com.hederahashgraph.fee.CryptoFeeBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.hederahashgraph.fee;
* Hedera Services API
* Copyright (C) 2018 - 2020 Hedera Hashgraph, LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.hederahashgraph.builder.RequestBuilder;
import com.hederahashgraph.exception.InvalidTxBodyException;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.List;
* This class includes methods for generating Fee Matrices and calculating Fee for Crypto related
* Transactions and Query.
public class CryptoFeeBuilder extends FeeBuilder {
* This method returns the Fee Matrices for Crypto Create Transaction.
public FeeData getCryptoCreateTxFeeMatrices(TransactionBody txBody, SigValueObj sigValObj)
throws InvalidTxBodyException {
if (txBody == null || !txBody.hasCryptoCreateAccount()) {
throw new InvalidTxBodyException("CryptoCreate Tx Body not available for Fee Calculation");
long bpt = 0;
long vpt = 0;
long rbs = 0;
long sbs = 0;
long gas = 0;
long tv = 0;
long bpr = 0;
long sbpr = 0;
int txBodySize = getCommonTransactionBodyBytes(txBody);
int cryptoCreateSize = getCryptoCreateAccountBodyTxSize(txBody);
bpt = txBodySize + cryptoCreateSize + sigValObj.getSignatureSize();
vpt = sigValObj.getTotalSigCount();
rbs = getCryptoRBS(txBody, cryptoCreateSize)
+ getBaseTransactionRecordSize(txBody) * RECIEPT_STORAGE_TIME_SEC; // TxRecord
long rbsNetwork = getDefaultRBHNetworkSize() + BASIC_ENTITY_ID_SIZE * (RECIEPT_STORAGE_TIME_SEC);
bpr = INT_SIZE;
FeeComponents feeMatricesForTx = FeeComponents.newBuilder().setBpt(bpt).setVpt(vpt).setRbh(rbs)
return getFeeDataMatrices(feeMatricesForTx, sigValObj.getPayerAcctSigCount(), rbsNetwork);
* This method returns the Fee Matrices for Crypto Delete Transaction.
public FeeData getCryptoDeleteTxFeeMatrices(TransactionBody txBody, SigValueObj sigValObj)
throws InvalidTxBodyException {
* accountIDToDeleteFrom AccountID The account ID that should have a claim deleted
* hashToDelete bytes The hash in the claim to delete (a SHA-384 hash, 48 bytes)
if (txBody == null || !txBody.hasCryptoDelete()) {
throw new InvalidTxBodyException("CryptoCreate Tx Body not available for Fee Calculation");
long bpt = 0;
long vpt = 0;
long rbs = 0;
long sbs = 0;
long gas = 0;
long tv = 0;
long bpr = 0;
long sbpr = 0;
int txBodySize = 0;
bpr = INT_SIZE;
txBodySize = getCommonTransactionBodyBytes(txBody);
bpt = txBodySize + 2 * BASIC_ENTITY_ID_SIZE + sigValObj.getSignatureSize();
vpt = sigValObj.getTotalSigCount();
// TxRecord
rbs = getBaseTransactionRecordSize(txBody) * RECIEPT_STORAGE_TIME_SEC;
long rbsNetwork = getDefaultRBHNetworkSize();
FeeComponents feeMatricesForTx = FeeComponents.newBuilder().setBpt(bpt).setVpt(vpt).setRbh(rbs)
return getFeeDataMatrices(feeMatricesForTx, sigValObj.getPayerAcctSigCount(), rbsNetwork);
* This method returns the Fee Matrices for Crypto Transfer Transaction.
