com.altova.functions.Edifact Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* This file was generated by MapForce 2017sp2.
* Refer to the MapForce Documentation for further details.
package com.altova.functions;
import com.altova.CoreTypes;
import com.altova.types.DateTime;
import com.altova.types.Duration;
public class Edifact
// ---------- date / time functions ----------
/* The result is the date / time / datetime value extracted from the coded source using the given format code.
public static String autoformat( String sValue, String sFormat ) {
String result = null;
int i = 0;
char[] arrValue = sValue.toCharArray();
switch( Integer.parseInt(sFormat) )
// DDD
// Day's number within a specific year: D = Day.
case 107:
checkMinMaxLength ( sValue, sFormat, 1, 3 );
// Note: gDay cannot accommodate all values. So we return a days-duration.
int days = Integer.parseInt( sValue );
Duration dur = new Duration( 0, 0, days, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, false );
result = dur.toString();
// WW
// Week's number within a specific year: W = Week.
case 108:
checkMinMaxLength ( sValue, sFormat, 1, 2 );
// Note: A 'gWeek' does not exist and gDay cannot accommodate all values. So we return a days-duration.
int weeksNum = Integer.parseInt( sValue );
Duration dur = new Duration( 0, 0, weeksNum * 7, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, false );
result = dur.toString();
// MM
// Month's number within a specific year: M = Month.
case 109:
checkMinMaxLength ( sValue, sFormat, 1, 2 );
// gMonth
int month = Integer.parseInt( sValue );
Duration dur = new Duration( 0, month, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, false );
result = dur.toString();
// DD
// Day's number within is a specific month: D = Day.
case 110:
checkMinMaxLength ( sValue, sFormat, 1, 2 );
// gDay
int days = Integer.parseInt( sValue );
Duration dur = new Duration( 0, 0, days, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, false );
result = dur.toString();
// CC
// Century.
case 600:
checkMinMaxLength ( sValue, sFormat, 1, 2 );
int century = Integer.parseInt( sValue );
result = CoreTypes.formatNumber(Y2KConvert.Year( century, 0 ), 4);
// YY
// Calendar year: Y = Year.
case 601:
checkMinMaxLength ( sValue, sFormat, 1, 2 );
// gYear
int number = Y2KConvert.Year( Integer.parseInt( sValue ) );
result = CoreTypes.formatNumber(number, 4);
// Calendar year including century: C = Century; Y = Year.
case 602:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 4 );
int cc = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int yy = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int number = Y2KConvert.Year( cc, yy );
result = CoreTypes.formatNumber(number, 4);
// YYS
// Semester in a calendar year: Y = Year; S = Semester.
case 603:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 3 );
int yy = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int semester = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 1 ) ); i += 1;
result = CoreTypes.formatNumber(Y2KConvert.Year( yy ), 4) + "-" + CoreTypes.formatNumber((semester - 1) * 6 + 1, 2);
// Semester in a calendar year: C = Century; Y = Year; S = Semester.
case 604:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 5 );
// gYearMonth
int cc = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int yy = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int semester = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 1 ) ); i += 1;
result = CoreTypes.formatNumber(Y2KConvert.Year( cc, yy ), 4) + "-" + CoreTypes.formatNumber((semester - 1) * 6 + 1, 2);
// Quarter in a calendar year: C = Century; Y = Year; Q = Quarter.
case 608:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 5 );
// gYearMonth
int cc = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int yy = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int quarter = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 1 ) ); i += 1;
if ( quarter != 1)
quarter = ( ( quarter - 1 ) * 3 + 1);
result = CoreTypes.formatNumber(Y2KConvert.Year( cc, yy ), 4) + "-" + CoreTypes.formatNumber(quarter, 2);
// Month within a calendar year: Y = Year; M = Month.
case 609:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 4 );
// gYearMonth
int yy = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int mm = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
result = CoreTypes.formatNumber(Y2KConvert.Year( yy ), 4) + "-" + CoreTypes.formatNumber(mm, 2);
// Month within a calendar year: CC = Century; Y = Year; M = Month.
case 610:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 6 );
// gYearMonth
int cc = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int yy = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int mm = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
result = CoreTypes.formatNumber(Y2KConvert.Year( cc, yy ), 4) + "-" + CoreTypes.formatNumber(mm, 2);
// To specifiy a ten-day period within a month of a year (A = ten day period).
case 613:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 5 );
int yy = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int mm = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int period = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 1 ) ); i += 1;
DateTime date = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( yy ), mm, 10 * (period - 1) + 1 );
result = date.toDateString();
// To specifiy a ten-day period within a month of a year, including century (A = ten day period).
