com.ibm.cloud.objectstorage.thirdparty.ion.impl.Base64Encoder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2007-2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* A copy of the License is located at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
* express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
package com.amazon.ion.impl;
* This is a class that supports encoding and decoding binary
* data in base 64 encodings.
* The default encoding is the URL Safe encoding variant specified
* in http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648
* It's character translation table is:
* Table 2: The "URL and Filename safe" Base 64 Alphabet
* Value Encoding Value Encoding Value Encoding Value Encoding
* 0 A 17 R 34 i 51 z
* 1 B 18 S 35 j 52 0
* 2 C 19 T 36 k 53 1
* 3 D 20 U 37 l 54 2
* 4 E 21 V 38 m 55 3
* 5 F 22 W 39 n 56 4
* 6 G 23 X 40 o 57 5
* 7 H 24 Y 41 p 58 6
* 8 I 25 Z 42 q 59 7
* 9 J 26 a 43 r 60 8
* 10 K 27 b 44 s 61 9
* 11 L 28 c 45 t 62 +
* 12 M 29 d 46 u 63 /
* 13 N 30 e 47 v
* 14 O 31 f 48 w
* 15 P 32 g 49 x
* 16 Q 33 h 50 y (pad) =
import com.amazon.ion.IonException;
import com.amazon.ion.util.IonTextUtils;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.Reader;
final class Base64Encoder
static class EL { // EncoderLetter
public int value;
public char letter;
public EL(int v, char l) {
value = v;
letter = l;
private final static EL[] Base64Alphabet = {
new EL((-1), ('=')) // pad
,new EL( 0, 'A') ,new EL(17, 'R') ,new EL(34, 'i') ,new EL(51, 'z')
,new EL( 1, 'B') ,new EL(18, 'S') ,new EL(35, 'j') ,new EL(52, '0')
,new EL( 2, 'C') ,new EL(19, 'T') ,new EL(36, 'k') ,new EL(53, '1')
,new EL( 3, 'D') ,new EL(20, 'U') ,new EL(37, 'l') ,new EL(54, '2')
,new EL( 4, 'E') ,new EL(21, 'V') ,new EL(38, 'm') ,new EL(55, '3')
,new EL( 5, 'F') ,new EL(22, 'W') ,new EL(39, 'n') ,new EL(56, '4')
,new EL( 6, 'G') ,new EL(23, 'X') ,new EL(40, 'o') ,new EL(57, '5')
,new EL( 7, 'H') ,new EL(24, 'Y') ,new EL(41, 'p') ,new EL(58, '6')
,new EL( 8, 'I') ,new EL(25, 'Z') ,new EL(42, 'q') ,new EL(59, '7')
,new EL( 9, 'J') ,new EL(26, 'a') ,new EL(43, 'r') ,new EL(60, '8')
,new EL(10, 'K') ,new EL(27, 'b') ,new EL(44, 's') ,new EL(61, '9')
,new EL(11, 'L') ,new EL(28, 'c') ,new EL(45, 't') ,new EL(62, '+')
,new EL(12, 'M') ,new EL(29, 'd') ,new EL(46, 'u') ,new EL(63, '/')
,new EL(13, 'N') ,new EL(30, 'e') ,new EL(47, 'v')
,new EL(14, 'O') ,new EL(31, 'f') ,new EL(48, 'w')
,new EL(15, 'P') ,new EL(32, 'g') ,new EL(49, 'x')
,new EL(16, 'Q') ,new EL(33, 'h') ,new EL(50, 'y'),
final static char URLSafe64IntToCharTerminator = init64IntToCharTerminator(Base64Alphabet);
final static int[] URLSafe64IntToChar = init64IntToChar(Base64Alphabet);
final static int[] URLSafe64CharToInt = init64CharToInt(Base64Alphabet);
final static int[] Base64EncodingIntToChar = init64IntToChar(Base64Alphabet);
final static int[] Base64EncodingCharToInt = init64CharToInt(Base64Alphabet);
final static char Base64EncodingTerminator = init64IntToCharTerminator(Base64Alphabet);
static private char init64IntToCharTerminator(EL[] els)
for (EL letter : els) {
if (letter.value == -1) {
return letter.letter;
throw new RuntimeException(new IonException("fatal: invalid char map definition - missing terminator"));
static private int[] init64IntToChar(EL[] els)
int[] output = new int[64];
for (EL letter : els) {
if (letter.value != -1) {
output[letter.value] = letter.letter;
return output;
static private int[] init64CharToInt(EL[] els)
int[] output = new int[256];
for (int ii=0; ii<256; ii++) {
output[ii] = -1; // mark everything as invalid to start with
// mark the valid entries with a non -1 value is they're useful
for (EL letter : els) {
if (letter.letter > 255) {
throw new RuntimeException("fatal base 64 encoding static initializer: letter out of bounds");
else if (letter.value >= 0) {
output[letter.letter] = letter.value;
return output;
final static boolean isBase64Character(int c) {
if (c < 32 || c > 255) return false;
return (URLSafe64CharToInt[c] >= 0);
private Base64Encoder() {}
* BinaryStream, reads a text input and decodes the printable characters
* into a binary output stream
* reads 1024 characters at a time from the input stream
* as there is a 3:4 output to input character ratio
final static int BUFSIZE = 1024;
static final class BinaryStream
extends Reader
boolean _ready;
Reader _source;
int[] _chartobin;
int _terminator;
int _otherTerminator;