public FeeData getCryptoTransferTxFeeMatrices(TransactionBody txBody, SigValueObj sigValObj)
throws InvalidTxBodyException {
if (txBody == null || !txBody.hasCryptoTransfer()) {
throw new InvalidTxBodyException("CryptoTransfer Tx Body not available for Fee Calculation");
long bpt = 0;
long vpt = 0;
long rbs = 0;
long sbs = 0;
long gas = 0;
long tv = 0;
long bpr = 0;
long sbpr = 0;
int txBodySize = 0;
txBodySize = getCommonTransactionBodyBytes(txBody);
// bpt - Bytes per Transaction
bpt = txBodySize + getCryptoTransferBodyTxSize(txBody) + sigValObj.getSignatureSize();
// vpt - verifications per transactions
vpt = sigValObj.getTotalSigCount();
bpr = INT_SIZE;
rbs = getBaseTransactionRecordSize(txBody) * RECIEPT_STORAGE_TIME_SEC;
long rbsNetwork = getDefaultRBHNetworkSize();
FeeComponents feeMatricesForTx = FeeComponents.newBuilder().setBpt(bpt).setVpt(vpt).setRbh(rbs)
return getFeeDataMatrices(feeMatricesForTx, sigValObj.getPayerAcctSigCount(), rbsNetwork);
* This method returns the Fee Matrices for Crypto Update Transaction
public FeeData getCryptoUpdateTxFeeMatrices(TransactionBody txBody, SigValueObj sigValObj,
Timestamp expirationTimeStamp, Key existingKey) throws InvalidTxBodyException {
if (txBody == null || !txBody.hasCryptoUpdateAccount()) {
throw new InvalidTxBodyException("CryptoUpdate Tx Body not available for Fee Calculation");
long bpt = 0;
long vpt = 0;
long rbs = 0;
long sbs = 0;
long gas = 0;
long tv = 0;
long bpr = 0;
long sbpr = 0;
CryptoUpdateTransactionBody crUpdateTxBody = txBody.getCryptoUpdateAccount();
int txBodySize = 0;
txBodySize = getCommonTransactionBodyBytes(txBody);
// bpt - Bytes per Transaction
bpt = txBodySize + getCryptoUpdateBodyTxSize(txBody) + sigValObj.getSignatureSize();
rbs = getBaseTransactionRecordSize(txBody) * RECIEPT_STORAGE_TIME_SEC;
// vpt - verifications per transactions
vpt = sigValObj.getTotalSigCount();
long rbsNetwork = getDefaultRBHNetworkSize();
if(expirationTimeStamp != null && expirationTimeStamp.getSeconds() > 0) {
if (crUpdateTxBody.hasExpirationTime()) {
if (crUpdateTxBody.getExpirationTime().getSeconds() > expirationTimeStamp.getSeconds()) {
if (crUpdateTxBody.hasKey()) {
rbs = rbs + (BASIC_ACCOUNT_SIZE + getAccountKeyStorageSize(crUpdateTxBody.getKey()))
* (crUpdateTxBody.getExpirationTime().getSeconds()
- expirationTimeStamp.getSeconds());
} else {
rbs = rbs + (BASIC_ACCOUNT_SIZE + getAccountKeyStorageSize(existingKey))
* (crUpdateTxBody.getExpirationTime().getSeconds()
- expirationTimeStamp.getSeconds());
} else {
if (crUpdateTxBody.hasKey()) {
int newKeySize = getAccountKeyStorageSize(crUpdateTxBody.getKey());
int existingKeySize = getAccountKeyStorageSize(existingKey);
if (newKeySize > existingKeySize) {
Instant expirationTime = RequestBuilder.convertProtoTimeStamp(expirationTimeStamp);
Timestamp txValidStartTimestamp = txBody.getTransactionID().getTransactionValidStart();
Instant txValidStartTime = RequestBuilder.convertProtoTimeStamp(txValidStartTimestamp);
Duration duration = Duration.between(txValidStartTime, expirationTime);
long seconds = duration.getSeconds();
rbs = rbs + newKeySize * seconds;
