com.hazelcast.jet.aggregate.AggregateOperation Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2008-2021, Hazelcast, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.hazelcast.jet.aggregate;
import com.hazelcast.function.BiConsumerEx;
import com.hazelcast.function.FunctionEx;
import com.hazelcast.function.SupplierEx;
import com.hazelcast.jet.core.Processor;
import com.hazelcast.jet.datamodel.Tag;
import com.hazelcast.jet.impl.aggregate.AggregateOperation1Impl;
import com.hazelcast.jet.pipeline.StageWithKeyAndWindow;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.Objects;
import static com.hazelcast.internal.serialization.impl.SerializationUtil.checkSerializable;
* Contains primitives needed to compute an aggregated result of data
* processing. Check out {@link AggregateOperations} to find the one
* you need and, if you don't find it there, construct one by using the
* {@link #withCreate aggregate operation builder} and reading the
* description below.
* Jet aggregates the data by updating a mutable container,
* called the accumulator, with the data from each stream item.
* It does this by applying the {@link #accumulateFn accumulate} primitive
* to the the accumulator and a given item. Jet provides some accumulator
* objects in the {@link com.hazelcast.jet.accumulator accumulator} package
* that you can reuse, and you can also write your own if needed. The
* accumulator must be serializable because Jet may need to send it to
* another member to be combined with other accumulators or store it in state
* snapshot.
* After it processes all the items in a batch/window, Jet transforms the
* accumulator into the final result by applying the {@link #finishFn()
* finish} primitive.
* Since it is a distributed/parallel computation engine, Jet will create
* several independent processing units to perform the same aggregation,
* and it must combine their partial results before applying the {@code
* finish} primitive and emitting the final result. This is the role of the
* {@link #combineFn combine} primitive.
* Finally, {@code AggregateOperation} also defines the {@link #deductFn()
* deduct} primitive, which allows Jet to efficiently aggregate infinite
* stream data into a sliding window by evicting old data from the
* existing accumulator instead of building a new one from scratch each time
* the window slides forward. Providing a {@code deduct} primitive that makes
* the computation more efficient than rebuilding the accumulator from scratch
* isn't always possible. Therefore it is optional.
* Depending on usage, the data items may come from one or more inbound
* streams, and the {@code AggregateOperation} must provide a separate
* {@code accumulate} primitive for each of them. If you are creating the
* aggregating pipeline stage using the {@link StageWithKeyAndWindow#aggregateBuilder
* builder object}, then you'll identify each contributing stream to the
* {@code AggregateOperation} using the tags you got from the
* builder.
* If, on the other hand, you are calling one of the direct methods such
* as {@link StageWithKeyAndWindow#aggregate2
* stage.aggregate2()}, then you'll deal with specializations of this interface
* such as {@link AggregateOperation2} and you'll identify the input stages by
* their index; zero index corresponds to the stage you're calling the
* method on and the higher indices correspond to the stages you pass in as
* arguments.
* This is a summary of all the primitives involved:
* {@link #createFn() create} a new accumulator object
* {@link #accumulateFn(Tag) accumulate} the data of an item by mutating
* the accumulator
* {@link #combineFn() combine} the contents of the right-hand
* accumulator into the left-hand one, optional
* {@link #deductFn() deduct} the contents of the right-hand accumulator
* from the left-hand one (undo the effects of {@code combine}), optional
* {@link #exportFn() export}: calculate the result value from an
* accumulator while preserving the accumulator state for further
* accumulation. Used for aggregations with speculative results or for
* rolling aggregations
* {@link #finishFn() finish}: calculate the result value from an
* accumulator. After this conversion the accumulator will no longer be
* used, it's allowed, for example, to use the {@code identity()} function
* All the functions must be stateless and {@linkplain
* Processor#isCooperative() cooperative}.