case 614:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 7 );
int cc = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int yy = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int mm = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int period = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 1 ) ); i += 1;
DateTime date = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( cc, yy ), mm, 10 * (period - 1) + 1 );
result = date.toDateString();
// Day of the week
// Numeric representation of the day (Monday = 1).
case 813:
int dayofweek = Integer.parseInt( sValue );
dayofweek = (dayofweek + 6) % 7; // make Monday = 0
Duration dur = Duration.getFromDayTime( dayofweek, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 );
result = dur.toString();
// Working days
// Number of working days.
case 814:
int number = Integer.parseInt( sValue );
number = (number / 5) * 7 + number % 5;
Duration dur = Duration.getFromDayTime( number, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 );
result = dur.toString();
DateTime time = Edifact.toTime( sValue, sFormat, false );
if( time != null ) return time.toTimeString();
DateTime date = Edifact.toDate( sValue, sFormat, false );
if( date != null ) return date.toDateString(true);
Duration duration = Edifact.toDuration( sValue, sFormat, false );
if( duration != null ) return duration.toString();
DateTime datetime = Edifact.toDatetime( sValue, sFormat, false );
if( datetime != null ) return datetime.toString();
result = sValue;
return result;
/* The result is the time value extracted from the coded source using the given format code.
public static DateTime toTime( String sValue, String sFormat )
return Edifact.toTime( sValue, sFormat, true );
// Overloaded method with control parameter for the default-switch exception
private static DateTime toTime( String sValue, String sFormat, boolean bRaiseExc )
DateTime result = null;
int hour = 0;
int minute = 0;
int seconds = 0;
int i = 0;
char[] arrValue = sValue.toCharArray();
switch( Integer.parseInt(sFormat) )
// Time without seconds: H = Hour; m = Minute.
case 401:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 4 );
hour = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
minute = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
result = new DateTime( 1, 1, 1, hour, minute, 0, 0.0 );
// Time with seconds: H = Hour; m = Minute; s = Seconds.
case 402:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 6 );
hour = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
minute = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
seconds = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
result = new DateTime( 1, 1, 1, hour, minute, seconds, 0.0 );
// See 402 plus Z=Time zone.
case 404:
checkMinMaxLength ( sValue, sFormat, 7, 9 );
String tz;
hour = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
minute = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
seconds = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
tz = new String( arrValue, i, arrValue.length - i );
result = new DateTime( 1, 1, 1, hour, minute, seconds, 0.0, TZConvert.Timezone(tz) );
// Time without hours: m=minutes, s=seconds.
case 405:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 6 );
minute = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 4 ) ); i += 4;
seconds = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
result = new DateTime( 1, 1, 1, minute / 60, minute % 60, seconds, 0.0 );
if ( bRaiseExc ) throw new com.altova.AltovaException ("Unknown format code. Cannot convert the value '" + sValue + "' using the format code '" + sFormat + "'." );
return result;
/* The result is the date value extracted from the coded source using the given format code.
public static DateTime toDate( String sValue, String sFormat )
return Edifact.toDate( sValue, sFormat, true );
//Overloaded method with control parameter for the default-switch exception
private static DateTime toDate( String sValue, String sFormat, boolean bRaiseExc ) {
DateTime result = null;
int century = 0;
int year = 0;
int month = 0;
int week = 0;
int day = 0;
int i = 0;
char[] arrValue = sValue.toCharArray();
switch( Integer.parseInt(sFormat) )
case 2:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 6 );
day = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
month = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
year = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
result = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( year ), month, day );
case 3:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 6 );
month = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
day = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
year = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
result = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( year ), month, day );
case 4:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 8 );
day = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
month = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
century = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
year = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
result = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( century, year ), month, day );
// B=1:first half month, B=2:second half month.
case 6:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 7 );
century = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
year = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
month = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int B = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 1 ) ); i += 1;
DateTime date = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( century, year ), month, 1 );
Duration offset = new Duration( 0, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, false );
if( B == 2 ) date = Lang.datetimeAdd( date, offset );
result = date;
// W=1-5 first week to fifth week in a month.
case 7:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 7 );
century = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
year = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
month = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
week = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 1 ) ); i += 1;
DateTime baseDate = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( century, year ), month, 1 );
Duration days = new Duration( 0, 0, (week-1) * 7, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, false );
result = Lang.datetimeAdd( baseDate, days );
// Shift within a calendar day: CC=century YY=year MM=month DD=day S=1-9 shift in a day.
case 8:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 9 );
century = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
year = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
month = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
day = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
// int s = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 1 ) ); i += 1;
result = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( century, year ), month, day );
// Time period within a calendar day: CC=century YY=year MM=month DD=day PP=00-99 time period.
case 9:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 10 );
century = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
year = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
month = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
day = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
// int pp = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
result = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( century, year ), month, day );
// Calendar date: Y = Year; M = Month; D = Day.