bpr = INT_SIZE;
FeeComponents feeMatricesForTx = FeeComponents.newBuilder().setBpt(bpt).setVpt(vpt).setRbh(rbs)
return getFeeDataMatrices(feeMatricesForTx, sigValObj.getPayerAcctSigCount(), rbsNetwork);
* This method calculated total bytes in Crypto Update Tx body
private int getCryptoUpdateBodyTxSize(TransactionBody txBody) {
* AccountID accountIDToUpdate - BASIC_ENTITY_ID_SIZE Key - calculated bytes AccountID proxyAccountID -
* BASIC_ENTITY_ID_SIZE google.protobuf.UInt64Value sendRecordThreshold - LONG_SIZE
* google.protobuf.UInt64Value receiveRecordThreshold - LONG_SIZE Duration autoRenewPeriod -
* (LONG_SIZE + INT_SIZE) Timestamp expirationTime - (LONG_SIZE + INT_SIZE) bytes
* google.protobuf.BoolValue receiverSigRequired - BOOL_VALUE
int cryptoAcctUpdateBodySize = BASIC_ENTITY_ID_SIZE;
CryptoUpdateTransactionBody crUpdateTxBody = txBody.getCryptoUpdateAccount();
if (crUpdateTxBody.hasKey()) {
cryptoAcctUpdateBodySize += getAccountKeyStorageSize(crUpdateTxBody.getKey());
if (crUpdateTxBody.hasProxyAccountID()) {
cryptoAcctUpdateBodySize += (BASIC_ENTITY_ID_SIZE);
if (crUpdateTxBody.getSendRecordThreshold() != 0
|| crUpdateTxBody.hasSendRecordThresholdWrapper()) {
cryptoAcctUpdateBodySize += LONG_SIZE;
if (crUpdateTxBody.getReceiveRecordThreshold() != 0
|| crUpdateTxBody.hasReceiveRecordThresholdWrapper()) {
cryptoAcctUpdateBodySize += LONG_SIZE;
if (crUpdateTxBody.hasAutoRenewPeriod()) {
cryptoAcctUpdateBodySize += (LONG_SIZE);
if (crUpdateTxBody.hasExpirationTime()) {
cryptoAcctUpdateBodySize += (LONG_SIZE);
if (crUpdateTxBody.hasReceiverSigRequiredWrapper()
|| crUpdateTxBody.getReceiverSigRequired() == true) {
cryptoAcctUpdateBodySize += BOOL_SIZE;
return cryptoAcctUpdateBodySize;
* This method calculates total total RAM Bytes (product of total bytes that will be stored in
* memory and time till account expires)
private long getCryptoRBS(TransactionBody txBody, int crCreateSize) {
// Number of bytes stored in memory
* AccountID => 3 LONG_SIZE long balance - LONG_SIZE long receiverThreshold - LONG_SIZE long
* senderThreshold - LONG_SIZE boolean receiverSigRequired - BOOL_SIZE Key accountKeys -
* calculated size AccountID proxyAccount - BASIC_ENTITY_ID_SIZE long autoRenewPeriod - LONG_SIZE
* boolean deleted - BOOL_SIZE
long rbsSize = 0;
long seconds = 0;
if (txBody.hasCryptoCreateAccount()) {
CryptoCreateTransactionBody cryptoCreate = txBody.getCryptoCreateAccount();
if (cryptoCreate.hasAutoRenewPeriod()) {
seconds = cryptoCreate.getAutoRenewPeriod().getSeconds();
rbsSize = (crCreateSize) * seconds;
return rbsSize;
* This method returns the total bytes in Crypto Transaction body
private int getCryptoCreateAccountBodyTxSize(TransactionBody txBody) {
* Key key - calculated value , uint64 initialBalance - LONG_SIZE, AccountID proxyAccountID - 3
* * LONG_SIZE, uint64 sendRecordThreshold - LONG_SIZE, uint64 receiveRecordThreshold -
* LONG_SIZE, bool receiverSigRequired - BOOL_SIZE, Duration autoRenewPeriod - (LONG_SIZE),
* ShardID shardID - LONG_SIZE, RealmID realmID - LONG_SIZE, Key newRealmAdminKey - calculated
* value