* @param the type of the accumulator
* @param the type of the final result
* @since Jet 3.0
public interface AggregateOperation extends Serializable {
* Returns the number of contributing streams this operation is set up to
* handle. The index passed to {@link #accumulateFn(int)} must be less than
* this number.
int arity();
* A primitive that returns a new accumulator. If the {@code deduct}
* primitive is defined, the accumulator object must
* properly implement {@code equals()}. See {@link #deductFn()} for an
* explanation.
* The accumulator produced by the supplier must be serializable. For
* performance, you should prefer Hazelcast custom serialization.
* The supplier must be stateless and {@linkplain Processor#isCooperative()
* cooperative}.
SupplierEx createFn();
* A primitive that updates the accumulator state to account for a new
* item. The tag argument identifies which of the contributing streams
* the returned function will handle. If asked for a tag that isn't
* registered with it, it will throw an exception.
* The function must be stateless and {@linkplain Processor#isCooperative()
* cooperative}.
default BiConsumerEx super A, ? super T> accumulateFn(@Nonnull Tag tag) {
return accumulateFn(tag.index());
* A primitive that updates the accumulator state to account for a new
* item. The argument identifies the index of the contributing stream
* the returned function will handle. If asked for an index that isn't
* registered with it, it will throw an exception.
* The function must be stateless and {@linkplain Processor#isCooperative()
* cooperative}.
BiConsumerEx super A, ? super T> accumulateFn(int index);
* A primitive that accepts two accumulators and updates the state of the
* left-hand one by combining it with the state of the right-hand one.
* The right-hand accumulator remains unchanged. In some cases, such as
* for single-stage batch or tumbling window aggregation it is not needed
* and may be {@code null}.
* The function must be stateless and {@linkplain Processor#isCooperative()
* cooperative}.
BiConsumerEx super A, ? super A> combineFn();
* A primitive that accepts two accumulators and updates the state of the
* left-hand one by deducting the state of the right-hand one from it. The
* right-hand accumulator remains unchanged.
* The effect of this primitive must be the opposite of {@link
* #combineFn() combine} so that:
* combine(acc, x);
* deduct(acc, x);
* leaves {@code acc} in the same state as it was before the two
* operations.
* This primitive is only used in sliding window aggregation and even in
* that case it is optional, but its presence may significantly reduce the
* computational cost. With it, the current sliding window can be obtained
* from the previous one by deducting the trailing frame and combining the
* leading frame; without it, each window must be recomputed from all its
* constituent frames. The finer the sliding step, the more pronounced the
* difference in computation effort will be.
* If this method returns non-null, then {@link #createFn()} must
* return an accumulator which properly implements {@code
* equals()}. After calling {@code deductFn}, Jet will use {@code equals()}
* to determine whether the accumulator is now "empty" (i.e., equal to a
* fresh instance), which signals that the current window contains no more
* items with the associated grouping key and the entry must be removed
* from the results. For example:
* acc = create();
* combine(acc, x);
* deduct(acc, x);
* assert acc.equals(create()) : "improper combine/deduct behavior";
* The function must be stateless and {@linkplain Processor#isCooperative()
* cooperative}.
BiConsumerEx super A, ? super A> deductFn();
* A primitive that transforms the accumulator into a result of the
* aggregation. Unlike {@link #finishFn() finish} primitive, this operation
* must not:
* - mutate the accumulator: it must remain ready to accumulate more
* items
- the result must not share mutable data with the accumulator:
* accumulating more items to the accumulator must not change the result
* For example, when accumulating into an {@code ArrayList}, you must copy
* it before returning it. If the elements of the list are mutated, they
* must be copied as well.
* The returned function must never return {@code null}. In other words,
* for any accumulator it must return a non-null exported value.
* The function must be stateless and {@linkplain Processor#isCooperative()
* cooperative}.
FunctionEx super A, ? extends R> exportFn();
* A primitive that transforms the accumulator into a result of the
* aggregation. This is a relaxed version of {@link #exportFn() export}
* primitive: the accumulator is guaranteed to be no longer used after this
* operation. For example, when accumulating into an {@code ArrayList}, you
* can return the accumulator list directly without copying it.
