Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2021 Martin Davis.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Creates a curved geometry by replacing the segments
* of the input with Cubic Bezier Curves.
* The Bezier control points are determined from the segments of the geometry
* and the alpha control parameter controlling curvedness, and
* the optional skew parameter controlling the shape of the curve at vertices.
* The Bezier Curves are created to be C2-continuous (smooth)
* at each input vertex.
* Alternatively, the Bezier control points can be supplied explicitly.
* The result is not guaranteed to be valid, since large alpha values
* may cause self-intersections.
public class CubicBezierCurve {
* Creates a geometry of linearized Cubic Bezier Curves
* defined by the segments of the input and a parameter
* controlling how curved the result should be.
* @param geom the geometry defining the curve
* @param alpha curvedness parameter (0 is linear, 1 is round, >1 is increasingly curved)
* @return the linearized curved geometry
public static Geometry bezierCurve(Geometry geom, double alpha) {
CubicBezierCurve curve = new CubicBezierCurve(geom, alpha);
return curve.getResult();
* Creates a geometry of linearized Cubic Bezier Curves
* defined by the segments of the input and a parameter
* controlling how curved the result should be, with a skew factor
* affecting the curve shape at each vertex.
* @param geom the geometry defining the curve
* @param alpha curvedness parameter (0 is linear, 1 is round, >1 is increasingly curved)
* @param skew the skew parameter (0 is none, positive skews towards longer side, negative towards shorter
* @return the linearized curved geometry
public static Geometry bezierCurve(Geometry geom, double alpha, double skew) {
CubicBezierCurve curve = new CubicBezierCurve(geom, alpha, skew);
return curve.getResult();
* Creates a geometry of linearized Cubic Bezier Curves
* defined by the segments of the input
* and a list (or lists) of control points.
* Typically the control point geometry
* is a {@link LineString} or {@link MultiLineString}
* containing an element for each line or ring in the input geometry.
* The list of control points for each linear element must contain two
* vertices for each segment (and thus 2 * npts - 2
* @param geom the geometry defining the curve
* @param controlPoints a geometry containing the control point elements.
* @return the linearized curved geometry
public static Geometry bezierCurve(Geometry geom, Geometry controlPoints) {
CubicBezierCurve curve = new CubicBezierCurve(geom, controlPoints);
return curve.getResult();
private double minSegmentLength = 0.0;
private int numVerticesPerSegment = 16;
private Geometry inputGeom;
private double alpha =-1;
private double skew = 0;
private Geometry controlPoints = null;
private final GeometryFactory geomFactory;
private Coordinate[] bezierCurvePts;
private double[][] interpolationParam;
private int controlPointIndex = 0;
* Creates a new instance producing a Bezier curve defined by a geometry
* and an alpha curvedness value.
* @param geom geometry defining curve
* @param alpha curvedness parameter (0 = linear, 1 = round, 2 = distorted)
CubicBezierCurve(Geometry geom, double alpha) {
this.inputGeom = geom;
this.geomFactory = geom.getFactory();
if ( alpha < 0.0 ) alpha = 0;
this.alpha = alpha;
* Creates a new instance producing a Bezier curve defined by a geometry,
* an alpha curvedness value, and a skew factor.
* @param geom geometry defining curve
* @param alpha curvedness parameter (0 is linear, 1 is round, >1 is increasingly curved)
* @param skew the skew parameter (0 is none, positive skews towards longer side, negative towards shorter
CubicBezierCurve(Geometry geom, double alpha, double skew) {
this.inputGeom = geom;
this.geomFactory = geom.getFactory();
if ( alpha < 0.0 ) alpha = 0;
this.alpha = alpha;
this.skew = skew;
* Creates a new instance producing a Bezier curve defined by a geometry,
* and a list (or lists) of control points.
* Typically the control point geometry
* is a {@link LineString} or {@link MultiLineString}
* containing an element for each line or ring in the input geometry.
* The list of control points for each linear element must contain two
* vertices for each segment (and thus 2 * npts - 2
* @param geom geometry defining curve
* @param controlPoints the geometry containing the control points
CubicBezierCurve(Geometry geom, Geometry controlPoints) {
this.inputGeom = geom;
this.geomFactory = geom.getFactory();
this.controlPoints = controlPoints;
* Gets the computed linearized Bezier curve geometry.
