com.hcl.domino.jna.internal.NotesNamingUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.hcl.domino.jna.internal;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import com.hcl.domino.DominoException;
import com.hcl.domino.commons.gc.IAPIObject;
import com.hcl.domino.commons.util.NotesErrorUtils;
import com.hcl.domino.commons.util.PlatformUtils;
import com.hcl.domino.commons.util.ReverseStringTokenizer;
import com.hcl.domino.commons.util.StringTokenizerExt;
import com.hcl.domino.commons.util.StringUtil;
import com.hcl.domino.jna.internal.capi.NotesCAPI;
import com.hcl.domino.jna.internal.gc.handles.DHANDLE;
import com.hcl.domino.jna.internal.gc.handles.LockUtil;
import com.hcl.domino.misc.NotesConstants;
import com.sun.jna.Memory;
import com.sun.jna.Native;
import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.ShortByReference;
* Notes name utilities to convert between various Name formats and evaluate
* user groups on a server.
* @author Karsten Lehmann
public class NotesNamingUtils {
private static final int MAX_STRINGCACHE_SIZE = 500;
* Names-list-building functions appear to be extrmely thread-sensitive, so this lock is used
* around each related C call.
private static final Object BUILDNAMESLIST_LOCK = new Object();
private static Map m_nameAbbrCache = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LinkedHashMap(16,0.75f, true) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5818239831757810895L;
protected boolean removeEldestEntry (Map.Entry eldest) {
if (size() > MAX_STRINGCACHE_SIZE) {
return true;
else {
return false;
private static Map m_nameCanonicalCache = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LinkedHashMap(16,0.75f, true) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5818239831757810895L;
protected boolean removeEldestEntry (Map.Entry eldest) {
if (size() > MAX_STRINGCACHE_SIZE) {
return true;
else {
return false;
* This function converts a distinguished name in abbreviated format to canonical format.
* A fully distinguished name is in canonical format - it contains all possible naming components.
* The abbreviated format of a distinguished name removes the labels from the naming components.
* @param name name to convert
* @return canonical name
public static String toCanonicalName(String name) {
return toCanonicalName(name, null);
* This function converts a list of distinguished names in abbreviated format to canonical format.
* A fully distinguished name is in canonical format - it contains all possible naming components.
* The abbreviated format of a distinguished name removes the labels from the naming components.
* @param names list of names
* @return list of names in canonical format
public static List toCanonicalNames(Collection names) {
if (names==null) {
return null;
List namesCanonical = new ArrayList<>(names.size());
for (String currName : names) {
return namesCanonical;
* This function converts a distinguished name in abbreviated format to canonical format.
* A fully distinguished name is in canonical format - it contains all possible naming components.
* The abbreviated format of a distinguished name removes the labels from the naming components.
* @param name name to convert
* @param templateName name to be used when the input name is in common name format
* @return canonical name
public static String toCanonicalName(String name, String templateName) {
if (name==null) {
return null;
if (name.length()==0) {
return name;
String cacheKey = name + ((templateName!=null && templateName.length()>0) ? ("|" + templateName) : ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
String abbrName = m_nameCanonicalCache.get(cacheKey);
if (abbrName!=null) {
return abbrName;
Memory templateNameMem = templateName==null ? null : NotesStringUtils.toLMBCS(templateName, true); //used when abbrName is only a common name
Memory inNameMem = NotesStringUtils.toLMBCS(name, true);
try(DisposableMemory outNameMem = new DisposableMemory(NotesConstants.MAXUSERNAME)) {
ShortByReference outLength = new ShortByReference();
short result = NotesCAPI.get().DNCanonicalize(0, templateNameMem, inNameMem, outNameMem, NotesConstants.MAXUSERNAME, outLength);
String sOutName = NotesStringUtils.fromLMBCS(outNameMem, outLength.getValue() & 0xffff);
m_nameCanonicalCache.put(cacheKey, sOutName);
return sOutName;
* This function converts a distinguished name in canonical format to abbreviated format.
