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com.helger.dao.wal.AbstractWALDAO Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright (C) 2014-2021 Philip Helger (
 * philip[at]helger[dot]com
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.helger.dao.wal;

import java.time.Clock;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import javax.annotation.Nonnegative;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.OverridingMethodsMustInvokeSuper;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.helger.commons.ValueEnforcer;
import com.helger.commons.annotation.ELockType;
import com.helger.commons.annotation.IsLocked;
import com.helger.commons.annotation.MustBeLocked;
import com.helger.commons.annotation.Nonempty;
import com.helger.commons.annotation.OverrideOnDemand;
import com.helger.commons.collection.impl.CommonsArrayList;
import com.helger.commons.datetime.PDTFactory;
import com.helger.commons.datetime.PDTToString;
import com.helger.commons.functional.ISupplier;
import com.helger.commons.lang.TimeValue;
import com.helger.commons.state.EChange;
import com.helger.commons.state.ESuccess;
import com.helger.commons.statistics.IMutableStatisticsHandlerCounter;
import com.helger.commons.statistics.IMutableStatisticsHandlerTimer;
import com.helger.commons.statistics.StatisticsManager;
import com.helger.commons.string.ToStringGenerator;
import com.helger.commons.timing.StopWatch;
import com.helger.dao.AbstractDAO;
import com.helger.dao.DAOException;
import com.helger.dao.EDAOActionType;
import com.helger.xml.microdom.IMicroComment;
import com.helger.xml.microdom.IMicroDocument;
import com.helger.xml.microdom.IMicroElement;
import com.helger.xml.microdom.MicroComment;
import com.helger.xml.microdom.convert.MicroTypeConverter;
import com.helger.xml.microdom.serialize.MicroReader;
import com.helger.xml.microdom.serialize.MicroWriter;
import com.helger.xml.serialize.write.EXMLIncorrectCharacterHandling;
import com.helger.xml.serialize.write.EXMLSerializeIndent;
import com.helger.xml.serialize.write.IXMLWriterSettings;
import com.helger.xml.serialize.write.XMLWriterSettings;

import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;

 * Base class for a simple DAO using write ahead logging (WAL).
 * @author Philip Helger
 * @param 
 *        The data type to be serialized
public abstract class AbstractWALDAO  extends AbstractDAO
  public static final TimeValue DEFAULT_WAITING_TIME = new TimeValue (TimeUnit.SECONDS, 10);
  private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger (AbstractWALDAO.class);

  private final IMutableStatisticsHandlerCounter m_aStatsCounterInitTotal = StatisticsManager.getCounterHandler (getClass ().getName () +
  private final IMutableStatisticsHandlerCounter m_aStatsCounterInitSuccess = StatisticsManager.getCounterHandler (getClass ().getName () +
  private final IMutableStatisticsHandlerTimer m_aStatsCounterInitTimer = StatisticsManager.getTimerHandler (getClass ().getName () +
  private final IMutableStatisticsHandlerCounter m_aStatsCounterReadTotal = StatisticsManager.getCounterHandler (getClass ().getName () +
  private final IMutableStatisticsHandlerCounter m_aStatsCounterReadSuccess = StatisticsManager.getCounterHandler (getClass ().getName () +
  private final IMutableStatisticsHandlerTimer m_aStatsCounterReadTimer = StatisticsManager.getTimerHandler (getClass ().getName () +
  private final IMutableStatisticsHandlerCounter m_aStatsCounterWriteTotal = StatisticsManager.getCounterHandler (getClass ().getName () +
  private final IMutableStatisticsHandlerCounter m_aStatsCounterWriteSuccess = StatisticsManager.getCounterHandler (getClass ().getName () +
  private final IMutableStatisticsHandlerCounter m_aStatsCounterWriteExceptions = StatisticsManager.getCounterHandler (getClass ().getName () +
  private final IMutableStatisticsHandlerTimer m_aStatsCounterWriteTimer = StatisticsManager.getTimerHandler (getClass ().getName () +
  // Performance and small version
  public static final IXMLWriterSettings WRITE_XWS = new XMLWriterSettings ().setIncorrectCharacterHandling (EXMLIncorrectCharacterHandling.WRITE_TO_FILE_NO_LOG);
  public static final IXMLWriterSettings WAL_XWS = new XMLWriterSettings ().setIncorrectCharacterHandling (EXMLIncorrectCharacterHandling.WRITE_TO_FILE_NO_LOG)
                                                                           .setIndent (EXMLSerializeIndent.NONE);

  private final Class  m_aDataTypeClass;
  private final IFileRelativeIO m_aIO;
  private final ISupplier  m_aFilenameProvider;
  private String m_sPreviousFilename;
  private int m_nInitCount = 0;
  private LocalDateTime m_aLastInitDT;
  private int m_nReadCount = 0;
  private LocalDateTime m_aLastReadDT;
  private int m_nWriteCount = 0;
  private LocalDateTime m_aLastWriteDT;
  private boolean m_bCanWriteWAL = true;
  private TimeValue m_aWaitingTime = DEFAULT_WAITING_TIME;

