com.ibm.cloud.objectstorage.services.s3.transfer.TransferManagerBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2011-2023 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* A copy of the License is located at
* http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0
* or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
* express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
package com.ibm.cloud.objectstorage.services.s3.transfer;
import com.ibm.cloud.objectstorage.annotation.NotThreadSafe;
import com.ibm.cloud.objectstorage.annotation.SdkTestInternalApi;
import com.ibm.cloud.objectstorage.auth.DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain;
import com.ibm.cloud.objectstorage.client.builder.ExecutorFactory;
import com.ibm.cloud.objectstorage.internal.SdkFunction;
import com.ibm.cloud.objectstorage.regions.DefaultAwsRegionProviderChain;
import com.ibm.cloud.objectstorage.services.s3.AmazonS3;
import com.ibm.cloud.objectstorage.services.s3.AmazonS3ClientBuilder;
import com.ibm.cloud.objectstorage.services.s3.transfer.internal.TransferManagerUtils;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
* Fluent builder for {@link TransferManager}. Use of the builder is preferred over constructors in
* the TransferManager class.
* Note that if no {@link AmazonS3} is provided via {@link #withS3Client(AmazonS3)}} or {@link #setS3Client(AmazonS3)}
* a default client will be created using {@link DefaultAwsRegionProviderChain} and {@link DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain}.
public final class TransferManagerBuilder {
private static final SdkFunction DEFAULT_TRANSFER_MANAGER_FACTORY = new SdkFunction() {
public TransferManager apply(TransferManagerParams params) {
return new TransferManager(params);
private final SdkFunction transferManagerFactory;
private AmazonS3 s3Client;
private ExecutorFactory executorFactory;
private Boolean shutDownThreadPools;
private Long minimumUploadPartSize;
private Long multipartUploadThreshold;
private Long multipartCopyThreshold;
private Long multipartCopyPartSize;
private Boolean disableParallelDownloads;
private Boolean alwaysCalculateMultipartMd5;
* @return Create new instance of builder with all defaults set.
public static TransferManagerBuilder standard() {
return new TransferManagerBuilder();
* @return Default TransferManager with default configuration. Uses {@link
* AmazonS3ClientBuilder} to create a default {@link AmazonS3} client implementation.
public static TransferManager defaultTransferManager() {
return standard().build();
private TransferManagerBuilder() {
SdkFunction transferManagerFactory) {
this.transferManagerFactory = transferManagerFactory;
* @return The low level client currently configured in the builder.
public final AmazonS3 getS3Client() {
return s3Client;
* Sets the low level client used to make the service calls to Amazon S3. If no
* client is specified, a default client will be created using {@link DefaultAwsRegionProviderChain}
* and {@link DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain}.
* @param s3Client Client implementation to use
public final void setS3Client(AmazonS3 s3Client) {
this.s3Client = s3Client;
* Sets the low level client used to make the service calls to Amazon S3. If no
* client is specified, a default client will be created using {@link DefaultAwsRegionProviderChain}
* and {@link DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain}.
* @param s3Client Client implementation to use
* @return This object for method chaining.
public final TransferManagerBuilder withS3Client(AmazonS3 s3Client) {
return this;
private AmazonS3 resolveS3Client() {
return s3Client == null ? AmazonS3ClientBuilder.defaultClient() : s3Client;
* @return The {@link ExecutorFactory} currently configured in the builder.
public final ExecutorFactory getExecutorFactory() {
return executorFactory;
* Sets a new {@link ExecutorFactory} for the builder. The factory is invoked for each transfer
* manager created through the builder.
* @param executorFactory New executor factory to use.
public final void setExecutorFactory(ExecutorFactory executorFactory) {
this.executorFactory = executorFactory;
* Sets a new {@link ExecutorFactory} for the builder. The factory is invoked for each transfer
* manager created through the builder.
* @param executorFactory New executor factory to use.
* @return This object for method chaining.
public final TransferManagerBuilder withExecutorFactory(ExecutorFactory executorFactory) {
return this;
private ExecutorService resolveExecutorService() {
return executorFactory == null ? TransferManagerUtils.createDefaultExecutorService() :
* @return Current configured option on how thread pools should be managed when transfer manager
* is shut down.
public final Boolean isShutDownThreadPools() {
return shutDownThreadPools;
* By default, when the transfer manager is shut down, the underlying {@link ExecutorService} is
* also shut down. For cases where the same thread pool is reused across different workloads you
* can set this option to false to disable that behavior.
