com.ibm.cloud.objectstorage.thirdparty.ion.IonSystem Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2007-2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* A copy of the License is located at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
* express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
package com.amazon.ion;
import com.amazon.ion.system.IonSystemBuilder;
import com.amazon.ion.system.IonTextWriterBuilder;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
* Entry point to all things Ion.
* WARNING: This interface should not be implemented or extended by
* code outside of this library.
* In general, {@link IonValue} instances returned from one system instance
* are not interoperable with those returned by other instances.
* The intended usage pattern is for an application to construct a single
* IonSystem
instance and use it throughout,
* rather than constructing multiple systems and intermingling their use.
* To create a copy of a value for use by a different system, use
* {@link #clone(IonValue)}.
* To create an {@code IonSystem},
* see {@link com.amazon.ion.system.IonSystemBuilder}.
* Implementations of this interface are safe for use by multiple
* threads.
* @see IonSystemBuilder
public interface IonSystem
extends ValueFactory
* Gets the default system symbol table.
* @return not null.
public SymbolTable getSystemSymbolTable();
* Gets a system symbol table for a specific version of Ion.
* @param ionVersionId must be of the form "$ion_X_Y"
* @return the requested system table.
* @throws UnsupportedIonVersionException if the requested version of
* Ion is not supported by this implementation.
public SymbolTable getSystemSymbolTable(String ionVersionId)
throws UnsupportedIonVersionException;
* Gets the catalog used by this system. Unless otherwise noted,
* all objects derived from this system will use this catalog.
* @return this system's default catalog; not null.
public IonCatalog getCatalog();
* Creates a new local symbol table based on specific imported tables.
* If the first imported table is a system table, then the local table will
* use it appropriately. Otherwise, the local table will use this system's
* {@linkplain #getSystemSymbolTable() default system symbol table}.
* @param imports the set of shared symbol tables to import.
* The first (and only the first) may be a system table.
* @return a new local symbol table.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any import is a local table,
* or if any but the first is a system table.
* @throws NullPointerException if any import is null.
// TODO amazon-ion/ion-java/issues/38 Should we allow substituted imports as valid args?
public SymbolTable newLocalSymbolTable(SymbolTable... imports);
// Shared symtab factory methods
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* Any new factory methods MUST be added to the SharedSymtabMaker
* enumeration to ensure complete test coverage!
* Creates a new shared symbol table containing a given set of symbols.
* The table will contain symbols in the following order:
* -
* If {@code version} is larger than 1, the prior version of the
* named table is retrieved from the catalog and all of its symbols
* are added.
* -
* For each non-system table in {@code imports}, add all of its
* declared symbols.
* -
* Add all of the symbols provided by {@code newSymbols}.
* Any duplicate symbol texts or null strings are ignored.
* This method is intended for use by utilities that are defining new
* symbol tables for use by applications. The result will typically be
* added to an {@link IonCatalog} which is responsible for persistence.
* Shared symbol tables are serialized via
* {@link SymbolTable#writeTo(IonWriter)} and materialized via
* {@link #newSharedSymbolTable(IonReader)}.
* @param name the symbol table name, a non-empty string.
* @param version at least one.
* @param newSymbols provides symbol names; may be null.
* @param imports other tables from which to import symbols.
* @return a new shared symbol table with the given name and version.
* @throws IonException if {@code version > 1} and the prior version does
* not exist in this system's catalog.
public SymbolTable newSharedSymbolTable(String name,
int version,
Iterator newSymbols,
SymbolTable... imports);
* Materializes a shared symbol table from its serialized form.
* This method expects the reader to be positioned before the struct.
* Which is to say the reader's next() method has not been called
* to position the reader on the symbol table struct.
* @param reader must not be null.
* @return a new symbol table instance.
public SymbolTable newSharedSymbolTable(IonReader reader);
* Materializes a shared symbol table from its serialized form.
* @param reader must not be null.
* @param alreadyOnStruct is true if the caller has aleady next-ed onto the struct, false if a next call is needed
* @return a new symbol table instance.
public SymbolTable newSharedSymbolTable(IonReader reader, boolean alreadyOnStruct);
* Constructs a new loader instance using the
* {@linkplain #getCatalog() default system catalog}.
public IonLoader newLoader();
* Constructs a new loader instance using the given catalog.
* @param catalog may be null, in which case the loader will use the
* {@linkplain #getCatalog() default system catalog}.