  // Status vars
  private final WALListener m_aWALListener;

  private static String _getFilenameNew (@Nonnull final String sFilename)
    return sFilename + FILENAME_EXTENSION_NEW;

  private static String _getFilenamePrev (@Nonnull final String sFilename)
    return sFilename + FILENAME_EXTENSION_PREV;

  protected AbstractWALDAO (@Nonnull final Class  aDataTypeClass,
                            @Nonnull final IFileRelativeIO aIO,
                            @Nonnull final ISupplier  aFilenameProvider)
    m_aDataTypeClass = ValueEnforcer.notNull (aDataTypeClass, "DataTypeClass");
    m_aIO = ValueEnforcer.notNull (aIO, "DAOIO");
    m_aFilenameProvider = ValueEnforcer.notNull (aFilenameProvider, "FilenameProvider");

    // Remember instance in case it is trigger upon shutdown
    m_aWALListener = WALListener.getInstance ();

    // Consistency checks
    final String sFilename = m_aFilenameProvider.get ();
    if (sFilename != null)
        // A ".new" file already exists - previous changes could not be
        // performed.
        final File aFileNew = getSafeFile (_getFilenameNew (sFilename), EMode.WRITE);
        if (aFileNew.exists ())
          throw new IllegalStateException ("The temporary WAL file '" +
                                           aFileNew.getAbsolutePath () +
                                           "' already exists! If the '" +
                                           FILENAME_EXTENSION_NEW +
                                           "' file is complete, rename it to match '" +
                                           sFilename +
                                           "'. Please resolve this conflict manually.");
      catch (final DAOException ex)
        // Ignore
        // A ".prev" file still exist, meaning the deletion failed. Most likely
        // this happens together with the ".new" error above
        final File aFilePrev = getSafeFile (_getFilenamePrev (sFilename), EMode.WRITE);
        if (aFilePrev.exists ())
          throw new IllegalStateException ("The temporary WAL file '" +
                                           aFilePrev.getAbsolutePath () +
                                           "' already exists! If the target filename '" +
                                           sFilename +
                                           "' exists and is complete, you may consider deleting this '" +
                                           FILENAME_EXTENSION_PREV +
                                           "' file. Please resolve this conflict manually.");
      catch (final DAOException ex)
        // Ignore

  final void internalWriteLocked (@Nonnull final Runnable aRunnable)
    m_aRWLock.writeLocked (aRunnable);

   * @return The file-relative IO as passed in the constructor. Never
   *         null.
  protected final IFileRelativeIO getIO ()
    return m_aIO;

   * @return The filename provider used internally to build filenames. Never
   *         null.
  public final ISupplier  getFilenameProvider ()
    return m_aFilenameProvider;

   * Custom initialization routine. Called only if the underlying file does not
   * exist yet. This method is only called within a write lock!
   * @return {@link EChange#CHANGED} if something was modified inside this
   *         method
  protected EChange onInit ()
    return EChange.UNCHANGED;

   * Fill the internal structures with from the passed XML document. This method
   * is only called within a write lock!
   * @param aDoc
   *        The XML document to read from. Never null.
   * @return {@link EChange#CHANGED} if reading the data changed something in
   *         the internal structures that requires a writing.
  @MustBeLocked (ELockType.WRITE)
  protected abstract EChange onRead (@Nonnull IMicroDocument aDoc);

   * Get a {@link File} object for the specified filename that can perform the
   * respective operation indicated by the "mode" parameter.
   * @param sFilename
   *        Filename to use. May not be null.
   * @param eMode
   *        The access mode to be used. May not be null.
   * @return The created and checked {@link File} if everything is fine,
   *         otherwise an exception is thrown.
   * @throws DAOException
   *         If the requested access mode cannot be provided.
  protected final File getSafeFile (@Nonnull final String sFilename, @Nonnull final EMode eMode) throws DAOException
    ValueEnforcer.notNull (sFilename, "Filename");
    ValueEnforcer.notNull (eMode, "Mode");

    final File aFile = m_aIO.getFile (sFilename);
    checkFileAccess (aFile, eMode);
    return aFile;

