com.huawei.flowcontrol.common.config.CommonConst Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.huawei.flowcontrol.common.config;
* 普通常量类
* @author zhouss
* @since 2022-01-28
public class CommonConst {
* dubbo从url中获取下游服务名
* @see org.apache.dubbo.common.URL#getParameter(String)
* @see
public static final String DUBBO_REMOTE_APPLICATION = "remote.application";
* dubbo从url中获取当前服务名
* @see org.apache.dubbo.common.URL#getParameter(String)
* @see
public static final String DUBBO_APPLICATION = "application";
* 从url获取的版本键名
public static final String URL_VERSION_KEY = "version";
* 泛化接口对应的真正接口,通过url获取
public static final String GENERIC_INTERFACE_KEY = "interface";
* 泛化方法名
public static final String GENERIC_METHOD_NAME = "$invoke";
* apache dubbo泛化接口类名
public static final String APACHE_DUBBO_GENERIC_SERVICE_CLASS = "org.apache.dubbo.rpc.service.GenericService";
* alibaba dubbo泛化接口类名
public static final String ALIBABA_DUBBO_GENERIC_SERVICE_CLASS = "";
* dubbo客户端
public static final String DUBBO_CONSUMER = "consumer";
* dubbo服务端
public static final String DUBBO_PROVIDER = "provider";
* 区分dubbo调用端 provider 服务端 consumer 客户端
public static final String DUBBO_SIDE = "side";
* 流控配置键
public static final String FLOW_RULE_CONFIG_KEY = "FlowRule";
* 熔断配置键
public static final String BREAKER_RULE_CONFIG_KEY = "DegradeRule";
* 隔离配置键
public static final String BULK_RULE_CONFIG_KEY = "IsolateRule";
* 重试配置键
public static final String RETRY_RULE_CONFIG_KEY = "RetryRule";
* 权限规则配置键
public static final String AUTHORITY_RULE_CONFIG_KEY = "AuthorityRule";
* 系统规则配置键
public static final String SYSTEM_RULE_CONFIG_KEY = "SystemRule";
* HTTP太多请求异常码
public static final int TOO_MANY_REQUEST_CODE = 429;
* 实例隔离状态码
public static final int INSTANCE_ISOLATION_REQUEST_CODE = 503;
* 周期性执行线程池名称
public static final String SENTINEL_SEND_CFC_TASK = "sentinel-send-cfc-task";
* 线程池启动 延迟第一次执行的时间
public static final int INITIAL_DELAY = 5000;
* 是否备份规则到redis,默认备份 ,控制台参数传费true是不备份
public static final String REDIS_RULE_STORE = "";
* 重试次数
public static final int RETRY_TIMES = 3;
* 重试间隔
public static final int SLEEP_TIME = 1000;
* 流控规则
public static final String SENTINEL_RULE_FLOW = "flow";
* 降级规则
public static final String SENTINEL_RULE_DEGRADE = "degrade";
* 授权规则
public static final String SENTINEL_RULE_AUTHORITY = "authority";
* 系统规则
public static final String SENTINEL_RULE_SYSTEM = "system";
* 斜杠符号
public static final String SLASH_SIGN = "/";
* sentinel配置参数 心跳发送默认间隔时间,单位毫秒
public static final long FLOW_CONTROL_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL = 10000L;
* sentinel配置参数 流控信息数据发送默认间隔时间,单位毫秒
public static final long FLOW_CONTROL_METRIC_INTERVAL = 1000L;
* sentinel配置参数 启动后初始加载流控信息数据的时间段时长
public static final long METRIC_INITIAL_DURATION = 60000L;
* sentinel配置参数 未提供查询流控信息数据结束时间的默认加载数据条数
public static final long METRIC_MAX_LINE = 12000L;
* sentinel配置参数 查询流控数据时,睡眠一段时间,等待限流数据写入文件再查询
public static final long METRIC_SLEEP_TIME = 2000L;
* kafka配置参数 控制生产者发送请求最大大小,默认1M (这个参数和Kafka主机的message.max.bytes 参数有关系)
public static final long KAFKA_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE = 1048576L;
* kafka配置参数 生产者内存缓冲区大小 32M
public static final long KAFKA_BUFFER_MEMORY = 33554432L;
* kafka配置参数 客户端将等待请求的响应的最大时间
public static final long KAFKA_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS = 10000L;
* kafka配置参数 最大阻塞时间,超过则抛出异常
public static final long KAFKA_MAX_BLOCK_MS = 60000L;
* 默认指标发送间隔
public static final long DEFAULT_METRIC_SEND_INTERVAL_MS = 1000L;
* 秒转毫秒 转换单位
public static final long S_MS_UNIT = 1000L;
* 秒 转 分钟 单位
public static final long S_M_UNIT = 60L;
* 百分比
public static final double PERCENT = 100.0d;
* 限流请求数转换
public static final double RATE_DIV_POINT = 1000.0d;
private CommonConst() {