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com.hydraql.thrift.BaseHBaseThriftClient Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.hydraql.thrift;
import com.hydraql.common.callback.TableCallback;
import com.hydraql.common.constants.HBaseConstants;
import com.hydraql.common.exception.HBaseMetaDataException;
import com.hydraql.common.exception.HBaseThriftException;
import com.hydraql.common.lang.Assert;
import com.hydraql.common.query.GetRowParam;
import com.hydraql.common.query.GetRowsParam;
import com.hydraql.common.query.ScanParams;
import com.hydraql.common.schema.HBaseField;
import com.hydraql.common.schema.HBaseTableSchema;
import com.hydraql.common.schema.ReflectFactory;
import com.hydraql.common.type.ColumnType;
import com.hydraql.common.util.StringUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.thrift.generated.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.apache.thrift.TException;
import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol;
import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol;
import org.apache.thrift.transport.TSocket;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.*;
* @author leojie 2022/11/24 22:18
public abstract class BaseHBaseThriftClient extends HBaseThriftConnection {
protected Hbase.Client hbaseClient;
public BaseHBaseThriftClient(final IHBaseThriftTSocket hbaseThriftTSocket) {
public void connect() {
TSocket socket = getSocket();
TProtocol protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(socket, true, true);
hbaseClient = new Hbase.Client(protocol);
abstract boolean ping();
protected T execute(TableCallback action) {
try {
return action.execute(this.hbaseClient);
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
throw new HBaseThriftException(throwable);
protected void save(String tableName, Object rowKey, List mutations) {
this.execute(thriftClient -> {
ColumnType.toByteBuffer(rowKey), mutations, getAttributesMap(new HashMap<>(0)));
return null;
protected void saveBatch(String tableName, List batchMutations) {
this.execute(thriftClient -> {
thriftClient.mutateRows(ColumnType.toByteBufferFromStr(tableName), batchMutations,
getAttributesMap(new HashMap<>(0)));
return batchMutations.size();
protected void delete() {
protected List createMutationList(T t, HBaseTableSchema tableMeta)
throws HBaseMetaDataException {
if (t == null) {
return new ArrayList<>(0);
List fieldStructList = tableMeta.getFieldStructList();
if (fieldStructList == null || fieldStructList.isEmpty()) {
return new ArrayList<>(0);
List mutations = new ArrayList<>(fieldStructList.size());
fieldStructList.forEach(fieldStruct -> {
if (!fieldStruct.isRowKey()) {
Object fieldValue =
tableMeta.getMethodAccess().invoke(t, fieldStruct.getGetterMethodIndex());
new Mutation(false, ColumnType.toByteBufferFromStr(fieldStruct.getFamilyAndQualifier()),
ColumnType.toByteBuffer(fieldValue), true));
return mutations;
protected BatchMutation createBatchMutation(T t, HBaseTableSchema tableMeta) {
Object rowKeyVal = createRowKeyVal(tableMeta, t);
List mutations = createMutationList(t, tableMeta);
return new BatchMutation(ColumnType.toByteBuffer(rowKeyVal), mutations);
protected List createBatchMutationList(List lst, HBaseTableSchema tableMeta)
throws HBaseMetaDataException {
if (lst == null || lst.isEmpty()) {
return new ArrayList<>(0);
List batchMutations = new ArrayList<>(lst.size());
for (T t : lst) {
batchMutations.add(createBatchMutation(t, tableMeta));
return batchMutations;
protected T pSave(T t) {
if (t == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("The data model class object to be saved cannot be null.");
Class> clazz = t.getClass();
