com.ibm.cloud.objectstorage.thirdparty.ion.Timestamp Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2007-2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* A copy of the License is located at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
* express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
package com.amazon.ion;
import static com.amazon.ion.impl._Private_Utils.safeEquals;
import static com.amazon.ion.util.IonTextUtils.printCodePointAsString;
import com.amazon.ion.impl._Private_Utils;
import com.amazon.ion.system.IonTextWriterBuilder;
import com.amazon.ion.util.IonTextUtils;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
* An immutable representation of a point in time. Ion defines a simple
* representation of time based on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
* In practice the use of time could be more accurately described as
* UTC-SLS (UTC Smoothed Leap Seconds) as there is no representation for the
* leap second discontinuities that UTC has added.
* Timestamps preserve precision, meaning the fields that are included, and the
* significant digits of any fractional second. Only common break
* points in the values are supported. Any unspecified fields are handled
* as the start of the new year/month/day.
Equality and Comparison
* As with {@link IonValue} classes, the {@link #equals equals} methods on this class
* perform a strict equivalence that observes the precision and local offset
* of each timestamp.
* This means that it's possible to have two {@link Timestamp} instances that
* represent the same point in time but are not {@code equals}.
* On the other hand, the {@link #compareTo} methods perform point in time
* comparison, ignoring precision and local offset.
* Thus the natural comparison method of this class is not
* consistent with equals. See the documentation of {@link Comparable} for
* further discussion.
* To illustrate this distinction, consider the following timestamps. None are
* {@link #equals} to each other, but any pair will return a zero result from
* {@link #compareTo}.
* - {@code 2009T}
* - {@code 2009-01T}
* - {@code 2009-01-01T}
* - {@code 2009-01-01T00:00Z}
* - {@code 2009-01-01T00:00:00Z}
* - {@code 2009-01-01T00:00:00.0Z}
* - {@code 2009-01-01T00:00:00.00Z}
* - {@code 2009-01-01T00:00:00.000Z} etc.
* @see #equals(Timestamp)
* @see #compareTo(Timestamp)
public final class Timestamp
implements Comparable, Cloneable
private static final boolean APPLY_OFFSET_YES = true;
private static final boolean APPLY_OFFSET_NO = false;
private static final boolean CHECK_FRACTION_YES = true;
private static final boolean CHECK_FRACTION_NO = false;
private static final int NO_MONTH = 0;
private static final int NO_DAY = 0;
private static final int NO_HOURS = 0;
private static final int NO_MINUTES = 0;
private static final int NO_SECONDS = 0;
private static final BigDecimal NO_FRACTIONAL_SECONDS = null;
* 0001-01-01T00:00:00.0Z in millis.
static final long MINIMUM_TIMESTAMP_IN_MILLIS = -62135769600000L;
* 0001-01-01T00:00:00.0Z in millis.
* 10000T in millis, upper bound exclusive.
static final long MAXIMUM_TIMESTAMP_IN_MILLIS = 253402300800000L;
* 10000T in millis, upper bound exclusive.
* 0001-01-01T00:00:00.0Z epoch seconds.
* 10000T in epoch seconds, upper bound exclusive.
* Unknown local offset from UTC.
public static final Integer UNKNOWN_OFFSET = null;
* Local offset of zero hours from UTC.
public static final Integer UTC_OFFSET = Integer.valueOf(0);
private static final int FLAG_YEAR = 0x01;
private static final int FLAG_MONTH = 0x02;
private static final int FLAG_DAY = 0x04;
private static final int FLAG_MINUTE = 0x08;
private static final int FLAG_SECOND = 0x10;
* The default maximum number of digits in the fractional component that will be written when a text representation
* of a timestamp is requested. If more precision is needed, timestamps can be serialized using a text IonWriter
* configured with {@link IonTextWriterBuilder#withMaximumTimestampPrecisionDigits(int)}.
* @see #toString()
* @see #toZString()
* @see #print(Appendable)
* @see #printZ(Appendable)
public static final int DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_DIGITS_TEXT = 10000;
* The precision of the Timestamp.
public static enum Precision {
// HOUR is not a supported precision per https://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime
* DEPRECATED! Treating the fractional part of seconds separate from
* the integer part has led to countless bugs. We intend to combine
* the two under the SECOND precision.
/** Bit flags for the precision. */
private final int flags;
private Precision(int flags)
this.flags = flags;
public boolean includes(Precision isIncluded)
switch (isIncluded)
case SECOND: return (flags & FLAG_SECOND) != 0;
case MINUTE: return (flags & FLAG_MINUTE) != 0;
case DAY: return (flags & FLAG_DAY) != 0;
case MONTH: return (flags & FLAG_MONTH) != 0;
case YEAR: return (flags & FLAG_YEAR) != 0;
default: break;
throw new IllegalStateException("unrecognized precision" + isIncluded);
private boolean alwaysUnknownOffset()
return this.ordinal() <= DAY.ordinal();
private static final int HASH_SIGNATURE =
* The precision of the Timestamp. The fractional seconds component is
* defined by a BigDecimal.
* During construction of all Timestamps, they will have a
* date value (i.e. Year, Month, Day) but with reduced precision they may
* exclude any time values that are more precise than the precision that is
* being defined.
private Precision _precision;
// These are the time field values for the Timestamp.
// _month and _day are 1-based (0 is an invalid value for
// these in a non-null Timestamp).
private short _year;
private byte _month = 1; // Initialized to valid default
private byte _day = 1; // Initialized to valid default
private byte _hour;
private byte _minute;
private byte _second;
private BigDecimal _fraction; // fractional seconds, must be within range [0, 1)
* Minutes offset from UTC; zero means UTC proper,
* null
means that the offset is unknown.
private Integer _offset;
// jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec
// the first 0 is to make these arrays 1 based (since month values are 1-12)
private static final int[] LEAP_DAYS_IN_MONTH = { 0, 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
private static final int[] NORMAL_DAYS_IN_MONTH = { 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
private static byte last_day_in_month(int year, int month) {
boolean is_leap;
if ((year % 4) == 0) {
// divisible by 4 (lower 2 bits are zero) - may be a leap year
if ((year % 100) == 0) {
// and divisible by 100 - not a leap year
if ((year % 400) == 0) {
// but divisible by 400 - then it is a leap year
is_leap = true;
else {
is_leap = false;
else {
is_leap = true;
else {
is_leap = false;
return (byte) (is_leap ? LEAP_DAYS_IN_MONTH[month] : NORMAL_DAYS_IN_MONTH[month]);
* Applies the local time zone offset from UTC to the applicable time field
* values. Depending on the local time zone offset, adjustments
* (i.e. rollover) will be made to the Year, Day, Hour, Minute time field
* values.
* @param offset the local offset, in minutes from UTC.
private void apply_offset(int offset)
if (offset == 0) return;
if (offset < -24*60 || offset > 24*60) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad offset " + offset);
// To convert _to_ UTC you must SUBTRACT the local offset
offset = -offset;
byte hour_offset = (byte) (offset / 60);
byte min_offset = (byte) (offset - (hour_offset * 60));
if (offset < 0) {
_minute += min_offset; // lower the minute value by adding a negative offset
_hour += hour_offset;
if (_minute < 0) {
_minute += (byte) 60;
_hour -= 1;
if (_hour >= 0) return; // hour is 0-23
_hour += (byte) 24;
_day -= (byte) 1;
if (_day >= 1) return; // day is 1-31
// we can't do this until we've figured out the month and year: _day += last_day_in_month(_year, _month);
_month -= 1;
if (_month >= 1) {
_day += last_day_in_month(_year, _month); // now we know (when the year doesn't change
assert(_day == last_day_in_month(_year, _month));
return; // 1-12
_month += (byte) 12;
_year -= (short) 1;
if (_year < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("year is less than 1");
_day += last_day_in_month(_year, _month); // and now we know, even if the year did change
assert(_day == last_day_in_month(_year, _month));
else {
_minute += min_offset; // lower the minute value by adding a negative offset
_hour += hour_offset;
if (_minute > 59) {
_minute -= (byte) 60;
_hour += (byte) 1;
if (_hour < 24) return; // hour is 0-23
_hour -= (byte) 24;
_day += (byte) 1;
if (_day <= last_day_in_month(_year, _month)) return; // day is 1-31
// we can't do this until we figure out the final month and year: _day -= last_day_in_month(_year, _month);
_day = 1; // this is always the case
_month += (byte) 1;
if (_month <= 12) {
return; // 1-12
_month -= (byte) 12;
_year += (short) 1;
if (_year > 9999) throw new IllegalArgumentException("year exceeds 9999");
private static byte requireByte(int value, String location) {
if (value > Byte.MAX_VALUE || value < Byte.MIN_VALUE) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("%s of %d is out of range.", location, value));
return (byte) value;
private static short requireShort(int value, String location) {
if (value > Short.MAX_VALUE || value < Short.MIN_VALUE) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("%s of %d is out of range.", location, value));
return (short) value;
* This method uses deprecated methods from {@link java.util.Date}
* instead of {@link Calendar} so that this code can be used (more easily)
* on the mobile Java platform (which has Date but does not have Calendar).
private void set_fields_from_millis(long millis)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("year is less than 1");
Date date = new Date(millis);
// The Date getters return values in the Date's time zone (i.e. the system time zone).
