com.hexagonkt.http.test.examples.SamplesTest.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.hexagonkt.http.test.examples
import com.hexagonkt.core.urlOf
import com.hexagonkt.http.client.HttpClient
import com.hexagonkt.http.client.HttpClientPort
import com.hexagonkt.http.client.HttpClientSettings
import com.hexagonkt.http.model.HttpRequest
import com.hexagonkt.http.model.HttpResponsePort
import com.hexagonkt.http.model.*
import com.hexagonkt.http.model.HttpMethod.*
import com.hexagonkt.http.model.HttpMethod.Companion.ALL
import com.hexagonkt.http.model.FOUND_302
import com.hexagonkt.http.model.HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED_505
import com.hexagonkt.http.model.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_500
import com.hexagonkt.http.model.OK_200
import com.hexagonkt.http.server.HttpServer
import com.hexagonkt.http.server.HttpServerPort
import com.hexagonkt.http.server.HttpServerSettings
import com.hexagonkt.http.server.callbacks.UrlCallback
import com.hexagonkt.http.handlers.*
import com.hexagonkt.http.server.serve
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
abstract class SamplesTest(
val clientAdapter: () -> HttpClientPort,
val serverAdapter: () -> HttpServerPort,
val serverSettings: HttpServerSettings = HttpServerSettings(),
) {
@Test fun serverCreation() {
// serverCreation
* All settings are optional, you can supply any combination
* Parameters not set will fall back to the defaults
val settings = HttpServerSettings(
bindAddress = InetAddress.getByName("0.0.0"),
bindPort = 2020,
contextPath = "/context",
banner = "name"
val path = path {
get("/hello") { ok("Hello World!") }
val runningServer = serve(serverAdapter(), path, settings)
// Servers implement closeable, you can use them inside a block assuring they will be closed
runningServer.use { s ->
HttpClient(clientAdapter(), HttpClientSettings(s.binding)).use {
assertEquals("Hello World!", it.get("/context/hello").body)
* You may skip the settings and the defaults will be used
val defaultSettingsServer = serve(serverAdapter(), path)
// serverCreation
defaultSettingsServer.use { s ->
HttpClient(clientAdapter(), HttpClientSettings(s.binding)).use {
assertEquals("Hello World!", it.get("/hello").body)
@Test fun routesCreation() {
val server = serve(serverAdapter()) {
// routesCreation
get("/hello") { ok("Get greeting") }
put("/hello") { ok("Put greeting") }
post("/hello") { ok("Post greeting") }
on(ALL - GET - PUT - POST, "/hello") { ok("Fallback if HTTP verb was not used before") }
on(status = NOT_FOUND_404) { ok("Get at '/' if no route matched before") }
// routesCreation
server.use { s ->
HttpClient(clientAdapter(), HttpClientSettings(s.binding)).use {
assertEquals("Get greeting", it.get("/hello").body)
assertEquals("Put greeting", it.put("/hello").body)
assertEquals("Post greeting","/hello").body)
assertEquals("Fallback if HTTP verb was not used before", it.options("/hello").body)
assertEquals("Get at '/' if no route matched before", it.get("/").body)
@Test fun routeGroups() {
val server = serve(serverAdapter()) {
// routeGroups
path("/nested") {
get("/hello") { ok("Greeting") }
path("/secondLevel") {
get("/hello") { ok("Second level greeting") }
get { ok("Get at '/nested'") }
// routeGroups
server.use { s ->
HttpClient(clientAdapter(), HttpClientSettings(s.binding)).use {
assertEquals("Greeting", it.get("/nested/hello").body)
assertEquals("Second level greeting", it.get("/nested/secondLevel/hello").body)
assertEquals("Get at '/nested'", it.get("/nested").body)
@Test fun routers() {
// routers
fun personRouter(kind: String) = path {
get { ok("Get $kind") }
put { ok("Put $kind") }
post { ok("Post $kind") }
val server = HttpServer(serverAdapter()) {
path("/clients", personRouter("client"))
path("/customers", personRouter("customer"))
// routers
server.use { s ->
HttpClient(clientAdapter(), HttpClientSettings(s.binding)).use {
assertEquals("Get client", it.get("/clients").body)
assertEquals("Put client", it.put("/clients").body)
assertEquals("Post client","/clients").body)
assertEquals("Get customer", it.get("/customers").body)
assertEquals("Put customer", it.put("/customers").body)
assertEquals("Post customer","/customers").body)
@Test fun callbacks() {
val server = HttpServer(serverAdapter()) {
// callbackCall
get("/call") {
attributes // The attributes list
attributes["foo"] // Value of foo attribute
ok("Response body") // Returns a 200 status
// return any status (previous return value is ignored here)
"Invalid request",
attributes = attributes + ("A" to "V") // Sets value of attribute A to V
// callbackCall
// callbackRequest
get("/request") {
// URL Information
request.method // The HTTP method (GET, etc.)