* @see #newLoader()
public IonLoader newLoader(IonCatalog catalog);
* Gets the default system loader. Applications may replace this loader
* with one configured appropriately, and then access it here.
* @return not null
public IonLoader getLoader();
* Creates an iterator over a stream of Ion text data.
* Values returned by the iterator have no container.
* The iterator will automatically consume Ion system IDs and local symbol
* tables; they will not be returned by the iterator.
* If the input source throws an {@link IOException} during iteration, it
* will be wrapped in an {@link IonException}. See documentation there for
* tips on how to recover the cause.
* This method is suitable for use over unbounded streams with a reasonable
* schema.
* Applications should generally use {@link #iterate(InputStream)}
* whenever possible, since this library has much faster Unicode decoding
* than the Java IO framework.
* Because this library performs its own buffering, it's recommended that
* you avoid adding additional buffering to the given stream.
* @param ionText a stream of Ion text data. The caller is responsible for
* closing the Reader after iteration is complete.
* @return a new iterator instance.
* @throws NullPointerException if ionText
is null.
* @throws IonException if the source throws {@link IOException}.
public Iterator iterate(Reader ionText);
* WARNING: Will cause a memory leak when reading a gzipped stream, use
* {@link IonSystem#iterate(IonReader)} instead.
* Creates an iterator over a stream of Ion data,
* detecting whether it's text or binary data.
* Values returned by the iterator have no container.
* The iterator will automatically consume Ion system IDs and local symbol
* tables; they will not be returned by the iterator.
* If the input source throws an {@link IOException} during iteration, it
* will be wrapped in an {@link IonException}. See documentation there for
* tips on how to recover the cause.
* This method is suitable for use over unbounded streams with a reasonable
* schema.
* This method will auto-detect and uncompress GZIPped Ion data.
* Because this library performs its own buffering, it's recommended that
* you avoid adding additional buffering to the given stream.
* @param ionData a stream of Ion data. The caller is responsible for
* closing the InputStream after iteration is complete.
* @return a new iterator instance.
* @throws NullPointerException if ionData
is null.
* @throws IonException if the source throws {@link IOException}.
* @deprecated Will cause a memory leak when reading a gzipped stream.
* Use {@link IonSystem#iterate(IonReader)} instead.
public Iterator iterate(InputStream ionData);
* Creates an iterator over a string containing Ion text data.
* Values returned by the iterator have no container.
* The iterator will automatically consume Ion system IDs and local symbol
* tables; they will not be returned by the iterator.
* @param ionText must not be null.
* @return a new iterator instance.
* @throws NullPointerException if ionText
is null.
public Iterator iterate(String ionText);
* WARNING: Will cause a memory leak when reading a gzipped byte[], use
* {@link IonSystem#iterate(IonReader)} instead.
* Creates an iterator over Ion data.
* Values returned by the iterator have no container.
* The iterator will automatically consume Ion system IDs and local symbol
* tables; they will not be returned by the iterator.
* This method will auto-detect and uncompress GZIPped Ion data.
* @param ionData may be either Ion binary data or (UTF-8) Ion text, or
* GZIPped Ion data.
* This method assumes ownership of the array and may modify it at
* will.
* @return a new iterator instance.
* @throws NullPointerException if ionData
is null.
* @deprecated Will cause a memory leak when reading a gzipped byte[].
* Use {@link IonSystem#iterate(IonReader)} instead.
public Iterator iterate(byte[] ionData);
* Creates an iterator over Ion data.
* Values returned by the iterator have no container.
* The iterator will automatically consume Ion system IDs and local symbol
* tables; they will not be returned by the iterator.
* @param reader source of the Ion data to iterate over.
* @return a new iterator instance.
* @throws NullPointerException if reader
is null.
public Iterator iterate(IonReader reader);
* Extracts a single value from Ion text data.
* @param ionText must not be null.
* @return the first (and only) user value in the data; not null.
* @throws NullPointerException if ionText
is null.
* @throws UnexpectedEofException if the data doesn't contain any user
* values.
* @throws IonException if the data does not contain exactly one user
* value.
public IonValue singleValue(String ionText);
* Extracts a single value from Ion text or binary data.
* This method will auto-detect and uncompress GZIPped Ion data.
* @param ionData may be either Ion binary data or (UTF-8) Ion text, or
* GZIPped Ion data.
* This method assumes ownership of the array and may modify it at
* will.
* @return the first (and only) user value in the data; not null.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code ionData} is null.