// The components need to be converted to UTC before being validated for exact ranges, because the offset
// conversion can affect which values are considered valid. Simply verify that the values can fit in the
// destination type here. If they do not, they would be out of range no matter the offset.
_minute = requireByte(date.getMinutes(), "Minute");
_second = requireByte(date.getSeconds(), "Second");
_hour = requireByte(date.getHours(), "Hour");
_day = requireByte(date.getDate(), "Day");
_month = requireByte(date.getMonth() + 1, "Month");
// Date does not correctly handle year values that represent year 0 or earlier in the system time zone through
// getYear(). This case is detected and forced to zero.
int offset = -date.getTimezoneOffset();
if(offset < 0 && MINIMUM_TIMESTAMP_IN_MILLIS - offset > millis) {
_year = 0;
} else {
_year = requireShort(date.getYear() + 1900, "Year");
// Now apply the offset to convert the components to UTC.
// Now that all components are in UTC, they may be validated for exact ranges.
this._year = checkAndCastYear(_year);
this._month = checkAndCastMonth(_month);
this._day = checkAndCastDay(_day, _year, _month);
this._hour = checkAndCastHour(_hour);
this._minute = checkAndCastMinute(_minute);
this._second = checkAndCastSecond(_second);
* Copies data from a {@link Calendar} into this timestamp.
* Must only be called during construction due to timestamp immutabliity.
* @param cal must have at least one field set.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the calendar has no fields set.
private void set_fields_from_calendar(Calendar cal,
Precision precision,
boolean setLocalOffset)
_precision = precision;
boolean dayPrecision = false;
boolean calendarHasMilliseconds = cal.isSet(Calendar.MILLISECOND);
switch (this._precision) {
case SECOND:
this._second = checkAndCastSecond(cal.get(Calendar.SECOND));
if (calendarHasMilliseconds) {
BigDecimal millis = BigDecimal.valueOf(cal.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND));
this._fraction = millis.movePointLeft(3); // convert to fraction
checkFraction(precision, this._fraction);
case MINUTE:
this._hour = checkAndCastHour(cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY));
this._minute = checkAndCastMinute(cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE));
// If this test is made before calling get(), it will return
// false even when Calendar.setTimeZone() was called.
if (setLocalOffset && cal.isSet(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET))
int offset = cal.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET);
if (cal.isSet(Calendar.DST_OFFSET)) {
offset += cal.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET);
// convert ms to minutes
_offset = offset / (1000*60);
case DAY:
dayPrecision = true;
case MONTH:
// Calendar months are 0 based, Timestamp months are 1 based
this._month = checkAndCastMonth((cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1));
case YEAR:
int year;
if(cal.get(Calendar.ERA) == GregorianCalendar.AD) {
year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
else {
year = -cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
this._year = checkAndCastYear(year);
if (dayPrecision)
this._day = checkAndCastDay(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), _year, _month);
if (_offset != UNKNOWN_OFFSET) {
// Transform our members from local time to Zulu
* Creates a new Timestamp, precise to the year, with unknown local offset.
* This is equivalent to the corresponding Ion value {@code YYYYT}.
private Timestamp(int zyear)
* Creates a new Timestamp, precise to the month, with unknown local offset.
* This is equivalent to the corresponding Ion value {@code YYYY-MMT}.
private Timestamp(int zyear, int zmonth)
* Creates a new Timestamp, precise to the day, with unknown local offset.
* This is equivalent to the corresponding Ion value {@code YYYY-MM-DD}.
* @deprecated Use {@link #forDay(int, int, int)} instead.
public Timestamp(int zyear, int zmonth, int zday)
* Creates a new Timestamp, precise to the minute, with a given local
* offset.
* This is equivalent to the corresponding Ion value
* {@code YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm+-oo:oo}, where {@code oo:oo} represents the
* hour and minutes of the local offset from UTC.
* @param offset
* the local offset from UTC, measured in minutes;
* may be {@code null} to represent an unknown local offset
* @deprecated Use {@link #forMinute(int, int, int, int, int, Integer)} instead.
public Timestamp(int year, int month, int day,
int hour, int minute,
Integer offset)
this(Precision.MINUTE, year, month, day, hour, minute, NO_SECONDS, NO_FRACTIONAL_SECONDS, offset, APPLY_OFFSET_YES, CHECK_FRACTION_NO);
* Creates a new Timestamp, precise to the second, with a given local
* offset.
* This is equivalent to the corresponding Ion value
* {@code YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+-oo:oo}, where {@code oo:oo} represents the
* hour and minutes of the local offset from UTC.
* @param offset
* the local offset from UTC, measured in minutes;
* may be {@code null} to represent an unknown local offset.
* @deprecated Use {@link #forSecond(int, int, int, int, int, int, Integer)} instead.
public Timestamp(int year, int month, int day,
int hour, int minute, int second,
Integer offset)
this(Precision.SECOND, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, NO_FRACTIONAL_SECONDS, offset, APPLY_OFFSET_YES, CHECK_FRACTION_NO);
* Creates a new Timestamp, precise to the second or fractional second,
* with a given local offset.
* This is equivalent to the corresponding Ion value
* {@code YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fff+-oo:oo}, where {@code oo:oo} represents
* the hour and minutes of the local offset from UTC, and {@code fff}
* represents the fractional seconds.
* @param frac
* the fractional seconds; must not be {@code null}; if negative,
* its absolute value is used
* @param offset
* the local offset from UTC, measured in minutes;
* may be {@code null} to represent an unknown local offset
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code frac} is {@code null}
* @deprecated Use {@link #forSecond(int, int, int, int, int, BigDecimal, Integer)}
* instead.
public Timestamp(int year, int month, int day,
int hour, int minute, int second, BigDecimal frac,
Integer offset)
this(Precision.SECOND, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, frac, offset, APPLY_OFFSET_YES, CHECK_FRACTION_YES);
* Creates a new Timestamp from the individual time components. The
* individual time components are expected to be in UTC,
* with the local offset from UTC (i.e. {@code offset}) already
* applied to the time components.
* Any time component that is more precise
* than the precision parameter {@code p} will be excluded from the
* calculation of the resulting Timestamp's point in time.
* @param frac must be >= 0 and < 1
* @param offset
* the local offset from UTC, measured in minutes;
* may be {@code null} to represent an unknown local offset
* @see #createFromUtcFields(Precision, int, int, int, int, int, int, BigDecimal, Integer)
private Timestamp(Precision p, int zyear, int zmonth, int zday,
int zhour, int zminute, int zsecond, BigDecimal frac,
Integer offset, boolean shouldApplyOffset, boolean shouldCheckFraction)
boolean dayPrecision = false;
switch (p) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid Precision passed to constructor");
case SECOND:
if (frac == null)
_fraction = null;
else if (shouldCheckFraction)
if (frac.equals(BigDecimal.ZERO)) {
_fraction = null;
} else {
checkFraction(p, frac);
_fraction = frac;
_fraction = frac;
_second = checkAndCastSecond(zsecond);
case MINUTE:
_minute = checkAndCastMinute(zminute);
_hour = checkAndCastHour(zhour);
_offset = offset; // offset must be null for years/months/days
case DAY:
dayPrecision = true;
case MONTH:
_month = checkAndCastMonth(zmonth);
case YEAR:
_year = checkAndCastYear(zyear);
if (dayPrecision)
_day = checkAndCastDay(zday, zyear, zmonth);
_precision = p;
if (shouldApplyOffset && offset != null) {
* Creates a new Timestamp from the individual time components. The
* individual time components are expected to be in UTC,
* with the local offset from UTC (i.e. {@code offset}) already
* applied to the time components.
* As such, if the given {@code offset} is non-null or zero, the resulting
* Timestamp will have time values that DO NOT match the time
* parameters. This method also has a behavior of precision "narrowing",
* detailed in the sub-section below.
* For example, the following method calls will return Timestamps with
* values (in its local time) respectively:
* createFromUtcFields(Precision.SECOND, 2012, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0.007, null) will return 2012-02-03T04:05:06.007-00:00 (match)
* createFromUtcFields(Precision.SECOND, 2012, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0.007, 0) will return 2012-02-03T04:05:06.007+00:00 (match)
* createFromUtcFields(Precision.SECOND, 2012, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0.007, 480) will return 2012-02-03T12:05:06.007+08:00 (do not match)
* createFromUtcFields(Precision.SECOND, 2012, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0.007, -480) will return 2012-02-02T20:05:06.007-08:00 (do not match)
* createFromUtcFields(Precision.SECOND, 2012, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0.007, 720) will return 2012-02-03T16:05:06.007+12:00 (do not match)
* createFromUtcFields(Precision.SECOND, 2012, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0.007, -720) will return 2012-02-02T16:05:06.007-12:00 (do not match)
* Note: All of these resulting Timestamps have the similar value (in UTC) 2012-02-03T04:05:06.007Z.
* Precision "Narrowing"
* Any time component that is more precise
* than the precision parameter {@code p} will be excluded from the
* calculation of the resulting Timestamp's point in time.
