com.hazelcast.jet.impl.execution.ReceiverTasklet Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2008-2023, Hazelcast, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.hazelcast.jet.impl.execution;
import com.hazelcast.cluster.Address;
import com.hazelcast.internal.metrics.MetricDescriptor;
import com.hazelcast.internal.metrics.MetricsCollectionContext;
import com.hazelcast.internal.metrics.Probe;
import com.hazelcast.internal.metrics.ProbeUnit;
import com.hazelcast.internal.nio.BufferObjectDataInput;
import com.hazelcast.internal.nio.Connection;
import com.hazelcast.internal.serialization.InternalSerializationService;
import com.hazelcast.internal.util.counters.Counter;
import com.hazelcast.internal.util.counters.SwCounter;
import com.hazelcast.jet.RestartableException;
import com.hazelcast.jet.config.InstanceConfig;
import com.hazelcast.jet.core.metrics.MetricNames;
import com.hazelcast.jet.core.metrics.MetricTags;
import com.hazelcast.jet.impl.util.ObjectWithPartitionId;
import com.hazelcast.jet.impl.util.ProgressState;
import com.hazelcast.jet.impl.util.ProgressTracker;
import com.hazelcast.logging.ILogger;
import com.hazelcast.logging.LoggingService;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Queue;
import static com.hazelcast.jet.impl.Networking.PACKET_HEADER_SIZE;
import static com.hazelcast.jet.impl.execution.DoneItem.DONE_ITEM;
import static com.hazelcast.jet.impl.util.ExceptionUtil.rethrow;
import static com.hazelcast.jet.impl.util.LoggingUtil.logFinest;
import static com.hazelcast.jet.impl.util.PrefixedLogger.prefixedLogger;
import static java.lang.Math.ceil;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;
* Receives from a remote member the data associated with a single edge.
public class ReceiverTasklet implements Tasklet {
* The {@code ackedSeq} field holds the sequence number acknowledged to the
* sender as having been received and processed. The sequence increments in
* terms of the estimated heap occupancy of each received item, in bytes.
* However, to save on network traffic, the number reported to the sender
* is coarser-grained: it counts in units of {@code 1 <<
* COMPRESSED_SEQ_UNIT_LOG2}. For example, with a value of 20 the unit
* would be one megabyte. The coarse-grained seq is called "compressed
* seq".
static final int COMPRESSED_SEQ_UNIT_LOG2 = 16;
* The Receive Window, in analogy to TCP's RWIN, is the number of compressed
* seq units the sender can be ahead of the acknowledged seq. The
* correspondence between a compressed seq unit and bytes is defined by the
* constant {@link #COMPRESSED_SEQ_UNIT_LOG2}.
* This constant specifies the initial size of the receive window. The
* window is constantly adapted according to the actual data flow through
* the receiver tasklet.
* The Receive Window converges towards the amount of data processed per
* flow-control period multiplied by this number.
private final int rwinMultiplier;
private final double flowControlPeriodNs;
private final ILogger logger;
/* Used for metrics */
private final String sourceAddressString;
private final String ordinalString;
private final String destinationVertexName;
private final Connection memberConnection;
private Queue incoming;
private final ProgressTracker tracker = new ProgressTracker();
private final ArrayDeque inbox = new ArrayDeque<>();
private final OutboundCollector collector;
private final InternalSerializationService serializationService;
private boolean receptionDone;
@Probe(name = MetricNames.DISTRIBUTED_ITEMS_IN)
private final Counter itemsInCounter = SwCounter.newSwCounter();
@Probe(name = MetricNames.DISTRIBUTED_BYTES_IN, unit = ProbeUnit.BYTES)
private final Counter bytesInCounter = SwCounter.newSwCounter();
// All arrays are indexed by sender ID.