   * Trigger the registered custom exception handlers for read errors.
   * @param t
   *        Thrown exception. Never null.
   * @param bIsInitialization
   *        true if this happened during initialization of a new
   *        file, false if it happened during regular reading.
   * @param aFile
   *        The file that was read. May be null for in-memory DAOs.
  protected static void triggerExceptionHandlersRead (@Nonnull final Throwable t,
                                                      final boolean bIsInitialization,
                                                      @Nullable final File aFile)
    // Custom exception handler for reading
    if (exceptionHandlersRead ().isNotEmpty ())
      final IReadableResource aRes = aFile == null ? null : new FileSystemResource (aFile);
      exceptionHandlersRead ().forEach (aCB -> aCB.onDAOReadException (t, bIsInitialization, aRes));

   * @return The implementation class as specified in the constructor. Never
   *         null.
  protected final Class  getDataTypeClass ()
    return m_aDataTypeClass;

   * This method is used upon recovery to convert a stored object to its native
   * representation. If you overwrite this method, you should consider
   * overriding {@link #convertNativeToWALString(Serializable)} as well.
   * @param sElement
   *        The string representation to be converted. Never null.
   * @return The native representation of the object. If the return value is
   *         null, the recovery will fail with an exception!
  @IsLocked (ELockType.WRITE)
  protected DATATYPE convertWALStringToNative (@Nonnull final String sElement)
    final IMicroDocument aDoc = MicroReader.readMicroXML (sElement);
    if (aDoc == null || aDoc.getDocumentElement () == null)
      return null;
    return MicroTypeConverter.convertToNative (aDoc.getDocumentElement (), m_aDataTypeClass);

   * Called between initial read and WAL handling.
   * @param aDoc
   *        The read document. Never null
  @IsLocked (ELockType.WRITE)
  protected void onBetweenReadAndWAL (@Nonnull final IMicroDocument aDoc)

   * This method is called, when the conversion from the read XML string to the
   * native type failed. By default an error message is logged and processing
   * continues.
   * @param eActionType
   *        The action type to recover. May not be null
   * @param i
   *        The index of the element to recover. Always ≥ 0.
   * @param sElement
   *        The string read from the WAL file that could not be recovered.
   * @since 9.1.6
  protected void onRecoveryErrorConvertToNative (@Nonnull final EDAOActionType eActionType,
                                                 @Nonnegative final int i,
                                                 @Nonnull final String sElement)
    if (LOGGER.isErrorEnabled ())
      LOGGER.error ("Action [" + eActionType + "][" + i + "]: failed to convert the following element to native:\n" + sElement);

   * Called when a recovery is needed to create a new item.
   * @param aElement
   *        The element to be created. Never null.
  @IsLocked (ELockType.WRITE)
  protected abstract void onRecoveryCreate (@Nonnull DATATYPE aElement);

   * Called when a recovery is needed to update an existing item.
   * @param aElement
   *        The element to be updated. Never null.
  @IsLocked (ELockType.WRITE)
  protected abstract void onRecoveryUpdate (@Nonnull DATATYPE aElement);

   * Called when a recovery is needed to delete an existing item.
   * @param aElement
   *        The element to be deleted. Never null.
  @IsLocked (ELockType.WRITE)
  protected abstract void onRecoveryDelete (@Nonnull DATATYPE aElement);

   * Call this method inside the constructor to read the file contents directly.
   * This method is write locking internally. This method performs WAL file
   * reading upon startup both after init as well as after read!
   * @throws DAOException
   *         in case initialization or reading failed!
  protected final void initialRead () throws DAOException
    File aFile = null;
    final String sFilename = m_aFilenameProvider.get ();
    if (sFilename == null)
      // required for testing
      if (!isSilentMode ())
        if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled ())
 ("This DAO of class " + getClass ().getName () + " will not be able to read from a file");

      // do not return - run initialization anyway
      // Check consistency
      aFile = getSafeFile (sFilename, EMode.READ);

    final boolean bIsInitialization = aFile == null || !aFile.exists ();
    final File aFinalFile = aFile;

    m_aRWLock.writeLock ().lock ();
      m_bCanWriteWAL = false;

