com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.TransactionBodyOrBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: transaction_body.proto
package com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto;
public interface TransactionBodyOrBuilder extends
// @@protoc_insertion_point(interface_extends:proto.TransactionBody)
com.google.protobuf.MessageLiteOrBuilder {
* The ID for this transaction, which includes the payer's account (the account paying the
* transaction fee). If two transactions have the same transactionID, they won't both have an
* effect
* .proto.TransactionID transactionID = 1;
* @return Whether the transactionID field is set.
boolean hasTransactionID();
* The ID for this transaction, which includes the payer's account (the account paying the
* transaction fee). If two transactions have the same transactionID, they won't both have an
* effect
* .proto.TransactionID transactionID = 1;
* @return The transactionID.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.TransactionID getTransactionID();
* The account of the node that submits the client's transaction to the network
* .proto.AccountID nodeAccountID = 2;
* @return Whether the nodeAccountID field is set.
boolean hasNodeAccountID();
* The account of the node that submits the client's transaction to the network
* .proto.AccountID nodeAccountID = 2;
* @return The nodeAccountID.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.AccountID getNodeAccountID();
* The maximum transaction fee the client is willing to pay
* uint64 transactionFee = 3;
* @return The transactionFee.
long getTransactionFee();
* The transaction is invalid if consensusTimestamp > transactionID.transactionValidStart +
* transactionValidDuration
* .proto.Duration transactionValidDuration = 4;
* @return Whether the transactionValidDuration field is set.
boolean hasTransactionValidDuration();
* The transaction is invalid if consensusTimestamp > transactionID.transactionValidStart +
* transactionValidDuration
* .proto.Duration transactionValidDuration = 4;
* @return The transactionValidDuration.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.Duration getTransactionValidDuration();
* Should a record of this transaction be generated? (A receipt is always generated, but the
* record is optional)
* bool generateRecord = 5 [deprecated = true];
* @deprecated proto.TransactionBody.generateRecord is deprecated.
* See transaction_body.proto;l=117
* @return The generateRecord.
@java.lang.Deprecated boolean getGenerateRecord();
* Any notes or descriptions that should be put into the record (max length 100)
* string memo = 6;
* @return The memo.
java.lang.String getMemo();
* Any notes or descriptions that should be put into the record (max length 100)
* string memo = 6;
* @return The bytes for memo.
* Calls a function of a contract instance
* .proto.ContractCallTransactionBody contractCall = 7;
* @return Whether the contractCall field is set.
boolean hasContractCall();
* Calls a function of a contract instance
* .proto.ContractCallTransactionBody contractCall = 7;
* @return The contractCall.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.ContractCallTransactionBody getContractCall();
* Creates a contract instance
* .proto.ContractCreateTransactionBody contractCreateInstance = 8;
* @return Whether the contractCreateInstance field is set.
boolean hasContractCreateInstance();
* Creates a contract instance
* .proto.ContractCreateTransactionBody contractCreateInstance = 8;
* @return The contractCreateInstance.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.ContractCreateTransactionBody getContractCreateInstance();
* Updates a contract
* .proto.ContractUpdateTransactionBody contractUpdateInstance = 9;
* @return Whether the contractUpdateInstance field is set.
boolean hasContractUpdateInstance();
* Updates a contract
* .proto.ContractUpdateTransactionBody contractUpdateInstance = 9;
* @return The contractUpdateInstance.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.ContractUpdateTransactionBody getContractUpdateInstance();
* Delete contract and transfer remaining balance into specified account
* .proto.ContractDeleteTransactionBody contractDeleteInstance = 22;
* @return Whether the contractDeleteInstance field is set.
boolean hasContractDeleteInstance();
* Delete contract and transfer remaining balance into specified account
* .proto.ContractDeleteTransactionBody contractDeleteInstance = 22;
* @return The contractDeleteInstance.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.ContractDeleteTransactionBody getContractDeleteInstance();
* An Ethereum encoded transaction.
* .proto.EthereumTransactionBody ethereumTransaction = 50;
* @return Whether the ethereumTransaction field is set.
boolean hasEthereumTransaction();
* An Ethereum encoded transaction.