HBaseTableSchema tableMeta = ReflectFactory.getInstance().register(clazz);
Object rowKeyVal = createRowKeyVal(tableMeta, t);
List mutations = createMutationList(t, tableMeta);, rowKeyVal, mutations);
return t;
protected List getToRowResultList(Hbase.Client thriftClient, String tableName,
GetRowParam getRowParam) {
return getToRowResultList(thriftClient, tableName, getRowParam.getRowKey(),
getRowParam.getFamily(), getRowParam.getQualifiers());
protected List getToRowResultList(Hbase.Client thriftClient, String tableName,
GetRowsParam getRowsParam) {
return getToRowResultList(thriftClient, tableName, getRowsParam.getRowKeyList().get(0),
getRowsParam.getFamily(), getRowsParam.getQualifiers());
protected List getToRowResultList(Hbase.Client thriftClient, String tableName,
String rowKey, String family, List qualifiers) {
Assert.checkArgument(StringUtil.isNotBlank(tableName), "The table name must not be null.");
Assert.checkArgument(StringUtil.isNotBlank(rowKey), "The value of row key must not be null.");
ByteBuffer rowByteBuffer = ColumnType.toByteBufferFromStr(rowKey);
List familyQualifiers = createFamilyQualifiesBuffer(family, qualifiers);
List results;
try {
if (familyQualifiers != null && !familyQualifiers.isEmpty()) {
results = thriftClient.getRowWithColumns(ColumnType.toByteBufferFromStr(tableName),
rowByteBuffer, familyQualifiers, getAttributesMap(new HashMap<>(0)));
} else {
results = thriftClient.getRow(ColumnType.toByteBufferFromStr(tableName), rowByteBuffer,
getAttributesMap(new HashMap<>(0)));
} catch (TException e) {
throw new HBaseThriftException(e);
return results;
protected List getToRowsResultList(Hbase.Client thriftClient, String tableName,
GetRowsParam getRowsParam) {
Assert.checkArgument(StringUtil.isNotBlank(tableName), "The table name must not be null.");
Assert.checkArgument((getRowsParam != null && getRowsParam.getRowKeyList() != null
&& !getRowsParam.getRowKeyList().isEmpty()),
"The row key(s) must not be empty.");
if (getRowsParam.getRowKeyList().size() == 1) {
return getToRowResultList(thriftClient, tableName, getRowsParam);
List rowByteBuffers = getRowsParam.getRowKeyList().stream().map(row -> {
Assert.checkArgument(StringUtil.isNotBlank(row), "The row key must not be empty.");
return ColumnType.toByteBufferFromStr(row);
List familyQualifiers =
createFamilyQualifiesBuffer(getRowsParam.getFamily(), getRowsParam.getQualifiers());
List results;
try {
if (familyQualifiers != null && !familyQualifiers.isEmpty()) {
results = thriftClient.getRowsWithColumns(ColumnType.toByteBufferFromStr(tableName),
rowByteBuffers, familyQualifiers, getAttributesMap(new HashMap<>(0)));
} else {
results = thriftClient.getRows(ColumnType.toByteBufferFromStr(tableName), rowByteBuffers,
getAttributesMap(new HashMap<>(0)));
} catch (TException e) {
throw new HBaseThriftException(e);
return results;
protected T mapperRowToT(TRowResult result, Class clazz) throws Exception {
// TODO 这里的反射调用构造函数是否可以再优化
T t = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
if (result == null) {
return t;
Map tmpDataMap = new HashMap<>(result.getColumnsSize());
.forEach((keyBuffer, cell) -> tmpDataMap.put(Bytes.toString(keyBuffer.array()), cell));
if (tmpDataMap.isEmpty()) {
return t;
HBaseTableSchema hBaseTableMeta = ReflectFactory.getInstance().register(clazz);
List fieldColStructMap = hBaseTableMeta.getFieldStructList();
fieldColStructMap.forEach(fieldStruct -> {
if (fieldStruct.isRowKey()) {
Object rowVal = ColumnType.toObject(fieldStruct.getType(), result.getRow());
hBaseTableMeta.getMethodAccess().invoke(t, fieldStruct.getSetterMethodIndex(), rowVal);
} else {
TCell tCell = tmpDataMap.get(fieldStruct.getFamilyAndQualifier());
if (tCell != null) {