request.protocol // HTTP or HTTPS // The host, e.g. ""
request.port // The server port
request.path // The request path, e.g. /result.jsp
request.body // Request body sent by the client
method // Shortcut of `request.method`
protocol // Shortcut of `request.protocol`
host // Shortcut of ``
port // Shortcut of `request.port`
path // Shortcut of `request.path`
// Headers
request.headers // The HTTP headers map
request.headers["BAR"]?.value // First value of BAR header
request.headers["BAR"]?.values // List of values of BAR header
// Common headers shortcuts
request.contentType // Content type of request.body
request.accept // Client accepted content types
request.authorization // Client authorization
request.userAgent() // User agent (browser requests)
request.origin() // Origin (browser requests)
request.referer() // Referer header (page that makes the request)
accept // Shortcut of `request.accept`
authorization // Shortcut of `request.authorization`
// Parameters
pathParameters // Map with all path parameters
request.formParameters // Map with all form fields
request.queryParameters // Map with all query parameters
queryParameters // Shortcut of `request.queryParameters`
formParameters // Shortcut of `request.formParameters`
// Body processing
request.contentLength // Length of request body
// callbackRequest
// callbackResponse
get("/response") {
response.body // Get response content
response.status // Get the response status
response.contentType // Get the content type
status // Shortcut of `response.status`
status = UNAUTHORIZED_401, // Set status code to 401
body = "Hello", // Sets content to Hello
contentType = ContentType(APPLICATION_XML), // Set application/xml content type
headers = response.headers
+ Header("foo", "bar") // Sets header FOO with single value bar
+ Header("baz", "1", "2") // Sets header FOO values with [ bar ]
// Utility methods for generating common responses
unauthorized("401: authorization missing")
forbidden("403: access not granted")
internalServerError("500: server error")
serverError(NOT_IMPLEMENTED_501, RuntimeException("Error"))
badRequest("400: incorrect request")
notFound("404: Missing resource")
created("201: Created")
redirect(FOUND_302, "/location")
// The response can be modified chaining send calls (or its utility methods)
ok("Replacing headers").send(headers = Headers())
// If calls are not chained, only the last one will be applied
ok("Intending to replace headers")
send(headers = Headers()) // This will be passed, but previous ok will be ignored
// callbackResponse
// callbackPathParam
get("/pathParam/{foo}") {
pathParameters["foo"] // Value of foo path parameter
pathParameters // Map with all parameters
// callbackPathParam
// callbackQueryParam
get("/queryParam") {
request.queryParameters // The query params map
request.queryParameters["FOO"]?.value // Value of FOO query param
request.queryParameters["FOO"]?.values // All values of FOO query param
request.queryParameters.values // The query params list
// callbackQueryParam
// callbackFormParam
get("/formParam") {
request.formParameters // The form params map
request.formParameters["FOO"]?.value // Value of FOO form param
request.formParameters["FOO"]?.values // All values of FOO form param
request.formParameters.values // The form params list
// callbackFormParam
// callbackFile
post("/file") {
val filePart = request.partsMap()["file"] ?: error("File not available")
// callbackFile
// callbackRedirect
get("/redirect") {
send(FOUND_302, "/call") // browser redirect to /call
// callbackRedirect
// callbackCookie
get("/cookie") {
request.cookies // Get map of all request cookies
request.cookiesMap()["foo"] // Access request cookie by name
