com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.ContractCreateTransaction Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Hedera Java SDK
* Copyright (C) 2020 - 2022 Hedera Hashgraph, LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk;
import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
import com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException;
import com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.ContractCreateTransactionBody;
import com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.SchedulableTransactionBody;
import com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.SmartContractServiceGrpc;
import com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.TransactionBody;
import com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.TransactionResponse;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
import io.grpc.MethodDescriptor;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays;
import org.threeten.bp.Duration;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Objects;
* Start a new smart contract instance.
* After the instance is created,
* the ContractID for it is in the receipt.
* The instance will exist for autoRenewPeriod seconds. When that is reached, it will renew itself for another
* autoRenewPeriod seconds by charging its associated cryptocurrency account (which it creates here).
* If it has insufficient cryptocurrency to extend that long, it will extend as long as it can.
* If its balance is zero, the instance will be deleted.
* A smart contract instance normally enforces rules, so "the code is law". For example, an
* ERC-20 contract prevents a transfer from being undone without a signature by the recipient of the transfer.
* This is always enforced if the contract instance was created with the adminKeys being null.
* But for some uses, it might be desirable to create something like an ERC-20 contract that has a
* specific group of trusted individuals who can act as a "supreme court" with the ability to override the normal
* operation, when a sufficient number of them agree to do so. If adminKeys is not null, then they can
* sign a transaction that can change the state of the smart contract in arbitrary ways, such as to reverse
* a transaction that violates some standard of behavior that is not covered by the code itself.
* The admin keys can also be used to change the autoRenewPeriod, and change the adminKeys field itself.
* The API currently does not implement this ability. But it does allow the adminKeys field to be set and
* queried, and will in the future implement such admin abilities for any instance that has a non-null adminKeys.
* If this constructor stores information, it is charged gas to store it. There is a fee in hbars to
* maintain that storage until the expiration time, and that fee is added as part of the transaction fee.
* An entity (account, file, or smart contract instance) must be created in a particular realm.
* If the realmID is left null, then a new realm will be created with the given admin key. If a new realm has
* a null adminKey, then anyone can create/modify/delete entities in that realm. But if an admin key is given,
* then any transaction to create/modify/delete an entity in that realm must be signed by that key,
* though anyone can still call functions on smart contract instances that exist in that realm.
* A realm ceases to exist when everything within it has expired and no longer exists.
* The current API ignores shardID, realmID, and newRealmAdminKey, and creates everything in shard 0 and realm 0,
* with a null key. Future versions of the API will support multiple realms and multiple shards.
* The optional memo field can contain a string whose length is up to 100 bytes. That is the size after Unicode
* NFD then UTF-8 conversion. This field can be used to describe the smart contract. It could also be used for
* other purposes. One recommended purpose is to hold a hexadecimal string that is the SHA-384 hash of a
* PDF file containing a human-readable legal contract. Then, if the admin keys are the
* public keys of human arbitrators, they can use that legal document to guide their decisions during a binding
* arbitration tribunal, convened to consider any changes to the smart contract in the future. The memo field can only
* be changed using the admin keys. If there are no admin keys, then it cannot be
* changed after the smart contract is created.
public final class ContractCreateTransaction extends Transaction {
private FileId bytecodeFileId = null;
private byte[] bytecode = null;
* @deprecated with no replacement
private AccountId proxyAccountId = null;
private Key adminKey = null;
private long gas = 0;
private Hbar initialBalance = new Hbar(0);
private int maxAutomaticTokenAssociations = 0;
private Duration autoRenewPeriod = null;
private byte[] constructorParameters = {};
private String contractMemo = "";
private AccountId stakedAccountId = null;
private Long stakedNodeId = null;
private boolean declineStakingReward = false;
private AccountId autoRenewAccountId = null;
* Constructor.
public ContractCreateTransaction() {
defaultMaxTransactionFee = new Hbar(20);
* Constructor.
* @param txs Compound list of transaction id's list of (AccountId, Transaction)
* records
* @throws InvalidProtocolBufferException when there is an issue with the protobuf
ContractCreateTransaction(LinkedHashMap> txs) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
* Constructor.
* @param txBody protobuf TransactionBody
ContractCreateTransaction(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.TransactionBody txBody) {
* Extract the file id.
* @return the file id as a byte code
public FileId getBytecodeFileId() {
return bytecodeFileId;
* Sets the file containing the smart contract byte code.
* A copy will be made and held by the contract instance, and have the same expiration time as
* the instance.
* The file must be the ASCII hexadecimal representation of the smart contract bytecode.
* @param bytecodeFileId The FileId to be set
* @return {@code this}
public ContractCreateTransaction setBytecodeFileId(FileId bytecodeFileId) {
this.bytecode = null;
this.bytecodeFileId = bytecodeFileId;
return this;
* Extract the bytecode.