int keySize = getAccountKeyStorageSize(txBody.getCryptoCreateAccount().getKey());
int newRealmAdminKeySize = 0;
if (txBody.getCryptoCreateAccount().hasNewRealmAdminKey()) {
newRealmAdminKeySize =
int cryptoAcctBodySize = keySize + BASIC_ACCOUNT_SIZE + newRealmAdminKeySize;
return cryptoAcctBodySize;
private int getCryptoTransferBodyTxSize(TransactionBody txBody) {
* TransferList transfers repeated AccountAmount AccountID - (BASIC_ENTITY_ID_SIZE) sint64 amount -
int accountAmountCount = txBody.getCryptoTransfer().getTransfers().getAccountAmountsCount();
int cryptoTransfertBodySize = (BASIC_ACCOUNT_AMT_SIZE) * accountAmountCount;
return cryptoTransfertBodySize;
// Query Fee
* This method returns the Fee Matrices for balance query
public FeeData getBalanceQueryFeeMatrices(ResponseType responseType) {
// get the Fee Matrices
long bpt = 0;
long vpt = 0;
long rbs = 0;
long sbs = 0;
long gas = 0;
long tv = 0;
long bpr = 0;
long sbpr = 0;
* CryptoGetAccountBalanceQuery QueryHeader Transaction - CryptoTransfer - (will be taken care
* in Transaction processing) ResponseType - INT_SIZE AccountID - BASIC_ENTITY_ID_SIZE
* CryptoGetAccountBalanceResponse Response header NodeTransactionPrecheckCode - 4 bytes
* ResponseType - 4 bytes AccountID - 24 bytes (consist of 3 long values) balance - 8 bytes (1
* long value)
bpr = BASIC_QUERY_RES_HEADER + BASIC_ENTITY_ID_SIZE + LONG_SIZE + getStateProofSize(responseType);
return FeeData.getDefaultInstance();
* This method returns the Fee Matrices for query (for getting the cost of Transaction Record
* Query)
public FeeData getCostTransactionRecordQueryFeeMatrices() {
// get the Fee Matrices
long bpt = 0;
long vpt = 0;
long rbs = 0;
long sbs = 0;
long gas = 0;
long tv = 0;
long bpr = 0;
long sbpr = 0;
* CostTransactionGetRecordQuery QueryHeader Transaction - CryptoTransfer - (will be taken care
* in Transaction processing) ResponseType - INT_SIZE TransactionID AccountID accountID - BASIC_ENTITY_ID_SIZE
* bytes Timestamp transactionValidStart - (LONG_SIZE + INT_SIZE) bytes
* bpr = TransactionRecordResponse Response header NodeTransactionPrecheckCode - 4 bytes
* ResponseType - 4 bytes Transaction Record Size
FeeComponents feeMatrices = FeeComponents.newBuilder().setBpt(bpt).setVpt(vpt).setRbh(rbs)
return FeeData.getDefaultInstance();
* This method returns the Fee matrices for Transaction Record query
public FeeData getTransactionRecordQueryFeeMatrices(TransactionRecord transRecord,ResponseType responseType) {
if (transRecord == null) {
return FeeData.getDefaultInstance();
// get the Fee Matrices
long bpt = 0;
long vpt = 0;
long rbs = 0;
long sbs = 0;
long gas = 0;
long tv = 0;
long bpr = 0;
long sbpr = 0;
* TransactionGetRecordQuery QueryHeader Transaction - CryptoTransfer - (will be taken care in
* Transaction processing) ResponseType - INT_SIZE TransactionID AccountID accountID - BASIC_ENTITY_ID_SIZE
* bytes Timestamp transactionValidStart - (LONG_SIZE) bytes
* bpr = TransactionRecordResponse Response header NodeTransactionPrecheckCode - 4 bytes
* ResponseType - 4 bytes Transaction Record Size
int txRecordSize = getAccountTransactionRecordSize(transRecord);