* A fully distinguished name is in canonical format - it contains all possible naming components.
* The abbreviated format of a distinguished name removes the labels from the naming components.
* @param name name to convert
* @return abbreviated name
public static String toAbbreviatedName(String name) {
if (name==null) {
return null;
if (name.length()==0) {
return name;
final String cacheKey = name;
String abbrName = m_nameAbbrCache.get(cacheKey);
if (abbrName==null) {
StringTokenizerExt st=new StringTokenizerExt(name, "/"); //$NON-NLS-1$
StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(name.length());
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
String currToken=st.nextToken();
int iPos = currToken.indexOf("="); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (sb.length()>0) {
sb.append("/"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (iPos!=-1) {
else {
abbrName = sb.toString();
m_nameAbbrCache.put(cacheKey, abbrName);
return abbrName;
* This function converts a list of distinguished names in canonical format to abbreviated format.
* A fully distinguished name is in canonical format - it contains all possible naming components.
* The abbreviated format of a distinguished name removes the labels from the naming components.
* @param names list of names to convert
* @return list of abbreviated names
public static List toAbbreviatedNames(Collection names) {
if (names==null) {
return null;
List namesAbbr = new ArrayList<>(names.size());
for (String currName : names) {
return namesAbbr;
* Method to compare two Notes names. We compare the abbreviated forms of both names
* ignoring the case
* @param p_sNotesName1 Notes name 1
* @param p_sNotesName2 Notes name 2
* @return true if equal
public static boolean equalNames(String p_sNotesName1, String p_sNotesName2) {
String sNotesName1Abbr = toAbbreviatedName(p_sNotesName1);
String sNotesName2Abbr = toAbbreviatedName(p_sNotesName2);
if (sNotesName1Abbr==null) {
return sNotesName2Abbr==null;
else {
return sNotesName1Abbr.equalsIgnoreCase(sNotesName2Abbr);
* Extracts the common name part of an abbreviated or canonical name
* @param name abbreviated or canonical name
* @return common name
public static String toCommonName(String name) {
int iPos = name.indexOf('/');
String firstPart = iPos==-1 ? name : name.substring(0, iPos);
if (StringUtil.startsWithIgnoreCase(firstPart, "cn=")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
return firstPart.substring(3);
else {
return firstPart;
* Extracts the common name part of a list of abbreviated or canonical names
* @param names list of abbreviated or canonical name
* @return list of common names
public static List toCommonNames(Collection names) {
if (names==null) {
return null;
List namesAbbr = new ArrayList<>(names.size());
for (String currName : names) {
return namesAbbr;
* Checks whether a Notes name matches a wildcard string, e.g. "Karsten Lehmann / Mindoo" would match
* "* / Mindoo".
* @param name notes name (abbreviated or canonical)
* @param wildcard (abbreviated or canonical)
* @return true if match
public static boolean nameMatchesWildcard(String name, String wildcard) {
if ("*".equals(wildcard)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
return true;
String nameAbbr = toAbbreviatedName(name);
String wildcardAbbr = toAbbreviatedName(wildcard);
ReverseStringTokenizer nameSt = new ReverseStringTokenizer(nameAbbr, "/"); //$NON-NLS-1$
ReverseStringTokenizer wildcardSt = new ReverseStringTokenizer(wildcardAbbr, "/"); //$NON-NLS-1$
while (nameSt.hasMoreTokens()) {
String currNameToken = nameSt.nextToken();
if (!wildcardSt.hasMoreTokens()) {
return false;
else {
String currWildcardToken = wildcardSt.nextToken();
if ("*".equals(currWildcardToken)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
if (wildcardSt.hasMoreTokens()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The wildcard * can only be the leftmost part of the wildcard pattern");
return true;
else if (!currNameToken.equalsIgnoreCase(currWildcardToken)) {
return false;
return true;
* This function converts a distinguished name in canonical format to abbreviated format.
* A fully distinguished name is in canonical format - it contains all possible naming components.
