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* Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Hedera Hashgraph, LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import com.hedera.hapi.node.base.AccountID;
import com.hedera.hapi.node.base.Key;
import com.hedera.hapi.node.base.ResponseCodeEnum;
import com.hedera.hapi.node.base.ScheduleID;
import com.hedera.hapi.node.base.Timestamp;
import com.hedera.hapi.node.base.TransactionID;
import com.hedera.hapi.node.state.schedule.Schedule;
import com.hedera.hapi.node.state.token.Account;
import com.hedera.hapi.node.transaction.TransactionBody;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.NonNull;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.Nullable;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
* Provides some implementation support needed for both the {@link ScheduleCreateHandler} and {@link
* ScheduleSignHandler}.
abstract class AbstractScheduleHandler {
protected static final String NULL_CONTEXT_MESSAGE =
"Dispatcher called the schedule handler with a null context; probable internal data corruption.";
* A simple record to return both "deemed valid" signatories and remaining primitive keys that must sign.
* @param updatedSignatories a Set of "deemed valid" signatories, possibly updated with new entries
* @param remainingRequiredKeys A Set of Key entries that have not yet signed the scheduled transaction, but
* must sign that transaction before it can be executed.
protected static record ScheduleKeysResult(Set updatedSignatories, Set remainingRequiredKeys) {}
* Gets the set of all the keys required to sign a transaction.
* @param scheduleInState the schedule in state
* @param context the Prehandle context
* @return the set of keys required to sign the transaction
* @throws PreCheckException if the transaction cannot be handled successfully due to a validation failure of the
* dispatcher related to signer requirements or other pre-validation criteria.
protected Set allKeysForTransaction(
@NonNull final Schedule scheduleInState, @NonNull final PreHandleContext context) throws PreCheckException {
final TransactionBody scheduledAsOrdinary = HandlerUtility.childAsOrdinary(scheduleInState);
final AccountID originalCreatePayer =
// note, payerAccount will never be null, but we're dealing with Sonar here.
final AccountID payerForNested = scheduleInState.payerAccountIdOrElse(originalCreatePayer);
final TransactionKeys keyStructure = context.allKeysForTransaction(scheduledAsOrdinary, payerForNested);
return getKeySetFromTransactionKeys(keyStructure);
* Get the schedule keys result to sign the transaction
* @param scheduleInState the schedule in state
* @param context the Prehandle context
* @return the schedule keys result containing the updated signatories and the remaining required keys
* @throws HandleException if any validation check fails when getting the keys for the transaction
protected ScheduleKeysResult allKeysForTransaction(
@NonNull final Schedule scheduleInState, @NonNull final HandleContext context) throws HandleException {
final AccountID originalCreatePayer =
// note, payerAccount should never be null, but we're playing it safe here.
final AccountID payer = scheduleInState.payerAccountIdOrElse(originalCreatePayer);
final TransactionBody scheduledAsOrdinary = HandlerUtility.childAsOrdinary(scheduleInState);
final TransactionKeys keyStructure;
try {
keyStructure = context.allKeysForTransaction(scheduledAsOrdinary, payer);
// @todo('9447') We have an issue here. Currently, allKeysForTransaction fails in many cases where a
// key is currently unavailable, but could be in the future. We need the keys, even
// if the transaction is currently invalid, because we may create and sign schedules for
// invalid transactions, then only fail when the transaction is executed. This would allow
// (e.g.) scheduling the transfer of a dApp service fee from a newly created account to be
// set up before the account (or key) is created; then the new account, once funded, signs
// the scheduled transaction and the funds are immediately transferred. Currently that
// would fail on create. Long-term we should fix that.
} catch (final PreCheckException translated) {
throw new HandleException(translated.responseCode());
final Set scheduledRequiredKeys = getKeySetFromTransactionKeys(keyStructure);
// Ensure the *custom* payer is required; some rare corner cases may not require it otherwise.
final Key payerKey = getKeyForAccount(context, payer);
if (hasCustomPayer(scheduleInState) && payerKey != null) scheduledRequiredKeys.add(payerKey);
final Set currentSignatories = setOfKeys(scheduleInState.signatories());
final Set remainingRequiredKeys =
filterRemainingRequiredKeys(context, scheduledRequiredKeys, currentSignatories, originalCreatePayer);
// Mono doesn't store extra signatures, so for now we mustn't either.
