com.hazelcast.flakeidgen.impl.FlakeIdGeneratorProxy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2008-2023, Hazelcast, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.hazelcast.flakeidgen.impl;
import com.hazelcast.cluster.Member;
import com.hazelcast.config.FlakeIdGeneratorConfig;
import com.hazelcast.core.HazelcastException;
import com.hazelcast.flakeidgen.FlakeIdGenerator;
import com.hazelcast.flakeidgen.impl.AutoBatcher.IdBatchSupplier;
import com.hazelcast.internal.util.Clock;
import com.hazelcast.internal.util.ThreadLocalRandomProvider;
import com.hazelcast.logging.ILogger;
import com.hazelcast.spi.impl.AbstractDistributedObject;
import com.hazelcast.spi.impl.NodeEngine;
import com.hazelcast.spi.impl.operationservice.impl.InvocationFuture;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import static com.hazelcast.internal.util.ExceptionUtil.rethrow;
import static com.hazelcast.internal.util.Preconditions.checkPositive;
import static com.hazelcast.internal.util.Preconditions.checkTrue;
import static java.lang.Thread.currentThread;
import static java.util.Collections.newSetFromMap;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS;
public class FlakeIdGeneratorProxy
extends AbstractDistributedObject
implements FlakeIdGenerator {
static final long NODE_ID_UPDATE_INTERVAL_NS = SECONDS.toNanos(2);
private static final int NODE_ID_NOT_YET_SET = -1;
private static final int NODE_ID_OUT_OF_RANGE = -2;
private static final int MAX_BIT_LENGTH = 63;
private final String name;
private final UUID source;
private final long epochStart;
private final long nodeIdOffset;
private final int bitsTimestamp;
private final int bitsSequence;
private final int bitsNodeId;
private final long allowedFutureMillis;
private volatile int nodeId = NODE_ID_NOT_YET_SET;
private volatile long nextNodeIdUpdate = Long.MIN_VALUE;
private final long increment;
private final ILogger logger;
* The next timestamp|seq value to be returned. The value is not shifted to most significant bits.
private final AtomicLong generatedValue = new AtomicLong(Long.MIN_VALUE);
private volatile Member randomMember;
private AutoBatcher batcher;
* Set of member UUIDs of which we know have node IDs out of range. These members are never again used
* to generate unique IDs, because this error is unrecoverable.
private final Set outOfRangeMembers = newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<>());
FlakeIdGeneratorProxy(String name, NodeEngine nodeEngine, FlakeIdGeneratorService service, UUID source) {
super(nodeEngine, service); = name;
this.logger = nodeEngine.getLogger(getClass());
this.source = source;
FlakeIdGeneratorConfig config = nodeEngine.getConfig().findFlakeIdGeneratorConfig(getName());
bitsSequence = config.getBitsSequence();
bitsNodeId = config.getBitsNodeId();
bitsTimestamp = MAX_BIT_LENGTH - (bitsSequence + bitsNodeId);
checkTrue(bitsTimestamp >= 0, "Configuration error, no bits left for the timestamp");
allowedFutureMillis = config.getAllowedFutureMillis();
increment = 1 << bitsNodeId;
epochStart = config.getEpochStart();
nodeIdOffset = config.getNodeIdOffset();
batcher = new AutoBatcher(config.getPrefetchCount(), config.getPrefetchValidityMillis(),
new IdBatchSupplier() {
public IdBatch newIdBatch(int batchSize) {
IdBatchAndWaitTime result = FlakeIdGeneratorProxy.this.newIdBatch(batchSize);
if (result.waitTimeMillis > 0) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw rethrow(e);
return result.idBatch;
if (logger.isFinestEnabled()) {
logger.finest("Created FlakeIdGeneratorProxy, name='" + name + "'");
public long newId() {
// The cluster version is checked when ClusterService.getMemberListJoinVersion() is called. This always happens
// before first ID is generated.
return batcher.newId();
public IdBatchAndWaitTime newIdBatch(int batchSize) {
int nodeId = getNodeId();
// if we have valid node ID, generate ID locally
if (nodeId >= 0) {
return newIdBaseLocal(Clock.currentTimeMillis(), nodeId, batchSize);
// Remote call otherwise. Loop will end when getRandomMember() throws that all members overflowed.
while (true) {
NewIdBatchOperation op = new NewIdBatchOperation(name, batchSize);
Member target = getRandomMember();
InvocationFuture future = getNodeEngine().getOperationService()
.invokeOnTarget(getServiceName(), op, target.getAddress());
try {
long base = future.joinInternal();
return new IdBatchAndWaitTime(new IdBatch(base, increment, batchSize), 0);
} catch (NodeIdOutOfRangeException e) {
randomMember = null;
IdBatchAndWaitTime newIdBaseLocal(int batchSize) {
return newIdBaseLocal(Clock.currentTimeMillis(), getNodeId(), batchSize);
* The layout of the ID is as follows (starting from most significant bits):
* - timestamp bits (41 by default)
- sequence bits (6 by default)
- node ID bits (16 by default)
* This order is important: timestamp must be first to keep IDs ordered. Sequence must be second for
* implementation reasons (it's included in {@link #generatedValue}). Node is just an appendix to make
* IDs unique.
