Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;
import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils;
* Utils for the auto-generation of fields, for example the SHA1 hash.
* @author thomasduffy
public class GenerationUtils {
* Generates a one-pass SHA1 hash
* @param toHash The value to hash
* @return String
static public String generateHash(String toHash) {
if(toHash == null)
return null;
return new String(Hex.encodeHex(DigestUtils.sha1(toHash)));
* Each message sent to Realex should have a hash, attached. For a message using the remote
* interface this is generated using the This is generated from the TIMESTAMP, MERCHANT_ID,
* ORDER_ID, AMOUNT, and CURRENCY fields concatenated together with "." in between each field.
* This confirms the message comes
* from the client and
* Generate a hash, required for all messages sent to IPS to prove it was not tampered with.
* Hashing takes a string as input, and produce a fixed size number (160 bits for SHA-1 which
* this implementation uses). This number is a hash of the input, and a small change in the
* input results in a substantial change in the output. The functions are thought to be secure
* in the sense that it requires an enormous amount of computing power and time to find a string
* that hashes to the same value. In others words, there's no way to decrypt a secure hash.
* Given the larger key size, this implementation uses SHA-1 which we prefer that you, but Realex
* has retained compatibilty with MD5 hashing for compatibility with older systems.
* To construct the hash for the remote interface follow this procedure:
* Form a string by concatenating the above fields with a period ('.') in the following order
* Like so (where a field is empty an empty string "" is used):
* (20120926112654.thestore.ORD453-11.29900.EUR)
* Get the hash of this string (SHA-1 shown below).
* (b3d51ca21db725f9c7f13f8aca9e0e2ec2f32502)
* Create a new string by concatenating this string and your shared secret using a period.
* (b3d51ca21db725f9c7f13f8aca9e0e2ec2f32502.mysecret )
* Get the hash of this value. This is the value that you send to Realex Payments.
* (3c3cac74f2b783598b99af6e43246529346d95d1)
* This method takes the pre-built string of concatenated fields and the secret and returns the
* SHA-1 hash to be placed in the request sent to Realex.
* @param toHash The value to hash
* @param secret The shared secret to use in the second pass
* @param shaType The SHA hash type
* @return the hash as a hex string
static public String generateHash(String toHash, String secret, ShaHashType shaType) {
if(toHash == null)
return null;
if(shaType == null)
shaType = ShaHashType.SHA1;
//first pass hashes the String of required fields
String toHashFirstPass = shaHex(toHash, shaType);
//second pass takes the first hash, adds the secret and hashes again
if (secret != null) {
String toHashSecondPass = new StringBuilder(toHashFirstPass).append(".").append(secret).toString();
return shaHex(toHashSecondPass, shaType);
return toHashFirstPass;
static public String generateHash(String secret, String... fields) {
String toHash = StringUtils.join(".", fields);
return generateHash(toHash, secret, ShaHashType.SHA1);
public static String generateHash(String secret, ShaHashType shaType, String... fields) {
if(shaType == null)
shaType= ShaHashType.SHA1;
String toHash = StringUtils.join(".", fields);
return generateHash(toHash, secret, shaType);
public static String shaHex(String toHash, ShaHashType shaType) {
if (shaType == null)
shaType = ShaHashType.SHA1;
switch (shaType) {
case SHA256:
return new String(Hex.encodeHex(DigestUtils.sha256(toHash)));
case SHA512:
return new String(Hex.encodeHex(DigestUtils.sha512(toHash)));
return new String(Hex.encodeHex(DigestUtils.sha1(toHash)));
* Generate the current datetimestamp in the string formaat (YYYYMMDDHHSS) required in a
* request to Realex.
* @return current timestamp in YYYYMMDDHHSS format
static public String generateTimestamp() {
return generateTimestamp(null);
static public String generateTimestamp(String timestamp) {
if(timestamp != null)
return timestamp;
return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss").format(new Date());
* Order Id for a initial request should be unique per client ID. This method generates a unique
* order Id using the Java UUID class and then convert it to base64 to shorten the length to 22
* characters. Order Id for a subsequent request (void, rebate, settle ect.) should use the
* order Id of the initial request.
* * the order ID uses the Java UUID (universally unique identifier) so in theory it may not
* be unique but the odds of this are extremely remote (see
* @return orderId as a String
static public String generateOrderId() {
return generateOrderId(null);
static public String generateOrderId(String orderId) {
if(orderId != null)
return orderId;
UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[16]);
return trimEnd(Base64.getUrlEncoder().encodeToString(bb.array()), '=');
public static String generateScheduleId() {
String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
trimEnd(Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(uuid.getBytes()), '=')
.replace("+", "-")
.replace("/", "_")
.substring(0, 20);
public static String trimEnd(String value, Character toBeTrimmed) {
int len = value.length();
int st = 0;
while ((st < len) && value.charAt(len - 1) == toBeTrimmed) {
return value.substring(0, len);
static public String generateRecurringKey() {
return generateRecurringKey(null);
static public String generateRecurringKey(String key) {
if(key != null)
return key;
UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
return uuid.toString().toLowerCase();
// Generate HASH to validate the X-GP-Signature
public static String generateXGPSignature(String toHash, String appKey) {
String newToHash = new StringBuilder(toHash).append(appKey).toString();
return generateHash(newToHash, ShaHashType.SHA512);
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