* @return a linearized curved geometry
public Geometry getResult() {
bezierCurvePts = new Coordinate[numVerticesPerSegment];
interpolationParam = computeIterpolationParameters(numVerticesPerSegment);
return GeometryMapper.flatMap(inputGeom, 1, new GeometryMapper.MapOp() {
public Geometry map(Geometry geom) {
if (geom instanceof LineString) {
return bezierLine((LineString) geom);
if (geom instanceof Polygon ) {
return bezierPolygon((Polygon) geom);
//-- Points
return geom.copy();
private LineString bezierLine(LineString ls) {
Coordinate[] coords = ls.getCoordinates();
CoordinateList curvePts = bezierCurve(coords, false);
curvePts.add(coords[coords.length - 1].copy(), false);
return geomFactory.createLineString(curvePts.toCoordinateArray());
private LinearRing bezierRing(LinearRing ring) {
Coordinate[] coords = ring.getCoordinates();
CoordinateList curvePts = bezierCurve(coords, true);
return geomFactory.createLinearRing(curvePts.toCoordinateArray());
private Polygon bezierPolygon(Polygon poly) {
LinearRing shell = bezierRing(poly.getExteriorRing());
LinearRing[] holes = null;
if (poly.getNumInteriorRing() > 0) {
holes = new LinearRing[poly.getNumInteriorRing()];
for (int i = 0; i < poly.getNumInteriorRing(); i++) {
holes[i] = bezierRing(poly.getInteriorRingN(i));
return geomFactory.createPolygon(shell, holes);
private CoordinateList bezierCurve(Coordinate[] coords, boolean isRing) {
Coordinate[] control = controlPoints(coords, isRing);
CoordinateList curvePts = new CoordinateList();
for (int i = 0; i < coords.length - 1; i++) {
int ctrlIndex = 2 * i;
addCurve(coords[i], coords[i + 1], control[ctrlIndex], control[ctrlIndex + 1], curvePts);
return curvePts;
private Coordinate[] controlPoints(Coordinate[] coords, boolean isRing) {
if (controlPoints != null) {
if (controlPointIndex >= controlPoints.getNumGeometries()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too few control point elements");
Geometry ctrlPtsGeom = controlPoints.getGeometryN(controlPointIndex++);
Coordinate[] ctrlPts = ctrlPtsGeom.getCoordinates();
int expectedNum1 = 2 * coords.length - 2;
int expectedNum2 = isRing ? coords.length - 1 : coords.length;
if (expectedNum1 != ctrlPts.length && expectedNum2 != ctrlPts.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format("Wrong number of control points for element %d - expected %d or %d, found %d",
controlPointIndex-1, expectedNum1, expectedNum2, ctrlPts.length
return ctrlPts;
return controlPoints(coords, isRing, alpha, skew);
private void addCurve(Coordinate p0, Coordinate p1,
Coordinate ctrl0, Coordinate crtl1,
CoordinateList curvePts) {
double len = p0.distance(p1);
if ( len < minSegmentLength ) {
// segment too short - copy input coordinate
curvePts.add(new Coordinate(p0));
} else {
cubicBezier(p0, p1, ctrl0, crtl1,
interpolationParam, bezierCurvePts);
for (int i = 0; i < bezierCurvePts.length - 1; i++) {
curvePts.add(bezierCurvePts[i], false);
//-- chosen to make curve at right-angle corners roughly circular
private static final double CIRCLE_LEN_FACTOR = 3.0 / 8.0;
* Creates control points for each vertex of curve.
* The control points are collinear with each vertex,
* thus providing C1-continuity.
* By default the control vectors are the same length,
* which provides C2-continuity (same curvature on each
* side of vertex.
* The alpha parameter controls the length of the control vectors.
* Alpha = 0 makes the vectors zero-length, and hence flattens the curves.
* Alpha = 1 makes the curve at right angles roughly circular.
* Alpha > 1 starts to distort the curve and may introduce self-intersections.
* The control point array contains a pair of coordinates for each input segment.