case 101:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 6 );
year = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
month = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
day = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
result = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( year ), month, day );
// Calendar date: C = Century ; Y = Year ; M = Month ; D = Day.
case 102:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 8 );
century = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
year = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
month = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
day = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
result = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( century, year ), month, day );
// Calendar week day: Y = Year ; W = Week ; D = Day
// Week number 01 is always first week of January
// Day number 1 is always Monday.
case 103:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 5 );
year = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
week = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
day = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 1 ) ); i += 1;
DateTime date = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( year ), 1, 4 );
Duration days = new Duration( 0, 0, (week - 1) * 7 + day - 1 - date.getWeekday(), 0, 0, 0, 0.0, false );
result = Lang.datetimeAdd( date, days );
// Calendar day: Y = Year ; D = Day
// January the first = Day 001
// Always start numbering the days of the year from January 1st through December 31st.
case 105:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 5 );
year = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
day = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 3 ) ); i += 3;
DateTime baseDate = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( year ), 1, 1 ); // January 1st
Duration days = new Duration( 0, 0, day-1, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, false );
result = Lang.datetimeAdd( baseDate, days );
// Week within a calendar year: Y = Year; W = Week 1st week of January = week 01.
case 615:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 4 );
year = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
week = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
DateTime date = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( year ), 1, 4 );
Duration days = new Duration( 0, 0, (week - 1) * 7 - date.getWeekday(), 0, 0, 0, 0.0, false );
result = Lang.datetimeAdd( date, days );
// Week within a calendar year: CC = Century; Y = Year; W = Week (1st week of January = week 01).
case 616:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 6 );
century = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
year = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
week = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
DateTime date = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( century, year ), 1, 4 );
Duration days = new Duration( 0, 0, (week - 1) * 7 - date.getWeekday(), 0, 0, 0, 0.0, false );
result = Lang.datetimeAdd( date, days );
if ( bRaiseExc ) throw new com.altova.AltovaException ("Unknown format code. Cannot convert the value '" + sValue + "' using the format code '" + sFormat + "'." );
return result;
/* The result is the datetime value extracted from the coded source using the given format code.
public static DateTime toDatetime( String sValue, String sFormat )
return Edifact.toDatetime( sValue, sFormat, true );
//Overloaded method with control parameter for the default-switch exception
private static DateTime toDatetime( String sValue, String sFormat, boolean bRaiseExc )
DateTime result = null;
int century = 0;
int year = 0;
int month = 0;
int day = 0;
int hour = 0;
int minute = 0;
int seconds = 0;
int i = 0;
char[] arrValue = sValue.toCharArray();
switch( Integer.parseInt(sFormat) )
case 5:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 12 );
day = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
month = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
century = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
year = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
hour = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
minute = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
result = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( century, year), month, day, hour, minute, 0, 0.0 );
// Calendar date including time with minutes: C=Century; Y=Year; M=Month; D=Day; T=Time designator; H=Hour; M=Minutes.
// The character [T] shall be used as time designator to indicate the start of the representation of the time.
// For example: 20010912T1433.
case 10:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 13 );
century = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
year = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
month = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
day = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
char T = arrValue[ i]; i += 1;
hour = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
minute = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
result = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( century, year), month, day, hour, minute, 0, 0.0 );
// Calendar date including time without seconds: Y = Year; M = Month; D = Day; H = Hour; M = Minute.
case 201:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 10 );
year = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
month = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
day = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
hour = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
minute = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
result = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( year), month, day, hour, minute, 0, 0.0 );
// Calendar date including time with seconds: Y = Year; M = Month; D = Day; H = Hour; m = Minutes = Seconds.
case 202:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 12 );
year = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
month = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
day = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
hour = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
minute = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
seconds = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
result = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( year), month, day, hour, minute, seconds, 0.0 );
// Calendar date including time with minutes: C=Century; Y=Year; M=Month; D=Day; H=Hour; M=Minutes.
case 203:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 12 );
century = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
year = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
month = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
day = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
hour = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
minute = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
result = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( century, year), month, day, hour, minute, 0, 0.0 );
// Calendar date including time with seconds: C=Century;Y=Year; M=Month;D=Day;H=Hour;M=Minute;S=Second.
case 204:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 14 );
century = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
year = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
month = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
day = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
hour = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
minute = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
seconds = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
result = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( century, year), month, day, hour, minute, seconds, 0.0 );
// Calendar date including time and time zone expressed in hours and minutes.