* The abbreviated format of a distinguished name removes the labels from the naming components.
* @param name name to convert
* @param templateName name to be used when the input name is in common name format
* @return abbreviated name
public static String toAbbreviatedName(String name, String templateName) {
if (name==null) {
return null;
if (name.length()==0) {
return name;
String cacheKey = name + ((templateName!=null && templateName.length()>0) ? ("|" + templateName) : ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
String abbrName = m_nameAbbrCache.get(cacheKey);
if (abbrName!=null) {
return abbrName;
Memory templateNameMem = templateName==null || templateName.length()==0 ? null : NotesStringUtils.toLMBCS(templateName, true); //used when abbrName is only a common name
Memory inNameMem = NotesStringUtils.toLMBCS(name, true);
try(DisposableMemory outNameMem = new DisposableMemory(NotesConstants.MAXUSERNAME)) {
ShortByReference outLength = new ShortByReference();
short result = NotesCAPI.get().DNAbbreviate(0, templateNameMem, inNameMem, outNameMem, NotesConstants.MAXUSERNAME, outLength);
String sOutName = NotesStringUtils.fromLMBCS(outNameMem, outLength.getValue() & 0xffff);
m_nameAbbrCache.put(cacheKey, sOutName);
return sOutName;
* Writes the specified names list in null terminated LMBCS strings to a {@link ByteArrayOutputStream}
* @param names names to write
* @param bOut target output stream
private static void storeAsUserNamesList(List names, ByteArrayOutputStream bOut) {
//convert to canonical format
List namesCanonical = new ArrayList<>(names.size());
for (int i=0; i names) {
ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
storeAsUserNamesList(names, bOut);
if (PlatformUtils.is64Bit()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Only supported for 32 bit");
Memory namesListMem;
if (PlatformUtils.isWindows()) {
namesListMem = new Memory(JNANotesConstants.winNamesListHeaderSize32);
WinNotesNamesListHeader32Struct namesListHeader = WinNotesNamesListHeader32Struct.newInstance(namesListMem);
namesListHeader.NumNames = (short) (names.size() & 0xffff);
else {
namesListMem = new Memory(JNANotesConstants.namesListHeaderSize32);
NotesNamesListHeader32Struct namesListHeader = NotesNamesListHeader32Struct.newInstance(namesListMem);
namesListHeader.NumNames = (short) (names.size() & 0xffff);
DHANDLE.ByReference retHandle = DHANDLE.newInstanceByReference();
short result = Mem.OSMemAlloc((short) 0, JNANotesConstants.namesListHeaderSize32 + bOut.size(), retHandle);
//write the data
LockUtil.lockHandle(retHandle, (handleByVal) -> {
Pointer ptr = Mem.OSLockObject(handleByVal);
try {
byte[] namesListByteArr = namesListMem.getByteArray(0, (int) namesListMem.size());
ptr.write(0, namesListByteArr, 0, namesListByteArr.length);
byte[] namesDataArr = bOut.toByteArray();
ptr.write(namesListByteArr.length, namesDataArr, 0, namesDataArr.length);
finally {
return 0;
return retHandle;
* Allocates memory in the Notes memory pool and writes a NAMES_LIST data structure with
* the specified names. The names are automatically converted to canonical format.
