// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: basic_types.proto
package com.hederahashgraph.api.proto.java;
public interface PendingAirdropIdOrBuilder extends
// @@protoc_insertion_point(interface_extends:proto.PendingAirdropId)
com.google.protobuf.MessageOrBuilder {
* A sending account.<br/>
* This is the account that initiated, and SHALL fund, this pending airdrop.<br/>
* This field is REQUIRED.
* .proto.AccountID sender_id = 1;
* @return Whether the senderId field is set.
boolean hasSenderId();
* A sending account.<br/>
* This is the account that initiated, and SHALL fund, this pending airdrop.<br/>
* This field is REQUIRED.
* .proto.AccountID sender_id = 1;
* @return The senderId.
com.hederahashgraph.api.proto.java.AccountID getSenderId();
* A sending account.<br/>
* This is the account that initiated, and SHALL fund, this pending airdrop.<br/>
* This field is REQUIRED.
* .proto.AccountID sender_id = 1;
com.hederahashgraph.api.proto.java.AccountIDOrBuilder getSenderIdOrBuilder();
* A receiving account.<br/>
* This is the ID of the account that SHALL receive the airdrop.<br/>
* This field is REQUIRED.
* .proto.AccountID receiver_id = 2;
* @return Whether the receiverId field is set.
boolean hasReceiverId();
* A receiving account.<br/>
* This is the ID of the account that SHALL receive the airdrop.<br/>
* This field is REQUIRED.
* .proto.AccountID receiver_id = 2;
* @return The receiverId.
com.hederahashgraph.api.proto.java.AccountID getReceiverId();
* A receiving account.<br/>
* This is the ID of the account that SHALL receive the airdrop.<br/>
* This field is REQUIRED.
* .proto.AccountID receiver_id = 2;
com.hederahashgraph.api.proto.java.AccountIDOrBuilder getReceiverIdOrBuilder();
* A token ID.<br/>
* This is the type of token for a fungible/common token airdrop.<br/>
* This field is REQUIRED for a fungible/common token and MUST NOT be used for a
* non-fungible/unique token.
* .proto.TokenID fungible_token_type = 3;
* @return Whether the fungibleTokenType field is set.
boolean hasFungibleTokenType();
* A token ID.<br/>
* This is the type of token for a fungible/common token airdrop.<br/>
* This field is REQUIRED for a fungible/common token and MUST NOT be used for a
* non-fungible/unique token.
* .proto.TokenID fungible_token_type = 3;
* @return The fungibleTokenType.
com.hederahashgraph.api.proto.java.TokenID getFungibleTokenType();
* A token ID.<br/>
* This is the type of token for a fungible/common token airdrop.<br/>
* This field is REQUIRED for a fungible/common token and MUST NOT be used for a
* non-fungible/unique token.
* .proto.TokenID fungible_token_type = 3;
com.hederahashgraph.api.proto.java.TokenIDOrBuilder getFungibleTokenTypeOrBuilder();
* The id of a single NFT, consisting of a Token ID and serial number.<br/>
* This is the type of token for a non-fungible/unique token airdrop.<br/>
* This field is REQUIRED for a non-fungible/unique token and MUST NOT be used for a
* fungible/common token.
* .proto.NftID non_fungible_token = 4;
* @return Whether the nonFungibleToken field is set.
boolean hasNonFungibleToken();
* The id of a single NFT, consisting of a Token ID and serial number.<br/>
* This is the type of token for a non-fungible/unique token airdrop.<br/>
* This field is REQUIRED for a non-fungible/unique token and MUST NOT be used for a
* fungible/common token.
* .proto.NftID non_fungible_token = 4;
* @return The nonFungibleToken.
com.hederahashgraph.api.proto.java.NftID getNonFungibleToken();
* The id of a single NFT, consisting of a Token ID and serial number.<br/>
* This is the type of token for a non-fungible/unique token airdrop.<br/>
* This field is REQUIRED for a non-fungible/unique token and MUST NOT be used for a
* fungible/common token.
* .proto.NftID non_fungible_token = 4;
com.hederahashgraph.api.proto.java.NftIDOrBuilder getNonFungibleTokenOrBuilder();
public com.hederahashgraph.api.proto.java.PendingAirdropId.TokenReferenceCase getTokenReferenceCase();