* .proto.EthereumTransactionBody ethereumTransaction = 50;
* @return The ethereumTransaction.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.EthereumTransactionBody getEthereumTransaction();
* Attach a new livehash to an account
* .proto.CryptoAddLiveHashTransactionBody cryptoAddLiveHash = 10;
* @return Whether the cryptoAddLiveHash field is set.
boolean hasCryptoAddLiveHash();
* Attach a new livehash to an account
* .proto.CryptoAddLiveHashTransactionBody cryptoAddLiveHash = 10;
* @return The cryptoAddLiveHash.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.CryptoAddLiveHashTransactionBody getCryptoAddLiveHash();
* Adds one or more approved allowances for spenders to transfer the paying account's hbar or tokens.
* .proto.CryptoApproveAllowanceTransactionBody cryptoApproveAllowance = 48;
* @return Whether the cryptoApproveAllowance field is set.
boolean hasCryptoApproveAllowance();
* Adds one or more approved allowances for spenders to transfer the paying account's hbar or tokens.
* .proto.CryptoApproveAllowanceTransactionBody cryptoApproveAllowance = 48;
* @return The cryptoApproveAllowance.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.CryptoApproveAllowanceTransactionBody getCryptoApproveAllowance();
* Deletes one or more of the specific approved NFT serial numbers on an owner account.
* .proto.CryptoDeleteAllowanceTransactionBody cryptoDeleteAllowance = 49;
* @return Whether the cryptoDeleteAllowance field is set.
boolean hasCryptoDeleteAllowance();
* Deletes one or more of the specific approved NFT serial numbers on an owner account.
* .proto.CryptoDeleteAllowanceTransactionBody cryptoDeleteAllowance = 49;
* @return The cryptoDeleteAllowance.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.CryptoDeleteAllowanceTransactionBody getCryptoDeleteAllowance();
* Create a new cryptocurrency account
* .proto.CryptoCreateTransactionBody cryptoCreateAccount = 11;
* @return Whether the cryptoCreateAccount field is set.
boolean hasCryptoCreateAccount();
* Create a new cryptocurrency account
* .proto.CryptoCreateTransactionBody cryptoCreateAccount = 11;
* @return The cryptoCreateAccount.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.CryptoCreateTransactionBody getCryptoCreateAccount();
* Delete a cryptocurrency account (mark as deleted, and transfer hbars out)
* .proto.CryptoDeleteTransactionBody cryptoDelete = 12;
* @return Whether the cryptoDelete field is set.
boolean hasCryptoDelete();
* Delete a cryptocurrency account (mark as deleted, and transfer hbars out)
* .proto.CryptoDeleteTransactionBody cryptoDelete = 12;
* @return The cryptoDelete.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.CryptoDeleteTransactionBody getCryptoDelete();
* Remove a livehash from an account
* .proto.CryptoDeleteLiveHashTransactionBody cryptoDeleteLiveHash = 13;
* @return Whether the cryptoDeleteLiveHash field is set.
boolean hasCryptoDeleteLiveHash();
* Remove a livehash from an account
* .proto.CryptoDeleteLiveHashTransactionBody cryptoDeleteLiveHash = 13;
* @return The cryptoDeleteLiveHash.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.CryptoDeleteLiveHashTransactionBody getCryptoDeleteLiveHash();
* Transfer amount between accounts
* .proto.CryptoTransferTransactionBody cryptoTransfer = 14;
* @return Whether the cryptoTransfer field is set.
boolean hasCryptoTransfer();
* Transfer amount between accounts
* .proto.CryptoTransferTransactionBody cryptoTransfer = 14;
* @return The cryptoTransfer.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.CryptoTransferTransactionBody getCryptoTransfer();
* Modify information such as the expiration date for an account
* .proto.CryptoUpdateTransactionBody cryptoUpdateAccount = 15;
* @return Whether the cryptoUpdateAccount field is set.
boolean hasCryptoUpdateAccount();
* Modify information such as the expiration date for an account
* .proto.CryptoUpdateTransactionBody cryptoUpdateAccount = 15;
* @return The cryptoUpdateAccount.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.CryptoUpdateTransactionBody getCryptoUpdateAccount();
* Add bytes to the end of the contents of a file
* .proto.FileAppendTransactionBody fileAppend = 16;
* @return Whether the fileAppend field is set.