// ZHHMM = time zone given as offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
case 205:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 17 );
int offsetH = 0;
int offsetM = 0;
century = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
year = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
month = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
day = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
hour = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
minute = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
char s = arrValue[ i ]; i += 1;
offsetH = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
offsetM = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int tz = ( offsetH * 60 + offsetM ) * ((s == '-') ? -1 : +1);
result = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( century, year ), month, day, hour, minute, 0, 0.0, tz );
// See 201 + Z = Time zone.
case 301:
checkMinMaxLength ( sValue, sFormat, 11, 13 );
String zone;
year = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
month = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
day = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
hour = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
minute = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
zone = new String( arrValue, i, arrValue.length - i );
result = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( year), month, day, hour, minute, 0, 0.0, TZConvert.Timezone(zone) );
// See 202 + Z = Time zone.
case 302:
checkMinMaxLength ( sValue, sFormat, 13, 15 );
String zone;
year = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
month = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
day = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
hour = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
minute = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
seconds = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
zone = new String( arrValue, i, arrValue.length - i );
result = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( year), month, day, hour, minute, seconds, 0.0, TZConvert.Timezone(zone) );
// See 203 plus Z=Time zone.
case 303:
checkMinMaxLength ( sValue, sFormat, 13, 15 );
String zone;
century = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
year = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
month = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
day = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
hour = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
minute = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
zone = new String( arrValue, i, arrValue.length - i );
result = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( century, year), month, day, hour, minute, 0, 0.0, TZConvert.Timezone(zone) );
// See 204 plus Z=Time zone.
case 304:
checkMinMaxLength ( sValue, sFormat, 15, 17 );
String zone;
century = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
year = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
month = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
day = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
hour = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
minute = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
seconds = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
zone = new String( arrValue, i, arrValue.length - i );
result = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( century, year), month, day, hour, minute, seconds, 0.0, TZConvert.Timezone(zone) );
if ( bRaiseExc )throw new com.altova.AltovaException ("Unknown format code. Cannot convert the value '" + sValue + "' using the format code '" + sFormat + "'." );
return result;
/* The result is the Duration value extracted from the coded source using the given format code.
public static Duration toDuration( String sValue, String sFormat )
return Edifact.toDuration ( sValue, sFormat, true );
//Overloaded method with control parameter for the default-switch exception
private static Duration toDuration( String sValue, String sFormat, boolean bRaiseExc )
sValue = sValue.replaceAll("-", "");
Duration result = null;
int year = 0;
int month = 0;
int week = 0;
int day = 0;
int hour = 0;
int minute = 0;
int seconds = 0;
int i = 0;
char[] arrValue = sValue.toCharArray();
switch( Integer.parseInt(sFormat) )
// Day of a month: M = Month; D = Day.
case 106:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 4 );
month = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
day = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
result = new Duration( 0, month, day, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, false );
//result = new DateTime( 1, month, day );
// Month, day, hours, minutes; M = Month; D = Day; H = Hour; M = Minute.
case 305:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 8 );
month = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
day = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
hour = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
minute = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
result = new Duration( 0, month, day, hour, minute, 0, 0.0, false );
// Day, hours, minutes; D = Day; H = Hour; M = Minute.
case 306:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 6 );
day = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
hour = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
minute = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
result = new Duration( 0, 0, day, hour, minute, 0, 0.0, false );
// Offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) where Z is plus (+) or minus (-).
case 406:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 5 );
char s = arrValue[ i ]; i += 1;
hour = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
minute = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
result = new Duration( 0, 0, 0, hour, minute, 0, 0.0, s == '-' );
// Time span without seconds: H = Hour; m = Minute;.
case 501:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 8 );
int fromH = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromM = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toH = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toM = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
DateTime from = new DateTime( 1, 1, 1, fromH, fromM, 0, 0.0 );
DateTime to = new DateTime( 1, 1, 1, toH, toM, 0, 0.0 );
result = Lang.datetimeDiff( to, from );
// A period of time specified by giving the start time
// followed by the end time (both expressed by hours
// minutes and seconds). Data is to be transmitted as
// consecutive characters without hyphen.
case 502:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 12 );
int fromH = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromM = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromS = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toH = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toM = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toS = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
DateTime from = new DateTime( 1, 1, 1, fromH, fromM, fromS, 0.0 );
DateTime to = new DateTime( 1, 1, 1, toH, toM, toS, 0.0 );
result = Lang.datetimeDiff( to, from );
// A period of time specified by giving the start time
// followed by the end time (both expressed by hours
// minutes, seconds and time zone). Data is to be
// transmitted as consecutive characters without hyphen.
case 503:
checkMinMaxLength ( sValue, sFormat, 14, 18 );
String fromZ, toZ;
int fromH = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromM = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromS = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
fromZ = new String( arrValue, i, 3 ); i += 3;
int toH = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toM = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toS = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
toZ = new String( arrValue, i, 3 ); i += 3;
DateTime from = new DateTime( 1, 1, 1, fromH, fromM, fromS, 0.0, TZConvert.Timezone(fromZ) );
DateTime to = new DateTime( 1, 1, 1, toH, toM, toS, 0.0, TZConvert.Timezone(toZ) );
result = Lang.datetimeDiff( to, from );
// YY-YY
// A period of time specified by giving the start year
// followed by the end year (both without century). Data is
// to be transmitted as consecutive characters without
// hyphen.