* The returned function must never return {@code null}. In other words,
* for any accumulator it must return a non-null finished value.
* The function must be stateless and {@linkplain Processor#isCooperative()
* cooperative}.
default FunctionEx super A, ? extends R> finishFn() {
return exportFn();
* Returns a copy of this aggregate operation, but with all the {@code
* accumulate} primitives replaced with the ones supplied here. The
* argument at position {@code i} replaces the primitive at index {@code
* i}, as returned by {@link #accumulateFn(int)}.
* The functions must be stateless and {@linkplain
* Processor#isCooperative() cooperative}.
AggregateOperation withAccumulateFns(BiConsumerEx... accumulateFns);
* Returns a copy of this aggregate operation, but with the {@code finish}
* primitive replaced with the identity function. It will return the
* accumulator object as-is. The returned aggregate operation does not
* support the {@code export} primitive.
AggregateOperation withIdentityFinish();
* Returns a copy of this aggregate operation, but with the {@code
* accumulate} primitive replaced with one that expects to find accumulator
* objects in the input items and combines them all into a single
* accumulator of the same type. It's used in the second aggregation stage
* of a two-stage aggregation setup. The first stage emits its accumulators
* to the second stage.
* The function must be stateless and {@linkplain Processor#isCooperative()
* cooperative}.
* @param getAccFn the function that extracts the accumulator from the stream item
* @param the type of stream item
default AggregateOperation1 withCombiningAccumulateFn(
@Nonnull FunctionEx getAccFn
) {
BiConsumerEx super A, ? super A> combineFn =
Objects.requireNonNull(combineFn(), "The 'combine' primitive is missing");
return new AggregateOperation1Impl<>(
(A acc, T item) -> combineFn.accept(acc, getAccFn.apply(item)),
* Returns a copy of this aggregate operation, but with the {@code export}
* and {@code finish} primitives composed with the supplied {@code thenFn}.
* This replaces {@code exportFn} with {@code exportFn.andThen(thenFn)},
* same for {@code finishFn}. The main use case is to transform the result
* of an existing (library-provided) aggregate operation.
* The given function must be stateless and {@linkplain
* Processor#isCooperative() cooperative}.
* @param thenFn the function to apply to the results of {@code export} and {@code finish}
* primitives
* @param the type of the returned aggregate operation's result
AggregateOperation andThen(FunctionEx super R, ? extends R_NEW> thenFn);
* Returns a builder object, initialized with the supplied {@link #createFn()
* create} primitive, that can be used to construct the definition of an
* aggregate operation in a step-by-step manner.
* The same builder is used to construct both fixed- and variable-arity
* aggregate operations:
* For fixed arity use {@link
* AggregateOperationBuilder#andAccumulate0(BiConsumerEx)
* andAccumulate0()}, optionally followed by {@code .andAccumulate1()},
* {@code .andAccumulate2()}. The return type of these methods changes as the
* static types of the contributing streams are captured.
* For variable arity use {@link AggregateOperationBuilder#andAccumulate(Tag,
* BiConsumerEx) andAccumulate(tag)}.
* The {@link AggregateOperationBuilder.Arity1#andExportFinish
* andExportFinish()} method returns the constructed aggregate operation.
* Its static type receives all the type parameters captured in the above
* method calls. For optimization purposes you may want to specify a {@code
* finish} primitive that is different from {@code export}, for example
* return the accumulator itself without copying. In that case you'll use
* {@code builder.andExport(exportFn).andFinish(finishFn)}.
* The given function must be stateless and {@linkplain
* Processor#isCooperative() cooperative}.
* @param createFn the {@code create} primitive
* @param the type of the accumulator
* @return the builder object whose static type represents the fact that it
* has just the {@code create} primitive defined
static AggregateOperationBuilder withCreate(@Nonnull SupplierEx createFn) {
checkSerializable(createFn, "createFn");
return new AggregateOperationBuilder<>(createFn);