// read by a task scheduler thread, written by a tasklet execution thread
private volatile long ackedSeq;
private volatile int numWaitingInInbox;
private volatile boolean connectionChanged;
// read and written by updateAndGetSendSeqLimitCompressed(), which is invoked sequentially by a task scheduler
private int receiveWindowCompressed;
private int prevAckedSeqCompressed;
private long prevTimestamp;
public ReceiverTasklet(
OutboundCollector collector, InternalSerializationService serializationService,
int rwinMultiplier, int flowControlPeriodMs, LoggingService loggingService,
Address sourceAddress, int ordinal, String destinationVertexName,
Connection memberConnection, String jobPrefix
) {
this.collector = collector;
this.serializationService = serializationService;
this.rwinMultiplier = rwinMultiplier;
this.flowControlPeriodNs = (double) MILLISECONDS.toNanos(flowControlPeriodMs);
this.sourceAddressString = sourceAddress.toString();
this.ordinalString = "" + ordinal;
this.destinationVertexName = destinationVertexName;
this.memberConnection = memberConnection;
String prefix = new StringBuilder()
this.logger = prefixedLogger(loggingService.getLogger(getClass()), prefix);
this.receiveWindowCompressed = INITIAL_RECEIVE_WINDOW_COMPRESSED;
public ProgressState call() {
if (receptionDone) {
return collector.offerBroadcast(DONE_ITEM);
if (connectionChanged) {
throw new RestartableException("The member was reconnected: " + sourceAddressString);
long ackItemLocal = 0;
for (ObjWithPtionIdAndSize o; (o = inbox.peek()) != null; ) {
final Object item = o.getItem();
if (item == DONE_ITEM) {
receptionDone = true;
assert inbox.peek() == null : "Found something in the queue beyond the DONE_ITEM: " + inbox.remove();
ProgressState outcome = item instanceof BroadcastItem
? collector.offerBroadcast((BroadcastItem) item)
: collector.offer(item, o.getPartitionId());
if (!outcome.isDone()) {
ackItemLocal += o.estimatedMemoryFootprint;
numWaitingInInbox = inbox.size();
return tracker.toProgressState();
* Calls {@link #updateAndGetSendSeqLimitCompressed(long, Connection)} with {@code
* System.nanoTime()} and the current acked seq for the given sender ID.
public int updateAndGetSendSeqLimitCompressed(Connection expectedConnection) {
return updateAndGetSendSeqLimitCompressed(System.nanoTime(), expectedConnection);
* Calculates the upper limit for the compressed value of {@link
* SenderTasklet#sentSeq}, which constrains how much more data the remote
* sender tasklet can send to this tasklet. Steps to calculate the limit:
* -
* Calculate the following:
* {@code timeDelta} = difference between the timestamps of this and previous
* method call
* {@code seqDelta} = amount of data processed by the receiver between the calls,
* measured in compressed seq units (see {@link #COMPRESSED_SEQ_UNIT_LOG2})
* {@code seqsPerAckPeriod = (seqDelta / timeDelta) * }
* {@link InstanceConfig#setFlowControlPeriodMs(int)
* flowControlPeriodMs}, projected amount of data processed by the receiver
* in one standard flow control period (called "ack period" for short)
* -
* Define the
target receive window as {@code 3 * seqsPerAckPeriod}.
* -
* Adjust the current receive window halfway toward the target receive window.
* Return the {@code sentSeq} limit as the current acked seq plus the current
* receive window.
* @param timestampNow value of the timestamp at the time the method is called. The timestamp
* must be obtained from {@code System.nanoTime()}.
* @param expectedConnection The connection to which the result will be sent. We use it
* to check that it's the same connection the tasklet was crated with.