* @param names names for names list, similar to result of @UserNamesList formula, e.g. usernames, wildcards, groups and roles; either abbreviated or canonical
* @return memory handle to NAMES_LIST
private static DHANDLE b64_writeUserNamesList(List names) {
ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
storeAsUserNamesList(names, bOut);
if (!PlatformUtils.is64Bit()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Only supported for 64 bit");
Memory namesListMem;
if (PlatformUtils.isWindows()) {
namesListMem = new Memory(JNANotesConstants.winNamesListHeaderSize64);
WinNotesNamesListHeader64Struct namesListHeader = WinNotesNamesListHeader64Struct.newInstance(namesListMem);
namesListHeader.NumNames = (short) (names.size() & 0xffff);
else if (PlatformUtils.isMac()) {
namesListMem = new Memory(JNANotesConstants.macNamesListHeaderSize64);
MacNotesNamesListHeader64Struct namesListHeader = MacNotesNamesListHeader64Struct.newInstance(namesListMem);
namesListHeader.NumNames = (short) (names.size() & 0xffff);
else {
namesListMem = new Memory(JNANotesConstants.linuxNamesListHeaderSize64);
LinuxNotesNamesListHeader64Struct namesListHeader = LinuxNotesNamesListHeader64Struct.newInstance(namesListMem);
namesListHeader.NumNames = (short) (names.size() & 0xffff);
DHANDLE.ByReference retHandle = DHANDLE.newInstanceByReference();
short result = Mem.OSMemAlloc((short) 0, (int) namesListMem.size() + bOut.size(), retHandle);
//write the data
LockUtil.lockHandle(retHandle, (handleByVal) -> {
Pointer ptr = Mem.OSLockObject(handleByVal);
try {
byte[] namesListByteArr = namesListMem.getByteArray(0, (int) namesListMem.size());
ptr.write(0, namesListByteArr, 0, namesListByteArr.length);
byte[] namesDataArr = bOut.toByteArray();
ptr.write(namesListByteArr.length, namesDataArr, 0, namesDataArr.length);
finally {
return 0;
return retHandle;
* Programatically creates a {@link JNAUserNamesList}
* @param parentObj parent API object used for memory management
* @param names names for names list, similar to result of @UserNamesList formula, e.g. usernames, wildcards, groups and roles; either abbreviated or canonical
* @return names list
public static JNAUserNamesList writeNewNamesList(IAPIObject> parentObj, List names) {
if (PlatformUtils.is64Bit()) {
DHANDLE handle64 = b64_writeUserNamesList(names);
JNAUserNamesList namesList = new JNAUserNamesList(parentObj, handle64);
return namesList;
else {
DHANDLE handle32 = b32_writeUserNamesList(names);
JNAUserNamesList namesList = new JNAUserNamesList(parentObj, handle32);
return namesList;
* Computes a {@link JNAUserNamesList} structure with all name variants, wildcards and groups for
* the specified user
* @param parent API parent object for memory management
* @param server name of server, either abbreviated or canonical or null/empty string for local
* @param userName username, either abbreviated or canonical
* @return names list
public static synchronized JNAUserNamesList buildNamesList(IAPIObject> parent, String server, String userName) {
Objects.requireNonNull(userName, "Name cannot be null");
if (server==null || "".equals(server)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
return buildNamesList(parent, userName);
//make sure that server and username are canonical
userName = toCanonicalName(userName);
server = toCanonicalName(server);
Memory userNameLMBCS = NotesStringUtils.toLMBCS(userName, true);
Memory serverNameLMBCS = NotesStringUtils.toLMBCS(server, true);
boolean bDontLookupAlternateNames = false;
short fDontLookupAlternateNames = (short) (bDontLookupAlternateNames ? 1 : 0);
Pointer pLookupFlags = null;
DHANDLE.ByReference rethNamesList = DHANDLE.newInstanceByReference();
short result = NotesCAPI.get().CreateNamesListFromSingleName(serverNameLMBCS,
fDontLookupAlternateNames, pLookupFlags, userNameLMBCS, rethNamesList);
JNAUserNamesList newList = new JNAUserNamesList(parent, rethNamesList);
return newList;
* Expand one or more target names (e.g., might contain an alternate name) into a list of
* names (including any groups the target names belong to) by any given server name.
