com.hpe.adm.nga.sdk.generate.GeneratorHelper Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2017 Hewlett-Packard Enterprise Development Company, L.P.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.hpe.adm.nga.sdk.generate;
import com.hpe.adm.nga.sdk.metadata.EntityMetadata;
import com.hpe.adm.nga.sdk.metadata.FieldMetadata;
import com.hpe.adm.nga.sdk.metadata.features.Feature;
import com.hpe.adm.nga.sdk.metadata.features.RestFeature;
import com.hpe.adm.nga.sdk.metadata.features.SubTypesOfFeature;
import com.hpe.adm.nga.sdk.model.*;
import java.util.*;
* A class that is used to help with entity generation
public final class GeneratorHelper {
private static final String keywords[] = {"abstract", "assert", "boolean",
"break", "byte", "case", "catch", "char", "class", "const",
"continue", "default", "do", "double", "else", "extends", "false",
"final", "finally", "float", "for", "goto", "if", "implements",
"import", "instanceof", "int", "interface", "long", "native",
"new", "null", "package", "private", "protected", "public",
"return", "short", "static", "strictfp", "super", "switch",
"synchronized", "this", "throw", "throws", "transient", "true",
"try", "void", "volatile", "while"};
public static String camelCaseFieldName(final String fieldName) {
return camelCaseFieldName(fieldName, true);
* Convert fieldName to camelCase form.
* @param fieldName the field name
* @param theFirstLetterIsCapital - set true if the first letter in first world should be capital
* @return the name in camelCase
public static String camelCaseFieldName(final String fieldName, boolean theFirstLetterIsCapital) {
final StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
final String[] splitFields = fieldName.split("_");
int wordCounter = 0;
for (final String splitField : splitFields) {
if (wordCounter > 1 || theFirstLetterIsCapital) {
stringBuffer.append(splitField.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase());
} else {
stringBuffer.append(splitField.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase());
return getSanitisedFieldName(stringBuffer.toString());
public static String convertToUpperCase(final String fieldName) {
final StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
final String[] splitFields = fieldName.split("_");
for (final String splitField : splitFields) {
return stringBuffer.toString();
public static String getSanitisedFieldName(final String fieldName) {
return Arrays.binarySearch(keywords, fieldName) >= 0 ? "_" + fieldName : fieldName;
public static String getFieldTypeAsJava(FieldMetadata.FieldType fieldType) {
switch (fieldType) {
case Date:
case DateTime:
return "java.time.ZonedDateTime";
case Boolean:
return "Boolean";
case Float:
return "Float";
case Integer:
return "Long";
case Memo:
case String:
return "String";
case Object:
return "String";
case Reference:
return "Object";
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("type: " + fieldType + "is not supported!");
public static String getFieldModel(FieldMetadata field) {
switch (field.getFieldType()) {
case Date:
case DateTime:
return DateFieldModel.class.getName();
case Boolean:
return BooleanFieldModel.class.getName();
case Float:
return FloatFieldModel.class.getName();
case Integer:
return LongFieldModel.class.getName();
case Memo:
case String:
return StringFieldModel.class.getName();
case Object:
return StringFieldModel.class.getName();
case Reference:
return field.getFieldTypedata().isMultiple() ? MultiReferenceFieldModel.class.getName() : ReferenceFieldModel.class.getName();
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("type: " + field.getFieldType() + "is not supported!");
public static String getSubTypeOf(final EntityMetadata entityMetadata) {
final Optional subTypeOfFeature = getSubTypeOfFeature(entityMetadata);
return (subTypeOfFeature.isPresent() ? camelCaseFieldName(((SubTypesOfFeature) subTypeOfFeature.get()).getType()) : "Typed") + "EntityModel";
private static Optional getSubTypeOfFeature(EntityMetadata entityMetadata) {
final Collection features = entityMetadata.features();
return features.stream().filter(feature -> feature instanceof SubTypesOfFeature).findFirst();
public static final class ReferenceMetadata {
private String referenceClassForSignature;
private final Set allowedReferencesForAnnotation = new HashSet<>();
private boolean hasNonTypedReturn = false;
private boolean hasTypedReturn = false;
private final Set referenceTypes = new HashSet<>();
private String typedType;
public String getReferenceClassForSignature() {