      IMicroDocument aDoc = null;
        ESuccess eWriteSuccess = ESuccess.SUCCESS;
        if (bIsInitialization)
          // initial setup for non-existing file
          if (!isSilentMode ())
            if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled ())
     ("Trying to initialize WAL DAO" +
                           (aFinalFile == null ? "" : " XML file '" + aFinalFile.getAbsolutePath () + "'"));

          beginWithoutAutoSave ();
            m_aStatsCounterInitTotal.increment ();
            final StopWatch aSW = StopWatch.createdStarted ();

            if (onInit ().isChanged ())
              if (aFinalFile != null)
                eWriteSuccess = _writeToFile ();

            m_aStatsCounterInitTimer.addTime (aSW.stopAndGetMillis ());
            m_aStatsCounterInitSuccess.increment ();
            m_aLastInitDT = PDTFactory.getCurrentLocalDateTime ();
            endWithoutAutoSave ();
            // reset any pending changes, because the initialization should
            // be read-only. If the implementing class changed something,
            // the return value of onInit() is what counts
            internalSetPendingChanges (false);
          // Read existing file (aFinalFile must be set)
          if (!isSilentMode ())
            if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled ())
     ("Trying to read WAL DAO XML file '" + aFinalFile.getAbsolutePath () + "'");

          m_aStatsCounterReadTotal.increment ();
          aDoc = MicroReader.readMicroXML (aFinalFile);
          if (aDoc == null)
            if (LOGGER.isErrorEnabled ())
              LOGGER.error ("Failed to read DAO XML document from file '" + aFinalFile.getAbsolutePath () + "'");
            // Valid XML - start interpreting
            beginWithoutAutoSave ();
              final StopWatch aSW = StopWatch.createdStarted ();

              if (onRead (aDoc).isChanged ())
                eWriteSuccess = _writeToFile ();

              m_aStatsCounterReadTimer.addTime (aSW.stopAndGetMillis ());
              m_aStatsCounterReadSuccess.increment ();
              m_aLastReadDT = PDTFactory.getCurrentLocalDateTime ();
              endWithoutAutoSave ();
              // reset any pending changes, because the initialization should
              // be read-only. If the implementing class changed something,
              // the return value of onRead() is what counts
              internalSetPendingChanges (false);

        // Check if writing was successful on any of the 2 branches
        if (eWriteSuccess.isSuccess ())
          // Reset any pending changes, since the changes were already saved
          internalSetPendingChanges (false);
          // There is something wrong
          if (LOGGER.isErrorEnabled ())
            LOGGER.error ("File '" + aFinalFile.getAbsolutePath () + "' has pending changes after initialRead!");
      catch (final Exception ex)
        triggerExceptionHandlersRead (ex, bIsInitialization, aFinalFile);
        throw new DAOException ("Error " +
                                (bIsInitialization ? "initializing" : "reading") +
                                (aFinalFile == null ? "in-memory" : " the file '" + aFinalFile.getAbsolutePath () + "'"),

      // Trigger after read before WAL
      if (aDoc != null)
        onBetweenReadAndWAL (aDoc);

      // Check if there is any WAL file to recover
      final String sWALFilename = _getWALFilename ();
      final File aWALFile = sWALFilename == null ? null : m_aIO.getFile (sWALFilename);
      if (aWALFile != null && aWALFile.exists ())
        if (!isSilentMode ())
          if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled ())
   ("Trying to recover from WAL file " + aWALFile.getAbsolutePath ());
        boolean bPerformedAtLeastOnRecovery = false;
        boolean bRecoveryContainedErrors = false;

        // Avoid writing the recovery actions to the WAL file again :)
        try (final DataInputStream aOIS = new DataInputStream (FileHelper.getInputStream (aWALFile)))
          while (true)
            // Read action type
            final String sActionTypeID;
              sActionTypeID = StreamHelper.readSafeUTF (aOIS);
            catch (final EOFException ex)
              // End of file
            final EDAOActionType eActionType = EDAOActionType.getFromIDOrThrow (sActionTypeID);

            // Read number of elements
            final int nElements = aOIS.readInt ();
            if (!isSilentMode ())
              if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled ())
       ("Trying to recover " + nElements + " " + eActionType + " actions from WAL file");