* @throws UnexpectedEofException if the data doesn't contain any user
* values.
* @throws IonException if the data does not contain exactly one user
* value.
public IonValue singleValue(byte[] ionData);
* Extracts a single value from Ion text or binary data.
* This method will auto-detect and uncompress GZIPped Ion data.
* @param ionData is used only within the range of bytes starting at
* {@code offset} for {@code len} bytes.
* The data in that range may be either Ion binary data, or UTF-8 Ion text.
* @param offset must be non-negative and less than {@code ionData.length}.
* @param len must be non-negative and {@code offset+len} must not exceed
* @return the first (and only) user value in the data; not null.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code ionData} is null.
* @throws UnexpectedEofException if the data doesn't contain any user
* values.
* @throws IonException if the data does not contain exactly one user
* value.
public IonValue singleValue(byte[] ionData, int offset, int len);
// IonReader creation
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* Any new factory methods MUST be added to the ReaderMaker
* enumeration to ensure complete test coverage!
* Creates an new {@link IonReader} instance over Ion text data.
* The text is parsed incrementally by the reader, so any syntax errors
* will not be detected during this call.
* @param ionText must not be null.
public IonTextReader newReader(String ionText);
* Creates an new {@link IonReader} instance over a block of Ion data,
* detecting whether it's text or binary data.
* This method will auto-detect and uncompress GZIPped Ion data.
* @param ionData may be either Ion binary data, or UTF-8 Ion text.
* The reader retains a reference to the array, so its data must not be
* modified while the reader is active.
public IonReader newReader(byte[] ionData);
* Creates an new {@link IonReader} instance over a block of Ion data,
* detecting whether it's text or binary data.
* This method will auto-detect and uncompress GZIPped Ion data.
* @param ionData is used only within the range of bytes starting at
* {@code offset} for {@code len} bytes.
* The data in that range may be either Ion binary data, or UTF-8 Ion text.
* The reader retains a reference to the array, so its data must not be
* modified while the reader is active.
* @param offset must be non-negative and less than {@code ionData.length}.
* @param len must be non-negative and {@code offset+len} must not exceed
* {@code ionData.length}.
public IonReader newReader(byte[] ionData, int offset, int len);
* Creates a new {@link IonReader} instance over a stream of Ion data,
* detecting whether it's text or binary data.
* This method will auto-detect and uncompress GZIPped Ion data.
* Because this library performs its own buffering, it's recommended that
* you avoid adding additional buffering to the given stream.
* @param ionData must not be null.
* @return a new reader instance.
* Callers must call {@link IonReader#close()} when finished with it.
* @throws IonException if the source throws {@link IOException}.
public IonReader newReader(InputStream ionData);
* Creates an new {@link IonReader} instance over Ion text data.
* Applications should generally us {@link #newReader(InputStream)}
* whenever possible, since this library has much faster Unicode decoding
* than the Java IO framework.
* Because this library performs its own buffering, it's recommended that
* you avoid adding additional buffering to the given stream.
* @throws IonException if the source throws {@link IOException}.
public IonReader newReader(Reader ionText);
* Creates an new {@link IonReader} instance over an {@link IonValue} data
* model. Typically this is used to iterate over a collection, such as an
* {@link IonStruct}.
* The given value and its children, if any, must not be modified until after
* the IonReader constructed by this method is closed. Violating this
* constraint results in undefined behavior.
* @param value must not be null.
public IonReader newReader(IonValue value);
// IonWriter creation
* Creates a new writer that will add {@link IonValue}s to the given
* container.
* @param container a container that will receive new children from the
* the returned writer.
* Must not be null.
* @return a new {@link IonWriter} instance; not {@code null}.
public IonWriter newWriter(IonContainer container);
* Creates a new writer that will write UTF-8 text to the given output
* stream.
* @param out the stream that will receive UTF-8 Ion text data.
* Must not be null.
* @return a new {@link IonWriter} instance; not {@code null}.
* @see IonTextWriterBuilder
public IonWriter newTextWriter(OutputStream out);
* Creates a new writer that will write text to the given output
* stream.
* @param out the stream that will receive Ion text data.
* Must not be null.
* @return a new {@link IonWriter} instance; not {@code null}.
* @see IonTextWriterBuilder
public IonWriter newTextWriter(Appendable out);
* Creates a new writer that will write UTF-8 text to the given output
* stream, using the given shared symbol tables as imports.
* The output stream will start with an Ion Version Marker and a
* local symbol table that uses the given {@code imports}.