int _terminatingChar;
int _state; // 0=started, 1=eof
char[] _buffer;
int _bufEnd;
int _bufPos;
BinaryStream(Reader input, int[] chartobin, char terminator, char otherTerminator)
_source = input;
_chartobin = chartobin;
_terminator = terminator;
_otherTerminator = otherTerminator;
_terminatingChar = -1;
_buffer = new char[4+1];
_ready = true;
BinaryStream(Reader input, char altterminator)
this(input, URLSafe64CharToInt, URLSafe64IntToCharTerminator, altterminator);
int terminatingChar()
return this._terminatingChar;
private int characterToBinary(final int c) throws IOException {
int result = -1;
if (c >= 0 && c < _chartobin.length) {
result = _chartobin[c];
if (result < 0) {
throw new IonException("invalid base64 character (" + c + ")");
return result;
// Read a buffer from the input stream and prep the output stream
private void loadNextBuffer() throws IOException
int inlen = 0;
int convert, c = -1, cbin;
this._bufEnd = 0;
this._bufPos = 0;
if (this._state == 1) {
// try to read in 4 convertable text characters from the source stream
while (inlen < 4) {
c = this._source.read();
if (c == -1 || c == 65535 || c == this._terminator || c == this._otherTerminator) {
_terminatingChar = c;
if (IonTextUtils.isWhitespace(c)) continue;
cbin = characterToBinary(c);
this._buffer[inlen++] = (char)cbin;
if (inlen != 4) {
if (inlen == 0 && c != this._terminator) {
this._state = 1;
// read through the trailing '='s
int templen = inlen;
while (c == this._terminator) {
c = this._source.read();
if (templen != 4) {
throw new IonException("base64 character count must be divisible by 4, using '=' for padding");
else if (inlen < 1) {
throw new IonException("base64 character count must be divisible by 4, but using no more than 3 '=' chars for padding");
this._terminatingChar = c;
// now convert those characters
int ii = 0;
for (;;) {
// next usable char:
c = this._buffer[ii++];
convert = c << 18;
// next usable char:
c = this._buffer[ii++];
convert |= (c << 12);
if (inlen < 3) {
// with 2 input chars (6*2 = 12 bits) we get only 1 output byte (8 bits)
this._buffer[this._bufEnd++] = (char)((convert & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
this._state = 1; // if we ran out, then we're done
// next usable char:
c = this._buffer[ii++];
convert |= (c << 6);
if (inlen < 4) {
// with 3 input chars (6*3 = 18 bits) we get 2 output bytes (8*2 = 16 bits)
this._buffer[this._bufEnd++] = (char)((convert & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
this._buffer[this._bufEnd++] = (char)((convert & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
this._state = 1; // if we ran out, then we're done
// next (and final possible out of 4) usable char:
c = this._buffer[ii++];
convert |= (c << 0);
// and with 4 input chars (6*4 = 24 bits) we get the full 3 output byte2 (8*3 = 24 bits)
this._buffer[this._bufEnd++] = (char)((convert & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
this._buffer[this._bufEnd++] = (char)((convert & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
this._buffer[this._bufEnd++] = (char)((convert & 0x000000FF) >> 0);
public boolean markSupported()
return false;
public void close() throws IOException
//Read a single character.
public int read() throws IOException
int outchar = -1;
if (!_ready) {
throw new IOException(this.getClass().getName()+ " is not ready");
// read input until we get a translatable character
if (this._bufPos >= this._bufEnd) {
if (this._bufPos < this._bufEnd) {
outchar = this._buffer[this._bufPos++];
return outchar;
// Read characters into an array.
public int read(char[] cbuf) throws IOException
int ii = 0;
for (ii=0; ii 384
final static int BUFSIZE_TEXT = (BUFSIZE/2); // 1024/2 -> 512 .. (384/3)*4 = 512
* The TextStream takes a reader over binary data and returns
* a text reader. This reads binary bytes and produces base64
* encoded printable characters
static final class TextStream
extends Reader
final InputStream _source;
final int[] _bintochar;
final char _padding;
boolean _ready;
int _state; // 0=started, 1=eof
byte[] _inbuf = new byte[BUFSIZE_BIN+1]; // +1 for terminator
char[] _outbuf = new char[BUFSIZE_TEXT];
int _outBufEnd;
int _outBufPos;
TextStream(InputStream input, int[] bintochar, char terminator)
_source = input;
_bintochar = bintochar;
_padding = terminator;
_ready = true;
public TextStream(InputStream input)
this(input, URLSafe64IntToChar, URLSafe64IntToCharTerminator);
//Close the stream.