return referenceClassForSignature;
public String getTypedType() {
return typedType;
public Set getAllowedReferencesForAnnotation() {
return allowedReferencesForAnnotation;
public Set getReferenceTypes() {
return referenceTypes;
public boolean hasNonTypedReturn() {
return hasNonTypedReturn;
public boolean hasTypedReturn() {
return hasTypedReturn;
public static ReferenceMetadata getAllowedSuperTypesForReference(final FieldMetadata fieldMetadata, final Collection entityMetadataCollection) {
final ReferenceMetadata referenceMetadata = new ReferenceMetadata();
if (fieldMetadata.getFieldType() != FieldMetadata.FieldType.Reference) {
return null;
final FieldMetadata.FieldTypeData fieldTypedata = fieldMetadata.getFieldTypedata();
final FieldMetadata.Target[] targets = fieldTypedata.getTargets();
for (FieldMetadata.Target target : targets) {
final String type = target.getType();
final Optional matchingEntityMetadata = entityMetadataCollection.stream().filter(entityMetadata -> entityMetadata.getName().equals(type)).findAny();
if (matchingEntityMetadata.isPresent()) {
String camelCaseFieldName = camelCaseFieldName(type);
referenceMetadata.allowedReferencesForAnnotation.add(camelCaseFieldName + "EntityModel.class");
final EntityMetadata matchedEntityMetadata = matchingEntityMetadata.get();
final Optional subTypeOfFeature = getSubTypeOfFeature(matchedEntityMetadata);
final String typedType = camelCaseFieldName(subTypeOfFeature.isPresent() ? (((SubTypesOfFeature) subTypeOfFeature.get()).getType()) : type);
referenceMetadata.typedType = typedType + "Entity";
boolean hasMultipleTypes = false;
if (!referenceMetadata.hasNonTypedReturn) {
if (referenceMetadata.hasTypedReturn) {
camelCaseFieldName = typedType;
hasMultipleTypes = true;
referenceMetadata.referenceClassForSignature =
getReferenceSignature(fieldTypedata.isMultiple(), hasMultipleTypes, camelCaseFieldName + "Entity");
referenceMetadata.hasTypedReturn = true;
} else {
referenceMetadata.hasNonTypedReturn = true;
referenceMetadata.referenceClassForSignature =
getReferenceSignature(fieldTypedata.isMultiple(), referenceMetadata.hasTypedReturn, "Entity");
return referenceMetadata;
private static String getReferenceSignature(final boolean isMultiple, final boolean hasMulipleTypes, final String referenceEntity) {
final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
if (isMultiple) {
If 1 type of Definitive:
Else If 1 type of non definitive
Else If >1 type of Definitive
? extends BlaEntity
Else if >1 type of non definitive
? extends Entity
if (hasMulipleTypes) {
stringBuilder.append("? extends ");
if (!hasMulipleTypes) {
} else {
If 1 type of Definitive:
Else If 1 type of non definitive
Else If >1 type of Definitive
Else if >1 type of non definitive
if (hasMulipleTypes) {
stringBuilder.append(" T");
return stringBuilder.toString();
public static final class EntityMetadataWrapper {
com.hpe.adm.nga.sdk.model.EntityMetadata.AvailableMethods[] availableMethods = new com.hpe.adm.nga.sdk.model.EntityMetadata.AvailableMethods[0];
String url;
public com.hpe.adm.nga.sdk.model.EntityMetadata.AvailableMethods[] getAvailableMethods() {
return availableMethods;
public String getUrl() {
return url;
public static EntityMetadataWrapper entityMetadataWrapper(final EntityMetadata entityMetadata) {
final EntityMetadataWrapper entityMetadataWrapper = new EntityMetadataWrapper();
final Optional restFeatureOptional = entityMetadata.features().stream().filter(feature -> feature instanceof RestFeature).findAny();
if (!restFeatureOptional.isPresent()) {
return entityMetadataWrapper;
final RestFeature restFeature = (RestFeature) restFeatureOptional.get();
final String[] methods = restFeature.getMethods();
entityMetadataWrapper.availableMethods = new com.hpe.adm.nga.sdk.model.EntityMetadata.AvailableMethods[methods.length];
for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; ++i) {
switch (methods[i]) {
case "GET":
entityMetadataWrapper.availableMethods[i] = com.hpe.adm.nga.sdk.model.EntityMetadata.AvailableMethods.GET;
case "POST":
entityMetadataWrapper.availableMethods[i] = com.hpe.adm.nga.sdk.model.EntityMetadata.AvailableMethods.CREATE;
case "PUT":
entityMetadataWrapper.availableMethods[i] = com.hpe.adm.nga.sdk.model.EntityMetadata.AvailableMethods.UPDATE;
case "DELETE":
entityMetadataWrapper.availableMethods[i] = com.hpe.adm.nga.sdk.model.EntityMetadata.AvailableMethods.DELETE;
entityMetadataWrapper.url = restFeature.getUrl();
return entityMetadataWrapper;
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