case 701:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 4 );
int fromY = Y2KConvert.Year( Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ) ); i += 2;
int toY = Y2KConvert.Year( Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ) ); i += 2;
result = Duration.getFromYearMonth( toY - fromY, 0 );
// A period of time specified by giving the start year
// followed by the end year (both including century). Data
// is to be transmitted as consecutive characters without hyphen.
case 702:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 8 );
int fromC = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toC = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
fromY = Y2KConvert.Year( fromC, fromY );
toY = Y2KConvert.Year( toC, toY );
result = Duration.getFromYearMonth( toY - fromY, 0 );
// A period of time specified by giving the start semester
// of a year followed by the end semester of a year (both
// not including century). Data is to be transmitted as
// consecutive characters without hyphen.
case 703:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 6 );
int fromY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromS = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 1 ) ); i += 1;
int toY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toS = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 1 ) ); i += 1;
fromY = Y2KConvert.Year( fromY );
toY = Y2KConvert.Year( toY );
int fromMonth = ( fromS - 1 ) * 6 + 1;
int toMonth = ( toS - 1 ) * 6 + 1;
result = Duration.getFromYearMonth( toY - fromY, toMonth - fromMonth );
// A period of time specified by giving the start semester
// of a year followed by the end semester of a year (both
// including century). Data is to be transmitted as
// consecutive characters without hyphen.
case 704:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 10 );
int fromC = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromS = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 1 ) ); i += 1;
int toC = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toS = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 1 ) ); i += 1;
fromY = Y2KConvert.Year( fromC, fromY );
toY = Y2KConvert.Year( toC, toY );
int fromMonth = ( fromS - 1 ) * 6 + 1;
int toMonth = ( toS - 1 ) * 6 + 1;
result = Duration.getFromYearMonth( toY - fromY, toMonth - fromMonth );
// Format of period to be given without hyphen (P = period of 4 months).
case 705:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 6 );
int fromY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromP = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 1 ) ); i += 1;
int toY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toP = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 1 ) ); i += 1;
fromY = Y2KConvert.Year( fromY );
toY = Y2KConvert.Year( toY );
int fromMonth = ( fromP - 1 ) * 4 + 1;
int toMonth = ( toP - 1 ) * 4 + 1;
result = Duration.getFromYearMonth( toY - fromY, toMonth - fromMonth );
// Format of period to be given without hyphen (P = period of 4 months).
case 706:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 10 );
int fromC = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromP = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 1 ) ); i += 1;
int toC = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toP = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 1 ) ); i += 1;
fromY = Y2KConvert.Year( fromC, fromY );
toY = Y2KConvert.Year( toC, toY );
int fromMonth = ( fromP - 1 ) * 4 + 1;
int toMonth = ( toP - 1 ) * 4 + 1;
result = Duration.getFromYearMonth( toY - fromY, toMonth - fromMonth );
// A period of time specified by giving the start quarter
// of a year followed by the end quarter of year (both not
// including century). Data is to be transmitted as
// consecutive characters without hyphen.
case 707:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 6 );
int fromY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromQ = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 1 ) ); i += 1;
int toY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toQ = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 1 ) ); i += 1;
fromY = Y2KConvert.Year( fromY );
toY = Y2KConvert.Year( toY );
int fromMonth = ( fromQ - 1 ) * 3 + 1;
int toMonth = ( toQ - 1 ) * 3 + 1;
result = Duration.getFromYearMonth( toY - fromY, toMonth - fromMonth );
// A period of time specified by giving the start quarter
// of a year followed by the end quarter of year (both
// including century). Data is to be transmitted as
// consecutive characters without hyphen.
case 708:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 10 );
int fromC = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromQ = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 1 ) ); i += 1;
int toC = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toQ = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 1 ) ); i += 1;
fromY = Y2KConvert.Year( fromC, fromY );
toY = Y2KConvert.Year( toC, toY );
int fromMonth = ( fromQ - 1 ) * 3 + 1;
int toMonth = ( toQ - 1 ) * 3 + 1;
result = Duration.getFromYearMonth( toY - fromY, toMonth - fromMonth );
// A period of time specified by giving the start month of
// a year followed by the end month of a year (both not
// including century). Data is to be transmitted as
// consecutive characters without hyphen.
case 709:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 8 );
int fromY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromM = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toM = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
fromY = Y2KConvert.Year( fromY );
toY = Y2KConvert.Year( toY );
result = Duration.getFromYearMonth( toY - fromY, toM - fromM );
// A period of time specified by giving the start month of
// a year followed by the end month of a year (both
// including century). Data is to be transmitted as
// consecutive characters without hyphen.
case 710:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 12 );
int fromC = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromM = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toC = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toM = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
fromY = Y2KConvert.Year( fromC, fromY );
toY = Y2KConvert.Year( toC, toY );
result = Duration.getFromYearMonth( toY - fromY, toM - fromM );
// Format of period to be given in actual message without
// hyphen.
