute
@Nullable public InnerClassesAttribute
getInnerClassesAttribute() {
return (InnerClassesAttribute) this.findAttribute(this.attributes, "InnerClasses");
@Nullable public SignatureAttribute
getSignatureAttribute() {
return (SignatureAttribute) this.findAttribute(this.attributes, "Signature");
* Finds the named attribute in the attributes.
* @return {@code null} iff the attributes constain no attribute with that name
* @throws ClassFileException attributes contains more than one attribute with that name
@Nullable private AttributeInfo
findAttribute(List attributes, String attributeName) throws ClassFormatError {
Short nameIndex = (Short) this.constantPoolMap.get(new ConstantUtf8Info(attributeName));
if (nameIndex == null) return null;
AttributeInfo result = null;
for (AttributeInfo ai : attributes) {
if (ai.nameIndex == nameIndex) {
if (result != null) throw new ClassFileException("Duplicate \"" + attributeName + "\" attribute");
result = ai;
return result;
* Creates an {@code InnerClasses} attribute if it does not exist, then adds the entry to the {@code
* InnerClasses} attribute.
public void
addInnerClassesAttributeEntry(InnerClassesAttribute.Entry entry) {
InnerClassesAttribute ica = this.getInnerClassesAttribute();
if (ica == null) {
ica = new InnerClassesAttribute(this.addConstantUtf8Info("InnerClasses"));
* Finds the {@code Runtime[In]visibleAnnotations} attribute in the attributes.
* @return {@code null} if attributes constains no such attribute
@Nullable private AnnotationsAttribute
getAnnotationsAttribute(boolean runtimeVisible, List attributes) {
String attributeName = runtimeVisible ? "RuntimeVisibleAnnotations" : "RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations";
return (AnnotationsAttribute) this.findAttribute(attributes, attributeName);
@Override public Annotation[]
getAnnotations(boolean runtimeVisible) {
AnnotationsAttribute aa = this.getAnnotationsAttribute(runtimeVisible, this.attributes);
if (aa == null) return new Annotation[0];
return (Annotation[]) aa.annotations.toArray(
new Annotation[aa.annotations.size()]
* Creates a {@code Runtime[In]visibleAnnotations} attribute on the class (if it does not yet exist) and adds an
* entry to it.
* @param elementValuePairs Maps element-name constant-pool-index ({@link ConstantUtf8Info}) to element value
@Override public void
boolean runtimeVisible,
String fieldDescriptor,
Map elementValuePairs
) { this.addAnnotationsAttributeEntry(runtimeVisible, fieldDescriptor, elementValuePairs, this.attributes); }
* Adds a {@code Runtime[In]visibleAnnotations} attribute to the target (if it does not yet exist) and
* adds an entry to it.
* @param elementValuePairs Maps "elemant_name_index" ({@link ConstantUtf8Info}) to "element_value", see JVMS8
* 4.7.16
private void
boolean runtimeVisible,
String fieldDescriptor,
Map elementValuePairs,
List target
) {
// Find or create the "Runtime[In]visibleAnnotations" attribute.
AnnotationsAttribute aa = this.getAnnotationsAttribute(runtimeVisible, target);
if (aa == null) {
String attributeName = runtimeVisible ? "RuntimeVisibleAnnotations" : "RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations";
aa = new AnnotationsAttribute(this.addConstantUtf8Info(attributeName));
// Add the new annotation.
new Annotation(this.addConstantUtf8Info(fieldDescriptor), elementValuePairs)
* Reads "class file" data from the inputStream and construct a {@link ClassFile} object from it.
* If the {@link ClassFile} is created with this constructor, then most modifying operations lead to a {@link
* UnsupportedOperationException}; only fields, methods and attributes can be added.
ClassFile(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException {
DataInputStream dis = (
inputStream instanceof DataInputStream
? (DataInputStream) inputStream :
new DataInputStream(inputStream)
int magic = dis.readInt(); // magic
if (magic != ClassFile.CLASS_FILE_MAGIC) throw new ClassFileException("Invalid magic number");
this.minorVersion = dis.readShort(); // minor_version
this.majorVersion = dis.readShort(); // major_version
// Explicitly DO NOT CHECK the major and minor version of the CLASS file, because ORACLE increase them with
// each platform update while keeping them backwards compatible.
// if (!ClassFile.isRecognizedVersion(this.majorVersion, this.minorVersion)) {
// throw new ClassFileException(
// "Unrecognized class file format version "
// + this.majorVersion
// + "/"
// + this.minorVersion
// );
// }
this.constantPool = new ArrayList<>();
this.constantPoolMap = new HashMap<>();
this.loadConstantPool(dis); // constant_pool_count, constant_pool
this.accessFlags = dis.readShort(); // access_flags
this.thisClass = dis.readShort(); // this_class
this.superclass = dis.readShort(); // super_class
this.interfaces = ClassFile.readShortArray(dis); // interfaces_count, interfaces
this.fieldInfos = Collections.unmodifiableList(this.loadFields(dis)); // fields_count, fields
this.methodInfos = Collections.unmodifiableList(this.loadMethods(dis)); // methods_count, methods
this.attributes = Collections.unmodifiableList(this.loadAttributes(dis)); // attributes_count, attributes
* @return The fully qualified name of this class, e.g. "pkg1.pkg2.Outer$Inner"
public String
getThisClassName() { return this.getConstantClassInfo(this.thisClass).getName(this).replace('/', '.'); }
* Sets the major and minor class file version numbers (JVMS 4.1).
* {@link ClassFile} declares a set of valid major-minor version number pairs, e.g. {@link
* #MAJOR_VERSION_JDK_1_6} and {@link #MINOR_VERSION_JDK_1_6}.
public void
setVersion(short majorVersion, short minorVersion) {
this.majorVersion = majorVersion;
this.minorVersion = minorVersion;
* @return The current major class file version number
public short
getMajorVersion() { return this.majorVersion; }
* @return The current minor class file version number
public short
getMinorVersion() { return this.minorVersion; }
* Returns the constant index number for a "CONSTANT_Class_info" structure to the class file. If the
* class hasn't been added before, adds it to the constant pool. Otherwise returns the constant number for
* that element of the pool.
* @see JVM specification,
* section 4.4.1
public short
addConstantClassInfo(String typeFd) {
String s;
if (Descriptor.isClassOrInterfaceReference(typeFd)) {
s = Descriptor.toInternalForm(typeFd);
} else
if (Descriptor.isArrayReference(typeFd)) {
s = typeFd;
} else
throw new ClassFileException("\"" + Descriptor.toString(typeFd) + "\" is neither a class nor an array");
return this.addToConstantPool(new ConstantClassInfo(this.addConstantUtf8Info(s)));
* Adds a "CONSTANT_Fieldref_info" structure to the class file.
* @see JVM specification,
* section 4.4.2
public short
addConstantFieldrefInfo(String classFd, String fieldName, String fieldFd) {
return this.addToConstantPool(new ConstantFieldrefInfo(
this.addConstantNameAndTypeInfo(fieldName, fieldFd)
* Adds a "CONSTANT_Methodref_info" structure to the class file.
* @see JVM specification,
* section 4.4.2
public short
addConstantMethodrefInfo(String classFd, String methodName, String methodMd) {
return this.addToConstantPool(new ConstantMethodrefInfo(
this.addConstantNameAndTypeInfo(methodName, methodMd)
* Adds a "CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref_info" structure to the class file.
* @see JVM specification,
* section 4.4.2
public short
addConstantInterfaceMethodrefInfo(String classFd, String methodName, String methodMd) {
return this.addToConstantPool(new ConstantInterfaceMethodrefInfo(
this.addConstantNameAndTypeInfo(methodName, methodMd)
* Adds a "CONSTANT_String_info" structure to the class file.
* @see JVM specification,
* section 4.4.3
public short
addConstantStringInfo(String string) {
return this.addToConstantPool(new ConstantStringInfo(this.addConstantUtf8Info(string)));
* Adds a "CONSTANT_Integer_info" structure to the class file.
* @see JVM specification,
* section 4.4.4
public short
addConstantIntegerInfo(final int value) {
return this.addToConstantPool(new ConstantIntegerInfo(value));
* Adds a "CONSTANT_Float_info" structure to the class file.
* @see JVM specification,
* section 4.4.4
public short
addConstantFloatInfo(final float value) {
return this.addToConstantPool(new ConstantFloatInfo(value));
* Adds a "CONSTANT_Long_info" structure to the class file.
* @see JVM specification,
* section 4.4.5
public short
addConstantLongInfo(final long value) {
return this.addToConstantPool(new ConstantLongInfo(value));
* Adds a "CONSTANT_Double_info" structure to the class file.
* @see JVM specification,
* section 4.4.5
public short
addConstantDoubleInfo(final double value) {
return this.addToConstantPool(new ConstantDoubleInfo(value));
* Adds a "CONSTANT_NameAndType_info" structure to the class file.
* @see JVM specification,
* section 4.4.6
private short
addConstantNameAndTypeInfo(String name, String descriptor) {
return this.addToConstantPool(new ConstantNameAndTypeInfo(
* Adds a "CONSTANT_Utf8_info" structure to the class file if no equal entry exists.
* @return The index of the already existing or newly created entry
* @see JVM
* specification, section 4.4.7
public short
addConstantUtf8Info(final String s) {
return this.addToConstantPool(new ConstantUtf8Info(s));
* Convenience method that adds a String, Integer, Float, Long or Double ConstantInfo.
private short
addConstantSifldInfo(Object cv) {
if (cv instanceof String) {
return this.addConstantStringInfo((String) cv);
} else
if (cv instanceof Byte || cv instanceof Short || cv instanceof Integer) {
return this.addConstantIntegerInfo(((Number) cv).intValue());
} else
if (cv instanceof Boolean) {
return this.addConstantIntegerInfo(((Boolean) cv).booleanValue() ? 1 : 0);
} else
if (cv instanceof Character) {
return this.addConstantIntegerInfo(((Character) cv).charValue());
} else
if (cv instanceof Float) {
return this.addConstantFloatInfo(((Float) cv).floatValue());
} else
if (cv instanceof Long) {
return this.addConstantLongInfo(((Long) cv).longValue());
} else
if (cv instanceof Double) {
return this.addConstantDoubleInfo(((Double) cv).doubleValue());
} else
throw new ClassFileException("Unexpected constant value type \"" + cv.getClass().getName() + "\"");
* Adds an entry to the constant pool and returns its index, or, if an equal entry already exists in the constant
* pool, returns the index of that entry.
private short
addToConstantPool(ConstantPoolInfo cpi) {
// Check whether an equal entry already exists.