// This is structurally wrong for long term schedules, so we must remove this later.
// @todo('9447') Stop removing currently unused signatures, just store all the verified signatures until
// there are enough to execute, so we don't discard a signature now that would be required later.
HandlerUtility.filterSignatoriesToRequired(currentSignatories, scheduledRequiredKeys);
return new ScheduleKeysResult(currentSignatories, remainingRequiredKeys);
private boolean hasCustomPayer(final Schedule scheduleToCheck) {
final AccountID originalCreatePayer =
final AccountID assignedPayer = scheduleToCheck.payerAccountId();
// Will never be null, but Sonar doesn't know that.
return assignedPayer != null && !assignedPayer.equals(originalCreatePayer);
* Verify that at least one "new" required key signed the transaction.
* If there exists a {@link Key} nKey, a member of newSignatories, such that nKey is not
* in existingSignatories, then a new key signed. Otherwise an {@link HandleException} is
* thrown with status {@link ResponseCodeEnum#NO_NEW_VALID_SIGNATURES}.
* @param existingSignatories a List of signatories representing all prior signatures before the current
* ScheduleSign transaction.
* @param newSignatories a Set of signatories representing all signatures following the current ScheduleSign
* transaction.
* @throws HandleException if there are no new signatures compared to the prior state.
protected void verifyHasNewSignatures(
@NonNull final List existingSignatories, @NonNull final Set newSignatories)
throws HandleException {
SortedSet preExisting = setOfKeys(existingSignatories);
if (preExisting.containsAll(newSignatories))
throw new HandleException(ResponseCodeEnum.NO_NEW_VALID_SIGNATURES);
* Gets key for account.
* @param context the handle context
* @param accountToQuery the account to query
* @return the key for account
protected Key getKeyForAccount(@NonNull final HandleContext context, @NonNull final AccountID accountToQuery) {
final ReadableAccountStore accountStore = context.storeFactory().readableStore(ReadableAccountStore.class);
final Account accountData = accountStore.getAccountById(accountToQuery);
return (accountData != null && accountData.key() != null) ? accountData.key() : null;
* Given a transaction body and schedule store, validate the transaction meets minimum requirements to
* be completed.
* This method checks that the Schedule ID is not null, references a schedule in readable state,
* and the referenced schedule has a child transaction.
* The full set of checks in the {@link #validate(Schedule, Instant, boolean)} method must also
* pass.
* If all validation checks pass, the schedule metadata is returned.
* If any checks fail, then a {@link PreCheckException} is thrown.
* @param idToValidate the ID of the schedule to validate
* @param scheduleStore data from readable state which contains, at least, a metadata entry for the schedule
* that the current transaction will sign.
* @throws PreCheckException if the ScheduleSign transaction provided fails any of the required validation
* checks.
protected Schedule preValidate(
@NonNull final ReadableScheduleStore scheduleStore,
final boolean isLongTermEnabled,
@Nullable final ScheduleID idToValidate)
throws PreCheckException {
if (idToValidate != null) {
final Schedule scheduleData = scheduleStore.get(idToValidate);
if (scheduleData != null) {
if (scheduleData.scheduledTransaction() != null) {
final ResponseCodeEnum validationResult = validate(scheduleData, null, isLongTermEnabled);
if (validationResult == ResponseCodeEnum.OK) {
return scheduleData;
} else {
throw new PreCheckException(validationResult);
} else {
throw new PreCheckException(ResponseCodeEnum.INVALID_TRANSACTION);
} else {
throw new PreCheckException(ResponseCodeEnum.INVALID_SCHEDULE_ID);
} else {
throw new PreCheckException(ResponseCodeEnum.INVALID_SCHEDULE_ID);
* Given a schedule, consensus time, and long term scheduling enabled flag, validate the transaction
* meets minimum requirements to be handled.