boolean hasFileAppend();
* Add bytes to the end of the contents of a file
* .proto.FileAppendTransactionBody fileAppend = 16;
* @return The fileAppend.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.FileAppendTransactionBody getFileAppend();
* Create a new file
* .proto.FileCreateTransactionBody fileCreate = 17;
* @return Whether the fileCreate field is set.
boolean hasFileCreate();
* Create a new file
* .proto.FileCreateTransactionBody fileCreate = 17;
* @return The fileCreate.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.FileCreateTransactionBody getFileCreate();
* Delete a file (remove contents and mark as deleted until it expires)
* .proto.FileDeleteTransactionBody fileDelete = 18;
* @return Whether the fileDelete field is set.
boolean hasFileDelete();
* Delete a file (remove contents and mark as deleted until it expires)
* .proto.FileDeleteTransactionBody fileDelete = 18;
* @return The fileDelete.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.FileDeleteTransactionBody getFileDelete();
* Modify information such as the expiration date for a file
* .proto.FileUpdateTransactionBody fileUpdate = 19;
* @return Whether the fileUpdate field is set.
boolean hasFileUpdate();
* Modify information such as the expiration date for a file
* .proto.FileUpdateTransactionBody fileUpdate = 19;
* @return The fileUpdate.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.FileUpdateTransactionBody getFileUpdate();
* Hedera administrative deletion of a file or smart contract
* .proto.SystemDeleteTransactionBody systemDelete = 20;
* @return Whether the systemDelete field is set.
boolean hasSystemDelete();
* Hedera administrative deletion of a file or smart contract
* .proto.SystemDeleteTransactionBody systemDelete = 20;
* @return The systemDelete.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.SystemDeleteTransactionBody getSystemDelete();
* To undelete an entity deleted by SystemDelete
* .proto.SystemUndeleteTransactionBody systemUndelete = 21;
* @return Whether the systemUndelete field is set.
boolean hasSystemUndelete();
* To undelete an entity deleted by SystemDelete
* .proto.SystemUndeleteTransactionBody systemUndelete = 21;
* @return The systemUndelete.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.SystemUndeleteTransactionBody getSystemUndelete();
* Freeze the nodes
* .proto.FreezeTransactionBody freeze = 23;
* @return Whether the freeze field is set.
boolean hasFreeze();
* Freeze the nodes
* .proto.FreezeTransactionBody freeze = 23;
* @return The freeze.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.FreezeTransactionBody getFreeze();
* Creates a topic
* .proto.ConsensusCreateTopicTransactionBody consensusCreateTopic = 24;
* @return Whether the consensusCreateTopic field is set.
boolean hasConsensusCreateTopic();
* Creates a topic
* .proto.ConsensusCreateTopicTransactionBody consensusCreateTopic = 24;
* @return The consensusCreateTopic.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.ConsensusCreateTopicTransactionBody getConsensusCreateTopic();
* Updates a topic
* .proto.ConsensusUpdateTopicTransactionBody consensusUpdateTopic = 25;
* @return Whether the consensusUpdateTopic field is set.
boolean hasConsensusUpdateTopic();
* Updates a topic
* .proto.ConsensusUpdateTopicTransactionBody consensusUpdateTopic = 25;
* @return The consensusUpdateTopic.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.ConsensusUpdateTopicTransactionBody getConsensusUpdateTopic();
* Deletes a topic
* .proto.ConsensusDeleteTopicTransactionBody consensusDeleteTopic = 26;
* @return Whether the consensusDeleteTopic field is set.
boolean hasConsensusDeleteTopic();
* Deletes a topic
* .proto.ConsensusDeleteTopicTransactionBody consensusDeleteTopic = 26;
* @return The consensusDeleteTopic.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.ConsensusDeleteTopicTransactionBody getConsensusDeleteTopic();
* Submits message to a topic
* .proto.ConsensusSubmitMessageTransactionBody consensusSubmitMessage = 27;
* @return Whether the consensusSubmitMessage field is set.
boolean hasConsensusSubmitMessage();
* Submits message to a topic
* .proto.ConsensusSubmitMessageTransactionBody consensusSubmitMessage = 27;
* @return The consensusSubmitMessage.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.ConsensusSubmitMessageTransactionBody getConsensusSubmitMessage();
* .proto.UncheckedSubmitBody uncheckedSubmit = 28;
* @return Whether the uncheckedSubmit field is set.