// Note:
// 1. This code value will be removed effective with
// directory D.03B.
case 711:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 16 );
int fromC = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromM = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromD = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toC = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toM = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toD = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
DateTime from = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( fromC, fromY ), fromM, fromD, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 );
DateTime to = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( toC, toY ), toM, toD, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 );
result = Lang.datetimeDiff( to, from );
// A period of time specified by giving the start time
// followed by the end time (format year, month, day, hour
// and minute). Data is to be transmitted as consecutive
// characters without hyphen.
case 713:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 20 );
int fromY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromM = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromD = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromTH = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromTM = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toM = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toD = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toTH = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toTM = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
DateTime from = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( fromY ), fromM, fromD, fromTH, fromTM, 0, 0.0 );
DateTime to = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( toY ), toM, toD, toTH, toTM, 0, 0.0 );
result = Lang.datetimeDiff( to, from );
// A period of time specified by giving the start week of a
// year followed by the end week of year (both not
// including century). Data is to be transmitted as
// consecutive characters without hyphen.
case 715:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 8 );
int fromY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromW = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toW = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
DateTime from = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( fromY ), 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 );
DateTime to = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( toY ), 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 );
from = Lang.datetimeAdd( from, new Duration(0, 0, 7 * fromW, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, false) );
to = Lang.datetimeAdd( to, new Duration(0, 0, 7 * toW, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, false) );
result = Lang.datetimeDiff( to, from );
// A period of time specified by giving the start week of a
// year followed by the end week of year (both including
// century). Data is to be transmitted as consecutive
// characters without hyphen.
case 716:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 12 );
int fromC = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromW = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toC = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toW = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
DateTime from = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( fromC, fromY ), 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 );
DateTime to = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( toC, toY ), 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 );
from = Lang.datetimeAdd( from, new Duration(0, 0, 7 * fromW, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, false) );
to = Lang.datetimeAdd( to, new Duration(0, 0, 7 * toW, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, false) );
result = Lang.datetimeDiff( to, from );
// A period of time specified by giving the start date
// followed by the end date (both not including century).
// Data is to be transmitted as consecutive characters
// without hyphen.
case 717:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 12 );
int fromY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromM = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromD = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toM = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toD = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
DateTime from = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( fromY ), fromM, fromD, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 );
DateTime to = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( toY ), toM, toD, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 );
result = Lang.datetimeDiff( to, from );
// A period of time specified by giving the start date
// followed by the end date (both including century). Data
// is to be transmitted as consecutive characters without
// hyphen.
case 718:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 16 );
int fromC = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromM = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromD = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toC = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toM = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toD = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
DateTime from = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( fromC, fromY ), fromM, fromD, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 );
DateTime to = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( toC, toY ), toM, toD, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 );
result = Lang.datetimeDiff( to, from );
// A period of time which includes the century, year,
// month, day, hour and minute. Format of period to be
// given in actual message without hyphen.
case 719:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 24 );
int fromC = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromM = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromD = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromTH = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromTM = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toC = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toY = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toM = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toD = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toTH = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toTM = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
DateTime from = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( fromC, fromY ), fromM, fromD, fromTH, fromTM, 0, 0.0 );
DateTime to = new DateTime( Y2KConvert.Year( toC, toY ), toM, toD, toTH, toTM, 0, 0.0 );
result = Lang.datetimeDiff( to, from );
// Format of period to be given without hyphen (D=day of
// the week, 1=Monday; 2=Tuesday; ... 7=Sunday).
case 720:
checkLength ( sValue, sFormat, 10 );
int fromDOW = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 1 ) ); i += 1;
int fromTH = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int fromTM = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toDOW = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 1 ) ); i += 1;
int toTH = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
int toTM = Integer.parseInt( new String( arrValue, i, 2 ) ); i += 2;
fromDOW = ( fromDOW % 7 ) + 1;
toDOW = ( toDOW % 7 ) + 1;
DateTime from = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, fromTH, fromTM, 0, 0.0 );
Duration oneday = new Duration( 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, false );
while( Lang.weekday( from ) != fromDOW )
from = Lang.datetimeAdd( from, oneday );
DateTime to = new DateTime( from.getYear(), from.getMonth(), from.getDay(), toTH, toTM, 0, 0.0 );
while( Lang.weekday( to ) != toDOW )
to = Lang.datetimeAdd( to, oneday );
result = Lang.datetimeDiff( to, from );
// Year
// To indicate a quantity of years.