* @return the bytecode
public byte[] getBytecode() {
return bytecode != null ? Arrays.copyOf(bytecode, bytecode.length) : null;
* Sets the smart contract byte code.
* The bytes of the smart contract initcode. This is only useful if the smart contract init
* is less than the hedera transaction limit. In those cases fileID must be used.
* @param bytecode The bytecode
* @return {@code this}
public ContractCreateTransaction setBytecode(byte[] bytecode) {
this.bytecodeFileId = null;
this.bytecode = Arrays.copyOf(bytecode, bytecode.length);
return this;
* Get the admin key
* @return the adminKey
public Key getAdminKey() {
return adminKey;
* Sets the state of the instance and its fields can be modified arbitrarily if this key signs a transaction
* to modify it. If this is null, then such modifications are not possible, and there is no administrator
* that can override the normal operation of this smart contract instance. Note that if it is created with no
* admin keys, then there is no administrator to authorize changing the admin keys, so
* there can never be any admin keys for that instance.
* @param adminKey The Key to be set
* @return {@code this}
public ContractCreateTransaction setAdminKey(Key adminKey) {
this.adminKey = adminKey;
return this;
* Extract the gas.
* @return the gas amount that was set
public long getGas() {
return gas;
* Sets the gas to run the constructor.
* @param gas The long to be set as gas
* @return {@code this}
public ContractCreateTransaction setGas(long gas) {
this.gas = gas;
return this;
* Extract the initial balance.
* @return the initial balance in hbar
public Hbar getInitialBalance() {
return initialBalance;
* Sets the initial number of hbars to put into the cryptocurrency account
* associated with and owned by the smart contract.
* @param initialBalance The Hbar to be set as the initial balance
* @return {@code this}
public ContractCreateTransaction setInitialBalance(Hbar initialBalance) {
this.initialBalance = initialBalance;
return this;
* @deprecated with no replacement
* Extract the proxy account id.
* @return the proxy account id
public AccountId getProxyAccountId() {
return proxyAccountId;
* @deprecated with no replacement
* Sets the ID of the account to which this account is proxy staked.
* If proxyAccountID is null, or is an invalid account, or is an account that isn't a node,
* then this account is automatically proxy staked to a node chosen by the network, but without earning payments.
* If the proxyAccountID account refuses to accept proxy staking , or if it is not currently running a node,
* then it will behave as if proxyAccountID was null.
* @param proxyAccountId The AccountId to be set
* @return {@code this}
public ContractCreateTransaction setProxyAccountId(AccountId proxyAccountId) {
this.proxyAccountId = proxyAccountId;
return this;
* Get the maximum number of tokens that this contract can be
* automatically associated with (i.e., receive air-drops from).
* @return the maxAutomaticTokenAssociations
public int getMaxAutomaticTokenAssociations() {
return maxAutomaticTokenAssociations;
* Sets the new maximum number of tokens that this contract can be
* automatically associated with (i.e., receive air-drops from).
* @param maxAutomaticTokenAssociations The maximum automatic token associations
* @return {@code this}
public ContractCreateTransaction setMaxAutomaticTokenAssociations(int maxAutomaticTokenAssociations) {
this.maxAutomaticTokenAssociations = maxAutomaticTokenAssociations;
return this;
* Extract the auto renew period.
* @return the auto renew period
value = "EI_EXPOSE_REP",
justification = "A Duration can't actually be mutated"
public Duration getAutoRenewPeriod() {
return autoRenewPeriod;
* Sets the period that the instance will charge its account every this many seconds to renew.
* @param autoRenewPeriod The Duration to be set for auto renewal
* @return {@code this}
value = "EI_EXPOSE_REP2",
justification = "A Duration can't actually be mutated"
public ContractCreateTransaction setAutoRenewPeriod(Duration autoRenewPeriod) {
this.autoRenewPeriod = autoRenewPeriod;
return this;
* Extract the constructor parameters.
* @return the byte string representation
public ByteString getConstructorParameters() {
return ByteString.copyFrom(constructorParameters);
* Sets the constructor parameters as their raw bytes.
* Use this instead of {@link #setConstructorParameters(ContractFunctionParameters)} if you have already
* pre-encoded a solidity function call.
* @param constructorParameters The constructor parameters
* @return {@code this}
public ContractCreateTransaction setConstructorParameters(byte[] constructorParameters) {
this.constructorParameters = Arrays.copyOf(constructorParameters, constructorParameters.length);
return this;
* Sets the parameters to pass to the constructor.