boolean hasUncheckedSubmit();
* .proto.UncheckedSubmitBody uncheckedSubmit = 28;
* @return The uncheckedSubmit.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.UncheckedSubmitBody getUncheckedSubmit();
* Creates a token instance
* .proto.TokenCreateTransactionBody tokenCreation = 29;
* @return Whether the tokenCreation field is set.
boolean hasTokenCreation();
* Creates a token instance
* .proto.TokenCreateTransactionBody tokenCreation = 29;
* @return The tokenCreation.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.TokenCreateTransactionBody getTokenCreation();
* Freezes account not to be able to transact with a token
* .proto.TokenFreezeAccountTransactionBody tokenFreeze = 31;
* @return Whether the tokenFreeze field is set.
boolean hasTokenFreeze();
* Freezes account not to be able to transact with a token
* .proto.TokenFreezeAccountTransactionBody tokenFreeze = 31;
* @return The tokenFreeze.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.TokenFreezeAccountTransactionBody getTokenFreeze();
* Unfreezes account for a token
* .proto.TokenUnfreezeAccountTransactionBody tokenUnfreeze = 32;
* @return Whether the tokenUnfreeze field is set.
boolean hasTokenUnfreeze();
* Unfreezes account for a token
* .proto.TokenUnfreezeAccountTransactionBody tokenUnfreeze = 32;
* @return The tokenUnfreeze.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.TokenUnfreezeAccountTransactionBody getTokenUnfreeze();
* Grants KYC to an account for a token
* .proto.TokenGrantKycTransactionBody tokenGrantKyc = 33;
* @return Whether the tokenGrantKyc field is set.
boolean hasTokenGrantKyc();
* Grants KYC to an account for a token
* .proto.TokenGrantKycTransactionBody tokenGrantKyc = 33;
* @return The tokenGrantKyc.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.TokenGrantKycTransactionBody getTokenGrantKyc();
* Revokes KYC of an account for a token
* .proto.TokenRevokeKycTransactionBody tokenRevokeKyc = 34;
* @return Whether the tokenRevokeKyc field is set.
boolean hasTokenRevokeKyc();
* Revokes KYC of an account for a token
* .proto.TokenRevokeKycTransactionBody tokenRevokeKyc = 34;
* @return The tokenRevokeKyc.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.TokenRevokeKycTransactionBody getTokenRevokeKyc();
* Deletes a token instance
* .proto.TokenDeleteTransactionBody tokenDeletion = 35;
* @return Whether the tokenDeletion field is set.
boolean hasTokenDeletion();
* Deletes a token instance
* .proto.TokenDeleteTransactionBody tokenDeletion = 35;
* @return The tokenDeletion.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.TokenDeleteTransactionBody getTokenDeletion();
* Updates a token instance
* .proto.TokenUpdateTransactionBody tokenUpdate = 36;
* @return Whether the tokenUpdate field is set.
boolean hasTokenUpdate();
* Updates a token instance
* .proto.TokenUpdateTransactionBody tokenUpdate = 36;
* @return The tokenUpdate.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.TokenUpdateTransactionBody getTokenUpdate();
* Mints new tokens to a token's treasury account
* .proto.TokenMintTransactionBody tokenMint = 37;
* @return Whether the tokenMint field is set.
boolean hasTokenMint();
* Mints new tokens to a token's treasury account
* .proto.TokenMintTransactionBody tokenMint = 37;
* @return The tokenMint.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.TokenMintTransactionBody getTokenMint();
* Burns tokens from a token's treasury account
* .proto.TokenBurnTransactionBody tokenBurn = 38;
* @return Whether the tokenBurn field is set.
boolean hasTokenBurn();
* Burns tokens from a token's treasury account
* .proto.TokenBurnTransactionBody tokenBurn = 38;
* @return The tokenBurn.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.TokenBurnTransactionBody getTokenBurn();
* Wipes amount of tokens from an account
* .proto.TokenWipeAccountTransactionBody tokenWipe = 39;
* @return Whether the tokenWipe field is set.
boolean hasTokenWipe();
* Wipes amount of tokens from an account
* .proto.TokenWipeAccountTransactionBody tokenWipe = 39;
* @return The tokenWipe.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.TokenWipeAccountTransactionBody getTokenWipe();
* Associate tokens to an account
* .proto.TokenAssociateTransactionBody tokenAssociate = 40;
* @return Whether the tokenAssociate field is set.