* For example, the following method calls will return Timestamps with
* values respectively:
* createFromUtcFields(Precision.YEAR , 2012, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0.007, 0) will return 2012T
* createFromUtcFields(Precision.MONTH , 2012, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0.007, 0) will return 2012-02T
* createFromUtcFields(Precision.DAY , 2012, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0.007, 0) will return 2012-02-03T
* createFromUtcFields(Precision.MINUTE , 2012, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0.007, 0) will return 2012-02-03T04:05Z
* createFromUtcFields(Precision.SECOND , 2012, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, null, 0) will return 2012-02-03T04:05:06Z
* createFromUtcFields(Precision.SECOND , 2012, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0.007, 0) will return 2012-02-03T04:05:06.007Z
* @param p the desired timestamp precision. The result may have a
* different precision if the input data isn't precise enough.
* @param offset
* the local offset from UTC, measured in minutes;
* may be {@code null} to represent an unknown local offset.
public static Timestamp
createFromUtcFields(Precision p, int zyear, int zmonth, int zday,
int zhour, int zminute, int zsecond, BigDecimal frac,
Integer offset)
return new Timestamp(p, zyear, zmonth, zday,
zhour, zminute, zsecond, frac,
* Creates a new Timestamp from a {@link Calendar}, preserving the
* {@link Calendar}'s precision and local offset from UTC.
* The most precise calendar field of {@code cal} will be used to determine
* the precision of the resulting Timestamp.
* For example, the calendar field will have a Timestamp precision accordingly:
* - {@link Calendar#YEAR} - year precision, unknown local offset
* - {@link Calendar#MONTH} - month precision, unknown local offset
* - {@link Calendar#DAY_OF_MONTH} - day precision, unknown local offset
* - {@link Calendar#HOUR_OF_DAY} or {@link Calendar#MINUTE} - minute precision
* - {@link Calendar#SECOND} - second precision
* - {@link Calendar#MILLISECOND} - fractional second precision
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if {@code cal} has no appropriate calendar fields set.
* @deprecated Use {@link #forCalendar(Calendar)} instead.
public Timestamp(Calendar cal)
Precision precision;
if (cal.isSet(Calendar.MILLISECOND) || cal.isSet(Calendar.SECOND)) {
precision = Precision.SECOND;
else if (cal.isSet(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) || cal.isSet(Calendar.MINUTE)) {
precision = Precision.MINUTE;
else if (cal.isSet(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)) {
precision = Precision.DAY;
else if (cal.isSet(Calendar.MONTH)) {
precision = Precision.MONTH;
else if (cal.isSet(Calendar.YEAR)) {
precision = Precision.YEAR;
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Calendar has no fields set");
set_fields_from_calendar(cal, precision, true);
private Timestamp(Calendar cal, Precision precision, BigDecimal fraction,
Integer offset)
set_fields_from_calendar(cal, precision, false);
_fraction = fraction;
if (offset != null)
_offset = offset;
private Timestamp(BigDecimal millis, Precision precision, Integer localOffset)
// check bounds to avoid hanging when calling longValue() on decimals with large positive exponents,
// e.g. 1e10000000
// quick handle integral zero
long ms = isIntegralZero(millis) ? 0 : millis.longValue();
switch (precision)
case YEAR:
_month = 1;
case MONTH:
_day = 1;
case DAY:
_hour = 0;
_minute = 0;
case MINUTE:
_second = 0;
case SECOND:
_offset = localOffset;
// The given BigDecimal may contain greater than milliseconds precision, which is the maximum precision that
// a Calendar can handle. Set the _fraction here so that extra precision (if any) is not lost.
// However, don't set the fraction if the given BigDecimal does not have precision at least to the tenth of
// a second.
if ((precision.includes(Precision.SECOND)) && millis.scale() > -3) {
BigDecimal secs = millis.movePointLeft(3);
BigDecimal secsDown = fastRoundZeroFloor(secs);
_fraction = secs.subtract(secsDown);
} else {
_fraction = null;
_precision = checkFraction(precision, _fraction);
* Creates a new Timestamp that represents the point in time that is
* {@code millis} milliseconds (including any fractional
* milliseconds) from the epoch, with a given local offset.
* The resulting Timestamp will be precise to the second if {@code millis}
* doesn't contain information that is more granular than seconds.
* For example, a {@code BigDecimal} of
* value 132541995e4 (132541995 × 104)
* will return a Timestamp of {@code 2012-01-01T12:12:30Z},
* precise to the second.
* The resulting Timestamp will be precise to the fractional second if
* {@code millis} contains information that is at least granular to
* milliseconds.
* For example, a {@code BigDecimal} of
* value 1325419950555
* will return a Timestamp of {@code 2012-01-01T12:12:30.555Z},
* precise to the fractional second.
* @param millis
* number of milliseconds (including any fractional
* milliseconds) from the epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z);
* must not be {@code null}
* @param localOffset
* the local offset from UTC, measured in minutes;
* may be {@code null} to represent an unknown local offset
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code millis} is {@code null}
* @deprecated Use {@link #forMillis(BigDecimal, Integer)} instead.
public Timestamp(BigDecimal millis, Integer localOffset)
if (millis == null) throw new NullPointerException("millis is null");
// check bounds to avoid hanging when calling longValue() on decimals with large positive exponents,
// e.g. 1e10000000
// quick handle integral zero
long ms = isIntegralZero(millis) ? 0 : millis.longValue();
int scale = millis.scale();
if (scale <= -3) {
this._precision = Precision.SECOND;
this._fraction = null;
else {
BigDecimal secs = millis.movePointLeft(3);
BigDecimal secsDown = fastRoundZeroFloor(secs);
this._fraction = secs.subtract(secsDown);
this._precision = checkFraction(Precision.SECOND, _fraction);
this._offset = localOffset;
private BigDecimal fastRoundZeroFloor(final BigDecimal decimal) {
BigDecimal fastValue = decimal.signum() < 0 ? BigDecimal.ONE.negate() : BigDecimal.ZERO;
return isIntegralZero(decimal) ? fastValue : decimal.setScale(0, RoundingMode.FLOOR);
private boolean isIntegralZero(final BigDecimal decimal) {
// zero || no low-order bits || < 1.0
return decimal.signum() == 0
|| decimal.scale() < -63
|| (decimal.precision() - decimal.scale() <= 0);
private static void throwTimestampOutOfRangeError(Number millis) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("millis: " + millis + " is outside of valid the range: from "
+ " (0001T)"
+ ", inclusive, to "
+ " (10000T)"
+ " , exclusive");
* Creates a new Timestamp that represents the point in time that is
* {@code millis} milliseconds from the epoch, with a given local offset.
* The resulting Timestamp will be precise to the fractional second.
* @param millis
* number of milliseconds from the epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z)
* @param localOffset
* the local offset from UTC, measured in minutes;
* may be {@code null} to represent an unknown local offset.
* @deprecated Use {@link #forMillis(long, Integer)} instead.
public Timestamp(long millis, Integer localOffset)
// fractional seconds portion
BigDecimal secs = BigDecimal.valueOf(millis).movePointLeft(3);
BigDecimal secsDown = secs.setScale(0, RoundingMode.FLOOR);
this._fraction = secs.subtract(secsDown);
this._precision = checkFraction(Precision.SECOND, _fraction);
this._offset = localOffset;
private static IllegalArgumentException fail(CharSequence input, String reason)
input = IonTextUtils.printString(input);
return new IllegalArgumentException("invalid timestamp: " + reason
+ ": " + input);
private static IllegalArgumentException fail(CharSequence input)
input = IonTextUtils.printString(input);
return new IllegalArgumentException("invalid timestamp: " + input);
static final String NULL_TIMESTAMP_IMAGE = "null.timestamp";
static final int LEN_OF_NULL_IMAGE = NULL_TIMESTAMP_IMAGE.length();
static final int END_OF_YEAR = 4; // 1234T
static final int END_OF_MONTH = 7; // 1234-67T
static final int END_OF_DAY = 10; // 1234-67-90T
static final int END_OF_MINUTES = 16;
static final int END_OF_SECONDS = 19;
* Returns a new Timestamp that represents the point in time, precision
* and local offset defined in Ion format by the {@link CharSequence}.