Short index = (Short) this.constantPoolMap.get(cpi);
if (index != null) return index.shortValue();
// The current size of the constant pool is the index of the new entry.
final short res = (short) this.constantPool.size();
// Add one or two entries to the constant pool.
if (cpi.isWide()) this.constantPool.add(null);
// Check for constant pool overflow.
if (this.constantPool.size() > 0xFFFF) {
throw new ClassFileException(
"Constant pool for class "
+ this.getThisClassName()
+ " has grown past JVM limit of 0xFFFF"
// Also put the new entry into the "constantPoolMap" for fast access.
this.constantPoolMap.put(cpi, res);
return res;
* Creates a {@link FieldInfo} and adds it to this class. The return value can be used e.g. to add attributes
* ({@code Deprecated}, ...) to the field.
public FieldInfo
short accessFlags,
String fieldName,
String fieldTypeFd,
@Nullable Object constantValue
) {
List attributes = new ArrayList<>();
if (constantValue != null) {
attributes.add(new ConstantValueAttribute(
FieldInfo fi = new FieldInfo(
accessFlags, // accessFlags
this.addConstantUtf8Info(fieldName), // nameIndex
this.addConstantUtf8Info(fieldTypeFd), // descriptorIndex
attributes // attributes
return fi;
* Creates a {@link MethodInfo} and adds it to this class. The return value can be used e.g. to add attributes
* ({@code Code}, {@code Deprecated}, {@code Exceptions}, ...) to the method.
public MethodInfo
addMethodInfo(short accessFlags, String methodName, MethodDescriptor methodMd) {
int parameterCount = Mod.isStatic(accessFlags) ? 0 : 1;
for (String fd : methodMd.parameterFds) parameterCount += Descriptor.size(fd);
// JVMS8 4.3.3
// See
if (parameterCount > 255) {
throw new ClassFileException((
"Method \""
+ methodName
+ "\" has too many parameters ("
+ parameterCount
+ ")"
MethodInfo mi = new MethodInfo(
accessFlags, // accessFlags
this.addConstantUtf8Info(methodName), // nameIndex
this.addConstantUtf8Info(methodMd.toString()), // desriptorIndex
new ArrayList() // attributes
return mi;
* @return The (read-only) constant pool entry indexed by index
* @throws ClassFileException index is invalid
public ConstantPoolInfo
getConstantPoolInfo(short index) {
final ConstantPoolInfo result = (ConstantPoolInfo) this.constantPool.get(0xffff & index);
if (result == null) throw new ClassFileException("Invalid constant pool index " + index);
return result;
* @return The (read-only) constant class info indexed by index
public ConstantClassInfo
getConstantClassInfo(short index) { return (ConstantClassInfo) this.getConstantPoolInfo(index); }
* @return The (read-only) constant fieldref info indexed by index
public ConstantFieldrefInfo
getConstantFieldrefInfo(short index) { return (ConstantFieldrefInfo) this.getConstantPoolInfo(index); }
* @return The (read-only) constant interface methodref info indexed by index
public ConstantInterfaceMethodrefInfo
getConstantInterfaceMethodrefInfo(short index) {
return (ConstantInterfaceMethodrefInfo) this.getConstantPoolInfo(index);
* @return The (read-only) constant invoke dynamic info indexed by index
public ConstantInvokeDynamicInfo
getConstantInvokeDynamicInfo(short index) { return (ConstantInvokeDynamicInfo) this.getConstantPoolInfo(index); }
* @return The (read-only) constant method handle info indexed by index
public ConstantMethodHandleInfo
getConstantMethodHandleInfo(short index) { return (ConstantMethodHandleInfo) this.getConstantPoolInfo(index); }
* @return The (read-only) constant methodref info indexed by index
public ConstantMethodrefInfo
getConstantMethodrefInfo(short index) { return (ConstantMethodrefInfo) this.getConstantPoolInfo(index); }
* @return The (read-only) constant method type info indexed by index
public ConstantMethodTypeInfo
getConstantMethodTypeInfo(short index) { return (ConstantMethodTypeInfo) this.getConstantPoolInfo(index); }
* @return The (read-only) constant name and type info indexed by index
public ConstantNameAndTypeInfo
getConstantNameAndTypeInfo(short index) { return (ConstantNameAndTypeInfo) this.getConstantPoolInfo(index); }
* @return The (read-only) constant utf8 info indexed by index
public ConstantUtf8Info
getConstantUtf8Info(short index) { return (ConstantUtf8Info) this.getConstantPoolInfo(index); }
* @return The (read-only) constant value pool info indexed by index
public ConstantValuePoolInfo
getConstantValuePoolInfo(short index) { return (ConstantValuePoolInfo) this.getConstantPoolInfo(index); }
* @return The size of the constant pool
public int
getConstantPoolSize() { return this.constantPool.size(); }
* Shorthand for {@code getConstantUtf8Info(index).s}.
* @param index Index to a {@code CONSTANT_Utf8_info} in the constant pool
* @return The string represented by the structure
public String
getConstantUtf8(short index) { return this.getConstantUtf8Info(index).s; }
* u4 length, u1[length]
private static byte[]
readLengthAndBytes(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
byte[] ba = new byte[dis.readInt()];
return ba;
* u2 length, u2[length]
private static short[]
readShortArray(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
short[] result = new short[dis.readUnsignedShort()];
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; ++i) result[i] = dis.readShort();
return result;
* u2 constant_pool_count, constant_pool[constant_pool_count]
private void
loadConstantPool(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
int constantPoolCount = dis.readUnsignedShort(); // constant_pool_count
for (int i = 1; i < constantPoolCount; ++i) {
ConstantPoolInfo cpi = ConstantPoolInfo.loadConstantPoolInfo(dis);
this.constantPoolMap.put(cpi, (short) i);
if (cpi.isWide()) {
* u2 fields_count, fields[fields_count]
private List
loadFields(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
List result = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = dis.readUnsignedShort(); i > 0; i--) { // fields_count
result.add(new FieldInfo( // fields[field_count]
dis.readShort(), // access_flags
dis.readShort(), // name_index
dis.readShort(), // descriptor_index
this.loadAttributes(dis) // attributes_count, attributes[attributes_count]
return result;
* u2 methods_count, methods[methods_count]
private List
loadMethods(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
int methodsCount = dis.readUnsignedShort();
List methods = new ArrayList<>(methodsCount);
for (int i = 0; i < methodsCount; ++i) methods.add(this.loadMethodInfo(dis));
return methods;
* u2 attributes_count, attributes[attributes_count]
private List
loadAttributes(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
int attributesCount = dis.readUnsignedShort();
List attributes = new ArrayList<>(attributesCount);
for (int i = 0; i < attributesCount; ++i) attributes.add(this.loadAttribute(dis));
return attributes;
* Writes {@link ClassFile} to an {@link OutputStream}, in "class file" format.
* Notice that if an {@link IOException} is thrown, the class file is probably written incompletely and thus
* invalid. The calling method must take care of this situation, e.g. by closing the output stream and then
* deleting the file.
public void
store(OutputStream os) throws IOException {
DataOutputStream dos = os instanceof DataOutputStream ? (DataOutputStream) os : new DataOutputStream(os);
dos.writeInt(ClassFile.CLASS_FILE_MAGIC); // magic
dos.writeShort(this.minorVersion); // minor_version
dos.writeShort(this.majorVersion); // major_version
ClassFile.storeConstantPool(dos, this.constantPool); // constant_pool_count, constant_pool[constant_pool_count]
dos.writeShort(this.accessFlags); // access_flags
dos.writeShort(this.thisClass); // this_class
dos.writeShort(this.superclass); // super_class
ClassFile.storeShortArray(dos, this.interfaces); // interfaces_count, interfaces[interfaces_count]
ClassFile.storeFields(dos, this.fieldInfos); // fields_count, fields[fields_count]
ClassFile.storeMethods(dos, this.methodInfos); // methods_count, methods[methods_count]
ClassFile.storeAttributes(dos, this.attributes); // attributes_count, attributes[attributes_count]
* u2 constant_pool_count, constant_pool[constant_pool_count - 1]
private static void
storeConstantPool(DataOutputStream dos, List constantPool) throws IOException {
for (int i = 1; i < constantPool.size(); ++i) {
ConstantPoolInfo cpi = (ConstantPoolInfo) constantPool.get(i);
if (cpi == null) continue; // (Double or Long CPI.);
* u2 count, u2[count]
private static void
storeShortArray(DataOutputStream dos, short[] sa) throws IOException {
for (short s : sa) dos.writeShort(s);
* u2 fields_count, fields[fields_count]
private static void
storeFields(DataOutputStream dos, List fieldInfos) throws IOException {
for (FieldInfo fieldInfo : fieldInfos);
* u2 methods_count, methods[methods_count]
private static void
storeMethods(DataOutputStream dos, List methodInfos) throws IOException {
for (MethodInfo methodInfo : methodInfos);
* u2 attributes_count, attributes[attributes_count]
private static void
storeAttributes(DataOutputStream dos, List attributeInfos)
throws IOException {
for (AttributeInfo attributeInfo : attributeInfos);
* Constructs the name of a resource that could contain the source code of the class with the className.
* Notice that member types are declared inside a different type, so the relevant source file is that of the
* outermost declaring class.
* @param className Fully qualified class name, e.g. {@code "pkg1.pkg2.Outer$Inner"}
* @return the name of the resource, e.g. {@code "pkg1/pkg2/"}
public static String
getSourceResourceName(String className) {
// Strip nested type suffixes.
int idx = className.lastIndexOf('.') + 1;
idx = className.indexOf('$', idx);
if (idx != -1) className = className.substring(0, idx);
return className.replace('.', '/') + ".java";
* Constructs the name of a resource that could contain the class file of the class with the className.
* @param className Fully qualified class name, e.g. "pkg1.pkg2.Outer$Inner"
* @return the name of the resource, e.g. "pkg1/pkg2/Outer$Inner.class"
public static String
getClassFileResourceName(String className) { return className.replace('.', '/') + ".class"; }
* Returns the byte code of this {@link ClassFile} as a byte array.
public byte[]
toByteArray() {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {;
} catch (IOException ex) {
// ByteArrayOutputStream should never throw IOExceptions.