val cookie = Cookie("new_foo", "bar")
cookies = listOf(
cookie, // Set cookie with a value
cookie.copy(maxAge = 3600), // Set cookie with a max-age
cookie.copy(secure = true), // Secure cookie
cookie.delete(), // Remove cookie
// callbackCookie
// callbackHalt
get("/halt") {
send(UNAUTHORIZED_401) // Halt with status
send(UNAUTHORIZED_401, "Go away!") // Halt with status and message
internalServerError("Body Message") // Halt with message (status 500)
internalServerError() // Halt with status 500
// callbackHalt
server.use { s ->
HttpClient(clientAdapter(), HttpClientSettings(s.binding)).use {
it.cookies += Cookie("foo", "bar")
val json = ContentType(APPLICATION_JSON)
val callResponse = it.get("/call")
assertEquals(BAD_REQUEST_400, callResponse.status)
assertEquals("Invalid request", callResponse.body)
assertEquals(OK_200, it.get("/request", body = "body", contentType = json).status)
assertEquals(NOT_FOUND_404, it.get("/response").status)
assertEquals(OK_200, it.get("/pathParam/param").status)
assertEquals(OK_200, it.get("/queryParam").status)
assertEquals(OK_200, it.get("/formParam").status)
assertEquals(FOUND_302, it.get("/redirect").status)
assertEquals(OK_200, it.get("/cookie").status)
assertEquals(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_500, it.get("/halt").status)
val stream = urlOf("classpath:assets/index.html").readBytes()
val parts = listOf(HttpPart("file", stream, "index.html"))
val response = it.send(HttpRequest(POST, path = "/file", parts = parts))
assert(response.bodyString().contains("Hexagon "))
@Test fun filters() {
fun assertResponse(response: HttpResponsePort, body: String, vararg headers: String) {
assertEquals(OK_200, response.status)
assertEquals(body, response.body)
(headers.toList() + "b-all" + "a-all").forEach {
fun assertFail(
code: HttpStatus,
response: HttpResponsePort,
body: String,
vararg headers: String
) {
assertEquals(code, response.status)
(headers.toList() + "b-all" + "a-all")
.forEach { assert(response.headers.httpFields.contains(it)) }
assertEquals(body, response.body)
val server = HttpServer(serverAdapter()) {
// filters
before("/*") { send(response + Header("b-all", "true")) }
before("/filters/*") { send(response + Header("b-filters", "true")) }
get("/filters/route") { ok("filters route") }
after("/filters/*") { send(response + Header("a-filters", "true")) }
get("/filters") { ok("filters") }
path("/nested") {
before("*") { send(response + Header("b-nested", "true")) }
before { send(response + Header("b-nested-2", "true")) }
get("/filters") { ok("nested filters") }
get("/halted") { send(HttpStatus(499), "halted") }
get { ok("nested also") }
after("*") { send(response + Header("a-nested", "true")) }
after("/*") { send(response + Header("a-all", "true")) }
// filters
server.use { s ->
HttpClient(clientAdapter(), HttpClientSettings(s.binding)).use {
assertResponse(it.get("/filters/route"), "filters route", "b-filters", "a-filters")
assertResponse(it.get("/filters"), "filters")
assertResponse(it.get("/nested/filters"), "nested filters", "b-nested", "a-nested")
val responseNested = it.get("/nested")
assertResponse(responseNested, "nested also", "b-nested", "b-nested-2", "a-nested")
val responseHalted = it.get("/nested/halted")
assertFail(HttpStatus(499), responseHalted, "halted", "b-nested", "a-nested")
@Test fun errors() {
class NumberException (val number: Int) : RuntimeException()
val server = serve(serverAdapter()) {
// errors
exception {
internalServerError("Root handler")
// Register handler for routes halted with 512 code
get("/errors") { send(HttpStatus(512)) }
before(pattern = "*", status = HttpStatus(512)) { send(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_500, "Ouch") }