byte[] value = tCell.getValue();
Object fieldValue = ColumnType.toObject(fieldStruct.getType(), tCell.getValue());
hBaseTableMeta.getMethodAccess().invoke(t, fieldStruct.getSetterMethodIndex(),
return t;
protected List mapperRowToTList(List results, Class clazz) {
if (results == null || results.isEmpty()) {
return new ArrayList<>(0);
List list = new ArrayList<>(results.size());
try {
for (TRowResult result : results) {
list.add(mapperRowToT(result, clazz));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new HBaseThriftException(e);
return list;
protected HBaseRowData convertResultToHBaseColData(TRowResult result) {
if (result == null) {
return HBaseRowData.empty();
Map resultColumns = result.getColumns();
if (resultColumns == null || resultColumns.isEmpty()) {
return HBaseRowData.empty();
HBaseRowData.Builder builder = HBaseRowData.of(Bytes.toString(result.getRow()));
for (Map.Entry entry : result.getColumns().entrySet()) {
String colName = ColumnType.toString(entry.getKey().array());
String value = ColumnType.toString(entry.getValue().getValue());
builder = builder.appendColData(colName, value, entry.getValue().getTimestamp());
protected List convertResultsToHBaseColDataList(List results) {
if (results == null || results.isEmpty()) {
return new ArrayList<>(0);
List rowDataList = new ArrayList<>(results.size());
results.forEach(result -> rowDataList.add(convertResultToHBaseColData(result)));
return rowDataList;
protected TScan buildScan(ScanParams scanQueryParams) {
TScan scan = new TScan();
if (StringUtil.isNotBlank(scanQueryParams.getStartRow())) {
if (StringUtil.isNotBlank(scanQueryParams.getStopRow())) {
if (StringUtil.isNotBlank(scanQueryParams.getFamilyName())) {
if (scanQueryParams.getColumnNames() != null && !scanQueryParams.getColumnNames().isEmpty()) {
final List columns =
.map(qualifier -> ColumnType
.toByteBufferFromStr(scanQueryParams.getFamilyName() + ":" + qualifier))
} else {
if (scanQueryParams.getFilter() != null
&& scanQueryParams.getFilter().customFilter() instanceof String) {
if (scanQueryParams.getTimestamp() > 0) {
if (scanQueryParams.getCaching() > 0) {
if (scanQueryParams.getBatch() > 0) {
if (scanQueryParams.isReversed()) {
return scan;
protected Map getAttributesMap(Map attributes) {
if (attributes != null && !attributes.isEmpty()) {
Map attributesMap = new HashMap<>(attributes.size());
attributes.forEach((key, value) -> attributesMap.put(ColumnType.toByteBuffer(key),
return attributesMap;
} else {
return new HashMap<>(0);
private Object createRowKeyVal(HBaseTableSchema tableMeta, T t) {
List fieldStructList = tableMeta.getFieldStructList();
HBaseField rowFieldStruct = fieldStructList.get(0);
"The first field is not row key, please check hbase table mata data.");
Object rowKeyVal = tableMeta.getMethodAccess().invoke(t, rowFieldStruct.getGetterMethodIndex());
Assert.checkArgument(rowKeyVal != null, "The value of row key must not be null.");
return rowKeyVal;
private List createFamilyQualifiesBuffer(String familyName, List qualifiers) {
List familyQualifiers = null;
if (StringUtil.isNotBlank(familyName)) {
if (qualifiers != null && !qualifiers.isEmpty()) {
familyQualifiers =
.map(q -> ColumnType
.toByteBufferFromStr(familyName + HBaseConstants.FAMILY_QUALIFIER_SEPARATOR + q))
} else {
familyQualifiers = Collections.singletonList(ColumnType.toByteBufferFromStr(familyName));
return familyQualifiers;
protected void checkFamilyAndQualifierName(String colName) {
Assert.checkArgument(StringUtil.isNotBlank(colName), "The col name is not empty.");
Assert.checkArgument(colName.split(HBaseConstants.FAMILY_QUALIFIER_SEPARATOR).length == 2,
"The col name must be in the format 'family:qualifier'.");