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package com.hubspot.singularity.mesos;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.mesos.v1.Protos;
import org.apache.mesos.v1.Protos.Offer;
import org.apache.mesos.v1.Protos.Offer.Operation;
import org.apache.mesos.v1.Protos.Offer.Operation.Launch;
import org.apache.mesos.v1.Protos.Offer.Operation.Type;
import org.apache.mesos.v1.Protos.Resource;
import org.apache.mesos.v1.Protos.TaskInfo;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.hubspot.mesos.JavaUtils;
import com.hubspot.singularity.SingularityTaskId;
import com.hubspot.singularity.helpers.MesosUtils;
import com.hubspot.singularity.helpers.SingularityMesosTaskHolder;
public class SingularityOfferHolder {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SingularityMesosScheduler.class);
private final List offers;
private final List acceptedTasks;
private List currentResources;
private Set roles;
private final String rackId;
private final String slaveId;
private final String hostname;
private final String sanitizedHost;
private final String sanitizedRackId;
private final Map textAttributes;
private final Map reservedSlaveAttributes;
public SingularityOfferHolder(List offers, int taskSizeHint, String rackId, String slaveId, String hostname, Map textAttributes, Map reservedSlaveAttributes) {
this.rackId = rackId;
this.slaveId = slaveId;
this.hostname = hostname;
this.offers = offers;
this.roles = MesosUtils.getRoles(offers.get(0));
this.acceptedTasks = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(taskSizeHint);
this.currentResources = offers.size() > 1 ? MesosUtils.combineResources( : offers.get(0).getResourcesList();
this.sanitizedHost = JavaUtils.getReplaceHyphensWithUnderscores(hostname);
this.sanitizedRackId = JavaUtils.getReplaceHyphensWithUnderscores(rackId);
this.textAttributes = textAttributes;
this.reservedSlaveAttributes = reservedSlaveAttributes;
Map getTextAttributes() {
return textAttributes;
String getRackId() {
return rackId;
public String getSlaveId() {
return slaveId;
public boolean hasReservedSlaveAttributes() {
return !reservedSlaveAttributes.isEmpty();
Map getReservedSlaveAttributes() {
return reservedSlaveAttributes;
public String getHostname() {
return hostname;
public String getSanitizedHost() {
return sanitizedHost;
String getSanitizedRackId() {
return sanitizedRackId;
public Set getRoles() {
return roles;
public void addMatchedTask(SingularityMesosTaskHolder taskHolder) {
LOG.trace("Accepting task {} for offers {}", taskHolder.getTask().getTaskId(),;
// subtract task resources from offer
// subtract executor resources from offer, if any are defined
if (taskHolder.getMesosTask().hasExecutor() && taskHolder.getMesosTask().getExecutor().getResourcesCount() > 0) {
public void subtractResources(List resources) {
currentResources = MesosUtils.subtractResources(currentResources, resources);
public List launchTasksAndGetUnusedOffers(SingularityMesosSchedulerClient schedulerClient) {
final List toLaunch = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(acceptedTasks.size());
final List taskIds = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(acceptedTasks.size());
for (SingularityMesosTaskHolder taskHolder : acceptedTasks) {
LOG.debug("Launching {} with offer {}", taskHolder.getTask().getTaskId(), offers.get(0).getId());
LOG.trace("Launching {} mesos task: {}", taskHolder.getTask().getTaskId(), MesosUtils.formatForLogging(taskHolder.getMesosTask()));
// At this point, `currentResources` contains a list of unused resources, because we subtracted out the required resources of every task we accepted.
// Let's try and reclaim offers by trying to pull each offer's list of resources out of the combined pool of leftover resources.
// n.b., This is currently not optimal. We just look through the offers in this instance and try to reclaim them with no particular priority or order.
Map> partitionedOffers = -> {
List ports = MesosUtils.getAllPorts(offer.getResourcesList());
boolean offerCanBeReclaimedFromUnusedResources = offer.getResourcesList().stream()
// When matching resource requirements with resource offers, we need to take roles into account.
// Therefore, before we can check if this offer can be reclaimed from the pool of Resources in this SingularityOfferHolder,
// we have to group the offer's Resources by role first.
.map((entry) -> {
// Now, for each set of offer Resources grouped by role...
String role = entry.getKey();
List offerResources = entry.getValue();
Optional maybeRole = (!role.equals("") && !role.equals("*")) ? Optional.of(role) : Optional.absent();
// ...Check if we can pull the Resources belonging to this offer out of the pool of `currentResources`.
return MesosUtils.doesOfferMatchResources(
MesosUtils.buildResourcesFromMesosResourceList(offerResources, maybeRole),
}).reduce(true, (x, y) -> x && y);
// ^ the `reduce()` call determines whether we can pull *every* role-group of Resources belonging to this offer
// out of the combined `currentResources` pool.
if (offerCanBeReclaimedFromUnusedResources) {
// We can reclaim this offer in its entirety! Pull all of its resources out of the combined pool for this SingularityOfferHolder instance.
"Able to reclaim offer {} from unused resources in OfferHolder from host {}. cpu: {}, mem: {}, disk: {}",
offer.getId().getValue(), offer.getHostname(), MesosUtils.getNumCpus(offer), MesosUtils.getMemory(offer), MesosUtils.getDisk(offer)
currentResources = MesosUtils.subtractResources(currentResources, offer.getResourcesList());
return offerCanBeReclaimedFromUnusedResources;
List leftoverOffers = partitionedOffers.get(true);
List neededOffers = partitionedOffers.get(false);
);"{} tasks ({}) launched", taskIds.size(), taskIds);
return leftoverOffers;
public List getAcceptedTasks() {
return acceptedTasks;
List getCurrentResources() {
return currentResources;
public List getOffers() {
return offers;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj instanceof SingularityOfferHolder) {
final SingularityOfferHolder that = (SingularityOfferHolder) obj;
return Objects.equals(this.roles, that.roles) &&
Objects.equals(this.rackId, that.rackId) &&
Objects.equals(this.slaveId, that.slaveId) &&
Objects.equals(this.hostname, that.hostname) &&
Objects.equals(this.textAttributes, that.textAttributes) &&
Objects.equals(this.reservedSlaveAttributes, that.reservedSlaveAttributes);
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(roles, rackId, slaveId, hostname, textAttributes, reservedSlaveAttributes);
public String toString() {
return "SingularityOfferHolder{" +
"offers=" + offers +
", acceptedTasks=" + acceptedTasks +
", currentResources=" + currentResources +
", roles=" + roles +
", rackId='" + rackId + '\'' +
", slaveId='" + slaveId + '\'' +
", hostname='" + hostname + '\'' +
", sanitizedHost='" + sanitizedHost + '\'' +
", sanitizedRackId='" + sanitizedRackId + '\'' +
", textAttributes=" + textAttributes +
", reservedSlaveAttributes=" + reservedSlaveAttributes +