// errors
exception { e ->
get("/codeException") {
throw NumberException(9)
// exceptions
// Register handler for routes which callbacks throw exceptions
get("/exceptions") { error("Message") }
get("/codedExceptions") { send(HttpStatus(509), "code") }
before(pattern = "*", status = HttpStatus(509)) {
exception {
send(HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED_505, exception?.message ?: "empty")
// exceptions
server.use { s ->
val settings = HttpClientSettings(s.binding)
HttpClient(clientAdapter(), settings).use {
val errors = it.get("/errors")
assertEquals(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_500, errors.status)
assertEquals("Ouch", errors.body)
val exceptions = it.get("/exceptions")
assertEquals(HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED_505, exceptions.status)
assertEquals("Message", exceptions.body)
val codedExceptions = it.get("/codedExceptions")
assertEquals(HttpStatus(599), codedExceptions.status)
assertEquals("code", codedExceptions.body)
it.get("/codeException").apply {
assertEquals(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_500, status)
assertEquals("9", bodyString())
@Test fun files() {
val server = serve(serverAdapter()) {
// files
get("/web/file.txt") { ok("It matches this route and won't search for the file") }
// Expose resources on the '/public' resource folder over the '/web' HTTP path
status = NOT_FOUND_404,
pattern = "/web/*",
callback = UrlCallback(urlOf("classpath:public"))
// Maps resources on 'assets' on the server root (assets/f.css -> /f.css)
// '/public/css/style.css' resource would be: 'http://{host}:{port}/css/style.css'
on(status = NOT_FOUND_404, pattern = "/*", callback = UrlCallback(urlOf("classpath:assets")))
// files
server.use { s ->
HttpClient(clientAdapter(), HttpClientSettings(s.binding)).use {
assert(it.get("/web/file.txt").bodyString().startsWith("It matches this route"))
val index = it.get("/index.html")
assertEquals(OK_200, index.status)
assertEquals(ContentType(TEXT_HTML), index.contentType)
val file = it.get("/web/file.css")
assertEquals(OK_200, file.status)
assertEquals(ContentType(TEXT_CSS), file.contentType)
val unavailable = it.get("/web/unavailable.css")
assertEquals(NOT_FOUND_404, unavailable.status)
@Test fun test() {
// test
val router = path {
get("/hello") { ok("Hi!") }
val bindAddress = InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress()
val serverSettings = HttpServerSettings(bindAddress, 0, banner = "name")
val server = serve(serverAdapter(), router, serverSettings)
server.use { s ->
HttpClient(clientAdapter(), HttpClientSettings(s.binding)).use {
assertEquals("Hi!", it.get("/hello").body)
// test
@Test fun mockRequest() {
// mockRequest
// Test callback (basically, a handler without a predicate)
val callback: HttpCallbackType = {
val fakeAttribute = attributes["fake"]
val fakeHeader = request.headers["fake"]?.value
ok("Callback result $fakeAttribute $fakeHeader")
// You can test callbacks with fake data
val resultContext = callback.process(
attributes = mapOf("fake" to "attribute"),
headers = Headers(Header("fake", "header"))
assertEquals("Callback result attribute header", resultContext.response.bodyString())
// Handlers can also be tested to check predicates along the callbacks
val handler = Get("/path", callback)
val notFound = handler.process(HttpRequest())
val ok = handler.process(HttpRequest(method = GET, path = "/path"))
assertEquals(NOT_FOUND_404, notFound.status)
assertEquals(OK_200, ok.status)
assertEquals("Callback result null null", ok.response.bodyString())
// mockRequest
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