Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: query.proto
public interface QueryOrBuilder extends
// @@protoc_insertion_point(interface_extends:proto.Query) {
* Get all entities associated with a given key
* .proto.GetByKeyQuery getByKey = 1;
* @return Whether the getByKey field is set.
boolean hasGetByKey();
* Get all entities associated with a given key
* .proto.GetByKeyQuery getByKey = 1;
* @return The getByKey.
*/ getGetByKey();
* Get all entities associated with a given key
* .proto.GetByKeyQuery getByKey = 1;
*/ getGetByKeyOrBuilder();
* Get the IDs in the format used in transactions, given the format used in Solidity
* .proto.GetBySolidityIDQuery getBySolidityID = 2;
* @return Whether the getBySolidityID field is set.
boolean hasGetBySolidityID();
* Get the IDs in the format used in transactions, given the format used in Solidity
* .proto.GetBySolidityIDQuery getBySolidityID = 2;
* @return The getBySolidityID.
*/ getGetBySolidityID();
* Get the IDs in the format used in transactions, given the format used in Solidity
* .proto.GetBySolidityIDQuery getBySolidityID = 2;
*/ getGetBySolidityIDOrBuilder();
* Call a function of a smart contract instance
* .proto.ContractCallLocalQuery contractCallLocal = 3;
* @return Whether the contractCallLocal field is set.
boolean hasContractCallLocal();
* Call a function of a smart contract instance
* .proto.ContractCallLocalQuery contractCallLocal = 3;
* @return The contractCallLocal.
*/ getContractCallLocal();
* Call a function of a smart contract instance
* .proto.ContractCallLocalQuery contractCallLocal = 3;
*/ getContractCallLocalOrBuilder();
* Get information about a smart contract instance
* .proto.ContractGetInfoQuery contractGetInfo = 4;
* @return Whether the contractGetInfo field is set.
boolean hasContractGetInfo();
* Get information about a smart contract instance
* .proto.ContractGetInfoQuery contractGetInfo = 4;
* @return The contractGetInfo.
*/ getContractGetInfo();
* Get information about a smart contract instance
* .proto.ContractGetInfoQuery contractGetInfo = 4;
*/ getContractGetInfoOrBuilder();
* Get runtime code used by a smart contract instance
* .proto.ContractGetBytecodeQuery contractGetBytecode = 5;
* @return Whether the contractGetBytecode field is set.
boolean hasContractGetBytecode();
* Get runtime code used by a smart contract instance
* .proto.ContractGetBytecodeQuery contractGetBytecode = 5;
* @return The contractGetBytecode.
*/ getContractGetBytecode();
* Get runtime code used by a smart contract instance
* .proto.ContractGetBytecodeQuery contractGetBytecode = 5;
*/ getContractGetBytecodeOrBuilder();
* Get Records of the contract instance
* .proto.ContractGetRecordsQuery ContractGetRecords = 6;
* @return Whether the contractGetRecords field is set.
boolean hasContractGetRecords();
* Get Records of the contract instance
* .proto.ContractGetRecordsQuery ContractGetRecords = 6;
* @return The contractGetRecords.
*/ getContractGetRecords();
* Get Records of the contract instance
* .proto.ContractGetRecordsQuery ContractGetRecords = 6;
*/ getContractGetRecordsOrBuilder();
* Get the current balance in a cryptocurrency account
* .proto.CryptoGetAccountBalanceQuery cryptogetAccountBalance = 7;
* @return Whether the cryptogetAccountBalance field is set.
boolean hasCryptogetAccountBalance();
* Get the current balance in a cryptocurrency account
* .proto.CryptoGetAccountBalanceQuery cryptogetAccountBalance = 7;
* @return The cryptogetAccountBalance.
*/ getCryptogetAccountBalance();
* Get the current balance in a cryptocurrency account
* .proto.CryptoGetAccountBalanceQuery cryptogetAccountBalance = 7;
*/ getCryptogetAccountBalanceOrBuilder();
* Get all the records that currently exist for transactions involving an account
* .proto.CryptoGetAccountRecordsQuery cryptoGetAccountRecords = 8;
* @return Whether the cryptoGetAccountRecords field is set.
boolean hasCryptoGetAccountRecords();
* Get all the records that currently exist for transactions involving an account
* .proto.CryptoGetAccountRecordsQuery cryptoGetAccountRecords = 8;
* @return The cryptoGetAccountRecords.
*/ getCryptoGetAccountRecords();
* Get all the records that currently exist for transactions involving an account
* .proto.CryptoGetAccountRecordsQuery cryptoGetAccountRecords = 8;
*/ getCryptoGetAccountRecordsOrBuilder();
* Get all information about an account
* .proto.CryptoGetInfoQuery cryptoGetInfo = 9;
* @return Whether the cryptoGetInfo field is set.
boolean hasCryptoGetInfo();
* Get all information about an account
* .proto.CryptoGetInfoQuery cryptoGetInfo = 9;
* @return The cryptoGetInfo.