* @param ionFormattedTimestamp
* a sequence of characters that is the Ion representation of a
* Timestamp
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if the {@code CharSequence} is an invalid Ion representation
* of a Timestamp;
* or if the {@code CharSequence} has excess characters which
* are not one of the following valid thirteen numeric-stop
* characters (escaped accordingly for readability):
* {}[](),\"\'\ \t\n\r}
* @return
* {@code null} if the {@code CharSequence} is "null.timestamp"
* @see Ion Timestamp Page
* @see W3C Note on Date and Time Formats
public static Timestamp valueOf(CharSequence ionFormattedTimestamp)
final CharSequence in = ionFormattedTimestamp;
int pos;
final int length = in.length();
if (length == 0)
throw fail(in);
// check for 'null.timestamp'
if (in.charAt(0) == 'n') {
if (length >= LEN_OF_NULL_IMAGE
&& NULL_TIMESTAMP_IMAGE.contentEquals(in.subSequence(0, LEN_OF_NULL_IMAGE)))
if (length > LEN_OF_NULL_IMAGE) {
if (!isValidFollowChar(in.charAt(LEN_OF_NULL_IMAGE))) {
throw fail(in);
return null;
throw fail(in);
int year = 1;
int month = 1;
int day = 1;
int hour = 0;
int minute = 0;
int seconds = 0;
BigDecimal fraction = null;
Precision precision;
// fake label to turn goto's into a break so Java is happy :) enjoy
do {
// otherwise we expect yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.ssss+hh:mm
if (length < END_OF_YEAR + 1) { // +1 for the "T"
throw fail(in, "year is too short (must be at least yyyyT)");
pos = END_OF_YEAR;
precision = Precision.YEAR;
year = read_digits(in, 0, 4, -1, "year");
char c = in.charAt(END_OF_YEAR);
if (c == 'T') break;
if (c != '-') {
throw fail(in,
"expected \"-\" between year and month, found "
+ printCodePointAsString(c));
if (length < END_OF_MONTH + 1) { // +1 for the "T"
throw fail(in, "month is too short (must be yyyy-mmT)");
precision = Precision.MONTH;
month = read_digits(in, END_OF_YEAR + 1, 2, -1, "month");
c = in.charAt(END_OF_MONTH);
if (c == 'T') break;
if (c != '-') {
throw fail(in,
"expected \"-\" between month and day, found "
+ printCodePointAsString(c));
if (length < END_OF_DAY) {
throw fail(in, "too short for yyyy-mm-dd");
pos = END_OF_DAY;
precision = Precision.DAY;
day = read_digits(in, END_OF_MONTH + 1, 2, -1, "day");
if (length == END_OF_DAY) break;
c = in.charAt(END_OF_DAY);
if (c != 'T') {
throw fail(in,
"expected \"T\" after day, found "
+ printCodePointAsString(c));
if (length == END_OF_DAY + 1) break;
// now lets see if we have a time value
if (length < END_OF_MINUTES) {
throw fail(in, "too short for yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm");
hour = read_digits(in, 11, 2, ':', "hour");
minute = read_digits(in, 14, 2, -1, "minutes");
precision = Precision.MINUTE;
// we may have seconds
if (length <= END_OF_MINUTES || in.charAt(END_OF_MINUTES) != ':')
if (length < END_OF_SECONDS) {
throw fail(in, "too short for yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss");
seconds = read_digits(in, 17, 2, -1, "seconds");
precision = Precision.SECOND;
if (length <= END_OF_SECONDS || in.charAt(END_OF_SECONDS) != '.')
pos = END_OF_SECONDS + 1;
while (length > pos && Character.isDigit(in.charAt(pos))) {
if (pos <= END_OF_SECONDS + 1) {
throw fail(in,
"must have at least one digit after decimal point");
fraction = new BigDecimal(in.subSequence(19, pos).toString());
} while (false);
Integer offset;
// now see if they included a timezone offset
char timezone_start = pos < length ? in.charAt(pos) : '\n';
if (timezone_start == 'Z') {
offset = 0;
else if (timezone_start == '+' || timezone_start == '-')
if (length < pos + 5) {
throw fail(in, "local offset too short");
// +/- hh:mm
int tzdHours = read_digits(in, pos, 2, ':', "local offset hours");
if (tzdHours < 0 || tzdHours > 23) {
throw fail(in,
"local offset hours must be between 0 and 23 inclusive");
pos += 3;
int tzdMinutes = read_digits(in, pos, 2, -1, "local offset minutes");
if (tzdMinutes > 59) {
throw fail(in,
"local offset minutes must be between 0 and 59 inclusive");
pos += 2;
int temp = tzdHours * 60 + tzdMinutes;
if (timezone_start == '-') {
temp = -temp;
if (temp == 0 && timezone_start == '-') {
// int doesn't do negative zero very elegantly
offset = null;
else {
offset = temp;
else {
switch (precision) {
case YEAR:
case MONTH:
case DAY:
throw fail(in, "missing local offset");
offset = null;
if (length > (pos + 1) && !isValidFollowChar(in.charAt(pos + 1)))
throw fail(in, "invalid excess characters");
Timestamp ts =
new Timestamp(precision, year, month, day,
hour, minute, seconds, fraction, offset, APPLY_OFFSET_YES, CHECK_FRACTION_NO);
return ts;
private static int read_digits(CharSequence in, int start, int length,
int terminator, String field)
int ii, value = 0;
int end = start + length;
if (in.length() < end) {
throw fail(in,
field + " requires " + length + " digits");
for (ii=start; ii= in.length() || in.charAt(ii) != terminator) {
throw fail(in,
field + " should end with "
+ printCodePointAsString(terminator));
// Otherwise make sure we don't have too many digits.
else if (ii < in.length() && Character.isDigit(in.charAt(ii))) {
throw fail(in,
field + " requires " + length + " digits but has more");
return value;
private static boolean isValidFollowChar(char c) {
switch (c) {
return false;
case '{':
case '}':
case '[':
case ']':
case '(':
case ')':
case ',':
case '\"':
case '\'':
case '\\':
case '\t':
case '\n':
case '\r':
return true;
* Creates a copy of this Timestamp. The resulting Timestamp will
* represent the same point in time and has the same precision and local
* offset.
* {@inheritDoc}
public Timestamp clone()
// The Copy-Constructor we're using here already expects the time field
// values to be in UTC, and that is already what we have for this
// Timestamp -- no adjustment necessary to make it local time.
return new Timestamp(_precision,
* Applies the local offset from UTC to each of the applicable time field
* values and returns the new Timestamp. In short, this makes the Timestamp
* represent local time.
* @return a new Timestamp in its local time
private Timestamp make_localtime()
int offset = _offset != null
? _offset.intValue()
: 0;
// We use a Copy-Constructor that expects the time parameters to be in
// UTC, as that's what we're supposed to have.
// As this Copy-Constructor doesn't apply local offset to the time
// field values (it assumes that the local offset is already applied to
// them), we explicitly apply the local offset to the time field values
// after we obtain the new Timestamp instance.
Timestamp localtime = new Timestamp(_precision,
// explicitly apply the local offset to the time field values
assert localtime._offset == _offset;
return localtime;
* Returns a Timestamp, precise to the year, with unknown local offset.
* This is equivalent to the corresponding Ion value {@code YYYYT}.
public static Timestamp forYear(int yearZ)
return new Timestamp(yearZ);
* Returns a Timestamp, precise to the month, with unknown local offset.
* This is equivalent to the corresponding Ion value {@code YYYY-MMT}.
public static Timestamp forMonth(int yearZ, int monthZ)
return new Timestamp(yearZ, monthZ);
* Returns a Timestamp, precise to the day, with unknown local offset.
* This is equivalent to the corresponding Ion value {@code YYYY-MM-DD}.
public static Timestamp forDay(int yearZ, int monthZ, int dayZ)
return new Timestamp(yearZ, monthZ, dayZ);
* Returns a Timestamp, precise to the minute, with a given local
* offset.
This is equivalent to the corresponding Ion value
* {@code YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm+-oo:oo}, where {@code oo:oo} represents the
* hour and minutes of the local offset from UTC.
* The values of the {@code year}, {@code month}, {@code day},
* {@code hour}, and {@code minute} parameters are relative to the
* local {@code offset}.
* @param offset
* the local offset from UTC, measured in minutes;
* may be {@code null} to represent an unknown local offset
public static Timestamp forMinute(int year, int month, int day,
int hour, int minute,
Integer offset)
return new Timestamp(year, month, day, hour, minute, offset);
* Returns a Timestamp, precise to the second, with a given local offset.
* This is equivalent to the corresponding Ion value
* {@code YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+-oo:oo}, where {@code oo:oo} represents the
* hour and minutes of the local offset from UTC.
* The values of the {@code year}, {@code month}, {@code day},
* {@code hour}, {@code minute} and {@code second} parameters are relative
* to the local {@code offset}.
* @param offset
* the local offset from UTC, measured in minutes;
* may be {@code null} to represent an unknown local offset
public static Timestamp forSecond(int year, int month, int day,
int hour, int minute, int second,
Integer offset)
return new Timestamp(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, offset);
* Returns a Timestamp, precise to the second, with a given local offset.
* This is equivalent to the corresponding Ion value
* {@code YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss+-oo:oo}, where {@code oo:oo} represents
* the hour and minutes of the local offset from UTC.
* The values of the {@code year}, {@code month}, {@code day},
* {@code hour}, {@code minute} and {@code second} parameters are relative
* to the local {@code offset}.
* @param second must be at least zero and less than 60. Must not be null.
* @param offset the local offset from UTC, measured in minutes;
* may be {@code null} to represent an unknown local offset
public static Timestamp forSecond(int year, int month, int day,
int hour, int minute, BigDecimal second,
Integer offset)
// Tease apart the whole and fractional seconds.
// Storing them separately is silly.
int s = second.intValue();
BigDecimal frac = second.subtract(BigDecimal.valueOf(s));
return new Timestamp(Precision.SECOND, year, month, day, hour, minute, s, frac, offset, APPLY_OFFSET_YES,
* Returns a Timestamp that represents the point in time that is {@code millis} milliseconds from the epoch,
* with a given local offset.
* The resulting Timestamp will be precise to the millisecond.