* @param out the stream that will receive UTF-8 Ion text data.
* Must not be null.
* @param imports a sequence of shared symbol tables
* @return a new {@link IonWriter} instance; not {@code null}.
* @throws IOException if its thrown by the output stream.
* @see IonTextWriterBuilder
public IonWriter newTextWriter(OutputStream out, SymbolTable... imports)
throws IOException;
* Creates a new writer that will write text to the given output
* stream, using the given shared symbol tables as imports.
* The output stream will start with an Ion Version Marker and a
* local symbol table that uses the given {@code imports}.
* @param out the stream that will receive Ion text data.
* Must not be null.
* @param imports a sequence of shared symbol tables.
* The first (and only the first) may be a system table.
* @return a new {@link IonWriter} instance; not {@code null}.
* @throws IOException if its thrown by the output stream.
* @see IonTextWriterBuilder
public IonWriter newTextWriter(Appendable out, SymbolTable... imports)
throws IOException;
* Creates a new writer that will encode binary Ion data,
* using the given shared symbol tables as imports.
* The output stream will start with an Ion Version Marker and a
* local symbol table that uses the given {@code imports}.
* @param out the stream to receive binary Ion data; not null.
* @param imports a sequence of shared symbol tables to import.
* The first (and only the first) may be a system table.
* @return a new {@link IonWriter} instance; not null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any import is a local table,
* or if any but the first is a system table.
* @throws NullPointerException if any import is null.
public IonWriter newBinaryWriter(OutputStream out, SymbolTable... imports);
* Creates a new writer that will encode binary Ion data.
* @return a new {@link IonBinaryWriter} instance; not {@code null}.
* @deprecated Use {@link #newBinaryWriter(OutputStream, SymbolTable...)} instead.
public IonBinaryWriter newBinaryWriter();
* Creates a new writer that will encode binary Ion data,
* using the given shared symbol tables as imports.
* The output stream will be start with an Ion Version Marker and a
* local symbol table that uses the given {@code imports}.
* @param imports a sequence of shared symbol tables
* @return a new {@link IonBinaryWriter} instance; not {@code null}.
* @deprecated Use {@link #newBinaryWriter(OutputStream, SymbolTable...)} instead.
public IonBinaryWriter newBinaryWriter(SymbolTable... imports);
// DOM creation
* Creates a new empty datagram.
* @return a new datagram with no user values.
public IonDatagram newDatagram();
* Creates a new datagram containing one value. If the given value is
* contained elsewhere, it is cloned before insertion.
* @param initialChild becomes the first and only (user) value in the
* datagram. The child's {@link IonValue#getSystem() system}
* must be this system.
* If {@code null}, then the returned datagram will have no
* user values.
* @return a new datagram.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if {@code initialChild} is an {@link IonDatagram}.
public IonDatagram newDatagram(IonValue initialChild);
* Creates a new datagram, bootstrapped with imported symbol tables.
* Generally an application will use this to aquire a datagram, then adds
* values to it, then calls {@link IonDatagram#getBytes(byte[])}
* (or similar) to extract binary data.
* @param imports the set of shared symbol tables to import.
* The first (and only the first) may be a system table.
* @return a new datagram with no user values.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any import is a local table,
* or if any but the first is a system table.
* @see #newLocalSymbolTable(SymbolTable...)
public IonDatagram newDatagram(SymbolTable... imports);
* Extracts the current value from a reader into an {@link IonValue}.
* The caller must position the reader on the correct value by calling
* {@link IonReader#next()} beforehand.
* @return a new value object, not null.
public IonValue newValue(IonReader reader);
* Constructs a new UTC timestamp
initialized to represent
* the specified number of milliseconds since the standard base time known
* as "the epoch", namely 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.
* @param millis the milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.
public IonTimestamp newUtcTimestampFromMillis(long millis);
* Constructs a new UTC timestamp
instance initialized so that
* it represents the given time. As per {@link Date} class, this will have
* millisecond precision.
* This is equivalent to
* {@linkplain #newUtcTimestampFromMillis newUtcTimestampFromMillis}(utcDate.getTime())
* @param utcDate the time of the new instance;
* may be null
to make null.timestamp
public IonTimestamp newUtcTimestamp(Date utcDate);
* Constructs a new UTC timestamp
instance initialized so that
* it represents the time at which it was allocated, measured to the nearest
* millisecond.
public IonTimestamp newCurrentUtcTimestamp();