// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: state/token/account_pending_airdrop.proto
package com.hederahashgraph.api.proto.java;
public interface AccountPendingAirdropOrBuilder extends
// @@protoc_insertion_point(interface_extends:proto.AccountPendingAirdrop)
com.google.protobuf.MessageOrBuilder {
* The value of the current airdrop id. SHALL NOT be set for non fungible tokens
* .proto.PendingAirdropValue pending_airdrop_value = 1;
* @return Whether the pendingAirdropValue field is set.
boolean hasPendingAirdropValue();
* The value of the current airdrop id. SHALL NOT be set for non fungible tokens
* .proto.PendingAirdropValue pending_airdrop_value = 1;
* @return The pendingAirdropValue.
com.hederahashgraph.api.proto.java.PendingAirdropValue getPendingAirdropValue();
* The value of the current airdrop id. SHALL NOT be set for non fungible tokens
* .proto.PendingAirdropValue pending_airdrop_value = 1;
com.hederahashgraph.api.proto.java.PendingAirdropValueOrBuilder getPendingAirdropValueOrBuilder();
* A pending airdrop identifier.<br/>
* This identifies the specific pending airdrop that precedes this position
* within the doubly linked list of pending airdrops "owed" by the sending
* account associated with this account airdrop "list".
* <p>
* This SHALL match `pending_airdrop_id` if this is the only entry
* in the "list".
* .proto.PendingAirdropId previous_airdrop = 2;
* @return Whether the previousAirdrop field is set.
boolean hasPreviousAirdrop();
* A pending airdrop identifier.<br/>
* This identifies the specific pending airdrop that precedes this position
* within the doubly linked list of pending airdrops "owed" by the sending
* account associated with this account airdrop "list".
* <p>
* This SHALL match `pending_airdrop_id` if this is the only entry
* in the "list".
* .proto.PendingAirdropId previous_airdrop = 2;
* @return The previousAirdrop.
com.hederahashgraph.api.proto.java.PendingAirdropId getPreviousAirdrop();
* A pending airdrop identifier.<br/>
* This identifies the specific pending airdrop that precedes this position
* within the doubly linked list of pending airdrops "owed" by the sending
* account associated with this account airdrop "list".
* <p>
* This SHALL match `pending_airdrop_id` if this is the only entry
* in the "list".
* .proto.PendingAirdropId previous_airdrop = 2;
com.hederahashgraph.api.proto.java.PendingAirdropIdOrBuilder getPreviousAirdropOrBuilder();
* A pending airdrop identifier.<br/>
* This identifies the specific pending airdrop that follows this position
* within the doubly linked list of pending airdrops "owed" by the sending
* account associated with this account airdrop "list".
* <p>
* This SHALL match `pending_airdrop_id` if this is the only entry
* in the "list".
* .proto.PendingAirdropId next_airdrop = 3;
* @return Whether the nextAirdrop field is set.
boolean hasNextAirdrop();
* A pending airdrop identifier.<br/>
* This identifies the specific pending airdrop that follows this position
* within the doubly linked list of pending airdrops "owed" by the sending
* account associated with this account airdrop "list".
* <p>
* This SHALL match `pending_airdrop_id` if this is the only entry
* in the "list".
* .proto.PendingAirdropId next_airdrop = 3;
* @return The nextAirdrop.
com.hederahashgraph.api.proto.java.PendingAirdropId getNextAirdrop();
* A pending airdrop identifier.<br/>
* This identifies the specific pending airdrop that follows this position
* within the doubly linked list of pending airdrops "owed" by the sending
* account associated with this account airdrop "list".
* <p>
* This SHALL match `pending_airdrop_id` if this is the only entry
* in the "list".
* .proto.PendingAirdropId next_airdrop = 3;
com.hederahashgraph.api.proto.java.PendingAirdropIdOrBuilder getNextAirdropOrBuilder();