*/ getCryptoGetInfo();
* Get all information about an account
* .proto.CryptoGetInfoQuery cryptoGetInfo = 9;
*/ getCryptoGetInfoOrBuilder();
* Get a single livehash from a single account, if present
* .proto.CryptoGetLiveHashQuery cryptoGetLiveHash = 10;
* @return Whether the cryptoGetLiveHash field is set.
boolean hasCryptoGetLiveHash();
* Get a single livehash from a single account, if present
* .proto.CryptoGetLiveHashQuery cryptoGetLiveHash = 10;
* @return The cryptoGetLiveHash.
*/ getCryptoGetLiveHash();
* Get a single livehash from a single account, if present
* .proto.CryptoGetLiveHashQuery cryptoGetLiveHash = 10;
*/ getCryptoGetLiveHashOrBuilder();
* Get all the accounts that proxy stake to a given account, and how much they proxy stake
* (not yet implemented in the current API)
* .proto.CryptoGetStakersQuery cryptoGetProxyStakers = 11;
* @return Whether the cryptoGetProxyStakers field is set.
boolean hasCryptoGetProxyStakers();
* Get all the accounts that proxy stake to a given account, and how much they proxy stake
* (not yet implemented in the current API)
* .proto.CryptoGetStakersQuery cryptoGetProxyStakers = 11;
* @return The cryptoGetProxyStakers.
*/ getCryptoGetProxyStakers();
* Get all the accounts that proxy stake to a given account, and how much they proxy stake
* (not yet implemented in the current API)
* .proto.CryptoGetStakersQuery cryptoGetProxyStakers = 11;
*/ getCryptoGetProxyStakersOrBuilder();
* Get the contents of a file (the bytes stored in it)
* .proto.FileGetContentsQuery fileGetContents = 12;
* @return Whether the fileGetContents field is set.
boolean hasFileGetContents();
* Get the contents of a file (the bytes stored in it)
* .proto.FileGetContentsQuery fileGetContents = 12;
* @return The fileGetContents.
*/ getFileGetContents();
* Get the contents of a file (the bytes stored in it)
* .proto.FileGetContentsQuery fileGetContents = 12;
*/ getFileGetContentsOrBuilder();
* Get information about a file, such as its expiration date
* .proto.FileGetInfoQuery fileGetInfo = 13;
* @return Whether the fileGetInfo field is set.
boolean hasFileGetInfo();
* Get information about a file, such as its expiration date
* .proto.FileGetInfoQuery fileGetInfo = 13;
* @return The fileGetInfo.
*/ getFileGetInfo();
* Get information about a file, such as its expiration date
* .proto.FileGetInfoQuery fileGetInfo = 13;
*/ getFileGetInfoOrBuilder();
* Get a receipt for a transaction (lasts 180 seconds)
* .proto.TransactionGetReceiptQuery transactionGetReceipt = 14;
* @return Whether the transactionGetReceipt field is set.
boolean hasTransactionGetReceipt();
* Get a receipt for a transaction (lasts 180 seconds)
* .proto.TransactionGetReceiptQuery transactionGetReceipt = 14;
* @return The transactionGetReceipt.
*/ getTransactionGetReceipt();
* Get a receipt for a transaction (lasts 180 seconds)
* .proto.TransactionGetReceiptQuery transactionGetReceipt = 14;
*/ getTransactionGetReceiptOrBuilder();
* Get a record for a transaction
* .proto.TransactionGetRecordQuery transactionGetRecord = 15;
* @return Whether the transactionGetRecord field is set.
boolean hasTransactionGetRecord();
* Get a record for a transaction
* .proto.TransactionGetRecordQuery transactionGetRecord = 15;
* @return The transactionGetRecord.
*/ getTransactionGetRecord();
* Get a record for a transaction
* .proto.TransactionGetRecordQuery transactionGetRecord = 15;
*/ getTransactionGetRecordOrBuilder();
* Get a record for a transaction (lasts 180 seconds)
* .proto.TransactionGetFastRecordQuery transactionGetFastRecord = 16;
* @return Whether the transactionGetFastRecord field is set.
boolean hasTransactionGetFastRecord();
* Get a record for a transaction (lasts 180 seconds)
* .proto.TransactionGetFastRecordQuery transactionGetFastRecord = 16;
* @return The transactionGetFastRecord.
*/ getTransactionGetFastRecord();
* Get a record for a transaction (lasts 180 seconds)
* .proto.TransactionGetFastRecordQuery transactionGetFastRecord = 16;
*/ getTransactionGetFastRecordOrBuilder();
* Get the parameters of and state of a consensus topic.
* .proto.ConsensusGetTopicInfoQuery consensusGetTopicInfo = 50;
* @return Whether the consensusGetTopicInfo field is set.
boolean hasConsensusGetTopicInfo();
* Get the parameters of and state of a consensus topic.
* .proto.ConsensusGetTopicInfoQuery consensusGetTopicInfo = 50;
* @return The consensusGetTopicInfo.
*/ getConsensusGetTopicInfo();
* Get the parameters of and state of a consensus topic.
* .proto.ConsensusGetTopicInfoQuery consensusGetTopicInfo = 50;
*/ getConsensusGetTopicInfoOrBuilder();
* Get the versions of the HAPI protobuf and Hedera Services software deployed on the
* responding node.