throw new ClassFileException(ex.toString(), ex);
return baos.toByteArray();
private static final int CLASS_FILE_MAGIC = 0xcafebabe;
/** Major version number of a class file that was generated by a Java 1.1-compliant compiler. */
public static final short MAJOR_VERSION_JDK_1_1 = 45;
/** Minor version number of a class file that was generated by a Java 1.1-compliant compiler. */
public static final short MINOR_VERSION_JDK_1_1 = 3;
/** Major version number of a class file that was generated by a Java 1.2-compliant compiler. */
public static final short MAJOR_VERSION_JDK_1_2 = 46;
/** Minor version number of a class file that was generated by a Java 1.2-compliant compiler. */
public static final short MINOR_VERSION_JDK_1_2 = 0;
/** Major version number of a class file that was generated by a Java 1.3-compliant compiler. */
public static final short MAJOR_VERSION_JDK_1_3 = 47;
/** Minor version number of a class file that was generated by a Java 1.3-compliant compiler. */
public static final short MINOR_VERSION_JDK_1_3 = 0;
/** Major version number of a class file that was generated by a Java 1.4-compliant compiler. */
public static final short MAJOR_VERSION_JDK_1_4 = 48;
/** Minor version number of a class file that was generated by a Java 1.4-compliant compiler. */
public static final short MINOR_VERSION_JDK_1_4 = 0;
/** Major version number of a class file that was generated by a Java 1.5-compliant compiler. */
public static final short MAJOR_VERSION_JDK_1_5 = 49;
/** Minor version number of a class file that was generated by a Java 1.5-compliant compiler. */
public static final short MINOR_VERSION_JDK_1_5 = 0;
/** Major version number of a class file that was generated by a Java 1.6-compliant compiler. */
public static final short MAJOR_VERSION_JDK_1_6 = 50;
/** Minor version number of a class file that was generated by a Java 1.6-compliant compiler. */
public static final short MINOR_VERSION_JDK_1_6 = 0;
/** Major version number of a class file that was generated by a Java 1.7-compliant compiler. */
public static final short MAJOR_VERSION_JDK_1_7 = 51;
/** Minor version number of a class file that was generated by a Java 1.7-compliant compiler. */
public static final short MINOR_VERSION_JDK_1_7 = 0;
/** Major version number of a class file that was generated by a Java 1.8-compliant compiler. */
public static final short MAJOR_VERSION_JDK_1_8 = 52;
/** Minor version number of a class file that was generated by a Java 1.8-compliant compiler. */
public static final short MINOR_VERSION_JDK_1_8 = 0;
/** Major version number of a class file that was generated by a Java 1.9-compliant compiler. */
public static final short MAJOR_VERSION_JDK_1_9 = 53;
/** Minor version number of a class file that was generated by a Java 1.9-compliant compiler. */
public static final short MINOR_VERSION_JDK_1_9 = 0;
/** Major version number of a class file that was generated by a Java 1.10-compliant compiler. */
public static final short MAJOR_VERSION_JDK_1_10 = 54;
/** Minor version number of a class file that was generated by a Java 1.10-compliant compiler. */
public static final short MINOR_VERSION_JDK_1_10 = 0;
/** Major version number of a class file that was generated by a Java 1.11-compliant compiler. */
public static final short MAJOR_VERSION_JDK_1_11 = 55;
/** Minor version number of a class file that was generated by a Java 1.11-compliant compiler. */
public static final short MINOR_VERSION_JDK_1_11 = 0;
/** Major version number of a class file that was generated by a Java 1.12-compliant compiler. */
public static final short MAJOR_VERSION_JDK_1_12 = 56;
/** Minor version number of a class file that was generated by a Java 1.12-compliant compiler. */
public static final short MINOR_VERSION_JDK_1_12 = 0;
private short majorVersion;
private short minorVersion;
private final List constantPool;
* The access flags of the class.
* @see Mod#PUBLIC and consorts
public final short accessFlags;
* The constant pool index of the {@link ConstantClassInfo} that describes this class.
public final short thisClass;
* The constant pool index of the {@link ConstantClassInfo} that describes the superclass of this class. Zero
* for class {@link Object}, {@link Object} for interfaces.
* @see "JVMS11 4.1, The ClassFile Structure"
public final short superclass;
* The constant pool indexes of {@link ConstantClassInfo} which describe the interfaces that this class implements,
* resp. that this interface extends.
public final short[] interfaces;
* The {@link FieldInfo}s of the field members of this class or interface.
public final List fieldInfos;
* The {@link MethodInfo}s of the methods of this class or interface.
public final List methodInfos;
* The {@link AttributeInfo}s of the attributes of this class or interface.
private final List attributes;
// Convenience.
private final Map constantPoolMap;
* Base for various the constant pool table entry types.
public abstract static
class ConstantPoolInfo {
* Stores this CP entry into a {@link DataOutputStream}.
* See JVMS7 4.4.1 and following.
protected abstract void store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException;
* @return Whether this CP entry is "wide" in the sense of JVMS7 4.4.5
public abstract boolean isWide();
private static ConstantPoolInfo
loadConstantPoolInfo(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
byte tag = dis.readByte();
//System.out.println("tag=" + tag);
switch (tag) {
case 7:
return new ConstantClassInfo(dis.readShort());
case 9:
return new ConstantFieldrefInfo(dis.readShort(), dis.readShort());
case 10:
return new ConstantMethodrefInfo(dis.readShort(), dis.readShort());
case 11:
return new ConstantInterfaceMethodrefInfo(dis.readShort(), dis.readShort());
case 8:
return new ConstantStringInfo(dis.readShort());
case 3:
return new ConstantIntegerInfo(dis.readInt());
case 4:
return new ConstantFloatInfo(dis.readFloat());
case 5:
return new ConstantLongInfo(dis.readLong());
case 6:
return new ConstantDoubleInfo(dis.readDouble());
case 12:
return new ConstantNameAndTypeInfo(dis.readShort(), dis.readShort());
case 1:
return new ConstantUtf8Info(dis.readUTF());
case 15:
return new ConstantMethodHandleInfo(dis.readByte(), dis.readShort());
case 16:
return new ConstantMethodTypeInfo(dis.readShort());
case 18:
return new ConstantInvokeDynamicInfo(dis.readShort(), dis.readShort());
throw new ClassFileException("Invalid constant pool tag " + tag);
* Intermediate base class for constant pool table entry types that have 'value' semantics: Double, Float,
* Integer, Long, String
public abstract static
class ConstantValuePoolInfo extends ConstantPoolInfo {
* @return The value that this constant pool table entry represents; the actual type is {@link Double}, {@link
* Float}, {@link Integer}, {@link Long} or {@link String}
public abstract Object getValue(ClassFile classFile);
* See JVMS7 4.4.1.
public static
class ConstantClassInfo extends ConstantPoolInfo {
private final short nameIndex;
public ConstantClassInfo(short nameIndex) { this.nameIndex = nameIndex; }
* @return The class's or interface's name in "internal form" (JVMS7 4.2.1)
public String
getName(ClassFile classFile) { return classFile.getConstantUtf8(this.nameIndex); }
// Implement ConstantPoolInfo.
@Override public boolean
isWide() { return false; }
@Override public void
store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
@Override public String
toString() { return "CONSTANT_Class_info(" + this.nameIndex + ")"; }
@Override public boolean
equals(@Nullable Object o) {
return o instanceof ConstantClassInfo && ((ConstantClassInfo) o).nameIndex == this.nameIndex;
@Override public int
hashCode() { return this.nameIndex; }
* See JVMS7 4.4.2.
public static
class ConstantFieldrefInfo extends ConstantPoolInfo {
private final short classIndex;
private final short nameAndTypeIndex;
ConstantFieldrefInfo(short classIndex, short nameAndTypeIndex) {
this.classIndex = classIndex;
this.nameAndTypeIndex = nameAndTypeIndex;
* @return The {@link ConstantClassInfo} of this {@link ConstantFieldrefInfo}
public ConstantClassInfo
getClassInfo(ClassFile classFile) { return classFile.getConstantClassInfo(this.classIndex); }
* @return The {@link ConstantNameAndTypeInfo} of this {@link ConstantFieldrefInfo}
public ConstantNameAndTypeInfo
getNameAndType(ClassFile classFile) {
return classFile.getConstantNameAndTypeInfo(this.nameAndTypeIndex);
// Implement ConstantPoolInfo.
@Override public boolean
isWide() { return false; }
@Override public void
store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
@Override public String
toString() { return "CONSTANT_Fieldref_info(" + this.classIndex + ", " + this.nameAndTypeIndex + ")"; }
@Override public boolean
equals(@Nullable Object o) {
return (
o instanceof ConstantFieldrefInfo
&& ((ConstantFieldrefInfo) o).classIndex == this.classIndex
&& ((ConstantFieldrefInfo) o).nameAndTypeIndex == this.nameAndTypeIndex
@Override public int
hashCode() { return this.classIndex + (this.nameAndTypeIndex << 16); }
* See JVMS7 4.4.2.
public static
class ConstantMethodrefInfo extends ConstantPoolInfo {
private final short classIndex;
private final short nameAndTypeIndex;
ConstantMethodrefInfo(short classIndex, short nameAndTypeIndex) {
this.classIndex = classIndex;
this.nameAndTypeIndex = nameAndTypeIndex;
* @return The {@link ConstantClassInfo} of this {@link ConstantMethodrefInfo}
public ConstantClassInfo
getClassInfo(ClassFile classFile) { return classFile.getConstantClassInfo(this.classIndex); }
* @return The {@link ConstantNameAndTypeInfo} of this {@link ConstantMethodrefInfo}
public ConstantNameAndTypeInfo
getNameAndType(ClassFile classFile) { return classFile.getConstantNameAndTypeInfo(this.nameAndTypeIndex); }
// Implement ConstantPoolInfo.
@Override public boolean
isWide() { return false; }
@Override public void
store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
@Override public String
toString() { return "CONSTANT_Methodref_info(" + this.classIndex + ", " + this.nameAndTypeIndex + ")"; }
@Override public boolean
equals(@Nullable Object o) {
return (
o instanceof ConstantMethodrefInfo
&& ((ConstantMethodrefInfo) o).classIndex == this.classIndex
&& ((ConstantMethodrefInfo) o).nameAndTypeIndex == this.nameAndTypeIndex
@Override public int
hashCode() { return this.classIndex + (this.nameAndTypeIndex << 16); }
* See JVMS7 4.4.2.
public static
class ConstantInterfaceMethodrefInfo extends ConstantPoolInfo {
private final short classIndex;
private final short nameAndTypeIndex;
ConstantInterfaceMethodrefInfo(short classIndex, short nameAndTypeIndex) {
this.classIndex = classIndex;
this.nameAndTypeIndex = nameAndTypeIndex;
* @return The {@link ConstantClassInfo} of this {@link ConstantInterfaceMethodrefInfo}
public ConstantClassInfo
getClassInfo(ClassFile classFile) { return classFile.getConstantClassInfo(this.classIndex); }
* @return The {@link ConstantNameAndTypeInfo} of this {@link ConstantInterfaceMethodrefInfo}
public ConstantNameAndTypeInfo
getNameAndType(ClassFile classFile) { return classFile.getConstantNameAndTypeInfo(this.nameAndTypeIndex); }
// Implement ConstantPoolInfo.
@Override public boolean
isWide() { return false; }
@Override public void
store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
@Override public String
toString() {
return "CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref_info(" + this.classIndex + ", " + this.nameAndTypeIndex + ")";
@Override public boolean
equals(@Nullable Object o) {
return (
o instanceof ConstantInterfaceMethodrefInfo
&& ((ConstantInterfaceMethodrefInfo) o).classIndex == this.classIndex
&& ((ConstantInterfaceMethodrefInfo) o).nameAndTypeIndex == this.nameAndTypeIndex
@Override public int
hashCode() { return this.classIndex + (this.nameAndTypeIndex << 16); }
* See JVMS7 4.4.3.
class ConstantStringInfo extends ConstantValuePoolInfo {
private final short stringIndex;
ConstantStringInfo(short stringIndex) { this.stringIndex = stringIndex; }
// Implement ConstantValuePoolInfo.
@Override public Object
getValue(ClassFile classFile) { return classFile.getConstantUtf8(this.stringIndex); }
// Implement ConstantPoolInfo.