* @param parent API parent object for memory management
* @param server name of server, either abbreviated or canonical or null/empty string for local
* @param names names to expand
* @return names list
public static JNAUserNamesList createNamesListFromNames(IAPIObject> parent, String server, String[] names) {
server = toCanonicalName(server);
try(DisposableMemory ptrArrMem = new DisposableMemory(Native.POINTER_SIZE * names.length)) {
Memory[] namesMem = new Memory[names.length];
for (int i=0; i parent, String server, String group) {
server = toCanonicalName(server);
Memory groupLMBCS = NotesStringUtils.toLMBCS(group, true);
Memory serverNameLMBCS = NotesStringUtils.toLMBCS(server, true);
DHANDLE.ByReference rethNamesList = DHANDLE.newInstanceByReference();
short result = NotesCAPI.get().CreateNamesListFromGroupNameExtend(serverNameLMBCS, groupLMBCS, rethNamesList);
JNAUserNamesList newList = new JNAUserNamesList(parent, rethNamesList);
return newList;
* Computes a {@link JNAUserNamesList} structure with all name variants, wildcards and groups for
* the specified user on a remote server
* @param parent API parent object for memory management
* @param userName username, either abbreviated or canonical
* @return names list
public static JNAUserNamesList buildNamesList(IAPIObject> parent, String userName) {
Objects.requireNonNull(userName, "Name cannot be null");
//make sure that username is canonical
userName = toCanonicalName(userName);
Memory userNameLMBCS = NotesStringUtils.toLMBCS(userName, true);
DHANDLE.ByReference rethNamesList = DHANDLE.newInstanceByReference();
//synchronizing the NSFBuildNamesList call because we had reproducible multithreading issues
//under heavy application load
synchronized (BUILDNAMESLIST_LOCK) {
short result = NotesCAPI.get().NSFBuildNamesList(userNameLMBCS, 0, rethNamesList);
JNAUserNamesList newList = new JNAUserNamesList(parent, rethNamesList);
return newList;
* Computes the usernames list for the specified user, which is his name, name wildcards
* and all his groups and nested groups
* @param parent API parent object for memory management
* @param server name of server, either abbreviated or canonical or null/empty string for local
* @param userName username in abbreviated or canonical format
* @return usernames list
public static List getUserNamesList(IAPIObject> parent, String server, String userName) {
JNAUserNamesList namesList = buildNamesList(parent, server, userName);
List names = namesList.toList();
return names;
* Computes the usernames list for the specified user, which is his name, name wildcards
* and all his groups and nested groups
* @param parent API parent object for memory management
* @param userName username in canonical format
* @return usernames list
public static List getUserNamesList(IAPIObject> parent, String userName) {
JNAUserNamesList namesList = buildNamesList(parent, userName);
List names = namesList.toList();
return names;
* Enum of available user privileges
* @author Karsten Lehmann
public enum Privileges {
/** Set if names list has been authenticated via Notes (e.g. user is allowed to open a database) */
/** Set if names list has been authenticated using external password -- Triggers "maximum password access allowed" feature */
/** Set if user requested full admin access and it was granted */
private int m_flag;
Privileges(int flag) {
m_flag = flag;
public int getValue() {
return m_flag;
* Internal helper function that modifies the Authenticated flag of a {@link JNAUserNamesList}
* in order to grant access to certain C API functionality (e.g. when opening a database).