public void close() throws IOException
if (_ready) {
_ready = false;
this._inbuf = null;
this._outbuf = null;
// Mark the present position in the stream.
public void mark(int readAheadLimit) throws IOException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean markSupported() {
return false;
// Read a buffer from the binary input stream and prep the output stream
// note that the output is longer than the input as 3 binary
// bytes produce 4 ascii characters
private void loadNextBuffer() throws IOException
this._outBufEnd = 0;
this._outBufPos = 0;
int inlen = this._source.read(this._inbuf, 0, BUFSIZE_BIN);
if (inlen < 0) {
this._state = 1;
int ii = 0;
for (;;) {
// next usable char:
if (ii >= inlen) {
int c = (((int)this._inbuf[ii++]) & 0xFF);
int convert = c << 16;
// next usable char
if (ii >= inlen) {
this._outbuf[this._outBufEnd++] = (char)this._bintochar[((convert & 0xFC0000) >> 18)];
this._outbuf[this._outBufEnd++] = (char)this._bintochar[((convert & 0x03F000) >> 12)];
this._outbuf[this._outBufEnd++] = (char)this._padding;
this._outbuf[this._outBufEnd++] = (char)this._padding;
c = (((int)this._inbuf[ii++]) & 0xFF);
convert |= c << 8;
// next usable char
if (ii >= inlen) {
this._outbuf[this._outBufEnd++] = (char)this._bintochar[((convert & 0xFC0000) >> 18)];
this._outbuf[this._outBufEnd++] = (char)this._bintochar[((convert & 0x03F000) >> 12)];
this._outbuf[this._outBufEnd++] = (char)this._bintochar[((convert & 0x000FC0) >> 6)];
this._outbuf[this._outBufEnd++] = (char)this._padding;
c = (((int)this._inbuf[ii++]) & 0xFF);
convert |= c << 0;
this._outbuf[this._outBufEnd++] = (char)this._bintochar[((convert & 0xFC0000) >> 18)];
this._outbuf[this._outBufEnd++] = (char)this._bintochar[((convert & 0x03F000) >> 12)];
this._outbuf[this._outBufEnd++] = (char)this._bintochar[((convert & 0x000FC0) >> 6)];
this._outbuf[this._outBufEnd++] = (char)this._bintochar[((convert & 0x00003F) >> 0)];
//Read a single character.
public int read() throws IOException
int outchar = -1;
if (!_ready) {
throw new IOException(this.getClass().getName()+ " is closed");
if (_state != 0) return -1;
// read input until we get a translatable character
if (this._outBufPos >= this._outBufEnd) {
if (this._outBufPos < this._outBufEnd) {
outchar = this._outbuf[this._outBufPos++];
return outchar;
// Read characters into an array.
public int read(char[] cbuf) throws IOException
if (!_ready) {
throw new IOException(this.getClass().getName()+ " is closed");
if (_state != 0) return -1;
int dstPos = 0;
int needed = cbuf.length;
while (needed > 0) {
// read input until we get a translatable character
if (this._outBufPos >= this._outBufEnd) {
if (this._outBufPos >= this._outBufEnd) {
int xfer = this._outBufEnd - this._outBufPos;
if (xfer > needed) xfer = needed;
System.arraycopy(this._outbuf, this._outBufPos, cbuf, dstPos, xfer);
this._outBufPos += xfer;
needed -= xfer;
return dstPos;
// Read characters into a portion of an array.
public int read(char[] cbuf, int off, int rlen) throws IOException
if (!_ready) {
throw new IOException(this.getClass().getName()+ " is closed");
if (_state != 0) return -1;
int dstPos = off;
int needed = rlen;
while (needed > 0) {
// read input until we get a translatable character
if (this._outBufPos >= this._outBufEnd) {
if (this._outBufPos >= this._outBufEnd) {
int xfer = this._outBufEnd - this._outBufPos;
if (xfer > needed) xfer = needed;
System.arraycopy(this._outbuf, this._outBufPos, cbuf, dstPos, xfer);
this._outBufPos += xfer;
dstPos += xfer;
needed -= xfer;
return dstPos;
// Tell whether this stream is ready to be read.
public boolean ready() throws IOException
// TODO I don't think this is strictly correct.
return this._ready && (_source.available() > 0);
// Reset the stream.
public void reset() throws IOException
throw new IOException("reset not supported");
//Skip characters.
public long skip(long n) throws IOException
if (!_ready) {
throw new IOException(this.getClass().getName()+ " is closed");
if (n < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("error skip only support non-negative a values for n");
long needed = n;
int available;
while (needed > 0) {
available = this._outBufEnd - this._outBufPos;
if (available < 1) {
available = this._outBufEnd - this._outBufPos;
if (available < 1) break;
if (available > needed) {
this._outBufPos += (int)needed;
needed = 0;
needed -= available;
this._outBufPos += available;
return n - needed;
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