            // Read all elements
            for (int i = 0; i < nElements; ++i)
              final String sElement = StreamHelper.readSafeUTF (aOIS);
              final DATATYPE aElement = convertWALStringToNative (sElement);
              if (aElement == null)
                // Cannot recover, because conversion fails
                bRecoveryContainedErrors = true;
                onRecoveryErrorConvertToNative (eActionType, i, sElement);
              if (!isSilentMode ())
                if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled ())
         ("Trying to recover object [" + i + "] with " + sElement.length () + " chars");

              switch (eActionType)
                case CREATE:
                    onRecoveryCreate (aElement);
                    bPerformedAtLeastOnRecovery = true;
                    if (!isSilentMode ())
                      if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled ())
               ("[WAL] wal-recovery create " + aElement);
                  catch (final RuntimeException ex)
                    if (LOGGER.isErrorEnabled ())
                      LOGGER.error ("[WAL] wal-recovery create " + aElement + " - " + ex.getClass ().getName () + ": " + ex.getMessage ());
                    throw ex;
                case UPDATE:
                    onRecoveryUpdate (aElement);
                    bPerformedAtLeastOnRecovery = true;
                    if (!isSilentMode ())
                      if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled ())
               ("[WAL] wal-recovery update " + aElement);
                  catch (final RuntimeException ex)
                    if (LOGGER.isErrorEnabled ())
                      LOGGER.error ("[WAL] wal-recovery update " + aElement + " - " + ex.getClass ().getName () + ": " + ex.getMessage ());
                    throw ex;
                case DELETE:
                    onRecoveryDelete (aElement);
                    bPerformedAtLeastOnRecovery = true;
                    if (!isSilentMode ())
                      if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled ())
               ("[WAL] wal-recovery delete " + aElement);
                  catch (final RuntimeException ex)
                    if (LOGGER.isErrorEnabled ())
                      LOGGER.error ("[WAL] wal-recovery delete " + aElement + " - " + ex.getClass ().getName () + ": " + ex.getMessage ());
                    throw ex;
                  throw new IllegalStateException ("Unsupported action type provided: " + eActionType);
          if (!isSilentMode ())
            if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled ())
     ("Successfully finished recovery from WAL file " + aWALFile.getAbsolutePath ());
        catch (final IOException | RuntimeException ex)
          if (LOGGER.isErrorEnabled ())
            LOGGER.error ("Failed to recover from WAL file '" +
                          aWALFile.getAbsolutePath () +
                          "'. Technical details: " +
                          ex.getClass ().getName () +
                          ": " +
                          ex.getMessage ());
          triggerExceptionHandlersRead (ex, false, aWALFile);
          throw new DAOException ("Error the WAL file '" + aWALFile.getAbsolutePath () + "'", ex);

        // Finished recovery successfully
        // Perform the remaining actions AFTER the WAL input stream was
        // closed!
        if (bPerformedAtLeastOnRecovery)
          // Write the file without using WAL
          _writeToFileAndResetPendingChanges ("onRecovery");

        // Finally maintain or delete the WAL file, as the recovery has
        // finished
        if (bRecoveryContainedErrors)
          _maintainWALFileAfterProcessing (sWALFilename);
          _deleteWALFileAfterProcessing (sWALFilename);
      // Now a WAL file can be written again
      m_bCanWriteWAL = true;
      m_aRWLock.writeLock ().unlock ();

   * Called after a successful write of the file, if the filename is different
   * from the previous filename. This can e.g. be used to clear old data.
   * @param sPreviousFilename
   *        The previous filename. May be null.
   * @param sNewFilename
   *        The new filename. Never null.
  @MustBeLocked (ELockType.WRITE)
  protected void onFilenameChange (@Nullable final String sPreviousFilename, @Nonnull final String sNewFilename)

   * Create the XML document that should be saved to the file. This method is
   * only called within a write lock!
   * @return The non-null document to write to the file.
  @MustBeLocked (ELockType.WRITE)
  protected abstract IMicroDocument createWriteData ();

   * Modify the created document by e.g. adding some comment or digital
   * signature or whatsoever.
   * @param aDoc
   *        The created non-null document.
  @MustBeLocked (ELockType.WRITE)
  protected void modifyWriteData (@Nonnull final IMicroDocument aDoc)
    final IMicroComment aComment = new MicroComment ("This file was generated automatically - do NOT modify!\n" +
                                                     "Written at " +
                                                     PDTToString.getAsString ( (Clock.systemUTC ()), Locale.US));
    final IMicroElement eRoot = aDoc.getDocumentElement ();
    // Add a small comment
    if (eRoot != null)
      aDoc.insertBefore (aComment, eRoot);
      aDoc.appendChild (aComment);