* {@code millis} is relative to UTC, regardless of the value supplied for {@code localOffset}. This
* varies from the {@link #forMinute} and {@link #forSecond} methods that assume the specified date and time
* values are relative to the local offset. For example, the following two Timestamps represent
* the same point in time:
* Timestamp theEpoch = Timestamp.forMillis(0, 0);
* Timestamp alsoTheEpoch = Timestamp.forSecond(1969, 12, 31, 23, 0, BigDecimal.ZERO, -60);
* @param millis the number of milliseconds from the epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z) in UTC.
* @param localOffset the local offset from UTC, measured in minutes;
* may be {@code null} to represent an unknown local offset.
public static Timestamp forMillis(long millis, Integer localOffset)
return new Timestamp(millis, localOffset);
* The same as {@link #forMillis(long, Integer)} but the millisecond component is specified using a
* {@link BigDecimal} and therefore may include fractional milliseconds.
* @param millis
* number of milliseconds (including any fractional
* milliseconds) from the epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z);
* must not be {@code null}
* @param localOffset
* the local offset from UTC, measured in minutes;
* may be {@code null} to represent an unknown local offset
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code millis} is {@code null}
public static Timestamp forMillis(BigDecimal millis, Integer localOffset)
return new Timestamp(millis, localOffset);
* Returns a Timestamp that represents the point in time that is {@code seconds} from the unix epoch
* (1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z), with the {@code nanoOffset} applied and a given local offset.
* This function is intended to allow easy conversion to Timestamp from Java 8's {@code java.time.Instant}
* without having to port this library to Java 8. The following snippet will yield a Timestamp {@code ts}
* that equivalent to the {@code java.time.Instant} {@code i}:
* Instant i = Instant.now();
* Timestamp ts = Timestamp.forEpochSecond(i.getEpochSecond(), i.getNano(), 0);
* Like {@link #forMillis}, {@code seconds} is relative to UTC, regardless of the value
* supplied for {@code localOffset}.
* @param seconds The number of seconds from the unix epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z) UTC.
* @param nanoOffset The number of nanoseconds for the fractional component. Must be between 0 and 999,999,999.
* @param localOffset the local offset from UTC, measured in minutes;
* may be {@code null} to represent an unknown local offset.
public static Timestamp forEpochSecond(long seconds, int nanoOffset, Integer localOffset) {
// We do not validate seconds here because that is done within the forMillis static constructor.
long millis = seconds * 1000L;
Timestamp ts = forMillis(millis, localOffset);
if(nanoOffset != 0) {
if(nanoOffset < 0 || nanoOffset > 999999999) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("nanoOffset must be between 0 and 999,999,999");
ts._fraction = ts._fraction.add(BigDecimal.valueOf(nanoOffset).movePointLeft(9));
return ts;
* Converts a {@link Calendar} to a Timestamp, preserving the calendar's
* time zone as the equivalent local offset when it has at least minutes
* precision.
* @return a Timestamp instance, with precision determined by the smallest
* field set in the {@code Calendar};
* or {@code null} if {@code calendar} is {@code null}
public static Timestamp forCalendar(Calendar calendar)
if (calendar == null) return null;
return new Timestamp(calendar);
* Converts a {@link Date} to a Timestamp in UTC representing the same
* point in time.
* The resulting Timestamp will be precise to the millisecond.
* @return
* a new Timestamp instance, in UTC, precise to the millisecond;
* {@code null} if {@code date} is {@code null}
public static Timestamp forDateZ(Date date)
if (date == null) return null;
long millis = date.getTime();
return new Timestamp(millis, UTC_OFFSET);
* Converts a {@link java.sql.Timestamp} to a Timestamp in UTC representing
* the same point in time.
* The resulting Timestamp will be precise to the nanosecond.
* @param sqlTimestamp assumed to have nanoseconds precision
* @return
* a new Timestamp instance, in UTC, precise to the
* nanosecond
* {@code null} if {@code sqlTimestamp} is {@code null}
public static Timestamp forSqlTimestampZ(java.sql.Timestamp sqlTimestamp)
if (sqlTimestamp == null) return null;
long millis = sqlTimestamp.getTime();
Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(millis, UTC_OFFSET);
int nanos = sqlTimestamp.getNanos();
BigDecimal frac = BigDecimal.valueOf(nanos).movePointLeft(9);
ts._fraction = frac;
return ts;
* Returns a Timestamp representing the current time (based on the JVM
* clock), with an unknown local offset.
* The resulting Timestamp will be precise to the millisecond.
* @return
* a new Timestamp instance representing the current time.
public static Timestamp now()
long millis = System.currentTimeMillis();
return new Timestamp(millis, UNKNOWN_OFFSET);
* Returns a Timestamp in UTC representing the current time (based on the
* the JVM clock).
* The resulting Timestamp will be precise to the millisecond.
* @return
* a new Timestamp instance, in UTC, representing the current
* time.
public static Timestamp nowZ()
long millis = System.currentTimeMillis();
return new Timestamp(millis, UTC_OFFSET);
* Converts the value of this Timestamp into a {@link Date},
* representing the time in UTC.
* This method will return the same result for all Timestamps representing
* the same point in time, regardless of the local offset.
* Because {@link Date} instances are mutable, this method returns a
* new instance from each call.
* @return a new {@code Date} instance, in UTC
public Date dateValue()
long millis = getMillis();
return new Date(millis);
* Converts the value of this Timestamp as a {@link Calendar}, in its
* local time.
* Because {@link Calendar} instances are mutable, this method returns a
* new instance from each call.
* @return a new {@code Calendar} instance, in its local time.
public Calendar calendarValue()
Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(_Private_Utils.UTC);
long millis = getMillis();
Integer offset = _offset;
if (offset != null && offset != 0)
int offsetMillis = offset * 60 * 1000;
millis += offsetMillis;
cal.setTimeInMillis(millis); // Resets the offset!
cal.set(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET, offsetMillis);
switch (_precision) {
case YEAR:
case MONTH:
case DAY:
case MINUTE:
case SECOND:
if (_fraction == null) {
return cal;
* Returns a number representing the Timestamp's point in time that is
* the number of milliseconds (ignoring any fractional milliseconds)
* from the epoch.
* This method will return the same result for all Timestamps representing
* the same point in time, regardless of the local offset.
* @return
* number of milliseconds (ignoring any fractional
* milliseconds) from the epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z)
public long getMillis()
// month is 0 based for Date
long millis = Date.UTC(this._year - 1900, this._month - 1, this._day, this._hour, this._minute, this._second);
if (this._fraction != null) {
BigDecimal fracAsDecimal = this._fraction.movePointRight(3);
int frac = isIntegralZero(fracAsDecimal) ? 0 : fracAsDecimal.intValue();
millis += frac;
return millis;
* Returns a BigDecimal representing the Timestamp's point in time that is
* the number of milliseconds (including any fractional milliseconds)
* from the epoch.
* This method will return the same result for all Timestamps representing
* the same point in time, regardless of the local offset.
* @return
* number of milliseconds (including any fractional
* milliseconds) from the epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z)
public BigDecimal getDecimalMillis()
switch (this._precision) {
case YEAR:
case MONTH:
case DAY:
case MINUTE:
case SECOND:
long millis = Date.UTC(this._year - 1900, this._month - 1, this._day, this._hour, this._minute, this._second);
BigDecimal dec = BigDecimal.valueOf(millis);
if (_fraction != null) {
dec = dec.add(this._fraction.movePointRight(3));
return dec;
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
* Returns the precision of this Timestamp.
public Precision getPrecision()
return this._precision;
* Returns the offset of this Timestamp, measured in minutes, for the local
* timezone in UTC.
* For example, calling this method on Timestamps of:
* - {@code 1969-02-23T07:00+07:00} will return {@code 420}
* - {@code 1969-02-22T22:45:00.00-01:15} will return {@code -75}
* - {@code 1969-02-23} (by Ion's definition, equivalent to
* {@code 1969-02-23T00:00-00:00}) will return {@code null}
* @return
* {@code null} if the local offset is unknown
* (i.e. {@code -00:00})
public Integer getLocalOffset()
return _offset;
* Returns the year of this Timestamp, in its local time.
* @return
* a number within the range [1, 9999], in its local time
public int getYear()
Timestamp adjusted = this;
if (this._offset != null) {
if (this._offset.intValue() != 0) {
adjusted = make_localtime();
return adjusted._year;
* Returns the month of this Timestamp, in its local time.
* @return
* a number within the range [1, 12], whereby 1 refers to January
* and 12 refers to December, in its local time;
* 1 is returned if the Timestamp isn't precise to
* the month
public int getMonth()
Timestamp adjusted = this;
if (this._offset != null) {
if (this._offset.intValue() != 0) {
adjusted = make_localtime();
return adjusted._month;
* Returns the day (within the month) of this Timestamp, in its local time.
* @return
* a number within the range [1, 31], in its local time;
* 1 is returned if the Timestamp isn't
* precise to the day
public int getDay()
Timestamp adjusted = this;
if (this._offset != null) {
if (this._offset.intValue() != 0) {
adjusted = make_localtime();
return adjusted._day;
* Returns the hour of this Timestamp, in its local time.
* @return
* a number within the range [0, 23], in its local time;
* 0 is returned if the Timestamp isn't
* precise to the hour
public int getHour()
Timestamp adjusted = this;
if (this._offset != null) {
if (this._offset.intValue() != 0) {
adjusted = make_localtime();
return adjusted._hour;
* Returns the minute of this Timestamp, in its local time.