* @param constructorParameters The contructor parameters
* @return {@code this}
public ContractCreateTransaction setConstructorParameters(ContractFunctionParameters constructorParameters) {
return setConstructorParameters(constructorParameters.toBytes(null).toByteArray());
* Extract the contract memo.
* @return the contract's memo
public String getContractMemo() {
return contractMemo;
* Sets the memo to be associated with this contract.
* @param memo The String to be set as the memo
* @return {@code this}
public ContractCreateTransaction setContractMemo(String memo) {
contractMemo = memo;
return this;
* ID of the account to which this contract will stake
* @return ID of the account to which this contract will stake.
public AccountId getStakedAccountId() {
return stakedAccountId;
* Set the account to which this contract will stake
* @param stakedAccountId ID of the account to which this contract will stake.
* @return {@code this}
public ContractCreateTransaction setStakedAccountId(@Nullable AccountId stakedAccountId) {
this.stakedAccountId = stakedAccountId;
this.stakedNodeId = null;
return this;
* The node to which this contract will stake
* @return ID of the node this contract will be staked to.
public Long getStakedNodeId() {
return stakedNodeId;
* Set the node to which this contract will stake
* @param stakedNodeId ID of the node this contract will be staked to.
* @return {@code this}
public ContractCreateTransaction setStakedNodeId(@Nullable Long stakedNodeId) {
this.stakedNodeId = stakedNodeId;
this.stakedAccountId = null;
return this;
* If true, the contract declines receiving a staking reward. The default value is false.
* @return If true, the contract declines receiving a staking reward. The default value is false.
public boolean getDeclineStakingReward() {
return declineStakingReward;
* If true, the contract declines receiving a staking reward. The default value is false.
* @param declineStakingReward - If true, the contract declines receiving a staking reward. The default value is false.
* @return {@code this}
public ContractCreateTransaction setDeclineStakingReward(boolean declineStakingReward) {
this.declineStakingReward = declineStakingReward;
return this;
* Get the auto renew accountId.
* @return the auto renew accountId
public AccountId getAutoRenewAccountId() {
return autoRenewAccountId;
* An account to charge for auto-renewal of this contract. If not set, or set to an
* account with zero hbar balance, the contract's own hbar balance will be used to
* cover auto-renewal fees.
* @param autoRenewAccountId The AccountId to be set for auto renewal
* @return {@code this}
public ContractCreateTransaction setAutoRenewAccountId(AccountId autoRenewAccountId) {
this.autoRenewAccountId = autoRenewAccountId;
return this;
* Build the transaction body.
* @return {@link ContractCreateTransactionBody}
ContractCreateTransactionBody.Builder build() {
var builder = ContractCreateTransactionBody.newBuilder();
if (bytecodeFileId != null) {
if (bytecode != null) {
if (proxyAccountId != null) {
if (adminKey != null) {
if (autoRenewPeriod != null) {
if (stakedAccountId != null) {
} else if (stakedNodeId != null) {
if (autoRenewAccountId != null) {
return builder;
void validateChecksums(Client client) throws BadEntityIdException {
if (bytecodeFileId != null) {
if (proxyAccountId != null) {
if (stakedAccountId != null) {
if (autoRenewAccountId != null) {
* Initialize from the transaction body.
void initFromTransactionBody() {
var body = sourceTransactionBody.getContractCreateInstance();
if (body.hasFileID()) {
bytecodeFileId = FileId.fromProtobuf(body.getFileID());
if (body.hasInitcode()) {
bytecode = body.getInitcode().toByteArray();
if (body.hasProxyAccountID()) {
proxyAccountId = AccountId.fromProtobuf(body.getProxyAccountID());
if (body.hasAdminKey()) {
adminKey = Key.fromProtobufKey(body.getAdminKey());
maxAutomaticTokenAssociations = body.getMaxAutomaticTokenAssociations();
if (body.hasAutoRenewPeriod()) {
autoRenewPeriod = DurationConverter.fromProtobuf(body.getAutoRenewPeriod());
gas = body.getGas();
initialBalance = Hbar.fromTinybars(body.getInitialBalance());
constructorParameters = body.getConstructorParameters().toByteArray();
contractMemo = body.getMemo();
declineStakingReward = body.getDeclineReward();
if (body.hasStakedAccountId()) {
stakedAccountId = AccountId.fromProtobuf(body.getStakedAccountId());
if (body.hasStakedNodeId()) {
stakedNodeId = body.getStakedNodeId();
if (body.hasAutoRenewAccountId()) {
autoRenewAccountId = AccountId.fromProtobuf(body.getAutoRenewAccountId());
MethodDescriptor getMethodDescriptor() {
return SmartContractServiceGrpc.getCreateContractMethod();
void onFreeze(TransactionBody.Builder bodyBuilder) {
void onScheduled(SchedulableTransactionBody.Builder scheduled) {