bpr = BASIC_QUERY_RES_HEADER + txRecordSize + getStateProofSize(responseType);
FeeComponents feeMatrices = FeeComponents.newBuilder().setBpt(bpt).setVpt(vpt).setRbh(rbs)
return getQueryFeeDataMatrices(feeMatrices);
* This method returns the Fee matrices for Account Info query
public FeeData getAccountInfoQueryFeeMatrices(
Key key, List
ResponseType responseType
) {
// get the Fee Matrices
long bpt = 0;
long vpt = 0;
long rbs = 0;
long sbs = 0;
long gas = 0;
long tv = 0;
long bpr = 0;
long sbpr = 0;
* CryptoGetInfoQuery QueryHeader Transaction - CryptoTransfer - (will be taken care in
* Transaction processing) ResponseType - INT_SIZE AccountID accountID - BASIC_ENTITY_ID_SIZE bytes
* bpr = CryptoGetInfoResponse Response header NodeTransactionPrecheckCode - 4 bytes
* ResponseType - 4 bytes AccountInfo accountInfo - calculated value
int accountInfoSize = getAccountInfoSize(key, liveHashes);
bpr = BASIC_QUERY_RES_HEADER + accountInfoSize + getStateProofSize(responseType);
FeeComponents feeMatrices = FeeComponents.newBuilder().setBpt(bpt).setVpt(vpt).setRbh(rbs)
return getQueryFeeDataMatrices(feeMatrices);
* This method returns the Fee Matrices for Account Records query
public FeeData getCryptoAccountRecordsQueryFeeMatrices(List transRecord,ResponseType responseType) {
// get the Fee Matrices
long bpt = 0;
long vpt = 0;
long rbs = 0;
long sbs = 0;
long gas = 0;
long tv = 0;
long bpr = 0;
long sbpr = 0;
* CryptoGetAccountRecordsQuery QueryHeader Transaction - CryptoTransfer - (will be taken care
* in Transaction processing) ResponseType - INT_SIZE AccountID - BASIC_ENTITY_ID_SIZE
* bpr = TransactionRecordResponse Response header NodeTransactionPrecheckCode - 4 bytes
* ResponseType - 4 bytes AccountID accountID - 24 bytes repeated TransactionRecord - get size
* from records
int txRecordListsize = 0;
if (transRecord != null) {
for (TransactionRecord record : transRecord) {
txRecordListsize = txRecordListsize + getAccountTransactionRecordSize(record);
bpr = BASIC_QUERY_RES_HEADER + txRecordListsize + getStateProofSize(responseType);
FeeComponents feeMatrices = FeeComponents.newBuilder().setBpt(bpt).setVpt(vpt).setRbh(rbs)
return getQueryFeeDataMatrices(feeMatrices);
* This method returns the Fee Matrices for query (for getting the cost of Account Record Query)
public FeeData getCostCryptoAccountRecordsQueryFeeMatrices() {
return getCostForQueryByIDOnly();
* This method returns the Fee Matrices for query (for getting the cost of Account Info Query)
public FeeData getCostCryptoAccountInfoQueryFeeMatrices() {
return getCostForQueryByIDOnly();
private int getAccountInfoSize(Key accountKey, List liveHashes) {
* AccountID accountID - BASIC_ENTITY_ID_SIZE string contractAccountID - SOLIDITY_ADDRESS bool deleted
* - BOOL_SIZE AccountID proxyAccountID - BASIC_ENTITY_ID_SIZE int32 proxyFraction - INT_SIZE int64
* proxyReceived - INT_SIZE Key key - calculated value uint64 balance - LONG_SIZE uint64
* generateSendRecordThreshold - LONG_SIZE uint64 generateReceiveRecordThreshold - LONG_SIZE
* bool receiverSigRequired - BOOL_SIZE Timestamp expirationTime - LONG_SIZE Duration