@Override public boolean
isWide() { return false; }
@Override public void
store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
@Override public String
toString() { return "CONSTANT_String_info(" + this.stringIndex + ")"; }
@Override public boolean
equals(@Nullable Object o) {
return o instanceof ConstantStringInfo && ((ConstantStringInfo) o).stringIndex == this.stringIndex;
@Override public int
hashCode() { return this.stringIndex; }
* See JVMS7 4.4.4.
private static
class ConstantIntegerInfo extends ConstantValuePoolInfo {
private final int value;
ConstantIntegerInfo(int value) { this.value = value; }
// Implement ConstantValuePoolInfo.
@Override public Object
getValue(ClassFile classFile) { return Integer.valueOf(this.value); }
// Implement ConstantPoolInfo.
@Override public boolean
isWide() { return false; }
@Override public void
store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
@Override public String
toString() { return "CONSTANT_Integer_info(" + this.value + ")"; }
@Override public boolean
equals(@Nullable Object o) {
return o instanceof ConstantIntegerInfo && ((ConstantIntegerInfo) o).value == this.value;
@Override public int
hashCode() { return this.value; }
* See JVMS7 4.4.4.
private static
class ConstantFloatInfo extends ConstantValuePoolInfo {
private final float value;
ConstantFloatInfo(float value) { this.value = value; }
// Implement ConstantValuePoolInfo.
@Override public Object
getValue(ClassFile classFile) { return Float.valueOf(this.value); }
// Implement ConstantPoolInfo.
@Override public boolean
isWide() { return false; }
@Override public void
store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
@Override public String
toString() { return "CONSTANT_Float_info(" + this.value + ")"; }
@Override public boolean
equals(@Nullable Object o) {
return o instanceof ConstantFloatInfo && ((ConstantFloatInfo) o).value == this.value;
@Override public int
hashCode() { return Float.floatToIntBits(this.value); }
* See JVMS7 4.4.5.
private static
class ConstantLongInfo extends ConstantValuePoolInfo {
private final long value;
ConstantLongInfo(long value) { this.value = value; }
// Implement ConstantValuePoolInfo.
@Override public Object
getValue(ClassFile classFile) { return this.value; }
// Implement ConstantPoolInfo.
@Override public boolean
isWide() { return true; }
@Override public void
store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
@Override public String
toString() { return "CONSTANT_Long_info(" + this.value + ")"; }
@Override public boolean
equals(@Nullable Object o) {
return o instanceof ConstantLongInfo && ((ConstantLongInfo) o).value == this.value;
@Override public int
hashCode() { return (int) this.value ^ (int) (this.value >> 32); }
* See JVMS7 4.4.5.
private static
class ConstantDoubleInfo extends ConstantValuePoolInfo {
private final double value;
ConstantDoubleInfo(double value) { this.value = value; }
// Implement ConstantValuePoolInfo.
@Override public Object getValue(ClassFile classFile) { return Double.valueOf(this.value); }
// Implement ConstantPoolInfo.
@Override public boolean
isWide() { return true; }
@Override public void
store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
@Override public String
toString() { return "CONSTANT_Double_info(" + this.value + ")"; }
@Override public boolean
equals(@Nullable Object o) {
return o instanceof ConstantDoubleInfo && ((ConstantDoubleInfo) o).value == this.value;
@Override public int
hashCode() {
long bits = Double.doubleToLongBits(this.value);
return (int) bits ^ (int) (bits >> 32);
* See JVMS7 4.4.6.
public static
class ConstantNameAndTypeInfo extends ConstantPoolInfo {
private final short nameIndex;
private final short descriptorIndex;
ConstantNameAndTypeInfo(short nameIndex, short descriptorIndex) {
this.nameIndex = nameIndex;
this.descriptorIndex = descriptorIndex;
* @return The name of the field or method
public String
getName(ClassFile classFile) { return classFile.getConstantUtf8(this.nameIndex); }
* @return The (field or method) descriptor related to the name
public String
getDescriptor(ClassFile classFile) { return classFile.getConstantUtf8(this.descriptorIndex); }
// Implement ConstantPoolInfo.
@Override public boolean
isWide() { return false; }
@Override public void
store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
@Override public String
toString() { return "CONSTANT_NameAndType_info(" + this.nameIndex + ", " + this.descriptorIndex + ")"; }
@Override public boolean
equals(@Nullable Object o) {
return (
o instanceof ConstantNameAndTypeInfo
&& ((ConstantNameAndTypeInfo) o).nameIndex == this.nameIndex
&& ((ConstantNameAndTypeInfo) o).descriptorIndex == this.descriptorIndex
@Override public int
hashCode() { return this.nameIndex + (this.descriptorIndex << 16); }
* See JVMS7 4.4.7.
public static
class ConstantUtf8Info extends ConstantValuePoolInfo {
private final String s;
ConstantUtf8Info(String s) {
assert s != null;
this.s = s;
// Implement ConstantValuePoolInfo.
@Override public Object getValue(ClassFile classFile) { return this.s; }
* @return The string contained in this {@link ConstantUtf8Info}
public String
getString() { return this.s; }
// Implement ConstantPoolInfo.
@Override public boolean
isWide() { return false; }
@Override public void
store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
try {
} catch (UTFDataFormatException e) {
throw new ClassFileException("String constant too long to store in class file");
@Override public String
toString() { return "CONSTANT_Utf8_info(\"" + this.s + "\")"; }
@Override public boolean
equals(@Nullable Object o) {
return o instanceof ConstantUtf8Info && ((ConstantUtf8Info) o).s.equals(this.s);
@Override public int
hashCode() { return this.s.hashCode(); }
* See JVMS7 4.4.8.
public static
class ConstantMethodHandleInfo extends ConstantPoolInfo {
private final byte referenceKind;
private final short referenceIndex;
ConstantMethodHandleInfo(byte referenceKind, short referenceIndex) {
this.referenceKind = referenceKind;
this.referenceIndex = referenceIndex;
public byte getReferenceKind() { return this.referenceKind; }
public short getReferenceIndex() { return this.referenceIndex; }
// Implement ConstantPoolInfo.
@Override public boolean
isWide() { return false; }
@Override public void
store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
@Override public String
toString() { return "CONSTANT_MethodHandle_info(" + this.referenceKind + ", " + this.referenceIndex + ")"; }
@Override public boolean
equals(@Nullable Object o) {
return (
o instanceof ConstantMethodHandleInfo
&& ((ConstantMethodHandleInfo) o).referenceKind == this.referenceKind
&& ((ConstantMethodHandleInfo) o).referenceIndex == this.referenceIndex
@Override public int
hashCode() { return this.referenceKind + (this.referenceIndex << 16); }
* See JVMS7 4.4.9.
public static
class ConstantMethodTypeInfo extends ConstantPoolInfo {
private final short descriptorIndex;
ConstantMethodTypeInfo(short descriptorIndex) {
this.descriptorIndex = descriptorIndex;
public short getDescriptorIndex() { return this.descriptorIndex; }
// Implement ConstantPoolInfo.
@Override public boolean
isWide() { return false; }
@Override public void
store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
@Override public String
toString() { return "CONSTANT_MethodType_info(" + this.descriptorIndex + ")"; }
@Override public boolean
equals(@Nullable Object o) {
return (
o instanceof ConstantMethodTypeInfo
&& ((ConstantMethodTypeInfo) o).descriptorIndex == this.descriptorIndex
@Override public int
hashCode() { return this.descriptorIndex; }
* See JVMS7 4.4.10.
public static
class ConstantInvokeDynamicInfo extends ConstantPoolInfo {
private final short bootstrapMethodAttrIndex;
private final short nameAndTypeIndex;
ConstantInvokeDynamicInfo(short bootstrapMethodAttrIndex, short nameAndTypeIndex) {
this.bootstrapMethodAttrIndex = bootstrapMethodAttrIndex;
this.nameAndTypeIndex = nameAndTypeIndex;
public short getBootstrapMethodAttrIndex() { return this.bootstrapMethodAttrIndex; }
public short getNameAndTypeIndex() { return this.nameAndTypeIndex; }
// Implement ConstantPoolInfo.
@Override public boolean
isWide() { return false; }
@Override public void
store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
@Override public String
toString() {
return "CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic_info(" + this.bootstrapMethodAttrIndex + ", " + this.nameAndTypeIndex + ")";
@Override public boolean
equals(@Nullable Object o) {
return (
o instanceof ConstantInvokeDynamicInfo
&& ((ConstantInvokeDynamicInfo) o).bootstrapMethodAttrIndex == this.bootstrapMethodAttrIndex
&& ((ConstantInvokeDynamicInfo) o).nameAndTypeIndex == this.nameAndTypeIndex
@Override public int
hashCode() { return this.bootstrapMethodAttrIndex + (this.nameAndTypeIndex << 16); }
* Representation of a "method_info" structure, as defined by JVMS7 4.6.
class MethodInfo implements Annotatable {
private final short accessFlags;
private final short nameIndex;
private final short descriptorIndex;
private final List attributes;
* Initializes the "method_info" structure.
short accessFlags,
short nameIndex,
short descriptorIndex,
List attributes
) {
this.accessFlags = accessFlags;
this.nameIndex = nameIndex;
this.descriptorIndex = descriptorIndex;
this.attributes = attributes;
* @return The {@link ClassFile} that contains this {@link MethodInfo} object
public ClassFile
getClassFile() { return ClassFile.this; }
* @return The access flags of this method; or'ed values are the constants declared in {@link Mod}.
public short getAccessFlags() { return this.accessFlags; }
* @return The annotations of this method
@Override public Annotation[]
getAnnotations(boolean runtimeVisible) {
AnnotationsAttribute aa = ClassFile.this.getAnnotationsAttribute(runtimeVisible, this.attributes);
if (aa == null) return new Annotation[0];
return (Annotation[]) aa.annotations.toArray(new Annotation[aa.annotations.size()]);
* @return The method's name
public String
getName() { return ClassFile.this.getConstantUtf8(this.nameIndex); }
* @return The method descriptor describing this method
public String
getDescriptor() { return ClassFile.this.getConstantUtf8(this.descriptorIndex); }
* @return The attributes of this method
public AttributeInfo[]
getAttributes() {
return (AttributeInfo[]) this.attributes.toArray(new AttributeInfo[this.attributes.size()]);
* Adds the attribute to this method.
public void
addAttribute(AttributeInfo attribute) { this.attributes.add(attribute); }
@Override public void
boolean runtimeVisible,
String fieldDescriptor,
Map elementValuePairs
) {
* Writes this object to a {@link DataOutputStream}, in the format described inJVMS7 4.6.
public void
store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
dos.writeShort(this.accessFlags); // access_flags
dos.writeShort(this.nameIndex); // name_index
dos.writeShort(this.descriptorIndex); // descriptor_index
ClassFile.storeAttributes(dos, this.attributes); // attributes_count, attributes[attributes_count]
@Override public String
toString() {
try {
return ClassFile.this + "." + ClassFile.this.getConstantUtf8(this.nameIndex) + "(...)";
} catch (Exception e) {
return super.toString();
private MethodInfo
loadMethodInfo(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
return new MethodInfo(
dis.readShort(), // access_flags
dis.readShort(), // name_index
dis.readShort(), // descriptor_index
this.loadAttributes(dis) // attributes_count, attributes[attributes_count]
* Representation of a "method_info" structure, as defined by JVMS7 4.5.
