Download maven-s3-wagon JAR file with all dependencies
maven-s3-wagon from group com.hevodata (version 1.1.0)
Hevo Wagon to read from S3 Maven repositories and write to them with private permissions.
Artifact maven-s3-wagon
Group com.hevodata
Version 1.1.0
Last update 04. February 2022
Tags: maven with repositories them wagon write permissions hevo read from private
Organization not specified
License The Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 31
Dependencies guava, kuali-s3, slf4j-api, spring-core, wagon-provider-api, plexus-utils, commons-io, commons-lang, kuali-threads, slf4j-log4j12, log4j, jcl-over-slf4j, aws-java-sdk-s3, aws-java-sdk-kms, aws-java-sdk-core, commons-logging, commons-codec, ion-java, jackson-databind, jackson-annotations, jackson-core, jackson-dataformat-cbor, joda-time, jmespath-java, unirest-java, httpclient, httpcore, httpmime, httpcore-nio, httpasyncclient, gson,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.hevodata
Version 1.1.0
Last update 04. February 2022
Tags: maven with repositories them wagon write permissions hevo read from private
Organization not specified
License The Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 31
Dependencies guava, kuali-s3, slf4j-api, spring-core, wagon-provider-api, plexus-utils, commons-io, commons-lang, kuali-threads, slf4j-log4j12, log4j, jcl-over-slf4j, aws-java-sdk-s3, aws-java-sdk-kms, aws-java-sdk-core, commons-logging, commons-codec, ion-java, jackson-databind, jackson-annotations, jackson-core, jackson-dataformat-cbor, joda-time, jmespath-java, unirest-java, httpclient, httpcore, httpmime, httpcore-nio, httpasyncclient, gson,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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