com.hexagonkt.http.test.examples.ClientTest.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.hexagonkt.http.test.examples
import com.hexagonkt.core.require
import com.hexagonkt.core.urlOf
import com.hexagonkt.http.SslSettings
import com.hexagonkt.http.client.HttpClient
import com.hexagonkt.http.client.HttpClientPort
import com.hexagonkt.http.client.HttpClientSettings
import com.hexagonkt.http.model.HttpRequest
import com.hexagonkt.http.model.HttpResponsePort
import com.hexagonkt.http.formatQueryString
import com.hexagonkt.http.model.*
import com.hexagonkt.http.model.HttpMethod.GET
import com.hexagonkt.http.model.HttpProtocol.HTTPS
import com.hexagonkt.http.model.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_500
import com.hexagonkt.http.model.OK_200
import com.hexagonkt.http.server.*
import com.hexagonkt.http.handlers.HttpCallbackType
import com.hexagonkt.http.handlers.HttpHandler
import com.hexagonkt.http.handlers.path
import com.hexagonkt.http.test.BaseTest
import com.hexagonkt.serialization.SerializationFormat
import com.hexagonkt.serialization.SerializationManager
import com.hexagonkt.serialization.serialize
import org.junit.jupiter.api.*
import org.junit.jupiter.api.condition.DisabledOnOs
import org.junit.jupiter.api.condition.OS.WINDOWS
import java.math.BigInteger
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
import kotlin.test.assertFalse
import kotlin.test.assertNull
import kotlin.test.assertTrue
@Suppress("FunctionName") // This class's functions are intended to be used only in tests
abstract class ClientTest(
final override val clientAdapter: () -> HttpClientPort,
final override val serverAdapter: () -> HttpServerPort,
private val serializationFormats: List,
final override val serverSettings: HttpServerSettings = HttpServerSettings(),
) : BaseTest() {
private var callback: HttpCallbackType = { this }
override val handler: HttpHandler = path {
post("*") { callback() }
get("*") { callback() }
head("*") { callback() }
put("*") { callback() }
delete("*") { callback() }
trace("*") { callback() }
options("*") { callback() }
patch("*") { callback() }
@BeforeAll fun setUpSerializationFormats() {
SerializationManager.formats = serializationFormats.toSet()
SerializationManager.defaultFormat = serializationFormats.firstOrNull()
@BeforeEach fun resetHandler() {
callback = {
val contentType = ContentType(APPLICATION_JSON, charset = Charsets.UTF_8)
val bodyString = request.bodyString()
val bodyHeader =
if (bodyString.endsWith("\n") || bodyString.contains("{")) "json"
else bodyString
body = bodyString,
headers = response.headers
+ Header("body", bodyHeader)
+ Header("ct", request.contentType?.text ?: "")
+ Header("query-parameters", formatQueryString(queryParameters)),
contentType = contentType,
@Test fun `Exceptions are returned as internal server errors`() {
callback = { error("failure") }
val response = client.send(HttpRequest())
assertEquals(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_500, response.status)
@Test open fun `Redirects are handled correctly correctly`() {
callback = {
if (queryParameters["ok"] != null) ok("redirected")
else found("/foo?ok")
val response = client.get()
assertEquals(FOUND_302, response.status)
assertEquals("/foo?ok", response.headers["location"]?.value)
val settings = HttpClientSettings(server.binding, followRedirects = true)
val redirectClient = HttpClient(clientAdapter(), settings).apply { start() }
val redirectedResponse = redirectClient.get()
assertEquals(OK_200, redirectedResponse.status)
assertEquals("redirected", redirectedResponse.bodyString())
@Test open fun `Form parameters are sent correctly`() {
callback = {
val headers = Headers( { (k, v) -> Header(k, v.values) })
ok(headers = headers)
val response = client.send(
formParameters = FormParameters(
FormParameter("p1", "v11"),
FormParameter("p2", "v21", "v22"),
val expectedHeaders = Headers(Header("p1", "v11"), Header("p2", "v21", "v22"))
val actualHeaders =
response.headers - "transfer-encoding" - "content-length" - "connection" - "date"
assertEquals(expectedHeaders, actualHeaders)
@Test fun `Cookies are sent correctly`() {
callback = {
val cookiesMap = request.cookiesMap()
assertEquals(Cookie("c1", "v1"), cookiesMap["c1"])
assertEquals(Cookie("c2", "v2", -1), cookiesMap["c2"])
assertNull(cookiesMap["c3"]) // Secure headers only sent through HTTPS
ok(cookies = listOf(
Cookie("c4", "v4", 60),
Cookie("c5", "v5"),