class FieldInfo implements Annotatable {
short accessFlags,
short nameIndex,
short descriptorIndex,
List attributes
) {
this.accessFlags = accessFlags;
this.nameIndex = nameIndex;
this.descriptorIndex = descriptorIndex;
this.attributes = attributes;
* @return The modifier flags of the field; or'ed values are the constants declared in {@link Mod}
public short getAccessFlags() { return this.accessFlags; }
* @return The annotations of this field
@Override public Annotation[]
getAnnotations(boolean runtimeVisible) {
AnnotationsAttribute aa = ClassFile.this.getAnnotationsAttribute(runtimeVisible, this.attributes);
if (aa == null) return new Annotation[0];
return (Annotation[]) aa.annotations.toArray(new Annotation[aa.annotations.size()]);
* @return The field's name
public String
getName(ClassFile classFile) { return classFile.getConstantUtf8(this.nameIndex); }
* @return The field descriptor describing this field
public String
getDescriptor(ClassFile classFile) { return classFile.getConstantUtf8(this.descriptorIndex); }
* @return The attributes of this field
public AttributeInfo[]
getAttributes() {
return (AttributeInfo[]) this.attributes.toArray(new AttributeInfo[this.attributes.size()]);
* Adds the attribute to this field.
public void
addAttribute(AttributeInfo attribute) { this.attributes.add(attribute); }
@Override public void
boolean runtimeVisible,
String fieldDescriptor,
Map elementValuePairs
) {
* Writes this object to a {@link DataOutputStream}, in the format described inJVMS7 4.5.
public void
store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
dos.writeShort(this.accessFlags); // access_flags
dos.writeShort(this.nameIndex); // name_index
dos.writeShort(this.descriptorIndex); // descriptor_index
ClassFile.storeAttributes(dos, this.attributes); // attibutes_count, attributes
private final short accessFlags;
private final short nameIndex;
private final short descriptorIndex;
private final List attributes;
* Representation of a class file attribute (see JVMS7 4.7).
public abstract static
class AttributeInfo {
AttributeInfo(short nameIndex) { this.nameIndex = nameIndex; }
* Writes this attribute to a {@link DataOutputStream}, in the format described in JVMS7 4.7.
public void
store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
this.storeBody(new DataOutputStream(baos));
dos.writeShort(this.nameIndex); // attribute_name_index;
dos.writeInt(baos.size()); // attribute_length
baos.writeTo(dos); // info
* Writes the body of this attribute in an attribute-type dependent way; see JVMS7 4.7.2 and following.
protected abstract void
storeBody(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException;
private final short nameIndex;
* Loads one class file attribute.
* The returned object will be of {@link AttributeInfo}-derived type, depending on the attribute's name; e.g. if
* the name of the attribute is {@code "SourceFile"}, then the returned object will be of type {@link
* SourceFileAttribute}.
private AttributeInfo
loadAttribute(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
short attributeNameIndex = dis.readShort(); // attribute_name_index
int attributeLength = dis.readInt(); // attribute_length
final byte[] ba = new byte[attributeLength];
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(ba);
DataInputStream bdis = new DataInputStream(bais);
String attributeName = this.getConstantUtf8(attributeNameIndex);
AttributeInfo result;
if ("ConstantValue".equals(attributeName)) {
result = ConstantValueAttribute.loadBody(attributeNameIndex, bdis);
} else
if ("Code".equals(attributeName)) {
result = CodeAttribute.loadBody(attributeNameIndex, this, bdis);
} else
if ("Exceptions".equals(attributeName)) {
result = ExceptionsAttribute.loadBody(attributeNameIndex, bdis);
} else
if ("InnerClasses".equals(attributeName)) {
result = InnerClassesAttribute.loadBody(attributeNameIndex, bdis);
} else
if ("Synthetic".equals(attributeName)) {
result = SyntheticAttribute.loadBody(attributeNameIndex, bdis);
} else
if ("Signature".equals(attributeName)) {
result = SignatureAttribute.loadBody(attributeNameIndex, bdis);
} else
if ("SourceFile".equals(attributeName)) {
result = SourceFileAttribute.loadBody(attributeNameIndex, bdis);
} else
if ("StackMapTable".equals(attributeName)) {
result = StackMapTableAttribute.loadBody(attributeNameIndex, bdis, this);
} else
if ("LineNumberTable".equals(attributeName)) {
result = LineNumberTableAttribute.loadBody(attributeNameIndex, bdis);
} else
if ("LocalVariableTable".equals(attributeName)) {
result = LocalVariableTableAttribute.loadBody(attributeNameIndex, bdis);
} else
if ("Deprecated".equals(attributeName)) {
result = DeprecatedAttribute.loadBody(attributeNameIndex, bdis);
} else
if ("AnnotationDefault".equals(attributeName)) {
result = AnnotationDefaultAttribute.loadBody(attributeNameIndex, bdis);
} else
if ("RuntimeVisibleAnnotations".equals(attributeName)) {
result = AnnotationsAttribute.loadBody(attributeNameIndex, bdis);
} else
if ("RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations".equals(attributeName)) {
result = AnnotationsAttribute.loadBody(attributeNameIndex, bdis);
} else
return new AttributeInfo(attributeNameIndex) {
@Override protected void storeBody(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException { dos.write(ba); }
if (bais.available() > 0) {
throw new ClassFileException(
(ba.length - bais.available())
+ " bytes of trailing garbage in body of attribute \""
+ attributeName
+ "\""
return result;
* Representation of a {@code ConstantValue} attribute (see JVMS 4.7.2).
public static
class ConstantValueAttribute extends AttributeInfo {
private final short constantValueIndex;
ConstantValueAttribute(short attributeNameIndex, short constantValueIndex) {
this.constantValueIndex = constantValueIndex;
* @return The constant value contained in this attribute
public ConstantValuePoolInfo
getConstantValue(ClassFile classFile) { return classFile.getConstantValuePoolInfo(this.constantValueIndex); }
private static AttributeInfo
loadBody(short attributeNameIndex, DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
return new ConstantValueAttribute(
attributeNameIndex, // attributeNameIndex
dis.readShort() // constantValueIndex
// Implement "AttributeInfo".
@Override protected void
storeBody(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
* Representation of an {@code Exceptions} attribute (see JVMS 4.7.4).
public static
class ExceptionsAttribute extends AttributeInfo {
private final short[] exceptionIndexes;
ExceptionsAttribute(short attributeNameIndex, short[] exceptionIndexes) {
this.exceptionIndexes = exceptionIndexes;
* @return The exception types contained in this {@link ExceptionsAttribute}
public ConstantClassInfo[]
getExceptions(ClassFile classFile) {
ConstantClassInfo[] es = new ConstantClassInfo[this.exceptionIndexes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < es.length; i++) es[i] = classFile.getConstantClassInfo(this.exceptionIndexes[i]);
return es;
private static AttributeInfo
loadBody(short attributeNameIndex, DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
return new ExceptionsAttribute(
attributeNameIndex, // attributeNameIndex
ClassFile.readShortArray(dis) // exceptionIndexes
// Implement "AttributeInfo".
@Override protected void
storeBody(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
ClassFile.storeShortArray(dos, this.exceptionIndexes);
* Representation of an {@code InnerClasses} attribute (see JVMS 4.7.5).
public static
class InnerClassesAttribute extends AttributeInfo {
private final List entries;
InnerClassesAttribute(short attributeNameIndex) {
this.entries = new ArrayList<>();
InnerClassesAttribute(short attributeNameIndex, Entry[] entries) {
this.entries = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(entries));
* @return The {@link Entry}s contained in this {@link InnerClassesAttribute}, see JVMS7 4.7.6
public List
getEntries() { return this.entries; }
private static AttributeInfo
loadBody(short attributeNameIndex, DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
Entry[] ics = new Entry[dis.readUnsignedShort()]; // number_of_classes
for (short i = 0; i < ics.length; ++i) { // classes
ics[i] = new InnerClassesAttribute.Entry(
dis.readShort(), // innerClassInfoIndex
dis.readShort(), // outerClassInfoIndex
dis.readShort(), // innerNameIndex
dis.readShort() // innerClassAccessFlags
return new InnerClassesAttribute(attributeNameIndex, ics);
// Implement "AttributeInfo".
@Override protected void
storeBody(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
for (InnerClassesAttribute.Entry e : this.entries) {
* The structure of the {@code classes} array as described in JVMS7 4.7.6.
public static
class Entry {
* The fields of the {@code classes} array as described in JVMS7 4.7.6.
public final short innerClassInfoIndex, outerClassInfoIndex, innerNameIndex, innerClassAccessFlags;
short innerClassInfoIndex,
short outerClassInfoIndex,
short innerNameIndex,
short innerClassAccessFlags
) {
this.innerClassInfoIndex = innerClassInfoIndex;
this.outerClassInfoIndex = outerClassInfoIndex;
this.innerNameIndex = innerNameIndex;
this.innerClassAccessFlags = innerClassAccessFlags;
* Representation of a {@code Runtime[In]visibleAnnotations} attribute (see JVMS8 4.7.16/17).
public static
class AnnotationsAttribute extends AttributeInfo {
private final List annotations;
AnnotationsAttribute(short attributeNameIndex) {
this.annotations = new ArrayList<>();
AnnotationsAttribute(short attributeNameIndex, Annotation[] annotations) {
this.annotations = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(annotations));
* @return The {@link Annotation}s contained in this {@link AnnotationsAttribute}, see JVMS8 4.7.16/17
public List
getAnnotations() { return this.annotations; }
private static AttributeInfo
loadBody(short attributeNameIndex, DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
Annotation[] as = new Annotation[dis.readUnsignedShort()]; // num_annotations
for (short i = 0; i < as.length; ++i) { // annotations[num_annotations]
as[i] = AnnotationsAttribute.loadAnnotation(dis);
return new AnnotationsAttribute(attributeNameIndex, as);
private static Annotation
loadAnnotation(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
return new Annotation(
dis.readShort(), // type_index
AnnotationsAttribute.loadElementValuePairs(dis) // num_element_value_pairs, element_value_pairs
private static Map
loadElementValuePairs(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
int numElementaluePairs = dis.readUnsignedShort(); // nul_element_value_pairs
if (numElementaluePairs == 0) return Collections.emptyMap();
Map result = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < numElementaluePairs; i++) {
dis.readShort(), // element_name_index
ClassFile.loadElementValue(dis) // value
return result;
// Implement "AttributeInfo".