* @return
* a number within the range [0, 59], in its local time;
* 0 is returned if the Timestamp isn't
* precise to the minute
public int getMinute()
Timestamp adjusted = this;
if (this._offset != null) {
if (this._offset.intValue() != 0) {
adjusted = make_localtime();
return adjusted._minute;
* Returns the seconds of this Timestamp, truncated to an integer.
* Seconds are not affected by local offsets.
* As such, this method produces the same output as {@link #getZSecond()}.
* @return
* a number within the range [0, 59];
* 0 is returned if the Timestamp isn't precise to the second
* @see #getZSecond()
public int getSecond()
return this._second;
* Returns the seconds of this Timestamp.
* Seconds are not affected by local offsets.
* As such, this method produces the same output as
* {@link #getZDecimalSecond()}.
* @return
* a number within the range [0, 60);
* 0 is returned if the Timestamp isn't precise to the second
* @see #getZDecimalSecond()
public BigDecimal getDecimalSecond()
BigDecimal sec = BigDecimal.valueOf(_second);
if (_fraction != null)
sec = sec.add(_fraction);
return sec;
* Returns the fractional second of this Timestamp.
* Fractional seconds are not affected by local offsets.
* As such, this method produces the same output as
* {@link #getZFractionalSecond()}.
* @return
* a BigDecimal within the range [0, 1);
* {@code null} is returned if the Timestamp isn't
* precise to the fractional second
* @see #getZFractionalSecond()
* Use {@link #getDecimalSecond()} instead.
public BigDecimal getFractionalSecond()
return this._fraction;
* Returns the year of this Timestamp, in UTC.
* @return
* a number within the range [1, 9999], in UTC
public int getZYear()
return this._year;
* Returns the month of this Timestamp, in UTC.
* @return
* a number within the range [1, 12], whereby 1 refers to January
* and 12 refers to December, in UTC;
* 1 is returned if the Timestamp isn't precise to
* the month
public int getZMonth()
return this._month;
* Returns the day of this Timestamp, in UTC.
* @return
* a number within the range [1, 31], in UTC;
* 1 is returned if the Timestamp isn't
* precise to the day
public int getZDay()
return this._day;
* Returns the hour of this Timestamp, in UTC.
* @return
* a number within the range [0, 23], in UTC;
* 0 is returned if the Timestamp isn't
* precise to the hour
public int getZHour()
return this._hour;
* Returns the minute of this Timestamp, in UTC.
* @return
* a number within the range [0, 59], in UTC;
* 0 is returned if the Timestamp isn't
* precise to the minute
public int getZMinute()
return this._minute;
* Returns the second of this Timestamp.
* Seconds are not affected by local offsets.
* As such, this method produces the same output as {@link #getSecond()}.
* @return
* a number within the range [0, 59];
* 0 is returned if the Timestamp isn't precise to the second
* @see #getSecond()
public int getZSecond()
return this._second;
* Returns the seconds of this Timestamp.
* Seconds are not affected by local offsets.
* As such, this method produces the same output as
* {@link #getDecimalSecond()}.
* @return
* a number within the range [0, 60);
* 0 is returned if the Timestamp isn't precise to the second
* @see #getDecimalSecond()
public BigDecimal getZDecimalSecond()
return getDecimalSecond();
* Returns the fractional second of this Timestamp.
* Fractional seconds are not affected by local offsets.
* As such, this method produces the same output as
* {@link #getFractionalSecond()}.
* @return
* a BigDecimal within the range [0, 1);
* {@code null} is returned if the Timestamp isn't
* precise to the fractional second
* @see #getFractionalSecond()
* @deprecated Use {@link #getZDecimalSecond()} instead.
public BigDecimal getZFractionalSecond()
return this._fraction;
// Modification methods
* Returns a timestamp at the same point in time, but with the given local
* offset. If this timestamp has precision coarser than minutes, then it
* is returned unchanged since such timestamps always have an unknown
* offset.
public Timestamp withLocalOffset(Integer offset)
Precision precision = getPrecision();
if (precision.alwaysUnknownOffset() ||
safeEquals(offset, getLocalOffset()))
return this;
Timestamp ts = createFromUtcFields(precision,
return ts;
* Returns the string representation (in Ion format) of this Timestamp in
* its local time.
* @throws IonException if the text representation of the timestamp requires more than
* @see #toZString()
* @see #print(Appendable)
public String toString()
* Returns the string representation (in Ion format) of this Timestamp in
* its local time.
* @throws IonException if the text representation of the timestamp requires more than
* the given maximum.
* @see #toZString()
* @see #print(Appendable)
String toString(int maximumDigits)
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(32);
print(buffer, maximumDigits);
catch (IOException e)
throw new RuntimeException("Exception printing to StringBuilder",
return buffer.toString();
* Returns the string representation (in Ion format) of this Timestamp
* in UTC.
* @throws IonException if the text representation of the timestamp requires more than
* @see #toString()
* @see #printZ(Appendable)
public String toZString()
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(32);
catch (IOException e)
throw new RuntimeException("Exception printing to StringBuilder",
return buffer.toString();
* Prints to an {@code Appendable} the string representation (in Ion format)
* of this Timestamp in its local time.
* This method produces the same output as {@link #toString()}.
* @param out not {@code null}
* @throws IOException propagated when the {@link Appendable} throws it
* @throws IonException if the text representation of the timestamp requires more than
* @see #printZ(Appendable)
public void print(Appendable out)
throws IOException
* Prints to an {@code Appendable} the string representation (in Ion format)
* of this Timestamp in its local time.
* This method produces the same output as {@link #toString()}.
* @param out not {@code null}
* @throws IOException propagated when the {@link Appendable} throws it
* @throws IonException if the text representation of the timestamp requires more than
* the given maximum.
* @see #printZ(Appendable)
private void print(Appendable out, int maximumDigits)
throws IOException
// we have to make a copy to preserve the "immutable" contract
// on Timestamp and we don't want someone reading the calendar
// member while we've shifted it around.
Timestamp adjusted = this;
// Adjust UTC time back to local time
if (this._offset != null && this._offset.intValue() != 0) {
adjusted = make_localtime();
print(out, adjusted, maximumDigits);
* Prints to an {@code Appendable} the string representation (in Ion format)
* of this Timestamp in UTC.
* This method produces the same output as {@link #toZString()}.
* @param out not {@code null}
* @throws IOException propagated when the {@code Appendable} throws it.
* @throws IonException if the text representation of the timestamp requires more than
* @see #print(Appendable)
public void printZ(Appendable out)
throws IOException
switch (_precision)
case YEAR:
case MONTH:
case DAY:
assert _offset == UNKNOWN_OFFSET;
// No need to adjust offset, we won't be using it.
case MINUTE:
case SECOND:
Timestamp ztime = this.clone();
ztime._offset = UTC_OFFSET;
* Throws if the text representation of the timestamp would require more than the given number of digits in its
* fractional component.
* @param value a Timestamp with a non-null fraction.
* @param maximumDigits the maximum number of digits allowed.
private static void requirePrecisionWithinLimit(Timestamp value, int maximumDigits) {
if (value._fraction.scale() > maximumDigits) {
throw new IonException(String.format(
"Timestamp with %d digits of precision cannot be serialized because it exceeds the " +
"configurable maximum timestamp precision of %d digits. Timestamps that require more digits " +
"may be written using a text writer configured with " +
* helper for print(out) and printZ(out) so that printZ can create
* a zulu time and pass it directly and print can apply the local
* offset and adjust the various fields (without breaking the
* contract to be immutable).
* @param out destination for the text image of the value
* @param adjusted the time value with the fields adjusted to match the desired text output
* @param maximumDigits the maximum number of digits allowed in the fractional seconds
* @throws IOException
private static void print(Appendable out, Timestamp adjusted, int maximumDigits)
throws IOException
// null is our first "guess" to get it out of the way
if (adjusted == null) {
if (adjusted._precision == Precision.SECOND && adjusted._fraction != null) {
requirePrecisionWithinLimit(adjusted, maximumDigits);
// so we have a real value - we'll start with the date portion
// which we always have
print_digits(out, adjusted._year, 4);
if (adjusted._precision == Precision.YEAR) {
print_digits(out, adjusted._month, 2); // convert calendar months to a base 1 value
if (adjusted._precision == Precision.MONTH) {
print_digits(out, adjusted._day, 2);
if (adjusted._precision == Precision.DAY) {
print_digits(out, adjusted._hour, 2);
print_digits(out, adjusted._minute, 2);
// ok, so how much time do we have ?
if (adjusted._precision == Precision.SECOND) {
print_digits(out, adjusted._second, 2);
if (adjusted._fraction != null) {
print_fractional_digits(out, adjusted._fraction);
if (adjusted._offset != null) {
int min, hour;
min = adjusted._offset;
if (min == 0) {
else {
if (min < 0) {
min = -min;
else {
hour = min / 60;
min = min - hour*60;
print_digits(out, hour, 2);
print_digits(out, min, 2);
else {
private static void print_digits(Appendable out, int value, int length)
throws IOException
char temp[] = new char[length];
while (length > 0) {
int next = value / 10;
temp[length] = (char)('0' + (value - next*10));
value = next;
while (length > 0) {
temp[length] = '0';
for (char c : temp) {
private static void print_fractional_digits(Appendable out, BigDecimal value)
throws IOException
String temp = value.toPlainString(); // crude, but it works
if (temp.charAt(0) == '0') { // this should always be true
temp = temp.substring(1);
// Timestamp arithmetic
* Returns a timestamp relative to this one by the given number of
* milliseconds.