Cookie("c6", "v6", secure = true),
client.cookies = emptyList()
val response = client.send(
cookies = listOf(
Cookie("c1", "v1"),
Cookie("c2", "v2", 1),
Cookie("c3", "v3", secure = true),
val responseC4 = response.cookiesMap().require("c4")
assertEquals("v4", responseC4.value)
assertTrue(responseC4.maxAge in 59..60)
assertEquals(Cookie("c5", "v5"), response.cookiesMap()["c5"])
val clientC4 = client.cookiesMap().require("c4")
assertEquals("v4", clientC4.value)
assertTrue(clientC4.maxAge in 59..60)
assertEquals(Cookie("c5", "v5"), client.cookiesMap()["c5"])
@Test fun `Create HTTP clients`() {
val adapter = clientAdapter()
// clientCreation
HttpClient(adapter, HttpClientSettings(urlOf("http://host:1234/base")))
// clientCreation
// clientSettingsCreation
// All client settings parameters are optionals and provide default values
HttpClient(adapter, HttpClientSettings(
baseUrl = urlOf("http://host:1234/base"),
contentType = ContentType(APPLICATION_JSON),
useCookies = true,
headers = Headers(Header("x-api-Key", "cafebabe")), // Headers used in all requests
insecure = false, // If true, the client doesn't check server certificates
sslSettings = SslSettings() // Key stores settings (check TLS section for details)
// clientSettingsCreation
@Test fun `JSON requests works as expected`() {
val expectedBody = "{ \"foo\" : \"fighters\", \"es\" : \"áéíóúÁÉÍÓÚñÑ\"}"
val map = mapOf("foo" to "fighters", "es" to "áéíóúÁÉÍÓÚñÑ")
val requestBody = map.serialize(APPLICATION_JSON)
val response ="/", requestBody, contentType = ContentType(APPLICATION_JSON))
assertEquals(expectedBody, response.body.toString().trim().replace("[\r\n]".toRegex(), ""))
assertEquals(ContentType(APPLICATION_JSON).text, response.headers["ct"]?.value)
val body2 ="/", requestBody).body
assertEquals(expectedBody, body2.toString().trim().replace("[\r\n]".toRegex(), ""))
@Test fun `HTTP generic requests work ok`() {
// genericRequest
val request = HttpRequest(
method = GET,
path = "/",
body = mapOf("body" to "payload").serialize(),
headers = Headers(Header("x-header", "value")),
queryParameters = QueryParameters(QueryParameter("qp", "qpValue")),
contentType = ContentType(APPLICATION_JSON)
val response = client.send(request)
// genericRequest
val getResponse = client.get("/queryParameters?qp=qpValue")
assertEquals("qp=qpValue", getResponse.headers["query-parameters"]?.value)
assertEquals("qp=qpValue", response.headers["query-parameters"]?.value)
checkResponse(response, mapOf("body" to "payload"))
val base = client.settings.baseUrl?.toString()
HttpClient(clientAdapter(), client.settings.copy(baseUrl = null)).request {
val secondResponse = get("$base/queryParameters?qp=qpValue")
assertEquals("qp=qpValue", secondResponse.headers["query-parameters"]?.value)
@Test fun `HTTP methods without body work ok`() {
// withoutBodyRequests
val responseGet = client.get("/")
val responseHead = client.head("/")
val responsePost ="/")
val responsePut = client.put("/")
val responseDelete = client.delete("/")
val responseTrace = client.trace("/")
val responseOptions = client.options("/")
val responsePatch = client.patch("/")
// withoutBodyRequests
checkResponse(responseGet, null)
checkResponse(responseHead, null)
checkResponse(responsePost, null)
checkResponse(responsePut, null)
checkResponse(responseDelete, null)
checkResponse(responseTrace, null)
checkResponse(responseOptions, null)
checkResponse(responsePatch, null)
@Test fun `HTTP methods with body work ok`() {
// bodyRequests
val body = mapOf("key" to "value")
val serializedBody = body.serialize()
val responseGet = client.get("/", body = serializedBody)
val responsePost ="/", serializedBody)
val responsePut = client.put("/", serializedBody)
val responseDelete = client.delete("/", serializedBody)
val responseTrace = client.trace("/", serializedBody)
val responseOptions = client.options("/", serializedBody)
val responsePatch = client.patch("/", serializedBody)
// bodyRequests
checkResponse(responseGet, body)
checkResponse(responsePost, body)
checkResponse(responsePut, body)
checkResponse(responseDelete, body)
checkResponse(responseTrace, body)
checkResponse(responseOptions, body)
checkResponse(responsePatch, body)
@Test fun `HTTP methods with body and content type work ok`() {
// bodyAndContentTypeRequests
val body = mapOf("key" to "value")
val serializedBody = body.serialize(APPLICATION_YAML)
val yaml = ContentType(APPLICATION_YAML)
