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import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import com.hazelcast.config.MapConfig;
import com.hazelcast.nio.serialization.Data;

 * Contains eviction specific functionality.
abstract class AbstractEvictableRecordStore extends AbstractRecordStore {

     * Number of reads before clean up.
     * A nice number such as 2^n - 1.
    protected static final int POST_READ_CHECK_POINT = 63;

     * Flag for checking if this record store has at least one candidate entry
     * for expiration (idle or tll) or not.
    protected volatile boolean expirable;

     * Iterates over a pre-set entry count/percentage in one round.
     * Used in expiration logic for traversing entries. Initializes lazily.
    protected Iterator expirationIterator;

     * If there is no clean-up caused by puts after some time,
     * count a number of gets and start eviction.
    protected int readCountBeforeCleanUp;

     * used in LRU eviction logic.
    protected long lruAccessSequenceNumber;

     * Last run time of cleanup operation.
    protected long lastEvictionTime;

    private final boolean evictionEnabled;

    private final long minEvictionCheckMillis;

    protected AbstractEvictableRecordStore(MapContainer mapContainer, int partitionId) {
        super(mapContainer, partitionId);
        final MapConfig mapConfig = mapContainer.getMapConfig();
        this.minEvictionCheckMillis = mapConfig.getMinEvictionCheckMillis();
                = !MapConfig.EvictionPolicy.NONE.equals(mapConfig.getEvictionPolicy());
        this.expirable = isRecordStoreExpirable();

    private boolean isRecordStoreExpirable() {
        return mapContainer.getMapConfig().getMaxIdleSeconds() > 0
                || mapContainer.getMapConfig().getTimeToLiveSeconds() > 0;

    public void evictExpiredEntries(int percentage, boolean backup) {
        final long now = getNow();
        final int size = size();
        final int maxIterationCount = getMaxIterationCount(size, percentage);
        final int maxRetry = 3;
        int loop = 0;
        int evictedEntryCount = 0;
        while (true) {
            evictedEntryCount += evictExpiredEntriesInternal(maxIterationCount, now, backup);
            if (evictedEntryCount >= maxIterationCount) {
            if (loop > maxRetry) {

    public boolean isExpirable() {
        return expirable;

     * Intended to put an upper bound to iterations. Used in evictions.
     * @param size       of iterate-able.
     * @param percentage percentage of size.
     * @return 100 If calculated iteration count is less than 100, otherwise returns calculated iteration count.
    private int getMaxIterationCount(int size, int percentage) {
        final int defaultMaxIterationCount = 100;
        final float oneHundred = 100F;
        float maxIterationCount = size * (percentage / oneHundred);
        if (maxIterationCount <= defaultMaxIterationCount) {
            return defaultMaxIterationCount;
        return Math.round(maxIterationCount);

    private int evictExpiredEntriesInternal(int maxIterationCount, long now, boolean backup) {
        int evictedCount = 0;
        int checkedEntryCount = 0;
        while (expirationIterator.hasNext()) {
            if (checkedEntryCount >= maxIterationCount) {
            final Record record =;
            final Data key = record.getKey();
            if (isLocked(key)) {
            if (isReachable(record, now)) {
            //!!! get entry value here because evictInternal(key) nulls the record value.
            final Object value = record.getValue();
            evictInternal(key, backup);
            // do post eviction operations if this partition is an owner partition.
            if (!backup) {
                doPostEvictionOperations(key, value, backup);
        return evictedCount;

    private void initExpirationIterator() {
        if (expirationIterator == null || !expirationIterator.hasNext()) {
            expirationIterator = records.values().iterator();

    protected void resetAccessSequenceNumber() {
        lruAccessSequenceNumber = 0L;

     * TODO make checkEvictable fast by carrying threshold logic to partition.
     * This cleanup adds some latency to write operations.
     * But it sweeps records much better under high write loads.