* This method always returns a Timestamp with the same precision as
* the original. After performing the arithmetic, the resulting Timestamp's
* seconds value will be truncated to the same fractional precision as the
* original. For example, adjusting {@code 2012-04-01T00:00:00Z} by one
* millisecond results in {@code 2012-04-01T00:00:00Z}; adjusting
* {@code 2012-04-01T00:00:00.0010Z} by -1 millisecond results in
* {@code 2012-04-01T00:00:00.0000Z}. To extend the precision when the
* original Timestamp has coarser than SECOND precision and to avoid
* truncation of the seconds value, use {@link #addSecond(int)}.
* @param amount a number of milliseconds.
public final Timestamp adjustMillis(long amount) {
if (amount == 0) return this;
Timestamp ts = addMillisForPrecision(amount, _precision, false);
//ts._precision = _precision;
if (ts._precision.includes(Precision.SECOND)) {
// Maintain the same amount of fractional precision.
if (_fraction == null) {
ts._fraction = null;
} else {
// Truncate the result only if it exceeds the fractional precision of the original.
if (ts._fraction.scale() > _fraction.scale()) {
ts._fraction = ts._fraction.setScale(_fraction.scale(), RoundingMode.FLOOR);
return ts;
* Returns a timestamp relative to this one by the given number of
* milliseconds.
* This method always returns a Timestamp with SECOND precision and a seconds
* value precise at least to the millisecond. For example, adding one millisecond
* to {@code 2011T} results in {@code 2011-01-01T00:00:00.001-00:00}. To receive
* a Timestamp that always maintains the same precision as the original, use
* {@link #adjustMillis(long)}.
* milliseconds.
* @param amount a number of milliseconds.
public final Timestamp addMillis(long amount)
if (amount == 0 && _precision.includes(Precision.SECOND) && _fraction != null && _fraction.scale() >= 3) {
// Zero milliseconds are to be added, and the precision does not need to be increased.
return this;
return addMillisForPrecision(amount, Precision.SECOND, true);
* Adds the given number of milliseconds, extending (if necessary) the resulting Timestamp to the given
* precision.
* @param amount the number of milliseconds to add.
* @param precision the precision that the Timestamp will be extended to, if it does not already include that
* precision.
* @param millisecondsPrecision true if and only if the `amount` includes milliseconds precision. If true, the
* resulting timestamp's fraction will have precision at least to the millisecond.
* @return a new Timestamp.
private Timestamp addMillisForPrecision(long amount, Precision precision, boolean millisecondsPrecision) {
// When millisecondsPrecision is true, the caller must do its own short-circuiting because it must
// check the fractional precision.
if (!millisecondsPrecision && amount == 0 && _precision == precision) return this;
// This strips off the local offset, expressing our fields as if they
// were UTC.
BigDecimal millis = make_localtime().getDecimalMillis();
millis = millis.add(BigDecimal.valueOf(amount));
Precision newPrecision = _precision.includes(precision) ? _precision : precision;
Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(millis, newPrecision, _offset);
// Anything with courser-than-millis precision will have been extended
// to 3 decimal places due to use of getDecimalMillis(). Compensate for
// that by setting the scale such that it is never extended unless
// milliseconds precision is being added and the fraction does not yet
// have milliseconds precision.
int newScale = millisecondsPrecision ? 3 : 0;
if (_fraction != null) {
newScale = Math.max(newScale, _fraction.scale());
if (ts._fraction != null) {
ts._fraction = newScale == 0 ? null : ts._fraction.setScale(newScale, RoundingMode.FLOOR);
if (_offset != null && _offset != 0)
return ts;
* Clears any fields more precise than this Timestamp's precision supports.
private void clearUnusedPrecision() {
switch (_precision) {
case YEAR:
_month = 1;
case MONTH:
_day = 1;
case DAY:
_hour = 0;
_minute = 0;
case MINUTE:
_second = 0;
_fraction = null;
case SECOND:
* Returns a timestamp relative to this one by the given number of seconds.
* This method always returns a Timestamp with the same precision as
* the original. For example, adjusting {@code 2012-04-01T00:00Z} by one
* second results in {@code 2012-04-01T00:00Z}; adjusting
* {@code 2012-04-01T00:00:00Z} by -1 second results in
* {@code 2012-03-31T23:59:59Z}. To extend the precision when the original
* Timestamp has coarser than SECOND precision, use {@link #addSecond(int)}.
* @param amount a number of seconds.
public final Timestamp adjustSecond(int amount)
long delta = (long) amount * 1000;
return adjustMillis(delta);
* Returns a timestamp relative to this one by the given number of seconds.
* This method always returns a Timestamp with SECOND precision.
* For example, adding one second to {@code 2011T} results in
* {@code 2011-01-01T00:00:01-00:00}. To receive a Timestamp that always
* maintains the same precision as the original, use {@link #adjustSecond(int)}.
* @param amount a number of seconds.
public final Timestamp addSecond(int amount)
long delta = (long) amount * 1000;
return addMillisForPrecision(delta, Precision.SECOND, false);
* Returns a timestamp relative to this one by the given number of minutes.
* This method always returns a Timestamp with the same precision as
* the original. For example, adjusting {@code 2012-04-01T} by one minute
* results in {@code 2012-04-01T}; adjusting {@code 2012-04-01T00:00-00:00}
* by -1 minute results in {@code 2012-03-31T23:59-00:00}. To extend the
* precision when the original Timestamp has coarser than MINUTE precision,
* use {@link #addMinute(int)}.
* @param amount a number of minutes.
public final Timestamp adjustMinute(int amount)
long delta = (long) amount * 60 * 1000;
return adjustMillis(delta);
* Returns a timestamp relative to this one by the given number of minutes.
* This method always returns a Timestamp with at least MINUTE precision.
* For example, adding one minute to {@code 2011T} results in
* {@code 2011-01-01T00:01-00:00}. To receive a Timestamp that always
* maintains the same precision as the original, use {@link #adjustMinute(int)}.
* @param amount a number of minutes.
public final Timestamp addMinute(int amount)
long delta = (long) amount * 60 * 1000;
return addMillisForPrecision(delta, Precision.MINUTE, false);
* Returns a timestamp relative to this one by the given number of hours.
* This method always returns a Timestamp with the same precision as
* the original. For example, adjusting {@code 2012-04-01T} by one hour
* results in {@code 2012-04-01T}; adjusting {@code 2012-04-01T00:00-00:00}
* by -1 hour results in {@code 2012-03-31T23:00-00:00}. To extend the
* precision when the original Timestamp has coarser than MINUTE precision,
* use {@link #addHour(int)}.
* @param amount a number of hours.
public final Timestamp adjustHour(int amount)
long delta = (long) amount * 60 * 60 * 1000;
return adjustMillis(delta);
* Returns a timestamp relative to this one by the given number of hours.
* This method always returns a Timestamp with at least MINUTE precision.
* For example, adding one hour to {@code 2011T} results in
* {@code 2011-01-01T01:00-00:00}. To receive a Timestamp that always
* maintains the same precision as the original, use {@link #adjustHour(int)}.
* @param amount a number of hours.
public final Timestamp addHour(int amount)
long delta = (long) amount * 60 * 60 * 1000;
return addMillisForPrecision(delta, Precision.MINUTE, false);
* Returns a timestamp relative to this one by the given number of days.
* This method always returns a Timestamp with the same precision as
* the original. For example, adjusting {@code 2012-04T} by one day results
* in {@code 2012-04T}; adjusting {@code 2012-04-01T} by -1 days results in
* {@code 2012-03-31T}. To extend the precision when the original Timestamp
* has coarser than DAY precision, use {@link #addDay(int)}.
* @param amount a number of days.
public final Timestamp adjustDay(int amount)
long delta = (long) amount * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
return adjustMillis(delta);
* Returns a timestamp relative to this one by the given number of days.
* @param amount a number of days.
public final Timestamp addDay(int amount)
long delta = (long) amount * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
return addMillisForPrecision(delta, Precision.DAY, false);
// Shifting month and year are more complicated since the length of a month
// varies and we want the day-of-month to stay the same when possible.
// We rely on Calendar for the logic.
* Returns a timestamp relative to this one by the given number of months.
* The day field may be adjusted to account for different month length and
* leap days.
* This method always returns a Timestamp with the same precision as the
* original. For example, adjusting {@code 2011T} by one month results in
* {@code 2011T}; adding 12 months to {@code 2011T} results in {@code 2012T}.
* To extend the precision when the original Timestamp has coarser than MONTH
* precision, use {@link #addMonth(int)}.
* @param amount a number of months.
public final Timestamp adjustMonth(int amount)
if (amount == 0) return this;
return addMonthForPrecision(amount, _precision);
* Adds the given number of months, extending (if necessary) the resulting Timestamp to the given
* precision.
* @param amount the number of months to add.
* @param precision the precision that the Timestamp will be extended to, if it does not already include that
* precision.