val responseGet = client.get("/", body = serializedBody, contentType = yaml)
val responsePost ="/", serializedBody, contentType = yaml)
val responsePut = client.put("/", serializedBody, contentType = yaml)
val responseDelete = client.delete("/", serializedBody, contentType = yaml)
val responseTrace = client.trace("/", serializedBody, contentType = yaml)
val responseOptions = client.options("/", serializedBody, contentType = yaml)
val responsePatch = client.patch("/", serializedBody, contentType = yaml)
// bodyAndContentTypeRequests
checkResponse(responseGet, body, yaml)
checkResponse(responsePost, body, yaml)
checkResponse(responsePut, body, yaml)
checkResponse(responseDelete, body, yaml)
checkResponse(responseTrace, body, yaml)
checkResponse(responseOptions, body, yaml)
checkResponse(responsePatch, body, yaml)
@Test fun `Parameters are set properly` () {
val clientHeaders = Headers(Header("header1", "val1", "val2"))
val settings = HttpClientSettings(
baseUrl = server.binding,
contentType = ContentType(APPLICATION_JSON),
useCookies = false,
headers = clientHeaders,
insecure = true
val c = HttpClient(clientAdapter(), settings)
assertEquals(c.settings.contentType, ContentType(APPLICATION_JSON))
assertEquals(c.settings.headers, clientHeaders)
callback = {
val headers = Header("head1", request.headers.require("header1").strings())
ok(headers = response.headers + headers)
c.use {
it.get("/auth").apply {
assertEquals(listOf("val1", "val2"), headers["head1"]?.values)
assertEquals(status, OK_200)
it.get().apply {
assertEquals(listOf("val1", "val2"), headers["head1"]?.values)
assertEquals(status, OK_200)
c.request {
get("/auth").apply {
assertEquals(listOf("val1", "val2"), headers["head1"]?.values)
assertEquals(status, OK_200)
c.request {
get("/auth").apply {
assertEquals(listOf("val1", "val2"), headers["head1"]?.values)
assertEquals(status, OK_200)
@Test fun `Integers are sent properly` () {
var run: Boolean
callback = {
val contentType = ContentType(APPLICATION_JSON, charset = Charsets.UTF_8)
val number = BigInteger(request.body as ByteArray).toLong()
body = number,
headers = response.headers + Header("body", number),
contentType = contentType
}"/string", 42).apply {
assertEquals("42", headers.require("body").value)
assertEquals(status, OK_200)
run = true
@Test fun `Strings are sent properly` () {
var run: Boolean"/string", "text").apply {
assert(headers["body"]?.string()?.isNotEmpty() ?: false)
assertEquals(status, OK_200)
run = true
@DisabledOnOs(WINDOWS) // TODO Make this work on GitHub runners
fun `Request HTTPS example`() {
val serverAdapter = serverAdapter()
// Key store files
val identity = "hexagonkt.p12"
val trust = "trust.p12"
// Default passwords are file name reversed
val keyStorePassword = identity.reversed()
val trustStorePassword = trust.reversed()
// Key stores can be set as URIs to classpath resources (the triple slash is needed)
val keyStore = urlOf("classpath:ssl/$identity")
val trustStore = urlOf("classpath:ssl/$trust")
val sslSettings = SslSettings(
keyStore = keyStore,
keyStorePassword = keyStorePassword,
trustStore = trustStore,
trustStorePassword = trustStorePassword,
clientAuth = true // Requires a valid certificate from the client (mutual TLS)
val serverSettings = serverSettings.copy(
bindPort = 0,
protocol = HTTPS, // You can also use HTTP2
sslSettings = sslSettings
val server = serve(serverAdapter, serverSettings) {
get("/hello") {
// We can access the certificate used by the client from the request
val subjectDn = request.certificate()?.subjectX500Principal?.name ?: ""
ok("Hello World!", headers = response.headers + Header("cert", subjectDn) )
// We'll use the same certificate for the client (in a real scenario it would be different)
val clientSettings = HttpClientSettings(baseUrl = server.binding, sslSettings = sslSettings)
// Create an HTTP client and make an HTTPS request
val client = HttpClient(clientAdapter(), clientSettings)
client.get("/hello").apply {
// Assure the certificate received (and returned) by the server is correct
assert(headers.require("cert").string()?.startsWith("") ?: false)
assertEquals(body, "Hello World!")
private fun checkResponse(
response: HttpResponsePort,
parameter: Map?,
format: ContentType = ContentType(APPLICATION_JSON),
) {
assertEquals(OK_200, response.status)
parameter?.serialize(format.mediaType)?.trim() ?: "",
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