* * @param now now in time. */ protected void evictEntries(long now, boolean backup) { if (evictionEnabled) { cleanUp(now, backup); } } /** * If there is no clean-up caused by puts after some time, * try to clean-up from gets. * * @param now now. */ protected void postReadCleanUp(long now, boolean backup) { if (evictionEnabled) { readCountBeforeCleanUp++; if ((readCountBeforeCleanUp & POST_READ_CHECK_POINT) == 0) { cleanUp(now, backup); } } } /** * Makes eviction clean-up logic. * * @param now now in millis. * @param backup true if running on a backup partition, otherwise false */ private void cleanUp(long now, boolean backup) { if (size() == 0) { return; } if (shouldEvict(now)) { removeEvictables(backup); lastEvictionTime = now; readCountBeforeCleanUp = 0; } } protected boolean shouldEvict(long now) { return evictionEnabled && inEvictableTimeWindow(now) && isEvictable(); } private void removeEvictables(boolean backup) { final int evictableSize = getEvictableSize(); if (evictableSize < 1) { return; } final MapConfig mapConfig = mapContainer.getMapConfig(); removeEvictableRecords(this, evictableSize, mapConfig, mapServiceContext, backup); } private int getEvictableSize() { final int size = size(); if (size < 1) { return 0; } final int evictableSize = evictableSize(size, mapContainer.getMapConfig(), mapServiceContext); if (evictableSize < 1) { return 0; } return evictableSize; } /** * Eviction waits at least {@link #minEvictionCheckMillis} milliseconds to run. * * @return true if in that time window, * otherwise false */ private boolean inEvictableTimeWindow(long now) { return minEvictionCheckMillis == 0L || (now - lastEvictionTime) > minEvictionCheckMillis; } private boolean isEvictable() { return checkEvictable(mapContainer, partitionId); } protected void markRecordStoreExpirable(long ttl) { if (ttl > 0L) { expirable = true; } } abstract Object evictInternal(Data key, boolean backup); /** * Check if record is reachable according to ttl or idle times. * If not reachable return null. * * @param record {@link} * @return null if evictable. */ protected Record getOrNullIfExpired(Record record, boolean backup) { if (!expirable) { return record; } if (record == null) { return null; } final Data key = record.getKey(); if (isLocked(key)) { return record; } if (isReachable(record)) { return record; } final Object value = record.getValue(); evict(key, backup); if (!backup) { doPostEvictionOperations(key, value, backup); } return null; } private boolean isReachable(Record record) { final long now = getNow(); return isReachable(record, now); } private boolean isReachable(Record record, long time) { if (record == null) { return false; } final Record idleExpired = isIdleExpired(record, time); if (idleExpired == null) { return false; } final Record ttlExpired = isTTLExpired(record, time); return ttlExpired != null; } private Record isIdleExpired(Record record, long time) { if (record == null) { return null; } boolean result; // lastAccessTime : updates on every touch (put/get). final long lastAccessTime = record.getLastAccessTime(); assert lastAccessTime > 0L; assert time > 0L; assert time >= lastAccessTime; final long idleTime = getIdleTime(); result = time - lastAccessTime >= idleTime; return result ? null : record; } private long getIdleTime() { final int maxIdleSeconds = mapContainer.getMapConfig().getMaxIdleSeconds(); return maxIdleSeconds == 0 ? Long.MAX_VALUE : mapServiceContext.convertTime(maxIdleSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } private Record isTTLExpired(Record record, long time) { if (record == null) { return null; } boolean result; final long ttl = record.getTtl(); // when ttl is zero or negative, it should remain eternally. if (ttl < 1L) { return record; } final long creationTime = record.getCreationTime(); assert ttl > 0L : String.format("wrong ttl %d", ttl); assert creationTime > 0L : String.format("wrong creationTime %d", creationTime); assert time > 0L : String.format("wrong time %d", time); assert time >= creationTime : String.format("time >= lastUpdateTime (%d >= %d)", time, creationTime); result = time - creationTime >= ttl; return result ? null : record; } /** * - Sends eviction event. * - Invalidates near cache. * * @param key the key to be processed. * @param value the value to be processed. * @param backup true if running on a backup partition, otherwise false */ private void doPostEvictionOperations(Data key, Object value, boolean backup) { if (backup) { return; } final NearCacheProvider nearCacheProvider = mapServiceContext.getNearCacheProvider(); if (nearCacheProvider.isNearCacheAndInvalidationEnabled(name)) { nearCacheProvider.invalidateAllNearCaches(name, key); } fireEvent(key, value, name, mapServiceContext); } protected void increaseRecordEvictionCriteriaNumber(Record record, MapConfig.EvictionPolicy evictionPolicy) { switch (evictionPolicy) { case LRU: ++lruAccessSequenceNumber; record.setEvictionCriteriaNumber(lruAccessSequenceNumber); break; case LFU: record.setEvictionCriteriaNumber(record.getEvictionCriteriaNumber() + 1L); break; case NONE: break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not an appropriate eviction policy [" + evictionPolicy + ']'); } } @Override protected void accessRecord(Record record, long now) { super.accessRecord(record, now); increaseRecordEvictionCriteriaNumber(record, mapContainer.getMapConfig().getEvictionPolicy()); } /** * Read only iterator. Iterates by checking whether a record expired or not. */ protected final class ReadOnlyRecordIterator implements Iterator { private final Iterator iterator; private Record nextRecord; private Record lastReturned; protected ReadOnlyRecordIterator(Collection values) { this.iterator = values.iterator(); advance(); } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return nextRecord != null; } @Override public Record next() { if (nextRecord == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } lastReturned = nextRecord; advance(); return lastReturned; } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("remove not supported by this iterator"); } private void advance() { while (iterator.hasNext()) { nextRecord =; boolean reachable = isReachable(nextRecord); if (reachable && nextRecord != null) { return; } } nextRecord = null; } } }

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