* autoRenewPeriod - LONG_SIZE repeated LiveHash claims - calculated value AccountID accountID - BASIC_ENTITY_ID_SIZE
* bytes hash - 48 byte SHA-384 hash (presumably of some kind of credential or
* certificate) KeyList keys - calculated value
int keySize = getAccountKeyStorageSize(accountKey);
int claimSize = liveHashSize(liveHashes);
int accountInfoSize = BASIC_ACCOUNT_SIZE + keySize + claimSize;
return accountInfoSize;
private int getAccountTransactionRecordSize(TransactionRecord transRecord) {
* TransactionReceipt - 4 bytes + BASIC_ENTITY_ID_SIZE bytes transactionHash - 96 bytes Timestamp
* consensusTimestamp - 8 bytes TransactionID - 32 bytes (AccountID - 24 + Timestamp - 8) string
* memo - get from the record uint64 transactionFee - 8 bytes TransferList transferList - get
* from actual transaction record
int memoBytesSize = 0;
if (transRecord.getMemo() != null) {
memoBytesSize = transRecord.getMemoBytes().size();
int acountAmountSize = 0;
if (transRecord.hasTransferList()) {
int accountAmountCount = transRecord.getTransferList().getAccountAmountsCount();
acountAmountSize = accountAmountCount * (BASIC_ACCOUNT_AMT_SIZE); // (24 bytes AccountID and 8 bytes Amount)
int txRecordSize = BASIC_TX_RECORD_SIZE + memoBytesSize + acountAmountSize;
return txRecordSize;
public FeeData getCryptoAddLiveHashTxFeeMatrices(TransactionBody txBody, SigValueObj sigValObj)
throws InvalidTxBodyException {
* account ID LiveHash contains accountID hash keys claimExpiration
if (txBody == null || !txBody.hasCryptoAddLiveHash()) {
throw new InvalidTxBodyException("CryptoAddLiveHash Tx Body not available for Fee Calculation");
long bpt = 0;
long vpt = 0;
long rbs = 0; // as nothing is stored in memory for claim
long sbs = 0;
long gas = 0;
long tv = 0;
long bpr = 0;
long sbpr = 0;
// calculate BPT - Total Bytes in Transaction
int txBodySize = 0;
txBodySize = getCommonTransactionBodyBytes(txBody);
bpt = txBodySize + getCryptoAddLiveHashBodyBodyTxSize(txBody) + (BASIC_ENTITY_ID_SIZE)
+ sigValObj.getSignatureSize();
// vpt - verifications per transactions
vpt = sigValObj.getTotalSigCount();
long rbsNetwork = getDefaultRBHNetworkSize();
rbs = getCryptoLiveHashStorageBytesSec(txBody)
+ getBaseTransactionRecordSize(txBody) * RECIEPT_STORAGE_TIME_SEC;
bpr = INT_SIZE;
FeeComponents feeMatrices = FeeComponents.newBuilder().setBpt(bpt).setVpt(vpt).setRbh(rbs)
return getFeeDataMatrices(feeMatrices, sigValObj.getPayerAcctSigCount(), rbsNetwork);
public FeeData getCryptoDeleteLiveHashTxFeeMatrices(TransactionBody txBody, SigValueObj sigValObj)
throws InvalidTxBodyException {
if (txBody == null || !txBody.hasCryptoDeleteLiveHash()) {
throw new InvalidTxBodyException(
"CryptoDeleteLiveHash Tx Body not available for Fee Calculation");
long bpt = 0;
long vpt = 0;
long rbs = 0;
long sbs = 0;
long gas = 0;
long tv = 0;
long bpr = 0;
long sbpr = 0;
// calculate BPT - Total Bytes in Transaction
int txBodySize = 0;
txBodySize = getCommonTransactionBodyBytes(txBody);
bpt = txBodySize + getCryptoDeleteLiveHashBodyBodyTxSize() + sigValObj.getSignatureSize();