case 801:
year = Integer.parseInt( sValue );
result = Duration.getFromYearMonth( year, 0 );
// Month
// To indicate a quantity of months.
case 802:
month = Integer.parseInt( sValue );
result = Duration.getFromYearMonth( 0, month );
// Week
// To indicate a quantity of weeks.
case 803:
week = Integer.parseInt( sValue );
result = Duration.getFromDayTime( week * 7, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 );
// Day
// To indicate a quantity of days.
case 804:
day = Integer.parseInt( sValue );
result = Duration.getFromDayTime( day, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 );
// Hour
// To indicate a quantity of hours.
case 805:
hour = Integer.parseInt( sValue );
result = Duration.getFromDayTime( 0, hour, 0, 0, 0.0 );
// Minute
// To indicate a quantity of minutes.
case 806:
minute = Integer.parseInt( sValue );
result = Duration.getFromDayTime( 0, 0, minute, 0, 0.0 );
// Second
// To indicate a quantity of seconds.
case 807:
seconds = Integer.parseInt( sValue );
result = Duration.getFromDayTime( 0, 0, 0, seconds, 0.0 );
// Semester
// To indicate a quantity of semesters (six months).
case 808:
int semester = Integer.parseInt( sValue );
result = Duration.getFromYearMonth( 0, semester * 6 );
// Four months period
// To indicate a quantity of four months periods.
case 809:
int fourMonth = Integer.parseInt( sValue );
result = Duration.getFromYearMonth( 0, fourMonth * 4 );
// Trimester
// To indicate a quantity of trimesters (three months).
case 810:
int trimester = Integer.parseInt( sValue );
result = Duration.getFromYearMonth( 0, trimester * 3 );
// Half month
// To indicate a quantity of half months.
case 811:
int halfMonth = Integer.parseInt( sValue );
Duration dur = Duration.getFromDayTime( (halfMonth % 2) * 15, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 );
Duration durYM = Duration.getFromYearMonth( 0, halfMonth / 2 );
dur.setYearMonthValue( durYM.getYearMonthValue() );
result = dur;
// Ten days
// To indicate a quantity of ten days periods.
case 812:
int tenDays = Integer.parseInt( sValue );
result = Duration.getFromDayTime( tenDays * 10, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 );
if ( bRaiseExc ) throw new com.altova.AltovaException ("Unknown format code. Cannot convert the value '" + sValue + "' using the format code '" + sFormat + "'." );
return result;
private static void checkLength( String sValue, String sFormat, int nLength )
if ( sValue.length() != nLength)
throw new com.altova.AltovaException ("Cannot convert the value '" + sValue + "' using the format code '" + sFormat + "'. Expected length '" + nLength + "'." );
private static void checkMinMaxLength( String sValue, String sFormat, int nMinLength, int nMaxLength )
if ( ( sValue.length() < nMinLength ) || ( sValue.length() > nMaxLength ) )
throw new com.altova.AltovaException ("Cannot convert the value '" + sValue + "' using the format code '" + sFormat + "'. Expected length between '" + nMinLength + "' and '" + nMaxLength + "'." );
static class Y2KConvert
public static final int Year( int nYear ) { return nYear > 50 ? 1900 + nYear : 2000 + nYear; }
public static final int Year( int nCentury, int nYear ) { return (nCentury * 100) + nYear; }
static class TZConvert
static class TimeZoneData
public String sName;
public float dOffset;
public TimeZoneData( String name, float offset )
sName = name;
dOffset = offset;
static TimeZoneData[] arrAbb =
new TimeZoneData("NST",+12.0f), /* Pacific/Auckland */
new TimeZoneData("SST",+11.0f), /* Pacific/Guadalcanal */
new TimeZoneData("AET",+10.0f), /* Australia/Sydney */
new TimeZoneData("ACT", +9.5f), /* Australia/Darwin */
new TimeZoneData("JST", +9.0f), /* Asia/Tokyo */
new TimeZoneData("CTT", +8.0f), /* Asia/Shanghai */
new TimeZoneData("VST", +7.0f), /* Asia/Saigon */
new TimeZoneData("BST", +6.0f), /* Asia/Dacca */
new TimeZoneData("IST", +5.5f), /* Asia/Calcutta */