@Override protected void
storeBody(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
dos.writeShort(this.annotations.size()); // num_annotations
for (Annotation a : this.annotations);
* Representation of a {@code Synthetic} attribute (see JVMS 4.7.6).
public static
class SyntheticAttribute extends AttributeInfo {
SyntheticAttribute(short attributeNameIndex) {
private static AttributeInfo
loadBody(short attributeNameIndex, DataInputStream dis) {
return new SyntheticAttribute(attributeNameIndex);
// Implement "AttributeInfo".
@Override protected void
storeBody(DataOutputStream dos) {
* Representation of a {@code Signature} attribute (see JVMS 4.7.9).
public static
class SignatureAttribute extends AttributeInfo {
private final short signatureIndex;
SignatureAttribute(short attributeNameIndex, short signatureIndex) {
this.signatureIndex = signatureIndex;
public String
getSignature(ClassFile classFile) { return classFile.getConstantUtf8(this.signatureIndex); }
private static AttributeInfo
loadBody(short attributeNameIndex, DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
return new SignatureAttribute(
attributeNameIndex, // attributeNameIndex
dis.readShort() // signatureNameIndex
// Implement "AttributeInfo".
@Override protected void
storeBody(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException { dos.writeShort(this.signatureIndex); }
* Representation of a {@code SourceFile} attribute (see JVMS 4.7.7).
public static
class SourceFileAttribute extends AttributeInfo {
private final short sourceFileIndex;
SourceFileAttribute(short attributeNameIndex, short sourceFileIndex) {
this.sourceFileIndex = sourceFileIndex;
private static AttributeInfo
loadBody(short attributeNameIndex, DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
return new SourceFileAttribute(
attributeNameIndex, // attributeNameIndex
dis.readShort() // sourceFileNameIndex
// Implement "AttributeInfo".
@Override protected void
storeBody(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException { dos.writeShort(this.sourceFileIndex); }
* Representation of a {@code LineNumberTable} attribute (see JVMS 4.7.8).
public static
class LineNumberTableAttribute extends AttributeInfo {
private final Entry[] entries;
LineNumberTableAttribute(short attributeNameIndex, Entry[] entries) {
this.entries = entries;
private static AttributeInfo
loadBody(short attributeNameIndex, DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
Entry[] lntes = new Entry[dis.readUnsignedShort()]; // line_number_table_length
for (short i = 0; i < lntes.length; ++i) { // line_number_table
lntes[i] = new LineNumberTableAttribute.Entry(
dis.readShort(), // startPC
dis.readShort() // lineNumber
return new LineNumberTableAttribute(attributeNameIndex, lntes);
// Implement "AttributeInfo".
@Override protected void
storeBody(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
dos.writeShort(this.entries.length); // line_number_table_length
for (Entry entry : this.entries) {
* The structure of the entries in the {@code line_number_table}, as described in JVMS7 4.7.12.
public static
class Entry {
* The fields of the entries in the {@code line_number_table}, as described in JVMS7 4.7.12.
public final short startPc, lineNumber;
* @param lineNumber 1...65535
Entry(short startPc, short lineNumber) {
this.startPc = startPc;
this.lineNumber = lineNumber;
* Representation of a {@code LocalVariableTable} attribute (see JVMS 4.7.9).
public static
class LocalVariableTableAttribute extends AttributeInfo {
private final Entry[] entries;
LocalVariableTableAttribute(short attributeNameIndex, Entry[] entries) {
this.entries = entries;
private static AttributeInfo
loadBody(short attributeNameIndex, DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
Entry[] lvtes = new Entry[dis.readUnsignedShort()]; // local_variable_table_length
for (short i = 0; i < lvtes.length; ++i) { // local_variable_table
lvtes[i] = new LocalVariableTableAttribute.Entry(
dis.readShort(), // startPC
dis.readShort(), // length
dis.readShort(), // nameIndex
dis.readShort(), // descriptorIndex
dis.readShort() // index
return new LocalVariableTableAttribute(attributeNameIndex, lvtes);
// Implement "AttributeInfo".
@Override protected void
storeBody(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
dos.writeShort(this.entries.length); // local_variable_table_length
for (Entry lnte : this.entries) { // local_variable_table
dos.writeShort(lnte.startPc); // start_pc;
dos.writeShort(lnte.length); // length
dos.writeShort(lnte.nameIndex); // name_index
dos.writeShort(lnte.descriptorIndex); // descriptor_index
dos.writeShort(lnte.index); // index
* The structure of the entries in the {@code local_variable_table}, as described in JVMS7 4.7.13.
public static
class Entry {
* The fields of the entries in the {@code local_variable_table}, as described in JVMS7 4.7.13.
public final short startPc, length, nameIndex, descriptorIndex, index;
Entry(short startPc, short length, short nameIndex, short descriptorIndex, short index) {
this.startPc = startPc;
this.length = length;
this.nameIndex = nameIndex;
this.descriptorIndex = descriptorIndex;
this.index = index;
* Representation of a {@code Deprecated} attribute (see JVMS 4.7.10).
public static
class DeprecatedAttribute extends AttributeInfo {
DeprecatedAttribute(short attributeNameIndex) { super(attributeNameIndex); }
private static AttributeInfo
loadBody(short attributeNameIndex, DataInputStream dis) {
return new DeprecatedAttribute(attributeNameIndex);
// Implement "AttributeInfo".
@Override protected void
storeBody(DataOutputStream dos) {
* Representation of an {@code AnnotationDefault} attribute (see JVMS8 4.7.22).
public static
class AnnotationDefaultAttribute extends AttributeInfo {
private final ElementValue elementValue;
AnnotationDefaultAttribute(short attributeNameIndex, ElementValue elementValue) {
this.elementValue = elementValue;
private static AttributeInfo
loadBody(short attributeNameIndex, DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
return new AnnotationDefaultAttribute(
// Implement "AttributeInfo".
@Override protected void
storeBody(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
* Representation of an unmodifiable {@code Code} attribute, as read from a class file.
public static
class CodeAttribute extends AttributeInfo {
private final short maxStack;
private final short maxLocals;
public final byte[] code;
private final ExceptionTableEntry[] exceptionTableEntries;
private final AttributeInfo[] attributes;
short attributeNameIndex,
short maxStack,
short maxLocals,
byte[] code,
ExceptionTableEntry[] exceptionTableEntries,
AttributeInfo[] attributes
) {
this.maxStack = maxStack;
this.maxLocals = maxLocals;
this.code = code;
this.exceptionTableEntries = exceptionTableEntries;
this.attributes = attributes;
private static AttributeInfo
loadBody(short attributeNameIndex, ClassFile classFile, DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
final short maxStack = dis.readShort(); // max_stack
final short maxLocals = dis.readShort(); // max_locals
final byte[] code = ClassFile.readLengthAndBytes(dis); // code_length, code
ExceptionTableEntry[] etes = new ExceptionTableEntry[dis.readUnsignedShort()]; // exception_table_length
for (int i = 0; i < etes.length; ++i) { // exception_table
etes[i] = new ExceptionTableEntry(
dis.readShort(), // startPC
dis.readShort(), // endPC
dis.readShort(), // handlerPC
dis.readShort() // catchType
AttributeInfo[] attributes = new AttributeInfo[dis.readUnsignedShort()]; // attributes_count
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length; ++i) { // attributes
attributes[i] = classFile.loadAttribute(dis);
return new CodeAttribute(
attributeNameIndex, // attributeNameIndex
maxStack, // maxStack
maxLocals, // maxLocals
code, // code
etes, // exceptionTableEntries
attributes // attributes
@Override protected void
storeBody(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
dos.writeShort(this.maxStack); // max_stack
dos.writeShort(this.maxLocals); // max_locals
dos.writeInt(this.code.length); // code_length
dos.write(this.code); // code
dos.writeShort(this.exceptionTableEntries.length); // exception_table_length
for (ExceptionTableEntry ete : this.exceptionTableEntries) { // exception_table
dos.writeShort(ete.startPc); // start_pc
dos.writeShort(ete.endPc); // end_pc
dos.writeShort(ete.handlerPc); // handler_pc
dos.writeShort(ete.catchType); // catch_type
dos.writeShort(this.attributes.length); // attributes_count
for (AttributeInfo ai : this.attributes); // attributes
* Representation of an entry in the "exception_table" of a "Code" attribute (see JVMS 4.7.3).
public static
class ExceptionTableEntry {
final short startPc, endPc, handlerPc, catchType;
ExceptionTableEntry(short startPc, short endPc, short handlerPc, short catchType) {
this.startPc = startPc;
this.endPc = endPc;
this.handlerPc = handlerPc;
this.catchType = catchType;
* Representation of an unmodifiable {@code StackMapTable} attribute, as read from a class file.
public static
class StackMapTableAttribute extends AttributeInfo {
private final StackMapFrame[] entries;
StackMapTableAttribute(short attributeNameIndex, StackMapFrame[] entries) {
this.entries = entries;
* Representation of an entry in the {@link StackMapTableAttribute}.
public abstract static
class StackMapFrame {
* The {@code offset_delta} value that is implicit to all stack map frames; see JVMS8 4.7.4.
final int offsetDelta;
StackMapFrame(int offsetDelta) {
assert offsetDelta >= 0 && offsetDelta <= 0xffff;
this.offsetDelta = offsetDelta;
* Invokes the "right" {@code visit...()} method of the {@link StackMapFrameVisitor}.
public abstract T accept(StackMapFrameVisitor smfv);
* Serializes this record and writes it to the given {@link DataOutputStream}.
public abstract void store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException;
* @param The return type of {@link
* StackMapFrame#accept(ClassFile.StackMapTableAttribute.StackMapFrameVisitor)}
* @see StackMapFrame#accept(ClassFile.StackMapTableAttribute.StackMapFrameVisitor)
interface StackMapFrameVisitor {
T visitSameFrame(SameFrame sf); // SUPPRESS CHECKSTYLE JavadocMethod:6
T visitSameLocals1StackItemFrame(SameLocals1StackItemFrame sl1sif);
T visitSameLocals1StackItemFrameExtended(SameLocals1StackItemFrameExtended sl1sife);
T visitChopFrame(ChopFrame cf);
T visitSameFrameExtended(SameFrameExtended sfe);
T visitAppendFrame(AppendFrame af);
T visitFullFrame(FullFrame ff);
* Representation of the {@code same_frame} structure; see JVMS8 4.7.4.
public static
class SameFrame extends StackMapFrame {
public SameFrame(int offsetDelta) { super(offsetDelta); }
@Override public void
store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException { dos.writeByte(this.offsetDelta); }
@Override public T
accept(StackMapFrameVisitor smfv) { return smfv.visitSameFrame(this); }
@Override public String
toString() { return "same_frame (offsetDelta=" + this.offsetDelta + ")"; }
* Representation of the {@code same_locals_1_stack_item_frame} structure; see JVMS8 4.7.4.
public static
class SameLocals1StackItemFrame extends StackMapFrame {
private final VerificationTypeInfo stack;
SameLocals1StackItemFrame(int offsetDelta, VerificationTypeInfo stack) {
this.stack = stack;
@Override public void
store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
dos.writeByte(this.offsetDelta + 64);;
@Override public T
accept(StackMapFrameVisitor smfv) { return smfv.visitSameLocals1StackItemFrame(this); }
@Override public String
toString() {
return (
+ this.offsetDelta
+ ", stack=["
+ this.stack
+ "])"
* Representation of the {@code same_locals_1_stack_item_frame_extended} structure; see JVMS8 4.7.4.