* @param now Current time (currentTimeMillis() normally or other value in tests)
// package-private for testing
IdBatchAndWaitTime newIdBaseLocal(long now, int nodeId, int batchSize) {
checkPositive(batchSize, "batchSize");
if (nodeId == NODE_ID_OUT_OF_RANGE) {
throw new NodeIdOutOfRangeException("NodeID overflow, this member cannot generate IDs");
assert (nodeId & -1 << bitsNodeId) == 0 : "nodeId out of range: " + nodeId;
now -= epochStart;
if (now < -(1L << bitsTimestamp) || now >= (1L << bitsTimestamp)) {
throw new HazelcastException("Current time out of allowed range");
now <<= bitsSequence;
long oldGeneratedValue;
long base;
do {
oldGeneratedValue = generatedValue.get();
base = Math.max(now, oldGeneratedValue);
} while (!generatedValue.compareAndSet(oldGeneratedValue, base + batchSize));
long waitTime = Math.max(0, ((base + batchSize - now) >> bitsSequence) - allowedFutureMillis);
base = base << bitsNodeId | nodeId;
getService().updateStatsForBatch(name, batchSize);
return new IdBatchAndWaitTime(new IdBatch(base, increment, batchSize), waitTime);
* Three possible return outcomes of this call:
* - returns current node ID of this member that it not out of range (a positive value)
- returns {@link #NODE_ID_OUT_OF_RANGE}
- throws {@link IllegalStateException}, if node ID is not yet available, with description why.
private int getNodeId() {
int nodeId = getNodeId(System.nanoTime());
assert nodeId > 0 || nodeId == NODE_ID_OUT_OF_RANGE : "getNodeId() returned invalid value: " + nodeId;
return nodeId;
// package-visible for tests
int getNodeId(long nanoTime) {
// Check if it is a time to check for updated nodeId. We need to recheck, because if duplicate node ID
// is assigned during a network split, this will be resolved after a cluster merge.
// We throttle the calls to avoid contention due to the lock+unlock call in getMemberListJoinVersion().
long localNextNodeIdUpdate = this.nextNodeIdUpdate;
int localNodeId = this.nodeId;
if (localNextNodeIdUpdate <= nanoTime) {
if (localNodeId == NODE_ID_OUT_OF_RANGE) {
return localNodeId;
int newNodeId = getNodeEngine().getClusterService().getMemberListJoinVersion();
assert newNodeId >= 0 : "newNodeId=" + newNodeId;
newNodeId += nodeIdOffset;
if (newNodeId != localNodeId) {
localNodeId = newNodeId;
// If our node ID is out of range, assign NODE_ID_OUT_OF_RANGE to nodeId
if ((localNodeId & -1 << bitsNodeId) != 0) {
logger.severe("Node ID is out of range (" + localNodeId
+ "), this member won't be able to generate IDs. Cluster restart is recommended.");
// we ignore possible double initialization
this.nodeId = localNodeId;
this.nextNodeIdUpdate = nanoTime + NODE_ID_UPDATE_INTERVAL_NS;
if (logger.isFineEnabled()) {
logger.fine("Node ID assigned to '" + name + "': " + localNodeId);
return localNodeId;
private Member getRandomMember() {
Member member = randomMember;
if (member == null) {
// if local member is in outOfRangeMembers, use random member
Set members = getNodeEngine().getClusterService().getMembers();
List filteredMembers = new ArrayList<>(members.size());
for (Member m : members) {
if (!outOfRangeMembers.contains(m.getUuid())) {
if (filteredMembers.isEmpty()) {
throw new HazelcastException("All members have node ID out of range. Cluster restart is required");
member = filteredMembers.get(ThreadLocalRandomProvider.get().nextInt(filteredMembers.size()));
randomMember = member;
return member;
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getServiceName() {
return FlakeIdGeneratorService.SERVICE_NAME;
public static class IdBatchAndWaitTime {
public final IdBatch idBatch;
public final long waitTimeMillis;
IdBatchAndWaitTime(IdBatch idBatch, long waitTimeMillis) {
this.idBatch = idBatch;
this.waitTimeMillis = waitTimeMillis;
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