new TimeZoneData("PLT", +5.0f), /* Asia/Karachi */
new TimeZoneData("NET", +4.0f), /* Asia/Yerevan */
new TimeZoneData("MET", +3.5f), /* Asia/Tehran */
new TimeZoneData("EAT", +3.0f), /* Africa/Addis_Ababa */
new TimeZoneData("EET", +2.0f), /* Europe/Istanbul */
new TimeZoneData("ART", +2.0f), /* Africa/Cairo */
new TimeZoneData("CAT", +2.0f), /* Africa/Harare */
new TimeZoneData("ECT", +1.0f), /* Europe/Paris */
new TimeZoneData("CET", +1.0f), /* Europe/Paris */
new TimeZoneData("GMT", 0.0f), /* GMT */
new TimeZoneData("UT", 0.0f), /* GMT */
new TimeZoneData("UTC", 0.0f), /* GMT */
new TimeZoneData("BET", -3.0f), /* America/Sao_Paulo */
new TimeZoneData("AGT", -3.0f), /* America/Buenos_Aires */
new TimeZoneData("CNT", -3.5f), /* America/St_Johns */
new TimeZoneData("PRT", -5.0f), /* America/Puerto_Rico */
new TimeZoneData("EST", -5.0f), /* America/New_York */
new TimeZoneData("IET", -5.0f), /* America/Indianapolis */
new TimeZoneData("CST", -6.0f), /* America/Chicago */
new TimeZoneData("MST", -7.0f), /* America/Denver */
new TimeZoneData("PNT", -7.0f), /* America/Phoenix */
new TimeZoneData("PST", -8.0f), /* America/Los_Angeles */
new TimeZoneData("MDT", -8.0f), /* America/Boise */ /* Mountain Standard Time */
new TimeZoneData("AST", -9.0f), /* America/Anchorage */
new TimeZoneData("PDT", -9.0f), /* America/Dawson */ /* Pacific Standard Time */
new TimeZoneData("HST",-10.0f), /* Pacific/Honolulu */
new TimeZoneData("TKT",-10.0f), /* Pacific/Fakaofo */ /* Tokelau Time */
new TimeZoneData("CKT",-10.0f), /* Pacific/Rarotonga */ /* Cook Is. Time */
new TimeZoneData("MIT",-11.0f), /* Pacific/Apia */
new TimeZoneData("WST",-11.0f), /* Pacific/Apia */
new TimeZoneData("SST",-11.0f), /* Pacific/Midway */ /* Samoa Standard Time */
new TimeZoneData("NUT",-11.0f), /* Pacific/Niue */ /* Niue Time */
public static TimeZoneData[] arrMil = new TimeZoneData[]
new TimeZoneData("Z", 0.0f), // Zulu Time ( UTC )
new TimeZoneData("A", +1.0f), new TimeZoneData("B", +2.0f), new TimeZoneData("C", +3.0f), new TimeZoneData("D", +4.0f), new TimeZoneData("E", +5.0f), new TimeZoneData("F", +6.0f), new TimeZoneData("G", +7.0f), new TimeZoneData("H", +8.0f), new TimeZoneData("I", +9.0f), new TimeZoneData("K", +10.0f), new TimeZoneData("L", +11.0f), new TimeZoneData("M", +12.0f),
new TimeZoneData("N", -1.0f), new TimeZoneData("O", -2.0f), new TimeZoneData("P", -3.0f), new TimeZoneData("Q", -4.0f), new TimeZoneData("R", -5.0f), new TimeZoneData("S", -6.0f), new TimeZoneData("T", -7.0f), new TimeZoneData("U", -8.0f), new TimeZoneData("V", -9.0f), new TimeZoneData("W", -10.0f), new TimeZoneData("X", -11.0f), new TimeZoneData("Y", -12.0f),
public static int Timezone( String sTimezone )
// Input Parameter:
// coded tz value like "GMT", "Z" or "+10"
// Return Value:
// the corresponding timezone offset in MINUTES!
// when the tz couldn't be found the return value is 0.
// Possible formats for Timezone resolution:
// - Hour offset from GMT (+/-HH)
// - Three letter timezone code
// - One letter millitary code (Z=UTC)
// Pass 1:
// check the length of the input string.
// For single letter lookup the timezone offset from the tzMil array.
if( sTimezone.length() == 1 )
for( int i=0; i < arrMil.length; ++i )
if( sTimezone.compareToIgnoreCase( arrMil[i].sName ) == 0 )
return (int)( 60 * arrMil[i].dOffset );
// Pass 2:
// lookup the timezone offset from tzAbb array
// all standard timezones and the offsets are recorded
for( int i=0; i < arrAbb.length; ++i )
if( sTimezone.compareToIgnoreCase( arrAbb[i].sName ) == 0 )
return (int)( 60 * arrAbb[i].dOffset );
int offset = Integer.parseInt(sTimezone);
return offset * 60;
catch( NumberFormatException ex )
System.err.println("ERROR: cannot convert the given value (" + sTimezone + ") to a timezone offset");
return 0;
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