// vpt - verifications per transactions
vpt = sigValObj.getTotalSigCount();
bpr = INT_SIZE;
long rbsNetwork = getDefaultRBHNetworkSize();
rbs = getCryptoLiveHashStorageBytesSec(txBody)
+ getBaseTransactionRecordSize(txBody) * RECIEPT_STORAGE_TIME_SEC;
FeeComponents feeMatricesForTx = FeeComponents.newBuilder().setBpt(bpt).setVpt(vpt).setRbh(rbs)
return getFeeDataMatrices(feeMatricesForTx, sigValObj.getPayerAcctSigCount(), rbsNetwork);
private int getCryptoAddLiveHashBodyBodyTxSize(TransactionBody txBody) {
int keySize = 0;
int keyListSize = 0;
KeyList liveHashKeys = txBody.getCryptoAddLiveHash().getLiveHash().getKeys();
for (Key key : liveHashKeys.getKeysList()) {
keySize = sizeOfLiveHashKeyStorage(key);
keyListSize = keySize + 1;
int claimHashSize = getLiveHashHashSize();
int cryptoAddLiveHashBodySize = keyListSize + (BASIC_ENTITY_ID_SIZE) + claimHashSize;
return cryptoAddLiveHashBodySize;
private int getCryptoDeleteLiveHashBodyBodyTxSize() {
int claimHashSize = getLiveHashHashSize();
int cryptoDeleteLiveHashBodySize = +(BASIC_ENTITY_ID_SIZE) + claimHashSize;
return cryptoDeleteLiveHashBodySize;
private int getCryptoGetLiveHashBodyTxSize() {
int claimHashSize = getLiveHashHashSize();
int cryptoGetLiveHashBodySize = (BASIC_ENTITY_ID_SIZE) + claimHashSize;
return cryptoGetLiveHashBodySize;
private int getLiveHashHashSize() {
return TX_HASH_SIZE;
private long getCryptoLiveHashStorageBytesSec(TransactionBody txBody) {
long storageSize = (BASIC_ENTITY_ID_SIZE) + TX_HASH_SIZE
+ +txBody.getCryptoAddLiveHash().getLiveHash().getKeys().getSerializedSize();
long seconds = txBody.getCryptoAddLiveHash().getLiveHash().getDuration().getSeconds();
storageSize = storageSize * seconds;
return storageSize;
public FeeData getLiveHashFeeQueryFeeMatrices() {
// get the Fee Matrices
long bpt = 0;
long vpt = 0;
long rbs = 0;
long sbs = 0;
long gas = 0;
long tv = 0;
long bpr = 0;
long sbpr = 0;
bpt = INT_SIZE + INT_SIZE + getCryptoGetLiveHashBodyTxSize();
sbpr = getCryptoGetLiveHashBodyTxSize();
FeeComponents feeMatrices = FeeComponents.newBuilder().setBpt(bpt).setVpt(vpt).setRbh(rbs)
return getFeeDataMatrices(feeMatrices, DEFAULT_PAYER_ACC_SIG_COUNT, DEFAULT_RBS_NETWORK);
* FeeMetrics for Crypto Account
* @return feeComponents
public FeeData getCryptoAccountRenewalFeeMatrices(Key key, long autoRenewal) {
long bpt = 0;
long vpt = 0;
long rbs = 0;
long sbs = 0;
long gas = 0;
long tv = 0;
long bpr = 0;
long sbpr = 0;
// Since its renewal, only RAM bytes will be considered!
// rbs - RAM bytes seconds
* long balance - LONG_SIZE long receiverThreshold - LONG_SIZE long senderThreshold - LONG_SIZE
* boolean receiverSigRequired - BOOL_SIZE Key accountKeys - calculated size AccountID
* proxyAccount - BASIC_ENTITY_ID_SIZE long autoRenewPeriod - LONG_SIZE boolean deleted - BOOL_SIZE
rbs = (BASIC_ACCOUNT_SIZE + getAccountKeyStorageSize(key)) * autoRenewal;
FeeComponents feeMatricesForTx = FeeComponents.newBuilder().setBpt(bpt).setVpt(vpt).setRbh(rbs)
return getFeeDataMatrices(feeMatricesForTx, DEFAULT_PAYER_ACC_SIG_COUNT, DEFAULT_RBS_NETWORK);
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