   * @return The {@link IXMLWriterSettings} to be used to serialize the data.
  protected IXMLWriterSettings getXMLWriterSettings ()
    return WRITE_XWS;

   * @return The filename to which was written last. May be null if
   *         no wrote action was performed yet.
  public final String getLastFilename ()
    return m_aRWLock.readLockedGet ( () -> m_sPreviousFilename);

   * Trigger the registered custom exception handlers for read errors.
   * @param t
   *        Thrown exception. Never null.
   * @param sErrorFilename
   *        The filename tried to write to. Never null.
   * @param aDoc
   *        The XML content that should be written. May be null if
   *        the error occurred in XML creation.
  protected static void triggerExceptionHandlersWrite (@Nonnull final Throwable t,
                                                       @Nonnull final String sErrorFilename,
                                                       @Nullable final IMicroDocument aDoc)
    // Check if a custom exception handler is present
    if (exceptionHandlersWrite ().isNotEmpty ())
      final IReadableResource aRes = new FileSystemResource (sErrorFilename);
      final String sXMLContent = aDoc == null ? "no XML document created" : MicroWriter.getNodeAsString (aDoc);
      exceptionHandlersWrite ().forEach (aCB -> aCB.onDAOWriteException (t, aRes, sXMLContent));

   * The main method for writing the new data to a file. This method may only be
   * called within a write lock!
   * @return {@link ESuccess} and never null.
  @MustBeLocked (ELockType.WRITE)
  private ESuccess _writeToFile ()
    // Build the filename to write to
    final String sFilename = m_aFilenameProvider.get ();
    if (sFilename == null)
      // We're not operating on a file! Required for testing
      if (!isSilentMode ())
        if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled ())
 ("The DAO of class " + getClass ().getName () + " cannot write to a file");
      return ESuccess.FAILURE;

    // Check for a filename change before writing
    if (!sFilename.equals (m_sPreviousFilename))
      onFilenameChange (m_sPreviousFilename, sFilename);
      m_sPreviousFilename = sFilename;

    if (!isSilentMode ())
      if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled ()) ("Trying to write WAL DAO file '" + sFilename + "'");

    File aFileNew = null;
    IMicroDocument aDoc = null;
    final String sFilenameNew = _getFilenameNew (sFilename);
    final String sFilenamePrev = _getFilenamePrev (sFilename);
      // Get the file handle
      aFileNew = getSafeFile (sFilenameNew, EMode.WRITE);

      m_aStatsCounterWriteTotal.increment ();
      final StopWatch aSW = StopWatch.createdStarted ();

      // Create XML document to write
      aDoc = createWriteData ();
      if (aDoc == null)
        throw new DAOException ("Failed to create data to write to file");

      // Generic modification
      modifyWriteData (aDoc);

      // Get the output stream
      final OutputStream aOS = FileHelper.getOutputStream (aFileNew);
      if (aOS == null)
        // Happens, when another application has the file open!
        // Logger warning already emitted
        throw new DAOException ("Failed to open output stream for '" + aFileNew.getAbsolutePath () + "'");

      // Write to file (closes the OS)
      final IXMLWriterSettings aXWS = getXMLWriterSettings ();
      if (MicroWriter.writeToStream (aDoc, aOS, aXWS).isFailure ())
        throw new DAOException ("Failed to write DAO XML data to file");

      // Rename existing file to old
      FileIOError aIOError;
      boolean bRenamedToPrev = false;
      if (m_aIO.existsFile (sFilename))
        aIOError = m_aIO.renameFile (sFilename, sFilenamePrev);
        bRenamedToPrev = true;
        aIOError = new FileIOError (EFileIOOperation.RENAME_FILE, EFileIOErrorCode.NO_ERROR);
      if (aIOError.isSuccess ())
        // Rename new file to final
        aIOError = m_aIO.renameFile (sFilenameNew, sFilename);
        if (aIOError.isSuccess ())
          // Finally delete old file
          aIOError = m_aIO.deleteFileIfExisting (sFilenamePrev);
          // 2nd rename failed
          // -> Revert original rename to stay as consistent as possible
          if (bRenamedToPrev)
            m_aIO.renameFile (sFilenamePrev, sFilename);
      if (aIOError.isFailure ())
        throw new IllegalStateException ("Error on rename(existing-old)/rename(new-existing)/delete(old): " + aIOError);