* @param namesList names list
* @param privileges new privileges
public static void setPrivileges(JNAUserNamesList namesList, EnumSet privileges) {
int bitMask = 0;
for (Privileges currPrivilege : Privileges.values()) {
if (privileges.contains(currPrivilege)) {
bitMask = bitMask | currPrivilege.getValue();
short bitMaskAsShort = (short) (bitMask & 0xffff);
/*Use different header implementations based on architecture, because we have
//different alignments and data types:
typedef struct {
WORD NumNames;
#if defined(UNIX) || defined(OS2_2x) || defined(W32)
DWORD Authenticated;
WORD Authenticated;
DHANDLE handle = namesList.getAdapter(DHANDLE.class);
if (handle==null || handle.isNull()) {
throw new DominoException(0, MessageFormat.format("Missing DHANDLE value in names list: {0}", handle));
final int fBitMask = bitMask;
if (PlatformUtils.is64Bit()) {
LockUtil.lockHandle(handle, (handleByVal) -> {
Pointer namesListBufferPtr = Mem.OSLockObject(handleByVal);
try {
if (PlatformUtils.isWindows()) {
WinNotesNamesListHeader64Struct namesListHeader = WinNotesNamesListHeader64Struct.newInstance(namesListBufferPtr);;
namesListHeader.Authenticated = fBitMask;
else if (PlatformUtils.isMac()) {
MacNotesNamesListHeader64Struct namesListHeader = MacNotesNamesListHeader64Struct.newInstance(namesListBufferPtr);;
namesListHeader.Authenticated = bitMaskAsShort;
else {
LinuxNotesNamesListHeader64Struct namesListHeader = LinuxNotesNamesListHeader64Struct.newInstance(namesListBufferPtr);;
//setting authenticated flag for the user is required when running on the server
namesListHeader.Authenticated = fBitMask;
finally {
return 0;
else {
LockUtil.lockHandle(handle, (handleByVal) -> {
Pointer namesListBufferPtr = Mem.OSLockObject(handleByVal);
try {
//setting authenticated flag for the user is required when running on the server
if (PlatformUtils.isWindows()) {
WinNotesNamesListHeader32Struct namesListHeader = WinNotesNamesListHeader32Struct.newInstance(namesListBufferPtr);;
namesListHeader.Authenticated = fBitMask;
else {
NotesNamesListHeader32Struct namesListHeader = NotesNamesListHeader32Struct.newInstance(namesListBufferPtr);;
namesListHeader.Authenticated = fBitMask;
finally {
return 0;
* Reads which privileges have been set in the names list by method {@link #setPrivileges(JNAUserNamesList, EnumSet)}
* @param namesList names list
* @return privileges
public static EnumSet getPrivileges(JNAUserNamesList namesList) {
/*Use different header implementations based on architecture, because we have
//different alignments and data types:
typedef struct {
WORD NumNames;
#if defined(UNIX) || defined(OS2_2x) || defined(W32)
DWORD Authenticated;
WORD Authenticated;
int authenticated;
DHANDLE handle = namesList.getAdapter(DHANDLE.class);
if (handle==null || handle.isNull()) {
throw new DominoException(0, MessageFormat.format("Missing DHANDLE value in names list: {0}", handle));
if (PlatformUtils.is64Bit()) {
authenticated = LockUtil.lockHandle(handle, (handleByVal) -> {
Pointer namesListBufferPtr = Mem.OSLockObject(handleByVal);
try {
if (PlatformUtils.isWindows()) {
WinNotesNamesListHeader64Struct namesListHeader = WinNotesNamesListHeader64Struct.newInstance(namesListBufferPtr);;
return namesListHeader.Authenticated;
else if (PlatformUtils.isMac()) {
MacNotesNamesListHeader64Struct namesListHeader = MacNotesNamesListHeader64Struct.newInstance(namesListBufferPtr);;
return (int) namesListHeader.Authenticated;
else {
LinuxNotesNamesListHeader64Struct namesListHeader = LinuxNotesNamesListHeader64Struct.newInstance(namesListBufferPtr);;
//setting authenticated flag for the user is required when running on the server
return namesListHeader.Authenticated;
finally {
else {
authenticated = LockUtil.lockHandle(handle, (handleByVal) -> {
Pointer namesListBufferPtr = Mem.OSLockObject(handleByVal);
try {
//setting authenticated flag for the user is required when running on the server
if (PlatformUtils.isWindows()) {
WinNotesNamesListHeader32Struct namesListHeader = WinNotesNamesListHeader32Struct.newInstance(namesListBufferPtr);;
return namesListHeader.Authenticated;
else {
NotesNamesListHeader32Struct namesListHeader = NotesNamesListHeader32Struct.newInstance(namesListBufferPtr);;
return namesListHeader.Authenticated;
finally {
EnumSet privileges = EnumSet.noneOf(Privileges.class);
for (Privileges currPrivilege : Privileges.values()) {
if ((authenticated & currPrivilege.getValue()) == currPrivilege.getValue()) {
return privileges;
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