* .proto.NetworkGetVersionInfoQuery networkGetVersionInfo = 51;
* @return Whether the networkGetVersionInfo field is set.
boolean hasNetworkGetVersionInfo();
* Get the versions of the HAPI protobuf and Hedera Services software deployed on the
* responding node.
* .proto.NetworkGetVersionInfoQuery networkGetVersionInfo = 51;
* @return The networkGetVersionInfo.
*/ getNetworkGetVersionInfo();
* Get the versions of the HAPI protobuf and Hedera Services software deployed on the
* responding node.
* .proto.NetworkGetVersionInfoQuery networkGetVersionInfo = 51;
*/ getNetworkGetVersionInfoOrBuilder();
* Get all information about a token
* .proto.TokenGetInfoQuery tokenGetInfo = 52;
* @return Whether the tokenGetInfo field is set.
boolean hasTokenGetInfo();
* Get all information about a token
* .proto.TokenGetInfoQuery tokenGetInfo = 52;
* @return The tokenGetInfo.
*/ getTokenGetInfo();
* Get all information about a token
* .proto.TokenGetInfoQuery tokenGetInfo = 52;
*/ getTokenGetInfoOrBuilder();
* Get all information about a scheduled entity
* .proto.ScheduleGetInfoQuery scheduleGetInfo = 53;
* @return Whether the scheduleGetInfo field is set.
boolean hasScheduleGetInfo();
* Get all information about a scheduled entity
* .proto.ScheduleGetInfoQuery scheduleGetInfo = 53;
* @return The scheduleGetInfo.
*/ getScheduleGetInfo();
* Get all information about a scheduled entity
* .proto.ScheduleGetInfoQuery scheduleGetInfo = 53;
*/ getScheduleGetInfoOrBuilder();
* Get a list of NFTs associated with the account
* .proto.TokenGetAccountNftInfosQuery tokenGetAccountNftInfos = 54;
* @return Whether the tokenGetAccountNftInfos field is set.
boolean hasTokenGetAccountNftInfos();
* Get a list of NFTs associated with the account
* .proto.TokenGetAccountNftInfosQuery tokenGetAccountNftInfos = 54;
* @return The tokenGetAccountNftInfos.
*/ getTokenGetAccountNftInfos();
* Get a list of NFTs associated with the account
* .proto.TokenGetAccountNftInfosQuery tokenGetAccountNftInfos = 54;
*/ getTokenGetAccountNftInfosOrBuilder();
* Get all information about a NFT
* .proto.TokenGetNftInfoQuery tokenGetNftInfo = 55;
* @return Whether the tokenGetNftInfo field is set.
boolean hasTokenGetNftInfo();
* Get all information about a NFT
* .proto.TokenGetNftInfoQuery tokenGetNftInfo = 55;
* @return The tokenGetNftInfo.
*/ getTokenGetNftInfo();
* Get all information about a NFT
* .proto.TokenGetNftInfoQuery tokenGetNftInfo = 55;
*/ getTokenGetNftInfoOrBuilder();
* Get a list of NFTs for the token
* .proto.TokenGetNftInfosQuery tokenGetNftInfos = 56;
* @return Whether the tokenGetNftInfos field is set.
boolean hasTokenGetNftInfos();
* Get a list of NFTs for the token
* .proto.TokenGetNftInfosQuery tokenGetNftInfos = 56;
* @return The tokenGetNftInfos.
*/ getTokenGetNftInfos();
* Get a list of NFTs for the token
* .proto.TokenGetNftInfosQuery tokenGetNftInfos = 56;
*/ getTokenGetNftInfosOrBuilder();
* Gets <tt>handleTransaction</tt> times for one or more "sufficiently recent" TransactionIDs
* .proto.NetworkGetExecutionTimeQuery networkGetExecutionTime = 57;
* @return Whether the networkGetExecutionTime field is set.
boolean hasNetworkGetExecutionTime();
* Gets <tt>handleTransaction</tt> times for one or more "sufficiently recent" TransactionIDs
* .proto.NetworkGetExecutionTimeQuery networkGetExecutionTime = 57;
* @return The networkGetExecutionTime.
*/ getNetworkGetExecutionTime();
* Gets <tt>handleTransaction</tt> times for one or more "sufficiently recent" TransactionIDs
* .proto.NetworkGetExecutionTimeQuery networkGetExecutionTime = 57;
*/ getNetworkGetExecutionTimeOrBuilder();
* Gets all information about an account including allowances granted by the account
* .proto.GetAccountDetailsQuery accountDetails = 58;
* @return Whether the accountDetails field is set.
boolean hasAccountDetails();
* Gets all information about an account including allowances granted by the account
* .proto.GetAccountDetailsQuery accountDetails = 58;
* @return The accountDetails.
*/ getAccountDetails();
* Gets all information about an account including allowances granted by the account
* .proto.GetAccountDetailsQuery accountDetails = 58;
*/ getAccountDetailsOrBuilder();
public getQueryCase();
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