* @param shutDownThreadPools True to shut down thread pools on transfer manager shutdown, false
* otherwise.
public final void setShutDownThreadPools(Boolean shutDownThreadPools) {
this.shutDownThreadPools = shutDownThreadPools;
* By default, when the transfer manager is shut down, the underlying {@link ExecutorService} is
* also shut down. For cases where the same thread pool is reused across different workloads you
* can set this option to false to disable that behavior.
* @param shutDownThreadPools True to shut down thread pools on transfer manager shutdown, false
* otherwise.
* @return This object for method chaining.
public final TransferManagerBuilder withShutDownThreadPools(Boolean shutDownThreadPools) {
return this;
private Boolean resolveShutDownThreadPools() {
return shutDownThreadPools == null ? Boolean.TRUE : shutDownThreadPools;
* @return The minimum upload part size currently configured in the builder.
public final Long getMinimumUploadPartSize() {
return minimumUploadPartSize;
* Sets the minimum part size for upload parts. Decreasing the minimum part size will cause
* multipart uploads to be split into a larger number of smaller parts. Setting this value too
* low can have a negative effect on transfer speeds since it will cause extra latency and
* network communication for each part.
* @param minimumUploadPartSize New minimum threshold for upload part size
public final void setMinimumUploadPartSize(Long minimumUploadPartSize) {
this.minimumUploadPartSize = minimumUploadPartSize;
* Sets the minimum part size for upload parts. Decreasing the minimum part size will cause
* multipart uploads to be split into a larger number of smaller parts. Setting this value too
* low can have a negative effect on transfer speeds since it will cause extra latency and
* network communication for each part.
* @param minimumUploadPartSize New minimum threshold for upload part size
* @return This object for method chaining.
public final TransferManagerBuilder withMinimumUploadPartSize(Long minimumUploadPartSize) {
return this;
* @return The multipart upload threshold currently configured in the builder.
public final Long getMultipartUploadThreshold() {
return multipartUploadThreshold;
* Sets the size threshold, in bytes, for when to use multipart uploads. Uploads over this size
* will automatically use a multipart upload strategy, while uploads smaller than this threshold
* will use a single connection to upload the whole object.
* Multipart uploads are easier to recover from and also potentially faster than single part
* uploads, especially when the upload parts can be uploaded in parallel as with files. Because
* there is additional network communication, small uploads are still recommended to use a
* single connection for the upload.
* @param multipartUploadThreshold Threshold in which multipart uploads will be performed.
public final void setMultipartUploadThreshold(Long multipartUploadThreshold) {
this.multipartUploadThreshold = multipartUploadThreshold;
* Sets the size threshold, in bytes, for when to use multipart uploads. Uploads over this size
* will automatically use a multipart upload strategy, while uploads smaller than this threshold
* will use a single connection to upload the whole object.
* Multipart uploads are easier to recover from and also potentially faster than single part
* uploads, especially when the upload parts can be uploaded in parallel as with files. Because
* there is additional network communication, small uploads are still recommended to use a
* single connection for the upload.
* @param multipartUploadThreshold Threshold in which multipart uploads will be performed.
* @return This object for method chaining.
public final TransferManagerBuilder withMultipartUploadThreshold(
Long multipartUploadThreshold) {
return this;
* @return The multipart copy threshold currently configured in the builder.
public final Long getMultipartCopyThreshold() {
return multipartCopyThreshold;
* Sets the size threshold, in bytes, for when to use multi-part copy. Copy requests for objects
* over this size will automatically use a multi-part copy strategy, while copy requests for
* objects smaller than this threshold will use a single connection to copy the whole object.
* @param multipartCopyThreshold Threshold in which multipart copies will be performed.
public final void setMultipartCopyThreshold(Long multipartCopyThreshold) {
this.multipartCopyThreshold = multipartCopyThreshold;
* Sets the size threshold, in bytes, for when to use multi-part copy. Copy requests for objects
* over this size will automatically use a multi-part copy strategy, while copy requests for
* objects smaller than this threshold will use a single connection to copy the whole object.
* @param multipartCopyThreshold Threshold in which multipart copies will be performed.
* @return This object for method chaining.
public final TransferManagerBuilder withMultipartCopyThreshold(Long multipartCopyThreshold) {
return this;
* @return The multipart copy part size currently configured in the builder.
public final Long getMultipartCopyPartSize() {
return multipartCopyPartSize;
* Sets the minimum size in bytes of each part when a multi-part copy operation is carried out.
* Decreasing the minimum part size will cause a large number of copy part requests being
* initiated.