* This method checks that, as of the current consensus time, the schedule is
* - not null
* - has a scheduled transaction
* - has not been executed
* - is not deleted
* - has not expired
* @param scheduleToValidate the {@link Schedule} to validate. If this is null then
* {@link ResponseCodeEnum#INVALID_SCHEDULE_ID} is returned.
* @param consensusTime the consensus time {@link Instant} applicable to this transaction.
* If this is null then we assume this is a pre-check and do not validate expiration.
* @param isLongTermEnabled a flag indicating if long term scheduling is currently enabled. This modifies
* which response code is sent when a schedule is expired.
* @return a response code representing the result of the validation. This is {@link ResponseCodeEnum#OK}
* if all checks pass, or an appropriate failure code if any checks fail.
protected ResponseCodeEnum validate(
@Nullable final Schedule scheduleToValidate,
@Nullable final Instant consensusTime,
final boolean isLongTermEnabled) {
final ResponseCodeEnum result;
final Instant effectiveConsensusTime = Objects.requireNonNullElse(consensusTime, Instant.MIN);
if (scheduleToValidate != null) {
if (scheduleToValidate.hasScheduledTransaction()) {
if (!scheduleToValidate.executed()) {
if (!scheduleToValidate.deleted()) {
final long expiration = scheduleToValidate.calculatedExpirationSecond();
final Instant calculatedExpiration =
(expiration != Schedule.DEFAULT.calculatedExpirationSecond()
? Instant.ofEpochSecond(expiration)
: Instant.MAX);
if (calculatedExpiration.getEpochSecond() >= effectiveConsensusTime.getEpochSecond()) {
result = ResponseCodeEnum.OK;
} else {
// We are past expiration time
if (!isLongTermEnabled) {
result = ResponseCodeEnum.INVALID_SCHEDULE_ID;
} else {
// This is not failure, it indicates the schedule should execute if it can,
// or be removed if it is not executable (i.e. it lacks required signatures)
} else {
result = ResponseCodeEnum.SCHEDULE_ALREADY_DELETED;
} else {
result = ResponseCodeEnum.SCHEDULE_ALREADY_EXECUTED;
} else {
result = ResponseCodeEnum.INVALID_TRANSACTION;
} else {
result = ResponseCodeEnum.INVALID_SCHEDULE_ID;
return result;
* Very basic transaction ID validation.
* This just checks that the transaction is not scheduled (you cannot schedule a schedule),
* that the account ID is not null (so we can fill in scheduler account),
* and that the start timestamp is not null (so we can fill in schedule valid start time)
* @param currentId a TransactionID to validate
* @throws PreCheckException if the transaction is scheduled, the account ID is null, or the start time is null.
protected void checkValidTransactionId(@Nullable final TransactionID currentId) throws PreCheckException {
if (currentId == null) throw new PreCheckException(ResponseCodeEnum.INVALID_TRANSACTION_ID);
final AccountID payer = currentId.accountID();
final Timestamp validStart = currentId.transactionValidStart();
final boolean isScheduled = currentId.scheduled();
if (isScheduled) throw new PreCheckException(ResponseCodeEnum.SCHEDULED_TRANSACTION_NOT_IN_WHITELIST);
if (payer == null) throw new PreCheckException(ResponseCodeEnum.INVALID_SCHEDULE_PAYER_ID);
if (validStart == null) throw new PreCheckException(ResponseCodeEnum.INVALID_TRANSACTION_START);
* Try to execute a schedule. Will attempt to execute a schedule if the remaining signatories are empty
* and the schedule is not waiting for expiration.
* @param context the context
* @param scheduleToExecute the schedule to execute
* @param remainingSignatories the remaining signatories
* @param validSignatories the valid signatories
* @param validationResult the validation result
* @param isLongTermEnabled the is long term enabled
* @return boolean indicating if the schedule was executed
protected boolean tryToExecuteSchedule(
@NonNull final HandleContext context,
@NonNull final Schedule scheduleToExecute,
@NonNull final Set remainingSignatories,
@NonNull final Set validSignatories,
@NonNull final ResponseCodeEnum validationResult,
final boolean isLongTermEnabled) {
if (canExecute(remainingSignatories, isLongTermEnabled, validationResult, scheduleToExecute)) {
final AccountID originalPayer = scheduleToExecute
final Set acceptedSignatories = new HashSet<>();
acceptedSignatories.add(getKeyForAccount(context, originalPayer));
final Predicate assistant = new DispatchPredicate(acceptedSignatories);
// This sets the child transaction ID to scheduled.
final TransactionBody childTransaction = HandlerUtility.childAsOrdinary(scheduleToExecute);
final ScheduleStreamBuilder recordBuilder = context.dispatchChildTransaction(
// If the child failed, we would prefer to fail with the same result.