public static
class SameLocals1StackItemFrameExtended extends StackMapFrame {
private final VerificationTypeInfo stack;
SameLocals1StackItemFrameExtended(int offsetDelta, VerificationTypeInfo stack) {
this.stack = stack;
@Override public void
store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
@Override public T
accept(StackMapFrameVisitor smfv) { return smfv.visitSameLocals1StackItemFrameExtended(this); }
@Override public String
toString() {
return (
+ this.offsetDelta
+ ", stack=["
+ this.stack
+ "])"
* Representation of the {@code chop_frame} structure; see JVMS8 4.7.4.
public static
class ChopFrame extends StackMapFrame {
private final int k;
ChopFrame(int offsetDelta, int k) {
assert k >= 1 && k <= 3 : k;
this.k = k;
@Override public void
store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
dos.writeByte(251 - this.k); // k = 3, 2, 1 => frame_type = 248, 249, 250
@Override public T
accept(StackMapFrameVisitor smfv) { return smfv.visitChopFrame(this); }
@Override public String
toString() { return "chop_frame(offsetDelta=" + this.offsetDelta + ", locals-=" + this.k + ", stack=[])"; }
* Representation of the {@code same_frame_extended} structure; see JVMS8 4.7.4.
public static
class SameFrameExtended extends StackMapFrame {
SameFrameExtended(int offsetDelta) { super(offsetDelta); }
@Override public void
store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
@Override public T
accept(StackMapFrameVisitor smfv) { return smfv.visitSameFrameExtended(this); }
@Override public String
toString() { return "same_frame_extended(offsetDelta=" + this.offsetDelta + ", stack=[])"; }
* Representation of the {@code append_frame} structure; see JVMS8 4.7.4.
public static
class AppendFrame extends StackMapFrame {
private final VerificationTypeInfo[] locals;
AppendFrame(int offsetDelta, VerificationTypeInfo[] locals) {
assert locals.length >= 1 && locals.length <= 3;
this.locals = locals;
@Override public void
store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
dos.writeByte(this.locals.length + 251);
StackMapTableAttribute.storeVerificationTypeInfos(this.locals, dos);
@Override public T
accept(StackMapFrameVisitor smfv) { return smfv.visitAppendFrame(this); }
@Override public String
toString() {
return "append_frame(offsetDelta=" + this.offsetDelta + ", locals+=" + Arrays.toString(this.locals) + ", stack=[])";
* Representation of the {@code full_frame} structure; see JVMS8 4.7.4.
public static
class FullFrame extends StackMapFrame {
private final VerificationTypeInfo[] locals;
private final VerificationTypeInfo[] stack;
FullFrame(int offsetDelta, VerificationTypeInfo[] locals, VerificationTypeInfo[] stack) {
this.locals = locals;
this.stack = stack;
@Override public void
store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
StackMapTableAttribute.storeVerificationTypeInfos(this.locals, dos);
StackMapTableAttribute.storeVerificationTypeInfos(this.stack, dos);
@Override public T
accept(StackMapFrameVisitor smfv) { return smfv.visitFullFrame(this); }
@Override public String
toString() {
return (
+ this.offsetDelta
+ ", locals="
+ Arrays.toString(this.locals)
+ ", stack="
+ Arrays.toString(this.stack)
+ ")"
* Representation of the {@code verification_type_info} union; see JVMS8 4.7.4.
interface VerificationTypeInfo {
* @return The category of the type (1 or 2) (JVMS11 2.11.1)
int category();
* Writes this object to an {@link OutputStream}, in "class file" format.
void store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException;
* Representation of the {@code top_variable_info} structure; see JVMS8 4.7.4.
public static final VerificationTypeInfo TOP_VARIABLE_INFO = new VerificationTypeInfo() {
@Override public int category() { return 1; }
@Override public void store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException { dos.writeByte(0); }
@Override public String toString() { return "top"; }
@Override public int hashCode() { return 0; }
@Override public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) { return obj == this; }
* Representation of the {@code integer_variable_info} structure; see JVMS8 4.7.4.
public static final VerificationTypeInfo INTEGER_VARIABLE_INFO = new VerificationTypeInfo() {
@Override public int category() { return 1; }
@Override public void store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException { dos.writeByte(1); }
@Override public String toString() { return "int"; }
@Override public int hashCode() { return 1; }
@Override public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) { return obj == this; }
* Representation of the {@code float_variable_info} structure; see JVMS8 4.7.4.
public static final VerificationTypeInfo FLOAT_VARIABLE_INFO = new VerificationTypeInfo() {
@Override public int category() { return 1; }
@Override public void store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException { dos.writeByte(2); }
@Override public String toString() { return "float"; }
@Override public int hashCode() { return 2; }
@Override public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) { return obj == this; }
* Representation of the {@code double_variable_info} structure; see JVMS8 4.7.4.
public static final VerificationTypeInfo DOUBLE_VARIABLE_INFO = new VerificationTypeInfo() {
@Override public int category() { return 2; }
@Override public void store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException { dos.writeByte(3); }
@Override public String toString() { return "double"; }
@Override public int hashCode() { return 3; }
@Override public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) { return obj == this; }
* Representation of the {@code long_variable_info} structure; see JVMS8 4.7.4.
public static final VerificationTypeInfo LONG_VARIABLE_INFO = new VerificationTypeInfo() {
@Override public int category() { return 2; }
@Override public void store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException { dos.writeByte(4); }
@Override public String toString() { return "long"; }
@Override public int hashCode() { return 4; }
@Override public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) { return obj == this; }
* Representation of the {@code null_variable_info} structure; see JVMS8 4.7.4.
public static final VerificationTypeInfo NULL_VARIABLE_INFO = new VerificationTypeInfo() {
@Override public int category() { return 1; }
@Override public void store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException { dos.writeByte(5); }
@Override public String toString() { return "null"; }
@Override public int hashCode() { return 5; }
@Override public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) { return obj == this; }
* Representation of the {@code uninitialized_this_variable_info} structure; see JVMS8 4.7.4.
public static final VerificationTypeInfo UNINITIALIZED_THIS_VARIABLE_INFO = new VerificationTypeInfo() {
@Override public int category() { return 1; }
@Override public void store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException { dos.writeByte(6); }
@Override public String toString() { return "uninitializedThis"; }
@Override public int hashCode() { return 6; }
@Override public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) { return obj == this; }
* Representation of the {@code object_variable_info} structure; see JVMS8 4.7.4.
public static
class ObjectVariableInfo implements VerificationTypeInfo {
private final short constantClassInfoIndex;
private final String fieldDescriptor;
ObjectVariableInfo(short constantClassInfoIndex, String fieldDescriptor) {
this.constantClassInfoIndex = constantClassInfoIndex;
this.fieldDescriptor = fieldDescriptor;
public short
getConstantClassInfoIndex() { return this.constantClassInfoIndex; }
@Override public int
category() { return 1; }
@Override public void
store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
@Override public String
toString() { return "object(" + Descriptor.toString(this.fieldDescriptor) + ")"; }
@Override public int
hashCode() { return 7 ^ this.constantClassInfoIndex; }
@Override public boolean
equals(@Nullable Object obj) {
return (
obj instanceof ObjectVariableInfo
&& ((ObjectVariableInfo) obj).constantClassInfoIndex == this.constantClassInfoIndex
* Representation of the {@code uninitialized_variable_info} structure; see JVMS8 4.7.4.
public static
class UninitializedVariableInfo implements VerificationTypeInfo {
/** The code offset where the variable is declared. */
public short offset;
public UninitializedVariableInfo(short offset) { this.offset = offset; }
@Override public int
category() { return 1; }
@Override public void
store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
@Override public String
toString() { return "uninitialized(offset=" + this.offset + ")"; }
@Override public int
hashCode() { return 8 ^ this.offset; }
@Override public boolean
equals(@Nullable Object obj) {
return (
obj instanceof UninitializedVariableInfo
&& ((UninitializedVariableInfo) obj).offset == this.offset
private static AttributeInfo
loadBody(short attributeNameIndex, DataInputStream dis, ClassFile classFile) throws IOException {
StackMapFrame[] entries = new StackMapFrame[dis.readUnsignedShort()]; // number_of_entries
for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; ++i) { // entries
int frameType = dis.readUnsignedByte();
StackMapFrame e = (
frameType <= 63 ? new SameFrame(
frameType // offsetDelta
) :
frameType <= 127 ? new SameLocals1StackItemFrame(
frameType - 64, // offsetDelta
StackMapTableAttribute.loadVerificationTypeInfo(dis, classFile) // stack
) :
frameType <= 246 ? null :
frameType == 247 ? new SameLocals1StackItemFrameExtended(
dis.readUnsignedShort(), // offsetDelta
StackMapTableAttribute.loadVerificationTypeInfo(dis, classFile) // stack
) :
frameType <= 250 ? new ChopFrame(
dis.readUnsignedShort(), // offsetDelta
251 - frameType // k
) :
frameType == 251 ? new SameFrameExtended(
dis.readUnsignedShort() // offsetDelta
) :
frameType <= 254 ? new AppendFrame(
dis.readUnsignedShort(), // offsetDelta
StackMapTableAttribute.loadVerificationTypeInfos(dis, frameType - 251, classFile) // locals
) :
frameType == 255 ? new FullFrame(
dis.readUnsignedShort(), // offsetDelta
StackMapTableAttribute.loadVerificationTypeInfos(dis, dis.readUnsignedShort(), classFile), // locals
StackMapTableAttribute.loadVerificationTypeInfos(dis, dis.readUnsignedShort(), classFile) // stack
) :
if (e == null) throw new ClassFileException("Invalid stack_map_frame frame_type " + frameType);
entries[i] = e;
return new StackMapTableAttribute(
attributeNameIndex, // attributeNameIndex
entries // entries
private static void
storeVerificationTypeInfos(VerificationTypeInfo[] vtis, DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
for (VerificationTypeInfo vti : vtis);
private static VerificationTypeInfo[]
loadVerificationTypeInfos(DataInputStream dis, int number, ClassFile classFile) throws IOException {
VerificationTypeInfo[] result = new VerificationTypeInfo[number];
for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) {
result[i] = StackMapTableAttribute.loadVerificationTypeInfo(dis, classFile);
return result;
private static VerificationTypeInfo
loadVerificationTypeInfo(DataInputStream dis, ClassFile classFile) throws IOException {
int tag = 0xff & dis.readByte();
switch (tag) {
case 0: return StackMapTableAttribute.TOP_VARIABLE_INFO;
case 1: return StackMapTableAttribute.INTEGER_VARIABLE_INFO;
case 2: return StackMapTableAttribute.FLOAT_VARIABLE_INFO;
case 3: return StackMapTableAttribute.DOUBLE_VARIABLE_INFO;
case 4: return StackMapTableAttribute.LONG_VARIABLE_INFO;
case 5: return StackMapTableAttribute.NULL_VARIABLE_INFO;
case 6: return StackMapTableAttribute.UNINITIALIZED_THIS_VARIABLE_INFO;
case 7:
short constantClassInfoIndex = dis.readShort();
return new ObjectVariableInfo(
case 8: return new UninitializedVariableInfo(dis.readShort());
throw new ClassFileException("Invalid verification_type_info tag " + tag);
@Override protected void
storeBody(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
dos.writeShort(this.entries.length); // number_of_entries
for (StackMapFrame smf : this.entries); // entries
* Representation of the "element_value" structure (see JVMS8
interface ElementValue {
* @return The "tag" byte to use when storing this "value" in an "element_value" structure
byte getTag();
* Writes this element value in an element-value-type dependent way; see JVMS8 The "tag" byte is
* snot part of this writing!
void store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException;
* Invokes the respective method of the {@link ClassFile.ElementValue.Visitor}.