* @param coords
* @param isRing
* @param alpha determines the curviness
* @return the control point array
private Coordinate[] controlPoints(Coordinate[] coords, boolean isRing, double alpha, double skew) {
int N = coords.length;
int start = 1;
int end = N - 1;
if (isRing) {
N = coords.length - 1;
start = 0;
end = N;
int nControl = 2 * coords.length - 2;
Coordinate[] ctrl = new Coordinate[nControl];
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
int iprev = i == 0 ? N - 1 : i - 1;
Coordinate v0 = coords[iprev];
Coordinate v1 = coords[i];
Coordinate v2 = coords[i + 1];
double interiorAng = Angle.angleBetweenOriented(v0, v1, v2);
double orient = Math.signum(interiorAng);
double angBisect = Angle.bisector(v0, v1, v2);
double ang0 = angBisect - orient * Angle.PI_OVER_2;
double ang1 = angBisect + orient * Angle.PI_OVER_2;
double dist0 = v1.distance(v0);
double dist1 = v1.distance(v2);
double lenBase = Math.min(dist0, dist1);
double intAngAbs = Math.abs(interiorAng);
//-- make acute corners sharper by shortening tangent vectors
double sharpnessFactor = intAngAbs >= Angle.PI_OVER_2 ? 1 : intAngAbs / Angle.PI_OVER_2;
double len = alpha * CIRCLE_LEN_FACTOR * sharpnessFactor * lenBase;
double stretch0 = 1;
double stretch1 = 1;
if (skew != 0) {
double stretch = Math.abs(dist0 - dist1) / Math.max(dist0, dist1);
int skewIndex = dist0 > dist1 ? 0 : 1;
if (skew < 0) skewIndex = 1 - skewIndex;
if (skewIndex == 0) {
stretch0 += Math.abs(skew) * stretch;
else {
stretch1 += Math.abs(skew) * stretch;
Coordinate ctl0 = Angle.project(v1, ang0, stretch0 * len);
Coordinate ctl1 = Angle.project(v1, ang1, stretch1 * len);
int index = 2 * i - 1;
// for a ring case the first control point is for last segment
int i0 = index < 0 ? nControl - 1 : index;
ctrl[i0] = ctl0;
ctrl[index + 1] = ctl1;
//System.out.println(WKTWriter.toLineString(v1, ctl0));
//System.out.println(WKTWriter.toLineString(v1, ctl1));
if (! isRing) {
setLineEndControlPoints(coords, ctrl);
return ctrl;
* Sets the end control points for a line.
* Produce a symmetric curve for the first and last segments
* by using mirrored control points for start and end vertex.
* @param coords
* @param ctrl
private void setLineEndControlPoints(Coordinate[] coords, Coordinate[] ctrl) {
int N = ctrl.length;
ctrl[0] = mirrorControlPoint(ctrl[1], coords[1], coords[0]);
ctrl[N - 1] = mirrorControlPoint(ctrl[N - 2],
coords[coords.length - 1], coords[coords.length - 2]);
* Creates a control point aimed at the control point at the opposite end of the segment.
* Produces overly flat results, so not used currently.
* @param c
* @param p1
* @param p0
* @return
private static Coordinate aimedControlPoint(Coordinate c, Coordinate p1, Coordinate p0) {
double len = p1.distance(c);
double ang = Angle.angle(p0, p1);
return Angle.project(p0, ang, len);
private static Coordinate mirrorControlPoint(Coordinate c, Coordinate p0, Coordinate p1) {
double vlinex = p1.x - p0.x;
double vliney = p1.y - p0.y;
// rotate line vector by 90
double vrotx = -vliney;
double vroty = vlinex;
double midx = (p0.x + p1.x) / 2;
double midy = (p0.y + p1.y) / 2;
return reflectPointInLine(c, new Coordinate(midx, midy), new Coordinate(midx + vrotx, midy + vroty));
private static Coordinate reflectPointInLine(Coordinate p, Coordinate p0, Coordinate p1) {
double vx = p1.x - p0.x;
double vy = p1.y - p0.y;
double x = p0.x - p.x;
double y = p0.y - p.y;
double r = 1 / (vx * vx + vy * vy);
double rx = p.x + 2 * (x - x * vx * vx * r - y * vx * vy * r);
double ry = p.y + 2 * (y - y * vy * vy * r - x * vx * vy * r);
return new Coordinate(rx, ry);
* Calculates vertices along a cubic Bezier curve.
* @param p0 start point
* @param p1 end point
* @param ctrl1 first control point
* @param ctrl2 second control point
* @param param interpolation parameters
* @param curve array to hold generated points
private void cubicBezier(final Coordinate p0,
final Coordinate p1, final Coordinate ctrl1,
final Coordinate ctrl2, double[][] param,
Coordinate[] curve) {
int n = curve.length;
curve[0] = new Coordinate(p0);
curve[n - 1] = new Coordinate(p1);
for (int i = 1; i < n - 1; i++) {
Coordinate c = new Coordinate();
double sum = param[i][0] + param[i][1] +param[i][2] +param[i][3];
c.x = param[i][0] * p0.x + param[i][1] * ctrl1.x + param[i][2] * ctrl2.x + param[i][3] * p1.x;
c.x /= sum;
c.y = param[i][0] * p0.y + param[i][1] * ctrl1.y + param[i][2] * ctrl2.y + param[i][3] * p1.y;
c.y /= sum;
curve[i] = c;
* Gets the interpolation parameters for a Bezier curve approximated by a
* given number of vertices.
* @param n number of vertices
* @return array of double[4] holding the parameter values
private static double[][] computeIterpolationParameters(int n) {
double[][] param = new double[n][4];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
double t = (double) i / (n - 1);
double tc = 1.0 - t;
param[i][0] = tc * tc * tc;
param[i][1] = 3.0 * tc * tc * t;
param[i][2] = 3.0 * tc * t * t;
param[i][3] = t * t * t;
return param;