      // Update stats etc.
      m_aStatsCounterWriteTimer.addTime (aSW.stopAndGetMillis ());
      m_aStatsCounterWriteSuccess.increment ();
      m_aLastWriteDT = PDTFactory.getCurrentLocalDateTime ();
      return ESuccess.SUCCESS;
    catch (final DAOException | RuntimeException ex)
      final String sErrorFilename = aFileNew != null ? aFileNew.getAbsolutePath () : sFilename;

      if (LOGGER.isErrorEnabled ())
        LOGGER.error ("The DAO of class " + getClass ().getName () + " failed to write the DAO data to '" + sErrorFilename + "'", ex);

      triggerExceptionHandlersWrite (ex, sErrorFilename, aDoc);
      m_aStatsCounterWriteExceptions.increment ();
      return ESuccess.FAILURE;

  @MustBeLocked (ELockType.WRITE)
  final void _writeToFileAndResetPendingChanges (@Nonnull final String sCallingMethodName)
    if (_writeToFile ().isSuccess ())
      internalSetPendingChanges (false);
      if (LOGGER.isErrorEnabled ())
        LOGGER.error ("The DAO of class " + getClass ().getName () + " still has pending changes after " + sCallingMethodName + "!");

   * @return The name of the WAL file of this DAO or null if this
   *         DAO does not support WAL files.
  private String _getWALFilename ()
    final String sWALFilename = m_aFilenameProvider.get ();
    if (sWALFilename == null)
      return null;
    return sWALFilename + ".wal";

   * This method is called if recovery from the WAL file (partially) failed an
   * analysis might be needed.
  final void _maintainWALFileAfterProcessing (@Nonnull @Nonempty final String sWALFilename)
    ValueEnforcer.notEmpty (sWALFilename, "WALFilename");
    final File aWALFile = m_aIO.getFile (sWALFilename);
    final File aNewFile = new File (aWALFile.getParentFile (), aWALFile.getName () + "." + PDTFactory.getCurrentMillis () + ".bup");

    if (FileOperationManager.INSTANCE.renameFile (aWALFile, aNewFile).isFailure ())
      if (LOGGER.isErrorEnabled ())
        LOGGER.error ("Failed to rename WAL file '" + aWALFile.getAbsolutePath () + "' to '" + aNewFile.getAbsolutePath () + "'");
      if (!isSilentMode ())
        if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled ())
 ("Maintained WAL file '" +
                       aWALFile.getAbsolutePath () +
                       "' as '" +
                       aNewFile.getAbsolutePath () +
                       "' for debugging purposes");

   * This method may only be triggered with valid WAL filenames, as the passed
   * file is deleted!
  final void _deleteWALFileAfterProcessing (@Nonnull @Nonempty final String sWALFilename)
    ValueEnforcer.notEmpty (sWALFilename, "WALFilename");
    final File aWALFile = m_aIO.getFile (sWALFilename);
    if (FileOperationManager.INSTANCE.deleteFile (aWALFile).isFailure ())
      if (LOGGER.isErrorEnabled ())
        LOGGER.error ("Failed to delete WAL file '" + aWALFile.getAbsolutePath () + "'");
      if (!isSilentMode ())
        if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled ())
 ("Deleted successfully imported WAL file '" + aWALFile.getAbsolutePath () + "'");

   * @return The {@link IXMLWriterSettings} to be used to serialize the data.
  protected IXMLWriterSettings getWALXMLWriterSettings ()
    return WAL_XWS;

  protected String convertNativeToWALString (@Nonnull final DATATYPE aModifiedElement)
    final IMicroElement aElement = MicroTypeConverter.convertToMicroElement (aModifiedElement, "item");
    if (aElement == null)
      throw new IllegalStateException ("Failed to convert " +
                                       aModifiedElement +
                                       " of class " +
                                       aModifiedElement.getClass ().getName () +
                                       " to XML!");
    return MicroWriter.getNodeAsString (aElement, getWALXMLWriterSettings ());

  @MustBeLocked (ELockType.WRITE)
  private ESuccess _writeWALFile (@Nonnull @Nonempty final List  aModifiedElements,
                                  @Nonnull final EDAOActionType eActionType,
                                  @Nonnull @Nonempty final String sWALFilename)
    final FileSystemResource aWALRes = m_aIO.getResource (sWALFilename);
    try (final DataOutputStream aDOS = new DataOutputStream (aWALRes.getOutputStream (EAppend.APPEND)))
      // Write action type ID
      StreamHelper.writeSafeUTF (aDOS, eActionType.getID ());
      // Write number of elements
      aDOS.writeInt (aModifiedElements.size ());
      // Write all data elements as XML Strings :)
      for (final DATATYPE aModifiedElement : aModifiedElements)
        final String sElement = convertNativeToWALString (aModifiedElement);
        StreamHelper.writeSafeUTF (aDOS, sElement);
      return ESuccess.SUCCESS;
    catch (final Exception ex)
      if (LOGGER.isErrorEnabled ())
        LOGGER.error ("Error writing WAL file " + aWALRes, ex);
      triggerExceptionHandlersWrite (ex, sWALFilename, (IMicroDocument) null);
    return ESuccess.FAILURE;