@Nullable R accept(Visitor visitor) throws EX;
* The visitor interface for the implementation of the "visitor" pattern.
* @param The type of the object that the "{@code visit*()}" methods return
* @param The type of the exception that the "{@code visit*()}" methods may throw
interface Visitor extends ClassFile.ConstantElementValue.Visitor {
R visitAnnotation(Annotation subject) throws EX;
R visitArrayElementValue(ArrayElementValue subject) throws EX;
R visitEnumConstValue(EnumConstValue subject) throws EX;
* Convenience class for element values that are constants (as opposed to annotations, enum constants and
* arrays).
public abstract static
class ConstantElementValue implements ClassFile.ElementValue {
private final byte tag;
* The index of the constant pool entry that holds the constant value for this annotation element.
public final short constantValueIndex;
ConstantElementValue(byte tag, short constantValueIndex) {
this.tag = tag;
this.constantValueIndex = constantValueIndex;
@Override public byte
getTag() { return this.tag; }
@Override public void
store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
dos.writeShort(this.constantValueIndex); // const_value_index
@Override @Nullable public R
accept(ClassFile.ElementValue.Visitor visitor) throws EX {
return this.accept((ConstantElementValue.Visitor) visitor);
* Invokes the respective method of the {@link ConstantElementValue.Visitor}.
@Nullable protected abstract R
accept(ConstantElementValue.Visitor visitor) throws EX;
* The visitor interface for the implementation of the "visitor" pattern.
* @param The type of the object that the "{@code visit*()}" methods return
* @param The type of the exception that the "{@code visit*()}" methods may throw
interface Visitor {
R visitBooleanElementValue(BooleanElementValue subject) throws EX;
R visitByteElementValue(ByteElementValue subject) throws EX;
R visitCharElementValue(CharElementValue subject) throws EX;
R visitClassElementValue(ClassElementValue subject) throws EX;
R visitDoubleElementValue(DoubleElementValue subject) throws EX;
R visitFloatElementValue(FloatElementValue subject) throws EX;
R visitIntElementValue(IntElementValue subject) throws EX;
R visitLongElementValue(LongElementValue subject) throws EX;
R visitShortElementValue(ShortElementValue subject) throws EX;
R visitStringElementValue(StringElementValue subject) throws EX;
public static final
class ByteElementValue extends ConstantElementValue {
public ByteElementValue(short constantValueIndex) { super((byte) 'B', constantValueIndex); }
@Override protected R accept(Visitor visitor) throws EX { return visitor.visitByteElementValue(this); }
public static final
class CharElementValue extends ConstantElementValue {
public CharElementValue(short constantValueIndex) { super((byte) 'C', constantValueIndex); }
@Override protected R accept(Visitor visitor) throws EX { return visitor.visitCharElementValue(this); }
public static final
class DoubleElementValue extends ConstantElementValue {
public DoubleElementValue(short constantValueIndex) { super((byte) 'D', constantValueIndex); }
@Override protected R accept(Visitor visitor) throws EX { return visitor.visitDoubleElementValue(this); }
public static final
class FloatElementValue extends ConstantElementValue {
public FloatElementValue(short constantValueIndex) { super((byte) 'F', constantValueIndex); }
@Override protected R accept(Visitor visitor) throws EX { return visitor.visitFloatElementValue(this); }
public static final
class IntElementValue extends ConstantElementValue {
public IntElementValue(short constantValueIndex) { super((byte) 'I', constantValueIndex); }
@Override protected R accept(Visitor visitor) throws EX { return visitor.visitIntElementValue(this); }
public static final
class LongElementValue extends ConstantElementValue {
public LongElementValue(short constantValueIndex) { super((byte) 'J', constantValueIndex); }
@Override protected R accept(Visitor visitor) throws EX { return visitor.visitLongElementValue(this); }
public static final
class ShortElementValue extends ConstantElementValue {
public ShortElementValue(short constantValueIndex) { super((byte) 'S', constantValueIndex); }
@Override protected R accept(Visitor visitor) throws EX { return visitor.visitShortElementValue(this); }
public static final
class BooleanElementValue extends ConstantElementValue {
public BooleanElementValue(short constantValueIndex) { super((byte) 'Z', constantValueIndex); }
@Override protected R accept(Visitor visitor) throws EX { return visitor.visitBooleanElementValue(this); }
public static final
class StringElementValue extends ConstantElementValue {
public StringElementValue(short constantValueIndex) { super((byte) 's', constantValueIndex); }
@Override protected R accept(Visitor visitor) throws EX { return visitor.visitStringElementValue(this); }
public static final
class ClassElementValue extends ConstantElementValue {
* @param constantValueIndex Index of a constant pool entry that is a CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure
* representing a return descriptor
ClassElementValue(short constantValueIndex) { super((byte) 'c', constantValueIndex); }
@Override protected R
accept(Visitor visitor) throws EX { return visitor.visitClassElementValue(this); }
* Representation of the "enum_const_value" element in the "element_value" structure.
public static final
class EnumConstValue implements ClassFile.ElementValue {
* {@code type_name_index}; index of a {@link ConstantUtf8Info} representing a field descriptor.
public final short typeNameIndex;
* {@code const_name_index}; index of a {@link ConstantUtf8Info} giveing the simple name of the enum
* constant represented by this {@code element_value} structure.
public final short constNameIndex;
* @param typeNameIndex {@code type_name_index}; index of a {@link ConstantUtf8Info} representing a field
* descriptor
* @param constNameIndex {@code const_name_index}; index of a {@link ConstantUtf8Info} giveing the simple
* name of the enum constant represented by this {@code element_value} structure
EnumConstValue(short typeNameIndex, short constNameIndex) {
this.typeNameIndex = typeNameIndex;
this.constNameIndex = constNameIndex;
@Override public byte
getTag() { return 'e'; }
@Override public void
store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
dos.writeShort(this.typeNameIndex); // type_name_index
dos.writeShort(this.constNameIndex); // const_name_index
@Override @Nullable public R
accept(ClassFile.ElementValue.Visitor visitor)
throws EX { return visitor.visitEnumConstValue(this); }
* Representation of the "array_value" structure.
public static final
class ArrayElementValue implements ClassFile.ElementValue {
* The values of the elements of this array element value.
public final ClassFile.ElementValue[] values;
ArrayElementValue(ClassFile.ElementValue[] values) { this.values = values; }
@Override public byte
getTag() { return '['; }
@Override public void
store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
dos.writeShort(this.values.length); // num_values
for (ClassFile.ElementValue ev : this.values) { // values[num_values]
dos.writeByte(ev.getTag()); // tag; // value
@Override @Nullable public R
accept(ClassFile.ElementValue.Visitor visitor)
throws EX { return visitor.visitArrayElementValue(this); }
* The structure of the {@code annotations} array as described in JVMS8 4.7.16.
public static
class Annotation implements ClassFile.ElementValue {
* The "type_index" field of the {@code annotation} type as described in JVMS8 4.7.16. The constant pool
* entry at that index must be a CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure representing a field descriptor.
public final short typeIndex;
* The "element_value_pairs" field of the {@code annotation} type as described in JVMS8 4.7.16.
* Key is the "{@code element_name_index}" (a constant pool index to a {@link ConstantUtf8Info});
* value is an {@link ClassFile.ElementValue}.
public final Map elementValuePairs;
* @param typeIndex UTF 8 constant pool entry index; field descriptor
* @param elementValuePairs Maps element name index ({@link ConstantUtf8Info}) to {@link
* ClassFile.ElementValue}s
Annotation(short typeIndex, Map elementValuePairs) {
this.typeIndex = typeIndex;
this.elementValuePairs = elementValuePairs;
@Override public byte
getTag() { return '@'; }
@Override public void
store(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
dos.writeShort(this.typeIndex); // type_index
dos.writeShort(this.elementValuePairs.size()); // num_element_value_pairs
for ( // element_value_pairs[num_element_value_pairs]
Map.Entry evps
: this.elementValuePairs.entrySet()
) {
Short elementNameIndex = (Short) evps.getKey();
elementValue = (ClassFile.ElementValue) evps.getValue();
dos.writeShort(elementNameIndex); // element_name_index
dos.writeByte(elementValue.getTag()); // value.tag; // value.value
@Override @Nullable public R
accept(ClassFile.ElementValue.Visitor visitor)
throws EX { return visitor.visitAnnotation(this); }
private static ClassFile.ElementValue
loadElementValue(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
byte tag = dis.readByte(); // tag
switch (tag) {
case 'B': return new ByteElementValue(dis.readShort());
case 'C': return new CharElementValue(dis.readShort());
case 'D': return new DoubleElementValue(dis.readShort());
case 'F': return new FloatElementValue(dis.readShort());
case 'I': return new IntElementValue(dis.readShort());
case 'J': return new LongElementValue(dis.readShort());
case 'S': return new ShortElementValue(dis.readShort());
case 'Z': return new BooleanElementValue(dis.readShort());
case 's': return new StringElementValue(dis.readShort());
case 'e': return new EnumConstValue(dis.readShort(), dis.readShort());
case 'c': return new ClassElementValue(dis.readShort());
case '@': return AnnotationsAttribute.loadAnnotation(dis);
case '[':
ClassFile.ElementValue[] values = new ClassFile.ElementValue[dis.readUnsignedShort()]; // num_values
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) values[i] = ClassFile.loadElementValue(dis); // values[num_values]
return new ArrayElementValue(values);
throw new ClassFileException("Invalid element-value-pair tag '" + (char) tag + "'");
public StackMapTableAttribute.ObjectVariableInfo
newObjectVariableInfo(String fieldDescriptor) {
return new StackMapTableAttribute.ObjectVariableInfo(
public StackMapTableAttribute.UninitializedVariableInfo
newUninitializedVariableInfo(short offset) {
return new StackMapTableAttribute.UninitializedVariableInfo(offset);
@Override public String
toString() {
try {
return this.getConstantUtf8(this.getConstantClassInfo(this.thisClass).nameIndex);
} catch (Exception e) {
return super.toString();