// Invoked sequentially by a task scheduler
int updateAndGetSendSeqLimitCompressed(long timestampNow, Connection expectedConnection) {
if (!Objects.equals(expectedConnection, memberConnection)) {
connectionChanged = true;
final boolean hadPrevStats = prevTimestamp != 0 || prevAckedSeqCompressed != 0;
final long ackTimeDelta = timestampNow - prevTimestamp;
prevTimestamp = timestampNow;
final int ackedSeqCompressed = compressSeq(ackedSeq);
final int ackedSeqCompressedDelta = ackedSeqCompressed - prevAckedSeqCompressed;
prevAckedSeqCompressed = ackedSeqCompressed;
if (hadPrevStats) {
final double ackedSeqsPerAckPeriod = flowControlPeriodNs * ackedSeqCompressedDelta / ackTimeDelta;
final int targetRwin = rwinMultiplier * (int) ceil(ackedSeqsPerAckPeriod);
int rwinDiff = targetRwin - receiveWindowCompressed;
int numWaitingInInbox = this.numWaitingInInbox;
// If nothing is waiting in the inbox, our processing speed isn't the cause
// for less traffic through the processor, it's the sender who's not
// sending enough data. Don't shrink the RWIN in this case.
if (numWaitingInInbox == 0 && rwinDiff < 0) {
rwinDiff = 0;
rwinDiff /= 2;
receiveWindowCompressed += rwinDiff;
if (rwinDiff != 0) {
logFinest(logger, "receiveWindowCompressed changed by %d to %d", rwinDiff, receiveWindowCompressed);
return ackedSeqCompressed + receiveWindowCompressed;
// Only one thread writes to ackedSeq
long ackItem(long itemWeight) {
return ackedSeq += itemWeight;
* To be called only from testing code.
void setNumWaitingInInbox(int value) {
this.numWaitingInInbox = value;
public String toString() {
return "ReceiverTasklet{" +
"sourceAddressString='" + sourceAddressString + '\'' +
", ordinalString='" + ordinalString + '\'' +
", destinationVertexName='" + destinationVertexName + '\'' +
static int compressSeq(long seq) {
return (int) (seq >> COMPRESSED_SEQ_UNIT_LOG2);
static long estimatedMemoryFootprint(long itemBlobSize) {
final int inboxSlot = 4; // slot in ArrayDeque inbox
final int objPtionAndSenderIdHeader = 16; // object header of ObjPtionAndSenderId instance
final int itemField = 4; // ObjectWithPartitionId.item
final int itemObjHeader = 16; // header of the item object (unknown type)
final int partitionIdField = 4; // ObjectWithPartitionId.item
final int senderIdField = 4; // ObjectWithPartitionId.senderId
final int estimatedMemoryFootprintField = 8; // ObjectWithPartitionId.estimatedMemoryFootprint
final int overhead = inboxSlot + objPtionAndSenderIdHeader + itemField + itemObjHeader + partitionIdField
+ senderIdField + estimatedMemoryFootprintField;
return overhead + itemBlobSize;
private void tryFillInbox() {
try {
long totalBytes = 0;
long totalItems = 0;
for (byte[] payload; (payload = incoming.poll()) != null; ) {
BufferObjectDataInput input = serializationService.createObjectDataInput(payload, PACKET_HEADER_SIZE);
final int itemCount = input.readInt();
for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
final int mark = input.position();
final Object item = input.readObject();
final int itemSize = input.position() - mark;
int partitionId = input.readInt();
inbox.add(new ObjWithPtionIdAndSize(item, partitionId, itemSize));
totalItems += itemCount;
totalBytes += input.position();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw rethrow(e);
public void initIncomingQueue(Queue incomingQueue) {
incoming = incomingQueue;
private static class ObjWithPtionIdAndSize extends ObjectWithPartitionId {
final long estimatedMemoryFootprint;
ObjWithPtionIdAndSize(Object item, int partitionId, int itemBlobSize) {
super(item, partitionId);
this.estimatedMemoryFootprint = estimatedMemoryFootprint(itemBlobSize);
public void provideDynamicMetrics(MetricDescriptor descriptor, MetricsCollectionContext context) {
descriptor = descriptor.withTag(MetricTags.VERTEX, destinationVertexName)
.withTag(MetricTags.SOURCE_ADDRESS, sourceAddressString)
.withTag(MetricTags.ORDINAL, ordinalString);
context.collect(descriptor, this);