boolean hasTokenAssociate();
* Associate tokens to an account
* .proto.TokenAssociateTransactionBody tokenAssociate = 40;
* @return The tokenAssociate.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.TokenAssociateTransactionBody getTokenAssociate();
* Dissociate tokens from an account
* .proto.TokenDissociateTransactionBody tokenDissociate = 41;
* @return Whether the tokenDissociate field is set.
boolean hasTokenDissociate();
* Dissociate tokens from an account
* .proto.TokenDissociateTransactionBody tokenDissociate = 41;
* @return The tokenDissociate.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.TokenDissociateTransactionBody getTokenDissociate();
* Updates a token's custom fee schedule
* .proto.TokenFeeScheduleUpdateTransactionBody token_fee_schedule_update = 45;
* @return Whether the tokenFeeScheduleUpdate field is set.
boolean hasTokenFeeScheduleUpdate();
* Updates a token's custom fee schedule
* .proto.TokenFeeScheduleUpdateTransactionBody token_fee_schedule_update = 45;
* @return The tokenFeeScheduleUpdate.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.TokenFeeScheduleUpdateTransactionBody getTokenFeeScheduleUpdate();
* Pauses the Token
* .proto.TokenPauseTransactionBody token_pause = 46;
* @return Whether the tokenPause field is set.
boolean hasTokenPause();
* Pauses the Token
* .proto.TokenPauseTransactionBody token_pause = 46;
* @return The tokenPause.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.TokenPauseTransactionBody getTokenPause();
* Unpauses the Token
* .proto.TokenUnpauseTransactionBody token_unpause = 47;
* @return Whether the tokenUnpause field is set.
boolean hasTokenUnpause();
* Unpauses the Token
* .proto.TokenUnpauseTransactionBody token_unpause = 47;
* @return The tokenUnpause.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.TokenUnpauseTransactionBody getTokenUnpause();
* Creates a schedule in the network's action queue
* .proto.ScheduleCreateTransactionBody scheduleCreate = 42;
* @return Whether the scheduleCreate field is set.
boolean hasScheduleCreate();
* Creates a schedule in the network's action queue
* .proto.ScheduleCreateTransactionBody scheduleCreate = 42;
* @return The scheduleCreate.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.ScheduleCreateTransactionBody getScheduleCreate();
* Deletes a schedule from the network's action queue
* .proto.ScheduleDeleteTransactionBody scheduleDelete = 43;
* @return Whether the scheduleDelete field is set.
boolean hasScheduleDelete();
* Deletes a schedule from the network's action queue
* .proto.ScheduleDeleteTransactionBody scheduleDelete = 43;
* @return The scheduleDelete.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.ScheduleDeleteTransactionBody getScheduleDelete();
* Adds one or more Ed25519 keys to the affirmed signers of a scheduled transaction
* .proto.ScheduleSignTransactionBody scheduleSign = 44;
* @return Whether the scheduleSign field is set.
boolean hasScheduleSign();
* Adds one or more Ed25519 keys to the affirmed signers of a scheduled transaction
* .proto.ScheduleSignTransactionBody scheduleSign = 44;
* @return The scheduleSign.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.ScheduleSignTransactionBody getScheduleSign();
* Updates the staking info at the end of staking period to indicate new staking period has started.
* .proto.NodeStakeUpdateTransactionBody node_stake_update = 51;
* @return Whether the nodeStakeUpdate field is set.
boolean hasNodeStakeUpdate();
* Updates the staking info at the end of staking period to indicate new staking period has started.
* .proto.NodeStakeUpdateTransactionBody node_stake_update = 51;
* @return The nodeStakeUpdate.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.NodeStakeUpdateTransactionBody getNodeStakeUpdate();
* Generates a pseudorandom number.
* .proto.UtilPrngTransactionBody util_prng = 52;
* @return Whether the utilPrng field is set.
boolean hasUtilPrng();
* Generates a pseudorandom number.
* .proto.UtilPrngTransactionBody util_prng = 52;
* @return The utilPrng.
com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.UtilPrngTransactionBody getUtilPrng();
public com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.proto.TransactionBody.DataCase getDataCase();
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