* @return a new Timestamp.
private Timestamp addMonthForPrecision(int amount, Precision precision) {
Calendar cal = calendarValue();
cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, amount);
return new Timestamp(cal, precision, _fraction, _offset);
* Returns a timestamp relative to this one by the given number of months.
* The day field may be adjusted to account for different month length and
* leap days. For example, adding one month to {@code 2011-01-31}
* results in {@code 2011-02-28}.
* @param amount a number of months.
public final Timestamp addMonth(int amount)
if (amount == 0 && _precision.includes(Precision.MONTH)) return this;
return addMonthForPrecision(amount, _precision.includes(Precision.MONTH) ? _precision : Precision.MONTH);
* Returns a timestamp relative to this one by the given number of years.
* The day field may be adjusted to account for leap days. For example,
* adjusting {@code 2012-02-29} by one year results in {@code 2013-02-28}.
* Because YEAR is the coarsest precision possible, this method always
* returns a Timestamp with the same precision as the original and
* behaves identically to {@link #addYear(int)}.
* @param amount a number of years.
public final Timestamp adjustYear(int amount) {
return addYear(amount);
* Returns a timestamp relative to this one by the given number of years.
* The day field may be adjusted to account for leap days. For example,
* adding one year to {@code 2012-02-29} results in {@code 2013-02-28}.
* @param amount a number of years.
public final Timestamp addYear(int amount)
if (amount == 0) return this;
Calendar cal = calendarValue();
cal.add(Calendar.YEAR, amount);
return new Timestamp(cal, _precision, _fraction, _offset);
* Returns a hash code consistent with {@link #equals(Object)}.
* {@inheritDoc}
public int hashCode()
// Performs a Shift-Add-XOR-Rotate hash. Rotating at each step to
// produce an "Avalanche" effect for timestamps with small deltas, which
// is found to be a common input data set.
final int prime = 8191;
int result = HASH_SIGNATURE;
result = prime * result + (_fraction != null
? _fraction.hashCode()
: 0);
result ^= (result << 19) ^ (result >> 13);
result = prime * result + this._year;
result = prime * result + this._month;
result = prime * result + this._day;
result = prime * result + this._hour;
result = prime * result + this._minute;
result = prime * result + this._second;
result ^= (result << 19) ^ (result >> 13);
Precision precision = this._precision == Precision.FRACTION ? Precision.SECOND : this._precision;
result = prime * result + precision.toString().hashCode();
result ^= (result << 19) ^ (result >> 13);
result = prime * result + (_offset == null ? 0 : _offset.hashCode());
result ^= (result << 19) ^ (result >> 13);
return result;
* Performs a comparison of the two points in time represented by two
* Timestamps.
* If the point in time represented by this Timestamp precedes that of
* {@code t}, then {@code -1} is returned.
* If {@code t} precedes this Timestamp then {@code 1} is returned.
* If the Timestamps represent the same point in time, then
* {@code 0} is returned.
* Note that a {@code 0} result does not imply that the two Timestamps are
* {@link #equals}, as the local offset or precision of the two Timestamps
* may be different.
* This method is provided in preference to individual methods for each of
* the six boolean comparison operators (<, ==, >, >=, !=, <=).
* The suggested idiom for performing these comparisons is:
* {@code (x.compareTo(y)}<op>{@code 0)},
* where <op> is one of the six comparison operators.
* For example, the pairs below will return a {@code 0} result:
* - {@code 2009T}
* - {@code 2009-01T}
* - {@code 2009-01-01T}
* - {@code 2009-01-01T00:00Z}
* - {@code 2009-01-01T00:00:00Z}
* - {@code 2009-01-01T00:00:00.0Z}
* - {@code 2009-01-01T00:00:00.00Z}
* - {@code 2008-12-31T16:00-08:00}
* - {@code 2008-12-31T12:00-12:00}
* - {@code 2009-01-01T12:00+12:00}
* Use the {@link #equals(Timestamp)} method to compare the point
* in time, including precision and local offset.
* @param t
* the other {@code Timestamp} to compare this {@code Timestamp} to
* @return
* -1, 0, or 1 if this {@code Timestamp}
* is less than, equal to, or greater than {@code t} respectively
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code t} is null.
* @see #equals(Timestamp)
public int compareTo(Timestamp t)
// Test at millisecond precision first.
long this_millis = this.getMillis();
long arg_millis = t.getMillis();
if (this_millis != arg_millis) {
return (this_millis < arg_millis) ? -1 : 1;
// Values are equivalent at millisecond precision, so compare fraction
BigDecimal this_fraction =
((this._fraction == null) ? BigDecimal.ZERO : this._fraction);
BigDecimal arg_fraction =
(( t._fraction == null) ? BigDecimal.ZERO : t._fraction);
return this_fraction.compareTo(arg_fraction);
* Compares this {@link Timestamp} to the specified Object.
* The result is {@code true} if and only if the parameter is a
* {@link Timestamp} object that represents the same point in time,
* precision and local offset as this Timestamp.
* Use the {@link #compareTo(Timestamp)} method to compare only the point
* in time, ignoring precision and local offset.
* @see #equals(Timestamp)
* @see #compareTo(Timestamp)
public boolean equals(Object t)
if (!(t instanceof Timestamp)) return false;
return equals((Timestamp)t);
* Compares this {@link Timestamp} to another {@link Timestamp} object.
* The result is {@code true} if and only if the parameter
* represents the same point in time and has
* the same precision and local offset as this object.
* These pairs are {@link #equals} to each other, as they
* represent the same points in time, precision and local offset:
* - {@code 2001-01-01T11:22+00:00} (minute precision, in UTC)
* - {@code 2001-01-01T11:22Z} (minute precision, in UTC)
* On the other hand, none of these pairs are {@link #equals} to each other,
* they represent the same points in time, but with different precisions
* and/or local offsets:
* - {@code 2001T} (year precision, unknown local offset)
* - {@code 2001-01T} (month precision, unknown local offset)
* - {@code 2001-01-01T} (day precision, unknown local offset)
* - {@code 2001-01-01T00:00-00:00} (second precision, unknown local offset)
* - {@code 2001-01-01T00:00+00:00} (second precision, in UTC)
* - {@code 2001-01-01T00:00.000-00:00} (millisecond precision, unknown local offset)
* - {@code 2001-01-01T00:00.000+00:00} (millisecond precision, in UTC)
* Use the {@link #compareTo(Timestamp)} method to compare only the point
* in time, ignoring precision and local offset.
* @see #compareTo(Timestamp)
public boolean equals(Timestamp t)
if (this == t) return true;
if (t == null) return false;
// FRACTION precision is equivalent to SECOND precision.
Precision thisPrecision = this._precision.includes(Precision.SECOND) ? Precision.SECOND : this._precision;
Precision thatPrecision = t._precision.includes(Precision.SECOND) ? Precision.SECOND : t._precision;
// if the precisions are not the same the values are not
// precision doesn't matter WRT equality
if (thisPrecision != thatPrecision) return false;
// if the local offset are not the same the values are not
if (this._offset == null) {
if (t._offset != null) return false;
else {
if (t._offset == null) return false;
// so now we check the actual time value
if (this._year != t._year) return false;
if (this._month != t._month) return false;
if (this._day != t._day) return false;
if (this._hour != t._hour) return false;
if (this._minute != t._minute) return false;
if (this._second != t._second) return false;
// and if we have a local offset, check the value here
if (this._offset != null) {
if (this._offset.intValue() != t._offset.intValue()) return false;
// we only look at the fraction if we know that it's actually there
if ((this._fraction != null && t._fraction == null)
|| (this._fraction == null && t._fraction != null)) {
// one of the fractions are null
return false;
if (this._fraction == null && t._fraction == null) {
// both are null
return true;
return this._fraction.equals(t._fraction);
private static short checkAndCastYear(int year)
if (year < 1 || year > 9999)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Year %s must be between 1 and 9999 inclusive", year));
return (short) year;
private static byte checkAndCastMonth(int month)
if (month < 1 || month > 12)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Month %s must be between 1 and 12 inclusive", month));
return (byte) month;
private static byte checkAndCastDay(int day, int year, int month)
int lastDayInMonth = last_day_in_month(year, month);
if (day < 1 || day > lastDayInMonth) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Day %s for year %s and month %s must be between 1 and %s inclusive", day, year, month, lastDayInMonth));
return (byte) day;
private static byte checkAndCastHour(int hour)
if (hour < 0 || hour > 23)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Hour %s must be between 0 and 23 inclusive", hour));
return (byte) hour;
private static byte checkAndCastMinute(int minute)
if (minute < 0 || minute > 59)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Minute %s must be between between 0 and 59 inclusive", minute));
return (byte) minute;
private static byte checkAndCastSecond(int second)
if (second < 0 || second > 59)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Second %s must be between between 0 and 59 inclusive", second));
return (byte) second;
private static Precision checkFraction(Precision precision, BigDecimal fraction)
if (precision.includes(Precision.SECOND)) {
if (fraction != null && (fraction.signum() == -1 || BigDecimal.ONE.compareTo(fraction) != 1)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Fractional seconds %s must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1", fraction));
else {
if (fraction != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Fraction must be null for non-second precision: " + fraction);
return precision;