// We do not fail, however, at least mono service code does not.
// We succeed and the record of the child transaction is failed.
// set the schedule ref for the child transaction to the schedule that we're executing
// also set the child transaction ID as scheduled transaction ID in the parent record.
final ScheduleStreamBuilder parentRecordBuilder =
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Checks if the validation is OK, SUCCESS, or SCHEDULE_PENDING_EXPIRATION.
* @param validationResult the validation result
* @return boolean indicating status of the validation
protected boolean validationOk(final ResponseCodeEnum validationResult) {
return validationResult == ResponseCodeEnum.OK
|| validationResult == ResponseCodeEnum.SUCCESS
|| validationResult == ResponseCodeEnum.SCHEDULE_PENDING_EXPIRATION;
private SortedSet getKeySetFromTransactionKeys(final TransactionKeys requiredKeys) {
final SortedSet scheduledRequiredKeys = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<>(new KeyComparator());
return scheduledRequiredKeys;
private SortedSet filterRemainingRequiredKeys(
final HandleContext context,
final Set scheduledRequiredKeys,
final Set currentSignatories,
final AccountID originalCreatePayer) {
// the final output must be a sorted/ordered set.
final KeyComparator keyMatcher = new KeyComparator();
final SortedSet remainingKeys = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<>(keyMatcher);
final Set currentUnverifiedKeys = new HashSet<>(1);
final Key originalPayerKey = getKeyForAccount(context, originalCreatePayer);
final var assistant = new ScheduleVerificationAssistant(currentSignatories, currentUnverifiedKeys);
for (final Key next : scheduledRequiredKeys) {
// The schedule verification assistant observes each primitive key in the tree
final SignatureVerification isVerified = context.keyVerifier().verificationFor(next, assistant);
// unverified primitive keys only count if the top-level key failed verification.
// @todo('9447') The comparison to originalPayerKey here is to match monoservice
// "hidden default payer" behavior. We intend to remove that behavior after v1
// release as it is not considered fully "correct", particularly for long term schedules.
if (!isVerified.passed() &&, originalPayerKey) != 0) {
return remainingKeys;
* Given an arbitrary {@link Iterable}, return a modifiable {@link SortedSet} containing
* the same objects as the input.
* This set must be sorted to ensure a deterministic order of values in state.
* If there are any duplicates in the input, only one of each will be in the result.
* If there are any null values in the input, those values will be excluded from the result.
* @param keyCollection an Iterable of Key values.
* @return a {@link SortedSet} containing the same contents as the input.
* Duplicates and null values are excluded from this Set. This Set is always a modifiable set.
private SortedSet setOfKeys(@Nullable final Iterable keyCollection) {
if (keyCollection != null) {
final SortedSet results = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<>(new KeyComparator());
for (final Key next : keyCollection) {
if (next != null) results.add(next);
return results;
} else {
// cannot use Set.of() or Collections.emptySet() here because those are unmodifiable and unsorted.
return new ConcurrentSkipListSet<>(new KeyComparator());
private boolean canExecute(
final Set remainingSignatories,
final boolean isLongTermEnabled,
final ResponseCodeEnum validationResult,
final Schedule scheduleToExecute) {
// either we're waiting and pending, or not waiting and not pending
final boolean longTermReady =
scheduleToExecute.waitForExpiry() == (validationResult == ResponseCodeEnum.SCHEDULE_PENDING_EXPIRATION);
final boolean allSignturesGathered = remainingSignatories == null || remainingSignatories.isEmpty();
return allSignturesGathered && (!isLongTermEnabled || longTermReady);