org.postgresql.Driver.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Data Warehouse Service JDBC driver
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ConnectThread InnerClasses DEBUG I
ConstantValue INFO logger Lorg/postgresql/core/Logger; logLevelSet Z cancelTimer Ljava/util/Timer; defaultProperties Ljava/util/Properties; knownProperties [[Ljava/lang/Object; MAJORVERSION MINORVERSION protocols [Ljava/lang/String; ()V Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this Lorg/postgresql/Driver; getDefaultProperties ()Ljava/util/Properties; e )Ljava/security/PrivilegedActionException; l_e Ljava/lang/Exception; driverLogLevel Ljava/lang/String;
Exceptions loadDefaultProperties se Ljava/lang/SecurityException; url Ljava/net/URL; is Ljava/io/InputStream; i merged cl Ljava/lang/ClassLoader; urls Ljava/util/ArrayList; urlEnum Ljava/util/Enumeration;??T?U connect ?(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Properties;)Ljava/sql/Connection; ioe Ljava/io/IOException; propName timeout J ct %Lorg/postgresql/Driver$ConnectThread; thread Ljava/lang/Thread; ex1 #Lorg/postgresql/util/PSQLException; ace &Ljava/security/AccessControlException; ex2 info defaults props??? makeConnection
acceptsURL (Ljava/lang/String;)Z getPropertyInfo H(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Properties;)[Ljava/sql/DriverPropertyInfo; name copy parse [Ljava/sql/DriverPropertyInfo;< getMajorVersion ()I getMinorVersion
getVersion ()Ljava/lang/String;
jdbcCompliant ()Z parseURL @(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Properties;)Ljava/util/Properties; ex !Ljava/lang/NumberFormatException; portStr address portIdx addr slash addresses hosts Ljava/lang/StringBuffer; ports token l_pos urlProps l_urlServer l_urlArgs l_qPos args?? hostSpecs 7(Ljava/util/Properties;)[Lorg/postgresql/util/HostSpec; [Lorg/postgresql/util/HostSpec;] user *(Ljava/util/Properties;)Ljava/lang/String; database (Ljava/util/Properties;)J notImplemented O(Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/sql/SQLFeatureNotSupportedException; callClass Ljava/lang/Class; functionName setLogLevel (I)V logLevel getLogLevel getParentLogger ()Ljava/util/logging/Logger; purgeTimerTasks addTimerTask (Ljava/util/TimerTask;J)V timerTask Ljava/util/TimerTask; milliSeconds
access$000 /(Lorg/postgresql/Driver;)Ljava/util/Properties; x0
access$100 x1 Ljava/sql/SQLException;
SourceFile Driver.java4
? ? ? ? ? org/postgresql/Driver$1 ?VWXY java/util/Properties 'java/security/PrivilegedActionExceptionZ[ java/io/IOException org/postgresql/Driver ? ? loglevel\]^_`hi java/lang/Exception user.nameabc java/lang/SecurityExceptiondefghTih ? ? ICan't find a classloader for the Driver; not loading driver configurationjk java/lang/StringBuilder -Loading driver configuration via classloader lmlnoB java/util/ArrayList &org/postgresql/driverconfig.propertiespqUrDstuvw?xy java/net/URL #Loading driver configuration from: z{|}~ ? ? ? !org/postgresql/util/PSQLException ;Error loading default settings from]??? ?? ???? java/lang/StringEF Error in url: Connecting with URL: #b #org/postgresql/Driver$ConnectThread ?? java/lang/Thread (PostgreSQL JDBC driver connection thread ????? ??? Connection error:j? $java/security/AccessControlException ?Your security policy has prevented the connection from being attempted. You probably need to grant the connect to the database server host and port that you wish to connect to. Unexpected connection error: XSomething unusual has occured to cause the driver to fail. Please report this exception. $org/postgresql/jdbc4/Jdbc4Connection[\_`a` ?? ? ? java/sql/DriverPropertyInfo ?? java/lang/Boolean?D? ??? ? !PostgreSQL 9.3 JDBC4 (build 1103)?????? jdbc:postgresql:?6?? // PGDBNAME ,?? java/lang/StringBuffer?? java/lang/NumberFormatExceptionl???l? 5432l??i PGPORT PGHOST localhost & org/postgresql/util/HostSpec ??\? loginTimeout??? #Couldn't parse loginTimeout value: ??? (java/sql/SQLFeatureNotSupportedException "Method {0} is not yet implemented.?B .?????Bk? getParentLogger()cd ? ??? java/util/Timer ???p org/postgresql/core/Logger?? java/sql/SQLException? ? [Ljava/lang/Object; java/lang/Object?? GDatabase name to connect to; may be specified directly in the JDBC URL. 'Username to connect to the database as.?? MHostname of the PostgreSQL server; may be specified directly in the JDBC URL. ^Port number to connect to the PostgreSQL server on; may be specified directly in the JDBC URL. password $Password to use when authenticating. protocolVersion gForce use of a particular protocol version when connecting; if set, disables protocol version fallback. ssl @Control use of SSL; any nonnull value causes SSL to be required.
sslfactory 0Provide a SSLSocketFactory class when using SSL.