   * @return The waiting time used before the file is effectively written. Never
   *         null. Default value is 10 seconds.
  public TimeValue getWaitingTime ()
    return m_aWaitingTime;

   * Set the waiting time used before the file is effectively written. Default
   * value is 10 seconds. Setting the value to a duration of 0 means that the
   * write ahead is effectively disabled.
   * @param aWaitingTime
   *        The waiting time to be used. May not be null.
  protected void setWaitingTime (@Nonnull final TimeValue aWaitingTime)
    ValueEnforcer.notNull (aWaitingTime, "WaitingTime");
    m_aWaitingTime = aWaitingTime;

   * This method must be called every time something changed in the DAO. It
   * triggers the writing to a file if auto-save is active. This method must be
   * called within a write-lock as it is not locked!
   * @param aModifiedElement
   *        The modified data element. May not be null.
   * @param eActionType
   *        The action that was performed. May not be null.
  @MustBeLocked (ELockType.WRITE)
  protected void markAsChanged (@Nonnull final DATATYPE aModifiedElement, @Nonnull final EDAOActionType eActionType)
    ValueEnforcer.notNull (aModifiedElement, "ModifiedElement");
    ValueEnforcer.notNull (eActionType, "ActionType");

    // Convert single item to list
    markAsChanged (new CommonsArrayList <> (aModifiedElement), eActionType);

  @MustBeLocked (ELockType.WRITE)
  protected final void markAsChanged (@Nonnull final List  aModifiedElements, @Nonnull final EDAOActionType eActionType)
    ValueEnforcer.notNull (aModifiedElements, "ModifiedElements");
    ValueEnforcer.notNull (eActionType, "ActionType");

    // Just remember that something changed
    internalSetPendingChanges (true);
    if (internalIsAutoSaveEnabled ())
      // Auto save

      // Write a WAL file
      final String sWALFilename = _getWALFilename ();
      // Note: writing a WAL is forbidden when a WAL file is recovered upon
      // startup!
      // Note: writing a WAL makes no sense, if the waiting time is zero
      if (m_bCanWriteWAL &&
          m_aWaitingTime.getDuration () > 0 &&
          sWALFilename != null &&
          _writeWALFile (aModifiedElements, eActionType, sWALFilename).isSuccess ())
        // Remember change for later writing
        // Note: pass the WAL filename in case the filename changes over time!
        m_aWALListener.registerForLaterWriting (this, sWALFilename, m_aWaitingTime);
        // write directly
        _writeToFileAndResetPendingChanges ("markAsChanged(" + eActionType.getID () + ")");

   * In case there are pending changes write them to the file. This method is
   * write locked!
  public final void writeToFileOnPendingChanges ()
    if (hasPendingChanges ())
      // Write to file
      m_aRWLock.writeLocked ( () -> _writeToFileAndResetPendingChanges ("writeToFileOnPendingChanges"));

  public int getInitCount ()
    return m_nInitCount;

  public final LocalDateTime getLastInitDateTime ()
    return m_aLastInitDT;

  public int getReadCount ()
    return m_nReadCount;

  public final LocalDateTime getLastReadDateTime ()
    return m_aLastReadDT;

  public int getWriteCount ()
    return m_nWriteCount;

  public final LocalDateTime getLastWriteDateTime ()
    return m_aLastWriteDT;

  public String toString ()
    return ToStringGenerator.getDerived (super.toString ())
                            .append ("FilenameProvider", m_aFilenameProvider)
                            .append ("PreviousFilename", m_sPreviousFilename)
                            .append ("InitCount", m_nInitCount)
                            .appendIfNotNull ("LastInitDT", m_aLastInitDT)
                            .append ("ReadCount", m_nReadCount)
                            .appendIfNotNull ("LastReadDT", m_aLastReadDT)
                            .append ("WriteCount", m_nWriteCount)
                            .appendIfNotNull ("LastWriteDT", m_aLastWriteDT)
                            .getToString ();

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