* @param multipartCopyPartSize New minimum threshold for copy part size
public final void setMultipartCopyPartSize(Long multipartCopyPartSize) {
this.multipartCopyPartSize = multipartCopyPartSize;
* Sets the minimum size in bytes of each part when a multi-part copy operation is carried out.
* Decreasing the minimum part size will cause a large number of copy part requests being
* initiated.
* @param multipartCopyPartSize New minimum threshold for copy part size
* @return This object for method chaining.
public final TransferManagerBuilder withMultipartCopyPartSize(Long multipartCopyPartSize) {
return this;
* Returns if the parallel downloads are disabled or not. By default, the value is set to false.
* TransferManager automatically detects and downloads a multipart object
* in parallel. Setting this option to true will disable parallel downloads.
* Disabling parallel downloads might reduce performance for large files.
* @return true if parallel downloads are disabled, otherwise false.
public Boolean isDisableParallelDownloads() {
return disableParallelDownloads;
* Sets the option to disable parallel downloads. By default, the value is set to false.
* TransferManager automatically detects and downloads a multipart object
* in parallel. Setting this option to true will disable parallel downloads.
* Disabling parallel downloads might reduce performance for large files.
* @param disableParallelDownloads boolean value to disable parallel downloads.
public void setDisableParallelDownloads(Boolean disableParallelDownloads) {
this.disableParallelDownloads = disableParallelDownloads;
* Sets the option to disable parallel downloads. By default, the value is set to false.
* TransferManager automatically detects and downloads a multipart object
* in parallel. Setting this option to true will disable parallel downloads.
* Disabling parallel downloads might reduce performance for large files.
* @param disableParallelDownloads boolean value to disable parallel downloads.
* @return this object for method changing
public TransferManagerBuilder withDisableParallelDownloads(Boolean disableParallelDownloads) {
return this;
* Disables parallel downloads, see {@link #setDisableParallelDownloads(Boolean)}
* Disabling parallel downloads might reduce performance for large files.
* @return This object for method chaining
public TransferManagerBuilder disableParallelDownloads() {
return withDisableParallelDownloads(Boolean.TRUE);
* Returns true if Transfer Manager should calculate MD5 for multipart uploads.
* For instance, if a bucket is enabled for Object Locking, put requests for
* objects and object parts must contain an MD5 digest. Since Transfer Manager
* operates on a whole object, the user cannot supply the MD5
* digest directly if multipart uploads are in effect.
* Supplying any object locking parameter also instructs Transfer Manager
* to calculate MD5 for parts. This flag should be used in instances where
* they are not present.
public boolean getAlwaysCalculateMultipartMd5() {
return alwaysCalculateMultipartMd5;
* Set to true if Transfer Manager should calculate MD5 for multipart uploads.
* For instance, if a bucket is enabled for Object Locking, put requests for
* objects and object parts must contain an MD5 digest. Since Transfer Manager
* operates on a whole object, the user cannot supply the MD5
* digest directly if multipart uploads are in effect.
* Supplying any object locking parameter also instructs Transfer Manager
* to calculate MD5 for parts. This flag should be used in instances where
* they are not present.
public void setAlwaysCalculateMultipartMd5(boolean alwaysCalculateMultipartMd5) {
this.alwaysCalculateMultipartMd5 = alwaysCalculateMultipartMd5;
* Set to true if Transfer Manager should calculate MD5 for multipart uploads.
* For instance, if a bucket is enabled for Object Locking, put requests for
* objects and object parts must contain an MD5 digest. Since Transfer Manager
* operates on a whole object, the user cannot supply the MD5
* digest directly if multipart uploads are in effect.
* Supplying any object locking parameter also instructs Transfer Manager
* to calculate MD5 for parts. This flag should be used in instances where
* they are not present.
public TransferManagerBuilder withAlwaysCalculateMultipartMd5(boolean alwaysCalculateMultipartMd5) {
return this;
private TransferManagerConfiguration resolveConfiguration() {
TransferManagerConfiguration configuration = new TransferManagerConfiguration();
if (this.minimumUploadPartSize != null) {
if (this.multipartCopyPartSize != null) {
if (this.multipartCopyThreshold != null) {
if (this.multipartUploadThreshold != null) {
if (this.disableParallelDownloads != null) {
if (this.alwaysCalculateMultipartMd5 != null) {
return configuration;
TransferManagerParams getParams() {
return new TransferManagerParams().withS3Client(resolveS3Client())
* Construct a TransferManager with the default ExecutorService.
* @return TransferManager with configured AmazonS3 client.
public final TransferManager build() {
return transferManagerFactory.apply(getParams());